Add minimal DEF support to parse the Caravel harness for Sky130.
* New: In CRL::DefImport, the previous version of the parser was designed only to read pure netlists, no physical components. Now add features for: * VIA generate statements. Generated VIAs are created as Cell and then instaciated wherever they are needed. Alternative would be to duplicate it's contents so the original netlist is not changed. But would create lot more objects. * PIN, added support for basic physical shapes. * SPECIALNETS and their associated wiring (path callback). Note: (to myself) As the Path is created *before* the NET or SPECIALNET callback is called, we must create a temporary net to store the path components. This is the "__prebuild__" net which will be merged later with the actual net.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#if defined(HAVE_LEFDEF)
# include "lefrReader.hpp"
# include "defrReader.hpp"
@ -25,8 +26,10 @@
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h"
#include "hurricane/Pad.h"
#include "hurricane/Contact.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
@ -62,7 +65,14 @@ namespace {
typedef tuple<Net* ,uint32_t> NetDatas;
typedef tuple<Cell*,uint32_t> ViaDatas;
class DefParser {
const uint32_t NoPatch = 0;
const uint32_t Sky130 = (1 << 10);
static AllianceFramework* getFramework ();
static Cell* getLefCell ( string name );
@ -76,7 +86,7 @@ namespace {
, const Transformation::Orientation
static Cell* parse ( string file, unsigned int flags );
DefParser ( string& file, AllianceLibrary*, unsigned int flags );
DefParser ( string file, AllianceLibrary*, unsigned int flags );
~DefParser ();
inline bool hasErrors ();
inline unsigned int getFlags () const;
@ -85,38 +95,45 @@ namespace {
inline size_t getPitchs () const;
inline size_t getSlices () const;
inline const Box& getFitOnCellsDieArea () const;
inline Net* getPrebuildNet () const;
Net* getPrebuildNet ( bool create=true );
inline string getBusBits () const;
Net* lookupNet ( const string& );
NetDatas* lookupNet ( string );
ViaDatas* lookupVia ( string );
Layer* lookupLayer ( string );
inline vector<string>& getErrors ();
inline void pushError ( const string& );
inline void pushError ( string );
int flushErrors ();
inline void clearErrors ();
inline void setPitchs ( size_t );
inline void setSlices ( size_t );
inline void setPrebuildNet ( Net* );
inline void setBusBits ( string );
void addNetLookup ( const string& netName, Net* );
NetDatas* addNetLookup ( string netName, Net* );
ViaDatas* addViaLookup ( string viaName, Cell* );
void toHurricaneName ( string& );
inline void mergeToFitOnCellsDieArea ( const Box& );
Contact* createVia ( string viaName, Net*, DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y );
static int _unitsCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, double , defiUserData );
static int _busBitCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, const char* , defiUserData );
static int _designEndCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, void* , defiUserData );
static int _dieAreaCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiBox* , defiUserData );
static int _pinCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiPin* , defiUserData );
static int _viaCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiVia* , defiUserData );
static int _componentCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiComponent*, defiUserData );
static int _componentEndCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, void* , defiUserData );
static int _netCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiNet* , defiUserData );
static int _netEndCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, void* , defiUserData );
static int _snetCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiNet* , defiUserData );
static int _pathCbk ( defrCallbackType_e, defiPath* , defiUserData );
Cell* _createCell ( const char* name );
static double _defUnits;
static AllianceFramework* _framework;
static Technology* _technology;
static Library* _lefRootLibrary;
uint32_t _flags;
string _file;
unsigned int _flags;
AllianceLibrary* _library;
string _busBits;
Cell* _cell;
@ -124,19 +141,21 @@ namespace {
size_t _slices;
Box _fitOnCellsDieArea;
Net* _prebuildNet;
map<string,Net*> _netsLookup;
map<string,NetDatas> _netsLookup;
map<string,ViaDatas> _viasLookup;
vector<string> _errors;
double DefParser::_defUnits = 0.01;
AllianceFramework* DefParser::_framework = NULL;
Technology* DefParser::_technology = NULL;
Library* DefParser::_lefRootLibrary = NULL;
DefParser::DefParser ( string& file, AllianceLibrary* library, unsigned int flags )
: _file (file)
, _flags (flags)
DefParser::DefParser ( string file, AllianceLibrary* library, unsigned int flags )
: _flags (flags)
, _file (file)
, _library (library)
, _busBits ("()")
, _cell (NULL)
@ -145,6 +164,7 @@ namespace {
, _fitOnCellsDieArea()
, _prebuildNet (NULL)
, _netsLookup ()
, _viasLookup ()
, _errors ()
defrInit ();
@ -152,12 +172,16 @@ namespace {
defrSetBusBitCbk ( _busBitCbk );
defrSetDesignEndCbk ( _designEndCbk );
defrSetDieAreaCbk ( _dieAreaCbk );
defrSetViaCbk ( _viaCbk );
defrSetPinCbk ( _pinCbk );
defrSetComponentCbk ( _componentCbk );
defrSetComponentEndCbk ( _componentEndCbk );
defrSetNetCbk ( _netCbk );
defrSetNetEndCbk ( _netEndCbk );
defrSetSNetCbk ( _snetCbk );
defrSetPathCbk ( _pathCbk );
if (DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getName() == "Sky130") _flags |= Sky130;
@ -178,9 +202,8 @@ namespace {
inline size_t DefParser::getPitchs () const { return _pitchs; }
inline size_t DefParser::getSlices () const { return _slices; }
inline const Box& DefParser::getFitOnCellsDieArea () const { return _fitOnCellsDieArea; }
inline Net* DefParser::getPrebuildNet () const { return _prebuildNet; }
inline vector<string>& DefParser::getErrors () { return _errors; }
inline void DefParser::pushError ( const string& error ) { _errors.push_back(error); }
inline void DefParser::pushError ( string error ) { _errors.push_back(error); }
inline void DefParser::clearErrors () { return _errors.clear(); }
inline void DefParser::setPitchs ( size_t pitchs ) { _pitchs=pitchs; }
inline void DefParser::setSlices ( size_t slices ) { _slices=slices; }
@ -189,6 +212,15 @@ namespace {
inline void DefParser::mergeToFitOnCellsDieArea ( const Box& box ) { _fitOnCellsDieArea.merge(box); }
Net* DefParser::getPrebuildNet ( bool create )
if (create and not _prebuildNet) {
_prebuildNet = Net::create( getCell(), "__prebuildnet__" );
return _prebuildNet;
Cell* DefParser::getLefCell ( string name )
if (not _lefRootLibrary) {
@ -272,7 +304,7 @@ namespace {
Cell* DefParser::_createCell ( const char* name )
_cell = DefParser::getFramework()->createCell ( name, NULL );
addSupplyNets ( _cell );
//addSupplyNets ( _cell );
return _cell;
@ -291,18 +323,79 @@ namespace {
Net* DefParser::lookupNet ( const string& netName )
NetDatas* DefParser::lookupNet ( string netName )
map<string,Net*>::iterator imap = _netsLookup.find(netName);
map<string,NetDatas>::iterator imap = _netsLookup.find(netName);
if ( imap == _netsLookup.end() ) return NULL;
return (*imap).second;
return &( (*imap).second );
void DefParser::addNetLookup ( const string& netName, Net* net )
NetDatas* DefParser::addNetLookup ( string netName, Net* net )
if ( lookupNet(netName) == NULL ) _netsLookup.insert ( make_pair(netName,net) );
NetDatas* netDatas = lookupNet( netName );
if (not netDatas) {
auto insertIt = _netsLookup.insert( make_pair( netName, make_tuple(net,0) ));
netDatas = &( ((*(insertIt.first)).second) );
return netDatas;
ViaDatas* DefParser::lookupVia ( string viaName )
map<string,ViaDatas>::iterator imap = _viasLookup.find(viaName);
if (imap == _viasLookup.end() ) return NULL;
return &( (*imap).second );
ViaDatas* DefParser::addViaLookup ( string viaName, Cell* via )
ViaDatas* viaDatas = lookupVia( viaName );
if (not viaDatas) {
auto insertIt = _viasLookup.insert( make_pair( viaName, make_tuple(via,0) ));
viaDatas = &( ((*(insertIt.first)).second) );
return viaDatas;
Contact* DefParser::createVia ( string viaName, Net* net, DbU::Unit x, DbU::Unit y )
ViaDatas* viaDatas = lookupVia( viaName );
if (not viaDatas) return NULL;
string instName = viaName + "_" + getString( get<1>(*viaDatas)++ );
Cell* viaCell = get<0>( *viaDatas );
Instance::create( getCell()
, instName
, viaCell
, Transformation( x, y )
, Instance::PlacementStatus::FIXED
Net* viaNet = viaCell->getNet( "via" );
Pad* metalPlate = NULL;
for ( Pad* pad : viaNet->getPads() ) {
const BasicLayer* basicLayer = dynamic_cast<const BasicLayer*>( pad->getLayer() );
if (basicLayer and (basicLayer->getMaterial() == BasicLayer::Material::metal)) {
metalPlate = pad;
return Contact::create( net, metalPlate->getLayer(), x, y, 0, 0 );
Layer* DefParser::lookupLayer ( string layerName )
if (_flags & Sky130) {
if (layerName.substr(0,3) == "met") layerName.erase( 1, 2 );
return _technology->getLayer( layerName );
@ -357,21 +450,162 @@ namespace {
int DefParser::_viaCbk ( defrCallbackType_e c, defiVia* via, defiUserData ud )
DefParser* parser = (DefParser*)ud;
string viaName = via->name();
Cell* viaCell = Cell::create( parser->getCell()->getLibrary(), viaName );
viaCell->setTerminalNetlist( true );
if (via->hasViaRule()) {
char* viaRuleName;
char* defbotLayer;
char* defcutLayer;
char* deftopLayer;
int defxCutSize = 0;
int defyCutSize = 0;
int defxCutSpacing = 0;
int defyCutSpacing = 0;
int defxBotEnc = 0;
int defyBotEnc = 0;
int defxTopEnc = 0;
int defyTopEnc = 0;
int numCutRows = 1;
int numCutCols = 1;
via->viaRule( &viaRuleName
, &defxCutSize
, &defyCutSize
, &defbotLayer
, &defcutLayer
, &deftopLayer
, &defxCutSpacing
, &defyCutSpacing
, &defxBotEnc
, &defyBotEnc
, &defxTopEnc
, &defyTopEnc );
if (via->hasRowCol())
via->rowCol( &numCutRows, &numCutCols );
DbU::Unit xCutSize = fromDefUnits( defxCutSize );
DbU::Unit yCutSize = fromDefUnits( defyCutSize );
DbU::Unit xCutSpacing = fromDefUnits( defxCutSpacing );
DbU::Unit yCutSpacing = fromDefUnits( defyCutSpacing );
DbU::Unit xBotEnc = fromDefUnits( defxBotEnc );
DbU::Unit yBotEnc = fromDefUnits( defyBotEnc );
DbU::Unit xTopEnc = fromDefUnits( defxTopEnc );
DbU::Unit yTopEnc = fromDefUnits( defyTopEnc );
Layer* botLayer = parser->lookupLayer( defbotLayer );
Layer* cutLayer = parser->lookupLayer( defcutLayer );
Layer* topLayer = parser->lookupLayer( deftopLayer );
Net* net = Net::create( viaCell, "via" );
Box cellBb;
DbU::Unit halfXSide = xTopEnc + (xCutSize*numCutRows + xCutSpacing*(numCutRows-1)) / 2;
DbU::Unit halfYSide = yTopEnc + (xCutSize*numCutCols + xCutSpacing*(numCutRows-1)) / 2;
Box padBb = Box( 0, 0 ).inflate( halfXSide, halfYSide );
cellBb.merge( padBb );
Pad::create( net, topLayer, padBb );
halfXSide = xBotEnc + (xCutSize*numCutRows + xCutSpacing*(numCutRows-1)) / 2;
halfYSide = yBotEnc + (xCutSize*numCutCols + xCutSpacing*(numCutRows-1)) / 2;
padBb = Box( 0, 0 ).inflate( halfXSide, halfYSide );
cellBb.merge( padBb );
Pad::create( net, botLayer, padBb );
DbU::Unit x = - (xCutSize*numCutRows + xCutSpacing*(numCutRows-1)) / 2;
for ( int row=0 ; row<numCutRows ; ++row ) {
DbU::Unit y = - (yCutSize*numCutCols + xCutSpacing*(numCutCols-1)) / 2;
for ( int col=0 ; col<numCutCols ; ++col ) {
Pad::create( net, cutLayer, Box( x, y, x+xCutSize, y+yCutSize ));
y += yCutSize + yCutSpacing;
x += xCutSize + xCutSpacing;
viaCell->setAbutmentBox( cellBb );
parser->addViaLookup( viaName, viaCell );
return 0;
int DefParser::_pinCbk ( defrCallbackType_e c, defiPin* pin, lefiUserData ud )
DefParser* parser = (DefParser*)ud;
//cout << " - Pin " << pin->pinName() << ":" << pin->netName() << endl;
//cerr << " - Pin " << pin->pinName() << ":" << pin->netName() << endl;
string netName = pin->netName();
string pinName = pin->pinName();
parser->toHurricaneName( netName );
parser->toHurricaneName( pinName );
Net* hnet = parser->getCell()->getNet ( netName );
if ( hnet == NULL ) {
hnet = Net::create ( parser->getCell(), netName );
parser->addNetLookup ( netName, hnet );
if (>pinName()) != 0 )
parser->addNetLookup ( pin->pinName(), hnet );
NetDatas* netDatas = parser->lookupNet( netName );
Net* hnet = NULL;
if (not netDatas) {
hnet = Net::create( parser->getCell(), netName );
netDatas = parser->addNetLookup( netName, hnet );
//if (not>pinName()))
// parser->addNetLookup( pin->pinName(), hnet );
} else
hnet = get<0>( *netDatas );
pinName += '.' + getString( get<1>(*netDatas)++ );
if (pin->hasDirection()) {
string defDir = pin->direction();
boost::to_upper( defDir );
if (defDir == "INPUT" ) hnet->setDirection( Net::Direction::IN );
if (defDir == "OUTPUT" ) hnet->setDirection( Net::Direction::OUT );
if (defDir == "OUTPUT TRISTATE") hnet->setDirection( Net::Direction::TRISTATE );
if (defDir == "INOUT" ) hnet->setDirection( Net::Direction::INOUT );
if (pin->hasUse()) {
string defUse = pin->use();
boost::to_upper( defUse );
if (defUse == "SIGNAL") hnet->setType( Net::Type::LOGICAL );
//if (defUse == "ANALOG") hnet->setType( Net::Type::ANALOG );
if (defUse == "CLOCK" ) hnet->setType( Net::Type::CLOCK );
if (defUse == "POWER" ) hnet->setType( Net::Type::POWER );
if (defUse == "GROUND") hnet->setType( Net::Type::GROUND );
if (pin->hasSpecial() and (hnet->isSupply() or hnet->isClock()))
hnet->setGlobal( true );
if (pin->isPlaced() or pin->isFixed()) {
Point position ( fromDefUnits(pin->placementX()), fromDefUnits(pin->placementY()) );
string layerName = pin->layer(0);
Layer* layer = parser->lookupLayer( layerName );
int x1 = 0;
int y1 = 0;
int x2 = 0;
int y2 = 0;
pin->bounds( 0, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
Box shape ( fromDefUnits(x1)
, fromDefUnits(y1)
, fromDefUnits(x2)
, fromDefUnits(y2) );
if (not layer) {
ostringstream message;
message << "PIN \"" << pinName << "\" of net \"" << netName << "\" use an unkwown layer \""
<< layerName << "\".";
parser->pushError( message.str() );
return 0;
Pin* pin = Pin::create( hnet
, pinName
, Pin::AccessDirection::UNDEFINED
, Pin::PlacementStatus::FIXED
, layer
, position.getX()
, position.getY()
, shape.getWidth()
, shape.getHeight()
if (not hnet->isExternal()) hnet->setExternal( true );
NetExternalComponents::setExternal( pin );
return 0;
@ -436,20 +670,24 @@ namespace {
DefParser* parser = (DefParser*)ud;
//cout << " - Net " << net->name() << endl;
//cerr << " - Net " << net->name() << endl;
string name = net->name();
parser->toHurricaneName( name );
Net* hnet = parser->lookupNet ( name );
if ( hnet == NULL )
hnet = Net::create ( parser->getCell(), name );
NetDatas* netDatas = parser->lookupNet( name );
Net* hnet = NULL;
if (not netDatas) {
hnet = Net::create( parser->getCell(), name );
parser->addNetLookup( name, hnet );
} else
hnet = get<0>( *netDatas );
if ( parser->getPrebuildNet() != NULL ) {
if (parser->getPrebuildNet(false)) {
Name prebuildAlias = parser->getPrebuildNet()->getName();
hnet->merge ( parser->getPrebuildNet() );
hnet->removeAlias ( prebuildAlias );
parser->setPrebuildNet ( NULL );
hnet->merge( parser->getPrebuildNet() );
hnet->removeAlias( prebuildAlias );
parser->setPrebuildNet( NULL );
if (name.size() > 78) {
@ -473,27 +711,100 @@ namespace {
string pinName = net->pin(icon);
// Connect to an external pin.
if ("PIN") == 0 ) continue;
if ("PIN") == 0) continue;
parser->toHurricaneName( pinName );
Instance* instance = parser->getCell()->getInstance ( instanceName );
Instance* instance = parser->getCell()->getInstance( instanceName );
if ( instance == NULL ) {
ostringstream message;
message << "Unknown instance (DEF COMPONENT) <" << instanceName << "> in <%s>.";
parser->pushError ( message.str() );
parser->pushError( message.str() );
Net* masterNet = instance->getMasterCell()->getNet ( pinName );
if ( masterNet == NULL ) {
Net* masterNet = instance->getMasterCell()->getNet( pinName );
if (not masterNet) {
ostringstream message;
message << "Unknown PIN <" << pinName << "> in instance <"
<< instanceName << "> (LEF MACRO) in <%s>.";
parser->pushError ( message.str() );
parser->pushError( message.str() );
instance->getPlug( masterNet )->setNet( hnet );
return 0;
int DefParser::_snetCbk ( defrCallbackType_e c, defiNet* net, lefiUserData ud )
static size_t netCount = 0;
DefParser* parser = (DefParser*)ud;
//cerr << " - Special Net " << net->name() << endl;
string name = net->name();
parser->toHurricaneName( name );
NetDatas* netDatas = parser->lookupNet( name );
Net* hnet = NULL;
if (not netDatas) {
hnet = Net::create( parser->getCell(), name );
parser->addNetLookup( name, hnet );
} else
hnet = get<0>( *netDatas );
if (parser->getPrebuildNet(false)) {
Name prebuildAlias = parser->getPrebuildNet()->getName();
hnet->merge( parser->getPrebuildNet() );
hnet->removeAlias( prebuildAlias );
parser->setPrebuildNet( NULL );
if (name.size() > 78) {
name.erase ( 0, name.size()-75 );
name.insert( 0, 3, '.' );
name.insert( 0, "\"" );
name.insert( name.size(), "\"" );
if (name.size() < 80) name.insert( name.size(), 80-name.size(), ' ' );
if (tty::enabled()) {
cmess2 << " <net:"
<< tty::bold << setw(7) << setfill('0') << ++netCount << "> " << setfill(' ')
<< tty::reset << setw(80) << name << tty::cr;
cmess2.flush ();
int numConnections = net->numConnections();
for ( int icon=0 ; icon<numConnections ; ++icon ) {
string instanceName = net->instance(icon);
string pinName = net->pin(icon);
// Connect to an external pin.
if ("PIN") == 0) continue;
parser->toHurricaneName( pinName );
Instance* instance = parser->getCell()->getInstance( instanceName );
if ( instance == NULL ) {
ostringstream message;
message << "Unknown instance (DEF COMPONENT) <" << instanceName << "> in <%s>.";
parser->pushError( message.str() );
Net* masterNet = instance->getMasterCell()->getNet( pinName );
if (not masterNet) {
ostringstream message;
message << "Unknown PIN <" << pinName << "> in instance <"
<< instanceName << "> (LEF MACRO) in <%s>.";
parser->pushError( message.str() );
instance->getPlug( masterNet )->setNet( hnet );
return 0;
@ -510,16 +821,10 @@ namespace {
int DefParser::_pathCbk ( defrCallbackType_e c, defiPath* path, lefiUserData ud )
DefParser* parser = (DefParser*)ud;
Technology* technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology();
Net* hnet = parser->getPrebuildNet();
if ( hnet == NULL ) {
hnet = Net::create ( parser->getCell(), "__prebuild__" );
parser->setPrebuildNet ( hnet );
Contact* source = NULL;
Contact* target = NULL;
const Layer* layer = NULL;
@ -533,41 +838,46 @@ namespace {
while ( (elementType = path->next()) != DEFIPATH_DONE ) {
bool createSegment = false;
bool createVia = false;
bool createViaInst = false;
switch ( elementType ) {
layer = technology->getLayer ( path->getLayer() );
layer = parser->lookupLayer( path->getLayer() );
width = fromDefUnits(path->getWidth());
width = fromDefUnits( path->getWidth() );
path->getPoint ( &defx, &defy );
x = fromDefUnits ( defx );
y = fromDefUnits ( defy );
path->getPoint( &defx, &defy );
x = fromDefUnits( defx );
y = fromDefUnits( defy );
createSegment = true;
path->getFlushPoint ( &defx, &defy, &defext );
x = fromDefUnits ( defx );
y = fromDefUnits ( defy );
path->getFlushPoint( &defx, &defy, &defext );
x = fromDefUnits( defx );
y = fromDefUnits( defy );
target = NULL;
createSegment = true;
viaLayer = technology->getLayer ( path->getVia() );
viaLayer = technology->getLayer( path->getVia() );
if (not viaLayer) {
createViaInst = parser->lookupVia( path->getVia() );
} else {
createVia = true;
if ( createSegment ) {
if (createSegment) {
source = target;
target = Contact::create ( hnet, layer, x, y );
if ( source != NULL ) {
if ( source->getX() == x ) {
Vertical::create ( source, target, layer, x, width );
} else if ( source->getY() == y ) {
Horizontal::create ( source, target, layer, y, width );
target = Contact::create( hnet, layer, x, y );
if (source) {
if (source->getX() == x) {
Vertical::create( source, target, layer, x, width );
} else if (source->getY() == y) {
Horizontal::create( source, target, layer, y, width );
} else {
ostringstream message;
message << "Non-manhattan segment in net <" << hnet->getName() << ">.";
@ -576,13 +886,17 @@ namespace {
if ( createVia ) {
if ( target != NULL ) {
target = Contact::create ( target, viaLayer, 0, 0 );
if (createVia) {
if (target) {
target = Contact::create( target, viaLayer, 0, 0 );
} else {
target = Contact::create ( hnet, viaLayer, x, y, 0, 0 );
target = Contact::create( hnet, viaLayer, x, y, 0, 0 );
if (createViaInst) {
target = parser->createVia( path->getVia(), hnet, x, y );
return 0;
@ -593,25 +907,26 @@ namespace {
cmess1 << " o DEF: <" << file << ">" << endl;
size_t iext = file.rfind ( '.' );
size_t iext = file.rfind( '.' );
if (,4,".def") != 0 )
throw Error ("DefImport::load(): DEF files must have \".def\" extension <%s>.",file.c_str());
_framework = AllianceFramework::get ();
_framework = AllianceFramework::get();
_technology = DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology();
size_t islash = file.rfind ( '/' );
string designName = file.substr ( ((islash == string::npos) ? 0 : islash), file.size()-4 );
AllianceLibrary* library = _framework->getAllianceLibrary ( (unsigned int)0 );
string designName = file.substr( ((islash == string::npos) ? 0 : islash), file.size()-4 );
AllianceLibrary* library = _framework->getAllianceLibrary( (unsigned int)0 );
unique_ptr<DefParser> parser ( new DefParser(file,library,flags) );
FILE* defStream = fopen ( file.c_str(), "r" );
if ( defStream == NULL )
FILE* defStream = fopen( file.c_str(), "r" );
if (not defStream )
throw Error ("DefImport::load(): Cannot open DEF file <%s>.",file.c_str());
parser->_createCell ( designName.c_str() );
defrRead ( defStream, file.c_str(), (defiUserData)parser.get(), 1 );
parser->_createCell( designName.c_str() );
defrRead( defStream, file.c_str(), (defiUserData)parser.get(), 1 );
fclose ( defStream );
fclose( defStream );
return parser->getCell();
Reference in New Issue