Commit Graph

9 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jean-Paul Chaput 634af2196f * ./hurricane :
- Change: in CellWidget::DrawingPlane, complete replacement of hard-coded
        numeric indexes by the PlaneId enum values.
    - Change: in SelectionWidget, filter on the Occurrence name instead of the
        path name. Todo: add a radio button to select on witch column we sort.
    - Bug: in SelectionWidget, when the filter is active, remap the index
        of the toggled occurrence through the filter.

  * ./hurricane,
    ./coriolis/src/kite :
    - Change: documentation building with doxygen is now optional and disabled
        by default. To enable documentation generation run cmake with the
        following argument :
          -D "BUILD_DOC:STRING=ON"
        Or edit the cmake cache variable "BUILD_DOC".
2009-03-03 22:27:03 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 78be633226 * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Change: modifie GraphicsWidget, PaletteWidget, NetlistWidget &
        SelectionWidget to comply to the "star" model.
2009-02-03 15:05:05 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 4067a363dc * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug: correction of the bad keyPress event handling in InspectorWidget
        (had to press twice the key for the action to be transmitted).
          Uses an eventFilter() at InspectorWidget instead of a keyPressEvent()
        overload. The keyPress event is first received by the QTableView then
        transmitted to the upper level. The eventFilter allows the InspectorWidget
        to catch the event *before* it gets to QTableView (but let pass thoses
        it don't want).
    - Bug: idem for SeletionWidget.
    - Change: do not draw the rectangular area of AreaCommand until it is bigger
        than a given threshold (programmable). Affect ZoomCommand and
        SelectCommand. ZoomCommand no longer issue a warning when the zoom is
        to small.
    - New feature: fit to net in the NetlistWidget. Uses simple contextual menu,
        another way to avoid overloading keyPressEvent().
    - Change: in Query, the filter has now it's own subtype: Query::Mask.
    - Change: enhancement for the "start" model of signal propagation, used to
        re-implement the DisplayFilterWidget.
    - Change: more clear policy for signal emission: a signal must be emitted
        by any "setter" method (setStartLevel(), setStopLevel(), ...). Has to
        be enforced for all setter (work in progress).
    - Change: re-implemenation of the delayed refresh mechanism. No more flags
        propaged througout the functions calls but a session mechanism instead.
        See CellWidget::openRefreshSession() & CellWidget::closeRefreshSession().
        Nothing is actually drawn until the last session is closed.
          Session mechanism can be invoked by signals/slots, see NetlistWidget.
    - Change: less dangerous key mapping:
        'z'          : zoom in.
        'm'          : zoom out.
        'CTRL+z'     : previous zoom level.
        'CTRL+m'     : next zoom level.
        'CTRL+Up'    : back in hierarchy.
        'CTRL+Down'  : go down in hierarchy.
        'SHIFT+Up'   : back in hierarchy stack.
        'SHIFT+Down' : go down in hierarchy stack.
2009-02-02 14:45:48 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 3d6ebdda92 * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Change: simpler implementation of the occurence selection mechanims
        between SelectionPopup, SelectCommand, SelectionWidget & CellWidget.
        Consistent (identical) names of signal/slots : selectionToggled() and
    - Change: disable QApplication::processEvent() has it seems to slow down
        display refreshment on Mac OS. This may be a side effect of another
        problem not yet diagnosed.
    - New feature: CellWidget internal state enhancement : now manage an
        history of scales (through 'u' & 'd').
    - New feature: hierarchical exploration through 'CTRL+u' & 'CTRL+d'.
        On second though, what a bad key mapping. To be corrected soon...
2009-01-30 14:52:05 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 8961968b8b * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature: CellWidget now store it's internal state in a separate
        nested object CellWidgetState. The State is work in progress, currently
        is store the Cell*, showSelection, cumulativeSelection, selection
        criterions and showBoundaries. showBoundaries may evolve to be stored
        as part of the Palette's state.
    - Change: implement the "start" propagation model signal/slot for
        showSelection, cumulativeSelection & showBoundaries. The main concern
        is to avoid signals loop. See SelectionWidget::setShowSelection(bool)
        for an example.
    - Change: supress the minimumSize of the SelectionWidget (200 pixels is a
        waste of space when the Path is empty).
2009-01-27 10:14:46 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 9edbed80ae * Merry Christmas & Fuck Numericable.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane :
    - New feature: Display support for Rubber, three modes of representation : centric,
        barycentric and (pseudo) steiner.
    - New feature: ability to generate pdf/ps snapshot using QPrinter. Can perform
        an exact snapshot or print a synthetic A4 (choice hard-wired for now).
    - Change: display styles reorganisation, recreation of the "Alliance Graal" look.
    - New feature: darkening managment at CellWidget level, to allow Extension to
        darken when unselecteds.
    - New feature: ExtentionGo are now managed by the selection redraw function.
    - New feature: Selector set is now sorted by object type, this allow to speedup
        the redraw function which will now perform only one loop.
2008-12-25 10:27:58 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 4bc6940b39 * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- New feature : full uses of SelectionModel in NetlistWidget, allow multiple
        selection. New option to automatically select Nets from the Netlist
        browser into the SelectionWidget (temporarily set up in cumulative
    - Rename : SelectorCommand into SelectorCriterion (file name renaming in
        next commit).
    - Reorganisazion : in CellWidget, SelectorCommand/SelectorCriterions operations
        are gathered in a single object : SelectionCriterions.
2008-11-28 23:10:39 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput e5f5ce3592 * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Bug : InspectorWidget was using Record from Occurrences in the SelectionWidget.
        but those Occurences were created on the fly by the CellWidget/Selectors.
        So, whenever the selection changes the Occurrence may diseapear leaving a
        bad Record in the InspectorWidget (core dump).
          Now, the TabInspector keep a copy of the Inspected occurrence, so it
        can go through any selection change.
          In addition, the InspectorWidget could be passed Occurrence that it keeps
        local copy along with Record*.
    - New Feature : internal, first step toward an extensible ControllerWidget :
        now all Tab are derived classes of ControllerTab.
2008-11-27 15:09:04 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 88c2d138ad * ./hurricane/src/hviewer :
- Cleanup (part 2) : changing file names.
2008-11-26 10:13:31 +00:00