Merge pull request #10 from lip6/small-fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1672,19 +1672,19 @@ namespace {
, vWidthCap );
cdebug_log(101,0) << "+ " << target << endl;
if (points[i-1].getY() == points[i].getY()) {
segment = Horizontal::create( source
, target
segment = Horizontal::create( source->getNet()
, layer
, points[i].getY()
, width
, 0, 0 );
, source->getX()
, target->getX() );
} else {
segment = Vertical::create( source
, target
segment = Vertical::create( source->getNet()
, layer
, points[i].getX()
, width
, 0, 0 );
, source->getY()
, target->getY() );
cdebug_log(101,0) << "| " << segment << endl;
if (not net->isAutomatic()) NetExternalComponents::setExternal( segment );
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ namespace {
inline bool isVH () const;
bool isUnmatchedLayer ( string );
Library* createLibrary ();
Cell* earlyGetCell ( string name="" );
Net* earlyGetNet ( string name );
inline string getLibraryName () const;
inline Library* getLibrary ( bool create=false );
inline string getForeignPath () const;
@ -350,6 +352,27 @@ namespace {
Cell* LefParser::earlyGetCell ( string name )
if (not _cell) {
if (name.empty())
name = "EarlyLEFCell";
_cell = Cell::create( getLibrary(true), name );
return _cell;
Net* LefParser::earlyGetNet ( string name )
if (not _cell) earlyGetCell();
Net* net = _cell->getNet( name );
if (not net)
net = Net::create( _cell, name );
return net;
int LefParser::_unitsCbk ( lefrCallbackType_e c, lefiUnits* units, lefiUserData ud )
LefParser* parser = (LefParser*)ud;
@ -505,10 +528,10 @@ namespace {
return 0;
int LefParser::_macroForeignCbk ( lefrCallbackType_e c, const lefiMacroForeign* foreign, lefiUserData ud )
LefParser* parser = (LefParser*)ud;
AllianceFramework* af = AllianceFramework::get();
if (_gdsForeignDirectory.empty()) {
cerr << Warning( "LefParser::_macroForeignCbk(): GDS directory *not* set, ignoring FOREIGN statement." ) << endl;
@ -520,9 +543,25 @@ namespace {
parser->setForeignPosition( Point( parser->fromUnitsMicrons( foreign->px() )
, parser->fromUnitsMicrons( foreign->px() )));
Cell* cell = parser->earlyGetCell( foreign->cellName() );
Gds::load( parser->getLibrary(), parser->getForeignPath()
, Gds::NoGdsPrefix|Gds::NoBlockages|Gds::Layer_0_IsBoundary);
for ( Net* net : cell->getNets() ) {
if (net->isPower ()) parser->setGdsPower ( net );
if (net->isGround()) parser->setGdsGround( net );
if (parser->getForeignPosition() != Point(0,0)) {
for ( Component* component : net->getComponents() ) {
component->translate( parser->getForeignPosition().getX()
, parser->getForeignPosition().getY() );
return 0;
int LefParser::_obstructionCbk ( lefrCallbackType_e c, lefiObstruction* obstruction, lefiUserData ud )
LefParser* parser = (LefParser*)ud;
@ -600,33 +639,16 @@ namespace {
AllianceFramework* af = AllianceFramework::get();
LefParser* parser = (LefParser*)ud;
parser->setCellGauge( NULL );
parser->setCellGauge( nullptr );
string cellName = macro->name();
DbU::Unit width = 0;
DbU::Unit height = 0;
Cell* cell = parser->getCell();
Cell* cell = parser->earlyGetCell();
if (cell) {
if (cell->getName() != Name(cellName)) {
cerr << cell << " -> " << cellName << endl;
cell->setName( cellName );
} else {
cell = Cell::create( parser->getLibrary(true), cellName );
parser->setCell( cell );
if (not parser->getForeignPath().empty()) {
Gds::load( parser->getLibrary(), parser->getForeignPath()
, Gds::NoGdsPrefix|Gds::NoBlockages|Gds::Layer_0_IsBoundary);
for ( Net* net : cell->getNets() ) {
if (net->isPower ()) parser->setGdsPower ( net );
if (net->isGround()) parser->setGdsGround( net );
if (parser->getForeignPosition() != Point(0,0)) {
for ( Component* component : net->getComponents() ) {
component->translate( parser->getForeignPosition().getX()
, parser->getForeignPosition().getY() );
if (macro->hasSize()) {
@ -673,7 +695,9 @@ namespace {
| Catalog::State::InMemory
| Catalog::State::TerminalNetlist, true );
cell->setTerminalNetlist( true );
parser->setCell( NULL );
parser->setCell ( nullptr );
parser->setGdsPower ( nullptr );
parser->setGdsGround( nullptr );
return 0;
@ -689,7 +713,7 @@ namespace {
//cerr << " @ _pinCbk: " << pin->name() << endl;
if (not parser->getCell()) parser->setCell( Cell::create( parser->getLibrary(true), "LefImportTmpCell" ) );
Net* net = nullptr;
Net::Type netType = Net::Type::UNDEFINED;
@ -718,7 +742,7 @@ namespace {
net->setName( pin->name() );
parser->setGdsGround( nullptr );
} else {
net = Net::create( parser->getCell(), pin->name() );
net = parser->earlyGetNet( pin->name() );
net->setExternal( true );
@ -661,7 +661,8 @@ class GaugeConf ( object ):
class IoPadConf ( object ):
Store all informations related to an I/O pad. It's side, position
and connected nets.
and connected nets. The kind of pad is guessed from the number of
.. code-block:: python
@ -669,6 +670,7 @@ class IoPadConf ( object ):
( IoPin.SOUTH, None, 'a_0' , 'a(0)' , 'a(0)' )
( IoPin.NORTH, None, 'p_r0' , 'r0' , 'r0_from_pads', 'shift_r' , 'r0_to_pads' )
( IoPin.NORTH, None, 'p_y0' , 'y(0)' , 'y_oe' , 'y_to_pads(0)' )
( IoPin.NORTH, None, 'nc_0' )
self._datas is a table of 8 elements, the seven first coming from
the configuration itself. Direction are taken from the core point
@ -710,17 +712,20 @@ class IoPadConf ( object ):
CLOCK = 0x0040
TRISTATE = 0x0080
BIDIR = 0x0100
NON_CONNECT = 0x0200
def __init__ ( self, datas ):
if not isinstance(datas,tuple):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'IoPadConf.__init__(): The "datas" parameter is not a tuple.'
if isinstance(datas,list ): self._datas = datas
elif isinstance(datas,tuple): self._datas = list( datas )
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'IoPadConf.__init__(): The "datas" parameter is neither a list nor a tuple.'
, str(datas) ] )
if len(datas) < 5 and len(datas) > 8:
if len(datas) != 3 and len(datas) < 5 and len(datas) > 8:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'IoPadConf.__init__(): The "datas" list must have between 5 to 7 elements.'
, str(datas) ] )
self.flags = 0
self.index = None
self._datas = list( datas )
if len(self._datas) == 3: self._datas += [ None, None, None, None ]
if len(self._datas) == 4: self._datas += [ None, None, None ]
if len(self._datas) == 5: self._datas += [ None, None ]
elif len(self._datas) == 6: self._datas.insert( 5, None )
@ -742,7 +747,8 @@ class IoPadConf ( object ):
if'type') == 'ground': self.flags |= IoPadConf.CORE_GROUND
if'type') == 'clock' : self.flags |= IoPadConf.CLOCK
if self._datas[5] is not None: self.flags |= IoPadConf.BIDIR
if self._datas[3] is None: self.flags |= IoPadConf.NON_CONNECT
elif self._datas[5] is not None: self.flags |= IoPadConf.BIDIR
elif self._datas[6] is not None: self.flags |= IoPadConf.TRISTATE
sPos = ''
if self._datas[1]:
@ -799,6 +805,7 @@ class IoPadConf ( object ):
def isClock ( self ): return self.flags & IoPadConf.CLOCK
def isTristate ( self ): return self.flags & IoPadConf.TRISTATE
def isBidir ( self ): return self.flags & IoPadConf.BIDIR
def isNonConnect ( self ): return self.flags & IoPadConf.NON_CONNECT
def isAnalog ( self ):
if self._datas[0] is None: return False
@ -1411,6 +1418,7 @@ class BlockConf ( GaugeConf ):
self.katana = None
def _postInit ( self ):
trace( 550, ',+', '\tblock.configuration._postInit()\n' )
self.bufferConf = BufferConf( self.framework )
self.constantsConf = ConstantsConf( self.framework, self.cfg )
@ -1420,6 +1428,7 @@ class BlockConf ( GaugeConf ):
self.ioPins.append( IoPin( *ioPinSpec ) )
for line in range(len(self.ioPadsArg)):
self.chipConf.addIoPad( self.ioPadsArg[line], line )
trace( 550, ',-' )
def isCoreBlock ( self ): return self.chip is not None
@ -61,6 +61,17 @@ class Chip ( Block ):
self.conf.validated = False
return self.conf.validated
def doChipNetlist ( self ):
Build the netlist at chip-level around the ``core`` block. Needs the ``conf.coreToChipClass``
configuration parameter to be set up. Otherwise assume the netlist is already a chip.
if not hasattr(self.conf,'coreToChipClass'):
print( WarningMessage( 'Chip.doChipNetlist(): No "conf.coreToChipClass" defined, assume we already have a chip-level netlist.' ) )
self.conf.coreToChip = self.conf.coreToChipClass( self.conf )
def doChipFloorplan ( self ):
self.padsCorona = None
minHCorona = self.conf.minHCorona
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ class ChipConf ( BlockConf ):
self.chipLogos = []
self.minHCorona = 0
self.minVCorona = 0
self.coreToChip = None
trace( 550, '-' )
@ -149,14 +149,12 @@ class Corner ( object ):
def _instanciateCorner ( self ):
name, transformation = self._getTransformation()
corner = Instance.create( self.conf.chip
, name, self.corona.padCorner
, transformation
, Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED
corner = self.conf.coreToChip.createCorner( name )
corner.setTransformation ( transformation )
corner.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
def doLayout ( self ):
if self.corona.padCorner: self._instanciateCorner()
if self.conf.coreToChip.hasCornerCell(): self._instanciateCorner()
else: self._createCorner()
@ -261,34 +259,55 @@ class Side ( object ):
return self.conf.validated
def _fillPadSpacing ( self, gapWidth ):
def _getWidth ( spacer ): return spacer.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
def _nextSpacer ( iPadSpacer ):
while iPadSpacer < len(self.corona.padSpacers) \
and gapWidth < _getWidth(self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer]):
iPadSpacer += 1
return iPadSpacer
if not self.corona.padSpacers:
Fill ``gapWidth`` with I/O pad spacer (Use widest cells first).
if not self.conf.coreToChip.hasFillerCells():
self.u += gapWidth
iPadSpacer = 0
iPadSpacer = _nextSpacer( iPadSpacer )
while iPadSpacer < len(self.corona.padSpacers) and gapWidth > 0:
gapWidth -= _getWidth( self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer] )
spacer = Instance.create( self.conf.chip
, self.spacerNames % self.spacerCount
, self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer])
self.spacerCount += 1
while gapWidth > 0:
spacer = self.conf.coreToChip.createSpacer( gapWidth )
if not spacer:
print( ErrorMessage( 1, 'PadsCorona.Side._placePads(): Pad fillers cannot close the gap between pads @{} on {} side, {} remains.' \
.format( DbU.getValueString(self.u)
, self.sideName
, DbU.getValueString(gapWidth) )))
self._placePad( spacer )
if gapWidth < _getWidth(self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer]):
iPadSpacer = _nextSpacer( iPadSpacer )
if gapWidth != 0:
print( ErrorMessage( 1, 'PadsCorona.Side._placePads(): Pad fillers cannot close the gap between pads on {} side, {} remains.' \
.format(self.sideName,DbU.getValueString(gapWidth)) ))
gapWidth -= spacer.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
trace( 550, '\tself.u:{} gapWidth:{} after spacer {}\n'.format( DbU.getValueString(self.u)
, DbU.getValueString(gapWidth)
, spacer ))
self.u += gapWidth
#def _getWidth ( spacer ): return spacer.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
#def _nextSpacer ( iPadSpacer ):
# while iPadSpacer < len(self.corona.padSpacers) \
# and gapWidth < _getWidth(self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer]):
# iPadSpacer += 1
# return iPadSpacer
#if not self.corona.padSpacers:
# self.u += gapWidth
# return
#iPadSpacer = 0
#iPadSpacer = _nextSpacer( iPadSpacer )
#while iPadSpacer < len(self.corona.padSpacers) and gapWidth > 0:
# gapWidth -= _getWidth( self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer] )
# spacer = Instance.create( self.conf.chip
# , self.spacerNames % self.spacerCount
# , self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer])
# self.spacerCount += 1
# self._placePad( spacer )
# if gapWidth < _getWidth(self.corona.padSpacers[iPadSpacer]):
# iPadSpacer = _nextSpacer( iPadSpacer )
#if gapWidth != 0:
# print( ErrorMessage( 1, 'PadsCorona.Side._placePads(): Pad fillers cannot close the gap between pads on {} side, {} remains.' \
# .format(self.sideName,DbU.getValueString(gapWidth)) ))
#self.u += gapWidth
def _placePad ( self, padInstance ):
padAb = padInstance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
if self.type == North:
@ -401,7 +420,10 @@ class Side ( object ):
for pad in self.pads:
self._fillPadSpacing( pad[0] - self.u )
self._placePad( pad[1] )
self._fillPadSpacing( self.sideLength - self.conf.ioPadHeight - self.u )
cornerWidth = self.conf.ioPadHeight
if self.conf.coreToChip.hasCornerCell():
cornerWidth = self.conf.coreToChip.getCornerCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
self._fillPadSpacing( self.sideLength - cornerWidth - self.u )
def _getUMin ( self, box ):
if self.type == North or self.type == South:
@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ class IoPad ( object ):
TRI_OUT = 0x0008
ANALOG = 0x0010
FILLER = 0x0040
CORNER = 0x0080
NON_CONNECT = 0x0100
def directionToStr ( direction ):
@ -268,12 +271,13 @@ class IoPad ( object ):
if direction == IoPad.TRI_OUT: return "TRI_OUT"
if direction == IoPad.ANALOG: return "ANALOG"
if direction == IoPad.UNSUPPORTED: return "UNSUPPORTED"
if direction == IoPad.NON_CONNECT: return "NON_CONNECT"
return "Invalid value"
def __init__ ( self, coreToChip, ioPadConf ):
self.coreToChip = coreToChip
self.ioPadConf = ioPadConf
self.direction = 0
self.direction = IoPad.NON_CONNECT
self.nets = []
@ -361,6 +365,8 @@ class IoPad ( object ):
connexions.append( ( self.nets[0].chipExtNet, padInfo.padNet ) )
connexions.append( ( self.nets[0].chipIntNet, padInfo.coreNets[1] ) )
elif (self.direction == IoPad.NON_CONNECT):
elif (self.direction == IoPad.BIDIR) and (len(self.nets) < 3):
# Case of BIDIR as fallback for simple IN/OUT.
self.nets[0].setFlags( IoNet.DoExtNet )
@ -517,7 +523,7 @@ class CoreToChip ( object ):
.format( core.getName() )
] )
conf = block.state
self.conf = conf
self.conf.useHarness = False
self.ringNetNames = []
@ -668,6 +674,26 @@ class CoreToChip ( object ):
"""Load the DEF file containing the reference harness layout."""
raise NotImplementedError( 'coreToChip._loadHarness(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def hasCornerCell ( self ):
"""Is there a special cell for corners. This method may be overloaded."""
return False
def hasFillerCells ( self ):
"""Is there a special cell(s) for filling gaps. This method may be overloaded."""
return False
def getCornerCell ( self, instanceName=None ):
"""Return the model of corner cell."""
raise NotImplementedError( 'coreToChip.getCornerCell(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def createSpacer ( self, gapWidth ):
"""Return a new instance of spacer cell."""
raise NotImplementedError( 'coreToChip.createSpacer(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def createCorner ( self ):
"""Return a new instance of corner cell."""
raise NotImplementedError( 'coreToChip.createCorner(): This method must be overloaded' )
def buildChip ( self ):
Build the whole chip+corona hierarchical structure (netlist only)
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ Pad* Pad::create(Net* net, const Layer* layer, const Box& boundingBox)
DbU::Unit Pad::getX() const
// *******************
return 0;
return _boundingBox.getXCenter();
DbU::Unit Pad::getY() const
// *******************
return 0;
return _boundingBox.getYCenter();
Box Pad::getBoundingBox() const
@ -377,6 +377,9 @@ namespace Hurricane {
double bestArea = getArea(bestComponent);
if (compArea == bestArea) {
if (dynamic_cast<Segment*>(component) and dynamic_cast<Pad*>(bestComponent)) {
bestComponent = component;
} else {
Box compBox = component->getBoundingBox();
Box bestBox = bestComponent->getBoundingBox();
@ -391,6 +394,7 @@ namespace Hurricane {
if (compBox.getXMin() < bestBox.getXMin())
bestComponent = component;
} else {
if (compArea > bestArea)
bestComponent = component;
Reference in New Issue