* Change: In boostrap, remove support for Chams.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, added support for DTR rules, UnitRule,
PhysicalRule and TwoLayersPhysicalrule. Added devices descriptors and
models descriptors (for Spice). Spice description is not used yet
but kept anyway in case of future use.
* New: Hurricane::Analog whole library and it's Python interface. This
provides support for transistors, capacitors and resistors. Only
transistor support is fully implemented as of now.
* New: In CRL/python/coriolisInit.py, read configuration files for the
Analog extension (analog.conf & devices.conf). Thoses are optionals
and a simple warning is issued if not found.
Added helpers/AnalogTechno.py DTR loading helper.
Add analog configuration files for 180/scn6m_deep_09.
* New: Oroshi tool that provides actual layout drawing for transistors.
* Change: In all tools supplying documentation, as we use some specific
software to create the doc, they may not be available, or worse, be
and incompatible version. So, by default, we install the files shipped
with the git repository. To force a full doc rebuild, use the "--doc"
flag of ccb.py.
When upgrading from doxygen 1.5.x to 1.8.5 the way the documentation
is generated has underwent many changes, particularly in the headers.
* Change: In <header.html>, must include the javascripts <jquery.js>
and <dynsections.js>.
* In <CMakeLists.txt>, as the header is customized, doxygen seems not
copy some files like the javascripts and some images (open.png,
closed.png). So we copy them from doxygen installation and make
the CMakeLists.txt install them. I hope they will not change too
much in the future.
* In <doxyfile>, disable markdown support as it do not interpret
correctly the formating we already adopted (with a left margin
to put command into). Use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of
HTML_STYLESHEET. Enable the index (DISABLE_INDEX=NO), for the
top header. Enable dot for inheritance diagram. Set the
EXAMPLE_PATH=. to include the synthetic hierarchy.
Correct the tag inclusion (faulty path in some places).
* In <SoC.css>, create style for the new header generated by doxygen.
* In the documentation, move the synthetic hierarchy into a module.
- New: Added an id on DBo, SharedName and SharedPath to ensure
database determinism. All the hash key now uses the id instead
of the object's pointer (see _getHashValue()).
- Change: In RoutingPad, position is now only relative to the anchor,
no more (dx,dy). Add a isPlacedOccurrence() to check if all the
occurrence in the path are fixed and thus the position meaningful.
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane:
- Change: In Cell, added doc about PlacementStatus.
- Change: In Transformation, more detailed explanations about the
orientations. A little beautifying too...
- Change: RoutingPad doc update.
- Change: Entity doc update (for id).
- Change: In HTML header/footer uses the new SoC.css.
- New: In hurricane/doc, added documentation RoutingPad, HyperNet & Query.
- New: In isobar, added support for RoutingPad.
- Change: In PyComponent, getCenter() method moved to it's right place in
the base class.
- Change: In PyPath, added duplicated methods (ApplyOn <-> applyOn and
Invert <-> invert).
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane:
- New: Documentation cleanup and update, particularly on the new Layer
derived classes.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane,
- New: Creation of new methods, more explicit on DbU. Based on a to/from
naming scheme.
- New: Python support extented to include all objects needed to configure
through python scripts.
- Change: Finally understood what's causing the _XOPEN_SOURCE redefinition.
Basically the Python.h must be included first before any other
include. The type-puned problem will remains still (that is a Python
problem, not our own).
- Change: In DisplayStyle, uses shared_ptr for DrawingStyle instead of
custom made reference count.
- Change: adopt a tree layout compliant with the UNIX FHS.
* includes under TOP/include/coriolis2.
* shared datas under TOP/shared/coriolis2.
* docs under TOP/share/doc/coriolis2.
* configuration under TOP/etc/coriolis2
* ./crlcore:
- Change: In Environment, comply to the new tree layout, search configuration
files under TOP/etc/coriolis2/.
* ./knik:
- Change: In flute, comply to the new tree layout, get the "POW*.dat" files
from TOP/share/coriolis2/flute-2.4.
- Change: In the CMakeLists.txt, in all the install commands remove all
the leading "/" as they prevents the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to be took
into account. It was nevertheless working because buildCoriolis.py was
using DESTDIR which is prepended anyway.
* ./goodies:
- Change: In buildCoriolis.py, no longer uses the DESTDIR but instead