diff --git a/crlcore/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/crlcore/doc/CMakeLists.txt
index 4cc199bd..930baab9 100644
--- a/crlcore/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/crlcore/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -4,24 +4,25 @@
"-init_file" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/.latex2html-init"
CACHE STRING "Custom arguments passeds to latex2html" FORCE )
- add_latex_document ( README.tex IMAGE_DIRS images )
+# add_latex_document ( README.tex IMAGE_DIRS images )
set ( htmlInstallDir share/doc/coriolis2/ )
set ( latexInstallDir share/doc/coriolis2/ )
- latex_get_output_path ( output_dir )
+#latex_get_output_path ( output_dir )
- make_directory ( "${output_dir}/README" )
- execute_process ( COMMAND cp -r "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SoC.css" "${output_dir}/README" )
+# make_directory ( "${output_dir}/README" )
+# execute_process ( COMMAND cp -r "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/SoC.css" "${output_dir}/README" )
- install ( FILES ${output_dir}/README.tex
- ${output_dir}/README.dvi
- ${output_dir}/README.pdf
- DESTINATION ${latexInstallDir} )
- install ( DIRECTORY ${output_dir}/README DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} )
+# install ( FILES ${output_dir}/README.tex
+# ${output_dir}/README.dvi
+# ${output_dir}/README.pdf
+# DESTINATION ${latexInstallDir} )
+# install ( DIRECTORY ${output_dir}/README DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} )
install ( FILES general-index.html DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} RENAME index.html )
-# add_subdirectory(doxygen)
+ add_subdirectory(crlcore)
diff --git a/crlcore/doc/README.tex b/crlcore/doc/README.tex
index a4353cdd..036b1a29 100644
--- a/crlcore/doc/README.tex
+++ b/crlcore/doc/README.tex
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
- \usepackage{html}
+ %\usepackage{html}
diff --git a/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/CMakeLists.txt b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6207485d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ set ( htmlInstallDir share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/users-guide )
+ set ( latexInstallDir share/doc/coriolis2/en/latex/users-guide )
+ add_custom_target ( doc_LaTeX ALL cd ${CRLCORE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/UsersGuide
+ && rst2html --link-stylesheet --stylesheet=./SoC.css,./Pygments.css UsersGuide_HTML.rst UsersGuide.html )
+ add_custom_target ( doc_HTML ALL cd ${CRLCORE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/UsersGuide
+ && rst2latex --use-latex-toc --stylesheet=./socstyle.tex UsersGuide_LaTeX.rst UsersGuide.tex )
+ install ( DIRECTORY images DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} )
+ install ( FILES SoC.css
+ Pygments.css
+ UsersGuide.html DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} )
+ install ( FILES socstyle.tex
+ UsersGuide.tex DESTINATION ${latexInstallDir} )
diff --git a/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/HTML_defs.rst b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/HTML_defs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc86707d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/HTML_defs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
+.. role:: raw-html(raw)
+ :format: html
+.. For HTML backend
+.. |Key_ESC| image:: ./images/key_ESC.png
+.. |Key_CTRL| image:: ./images/key_CTRL.png
+.. |Key_Up| image:: ./images/key_UP.png
+.. |Key_Down| image:: ./images/key_DOWN.png
+.. |Key_Left| image:: ./images/key_LEFT.png
+.. |Key_Right| image:: ./images/key_RIGHT.png
+.. |Key_f| image:: ./images/key_F.png
+.. |Key_G| image:: ./images/key_Gcap.png
+.. |Key_i| image:: ./images/key_Icap.png
+.. |Key_l| image:: ./images/key_Lcap.png
+.. |Key_m| image:: ./images/key_M.png
+.. |Key_k| image:: ./images/key_K.png
+.. |Key_K| image:: ./images/key_Kcap.png
+.. |Key_o| image:: ./images/key_Ocap.png
+.. |Key_p| image:: ./images/key_Pcap.png
+.. |Key_q| image:: ./images/key_Qcap.png
+.. |Key_w| image:: ./images/key_Wcap.png
+.. |Key_S| image:: ./images/key_Scap.png
+.. |Key_z| image:: ./images/key_Z.png
+.. |Plus| replace:: :raw-html:`+`
+.. |rightarrow| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |menu_P&R| replace:: :raw-html:``
+.. |menu_StepByStep| replace:: :raw-html:``
+.. |menu_KiteSaveGlobalRouting| image:: ./images/PR-SBS-SaveGlobal.png
+.. |menu_KiteLoadGlobalRouting| image:: ./images/PR-SBS-LoadGlobal.png
+.. |menu_KiteGlobalRoute| image:: ./images/PR-GlobalRoute.png
+.. |menu_KiteDetailedRoute| image:: ./images/PR-DetailedRoute.png
+.. |menu_KiteFinalizeRoute| image:: ./images/PR-FinalizeRoute.png
+.. Stand-alone images.
+.. |ViewerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerLook_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerFilter_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerLayersGos_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ViewerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerSelection_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerInspector_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerInspector_2| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerInspector_3| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |ControllerSettings_1| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. Direct LaTeX commands encapsulation.
+.. |dotfill| replace:: :raw-html:` `
+.. |noindent| replace:: :raw-html:``
+.. |medskip| replace:: :raw-html:`
+.. |newpage| replace:: :raw-html:`
diff --git a/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/LaTeX_defs.rst b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/LaTeX_defs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3b5a832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/LaTeX_defs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
+.. role:: raw-latex(raw)
+ :format: latex
+.. |DONE| replace:: :raw-latex:`\marginpar{\fbox{\small\ding{56}}}`
+.. For LaTeX/PDF backend.
+.. |Key_ESC| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{ESC}\xspace`
+.. |Key_CTRL| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{CTRL}\xspace`
+.. |Key_Up| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{Up}\xspace`
+.. |Key_Down| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{Down}\xspace`
+.. |Key_Left| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{Left}\xspace`
+.. |Key_Right| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{Right}\xspace`
+.. |Key_f| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{f}\xspace`
+.. |Key_G| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{G}\xspace`
+.. |Key_i| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{i}\xspace`
+.. |Key_l| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{l}\xspace`
+.. |Key_m| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{m}\xspace`
+.. |Key_k| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{k}\xspace`
+.. |Key_K| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{K}\xspace`
+.. |Key_o| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{o}\xspace`
+.. |Key_p| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{p}\xspace`
+.. |Key_q| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{q}\xspace`
+.. |Key_w| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{w}\xspace`
+.. |Key_S| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{S}\xspace`
+.. |Key_z| replace:: :raw-latex:`\key{z}\xspace`
+.. |Plus| replace:: :raw-latex:`$+$\xspace`
+.. |rightarrow| replace:: :raw-latex:`$\rightarrow$`
+.. |menu_P&R| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{P\&R}}}}`
+.. |menu_StepByStep| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{S}tep by Step}}}}`
+.. |menu_KiteSaveGlobalRouting| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{S}ave Global Routing}}}}`
+.. |menu_KiteLoadGlobalRouting| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{L}oad Global Routing}}}}`
+.. |menu_KiteGlobalRoute| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{G}lobal Route}}}}`
+.. |menu_KiteDetailedRoute| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{D}etailed Route}}}}`
+.. |menu_KiteFinalizeRoute| replace:: :raw-latex:`\fbox{\textsf{\textbf{{\underline{F}inalize Route}}}}`
+.. Stand-alone images.
+.. |ViewerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\fbox{\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Viewer-1.eps}}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerLook_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Look-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerFilter_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Filter-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerLayersGos_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-LayersGos-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Netlist-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ViewerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Viewer-Netlist-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerSelection_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Selection-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerInspector_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Inspector-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerInspector_2| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Inspector-2.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerInspector_3| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Inspector-3.eps}\end{center}`
+.. |ControllerSettings_1| replace:: :raw-latex:`\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=.7\textwidth]{./images/Controller-Settings-1.eps}\end{center}`
+.. Direct LaTeX commands encapsulation.
+.. |dotfill| replace:: :raw-latex:`\dotfill`
+.. |noindent| replace:: :raw-latex:`\noindent`
+.. |medskip| replace:: :raw-latex:`\medskip`
+.. |newpage| replace:: :raw-latex:`\newpage`
diff --git a/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/Pygments.css b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/Pygments.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de3dc8fe
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+div.codeblock { font-size: 90%;
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+.codeblock * .si { color: #a31515 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
+.codeblock * .sx { color: #a31515 } /* Literal.String.Other */
+.codeblock * .sr { color: #a31515 } /* Literal.String.Regex */
+.codeblock * .s1 { color: #a31515 } /* Literal.String.Single */
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..403d30e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crlcore/doc/UsersGuide/SoC.css
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+ background: #ccffcd;
+ */
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+ */
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+ /*
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted white;
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+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{Configuration Helpers}{5}{section*.10}}
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+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsubsection}{Alliance Helper}{5}{section*.11}}
+\newlabel{alliance-helper}{{}{5}{\relax }{section*.11}{}}
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+\newlabel{the-controller}{{}{14}{\relax }{section*.23}{}}
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+\newlabel{tools-fine-tuning}{{}{22}{\relax }{section*.31}{}}
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