* Change: In CRL Core, in Alliance.py, no longer requires the
configuration file to uses symbols from CRL.Environment or
CRL.RoutingLayerGauge. This way the <alliance.conf> file can be
parsed by a different parser.
In <alliance.conf>, for the various technologies, make uses
of the new C++ independent constants.
* New: In CRL Core, in helpers/__init__.py, provide a "Dots" class
(rewrite the C++ one in pure Python).
* New: In Unicorn, in ExportCellDialog and UnicornGui add an entry to
call the ASCII/GDSII export driver.
* New: In CRL Core, in AgdsDriver, checks for off-grid coordinates (that
is non-integer one) and round them with a warning. This is most
likely that the layout is flawed but it will at leat generate a
readable ASCII/GDSII file.
* New: In Cumulus, new Alliance.py module (*not* a plugin) providing
an encapsulation for Alliance command line tools. The other main
feature is that it provides a "Makefile like" behavior. Based on
the command dependencies a DAG is contructed, then a static
ordering of the commands. Commands are then executed to rebuild
outdated target.
The Alliance environment supplied to the commands is read from
the Coriolis configuration file <alliance.conf>.
For this first evaluation version, only <boom>, <boog> and
<loon> support are provided.
It still not clear how to encapsulate the Coriolis tools in
the same way.
* Change: In CRL Core, in helpers/__init__.py, change the way the static
initialization (module) is done. All the commands are put inside
a "staticInitialization()" function, which is then explicitly
called by others. This is a better solution agains *no* or *twice*
initialization. Modificate <coriolisInit.py> accordingly (as
<Alliance.py> from Cumulus.
* Change: In bootstrap, in ccb & builder, build by default with Qt4 and
provide a --qt5 command line switch to enable Qt5.
FindBootstrap.cmake now provides a qtX_wrap_cpp() macros to be
independant of the version of Qt being used.
Add all thoses options to the graphical interface to the builder.
* Change: In all the tools using Qt, switch to the qtX_*() macros from
* Change: In Hurricane, in CellViewer, revert to the Qt4 way of connecting
signal/slots for backward compatibility.
Finally get rid of the demonic code from Wu Yifei...
* New: In Isobar, added encapsulation of Interval (don't know how have
forgotten it for so long).
* Change: In Isobar, In PyLayer, new PyLink_LayerDerived() function to
create/link the C++ object to the correct derived class and not the
base one (PyLayer) which then prevent to use the specialized methods.
Must replace PyLink_Layer() througout all the code.
* Change: In Isobar, in PyPoint the "setX()" & "setY()" methods where
still capitalized.
* Change: In Isobar, in PyQuery, complete the exportation of the C++
interface. remove the code belonging to a more "boost" way of
building the Python interface (will do that in a far future).
* New: In CRL Core, In PyAllianceFramework, export isPad() method.
* Change: In Unicorn, in unicornInit.py, protect the loading of each
single plugin by a "try" / "except" clause to the failing of one
plugins do not stop the loading of the next one.
Pass the same dictionnary argument to unicornHook() as for
ScripMain(), this is more uniform this way.
* New: In Cumulus, complete replacement of the chip placement scripts
from Wu Yifei (at last!). The clock-tree integration is still to
be done.
* New: In all to CMakeLists.txt, disable the warning about deprecated
WIN32 under cygwin.
* New: In boostrap, in ccb.py, coriolisEnv.py and builder/Configuration.py
add recognition in uname for the values returned under Windows/Cygwin.
* New: In Documenation, in UsersGuide.rst add some informations about
Cygwin and a section for the devel branch.
* New: In Kite, in protectCagedTerminal(), check that the perpandicular
top METAL3 track is free before inserting the fixed protection.
They are added *after* the Pre-Routed stage and therefore we have
to check they do not cross.
* Change: In Kite, in NegociateWindow, print statistics before fixing
segment in the pre-routed stage to get correct results.
* Change, In CRL Core, in Measures when an addMeasure is performed
twice, let the new data erase the previous one (instead of keeping
the previous one).
* New: In Katabatic, add the ability to decorate some (i.e. few) nets
with a state that indicate to Katabatic & Kite what to do with it.
The possible states are:
1. Fixed : all the wire are in fixed positions. The router cannot
move them and account them as obstacles.
2. ManualGlobalRoute : a user-defined topology is supplied. The
wires still have to be detailed route in "Detailed Pre-Route"
but will be skipped for the global routing and fixed for the
general Detailed route.
3. AutomaticGlobalRoute : ordinary nets, to be global routed then
detail routed.
4. Excluded : do not try to global or detail route thoses nets.
5. MixedPreRoute : mask combining Fixed and ManualGlobalRoute.
Not all nets have this property, only those that needs a special
To ease the access to the state, it is nested inside a
PrivateProperty in the net (NetRoutingProperty), with an extension
access class (NetRoutingExtension).
* New: In Kite, take account of NetRoutingState. Pointers to the
net's states are strored inside an internal map for faster access.
The property is *not* deleted when Kite is destroyed. The property
will remains until the Net itself is destroyed.
As a consequence, the lists that where passed to high level
function are removed as the information can now be accessed directly
through the net NetRoutingProperty.
* New: In Unicorn, in CgtMain, comply with the update interface.
* New: In documentation, update the User's Guide to explain the Pre-routed
step of Kite.
* Change: In Isobar, the Python interface was not exactly mirroring the
C++ one, now it is the case. The Python code should look likes almost
exactly like the C++ one, the only differences remaining being due
to the languages respective syntaxes. Note that in the case of
constructor functions, it leads to a slightly longer notation in
Python that it could have been (mimic the ".create()" static
member). Main modifications:
1. Mirror the static constructor syntax with create():
Cell( ... ) ==> Cell.create( ... )
2. Correct hierarchy for constants in Instance, Net, Pin
& Transformation. For example:
==> Hurricane.Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED
==> Hurricane.Transformation.Orientation.ID
Hurricane.TypeLOGICAL ==> Hurricane.Net.Type.LOGICAL
Hurricane.DirectionIN ==> Hurricane.Net.Direction.IN
* Change: In CRL Core, correction to match the improved Python API
in the configutation helpers.
* Change: In Cumulus, correction to match the improved Python API.
* Change: In Stratus, correction to match the improved Python API.
* Change: In Documenation, update for the new Python interface
(both user's guide & examples).
* Note: We must port those changes into Chams for it to continue
to run.
* Change: In Documenation, update the Python script support part.
* New: In Hurricane, in CellViewer, create a simpler API to graft menu
and actions into the menubar. Mainly addToMenu() which take care of
the QAction creation but also locate the relevant QMenu, base on
the Qt object name. Regroup all the widget & action creation inside
the body of the constructor, this way almost all actions can be
removed from the attributes of the CellViewer.
addToMenu() is supplied in three flavors:
1. For C++ callbacks in GraphicToolEngines (with a binded
member function method).
2. For running Python scripts to be used by the plugin system.
3. To insert separator in menus (to give a more homogeneous
Remove the last remnants of Stratus scripts (unificated with basic
Python scripts).
* New: In Hurricane, in PyCellViewer, export the interface to graft
Python scripts into the CellViewer menu tree.
* Change: In Etesian, in GraphicEtesianEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* Change: In Mauka, in GraphicMaukaEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* Change: In Kite, in GraphicKiteEngine, use the new API to
graft menus & callbacks into the CellViewer.
* New: In Cumulus, install Python scripts as plugins for Unicorn under
* New: In Unicorn, in UnicornGui, make uses of the new API for creating
menus in the CellViewer. Creates the stem menu for the P&R tools.
Add a Python initialization mechanism to read the plugins
installeds into <PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES>/cumulus/plugins/.
* Change: In Kite, Katabatic & Knik, express the number of tracks truly
available to the global router by the number of tracks reserved to
the local routage inside a GCell. Replace the ratio parameter
"hEdgeCapacity" by an integer parameter "hTracksReservedLocal"
(duplicate for verticals).
It is more explicit to give directly the number of tracks that
are to be used locally, and potentially saves us from rouding
problems when calculating the number of availables tracks.
Note: we cannot do that for the layer saturateRatio as it
uses the density ratio that take account local wires, leading
to fractional results.
* Change: In Katabatic, in <GCellGrid>, rename checkEdgeSaturation()
into checkEdgeOverflow(), more explicit.
* Change: In Knik, in <Graph>, display the computed capacities of the
lower left node edges (should be the same througout all the grid).
* Change: In Unicorn, in <cgt.py>, uses the new parameters names for
edge density.
* New: In CRL Core, in PyCellGauge, add the missing methods.
* Bug: In Isobar, PyOccurrence_create(), the HTRY/HCATCH block was not
enclosing the constructor of Occurrence, which can throw exceptions.
When an exception was thown the Python interpreter just terminate
with the cryptic message:
"Fatal Python error: Py_EndInterpreter: thread still has a frame"
Reminder to myself: when such a message occurs, it means that the
interpreter did encounter a problem, but it's related to the isobar
Placement management:
* Change: In <metis>, always disable the hMetis support regardless of
it being detected or not as the placer is still unable manage the
final bin contents.
Routing gauge management:
* Bug: In CRL Core, <vsclib/alliance.conf>, set the correct pitches and
size for the routing layers and the cell gauge.
* Change: In Katabatic & Kite, extract the correct extension cap for each
routing layer from the layers characteristics (cache then in
* Change: In Katabatic, <AutoSegment>, create segment with the wire width
defined in the gauge. For AutoSegment created on already existing
Segment from the global routing, adjust the width.
* Change: In Katabatic, <AutoSegment>, more accurate information about how
a segment is connected to terminal via source and/or target.
The flag SegStrongTerminal is splitted into SegSourceTerminal and
SegSourceTarget (but still used as a mask). So now we can know by
which end an AutoSegment is connected to a terminal.
* Change: In Katabatic, ::doRp_Access(), create constraint freeing segments
not only when HSmall but also when VSmall (more critical for <vsclib>).
Otherwise we may see AutoSegments with incompatible source/target
* Change: In Kite, BuildPowerRails, do not create blockage on PinOnly
layers *but* still create power rails planes. This is a temporary
workaround for <vsclib> where the METAL1 blockages overlaps the
terminals (it was fine for Nero, but they shouldn't for Kite).
* Change: In Kite, <RoutingEvent>, if a TrackSegment is overconstrained,
directly bybass it's slackening state to DataNegociate::Slacken.
Also rename the flag "_canHandleConstraints" to "_overConstrained",
seems clearer to me.
* Change: In CRL Core, <Utilities>, add a "pass-though" capability on the
mstream to temporarily make them print everything.
In CRL Core configuration files, "display.conf", "patterns.conf" and
"technology.conf" share most of their code. So that common part is put
into "common/" and sourced from the final configuration file.
Update the documentation according the the new initialization scheme.
In CRL Core, the layout of the files under "/coriolis2/etc" changes.
Instead of having them directly under "etc", they are now replicated,
in subdirectories. Each subdirectory having the name of the associated
symbolic or real technology (they are kept separated). We have, for
* etc/cmos/ : symbolic, the Alliance original one.
* etc/vsc200/ : symbolic, for G. Petley vsclib.
* etc/hcmos9/ : real, generic fake (130nm).
To tell which pair (symbolic,real) technologies must be used we create
a *second* (sigh) configuration file "coriolis2_techno.conf", and it's
hidden counterpart in the user's account, to set it up. It needs to be
separate because it is read as early as possible and select which set
of configuration files would be read.
Also add support up to METAL8 and POLY2 in CRL core and it's Alliance
In Katabatic & Kite, remove all hard-coded values related to track pitches.
* New: In <Session>, add more convenience function to access RoutingGauge
* New: In <AutoSegment>, <AutoContact>, add support for the "depth spin",
that is, if the source/target contacts are going "top" or "down".
Used to compute the perpandicular pitch. Need a small modification
of the revalidation mechanism. The observers of <AutoSegment> are
notified when the spin changes.
* New: In <AutoSegment>, the getPPitch() method allow to compute the
"perpandicular pitch". For now it is simply the greatest from the
source perpandicular pitch and the target perpandicular pitch.
Make uses of the "depth spin".
* New: In <TrackElement>, <TrackSegment>, cache the perpandicular pitch.
Updated through the notification from the observable.
When upgrading from doxygen 1.5.x to 1.8.5 the way the documentation
is generated has underwent many changes, particularly in the headers.
* Change: In <header.html>, must include the javascripts <jquery.js>
and <dynsections.js>.
* In <CMakeLists.txt>, as the header is customized, doxygen seems not
copy some files like the javascripts and some images (open.png,
closed.png). So we copy them from doxygen installation and make
the CMakeLists.txt install them. I hope they will not change too
much in the future.
* In <doxyfile>, disable markdown support as it do not interpret
correctly the formating we already adopted (with a left margin
to put command into). Use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of
HTML_STYLESHEET. Enable the index (DISABLE_INDEX=NO), for the
top header. Enable dot for inheritance diagram. Set the
EXAMPLE_PATH=. to include the synthetic hierarchy.
Correct the tag inclusion (faulty path in some places).
* In <SoC.css>, create style for the new header generated by doxygen.
* In the documentation, move the synthetic hierarchy into a module.
* Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold
for both METAL2 & METAL3.
In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l).
In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V.
* Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a
boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets.
* Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings
for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()).
* Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect
that was causing ungraceful messages.
* Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string
name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities.
Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment:
* Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to
deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly
erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly
processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent
state when stoping at a breakpoint.
* Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event
loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event
loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when
waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>).
* Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to
execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/
"catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch.
* New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from
<katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any
number of Obervers.
* New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently
emit two kind of signals:
- Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change.
- Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed.
* New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the
Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once).
In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of
Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances
are also invalidated.
Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated
Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer.
The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which
are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from
the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised
of anything referring to the Cell for that matter.
Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change,
observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it
should be unificated.
* Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the
cell is modificated (also update the palette).
Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions.
* Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and
cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers.
* Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper
method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able
to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and
Support for RoutingGauge in P&R:
* Bug: In <placeandroute.py>, the connection from the internal power
ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers
leading to a gap.
* Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based
on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name
* Change: In <placeandroute.py>, support for 2 routing metal only
(3 metal in the technology).
* Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation
on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals
(METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
* Cleanup: In <vlsisapd/src/bookshelf>, remove unused file Bookshelf.cpp
(may have been a parser once upon a time).
* Cleanup: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets() use flags instead of
booleans to be more readable. Allow occurrence placement checking.
* New: In <crlcore> add Python wrapper for the Ispd05 loader.
* New: In <unicorn> add option for direct loading of ISPD05 designs.
* Bug: In <hurricane/src/viewer>, RecordModel must emit
layoutAboutToBeChanged() before changing the record contents (and
layoutChanged() afterwards).
* New: In <vlsispad/utilities>, new objet Dots for displaying a kind
of progress bar.
* Change: In <vlsisapd/bookshelf>, keywords are now case-insensitive.
Added a "strict syntax" option (to be disabled for ISPD05).
* New: First working implementation of Etesian, at least for ISPD05
* Change: In <hurricane>, in Cell::flattenNets(), no longer display
a warning if an instance is unplaced, this does not make sense
when the circuit is not placed.
* New: In <crlcore>, Added translator for ISPD05 bookshelf, the
circuit is *not* placed, unlike in ISPD04 and terminal nodes
*are* true cells.
* New: In <unicorn>, added entry in import cell for ISPD05 benchmarks.
Update to Qt 5:
* Change: Now requires at least cmake 2.8.9.
* Change: CMakeLists.txt needs small changes. Qt modules must be found
one by one (Core, Gui, Widgets). Must add "set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)"
in the top file and replace "qt4" prefix in macros by "qt5".
Added simpler macro "setup_qt()" in FindBootstrap.cmake.
* Change: No longer need to include <QGtkStyle> is is choosen by default
according to the current desktop environment.
* Change: In <hurricane>, In HApplication, launch ExceptionWidget when
a std::exception is catched instead of silently discarting it.
New placer Tool: Etesian
* New: <etesian> analytical placer. Encapsulate Coloquinte from
Gabriel Gouvine.
* New: in <documentation>, add stub demonstration ToolEngine <smurf>.
Needs to be commented.
* New: in <boostrap> and <unicorn>, added support for Etesian, the new
analytic placer. The tool itself will be added in the next commit.
* Bug: in <CellWidget>, when shifting the display buffer, we no longer
can copy the buffer on itself (we should never have). Now go through
a temporary one (PlaneId::AutoCopy) which is added to the
DrawingPlanes. Affect "goLeft()" and "goUp()".
* Bug: In <CellWidget>, remove the WA_PaintOnScreen flag/attribute.
When it's on, no PaintEvent is transmitted to the CellWidget
when it's the central widget of the <CellViewer> (QMainWindow).
It's something I still don't understand from the doc of Qt.
* Change: In <AreaCommand>, use the PlaneId enumeration instead of a
anonymous numerical index.
* Change: In <HApplication>, no longer catch and silently discard
standartd exceptions but launch the ExceptionWidget...
Suppress the now deprecated constructor with "Type" argument.
* Change: In <SelectionModel>, the "reset()" method is deprecated in
Qt5, instead enclose the "clear()" by a "beginResetModel()" and
"endResetModel()" pair.
* New: In <crlcore>, add support for ISPD05 benchmarks (in Bookshelf
format). Forked from ISPD04 and not finished yet.
* Change: In <Mauka>, distinguish the Action string identifier from
* New: In <unicorn>, add entry for ISPD05 loader. Add entry for
<Etesian> analytic placer.
* New: in <bootstrap>: add support for devtoolset-2 in ccb. Run the
cmake commands through 'scl', set shell environment variables
system path search.
* Change: In various flex scanners add the %nounput to suppress
compiler warnings.
* Change: Little cleanup for g++ 4.8.1 as it's more strict.
* Change: In various top CMakeLists.txt, suppress extraneous '/'
after DESTDIR.
Documentation restructuration:
* Bug: in <hurricane>: bad figure for transf-R1.
* Change, in <kite>: Remove deprecated configuration variables.
* New: documentation <tool> to regroup all documentation not directly
related to one tool.
* Change, in <crlcore>, move the user's guide and the top doc index
into <documentation>.
* New, in <documenation>: added Python script demo based on AM2901.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
- Change: In Cell, added doc about PlacementStatus.
- Change: In Transformation, more detailed explanations about the
orientations. A little beautifying too...
- Change: RoutingPad doc update.
- Change: Entity doc update (for id).
- Change: In HTML header/footer uses the new SoC.css.
* ./crlcore/src:
- Change: In DefDriver, added support for placement exportation.
- New: In Utility, added a "paranoid" output stream (for my extra
warnings in the router).
- Bug: In ApParser, correct parsing of connectors index (recreate
the vector).
- Change: In alliance.conf, make "blockageNet" case insensitive.
- Change: In misc.conf, added support for paranoid stream.
- Change: In x2y and CyclopMain correct verbose flags positionning.
* ./crlcore/doc:
- Change: Updated style and added some documenation.
- New: In Environment, adds a method getLIBRARYPath() to directly access the
path of an element in the SearchPath. Also added to the Python interface.
This is a quick alternative to fully export SearchPath and it's element
into the Python interface.
- Bug: In AgdsQuery::goCallBack(), take account the instance transformation.
This problem was not showing until now because there wasn't any instances...
- Bug: In CMakeLists.txt, when our custom macro "setup_boost()" is used,
do not call find_package() afterward, it corrupt the library pathes
from '/usr/lib/' to '/usr/lib/lib/'.
- Bug: In Histogram::addSample(), reject the sample if iset is superior
OR EQUAL to the sets size...
- Change: In etc/mauka.conf, sets "mauka.standardAnnealing" to True. Otherwise,
when hMetis (4-part) is not used, this leads toward very poor placements.
- New: In UsersGuide, add a third style variant for the soc-extras site.
- New: Added FreeBSD/Ubuntu patches from Otacilio De Araujo
* ./crlcore:
- New: In Utilities, cbug stream to separate all the scary messages
from Kite/Katabatic and maybe others.
- New: In stratus1.conf, adds default settings previously in st_config.
- New: Moves Python configuration helpers from under /etc/coriolis2
into PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES/crlcore. Adapt Utilities so coriolisInit.py
is now searched in that directory. This way only true configuration
files remains under /etc/coriolis2
- Change: In helpers/__init__.py, do not try to guess the sysConfDir
when not run through coriolisInit.py. This is done by exploring the
call stack with traceback.
- Change: In ApDriver, when a physical view is driven, update the flag
in the catalog state telling that this view is present. This is far
from satisfactory as this flag should be set as soon as any physical
component is created.
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./crlcore:
- New: Extented Python support for all objects needed to configure Coriolis.
- New: Configuration files and load helpers completly written in Python.
An XML emulation mode is still avalaible.
- New: UsersGuide, as a replacement for README, written in ReST.
- New: Start of Doxygen documentation (mostly for documenting the initialisation
objects & methods).
- Bug: In ApParser.cpp, the connectors where not parsed. The problem
was not showing if you run all Stratus scripts in the same process
as the caching mechanism will prevent the parsing of the disk file
and uses the memory copy (which is correct).
- Change: For the setup_sysconfdir() boostrap/cmake macro uses the
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to guess where we are being installed.
Should be more reliable than any *_TOP environment variable.
- New: Install a general index for the HTML documentation.
- Bug: In cyclop CMakeLists, forgot to list all the needed libraries for
the linker.
- New: Support of Python installation layout under Ubuntu 10.04.
- Change: In RoutingLayerGauge, no longer throw exception when the position
requested it outside the track grid. Instead returns first/last track
- New: In GraphicsParser, read the new darkening scheme (HSV ratio).
"display.xml" configuaration file modificated accordingly. May be some
tuning needed for white background styles.
- New: Histogram object, imported from Kite. Made more generic to be reusable
by all.
- Change: In Measures, added Inspector support.
NOTE: The hidden property holding MeasuresDatas no longer uses a pointer
a value. This forces us to enable the copy constructor. It is needed
for some inner STL container manipulation, but should *not* be used
with non-empty datas. The copy constructor *do not* copy the internal
datas (reset the object).
- New: In Measurments, support for complex data sets, saved in separate Gnuplot
<.dat> files. Used to integrate Histogram.
- New: In Histogram, now a supported Measure type so it can be integrated along
all others measurments.
- Bug: In display.xml, forgotten gcut description in Alliance Classic black
- Change: Rename "obstacle" to "blockage" in all the places it still appears
to be completly homogeneous.
- New: In Catalog, adds a "Pad" attribute to mark cells that are pads.
- Change: In ApParser, discard "padreal" instances as a cause for a Cell to
be non-terminal. This is for LeafPlugOccurrences to consider the terminals
of those cells.
- Change: In ApParser, makes use of the new Pad flag in Catalog.
- New: Inspector support enabled for AllianceFramework and most of it's
sub-objects. Attached as a property on the DataBase to be browsable
through the Inspector.
- Change: Now also read a <.coriolis2.configuration.xml> in the user's
root account (before the directory specific one and after the system-
- Change: In verbose mode, also display what environment files are being
- Change: No more reference to CRL_CATA_LIB in error messages.
- Change: Suppress stratus2sxlib obsolete library.
- New: In Utilities, uses the new Backtrace to print the stack before
- New: In Environment, pattern recognition of Pad model names.
- New: In AllianceFramework, pattern recognition of Pad model names.
- Bug: In Measures, add inspector support and uses pointer to prevent using
copy construction. Makes the inspector to core-dump.
- New: In RoutingLayerGauge, inspector support for Constant::Direction.
- Change: In ApDriver, correct managment of BIGVIA sizes. BIGVIA in one
metal keep their sizes, but BIGVIA whith cut must be expandeds to
contains their enclosure in metals. In Hurricane VIA size are relatives
to the cut but in Alliance, to the biggest metal.
Generate correct direction (always UP or RIGHT) for segments.
- Change: In ApParser, shrink BIGVIA to the size of their cut from the
Alliance format. Avoid VIA "bloating".
More thorough verification of Segment data coherency, mainly with
Suppress warning of non-existent logical instance in the special
case of "padreal".
- Change: In VstParserGrammar, perform an explicit plug connection on globals
Nets if the names of globals Nets differs.
- New: In display.xml, add style for printers (B&W).
- Bug: In technology.symbolic.xml, BLOCKAGE6 was associated to metal6 instead
of blockage6.
Correct extensions value for VIA metal layers above cut1.
- Bug: In Utilities, in System singleton constructor check of duplicated
type_info/RTTI initialization. Occurs when python modules are useds.
CRL must always be included first.
- New: In LefExport, export the spacer cells (rowend & tie) to enable
filling in Cadence Encounter.
- New: In DefImport, added support for regular wiring in NETS. Allows us
to import routing from Encounter and characterize it.
- New: In Catalog, added a CatalogExtension static property manager to
allow more easy access to the Catalog::State of each Cell. Do not
uses the default template because of a specific destructor and a
"by pointer" value.
- New: In tools.configuration.xml, add default values for METAL minimum break
- Change: In AcmSigda, makes the parser an autonomous one, like for ICCAD or
- Change: Remove AcmSigda, Bookshelf and LEF/DEF parsers from the Alliance
builtins. They are now to be used through import/export.
- Bug: In Utilities, the <misc.logMode> parameter boolean parameter was used
the wrong way (true/false).
- New: In AllianceFramework constructor, now look for an XML configuration
file in the current directory (<cwd>/.environment.alliance.xml).
- New: DefParser, DefDriver & LefDriver are replaced by DefImport, DefExport
and LefExport (resp.). LEF/DEF parser/driver are no longer integrated
in among Alliance ones due to too much difference in data organisation.
Instead they are build as Import/Export utilities.
- New: Iccad04Lefdef import the ICCAD'04 benchmarks into the SxLib format
suitable for Knik/Kite. They are derived from the ISPD'98 (ibm01--ibm18)
benchmarks. Many corrections are applieds to ensure a more realistic
Generate a new library from the LEF file "on the fly".
- New: Ispd04Bookshelf import the ISPD'04 benchmarks in SxLib from bookshelf.
Thoses benchmarks can be placeds whith fastplace. Unfortunatly fastplace
do not manage blocks and reduce them to standard cell which is not
usable for detailed placement. Too bad, the parser exists still.
Make uses of the new vlsisapd/bookshelf parser. A whole library is
generated "on the fly" on the basis of "one node, one Cell" (so we have
a bijection between Cell and Instance). The result of this parsing is
different from the one of the stand-alone ispd04 binary in the sense it
fits the circuit to the SxLib gauge thus changing the routing capacity:
from 16 to 20.
- Change: In ApDriver, the lookup modify the lookup table for matching
Alliance layers against Hurricane ones, "OBSTACLEx" became "BLOCKAGEx".
- Change: In default <enviromnent.alliance.xml> adds the name of the
blockage net: "^obstacleNet$". Some work over the coherency of the
blockage managment remains to be done.
- Change: In AllianceFramework, partial rewrite of the get/creation of
AllianceLibrary to fit the requirements of the "on the fly" generation
from the benchmarks loaders. And correct some bugs by the way.
- Change: In Environment, suppress any reference to LEF technology as LEF/
DEF is now used as import/exports.
- Bug: In VstDriver, perform only one lookup for global signals among all
nets and not for each instance master cell. That was making the driver
quadratic! Now it's linear and reasonably fast.
+ change cmake OpenAccess macro we need 2 env variables :
OA_LIB_DIR where are the oa libs
OA_INCLUDE_DIR where are the oa headers
this way different headers version can be tested versus different OA compiled libs
- New: Added support for ACM/SIGDA ISCAS98 (.bench extension).
- Bug: In Parsers/Drivers changes the signature of the prototype, passes
file name string by value instead of by reference. In the cases of
reentrant P&D calls it may causes havoc.
- New: In Utilities, automatic setting of STRATUS_MAPPING_NAME. It's put
back into the environment from the configuration. This suppress the
need for the last environment variable under cgt.
- Change: New problem identified with the Python modules: each module seems
to be built as a complete binary, so all the static C++ initializers are
allocated in each module. In particular the C++ tree inheritance is built
for *each* module so we cannot longer uses the typeid() comparisons
across modules... It was used by boost::program_options to perform is
casts with boost::any and was starting throwing exceptions because of
bad casts. program_option was first initialized in "configuration"
first included by PyViewer then in PyCRL (see Utilities.cpp).
A first solution is to re-order the import of Python modules in
stratus1/st_model so that CRL is imported first.
The second is to not not link "configuration" with boost::program_option
as only the binary vlsisapd-conf-editor needs it.
That is a serious problem of which we must be aware and can cause further
strange behaviors.
Debug code used to diagnostic has been kept commented in the sources a
it may be needed again :-(
This behavior do not affect our singletons because they are part of
dynamic libraries that seems to be correctly shared between the various
Python modules.
* ./crlcore:
- In PyCRL, module method "getAllianceFramework()" moved as static object
method "get()" of AllianceFramework. Object AllianceFramework added
to module CRL.
cleaner separated functions converting Hurricane objects to oa
create 4 "Design CellView" of the cell : netlist, symbol, schematic and layout
remove bug with oaLib or oaTech at openning
adding oaLayerConstraint in oaLayer from the oaTech for the rule of the technology
- Bug: target_link_libraries() must be put back for OSX Snow Leopard
(doesn't seems to affect Leopard). As I do not have an OSX under
my hand it's untested and is likely to fail at that point.
* ./crlcore:
- New: PyCatalog & PyCatalogState python wrappers, mainly to have constants
values for stratus1 parsers/drivers.
- Library linking: there must not be "target_link_library()" for libraries,
only when building binaries. Avoid clashes between static module
or class variables, and strange reinitialisation of those variables.
- Change: Boost is now always linked staticly.
* ./crlcore:
- Change: In System, static initialisation problem again, there seems to
be a race between it and boost::filesystem, make the singleton creation
"at first call" again. Triggers the System singleton creation in
AllianceFramework to spare the user the need to explicitly doing it.
- New: In Utilities, automatically adds the "site-packages" PYTHONPATH
component, guessed from CORIOLIS_TOP.
- Change: In PaletteWidget, uses "goMatched" to hide DrawingStyle that are
not associated to a Go to hide/show. That is, are only pure color useds
by ExtensionGo.
- New: In <tools.configuration.xml>, added parameters for verbosity, info
and trace level.
- New: Uniform mecanism to get the "/etc" path. Now System reads the
environment variables (thanks to boost::program_option).
- Change: In Utility, correct "when first called" initialisation of the
System singleton. Access to members only through static members that
ensure the initialisation of the singleton first.
- Change: In System, makes uses of the callback feature of Parameter to
initialize the new configuration parameters (verbosity, coredump, ...).
- Change: In linefill, build upon mstream instead of ostream. Now dual
aspect, inherit ostream and have a mstream member.
- New: "linefill" class which allows to print filled lines and automatically
go to the next line whenever the line is full (more than 80 characters).
- New: In ToolBox, getInstancesCount() recursively counts leaf cell instances.
- New: In CellGauge, added getClone() method (for Configuration).
- Change: It seems that the changes to match the new VLSISAPD weren't commited
by Damien...
My view is : the possibility of configuration and combination of OA,
are almost infinite, the .cmake should not bother on finding the directory
hierarchy depending on uname value but only identify OA libraries and includes.
all you have to do is set an OPENACCESS_TOP like
in the other projects.
Example :
Now assuming you work on coriolis machine
To use the precompiled cadence OA v22.04.057 in
and the headers extracted from si2 OA v22.04.042 in
you can create a directory, let's say /dsk/l1/misc/caba/CADENCE_OA
containing symbolic links respectively named lib and include
Then set OPENACCESS_TOP to this created dir
export OPENACCESS_TOP=/dsk/l1/misc/caba/CADENCE_OA
- Bug: In CMakeLists.txt, local include directories *first*.
- New: In Utilities, Dots::asBool() & Dots::asLambda().
- New: In display.xml, new <drawingstyle> for Mauka Containers.
DO NOT name two files with the same name with only case difference !
Mac osx is by default formated as NON case sensitive system file.
key_k.fig becomes key_k_.fig
key_k.png becomes key_k_.png
key_K.fig and key_K.png are not modified
IMPORTANT: this is a temporary update to allow me to finally checkout crlcore but need to be corrected by the author
- Change: When static linking is required, also switch Boost libraries in static
mode. Automatically done is modules using FindHURRICANE through
SET_LIB_LINK_MODE(). Note: FindBoost must be called *after* SET_LIB_LINK_MODE().
- Bug: In AllianceFramework, do not try to build SxLib gauge if the layers are
not presents. Prevent cgt to miserably fails if the environment is not
- Change: In src/ccore/CMakeLists.txt, try to guess the CORIOLIS_TOP from the
compilation environment and pass back to sources.
- Change: Rename hcmos9 into cmos130 in configuration files.
- New: Adds a README.tex describing the essentials features of Coriolis2.
- New: Support for LaTeX in CMake through the macros supplieds by Sandia.
- Change: Adds support for installation of config file in system-wide
- Change: adopt a tree layout compliant with the UNIX FHS.
* includes under TOP/include/coriolis2.
* shared datas under TOP/shared/coriolis2.
* docs under TOP/share/doc/coriolis2.
* configuration under TOP/etc/coriolis2
* ./crlcore:
- Change: In Environment, comply to the new tree layout, search configuration
files under TOP/etc/coriolis2/.
* ./knik:
- Change: In flute, comply to the new tree layout, get the "POW*.dat" files
from TOP/share/coriolis2/flute-2.4.
libraries gets installed in "lib64" instead of "lib".
buildCoriolis.py sets automatically LIB_SUFFIX for cmake.
coriolis2.spec modificated to uses lib64 on 64 bits.
- Change: In the CMakeLists.txt, in all the install commands remove all
the leading "/" as they prevents the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to be took
into account. It was nevertheless working because buildCoriolis.py was
using DESTDIR which is prepended anyway.
* ./goodies:
- Change: In buildCoriolis.py, no longer uses the DESTDIR but instead
- Cleanup: No longer import the std namespace in headers.
- Bug: In Measures.h, incoherent prototyping of getMeasure() template.
- Change: In Environment, SearchPath & the XML format, slight change to
allow overwriting of Alliance library pathes. Instead of having an
attribute on the <system> node that applies to all libraries, we
have a "mode" attribute in each <library> node.
"mode" can takes three values:
1. - "append" : the library path is added in tail of the list.
2. - "prepend" : the library path is added in head of the list.
3. - "replace" : if the library already exists in the pathes,
this ones replaces it, whitout modifiying the order.
If it doesn't exists, it simply appended.
The "replace" mode is the one to be used if a users wants to shadow
system libraries by his own versions (sets in ~/.environment.alliance.xml).
- Bug: In top CMakeLists.txt the SETUP_PROJECT_PATHS was not inserting
X_USER_TOP *before* X_TOP, thus potentially allowing an obsolete
system-wide configuration to shadow an up-to-date local one.
* ./crlcore:
- New: In Utilities, The Dots class which allow nice pretty printing on
a terminal (like lines of books summaries).
- New: In AllianceFramework, getInstancesCount() to count the number of
instances in a Cell. The count can be recursive or not or ignore or
not feed cells. This could be viewed as a very simple query, and has
to be implemented here because we only new Feed Cell from the CATAL
of the Alliance Framework.
- New: The Measure extension (on any DBo) that allows to save measurement
and print them later into a file. Mainly to supply gnuplot with datas.
Obsoletes the "statsExtract.py" script from statistics, and much
more reliable.
- Change: In ToolEngine, adds a static method "destroyAll()" that must be
called *before* the Hurricane database destruction. This is to avoid
a mis-oredering in destruction.
ToolEngines are stored in a property, property are part of the DBo
base object so are destroyed *after* the Cell derived object has been.
Thus ToolEngine are deleted *after* the Cell components and if they
still refers to it, we are doomed.
- Change: In display.xml, color support for displaying references.
- Change: <PROJECT>_SEARCH_PATH are put back into the *first* tool of
a project.
- Bug: In HURRICANE_CHECK_MACRO(), the quiet flag was not correctly
implemented. User ARGV instead of argv (case sensitivity!).
- Change: New structure for the installation & CMake system.
* Tools are now grouped in "projects". There are three projects:
1. - IO: Standalones parsers/drivers (IO_USER_TOP, IO_TOP).
2. - Coriolis: Base & digital tools (CORIOLIS_USER_TOP, CORIOLIS_TOP).
3. - Chams: Analogic tools (CHAMS_USER_TOP, CHAMS_TOP).
Each *project* has a two "TOP" environement variables, for
example: IO_TOP and IO_USER_TOP. Thoses variables are the only
ones useds to locate the tool (CMake modules, headers & libraries).
The local path always takes precedence over the global one.
The localisation process occurs in each tool top CMakeLists.txt
where the macro SETUP_PROJECT_PATH is to be defined. There is no
way to put it in a shared includes file as it's the macro precisely
used to locates the includes... You have to call the macro once for
each project you wants to uses:
* In FindTOOL.cmake, supress the <TOOL>_DIR_SEARCH and uses the
* buildCoriolis.py modificated according to the new "TOP" scheme.
- Change: In ApParser, do not stop the parser whenever an external
component is found on an internal Net. Instead, display a warning,
sets the Net external and continue.
- Change: Adaptation to cmake 2.8. No more "add_subdirectory()" when
the sub directory doesn't hold a CMakeList.txt.
For "add_definition()", set policy 00005 to NEW.
- Change: Integrate IO extenal libraries.
- Change: Small compatibilities between "size_t" and "unsigned int"
under 64 bits.
- Change: Temporarily disable Equinox/Solstice in unicorn.
- SVN MOVE: Source tree simplification & uniformisation. Now all tools
are at the same level, directly under the root of the repository.
No more "coriolis/src".