- Data management concerning Analog GCells optimized
- Improvements of analog paths estimation:
- Save intervals to memorize paths
- Handle equal distance paths
* Change: In Hurricane::CellPrinter::pageDecorate(), the size of the
cartouche was computed for a DPI of 150. Now it is computed to
expand as the DPI increase (scale from the 150 DPI values).
* Bug: In Hurricane::CellWidget, when setting up a state of a CellWidget,
the selection was not copied. Now copy the SelectorCriterion (clone).
* New: In Hurricane::SelectorCriterion, add a clone() method.
* Change: In CRL Core, in etc/common/display.conf, for the Printer.Coriolis
style, lower the thresold of display for the substrate layers so they
are shown even in small zoom mode.
* Change: In Hurricane::BaseFlags, store flags in uint64_t instead of
unsigned int because we start to need more than 32 different flags
in some tools.
* New: In ::getString() & ::getRecord() templates, add support for
* Change: In CRL::ToolEngine, add support for timer (time & memory
measurements) displaced from Katabatic. This way all ToolEngine
can use this feature. The _postCreate() method display the
memory just after ToolEngine allocation.
* Change: In Etesian::EtesianEngine, make use of the ToolEngine
builtin timer (remove the local one). Forgot to call the base
class _postCreate() and _preDestroy().
* Change: In Anabatic::AnabaticEngine, make use of the ToolEngine
builtin timer (remove the local one).
* New: In Anabatic, new AutoSegments_Connecteds() collection. This
Collection allows a deterministic walkthough *all* the AutoSegments
connected either to source or target of one AutoSegment.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoContactTerminal::isEndPoint() to check if an
AutoContactTerminal is the *only one* anchored on a RoutingPad,
thus being a true "end point" and not a kind of feed-through.
* New: In Katana::KatanaEngine, added support for symmetric nets.
Created new class DataSymmetric to store symmetric information
of a net (mainly the paired AutoSegments).
Added KatanaEngine::runSymmetricRouter(), for now only build
the DataSymmetric informations. More to come...
* Change: In Katana::GraphicKatanaEngine::_runTest(), now perform
symmetric information building the non-symmetric routing.
- GlobalRouting takes into account self symmetries and symmetries in pair of nets according to an axis. Self symmetries are symmetries considering one net symmetric to an axis. During the materialize step, they are routed symmetrically according to the axis. Symmetries in pair of nets follow the same principle but with 2 nets.
In LocalGlobalRouting.cpp:
- Minor bug fixed
- Verbose commented
in NetRoutingProperty.cpp/.h:
- Some flags methods methods added
* Change: In Hurricane::Timer, measuring memory usage through the increase
of sbrk() gives erroneous results. Under Linux, now read the
/proc/[pid]/statm which gives the real size of the virtual memory
of the process. There is also code for reading /proc/[pid]/mmap
but it gives only the resident size of the process (i.e. swapped
pages are *not* accounteds).
* Change: In Katabatic, Anabatic, Kite & Katana now reports the total
memory size of the program.
* New: In Hurricane::NetRoutingProperty, added various flags for
symmetric support, axis and slave net (if any).
Json support is not complete yet: have to remember how to
get the slave net when present.
- [Modified] Minor bug fixed
in Dijkstra:
- [Add]: Global routing for analog circuits is enhanced by intervals definition to estimate more precise wirelengh and wire positions. The distance calculation for analog cases has been moved to the horus tool in AnalogGlobalRoute.h.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijkstra the _distanceCb attribute got copied
from the setDistance() argument. To be able to access the duplicated
distance (and therefore access/modify it) the function now return a
pointer to it. Done with the "target()" accessor of std::function<>.
* Change: In Katana::GlobalRouting::runGlobalRouter() use the new
Disjkstra::setDistance() to be able to call setNet() on the right
* Bug: In Kite::RoutingEvent::_processNegociate(), on insertion in free
space of a reduced segment (less than one pitch) no insert event
was generated, but the axis was not set to the selected track, leaving
the segment at it's former place.
Now, generate an insert event, but in Kite::Session::_revalidate()
filter them so that reduced segments are not inserted in tracks but
only have their axis set.
Correction also applied on Katana.
* Bug: In Kite::wipeoutRouting(), the removal was incomplete. We need to
remove anchored Contacts, but in a second stage. This is a fragile
workaround as it require that there is only one level of anchoring.
* Bug: In Anabatic::singleGCell(), in some analogic design, there may be
not a single METAL1 in the GCell. Issue a clean warning instead of
going ashtray.
* Change: In CRL.etc/technology.cong & CRL.etc/display.conf, add a "metbot_r"
as a real layer when "metbot" symbolic layer is distinct from a normal
* New: In CRL.python.helpers, all methods make use of the quiet mode to
allow completly silent initialisation.
Introduce isderived() function to check the derivation relationship
of two C++ encapsulated classes by Isobar. The Python isinstance do
not work, all C++ wrapped classes are of the base type 'type'.
isderived() uses the MRO mechanism (Method Resolution Order) as a
workaround. I can't find in the documentation if it's the expected
behavior or if i did miss something in when building my classes.
* Bug: In CRL.python.coriolisInit(), when it's not set, the stratus1.mappingName
configuration variable is equal to "" and *not* "not_set".
* Bug: In Etesian::EtesianEngine::toColoquinte(), followup of the previous
bug, bad FIXED/PLACED test when the AB is set.
* Bug: In Etesian::EtesianEngine::toColoquinte(), when the master Cell of
an instance has an abutment box, this instance *must* be placed so we
can compute the positions of its own instances. Throw an error if it's
not the case.
* Bug: In Hurricane::Net::setExternal(), do not perform an UpdateSession
inside this function, it leads to unbearibly slow operation in the
clock-tree plugin.
* Bug: In Kite, backport corrections done in Katana and also relevant
for Kite.
* New: In Cumulus.ChipPlugin.py add support for Python profiling with
cProfile. Disabled under normal operation, but will certainly come in
handy sometimes.
* Bug: In Hurricane::JsonWriter, add support for "long long". Needed on
32 bits architectures to write DbU that are now int64_t which
resolves to "long long".
* Bug: In Hurricane::DbU, replace long by DbU::Unit (aka int64_t) in all
remaining occurrences.
* Change: In Hurricane::DbU::getValueString(), rewrite using ostringstream.
* Change: In Hurricane, in PyHurricane.h, PyAny_AsLong<> template to
convert any kind of Python integer into DbU, making sure we always
use 64 bits integers (long long for 32 bits and long for 64 bits).
PyDbU_FromLong<> template to peform the reverse, DbU to Python
integer in 64 bits (either using PyLong_FromLong() or
* Bug: In Isobar, in PyArg_ParseTuple(), never use the "l" direct
converter when reading a DbU. Instead read a PyObject then convert
using PyAny_AsLong<>. This ensure to never do a truncature.
* Bug: In CRL::ToolBox::attachPlugOrPin(), simply returns when there is
no plugs/pins to connect instead of doing an assert().
* Change: In Hurricane, more informative trace information for Python
ProxyProperty managment.
* Bug: In Stratus, when merging nets with the "<=" operator some table
of lookup of Hurricane Net are not updated correctly. As I don't
understand well enough the Stratus code **is is not corrected**.
* Change: In bootstrap/FindBootstrap.cmake, new setup_qwt() macro to
link with the Qwt library build with Qt 5 *or* Qt 4 and not the
first found.
* Change: In Hurricane/DbU, uses <int64_t> instead of <long> to always be
sure that we use 64 bits integers for coordinates.
* Change: In Katana/KatanaEngine::_gutKatana() checks that the
RoutingPlanes have been allocateds before trying to delete them.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoContact, added forceOnGrid() method to allow
a AutoContactTerminal to be set (and fixed) outside it's constraint
Box. Be aware that this may generate gaps in the routing.
Stored using the UserNativeConstraints mechanism.
* New: In Anabatic::Session() new method getNearestgridpoint() to
easily compute the nearest grid point from a position.
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::_revalidate(), use layer mask to
compute the spin of the segment instead of the layers (more robust
for analogic).
* New: In ::GCellTopology::doRp_Access() new method to create terminal
contacts in _doDevice(). Issue more warnings and force the terminal
to on grid (even if it create gaps). This a temporary hack.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, introduce a the kind (associated to a
flag) "LongLocal". Analog GCells can be very wide, so at least some
carefuly choosen long local segments must be took into account as
attractors in the computation of the optimal axis.
* New: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::computeOptimal(), take LongLocal into
account as attractors.
* Change: In ::GCellTopology constructors compare the layers of the
RoutingPads using layer masks instead of Layer pointers. Allows to
find both "METALx" (symbolic) and "metalX" (real).
* Change: In ::GCellTopology::_doHChannel(), _doChannel(), _doStrut()
and _doDevice(), tag long locals as "LongLocal". This need to be
reviewed as it as bind done a bit too quickly.
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment, due too a much bigger span of the
analogic GCells the _optimalMin & _optimalMax bitfields must use
16 bits instead of 8 (they where overflowed).
* New: In Katana, reorganisation of the initialization procedure to fit
both digital and analogic cases. Create an analogInit() method.
* Change: In Katana::RoutingEvent, the _tracksNb and _tracksFree bitfields
where too short for the Analog GCell size, now uses 16 bits instead of
* Bug: In Katana::GraphicKatanEngine::drawGCell(), skip drawing of a
GCell if *both* width and height are under 150 pixels.
* New: In Katana::Session, add a new isOpen() method.