Added Standard Cells based SRAM generator (Python).
The generator as been build in two parts: 1. A genereric sram.BaseSRAM class to provides support for all kind of SRAM (grouping column tree, headers, folding). 2. The specific SRAM_256x32 (256 words of 32 bits) suited for the ethmac. The sram has been simulated with genpat+asimut and gives identical results to the Yosys one (at gate level). No timing though.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
@ -45,6 +43,12 @@
set ( pyTools ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/
set ( pyTools ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/
set ( pyPluginSRAM ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/sram/
set ( pyPluginAlpha ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/alpha/
set ( pyPluginAlpha ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/alpha/
@ -92,6 +96,7 @@
install ( FILES ${pyPluginC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/core2chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/core2chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/core2chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/core2chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginChip} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginChip} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginSRAM} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/sram )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlpha} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlpha} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlphaBlock} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha/block )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlphaBlock} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha/block )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlphaC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha/core2chip )
install ( FILES ${pyPluginAlphaC2C} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISLIB}/cumulus/plugins/alpha/core2chip )
@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
The ``sram`` module provide base classes for SRAM assemby.
import sys
import re
import traceback
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage, WarningMessage
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
from helpers import trace, l, u, n
import plugins
from Hurricane import Breakpoint, DbU, Box, Net, Cell, Instance, \
Transformation, PythonAttributes
import CRL
from Foehn import FoehnEngine, DagExtension
from plugins.chip.configuration import GaugeConf
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : StdCellConf.
class StdCellConf ( object ):
Gives meta informations about the standard cell library.
reDFF = re.compile( r'^sff' )
reMux = re.compile( r'^n?mx[0-9]_' )
reDataIn = re.compile( r'^i[0-9]?' )
reDataOut = re.compile( r'^n?q' )
def isRegister ( self, cell ):
"""Returns True if the cell is a register."""
m = StdCellConf.reDFF.match( cell.getName() )
if m: return True
return False
def isMux ( self, cell ):
"""Returns True if the cell is a multiplexer."""
m = StdCellConf.reMux.match( cell.getName() )
if m: return True
return False
def isDataIn ( self, net ):
"""Returns True if the net is a data input."""
m = StdCellConf.reDataIn.match( net.getName() )
if m:
if not (net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirIn):
print( Warning( [ 'StdCellConf.isDataIn(): Match input pattern "^i[0_9]" but not in input direction.'
, 'On {}'.format(net) ] ))
return True
return False
def isDataOut ( self, net ):
"""Returns True if the net is a data output."""
m = StdCellConf.reDataOut.match( net.getName() )
if m:
if not (net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.DirOut):
print( Warning( [ 'StdCellConf.isDataOut(): Match output pattern "^i[0_9]" but not in output direction.'
, 'On {}'.format(net) ] ))
return True
return False
def isData ( self, net ):
"""Returns True if the net is a data flow (i.e. not a control)."""
return self.isDataIn(net) or self.isDataOut(net)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : Bus.
class Bus ( object ):
A set of Net to be manipulated as a bus.
def __init__ ( self, sram, netFmt, bits ):
self.sram = sram
self.nets = []
if isinstance(bits,int):
bits = range( bits )
for bit in bits:
self.nets.append( self.sram.getNet( netFmt.format( bit )))
self.sram.busses[ netFmt ] = self
def busWidth ( self ):
return len( self.nets )
def __getitem__ ( self, i ):
return self.nets[ i ]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : Column.
class Column ( object ):
Build & manage a column of identical master cells.
KIND_COLUMN = 0x0001
KIND_BLOCK = 0x0002
KIND_GROUP = 0x0004
def __init__ ( self, sram, masterCell, tag, bitNaming, busWidth ):
Build (instanciate) a column of identical insts of ``masterCell``.
Instances names are generated through the ``instNaming`` callable.
self.sram = sram
self.tag = tag
self.parent = None
self.order = None
self.bitNaming = bitNaming
self.busWidth = busWidth
self.insts = []
self.busPlugs = {}
self.revert = False
naming = ColNaming( self.tag + self.bitNaming )
for bit in range(busWidth):
self.insts.append( Instance.create( self.sram.cell, naming(bit), masterCell ))
for net in masterCell.getNets():
if self.sram.confLib.isDataIn(net) or self.sram.confLib.isDataOut(net):
busPlug = []
for inst in self.insts:
busPlug.append( inst.getPlug( net ))
self.busPlugs[ net.getName() ] = busPlug
def __del__ ( self ):
""" Needed to disable Python attribute uses on reference instance. """
PythonAttributes.disable( self.insts[0] )
def kind ( self ): return Column.KIND_COLUMN
def depth ( self ): return 0
def width ( self ):
""" Width of the Column. """
return self.insts[0].getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
def root ( self ):
""" Return the root of the tree. """
if self.parent:
return self.parent.root
return self
def __repr__ ( self ):
return '<Column "{}" d={} {} {}>'.format( self.insts[0].getMasterCell().getName()
, self.depth
, self.tag
, self.busWidth )
def findChild ( self, tag ):
Terminal function for ColGroup.findChild(), display itsef if ``tag`` match.
if self.tag == tag: return self
return None
def setBusNet ( self, busName, busNet ):
Connect a bus to the column. ``busName`` is the name of the master net
in the reference cell of the column.
busPlug = self.busPlugs[ busName ]
if busPlug[0].getNet() and busPlug[0].getNet() != busNet[0]:
print( Warning( 'Column.setBusNet(): Overrode {} {} -> {} with {}' \
.format( busPlug[0].getInstance()
, busName
, busPlug[0].getNet()
, busNet[0] )))
for i in range(self.busWidth):
busPlug[ i ].setNet( busNet[i] )
trace( 605, '\tsetBusNet {} {} -> {}\n'.format( busPlug[0].getInstance(), busName, busNet[0] ))
def setCmdNet ( self, cmd, net ):
masterNet = self.insts[0].getMasterCell().getNet( cmd )
for bus in range(self.busWidth):
self.insts[ bus ].getPlug( masterNet ).setNet( net )
def setCutCost ( self, order ):
self.order = order + 1
return self.order
def reverse ( self ):
""" reverse() toggle a MX symmetry to the column. """
self.revert = not self.revert
def place ( self ):
""" Perform the placement of the column at ``x``. """
trace( 610, ',+', "\ tag={}\n".format( self.tag ))
bb = Box()
self.sram.doFoldAtColumn( self )
x, irow = self.sram.foldState.getPosition()
for bit in range(self.busWidth):
if bit == 0:
PythonAttributes.enable( self.insts[0] )
self.insts[0].fold = self.sram.foldState.fold
trace( 610, "\tx={} irow={} tag={}\n" \
.format( DbU.getValueString(x), irow+bit, self.tag ))
self.sram.placeInstance( self.insts[ bit ], x, irow+bit, self.sram.foldState.direction, self.revert )
bb.merge( self.insts[bit].getAbutmentBox() )
self.sram.foldState.addWidth( self.width )
trace( 610, '-,' )
return bb
def showTree ( self, depth ):
""" Terminal function for ColGroup.showTree(), display itsef. """
print( '{}| {}'.format( ' '*depth, self ))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : ColBlock.
class ColBlock ( object ):
Manage an column made of irregular instances, more than one instance
can be put on each slice.
def __init__ ( self, sram, tag, busWidth ):
Manage an column made of irregular instances, more than one instance
can be put on each slice.
self.sram = sram
self.tag = tag
self.parent = None
self.busWidth = busWidth
self.width = 0
self.widths = []
self.rows = []
for i in range(self.busWidth):
self.rows.append( [] )
self.widths.append( 0 )
def kind ( self ): return Column.KIND_BLOCK
def depth ( self ): return 0
def root ( self ):
""" Return the root of the tree. """
if self.parent:
return self.parent.root
return self
def __repr__ ( self ):
return '<ColBlock d={} {} {}>'.format( self.depth, self.tag, self.busWidth )
def showTree ( self, depth ):
""" Terminal function for ColGroup.showTree(), display itsef. """
print( '{}| {}'.format( ' '*depth, self ))
def addInstance ( self, irow, inst ):
Add an instance to the column block. Try to add the instance in
rows ``[irow,irow+3]`` so the width increase will be minimized.
inarrower = irow
for i in range( irow+1, min( irow+4, len(self.rows))):
if self.widths[ i ] < self.widths[ inarrower ]:
inarrower = i
self.rows [ inarrower ].append( inst )
self.widths[ inarrower ] += inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if self.widths[ inarrower ] > self.width:
self.width = self.widths[ inarrower ]
def place ( self, x ):
""" Perform the placement of the column block at ``x``. """
bb = Box()
for irow in range(self.busWidth):
xrow = x
for inst in self.rows[irow]:
self.sram.placeInstance( inst, xrow, irow )
xrow += inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
bb.merge( inst.getAbutmentBox() )
return bb
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : ColGroup.
class ColGroup ( object ):
Manage a group of Column and/or ColGroup (recursive).
def __init__ ( self, tag ):
Initialize an *empty* column group. Sub-group or columns must be
added afterwards.
self.tag = tag
self.parent = None
self.order = None
self.depth = 0
self.childs = []
def __iter__ ( self ):
return ColGroupIterator( self )
def __repr__ ( self ):
return '<ColGroup d={} {} childs={}>'.format( self.depth, self.tag, len(self.childs ))
def kind ( self ): return Column.KIND_GROUP
def width ( self ):
""" Width of the whole ColGroup (sum of all it's children's width). """
width = 0
for child in self.childs:
width += child.width
return width
def root ( self ):
""" Return the root of the tree. """
if self.parent:
return self.parent.root
return self
def busWidth ( self ):
Return the width of the group. This the widest bus width of all the childs.
busWidth = 0
for child in self.childs:
busWidth = max( busWidth, child.busWidth )
return busWidth
def group ( self, child ):
""" Add a new child to the group. """
self.childs.append( child )
child.parent = self
self.depth = max( self.depth, child.depth+1 )
def unGroup ( self, child=None ):
""" Remove a child from the group (the child is *not* deleted). """
if child is None:
if not self.parent:
self.parent.unGroup( self )
if child in self.childs:
self.childs.remove( child )
child.parent = None
self.depth = 0
for child in self.childs:
self.depth = max( self.depth, child.depth )
self.depth += 1
def findChild ( self, tag ):
""" Recursively find a child in a goup by it's tag name. """
if self.tag == tag: return self
for child in self.childs:
rchild = child.findChild( tag )
if rchild: return rchild
return None
def setCutCost ( self, order ):
order += 1
self.order = order
for child in self.childs:
order = child.setCutCost( order )
order += 1
return order
def reverse (self ):
Reverse the order of the childs of the group *and* perform it recursively on each
child itself.
for child in self.childs:
def place ( self ):
""" Place childs/colums from left to rigth. """
bb = Box()
for child in self.childs:
bb.merge( )
return bb
def showTree ( self, depth=0 ):
""" Display the tree rooted at this ColGroup. """
print( '{}+ {}'.format( ' '*depth, self ))
for child in self.childs:
child.showTree( depth+1 )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : ColGroupIterator.
class ColGroupIterator ( object ):
Provide an iterator over all the *leaf* instances of a ColGroup tree.
(all intermediate ColGroup are ignored)
def __init__ ( self, colGroup ):
self._colGroup = colGroup
self._index = 0
self._subIter = None
def __next__ ( self ):
while True:
if self._subIter:
column = next( self._subIter )
return column
except StopIteration:
self._subIter = None
if self._index < len(self._colGroup.childs):
column = self._colGroup.childs[self._index]
self._index += 1
if isinstance(column,ColGroup):
self._subIter = iter( column )
return column
raise StopIteration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : ColNaming.
class ColNaming ( object ):
Callable to generate the individual instances name of each bit
in a regular column.
def __init__ ( self, instFormat ):
self.instFormat = instFormat
def __call__ ( self, bit ):
return self.instFormat.format( wbit=bit, bbit=(bit%8), byte=(bit//8) )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : HeaderRow.
class HeaderRow ( object ):
Build the top row of the memory area datapath. Usually containing
the buffers for the local command drivers.
def __init__ ( self, sram ):
self.sram = sram
self.row = {}
def addInstanceAt ( self, inst, refInst ):
Add an Instance in the header with it's reference instance, taken
from the to be associated Column. The reference instance gives a
hint about the X position the cell must be placed.
if refInst not in self.row:
self.row[ refInst ] = []
self.row[ refInst ].append( inst )
def place ( self, xstart, irow, direction ):
Perform the placement of the header at ``(x,irow)``. Instances
in the row are placed as close as possible to the X position of
their reference instance (part of a Column).
def getXMin ( inst ):
return inst.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
def getXMax ( inst ):
return inst.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
trace( 610, ',+', '\ {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(xstart) ))
xsorteds = []
reverse = (direction != BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT)
for refInst in self.row.keys():
trace( 610, '\trefInst.getXMin() {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(refInst.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()) ))
xsorteds.append( refInst )
bb = Box()
xsorteds.sort( key=getXMin, reverse=reverse )
if direction == BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT:
x = xstart
for refInst in xsorteds:
xmin = getXMin( refInst )
if xmin > x:
x = xmin
for inst in self.row[ refInst ]:
self.sram.placeInstance( inst, x, irow, direction )
bb.merge( inst.getAbutmentBox() )
x += inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
x = xstart
for refInst in xsorteds:
xmin = getXMax( refInst )
if xmin < x:
x = xmin
for inst in self.row[ refInst ]:
self.sram.placeInstance( inst, x, irow, direction )
bb.merge( inst.getAbutmentBox() )
x -= inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
trace( 610, '-,' )
return bb
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : FoldState.
class FoldState ( object ):
Manage information about how to fold the group tree and the
current information during the placement process.
def __init__ ( self, sram, fold ):
self.sram = sram
self.foldNb = fold
self.fold = 0
def setupDimensions ( self ):
Compute folding coordinates. Must be called at the beginning
of the placement stage, after all instances have been created.
foldedWidth = self.sram.rootGroup.width // self.foldNb
self.xmin = self.sram.decoder.width
self.xmax = self.sram.decoder.width + foldedWidth
self.x = self.xmin
self.irow = 0
self.direction = BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT
def getPosition ( self ):
""" Return the position to put the next column. """
return self.x, self.irow
def forceFold ( self ):
if self.direction == BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT:
self.direction = BaseSRAM.TO_LEFT
self.x = self.xmax
self.direction = BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT
self.x = self.xmin
self.irow += self.sram.rootGroup.busWidth + 1
self.fold += 1
def addWidth ( self, width ):
""" Increment the currently placed width and update ``(x,irow)``. """
if self.direction == BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT:
self.x += width
self.x -= width
#if self.direction == BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT:
# if self.x + width <= self.xmax:
# self.x += width
# return
# self.direction = BaseSRAM.TO_LEFT
# self.x = self.xmax
# if self.x - width >= self.xmin:
# self.x -= width
# return
# self.direction = BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT
# self.x = self.xmin
#self.irow += self.sram.rootGroup.busWidth + 1
#self.fold += 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : BaseSRAM.
class BaseSRAM ( object ):
Base class for SRAM builder. Provides utility functions.
def __init__ ( self, fold ):
Create the base structure of a SRAM, which contains :
* ``self.dffCell`` : The DFF standard cell which provides the single
bit storing.
* ``self.rootGroup`` : A root column group named ``rootSRAM``, for the
matrix part (datapath).
* ``self.decoder`` : The soft block to store decoder cells.
* ``self.headers`` : The headers for the columns command and buffer
The overall relative placement is organized as follow : ::
| | headers[1] (1 row) |
| +-------------------------------------------+
| | |
| | Column area, fold 1 (N rows) |
| | |
| decoder +-------------------------------------------+
| | headers[0] (1 row) |
| +-------------------------------------------+
| | |
| | Column area, fold 0 (N rows) |
| | |
self.confLib = StdCellConf()
self.foldState = FoldState( self, fold )
self.cell = None
self.foldTags = []
self.dffCell = af.getCell( 'sff1_x4', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
self.position = Transformation()
self.sliceHeight = self.dffCell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
self.rootGroup = ColGroup( 'rootSRAM' )
self.busses = {}
self.decoder = None
self.toHeaders = []
self.headers = [ HeaderRow( self ) for row in range(fold) ]
def fold ( self ):
return self.foldState.fold
def doFoldAtColumn ( self, column ):
if column.tag in self.foldTags:
def getNet ( self, name, create=True ):
Find a Net by name. If it doesn't exists and ``create`` is set to ``True``,
add it to the netlist.
net = self.cell.getNet( name )
if net:
return net
if not create:
return None
return Net.create( self.cell, name )
def addExternalNet ( self, name, direction, kind=Net.Type.LOGICAL ):
Add a Net to the cell interface.
net = self.getNet( name )
net.setExternal ( True )
net.setDirection( direction )
net.setType ( kind )
if kind == Net.Type.POWER or kind == Net.Type.GROUND:
net.setGlobal( True )
return net
def addInstance ( self, masterName, instName, netMapNames ):
Create an Instance named ``instName`` of model ``masterName`` and
connect it's Plugs according to the dictionary ``netMapNames``.
.. code:: python
self.addInstance( 'a2_x2'
, 'decod_a2_1'
, { 'i0' : 'net_input_0'
, 'i1' : 'net_input_1'
, 'q' : 'net_output_X' } )
masterCell = af.getCell( masterName, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
inst = Instance.create( self.cell, instName, masterCell )
for masterNetName, netName in netMapNames.items():
masterNet = masterCell.getNet( masterNetName )
net = self.getNet( netName )
plug = inst.getPlug( masterNet )
plug.setNet( net )
return inst
def connect ( self, instName, masterNetName, netName ):
Connect the Plug ``masterNetName`` of instance ``instName`` to the
net ``netName``.
inst = self.cell.getInstance( instName )
masterNet = inst.getMasterCell().getNet( masterNetName )
net = self.getNet( netName )
inst.getPlug( masterNet ).setNet( net )
def placeInstance ( self, inst, x, irow, direction=TO_RIGHT, reverse=False ):
Place an instance at a position defined by ``(x,irow)`` where :
* ``x`` : the usual X coordinate.
* ``irow`` : the row into which to put the cell, the Y coordinate
is computed from it, accounting for the X axis
flipping that occurs on one row over two.
The position is relative to the bottom left corner of the design
given by ``self.position``.
.. note:: ``self.position`` should not contains rotations, unmanaged
for now.
orients = { BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT : [ Transformation.Orientation.ID
, Transformation.Orientation.MY ]
, BaseSRAM.TO_LEFT : [ Transformation.Orientation.MX
, Transformation.Orientation.R2 ]
if reverse:
if direction == BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT:
x += inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
direction = BaseSRAM.TO_LEFT
x -= inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
direction = BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT
y = irow*self.sliceHeight
orient = orients[ direction ][ 0 ]
if irow % 2:
y += self.sliceHeight
orient = orients[ direction ][ 1 ]
trace( 610, '\tBaseSRAM.placeInstance() x={} y={} orient={} {}\n' \
.format( DbU.getValueString(x), DbU.getValueString(y), orient, inst ))
transf = Transformation( x, y, orient )
self.position.applyOn( transf )
inst.setTransformation( transf )
inst.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
return inst.getAbutmentBox()
def findFoldColumns ( self ):
Find the cuts between columns where the wiring is minimal.
Based on the ColGroup tree, assuming that the deeper a column is
in the tree the more they are closely connected and must not be
trace( 610, ',+', '\tBaseSRAM.findFoldcolumns()\n' )
self.rootGroup.setCutCost( 0 )
prevOrder = 0
cutCosts = {}
count = 0
for column in self.rootGroup:
cutCost = column.order-prevOrder
if cutCost in cutCosts:
cutCosts[ cutCost ].append(( count, column.tag ))
cutCosts[ cutCost ] = [( count, column.tag )]
trace( 610, '\t{:>4} {:>4} {:>4} {}\n'.format( count
, column.order
, column.order-prevOrder
, column ))
prevOrder = column.order
count += 1
keys = list( cutCosts.keys() )
for key in keys:
trace( 610, '\tcutCost[ {} ] = \n'.format( key ))
for order, tag in cutCosts[key]:
trace( 610, '\t | {:>3d} {}\n'.format( order, tag ))
trace( 610, '-,' )
def placeAt ( self, position=Transformation() ):
Perform the placement of all the various area of the SRAM.
For the overall layout, see ``__init__()``.
self.position = position
with UpdateSession():
bb = Box()
bb.merge( 0 ) )
bb.merge( )
for inst, refInst in self.toHeaders:
self.headers[ refInst.fold ].addInstanceAt( inst, refInst )
for i in range(len(self.headers)):
trace( 610, ',+', 'Place row header {} {}\n'.format( i, self.headers[i].row ))
if i % 2:
xstart = bb.getXMax()
direction = BaseSRAM.TO_LEFT
xstart = self.decoder.width
direction = BaseSRAM.TO_RIGHT
bb.merge( self.headers[i].place( xstart
, self.rootGroup.busWidth*(i + 1) + i
, direction ))
trace( 610, '-,' )
self.cell.setAbutmentBox( bb )
def showTree ( self ):
Display the Column tree of the SRAM.
@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
Verilog description of ``spram_256x32`` (256 words of 32 bits).
This descripion is the ASIC part of the SPRAM exctracted from
FreeCores : ::
.. code:: Verilog
module eth_spram_256x32(
// Generic synchronous single-port RAM interface
clk, rst, ce, we, oe, addr, di, dato
// Generic synchronous single-port RAM interface
input clk; // Clock, rising edge
input rst; // Reset, active high
input ce; // Chip enable input, active high
input [ 3: 0] we; // Write enable input, active high
input oe; // Output enable input, active high
input [ 7: 0] addr; // address bus inputs
input [31: 0] di; // input data bus
output [31: 0] dato; // output data bus
reg [ 7: 0] mem0 [255:0];
reg [15: 8] mem1 [255:0];
reg [23:16] mem2 [255:0];
reg [31:24] mem3 [255:0];
wire [31: 0] q;
reg [ 7: 0] raddr;
// Data output drivers
assign dato = (oe & ce) ? q : {32{1'bz}};
// RAM read and write
// read operation
always@(posedge clk)
if (ce)
raddr <= addr; // read address needs to be registered to read clock
assign q = rst ? {32{1'b0}} : { mem3[raddr]
, mem2[raddr]
, mem1[raddr]
, mem0[raddr] };
// write operation
always@(posedge clk)
if (ce && we[3]) mem3[addr] <= di[31:24];
if (ce && we[2]) mem2[addr] <= di[23:16];
if (ce && we[1]) mem1[addr] <= di[15: 8];
if (ce && we[0]) mem0[addr] <= di[ 7: 0];
Provisional results
.. note:: All length are in micro-meters.
| Kind | Generator | Yosys |
| # Gates | 23209 (-25.4%) | 32121 |
| 1 Fold |
| Area | 7182 x 330 (-5.5%) | 7380 x 340 |
| Wirelength | 1841036 (-4.3%) | 1924153 |
| 2 Fold |
| Area | 3599 x 660 (-5.3%) | 3690 x 680 |
| Wirelength | 1670455 (-6.3%) | 1782558 |
| 4 Fold |
| Area | 1812 x 1320 (-4.6%) | 1900 x 1320 |
| Wirelength | 1699810 (-1.5%) | 1726436 |
Conclusions that we can draw from those results are :
1. The generator version uses subtantially less gates than the Yosys one.
As the both SRAM uses the exact same number of SFFs, the difference is
only due to the decoder for the control of input and output muxes.
2. Notwithanding having less gates the generator version uses similar areas,
which means that we use fewer but significantly *bigger* cells.
3. The FlexLib library supplied for SkyWater 130nm do not contains all
SxLib one, effectively restricting our choices.
In particular, to build the output multiplexer we only have mx2 and
mx3 cells, which are large. The density of the SRAM could be much
increased if we did have nmx2 and nmx3. We could also try to synthesise
the tree using nandX and norX but we are short of time.
Furthermore for the output multiplexers, as it is a controlled case,
we may also uses three-state drivers cells (which have not been
ported either).
.. note:: Cell width in the SkyWater 130 port of FlexLib:
============== =====
Cell Width
============== =====
mx2_x2 7
mx3_x2 11
nand2_x0 2
nand3_x0 3
nand4_x0 4
nor2_x0 2
============== =====
1. mx2_x2 + mx3_x2 = 18
2. 9 * nand2_x0 = 18
3. 4 * nand3_x0 + nand4_x0 = 16
4. 6 * nand2_x0 + nor2_x0 = 14
import sys
import re
import traceback
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage, WarningMessage
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
from helpers import trace, l, u, n
import plugins
from Hurricane import Breakpoint, DbU, Box, Net, Cell, Instance, \
Transformation, PythonAttributes
import CRL
from Foehn import FoehnEngine, DagExtension
from plugins.chip.configuration import GaugeConf
from plugins.sram.sram import Bus, Column, ColBlock, ColGroup, \
HeaderRow, BaseSRAM
Simple Standard cells based SRAM generator.
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : SRAM_256x32.
class SRAM_256x32 ( BaseSRAM ):
Build & place a SRAM of 256 words of 32 bits.
BIT_GROUP_FMT = 'bit_addr{:04d}_g'
MUX_GROUP_FMT = 'bits_{}_g'
def __init__ ( self, fold ):
BaseSRAM.__init__( self, fold )
if fold == 1:
elif fold == 2:
self.foldTags = [ 'imux_addr0128' ]
elif fold == 4:
self.foldTags = [ 'omux_0_to_127', 'imux_addr0128', 'imux_addr0240' ]
#self.foldTags = [ 'imux_addr0064', 'imux_addr0128', 'imux_addr0192' ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'SRAM_256x32.__init__(): Unsupported fold {}, valid values are 1, 2, 4.'.format( fold ))
self.cell = af.createCell( 'spram_256x32' )
self.mx2Cell = af.getCell( 'mx2_x2', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
self.mx3Cell = af.getCell( 'mx3_x2', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
with UpdateSession():
self.decoder = ColBlock( self, 'decod', 33 )
for addr in range(256):
bitGroup = ColGroup( SRAM_256x32.BIT_GROUP_FMT.format( addr ))
| bitGroup )
| Column( self
, self.mx2Cell
, 'imux_addr{:04d}'.format( addr )
, '_byte{byte}_{bbit}'
, 32 ))
| Column( self
, self.dffCell
, 'bit_addr{:04d}'.format( addr )
, '_byte{byte}_{bbit}'
, 32 ))
bus = Bus( self, 'imux_addr{:04d}_b_q({{}})'.format(addr), 32 )
bitGroup.childs[0].setBusNet( 'q', bus )
bitGroup.childs[1].setBusNet( 'i', bus )
bus = Bus( self, 'bit_addr{:04d}_b_q({{}})'.format(addr), 32 )
bitGroup.childs[0].setBusNet( 'i0', bus )
bitGroup.childs[1].setBusNet( 'q', bus )
bus = Bus( self, 'di({})', 32 )
bitGroup.childs[0].setBusNet( 'i1', bus )
bitGroup.childs[1].setCmdNet( 'ck', self.getNet( 'clk' ))
omuxGroupsCurr = []
omuxGroupsNext = []
muxDepth = 0
for i in range(256//4):
childs = []
for addr in range(i*4, (i+1)*4):
tag = SRAM_256x32.BIT_GROUP_FMT.format( addr )
childs.append( self.rootGroup.findChild( tag ))
omuxGroupsCurr.append( self._doMux4( childs, muxDepth ))
while len(omuxGroupsCurr) >= 4:
trace( 610, '\tGrouping {} elements.\n'.format( len(omuxGroupsCurr )))
muxDepth += 1
for i in range(len(omuxGroupsCurr)//4):
omuxGroupsNext.append( self._doMux4( omuxGroupsCurr[i*4:(i+1)*4], muxDepth ))
omuxGroupsCurr = omuxGroupsNext
omuxGroupsNext = []
for group in omuxGroupsCurr:
| group )
inst = self.addInstance( 'inv_x2'
, 'nrst_inv'
, { 'i' : 'rst'
, 'nq' : 'nrst'
self.decoder.addInstance( 0, inst )
for child in self.rootGroup.childs[0].childs:
if child.kind == Column.KIND_COLUMN:
if child.insts[0].getMasterCell() != self.mx3Cell:
rstCol = Column( self
, af.getCell( 'a2_x2', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
, 'omux_nrst'
, '_byte{byte}_{bbit}'
, 32 )
busOMux = Bus( self, child.tag+'_b_q({})', 32 )
busDato = Bus( self, 'dato({})', 32 )
child .setBusNet( 'q' , busOMux )
rstCol.setBusNet( 'i0', busOMux )
rstCol.setCmdNet( 'i1', self.getNet('nrst') )
rstCol.setBusNet( 'q' , busDato )
| rstCol )
af.saveCell( self.cell, CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
def _doMux4 ( self, childs, muxDepth ):
Build a 4 entry mux. It uses a mux2 / mux3 combination.
Returns a newly build group.
Entry selection given (cmd0,cmd1) : ::
00 ==> i0 (mux2.i0)
01 ==> i1 (mux2.i1)
10 ==> i2 (mux3.i2)
11 ==> i3 (mux3.i1)
tags = []
for child in childs:
tags.append( child.tag )
childIndex = 1 if muxDepth == 0 else 4
muxTag = SRAM_256x32._mergeOMuxTags( tags )
mux2Tag = SRAM_256x32._mergeOMuxTags( tags[0:2] )
mux3Tag = SRAM_256x32._mergeOMuxTags( tags )
muxGroup = ColGroup( muxTag+'_g' )
trace( 610, ',+', '\tSRAM_256x32._doMux4() {} + {} -> {}\n' \
.format( mux2Tag, mux3Tag, muxTag ))
mux2Col = Column( self
, self.mx2Cell
, mux2Tag
, '_byte{byte}_{bbit}'
, 32 )
mux2Col.setCmdNet( 'cmd', self.getNet( 'raddr({})'.format(muxDepth*2) ))
mux3Col = Column( self
, self.mx3Cell
, mux3Tag
, '_byte{byte}_{bbit}'
, 32 )
mux3Col.setCmdNet( 'cmd0', self.getNet( 'raddr({})'.format(muxDepth*2 + 1) ))
mux3Col.setCmdNet( 'cmd1', self.getNet( 'raddr({})'.format(muxDepth*2 ) ))
| childs[0] )
| mux2Col )
| childs[1] )
| childs[2] )
| mux3Col )
| childs[3] )
bus0 = Bus( self, tags[0][:-2]+'_b_q({})', 32 )
bus1 = Bus( self, tags[1][:-2]+'_b_q({})', 32 )
bus2 = Bus( self, tags[2][:-2]+'_b_q({})', 32 )
bus3 = Bus( self, tags[3][:-2]+'_b_q({})', 32 )
busMx2 = Bus( self, mux2Tag+'_b_q({})', 32 )
childs[0].childs[ childIndex ].setBusNet( 'q', bus0 )
childs[1].childs[ childIndex ].setBusNet( 'q', bus1 )
childs[2].childs[ childIndex ].setBusNet( 'q', bus2 )
childs[3].childs[ childIndex ].setBusNet( 'q', bus3 )
mux2Col.setBusNet( 'i0', bus0 )
mux2Col.setBusNet( 'i1', bus1 )
mux2Col.setBusNet( 'q' , busMx2 )
mux3Col.setBusNet( 'i0', busMx2 )
mux3Col.setBusNet( 'i2', bus2 )
mux3Col.setBusNet( 'i1', bus3 )
trace( 610, '-,' )
return muxGroup
def _mergeOMuxTags ( tags ):
Merge two output mux column tags. We assume that we merge only
contiguous tags.
Example: ::
'omux_0_to_1' + 'omux_2_to_3' ==> 'omux_0_to_3'
vectorRe = re.compile( '^omux_(?P<lsb>\d+)_to_(?P<msb>\d+)' )
addrs = []
for tag in tags:
end = -2 if tag.endswith('_g') else 0
if tag.startswith('bit'):
addrs.append( int( tag[8:end] ))
elif tag.startswith('omux'):
m = vectorRe.match( tag )
addrs += [ int('lsb')), int('msb')) ]
omuxTag = 'omux'
omuxTag = 'omux_{}_to_{}'.format( addrs[0], addrs[-1] )
return omuxTag
def buildInterface ( self ):
""" Build the interface of the SRAM. """
self.addExternalNet( 'clk', Net.Direction.DirIn, Net.Type.CLOCK )
self.addExternalNet( 'rst', Net.Direction.DirIn )
self.addExternalNet( 'ce' , Net.Direction.DirIn )
for bit in range(4):
self.addExternalNet( 'we({})'.format(bit) , Net.Direction.DirIn )
self.addExternalNet( 'oe' , Net.Direction.DirIn )
for bit in range(8):
self.addExternalNet( 'addr({})'.format(bit) , Net.Direction.DirIn )
for bit in range(32):
self.addExternalNet( 'di({})'.format(bit) , Net.Direction.DirIn )
for bit in range(32):
self.addExternalNet( 'dato({})'.format(bit) , Net.Direction.DirOut )
self.addExternalNet( 'vdd' , Net.Direction.DirIn, Net.Type.POWER )
self.addExternalNet( 'vss' , Net.Direction.DirIn, Net.Type.GROUND )
def _getDecodNetName ( self, oneHot, addrWidth ):
Build a net name for a particular oneHot bit in the range covered by addrWidth.
The first part is the address lines and the second the value they decod.
If the oneHot value exceed 2^addrWidth, we uses the *next* address lines.
======== =========== ========================
oneHot addrWidth net name
======== =========== ========================
0 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_0000'
1 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_0001'
2 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_0010'
3 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_0011'
4 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_0100'
15 4 'decod_3_2_1_0_1111'
16 4 'decod_7_6_5_4_0000'
17 4 'decod_7_6_5_4_0001'
======== =========== ========================
netName = ''
indexFirstBit = (oneHot >> addrWidth) * addrWidth
for bit in range(indexFirstBit, indexFirstBit + addrWidth):
netName = '{}_'.format(str( bit )) + netName
divider = 1 << addrWidth
netName = '{}{:0{width}b}'.format( netName, oneHot % divider, width=addrWidth )
return netName
def _getDecodInstConf ( self, oneHot, addrWidth ):
Compute the informations needed to instanciate one cell of one level of
the decoder. For the first level of one hot (addrWidth == 2), the inputs
are just direct or inverted addresses bits. For the upper level we
combine the outputs of the previous one hot level, that is the one with
addrWidth/2 to generate the current one.
instConf = []
if addrWidth == 2:
indexFirstBit = (oneHot >> addrWidth) * addrWidth
valueAddr = oneHot % (1 << addrWidth)
trunkName = self._getDecodNetName( oneHot, addrWidth )
instConf.append( 'a2_x2' )
instConf.append( 'decod_a2_{}'.format( trunkName ))
instConf.append( {} )
for i in range(2):
inv = '' if (valueAddr & (1 << i)) else 'n_'
instConf[2][ 'i{}'.format(i) ] = '{}addr({})'.format( inv, indexFirstBit+i )
instConf[2][ 'q' ] = 'decod_'+trunkName
elif addrWidth == 4 or addrWidth == 8:
halfWidth = addrWidth>>1
halfMask = 0
for i in range(halfWidth):
halfMask |= 1 << i
indexFirstBit = (oneHot >> addrWidth) * addrWidth
valueAddr = oneHot % (1 << addrWidth)
trunkName = self._getDecodNetName( oneHot, addrWidth )
instConf.append( 'a2_x2' )
instConf.append( 'decod_a2_{}'.format( trunkName ))
instConf.append( {} )
offset = (oneHot >> addrWidth) << (halfWidth+1)
oneHot0 = (oneHot & halfMask) + offset
instConf[2][ 'i0' ] = 'decod_'+self._getDecodNetName( oneHot0, halfWidth )
oneHot1 = ((oneHot >> halfWidth) & halfMask) + (1<<(halfWidth)) + offset
instConf[2][ 'i1' ] = 'decod_'+self._getDecodNetName( oneHot1, halfWidth )
instConf[2][ 'q' ] = 'decod_'+trunkName
trace( 610, '\t{:08b} {:3d}:{} + {:3d}:{} => {:3d}::{:08b}:{}\n' \
.format( halfMask
, oneHot0, self._getDecodNetName( oneHot0, halfWidth )
, oneHot1, self._getDecodNetName( oneHot1, halfWidth )
, oneHot , oneHot, trunkName ))
return instConf
def buildDecoder ( self ):
trace( 610, ',+', '\tSRAM_256x32.buildDecoder()\n' )
for bit in range(8):
inst = self.addInstance( 'mx2_x2'
, 'raddr_imux_{}'.format(bit)
, { 'cmd' : 'ce'
, 'i0' : 'raddr({})'.format(bit)
, 'i1' : 'addr({})'.format(bit)
, 'q' : 'raddr_imux_q({})'.format(bit)
self.decoder.addInstance( bit * 4 + 1, inst )
inst = self.addInstance( 'sff1_x4'
, 'raddr_sff_{}'.format(bit)
, { 'i' : 'raddr_imux_q({})'.format(bit)
, 'q' : 'raddr({})'.format(bit)
self.decoder.addInstance( bit * 4, inst )
self.connect( 'raddr_sff_{}'.format(bit), 'ck', 'clk' )
for bit in range(8):
inst = self.addInstance( 'inv_x1'
, 'decod_inv_{}'.format(bit)
, { 'i' : 'addr({})'.format(bit)
, 'nq' : 'n_addr({})'.format(bit)
self.decoder.addInstance( bit*4 + 1, inst )
for oneHot in range(16):
trace( 610, '\t{}\n'.format( self._getDecodNetName(oneHot,2) ))
instDatas = self._getDecodInstConf( oneHot, 2 )
inst = self.addInstance( instDatas[0], instDatas[1], instDatas[2] )
self.decoder.addInstance( oneHot*2 + 1, inst )
for oneHot in range(32):
instDatas = self._getDecodInstConf( oneHot, 4 )
inst = self.addInstance( instDatas[0], instDatas[1], instDatas[2] )
self.decoder.addInstance( oneHot + (oneHot+1)%2, inst )
for oneHot in range(256):
bitTag = 'bit_addr{:04d}'.format( oneHot )
imuxTag = 'imux_addr{:04d}'.format( oneHot )
instDatas = self._getDecodInstConf( oneHot, 8 )
inst = self.addInstance( instDatas[0], instDatas[1], instDatas[2] )
dffCol = self.rootGroup.findChild( bitTag )
imuxCol = self.rootGroup.findChild( imuxTag )
self.toHeaders.append(( inst, imuxCol.insts[0] ))
for we in range(4):
cmdNetName = 'decod_addr{:04d}_we({})'.format( oneHot, we )
inst = self.addInstance( 'a3_x2'
, 'decod_a3_we_{}_{}'.format(we,oneHot)
, { 'i0' : instDatas[2]['q']
, 'i1' : 'ce'
, 'i2' : 'we({})'.format(we)
, 'q' : cmdNetName
self.toHeaders.append(( inst, dffCol.insts[0] ))
for bit in range(8):
self.connect( 'imux_addr{:04d}_byte{byte}_{bbit}'.format( oneHot, byte=we, bbit=bit )
, 'cmd'
, cmdNetName
trace( 610, '-,' )
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ Automatic placement of a Yosys generated SRAM
own structure. 26 signals takes up more than half the horizontal
own structure. 26 signals takes up more than half the horizontal
routing capacity of a slice (40), this result in an unroutable
routing capacity of a slice (40), this result in an unroutable
design, the bits are kept into one row each.
design, the bits are kept into one row each.
832 gates is for the TSMC 180nm, for SkyWater 130nm we got
976 gates on the third level.
Reference in New Issue