Updated cmake files to have find_package with Devlopment.Module to
make build work both locally and from cibuildwheel.
Added set Python_LIBRARIES="-Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all"
in case when it is not set (in manylinux) as lipython not found.
Added RPATH to be '$ORIGIN/libs:$ORIGIN' for all shared library
be discoverable.
Added CMakeFiles.txt that perform sequential build of coriolis components
Fixed some cmake files bugs
Added extra files to coriolis python wheel to make shared library preload
* Move all Python stuff under a common Python namespace "coriolis".
* Instead of having a series subtrees for each tool, integrate
everything in one common tree. So now, all components can be
located either with an absolute path from "coriolis" or, inside
cross-reference themselves through relatives imports.
* As a consequence, we only need to add ".../site-packages/coriolis/"
to the PYTHONPATH, and not a whole bunch of subdirectories.
And nothing, if installed in-system.
* The tree of free technologies configuration files is also moved
below "coriolis/technos" instead of "/etc".
* Supressed "cumulus" level for the plugins.
* All python modules are rewritten using relative imports except
for the configuration files that uses absolute import as they
can be cloned outside of the tree to serve as templates.
* Change: In boostrap/FindPythonSitePackages, include "/coriolis" in
Provide a Python_SITELIB *without* "/coriolis" appended.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins/__init__.loadPlugins(), must prefix modules
read in the plugins directory by "coriolis.plugins.". No longer need
to add their path to sys.path.
* Change: In crlcore/python/technos/nodeX/*/devices.py, the scripts of
the layouts generators must be prefixed by "coriolis.oroshi.".
* Change: In CRL::System CTOR, no longer add the pathes of the various
plugins to sys.path. Only "site-packages/coriolis/".
* New: In Utilities::Path::toPyModePath(), new method to convert a
filesystem path into a python module path.
"coriolis/plugins/block" --> "coriolis.plugins.block".
"coriolis/plugins/rsave.py" --> "coriolis.plugins.rsave".
* Change: In katanaEngine::_runKatanaEngine(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In BoraEngine::_runBoraEngine(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In UnicornGui::_runUnicornInit(), rename the hook script
initHook.py. No longer need to modify sys.path.
* Change: In cumulus.plugins.chip.constants, put the constants
outside __init__.py to avoid a loop at initialization.
* New: In Technology, in order to support symbolic technology on top
of a real technology using non-generic layer names, it comes in
handy to be able to define layer alias names. Generic *real*
layer names could be defined as alias over the technology
specific ones. Then, we can build the symbolic layers upon
the generic names (so *that* part of the init code can be
shared between techs).
Adds Technology::addLayerAlias()
The semantic of Technology::getLayer() changes a little, it
return the techno layer associtated to the name *or* the
aliased name.
* Bug: In Technology::_addPhysicalRule(), in case of a rule redefinition,
we were using it's name *after* the deletion of the rule object.
Nasty crash.
Improve the error message by giving the name of the conflicting
* In CRL/helpers.analogtechno, add an addDevice() function to load
analogic devices descriptors (copied from the old init system).
* In CRL/ApParser, if an exception is catched, tells in which file and
line it did occur.
* In Oroshi/dtr.Rules, add a translation step to get the rule names
from the technology. From generic names to actual technology
layer names.
Add some documentation.
* In Oroshi/stack.Stack, get the layers names through dtr.Rules to get
the layers names translated.
Main list of ports:
* Replace deprecated operator '<>' by '!='.
* To check if a list is empty, do not compare to [], but check it's
length instead.
* Do not make a class inherit indirectly twice from the same base class.
* Hurricane physical object constructors uses DbU::Unit as arguments,
seen as int in Python, so they will not match float. Unfortunately
the calculation often gives float. So explicitely cast them into
int. This is due to a change of behavior in Python. Now, 3/2
gives 1.5 (float). To get the previous one use: 3/2 -> 1 (int).
* dict.keys()[0] no longer work, instead use list(dict.keys())[0].
The CMake version set was so old that obsolete policies were being
enabled and breaking FindPython. 2.8 should still be old enough not to
cause problems for any current users.
Signed-off-by: Myrtle Shah <gatecat@chipflow.io>
* New: Python/C++ API level:
* Write a new C++/template wrapper to get rid of boost::python
* The int & long Python type are now merged. So a C/C++ level,
it became "PyLong_X" (remove "PyInt_X") and at Python code
level, it became "int" (remove "long").
* Change: VLSISAPD finally defunct.
* Configuration is now integrated as a Hurricane component,
makes use of the new C++/template wrapper.
* vlsisapd is now defunct. Keep it in the source for now as
some remaining non essential code may have to be ported in
the future.
* Note: Python code (copy of the migration howto):
* New print function syntax print().
* Changed "dict.has_key(k)" for "k" in dict.
* Changed "except Exception, e" for "except Exception as e".
* The division "/" is now the floating point division, even if
both operand are integers. So 3/2 now gives 1.5 and no longer 1.
The integer division is now "//" : 1 = 3//2. So have to carefully
review the code to update. Most of the time we want to use "//".
We must never change to float for long that, in fact, represents
DbU (exposed as Python int type).
* execfile() must be replaced by exec(open("file").read()).
* iter().__next__() becomes iter(x).__next__().
* __getslice__() has been removed, integrated to __getitem__().
* The formating used for str(type(o)) has changed, so In Stratus,
have to update them ("<class 'MyClass'>" instead of "MyClass").
* the "types" module no longer supply values for default types
like str (types.StringType) or list (types.StringType).
Must use "isinstance()" where they were occuring.
* Remove the 'L' to indicate "long integer" (like "12L"), now
all Python integer are long.
* Change in bootstrap:
* Ported Coriolis builder (ccb) to Python3.
* Ported Coriolis socInstaller.py to Python3.
* Note: In PyQt4+Python3, QVariant no longer exists. Use None or
directly convert using the python syntax: bool(x), int(x), ...
By default, it is a string (str).
* Note: PyQt4 bindings & Python3 under SL7.
* In order to compile user's must upgrade to my own rebuild of
PyQt 4 & 5 bindings 4.19.21-1.el7.soc.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins.block.htree.HTree.splitNet(), set the root
buffer of the H-Tree to the original signal (mainly: top clock).
Strangely, it was only done when working in full chip mode.
* Change: In <tool>/CMakeLists.txt, add an USE_LIBBFD option to
enable the link against the BFD library. Latest versions seems
to have changed their API.
* Change: In bootstrap/ccp.by & builder/Builder.py, add an option
"--bfd" (and self._bfd) to enable BFD support.
* Change: In documentation/build.py, more PEP8 & Python 3 future compliance.
Correct copy of the tools HTML docs on my laptop, to have a full
offline copy of the doc.
* New: In documentation/contents/pages/check-toolkit, duplicate the doc
from alliance-check-toolkit README. Seems it has been inadvertently
removed at some point (?). Have to be careful to maintain in synch
with the toolkit.
* Change: <tool>/doc/*/SoC.css, use Roboto fonts when availables.
* Update: Commit the whole pre-generated docs (Doxygen, Pelican).
* Bug: In Hurricane/Commons.h, modify the getRecord<>() templates so
that for both vector<Element> and vector<Element*>, the individual
record created for each element are donne with pointers. That is,
for the vector<Element> case, we take a pointer.
As a general policy, except for the POD types, always use pointers
or references to data in the records/inspector. Never uses values
that can call the copy constructor.
Suppress INSPECTOR_PV_SUPPORT() macro, keep only
Provide value support only for getString<>() template.
This value & copy constructor problem was causing a crash when
trying to inspect Hurricane::AnalogCellExtension.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, change the API of the PhysicalRule,
now we can only create/get PhysicalRule, but setting the value of
the rule itself must be done on the rule.
Enhance PhysicalRule to provide for stepped rules, non isotropic
and ratio rules.
Merge TwoLayersPhysicalrule in PhysicalRule, much simpler to
suppress the management of derived classes. That means that we
loose a little memory as some fields are mutually exclusive.
Not a problem considering that there will not be so many of thoses
* New: In CRL/helpers.analogtechno.py, enhanced DTR support for rules
('minSpacing' , 'metal1', ((0.4,20.0), (0.8,1000.0)), Length, 'REF.1')
('minEnclosure', 'metal1', 'cut1', (0.2,0.3) , Length, 'REF.2')
('minDensity' , 'metal1', 0.30 , Unit , 'REF.3')
The DTR parser has been updated, but not the oroshi.dtr Rule
cache for analog components. Given a rule name, the value used
will be the horizontal one of the first step.
* Change: In hurricane/doc/hurricane, re-generate the documentation
with updated support for Technology & PhysicalRule.
* New: In Analog, new Parameter derived class "StringParameter",
to support strings. Also added to the Python interface.
* New: In Analog::Transistor, added StringParameters for specifying
track positions. They are named "G.t", "S.t", "D.t" and "B.t".
* New: In Oroshi/wip_transistor.py, now read the track positionning
devices parameters.
* New: In Karakaze/AnalogDesign.doDevice(), read an optional 14th
parameter holding the track positions (example in ADC-SAR).
* Bug: In Hurricane::NetRoutingState::getSymValue(), outrageously bad
computation of the symmetric coordinate when the value was superior
to the axis... (shame on me).
* Change: In Anabatic::Disjkstra::load(), for symmetrically paired nets,
check that the axis of symmetry is *outside* the searchArea.
Otherwise, the two mirrored areas overlaps and the two nets will
unescapably be on top of each other. Issue a warning but still
* Change: In Anabatic::Vertex::isRestricted(), allow perpandicular
wire to go through struts or thin (less than one routing pitch)
node. May have to recheck in the future and restrict to struts
* Bug: In Bora::HVSlicingNode::updateSymNetAxis(), rescursive call in
child node was not systematically done (bad curly brace position).
Also checks that symmetries are not empty before accessing the
front element (one less core dump).
* Change: In CRL/helpers, cumulus/plugins, oroshi & karakaze,
Move towards more Python PEP8 compliance:
* All indentations sets to 4 spaces (in progress).
* In plugins, remove messages about software collections
and RHEL (too many case could wrongly lead to that).
Instead systematically uses "helpers.io.catch()".
* Put in lowercases all modules names. Note that C++ exported
modules *keep* their Capitalized names (to preserve the
identity with the C++ namespace).
* When making import, use full path.
* Rename the run function from "ScriptMain()" to "scriptMain()".
* Cleanup: In CRL/etc, remove obsoleted configuration files,
the one ending in ".conf". Keep those who have not been ported
to the new style yet.
* New: In Hurricane/src/configuration, first trial at replacing the
C preprocessor macros by C++ templates. Applied first to configuration
This is unfinished business, just a limited demonstrator for now.
It is installed as a separate Python library "Cfg2" which do not
interact with the rest of Coriiolis.
The end goal is to fully remove boost and merge VLSISAPD useful
components directly inside Hurricane.
* New: In Isobar::PyResistor, manage type RPOLYH and RPOLY2PH.
* Change: In Hurricane::Resistor, rename plate nets from "PIN1" and
"PIN2" into "t1" and "t2" (try to respect uniform naming scheme).
* New: In Karakaze/AnalogDesign.py, support for reading Resistor
* New: In Orosshi, ResistorSnake.py imported from Mariam Tlili's work
and associated Resistor.py to make parameter conversion.
Currently we only uses vertical layout for resistors.
Added METAL2 horizontal terminals for resistors.
* Change: In Hurricane::DbU::setGridPerLambdas(), allow the grid per
lambda to be even. Needed when using nsxlib libraries that are
drawn using a "half lambda" (two lambdas to get an Alliance lambda).
* New: In Oroshi/python, integrated capacitors. Modifications and
correction from Mariam's code:
* No need to redefine __setattr__() on CapacitorUnit.
* Pitch horizontally & vertically (symbolic routing tracks) the
* Put the horizontal access tracks on the routing pitch.
* Sets the horitontal metal2 wires as external components and
NOT the capacitor plates themselves.
* Makes the size (plates) of the unit capacitor a multiple of
the foundry grid, not a floating number...
* Correct the net ownership of horizontal tracks in
* Simplification & put error management directly inside of
* New: In Karakaze/python/AnalogDesign, capacitor spec now include
the dummy parameter.
* Change: In documentation, now generate the overall documentation using
Pelican instead of Sphinx. This allows to have an unified approach
between the coriolis.lip6.fr website and the local documentation.
So we keep using "only" two doc generators: doxygen & Pelican.
* New: In Karakaze/Oceane.py, now also read capacitor & resistors parameters.
In AnalogDesign.readParameters(), get the capacitor parameters from
Oceane into the "device spec" (dspec). Translate form OSI unit to
Coriolis units (F -> pF).
* Bug: In Bora::NodeSets::create(), Capacitor matrix parameters where never
read due to a misplaced curly brace (at the matrixRange dynamic_cast<>
* Change: In Bora/PyDSlicingNode, now check that the parameter is either
a StepParameterRange or a MatrixParameterRange.
Also add a check that the Instance name exists...
* Bug: In Bora::SlicingPlotWidget::updateSelectedPoint(), as we display
only the transistor parameters in dynamic labels, do not forget to
skip resistor and capacitor. Otherwise we end up in out of bound
access in the vector of labels.
* In Hurricane::Viewer::Script::runFunction() & callFunction(), when the
script returns NULL, do not immediately return but first check if an
exception has been set. If so, print it *then* clear it.
Due to not clearing the exception we where seeing one later with
no relation to the true problem.
* In Oroshi/python/Rules.py, a bad test structure was discarting all the
"no layer rule with physical length" in the loading process. It was
blocked by the physical unit rule special cases.
This commit contains two set of features that should have been commited
1. Compliance with clang 5.0.1, tested with the RedHat collection
llvm-toolset-7. This allow Coriolis to be compiled under Darwin (MacOS)
with Xcode & macports. The bootstrap install system has been modificated
2. The basic support for routing density driven placement. Related
features are:
* Bloat property. Each Occurrence of an Instance can be individually
bloated. This property not attached to any tool to allow the placer and
router to share it as wanted. Nevertheless, it is defined in Etesian.
* BloatProfile in Katana, add individual Bloat properties to Instances
occurrences based on the East & North overflowed edges of each GCell.
* Support in ToolEngine for a "pass number" of a tool. This pass number
is mainly used to make "per pass" measurements. The MeasureSet system
is improved accordingly to support multiple values of a same measure.
* Embryo of "P&R Conductor" to perform the place & route loop until the
design is successfully placed. May be the first brick of a Silicon
* Change: In boostrap/FindBoostrap.cmake, in setup_boost(), added tag to
the python component for macport (ex: python27).
* Change: In boostrap/build.conf, put etesian before anabatic for
instance occurrence BloatProperty dependency.
Added option support for the "llvm-toolset-7" collection to build
against clang 5.0.1.
* Bug: In Hurricane::getRecord( const pair<T,U>& ), the getSlot<> templates
for first & second arguments must be called with <const T> and <const U>
as the pair itself is const (and not simply <T> & <U>).
* Change: In Hurricane::getSlot() temlate, only use "string" arguments and
not const string&, simpler for template argument deduction.
* Bug: In Hurricane::AnalogCellExtension, the StandardPrivateProperty<>
template has a static member "_name". Clang did show that the template
for this static number has to be put inside the namespace where the
template *is defined* (i.e. Hurricane) instead of the namespace where
it is instanciated (i.e. Analog).
* Bug: In Isobar, Matrix_FromListOfList(), PyInt_AsPlacementStatus() must
be put outside the C linkage back in the Isobar C++ namespace (clang).
* Bug: In Hurricane::DBo::~DBo, and derived add a throw() specification
* Bug: In Hurricane::RegularLayer::getEnclosure() & setEnclosure(), change
signature so it matches the one of the base class (clang).
* Bug: In Hurricane::CellPrinter, use double brackets for initializer list
* Change: In Hurricane::Breakpoint, reverse the meaning of the error level.
Only error level *lesser or equal* than the stop level will be enabled.
* Bug: In CRL/python/helpers/__init__.loadUserSettings(), must put the
current working directory in the sys.path as in certain configuration
it may not be included.
* Bug: In CRL::ApDriver, DumpSegments(), no longer generate segments when
encountering a RoutingPad on a top-level Pin Occurrence. The segment
was generated in the wrong direction, creating DRC violations on the
"mips_core_flat" example.
* Change: In CRL::Measures, partial re-design of the measurements management.
Now, each kind of measure can accept multiple values put in a vector.
The index is intented to match a tool run number.
* Change: In CRL::Histogram, add support for multiple sets of datas,
indexeds with tool run number.
* Change: In CRL::ToolEngine, add support for multiple pass number, add
addMeasure<> templates for the various data-types.
* Change: In CRL::gdsDriver & CRL::gdsParser(), comment out unused GDS record
name constants.
* New: Etesian::BloatProperty, property to attach to Instance occurrences
that contains the extra number of pitch to add to the cell width.
* Bug: In AutoSegment::CompareByDepthLength, the segment length comparison
was wrong, it was always returning true, which broke the "strick weak
ordering" of the comparison.
This was producing a core-dump in GCell::updateDensity() when sorting
a vector<>. The end() iterator was being dereferenced, leading to the
* Bug: In Katana::DataSymmetric::checkPairing(), the test for segments
whose axis is perpandicular to the symmetry axis was wrong
("!=" instead of "-").
* New: In Katana/GlobalRoute, new ::selectSegments(), selectOverloadedgcells()
and selectBloatedInstances() to automatically select segments from
overloaded edges, overloaded GCells and bloated cells.
* Change: In KatanaEngine, return a more detailed success state, distinguish
between global and detailed.
Add support for multiple routing iterations.
* New: In cumulus/python/plugins/ConductorPlugin.py, embryo of routing
driven placement.
* New: In Analog, added Analog::ResitorFamily & Analog::Resistor classes.
* New: In Analog, added inspector support for all Parameter classes.
* New: In Analog, new FloatParameter class (for resistor value).
* New: In CRL/etc/scn6m_deep_09/devices.py, added resistor device.
* New: In Oroshi, support for Resistors, stub for ResistorSnake generator.
* New: In Bora::DNodeSets, added support for Resistor devices.
* Change: In Bora::DSlicingNode, rename setNFing()/getNFing() into
setBoxSetIndex()/getBoxSetIndex() for semantic coherency.
* New: In Karakaze/python/AnalogDesign.py, added support for Resistor.
Change in addDevice(), the span which was only meaningful for
transistor devices is replaced by a parameter argument.
The parameter argument has to be consistent with the device type.
* Bug: In Technology::getPhysicalRule(), if the named layerdo not exists,
throw an exception instead of silently putting a NULL pointer inside
a rule.
* New: In Hurricane/Analog, new parameters classes for capacitor devices:
- Analog::Matrix, a matrix of null or positives integers to encode
capacitor matrix matching.
- Analog::Capacities, a list of float values for all component of a
* New: In Hurricane::Script, add a "getFileName()" method to get the full
path name of the Python module.
* Change: In Analog::LayoutGenerator, completly remove the logger utility
as it is no longer used. Simply print error messages instead.
* Change: In Analog::MetaCapacitor, rename top & bottom plate 'T' & 'B'.
Accessors renamed in "getTopPlate()" & "getBottomPlate()".
* New: In Analog::MultiCapacitor, complete rewrite. Makes use of the
new parameters "capacities" and "matrix". Dynamically generates it's
terminals as we do not know beforehand how many capacitors could be
put in it.
* Bug: In isobar/PyHurricane.h, in Type object definition, do not prepend
a "Py" to class name (so the keep the C++ name).
* Change: In CRL/etc/scn6m_deep_09/devices.py, add entry for the new
capacitor generator.
* New: In oroshi/python/ParamsMatrix, add a "family" entry in the [0,0]
element to distinguish between transistor, capacitor and resistor.
(this is the matrix of values returned to the LayoutGenerator after
device generation).
Now have one "setGlobalParams()" function per family.
* New: In oroshi/python/Rules.py, added DTR rules needed by capacitors.
Catch exceptions if something wrong append when we extract the rules
from the technology.
* New: In Bora, the devices are no longer *only* transistors, so the
possibles configurations are no longer defined only by a number of
fingers. We must be able to support any kind of range of configuration.
So the explicit range of number of fingers is replaced by a base
class ParameterRange, and it's derived classes:
- Bora::StepParameterRange, to encode the possible number of fingers
of a transistor (the former only possibility).
- Bora::MatrixParameterRange, to encode all the possible matching
scheme for a capacitor. As there is no way to compress it, this
is a vector of Matrix (from Analog).
* Change: In Bora::DSlicingNode::_place(), the ParameterRange has to be set
on the right configuration (through the index) before being called.
The generation parameters are taken from the active item in the
* Change: In Bora::NodeSets::create(), iterate over the ParameterRange
to build all the configuration. Adjustement to the routing gauge
pitchs are moved into the DBoxSet CTOR to save a lot of code.
Semantic change: the index in the NodeSets is now the index in
the associated ParameterRange and no longer the number of fingers
of a transistor.
Check that the ParameterRange dynamic class is consitent with the
device family.
* Change: In Bora::DBoxSet, same semantic change as for NodeSets, the
number of finger become an index in ParameterRange.
In DBoxSet::create(), now also perform the abutment box adjustement
to the RoutingGauge, if possible.
* New: In Karakaze/python/AnalogDesign.py, add support for Capacitor
* New: In bootstrap/coriolisEnv.py, add the "etc" directory to the
PYTHONPATH as initialization are now Python modules.
* New: In Hurricane/analogic, first groundwork for the integration of
PIP/MIM/MOM multi-capacitors. Add C++ and Python interface for the
allocation matrix and the list of capacities values.
* Change: In Hurricane::RegularLayer, add a layer parameter to the
constructor so the association between the RegularLayer and it's
BasicLayer can readily be done.
* Change: In Hurricane::Layer, add a new getCut() accessor to get the
cut layer in ViaLayer.
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase::get(), the Python wrapper should no
longer consider an error if the data-base has not been created yet.
Just return None.
* Bug: In Isobar::PyLayer::getEnclosure() wrapper, if the overall
enclosure is requested, pass the right parameter to the C++ function.
* Change: In AllianceFramework, make public _bindLibraries() and export
it to the Python interface.
* Change: In AllianceFramework::create(), do not longer call bindLibraries().
This now must be done explicitely and afterwards.
* Change: In AllianceFramework::createLibrary() and
Environement::addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(), minor bug corrections that I don't
* Change: In SearchPath::prepend(), set the selected index to zero and
return it.
* Change: In CRL::System CTOR, add "etc" to the PYTHONPATH as the
configuration files are now organized as Python modules.
* New: In PyCRL, export the CRL::System singleton, it's creation is no
longer triggered by the one of AllianceFramework.
* New: In CRL/etc/, convert most of the configuration files into the
Python module format. For now, keep the old ".conf", but that are no
longer used.
For the real technologies, we cannot keep the directory name as
"180" or "45" as it not allowed by Python syntax, so we create "node180"
or "node45" instead.
Most of the helpers and coriolisInit.py are no longer used now.
To be removed in future commits after being sure that everything
* Bug: In AutoSegment::makeDogleg(AutoContact*), the layer of the contacts
where badly computed when one end of the original segment was attached
to a non-preferred direction segment (mostly on terminal contacts).
Now use the new AutoContact::updateLayer() method.
* Bug: In Dijkstra::load(), limit symetric search area only if the net
is a symmetric one !
* Change: In Katana/python/katanaInit.py, comply with the new initialisation
* Change: In Unicorn/cgt.py, comply to the new inititalization scheme.
* Change: In cumulus various Python scripts remove the call to
helpers.staticInitialization() as they are not needed now (we run in
only *one* interpreter, so we correctly share all init).
In plugins/__init__.py, read the new NDA directory variable.
* Bug: In cumulus/plugins/Chip.doCoronafloorplan(), self.railsNb was not
correctly managed when there was no clock.
* Change: In cumulus/plugins/Configuration.coronaContactArray(), compute
the viaPitch from the technology instead of the hard-coded 4.0 lambdas.
In Configuration.loadConfiguration(), read the "ioring.py" from
the new user's settings module.
* Bug: In stratus.dpgen_ADSB2F, gives coordinates translated into DbU to
the XY functions.
In st_model.Save(), use the VstUseConcat flag to get correct VST files.
In st_net.hur_net(), when a net is POWER/GROUND or CLOCK also make it
* Change: In Oroshi/python/WIP_Transistor.py, encapsulate the generator
inside a try/except block to get prettier error (and stop at the first).
* Change: In Hurricane::Error constructors disable the backtrace generation.
(*very* slow).
* Change: In Hurricane::Library::getHierarchicalname(), more compact
naming. Remove the name of the root library.
* New: In Hurricane::Net, new type "FUSED", for component with no net.
More efficient than having one net for each.
* Change: In CellViewer, BreakpointWidget, use Angry Birds icons.
* Change: In CellWidget::State, use the hierarchical name (cached) as key
to the state. This allow to load two cells with the same name but from
different libraries in the widget history.
* Change: In PyGraphics, export "isEnabled()" and "isHighDpi()" functions.
* Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/plugin.conf, and
CRL/etc/common/plugin.conf use the physical dimensions converters.
* Change: In CRL/etc/symbolic/cmos/technology.conf, make the GDS layer
table coherent with the default Alliance cmos.rds.
* New: CRL/python/helpers/io.py, put ErrorMessage new implementation here,
along with a new ErrorWidget written in PyQt4. It seems finally that
PyQt4 can be used alongside Coriolis Qt widgets.
New ErrorMessage.catch() static function to manage all exceptions
in except clauses.
* Change: In CRL/python/helpers/, no longer use ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(),
directly print it.
Rewrite the utilities to display Python stack traces "textStacktrace()"
and "showStacktrace()".
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, shorten the names of the libraries.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser & CRL::ApDriver, more accurate translation between
Alliance connectors (C record) and Hurricane::Pin objects. Pin are no
longer made square but thin and oriented in the connecting direction.
Use the new fused net for unnamed components.
* New: In CRL::GdsParser, implementation of SREF parsing, i.e. instances.
Due to the unordered nature of the GDS stream, instances creation are
delayed until the whole stream has been parsed and only then are they
For the sake of reading back Alliance s2r GDS, we assume that any
TEXT following a boundary is the Net name the boundary (component)
belongs to.
Create abutment box for Cells, computed from the bounding box, so
the Hurricane QuadTree could work properly.
Make use of the fused net for unnamed components.
* New: In Cumulus/plugins/chip, complete rewrite of the I/O pad management.
Now we can mix real (foundry) pads and a symbolic core.
To cleanly support the de-coupling between the real part and the
symbolic one we introduce a new intermediary hierarchical level, the
corona. We have now:
Chip --> Pads + Corona --> Core.
At chip level (and if we are using real pads) the layout is fully
real (excepting the corona).
The Corona contains everything that is symbolic. It has symbolic
wires extending outward the abutment box to make contact with the
real wires coming from the pads.
In the pad ring we can use corners instances (or not), pad spacers
or directly draw wires between connectors ring pads.
Provide two flavors: placement only or full place & route.
WARNING: If routing in a second step, *do not route* the *Chip* but
the *Corona*.
* Change: In Cumulus/plugins/clocktree, give the modified Cell an
additional extension of "_cts" (Clock Tree Synthesis) instead of
"_clocked", to follow the common convention.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/S2R.py, encapsulate call to Alliance S2R and
reload the translated Cell in the editor.
* New: In cumulus/plugins/core2chip, provide an utility to automatically
create a chip from a core. To work this plugins must have a basic
understanding of the pad functionalities which may differs from
foundry to foundry. So a base class CoreToChip is created, then for
each supported pad foundry a derived class is added. Currently we
support AMS c35b4 and Alliance symbolic cmos.
* Bug: In Anabatic::Configuration, read the right configuration parameter
"anabatic.topRoutinglayer" (Katana), and not the one for Katabatic...
* Change: In Unicorn/cgt.py, process the plugins in alphabetical order
to ensure a reproductible ordering of the menus...
* Change: In Hurricane::CellWidget, set the minimal size to 350 pixels
to fit my normal DPI secondary screen...
* Change: In Hurricane::Error(), reactivate the backtrace generation by
default. Seriously slow down the program each time an Error is to
be constructed.
* Bug: In Analog::Device::preCreate(), check for NULL Technology before
attempting to use it.
* Change: In Hurricane/Analog, remove all '*Arguments*' classes and their
Python interface. It was an obsoleted way of passing devices parameters
to the Python layout generators (located in Oroshi). Now we just get
them straight from the Device with the getParamter() method.
* Change: In CRL::System CTOR, add Python pathes for Oroshi & Karakaze.
* Change: In Oroshi/Python/WIP_*.py layout generator scripts, remove
all uses of the "Arguments". Directly access the parameters through
the device itself. Make the checkCoherency() with identical arguments
as of layout().
* New: Bora tool that performs analog place & route. Based on a slicing
tree representation. It is the thesis work of Eric Lao.
Code beautyfication and some programming cleanup.
* New: Karakaze tool, provide the Python base class AnalogDesign used
to build an analog design. Create/configure devices and assemble
them in a slicing tree.
* Change: In Unicorn/cgt.py, display the stack trace in case of an
ImportError exception as well as for other exceptions.
Add Bora to the set for included tool engines.
* Change: In boostrap, remove support for Chams.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, added support for DTR rules, UnitRule,
PhysicalRule and TwoLayersPhysicalrule. Added devices descriptors and
models descriptors (for Spice). Spice description is not used yet
but kept anyway in case of future use.
* New: Hurricane::Analog whole library and it's Python interface. This
provides support for transistors, capacitors and resistors. Only
transistor support is fully implemented as of now.
* New: In CRL/python/coriolisInit.py, read configuration files for the
Analog extension (analog.conf & devices.conf). Thoses are optionals
and a simple warning is issued if not found.
Added helpers/AnalogTechno.py DTR loading helper.
Add analog configuration files for 180/scn6m_deep_09.
* New: Oroshi tool that provides actual layout drawing for transistors.