diff --git a/bootstrap/Makefile.package b/bootstrap/Makefile.package
index 4fced53e..403a900e 100644
--- a/bootstrap/Makefile.package
+++ b/bootstrap/Makefile.package
@@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ install: FORCE
cd build.dir/$$tool; \
makeArgs=""; \
cmakeArgs="$$commonCMakeArgs -D BUILD_DOC:STRING=OFF"; \
- if [ "$$tool" = "stratus1" ]; then \
- makeArgs="dvi safepdf html"; \
- cmakeArgs="$$commonCMakeArgs -D BUILD_DOC:STRING=ON"; \
- fi; \
if [ "$$tool" = "hurricane" \
-o "$$tool" = "crlcore" \
-o "$$tool" = "unicorn" ]; then \
diff --git a/bootstrap/builder/Builder.py b/bootstrap/builder/Builder.py
index b75911f3..30928db2 100644
--- a/bootstrap/builder/Builder.py
+++ b/bootstrap/builder/Builder.py
@@ -214,10 +214,6 @@ class Builder:
if self._ninja:
command = [ "ninja-build" ]
#command += [ "DESTDIR=%s" % self.installDir ]
- if self._enableDoc == "ON":
- #if tool.name == "crlcore" or tool.name == "stratus1":
- if tool.name == "stratus1":
- command += [ "dvi", "safepdf", "html" ]
command += self._makeArguments
print "Make/Ninja command:", command
sys.stdout.flush ()
diff --git a/documentation/CMakeLists.txt b/documentation/CMakeLists.txt
index a3ced41c..2bee67c7 100644
--- a/documentation/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/documentation/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@
set ( rdsRst RDS/pdfHeader.rst
RDS/RDSpage.rst )
+ set (stratusRst Stratus/pdfHeader.rst
+ Stratus/Developper.rst
+ Stratus/Language.rst
+ Stratus/DpGen.rst
+ Stratus/Patterns.rst )
add_custom_target ( doc_HTML ALL
@@ -53,15 +59,13 @@
- DpGen/DpGen.rst
- Patterns/Patterns.rst
- Stratus/Stratus.rst
${usersGuideRst} UsersGuide/index.rst
${pythonCppRst} PythonCpp/index.rst
${rdsRst} RDS/index.rst
+ ${stratusRst} stratus/index.rst
add_custom_target ( pdf_UsersGuide ALL
@@ -86,10 +90,19 @@
add_dependencies ( pdf_RDS ../etc/definitions.rst
${pythonCppRst} )
+ add_custom_target ( pdf_Stratus ALL
+ && ../etc/doPdf.sh ${stratusRst} Stratus.rst
+ )
+ add_dependencies ( pdf_Stratus ../etc/definitions.rst
+ ../etc/SoC-ReST.tex
+ ${StratusRst} )
install ( DIRECTORY _build/html/ DESTINATION ${htmlInstallDir} )
install ( FILES RDS/RDS.pdf
+ Stratus/Stratus.pdf
UsersGuide/UsersGuide.pdf DESTINATION ${pdfInstallDir} )
diff --git a/documentation/Contents.rst b/documentation/Contents.rst
index febd0e88..670fd7fd 100644
--- a/documentation/Contents.rst
+++ b/documentation/Contents.rst
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ Comprenhensive Table of Contents
.. toctree::
- Stratus/Stratus.rst
- DpGen/DpGen.rst
- Patterns/Patterns.rst
+ Stratus/index.rst
diff --git a/documentation/DpGen/DpGen.rst b/documentation/DpGen/DpGen.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d8324d1..00000000
--- a/documentation/DpGen/DpGen.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
-.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
-DpGen Reference
-The DpGen extension of the Stratus Language reference is generated by LaTeX2HTML_ and is
-available here: `DpGen `_
diff --git a/documentation/Patterns/Patterns.rst b/documentation/Patterns/Patterns.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c4791c..00000000
--- a/documentation/Patterns/Patterns.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
-.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
-Patterns Reference
-The Patterns extension of the Stratus Language reference is generated by LaTeX2HTML_ and is
-available here: `Patterns `_
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/Developper.rst b/documentation/Stratus/Developper.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19292e02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/Developper.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+Stratus Developper's Guide
+Sophie Belloeil
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+Class Model
+ class myClass ( Model ) :
+ ...
+ exemple = myClass ( name, param )
+Every cell made is a class herited from class ``Model``.
+Some methods have to be created, like ``Interface``, ``Netlist`` ...
+Some methods are inherited from the class ``Model``.
+- ``name`` : The name of the cell (which is the name of the files which
+ will be created)
+- ``param`` : A dictionnary which gives all the parameters useful in
+ order to create the cell
+- ``_name`` : Name of the cell
+- ``_st_insts`` : List of all the instances of the cell
+- ``_st_ports`` : List of all the external nets of the cell (except for
+ alimentations and clock)
+- ``_st_sigs`` : List of all the internal nets of the cell
+- ``_st_vdds``, ``_st_vsss`` : Two tabs of the nets which are
+ instancied as ``VddIn`` and ``VssIn``
+- ``_st_cks`` : List of all the nets which are instancied as ``CkIn``
+- ``_st_merge`` : List of all the internal nets which have to be merged
+- ``_param`` : The map given as argument at the creation of the cell
+- ``_underCells`` : List of all the instances which are cells that have
+ to be created
+- ``_and``, ``_or``, ``_xor``, ``_not``, ``_buff``, ``_mux``, ``_reg``,
+ ``_shift``, ``_comp``, ``_add``, ``_mult``, ``_div`` : tells which
+ generator to use when using overloard
+- ``_NB_INST`` : The number of instances of the cell (useful in order
+ to automatically give a name to the instances)
+- ``_TAB_NETS_OUT`` and ``_TAB_NETS_CAT`` : Lists of all the nets
+ automatically created
+- ``_insref`` : The reference instance (for placement)
+And, in connection with Hurricane :
+- ``_hur_cell`` : The hurricane cell (None by default)
+- ``_db`` : The database
+- ``_lib0`` : ``self._db.Get_CATA_LIB ( 0 )``
+- ``_nb_alims_verticales``, ``_nb_pins``, ``_nb_vdd_pins``,
+ ``_nb_vss_pins``, ``standard_instances_list``, ``pad_north``,
+ ``pad_south``, ``pad_east``, ``pad_west`` : all place and route
+ stuffs ...
+Methods of class ``Model`` are listed below :
+- ``HurricanePlug`` : Creates the Hurricane cell thanks to the
+ stratus cell.
+ Before calling this method, only the stratus cell is created, after
+ this method, both cells are created. This method has to be called
+ before View and Save, and before Layout.
+- ``View`` : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the created
+ layout
+- ``Quit`` : Finishes a cell without saving
+- ``Save`` : Saves the created cell
+ If several cells have been created, they are all going to be saved
+ in separated files
+Some of those methods have to be defined in order to create a new cell :
+- ``Interface`` : Description of the external ports of the cell
+- ``Netlist`` : Description of the netlist of the cell
+- ``Layout`` : Description of the layout of the cell
+- ``Vbe`` : Description of the behavior of the cell
+- ``Pattern`` : Description of the patterns in order to test the cell
+ netInput = LogicIn ( name, arity )
+Instanciation of net. Differents kind of nets are listed below :
+- ``LogicIn`` : Creation of an input port
+- ``LogicOut`` : Creation of an output port
+- ``LogicInOut`` : Creation of an inout port
+- ``LogicUnknown`` : Creation of an input/output port which direction
+ is not defined
+- ``TriState`` : Creation of a tristate port
+- ``CkIn`` : Creation of a clock port
+- ``VddIn`` : Creation of the vdd alimentation
+- ``VssIn`` : Creation of the vss alimentation
+- ``Signal`` : Creation of an internal net
+- ``name`` : Name of the net (mandatory argument)
+- ``arity`` : Arity of the net (mandatory argument)
+- ``indice`` : For buses only : the LSB bit (optional argument : set
+ to 0 by default)
+Only ``CkIn, ``\ ``VddIn`` and ``VssIn`` do not have the same parameters: there is only the ``name`` parameter (they are 1 bit nets).
+- ``_name`` : Name of the net
+- ``_arity`` : Arity of the net (by default set to 0)
+- ``_ind`` : LSB of the net
+- ``_ext`` : Tells if the net is external or not (True/False)
+- ``_direct`` : If the net is external, tells the direction (“IN”,
+- ``_h_type`` : If the net is an alimentation or a clock, tells the
+ type (“POWER”, “GROUND”, “CLOCK”)
+- ``_type`` : The arithmetic type of the net ( “nr” )
+- ``_st_cell`` : The stratus cell which the net is instanciated in
+- ``_real_net`` : If the net is a part of a net (Sig) it is the real
+ net corresponding
+- ``_alias`` : [] by default. When the net has an alias, it’s a tab.
+ Each element of the tab correspond to a bit of the net (from the LSB
+ to the MSB), it’a a dictionnary : the only key is the net which this
+ net is an alias from, the value is the bit of the net
+- ``_to_merge`` : [] by default. The same as \_alias
+- | ``_to_cat`` : [] by default. The same as \_alias
+And, in connection with Hurricane :
+- ``_hur_net`` : A tab with all the hurricane nets corresponding to the
+ stratus net ; From the LSB to the MSB (for example, with a 1 bit net,
+ one gets the hurricane net by doing : ``net._hur_net[0]`` ).
+- ``Buffer`` : Instanciation of a Buffer
+- ``Shift`` : Instanciation of a shifter
+- ``Mux`` : Instanciation of a multiplexor
+- ``Reg`` : Instanciation of a register
+- ``Eq/Ne`` : Instanciation of comparison generator
+- ``Extend`` : A net is extended
+- ``Alias`` : A net is an alias of another net
+- | ``Delete`` : Deletion of the Hurricane nets
+And the overloards :
+- \_\_init\_\_ : Initialisation of nets
+- \_\_le\_\_ : initialisation of a net thanks to <= notation
+- \_\_getitem\_\_, \_\_geslice\_\_ : Creation of “Sig” nets : which are
+ part of nets (use of ``[]`` and ``[:]``)
+- \_\_and\_\_, \_\_or\_\_, \_\_xor\_\_, \_\_invert\_\_ : boolean
+ operation with &, \|, ^ ,
+- \_\_add\_\_, \_\_mul\_\_, \_\_div\_\_ : arithmetic operators with +,
+ \* and /
+ Inst ( model
+ , name
+ , param = myParam
+ , map = myMap
+ )
+Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the
+``model`` parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the ``map``
+- ``model`` : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create
+ (mandatory argument)
+- ``name`` : Name of the instance (optional)
+ When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created
+ by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a
+ layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier
+ when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the instances.
+- ``param`` : Dictionnary for parameters of the mastercell (optional :
+ only for mastercells which require it)
+- ``map`` : Dictionnary for connexions in order to make the netlist
+- ``_name`` : Name of the instance (the name given as parameter if
+ there’s one, a name created otherwise)
+- ``_model`` : Name of the model given as argument
+- ``_real_model`` : Name of the model created thanks to ``_model`` and
+ all the parameters
+- ``_map`` : Dictionnary ``map`` given at the instanciation
+- ``_param`` : Dictionnary ``param`` given at the instanciation
+- ``_st_cell`` : The stratus cell which the instance is instanciated in
+- ``_st_masterCell`` : The stratus master cell of the instance
+For placement :
+- ``_plac`` : tells if the instance is placed or not (UNPLACED by
+ default)
+- ``_x``, ``_y`` : the coordinates of the instance (only for placed
+ instances)
+- ``_sym`` : the symetry of the instance (only for placed instances)
+And, in connection with Hurricane :
+- ``_hur_instance`` : The hurricane instance (None by default)
+- ``_hur_masterCell`` : The Hurricane master cell of the instance (None
+ by default)
+- Delete : Deletion of the Hurricane instance
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/DpGen.rst b/documentation/Stratus/DpGen.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fbc30be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/DpGen.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,3543 @@
+DpGen generators manual
+Sophie Belloeil
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+- **Name** : DpgenInv – Inverter Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenInv', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits inverter with an output
+ power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1, 2, 4 or 8
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_inv ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 54 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 54 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenInv', 'inv_54'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 54
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'inv_54', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenBuff – Buffer Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenBuff', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits inverter with an output
+ power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2, 4 or 8
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_buff ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 32 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenBuff', 'buff_32'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 32
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'buff_32', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNand2 – Nand2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs NAND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 and i1 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nand2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand2', 'nand2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nand2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNand3 – Nand3 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand3', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits three inputs NAND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 and i1 and i2 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nand3 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 20 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 20 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 20 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 20 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand3', 'nand3_20'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 20
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nand3_20', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNand4 – Nand4 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand4', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits four inputs NAND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i3** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 and i1 and i2 and i3 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nand4 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 9 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 9 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 9 )
+ self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 9 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 9 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand4', 'nand4_9'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 9
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nand4_9', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'i3' : self.in4
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenAnd2 – And2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs AND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 and i1
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_and2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd2', 'and2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'and2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'q' : self.out
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenAnd3 – And3 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd3', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits three inputs AND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional): Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False): In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False): In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 and i1 and i2
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_and3 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 16 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 16 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 16 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 16 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd3', "and3_16"
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 16
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'and3_16', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'q' : self.out
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref (0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenAnd4 – And4 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd4', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits four inputs AND with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- Terminal Names :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i3** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 and i1 and i2 and i3
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_and4 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 2 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 2 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 2 )
+ self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 2 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 2 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAnd4', 'and4_2'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 2
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'and4_2', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'i3' : self.in4
+ , 'q' : self.out
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNor2 – Nor2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs NOR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 or i1 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nor2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor2', 'nor2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nor2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNor3 – Nor3 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor3', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits three inputs NOR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 or i1 or i2 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nor3 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 3 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 3 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 3 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "out", 3 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor3', 'nor3_3'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 3
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nor3_3', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNor4 – Nor4 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor4', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits four inputs NOR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i3** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nor4 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 15 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 15 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 15 )
+ self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 15 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 15 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor4', 'nor4_15'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 15
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nor4_15', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'i3' : self.in4
+ , 'nq' : self.out
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenOr2 – Or2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs OR with an output
+ power of ``drive`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the a map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, the ``drive`` is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 or i1
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_or2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr2', 'or2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'or2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenOr3 – Or3 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr3', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits three inputs OR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 or i1 or i2
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_or3 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 5 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 5 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 5 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 5 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr3', 'or3_5'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 5
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'or3_5', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenOr4 – Or4 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr4', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits four inputs OR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i2** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i3** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 or i1 or i2 or i3
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_or4 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 16 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 16 )
+ self.in3 = SignalIn ( "in3", 16 )
+ self.in4 = SignalIn ( "in4", 16 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 16 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenOr4', 'or4_16'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 16
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'or4_16', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'i2' : self.in3
+ , 'i3' : self.in4
+ , 'q' : self.out
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenXor2 – Xor2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXor2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs XOR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optionnal, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optionnal, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= i0 xor i1
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_xor2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXor2', 'xor2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'xor2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenXnor2 – Xnor2 Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs XNOR with an
+ output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : input (``n`` bits)
+ - **nq** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 1 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= not ( i0 xor i1 )
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_xnor2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2', 'xnor2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'xnor2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNmux2 – Multiplexer Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNmux2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs multiplexer named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : select ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **i1** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **nq** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not i0 WHEN '0',
+ not i1 WHEN '1';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nmux2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 5 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 5 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 5 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNmux2', 'nmux2_5'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 5
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nmux2_5', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenMux2 – Multiplexer Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenMux2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'drive' : d
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits two inputs multiplexer with
+ an output power of ``d`` named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : select ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **i1** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **q** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **nbit\_cmd** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **drive** (optional) : Defines the output power of the gates
+ - Valid drive are : 2 or 4
+ - If this parameter is not defined, it’s value is the smallest
+ one permitted
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= WITH cmd SELECT i0 WHEN '0',
+ i1 WHEN '1';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_mux2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenMux2', 'mux2_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'mux2_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNbuse – Tristate Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNbuse', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : true
+ , 'behavioral' : true
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits tristate with an
+ complemented output named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : select ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **nq** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nts:BLOCK(cmd = '1') BEGIN
+ nq <= GUARDED not(i0);
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nbuse ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 29 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 29 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNbuse', 'nbuse29'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 29
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nbuse29', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenBuse – Tristate Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenBuse', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits tristate named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : select ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **q** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nts:BLOCK(cmd = '1') BEGIN
+ q <= GUARDED i0;
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_buse ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenBuse', 'buse_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'buse_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNand2mask – Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand2mask', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'const' : constVal
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits conditionnal NAND mask named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : mask control ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **nq** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **const** (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning
+ with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``zero``, the mask is NOT applied,
+ so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``one``, the mask is applied, the
+ output is the *complemented* result of the input value *ANDed*
+ with the mask (suplied by ``constVal``).
+ - The constant ``constVal`` is given to the macro-generator call,
+ therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it’s hard wired
+ in the operator.
+ - A common error is to give a real constant for the ``constVal``
+ argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
+ not(i0 and constVal) WHEN '1';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nand2mask ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 32 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNand2mask', 'nand2mask_0x0000ffff'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 32
+ , 'const' : "0x0000FFFF"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nand2mask_0x0000ffff', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNor2mask – Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor2mask', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'const' : constVal
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits conditionnal NOR mask named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : mask control ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **nq** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **const** (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning
+ with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``zero``, the mask is NOT applied,
+ so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``one``, the mask is applied, the
+ output is the *complemented* result of the input value *ORed* with
+ the mask (suplied by ``constVal``).
+ - The constant ``constVal`` is given to the macro-generator call,
+ therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it’s hard wired
+ in the operator.
+ - A common error is to give a real constant for the ``constVal``
+ argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
+ not(i0 or constVal) WHEN '1';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nor2mask ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNor2mask', 'nor2mask_000111'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'const' : "0b000111"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nor2mask_000111', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenXnor2mask – Programmable Mask Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2mask', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'const' : constVal
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits conditionnal XNOR mask named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **cmd** : mask control ( 1 bit )
+ - **i0** : input ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **nq** : output ( ``n`` bits )
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **const** (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning
+ with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``zero``, the mask is NOT applied,
+ so the whole operator behaves like an inverter.
+ - If the ``cmd`` signal is set to ``one``, the mask is applied, the
+ output is the *complemented* result of the input value *XORed*
+ with the mask (suplied by ``constVal``).
+ - The constant ``constVal`` is given to the macro-generator call,
+ therefore the value cannot be changed afterward : it’s hard wired
+ in the operator.
+ - A common error is to give a real constant for the ``constVal``
+ argument. Be aware that it is a character string.
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ nq <= WITH cmd SELECT not(i0) WHEN '0',
+ not(i0 xor constVal) WHEN '1';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_xnor2mask ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 8 )
+ self.cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 1 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenXnor2mask', 'xnor2mask_0b000111'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'const' : "0b000111"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'xnor2mask_0b000111', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'cmd' : self.cmd
+ , 'nq' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenAdsb2f – Adder/Substractor Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAdsb2f', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits adder/substractor named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : First operand (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **i1** : Second operand (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : Output operand (ouput, ``n`` bits)
+ - **add\_sub** : Select addition or substraction (input, 1 bit)
+ - **c31** : Sarry out. In unsigned mode, this is the overflow
+ (output, 1 bit)
+ - **c30** : Used to compute overflow in signed mode :
+ ``overflow = c31 xor c30`` (output, 1 bit)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``add_sub`` signal is set to ``zero``, an addition is
+ performed, otherwise it’s a substraction.
+ - Operation can be either signed or unsigned. In unsigned mode
+ ``c31`` is the overflow ; in signed mode you have to compute
+ overflow by *XORing* ``c31`` and ``c30``
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_ADSB2F ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.in1 = SignalIn ( "in1", 8 )
+ self.in2 = SignalIn ( "in2", 8 )
+ self.out = SignalOut ( "o", 8 )
+ self.as = SignalIn ( "as", 1 )
+ self.c0 = SignalOut ( "c0", 1 )
+ self.c1 = SignalOut ( "c1", 1 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenAdsb2f', 'adder_8'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 8
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'adder_8', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.in1
+ , 'i1' : self.in2
+ , 'add_sub' : self.as
+ , 'q' : self.out
+ , 'c30' : self.c0
+ , 'c31' : self.c1
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenShift – Shifter Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenShift', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits shifter named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **op** : select the kind of shift (input, 2 bits)
+ - **shamt** : the shift amount (input, ``Y`` bits)
+ - **i** : value to shift (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **o** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``op[0]`` signal is set to ``one``, performs a right shift,
+ performs a left shift otherwise.
+ - If the ``op[1]`` signal is set to ``one``, performs an arithmetic
+ shift (only meaningful in case of a right shift).
+ - shamt : specifies the shift amount. The width of this signal
+ (``Y``) is computed from the operator’s width : ``Y = ceil(log2(n))`` - 1
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_shifter ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.instop = SignalIn ( "instop", 2 )
+ self.instshamt = SignalIn ( "instshamt", 2 )
+ self.insti = SignalIn ( "insti", 4 )
+ self.insto = SignalOut ( "insto", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenShifter', 'shifter_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'shifter_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'op' : self.instop
+ , 'shamt' : self.instshamt
+ , 'i' : self.insti
+ , 'o' : self.insto
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenShrot – Shift/Rotation Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenShrot', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits shift/rotation operator
+ named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **op** : select the kind of shift/rotation (input, 3 bits)
+ - **shamt** : the shift amount (input, ``Y`` bits)
+ - **i** : value to shift (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **o** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **How it works** :
+ - If the ``op[0]`` signal is set to ``one``, performs a right
+ shift/rotation , otherwise left shift/rotation occurs.
+ - If the ``op[1]`` signal is set to ``one``, performs an arithmetic
+ shift (only meaningful in case of a right shift).
+ - If the ``op[2]`` signal is set to ``one``, performs a rotation,
+ otherwise performs a shift..
+ - ``shamt`` specifies the shift amount. The width of this signal
+ (``Y``) is computed from the operator’s width :
+ ``Y = ceil(log2(n))`` - 1
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_shrot ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.rotop = SignalIn ( "rotop", 3 )
+ self.instshamt = SignalIn ( "instshamt", 2 )
+ self.insti = SignalIn ( "insti", 4 )
+ self.insto = SignalOut ( "insto", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenShrot', 'shrot_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'shrot_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'op' : self.rotop
+ , 'shamt' : self.instshamt
+ , 'i' : self.insti
+ , 'o' : self.insto
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenNul – Zero Detector Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNul', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits zero detector named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **i0** : value to check (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : null flag (1 bit)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ q <= '1' WHEN ( i0 = X"00000000" ) ELSE '0';
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_nul ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 1 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenNul', 'nul_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'nul_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'i0' : self.i
+ , 'nul' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenConst – Constant Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenConst', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'const' : constVal
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits constant named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **q** : the constant (output, ``n`` bit)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **const** (mandatory) : Defines the constant (string beginning
+ with 0b, 0x or 0o functions of the basis)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ q <= constVal
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_const ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 32 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenConst', 'const_0x0000ffff'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 32
+ , 'const' : "0x0000FFFF"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'const_0x0000ffff', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'q' : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenRom2 – 2 words ROM Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRom2', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'val0' : constVal0
+ , 'val1' : constVal1
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits 2 words optimized ROM named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **sel0** : address of the value (input, 1 bit)
+ - **q** : the selected word (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **val0** (mandatory) : Defines the first word
+ - **val1** (mandatory) : Defines the second word
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ q <= WITH sel0 SELECT
+ constVal0 WHEN B"0",
+ constVal1 WHEN B"1";
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_rom2 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.sel0 = SignalIn ( "sel0", 1 )
+ self.q = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRom2', 'rom2_0b1010_0b1100'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'val0' : "0b1010"
+ , 'val1' : "0b1100"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'rom2_0b1010_0b1100', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'sel0' : self.sel0
+ , 'q' : self.q
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenRom4 – 4 words ROM Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRom4', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'val0' : constVal0
+ , 'val1' : constVal1
+ , 'val2' : constVal2
+ , 'val3' : constVal3
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a ``n`` bits 4 words optimized ROM named
+ ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **sel1** : upper bit of the address of the value (input, 1 bit)
+ - **sel0** : lower bit of the address of the value (input, 1 bit)
+ - **q** : the selected word (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **val0** (mandatory) : Defines the first word
+ - **val1** (mandatory) : Defines the second word
+ - **val2** (mandatory) : Defines the third word
+ - **val3** (mandatory) : Defines the fourth word
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **Behavior** :
+ ::
+ q <= WITH sel1 & sel0 SELECT constVal0 WHEN B"00",
+ constVal1 WHEN B"01",
+ constVal2 WHEN B"10",
+ constVal3 WHEN B"11";
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_rom4 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.sel0 = SignalIn ( "sel0", 1 )
+ self.sel1 = SignalIn ( "sel1", 1 )
+ self.q = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRom4', 'rom4_0b1010_0b1100_0b1111_0b0001'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'val0' : "0b1010"
+ , 'val1' : "0b1100"
+ , 'val2' : "0b1111"
+ , 'val3' : "0b0001"
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'rom4_0b1010_0b1100_0b1111_0b0001', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'sel0' : self.sel0
+ , 'sel1' : self.sel1
+ , 'q' : self.q
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenRam – RAM Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRam', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'nword' : regNumber
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a RAM of ``regNumber`` words of ``n``
+ bits named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **ck** : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
+ - **w** : write requested (input, 1 bit)
+ - **selram** : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
+ - **ad** : the address (input, ``Y`` bits)
+ - **datain** : write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **dataout** : read bus (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **nword** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_ram ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.w = SignalIn ( "w", 1 )
+ self.selram = SignalIn ( "selram", 1 )
+ self.ad = SignalIn ( "ad", 5 )
+ self.datain = SignalIn ( "datain", 32 )
+ self.dataout = TriState ( "dataout", 32 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRam', 'ram_32_32'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 32
+ , 'nword' : 32
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'ram_32_32', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'ck' : self.ck
+ , 'w' : self.w
+ , 'selram' : self.selram
+ , 'ad' : self.ad
+ , 'datain' : self.datain
+ , 'dataout' : self.dataout
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenRf1, DpgenRf1r0 – Register File Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRf1', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'nword' : regNumber
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a register file of ``regNumber`` words of
+ ``n`` bits without decoder named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **ckok** : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
+ - **sel** : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
+ - **selr** : the decoded read address (input, ``regNumber`` bits)
+ - **selw** : the decoded write address (input, ``regNumber`` bits)
+ - **datain0** : first write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **datain1** : second write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **dataout** : read bus (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even,
+ between 2 and 64)
+ - **nword** (mandatory) : Defines the number of the words (even,
+ between 4 and 32)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **How it works** :
+ - datain0 and datain1 are the two write busses. Only one is used to
+ actually write the register word, it is selected by the sel
+ signal.
+ - When sel is set to zero datain0 is used to write the register
+ word, otherwise it will be datain1
+ - selr, selw : this register file have no decoder, so selr have a
+ bus width equal to ``regNumber``. One bit for each word
+ - The DpgenRf1r0 variant differs from the DpgenRf1 in that the
+ register of address zero is stuck to zero. You can write into it,
+ it will not change the value. When read, it will always return
+ zero
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_rf1 ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
+ self.selr = SignalIn ( "selr", 16 )
+ self.selw = SignalIn ( "selw", 16 )
+ self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
+ self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
+ self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRf1', 'rf1_4_16'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'nword' : 16
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'rf1_4_16', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'ck' : self.ck
+ , 'sel' : self.sel
+ , 'selr' : self.selr
+ , 'selw' : self.selw
+ , 'datain0' : self.datain0
+ , 'datain1' : self.datain1
+ , 'dataout' : self.dataout
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenRf1d, DpgenRf1dr0 – Register File with Decoder
+ Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRf1d', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'nword' : regNumber
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a register file of ``regNumber`` words of
+ ``n`` bits with decoder named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **ck** : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
+ - **sel** : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
+ - **wen** : write enable (input, 1 bit)
+ - **ren** : read enable (input, 1 bit)
+ - **adr** : the read address (input, ``Y`` bits)
+ - **adw** : the write address (input, ``Y`` bits)
+ - **datain0** : first write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **datain1** : second write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **dataout** : read bus (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even,
+ between 2 and 64)
+ - **nword** (mandatory) : Defines the number of the words (even,
+ between 6 and 32)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **How it works** :
+ - datain0 and datain1 are the two write busses. Only one is used to
+ actually write the register word, it is selected by the sel
+ signal.
+ - When sel is set to zero datain0 is used to write the register
+ word, otherwise it will be datain1
+ - adr, adw : the width (Y) of those signals is computed from
+ regNumber : ``Y = log2(regNumber)``
+ - wen and ren : write enable and read enable, allows reading and
+ writing when sets to ``one``
+ - The DpgenRf1dr0 variant differs from the DpgenRf1d in that the
+ register of address zero is stuck to zero. You can write into it,
+ it will not change the value. When read, it will always return
+ zero
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_rf1d ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
+ self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
+ self.ren = SignalIn ( "ren", 1 )
+ self.adr = SignalIn ( "adr", 4 )
+ self.adw = SignalIn ( "adw", 4 )
+ self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
+ self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
+ self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenRf1d', 'rf1d_4_16'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'nword' : 16
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'rf1d_4_16', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'ck' : self.ck
+ , 'sel' : self.sel
+ , 'wen' : self.wen
+ , 'ren' : self.ren
+ , 'adr' : self.adr
+ , 'adw' : self.adw
+ , 'datain0' : self.datain0
+ , 'datain1' : self.datain1
+ , 'dataout' : self.dataout
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenFifo – Fifo Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenFifo', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'nword' : regNumber
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a FIFO of ``regNumber`` words of ``n``
+ bits named ``modelname``.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **ck** : clock signal (input, 1 bit)
+ - **reset** : reset signal (input, 1 bit)
+ - **r** : read requested (input, 1 bit)
+ - **w** : write requested (input, 1 bit)
+ - **rok** : read acknowledge (output, 1 bit)
+ - **wok** : write acknowledge (output, 1 bit)
+ - **sel** : select the write bus (input, 1 bit)
+ - **datain0** : first write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **datain1** : second write bus (input, ``n`` bits)
+ - **dataout** : read bus (output, ``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the words (even,
+ between 2 and 64)
+ - **nword** (mandatory) : Defines the number of words (even, between
+ 4 and 32)
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+- **How it works** :
+ - datain0 and datain1 : the two write busses. Only one is used to
+ actually write the FIFO, it is selected by the sel signal.
+ - sel : when set to ``zero`` the datain0 is used to write the
+ register word, otherwise it will be datain1.
+ - r, rok : set r when a word is requested, rok tells that a word has
+ effectively been popped (rok == not empty).
+ - w, wok : set w when a word is pushed, wok tells that the word has
+ effectively been pushed (wok == not full).
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_fifo ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.reset = SignalIn ( "reset", 1 )
+ self.r = SignalIn ( "r", 1 )
+ self.w = SignalIn ( "w", 1 )
+ self.rok = SignalInOut ( "rok", 1 )
+ self.wok = SignalInOut ( "wok", 1 )
+ self.sel = SignalIn ( "sel", 1 )
+ self.datain0 = SignalIn ( "datain0", 4 )
+ self.datain1 = SignalIn ( "datain1", 4 )
+ self.dataout = SignalOut ( "dataout", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenFifo', 'fifo_4_16'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'nword' : 16
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'fifo_4_16', 'inst'
+ , map = { 'ck' : self.ck
+ , 'reset' : self.reset
+ , 'r' : self.r
+ , 'w' : self.w
+ , 'rok' : self.rok
+ , 'wok' : self.wok
+ , 'sel' : self.sel
+ , 'datain0' : self.datain0
+ , 'datain1' : self.datain1
+ , 'dataout' : self.dataout
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenDff – Dynamic Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenDff', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a n bits dynamic flip-flop named
+ ``modelname``. The two latches of this flip-flop are dynamic, i.e.
+ the data is stored in a capacitor.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **wen** : write enable (1 bit)
+ - **ck** : clock signal (1 bit)
+ - **i0** : data input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - When wen is set to ``one``, enables the writing of the flip-flop
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_dff ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenDff', 'dff_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'dff_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { "wen" : self.wen
+ , "ck" : self.ck
+ , "i0" : self.i
+ , "q" : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenDfft – Dynamic Flip-Flop with Scan-Path
+ Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenDfft', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a n bits dynamic flip-flop with scan-path
+ named ``modelname``. The two latches of this flip-flop are dynamic,
+ i.e. the data is stored in a capacitor.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **scan** : scan-path mode (input, 1 bit)
+ - **scin** : scan path in (input, 1 bit)
+ - **wen** : write enable (1 bit)
+ - **ck** : clock signal (1 bit)
+ - **i0** : data input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - When scan is set to ``one``, it enables the scan-path mode. Note
+ that in scan-path mode, the wen signal is not effective
+ - scin is the input of the scan-path. This terminal is different
+ from ``i0[0]``. The scout is q[N-1] (in the following example this
+ is ``q[31]``)
+ - When wen is set to ``one`` enables the writing of the flip-flop
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_dfft ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.scan = SignalIn ( "scin", 1 )
+ self.scin = SignalIn ( "scan", 1 )
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenDfft', 'dfft_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'dfft_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { "wen" : self.wen
+ , "ck" : self.ck
+ , "scan" : self.scan
+ , "scin" : self.scin
+ , "i0" : self.i
+ , "q" : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenSff – Static Flip-Flop Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenSff', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a n bits static flip-flop named
+ ``modelname``. The two latches of this flip-flop are static, i.e.
+ each one is made of two interters looped together.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **wen** : write enable (1 bit)
+ - **ck** : clock signal (1 bit)
+ - **i0** : data input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - When wen is set to ``one``, enables the writing of the flip-flop
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_sff ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "i", 4 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "o", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenSff', 'sff_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'sff_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { "wen" : self.wen
+ , "ck" : self.ck
+ , "i0" : self.i
+ , "q" : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
+- **Name** : DpgenSfft – Static Flip-Flop with Scan-Path
+ Macro-Generator
+- **Synopsys** :
+ ::
+ Generate ( 'DpgenSfft', modelname
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n
+ , 'physical' : True
+ , 'behavioral' : True
+ }
+ )
+- **Description** : Generates a n bits static flip-flop with scan-path
+ named ``modelname``. The two latches of this flip-flop are static
+ i.e. each one is made of two interters looped togethers.
+- **Terminal Names** :
+ - **scan** : scan-path mode (input, 1 bit)
+ - **scin** : scan path in (input, 1 bit)
+ - **wen** : write enable (1 bit)
+ - **ck** : clock signal (1 bit)
+ - **i0** : data input (``n`` bits)
+ - **q** : output (``n`` bits)
+ - **vdd** : power
+ - **vss** : ground
+- **Parameters** : Parameters are given in the a map ``param``.
+ - **nbit** (mandatory) : Defines the size of the generator
+ - **physical** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a layout
+ - **behavioral** (optional, default value : False) : In order to
+ generate a behavior
+- **How it works** :
+ - When scan is set to ``one``, it enables the scan-path mode. Note
+ that in scan-path mode, the wen signal is not effective
+ - scin : the input of the scan-path. This terminal is different from
+ ``i0[0]``. The scout is ``q[N``-``1]`` (in the following example
+ this is ``q[3]``)
+ - When wen is set to ``one``, it enables the writing of the
+ flip-flop
+- **Example** :
+ ::
+ from stratus import *
+ class inst_sfft ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.scan = SignalIn ( "scin", 1 )
+ self.scin = SignalIn ( "scan", 1 )
+ self.ck = SignalIn ( "ck", 1 )
+ self.wen = SignalIn ( "wen", 1 )
+ self.i = SignalIn ( "in", 4 )
+ self.o = SignalOut ( "out", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ Generate ( 'DpgenSfft', 'sfft_4'
+ , param = { 'nbit' : 4
+ , 'physical' : True
+ }
+ )
+ self.I = Inst ( 'sfft_4', 'inst'
+ , map = { "wen" : self.wen
+ , "ck" : self.ck
+ , "scan" : self.scan
+ , "scin" : self.scin
+ , "i0" : self.i
+ , "q" : self.o
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+ def Layout ( self ) :
+ Place ( self.I, NOSYM, Ref(0, 0) )
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/Language.rst b/documentation/Stratus/Language.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d23854d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/Language.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2799 @@
+Stratus User's Guide
+Sophie Belloeil
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+Stratus – Procedural design language based upon *Python*
+*Stratus* is a set of *Python* methods/functions dedicated to
+procedural generation purposes. From a user point of view, *Stratus* is
+a circuit’s description language that allows *Python* programming flow
+control, variable use, and specialized functions in order to handle vlsi
+Based upon the *Hurricane* data structures, the *Stratus* language gives
+the user the ability to describe netlist and layout views.
+A configuration file can be used to direct the generation process of
+Stratus. With this file, the user can choose the output format (vst,
+vhdl...), the simulator (asimut, ghdl...), the standard cell library...
+This configuration file named ``.st_config.py`` must be placed either in
+the HOME directory or in the current directory. This file contains a set
+of variables used in the process generation of Stratus, as for example :
+ format = 'vhdl'
+ simulator = 'ghdl'
+The default configuration of Stratus uses the Alliance CAD system, ie
+``'vst'`` as ``format`` and ``'asimut'`` as ``simulator``.
+Description of a cell
+A cell is a hierachical structural description of a circuit in terms
+of ports (I/Os), signals (nets) and instances.
+The description of a cell is done by creating a new class, derivating
+for class ``Model``, with different methods :
+- Method ``Interface`` : Description of the external ports of the cell
+ :
+ - SignalIn, SignalOut, ...
+- Method ``Netlist`` : Description of the netlist of the cell :
+ - Inst, Signal
+- Method ``Layout`` : Description of the layout of the cell :
+ - Place, PlaceTop, PlaceBottom, PlaceRight, PlaceLeft ...
+- Method ``Stimuli`` : Description of the simulation stimuli of the
+ cell :
+ - affect, addd ...
+Creation of the cell
+After the description of a cell as a sub-class of ``Model``, the cell
+has to be instantiated. The different methods described before have to
+be called.
+Then different methods are provided :
+- Method ``View`` : Opens/Refreshes the editor in order to see the
+ created layout
+- Method ``Save`` : Saves the created cell in the desired format thanks
+ to the configuration file
+ - no argument : creation of a netlist file
+ - PHYSICAL : creation of a netlist file AND a layout file
+ - STRATUS : creation of a python/stratus file
+ - FileName : optionnal argument when using Save(STRATUS) in order
+ to choose the name of the file to be generated
+ - Be careful : if one wants to create a stratus file AND a
+ netlist, always use Save(STRATUS) before Save() !
+- Method ``Testbench`` : Creates the testbench of the cell using the
+ ``Stimuli`` method to compute the stimuli. The output format depends
+ of the ``format`` variable given in the configuration file
+- Method ``Simul`` : Runs the simulation using the simulator named in
+ the configuration file
+A *Stratus* file must have a .py extension and must begin as follow :
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ from stratus import *
+The description of a cell as a sub-class of ``Model`` is done as follow
+ class myClass ( Model ) :
+ ...
+The creation of the cell is done by instantiating the previous class as
+follow :
+ exemple = myClass ( name, param )
+After the different methods can be called as follow :
+ exemple.Interface()
+ exemple.Netlist()
+ exemple.Save()
+ ...
+In order to execute a *Stratus* file (named ``file`` for example), one
+has two choices :
+ python file.py
+Or :
+ chmod u+x file.py
+ ./file.py
+The names used in *Stratus*, as arguments to *Stratus* functions,
+should be alphanumerical, including the underscore. The arguments of
+*Stratus* are case sensitive, so VDD is not equivalent to vdd.
+| Vectorized connectors or signal can be used using the [n:m] construct.
+Syntax highlighting
+When using vi, it’s possible to have the right syntax highlighting :
+- Commands to do when you want to change once the coloration of your
+ file :
+ :syntax off
+ :source /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
+- Modification of your .vimrc in order to have the syntax highlighting
+ each time you open a file :
+ syntax off
+ autocmd BufRead,BufNewfile *.py so /asim/coriolis/share/etc/stratus.vim
+ syntax on
+The addaccu circuit
+The data-path
+Description of the circuit with *Stratus* : file addaccu.py
+Creation of the circuit : file test.py
+How to execute the file
+ python test.py -n 4
+or :
+ chmod u+x test.py
+ ./test -n 4
+The editor
+The method ``View`` permits to open an editor in which one can see the
+cell being created as shown in the picture below.
+Function Param
+This function allows the user to give parameters when creating a cell.
+When one wants to give values to two parameters, one can type on the
+shell :
+ python test.py -n 4 -w 8
+The file ``test.py`` has then to contain :
+ nbit, nword = Param ( "n", "w" )
+The letters typed on the shell must be the ones given as parameters of
+function ``Param``.
+How to instanciate your generator in another generator
+One can create a generator and instantiate it in another generator.
+To do that, the model name of the generator must have the form :
+Note that if the two generators are not in the same directory, the
+directory of the generator to be instantiated has to be added in the
+CRL\_CATA\_LIB environment variable.
+For example, in order to instanciate the addaccu created above in a cell
+ n = 4
+ Generate ( "addaccu.addaccu", "my_addaccu_%dbits" % n
+ , param = { 'nbit' : n } )
+ Inst ( "my_addaccu_%dbits" % n
+ , map = { 'a' : self.netA
+ , 'b' : self.netB
+ , 'c' : self.netC
+ , 'v' : self.netV
+ , 'cmd' : self.netCmd
+ , 'cout' : self.netCout
+ , 's' : self.netS
+ , 'vdd' : self.vdd
+ , 'vss' : self.vss
+ }
+ )
+Description of a netlist
+SignalIn, SignalOut ... – Creation of nets
+ netA = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+How to create and use nets.
+Differents kind of nets are listed below :
+- ``SignalIn`` : Creation of an input port
+- ``SignalOut`` : Creation of an output port
+- ``SignalInOut`` : Creation of an inout port
+- ``SignalUnknown`` : Creation of an input/output port which direction
+ is not defined
+- ``TriState`` : Creation of a tristate port
+- ``CkIn`` : Creation of a clock port
+- ``VddIn`` : Creation of the vdd alimentation
+- ``VssIn`` : Creation of the vss alimentation
+- ``Signal`` : Creation of an internal net
+All kind of constructors have the same parameters :
+- ``name`` : the name of the net (mandatory argument)
+- ``arity`` : the arity of the net (mandatory argument)
+- ``indice`` : for bit vectors only : the LSB bit (optional argument :
+ set to 0 by default)
+Only ``CkIn``, ``VddIn`` and ``VssIn`` do not have the same parameters :
+there is only the ``name`` parameter (they are 1 bit nets).
+Functions and methods
+Some functions/methods are provided in order to handle nets :
+- function ``Cat`` : Concatenation of nets, beginning with the MSB
+ ::
+ Inst ( 'DpgenInv'
+ , map = { 'i0' : Cat ( A, B )
+ , 'nq' : S
+ , 'vdd' : vdd
+ , 'vss' : vss
+ }
+ )
+ Or :
+ ::
+ tab = []
+ tab.append ( A )
+ tab.append ( B )
+ Inst ( 'DpgenInv'
+ , map = { 'i0' : Cat ( tab )
+ , 'nq' : S
+ , 'vdd' : vdd
+ , 'vss' : vss
+ }
+ )
+ If A and B are 2 bits nets, the net ``myNet`` will be such as :
+ ::
+ myNet[3] = A[1]
+ myNet[2] = A[0]
+ myNet[1] = B[1]
+ myNet[0] = B[0]
+- function ``Extend`` : Creation of a net which is an extension of the
+ net which it is applied to
+ ::
+ temp = Signal ( "temp", 5 )
+ tempExt = Signal ( "temp_ext", 8 )
+ tempExt <= temp.Extand ( 8, 'one' )
+- method ``Alias`` : Creation of an alias name for a net
+ ::
+ cin.Alias ( c_temp[0] )
+ cout.Alias ( c_temp[4] )
+ for i in range ( 4 ) :
+ Inst ( "Fulladder"
+ , map = { 'a' : a[i]
+ , 'b' : b[i]
+ , 'cin' : c_temp[i]
+ , 'sout' : sout[i]
+ , 'cout' : c_temp[i+1]
+ , 'vdd' : vdd
+ , 'vss' : vss
+ }
+ )
+Some errors may occur :
+- | ``Error in SignalIn :``
+ | ``the lenght of the net must be a positive value.``
+ | One can not create a net with a negative lenght.
+Inst – Creation of instances
+ Inst ( model
+ , name
+ , map = connectmap
+ )
+Instantiation of an instance. The type of the instance is given by the
+``model`` parameter. The connexions are made thanks to the
+``connectmap`` parameters.
+- ``Model`` : Name of the mastercell of the instance to create
+ (mandatory argument)
+- ``name`` : Name of the instance (optional)
+ When this argument is not defined, the instance has a name created
+ by default. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a
+ layout as well. Indeed, the placement of the instances is much easier
+ when the conceptor has chosen himself the name f the
+ instances.
+- ``connectmap`` : Connexions in order to make the netlist
+``param`` and ``map`` are dictionnaries as shown in the example below.
+ Inst ( 'a2_x2'
+ , map = { 'i0' : in0
+ , 'i1' : in1
+ , 'q' : out
+ , 'vdd' : vdd
+ , 'vss' : vss
+ }
+ )
+You can see a concrete example at :
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``Error in Inst : the model Model does not exist.``
+ ``Check CRL_CATA_LIB.``
+ Either one has made a mistake in the name of the model, either the
+ environment variable is not correct.
+- ``Error in Inst : port does not exist in model Model.``
+ One port in map is not correct.
+- ``Error in Inst : one input net is not dimensionned.``
+ The size of the output nets is automatically calculated bus the
+ input nets must be dimensionned before being connected.
+Generate – Interface with the generators
+ Generate ( model, modelname, param = dict )
+The ``Generate`` function call is the generic interface to all
+- ``model`` : Specifies which generator is to be invoked
+ - If the generator belongs to the Dpgen library provided by Stratus,
+ the model name of the generator is simply the name of the class of
+ the generator.
+ - If the generator is created by the user, the model name of the
+ generator must have the form : “file\_name.class\_name”. (Note
+ that if the the generator is not in the working directory, the
+ directory of the generator to be instantiated has to be added in
+ the CRL\_CATA\_LIB environment variable)
+- ``modelname`` : Specifies the name of the model to be generated
+- ``dict`` : Specifies the parameters of the generator
+Every generator has it’s own parameters. They must be described in the
+map ``dict``.
+Every generator provides a netlist view. Two other views can be
+generated, if they are provided by the generator. Two parameters have to
+be given, in order to choose those views :
+- ’physical’ : True/False, generation of the physical view (optionnal,
+ False by default)
+- ’behavioral’ : True/False, generation of the behavioral view
+ (optionnal, False by default)
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Generate : the model must be described in a string.``
+Description of a layout
+Place – Places an instance
+ Place ( ins, sym, point )
+Placement of an instance.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist``, in
+order to use the ``Place`` function.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place.
+- ``sym`` : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance
+ before beeing placed.
+ The ``sym`` argument can take eight legal values :
+ - ``NOSYM`` : no geometrical operation is performed
+ - ``SYM_Y`` : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
+ - ``SYM_X`` : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
+ - ``SYMXY`` : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
+ - ``ROT_P`` : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``ROT_M`` : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``SY_RP`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+ - ``SY_RM`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+- ``point`` : coordinates of the lower left corner of the abutment box
+ of the instance in the current figure.
+ Place ( myInst, NOSYM, XY ( 0, 0 ) )
+Some errors may occur :
+- | ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ | The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.``
+- | ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.``
+ | One can not place an instance twice
+- | ``[Stratus ERROR] Place : wrong argument for placement type.``
+ | The symetry given as argument is not correct.
+- | ``[Stratus ERROR] Place : wrong argument for placement,``
+ | `` the coordinates must be put in a XY object.``
+ | The coordinates are not descrobed the bood way.
+PlaceTop – Places an instance at the top of the “reference instance”
+ PlaceTop ( ins, sym, offsetX, offsetY )
+Placement of an instance.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist`` in order
+to use the ``PlaceTop`` function.
+The bottom left corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed,
+after beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the top left corner of
+the abutment box of the “reference instance”. The newly placed instance
+becomes the “reference instance”.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place.
+- ``sym`` : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance
+ before beeing placed.
+ The ``sym`` argument can take eight legal values :
+ - ``NOSYM`` : no geometrical operation is performed
+ - ``SYM_Y`` : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
+ - ``SYM_X`` : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
+ - ``SYMXY`` : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
+ - ``ROT_P`` : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``ROT_M`` : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``SY_RP`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+ - ``SY_RM`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+- ``offsetX`` (optionnal) : An offset is put horizontally. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of PITCH
+- ``offsetY`` (optionnal) : An offset is put vertically. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of SLICE
+ Place ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
+ PlaceTop ( myInst2, SYM_Y )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.``
+ One can not place an instance twice
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceTop : no previous instance.``
+ One can use ``PlaceTop`` only if a reference instance exist. Use a
+ ``Place`` call before.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceTop : wrong argument for placement type.``
+ The symetry given as argument is not correct.
+PlaceBottom – Places an instance below the “reference instance”
+ PlaceBottom ( ins, sym, offsetX, offsetY )
+Placement of an instance.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist`` in order
+to use the ``PlaceTop`` function.
+The top left corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed, after
+beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the bottom left corner of the
+abutment box of the “reference instance”. The newly placed instance
+becomes the “reference instance”.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place.
+- ``sym`` : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance
+ before beeing placed.
+ The ``sym`` argument can take eight legal values :
+ - ``NOSYM`` : no geometrical operation is performed
+ - ``SYM_Y`` : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
+ - ``SYM_X`` : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
+ - ``SYMXY`` : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
+ - ``ROT_P`` : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``ROT_M`` : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``SY_RP`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+ - ``SY_RM`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+- ``offsetX`` (optionnal) : An offset is put horizontally. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of PITCH
+- ``offsetY`` (optionnal) : An offset is put vertically. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of SLICE
+ Place ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
+ PlaceBottom ( myInst2, SYM_Y )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.``
+ One can not place an instance twice
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceBottom : no previous instance.``
+ One can use ``PlaceBottom`` only if a reference instance exist. Use
+ a ``Place`` call before.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceBottom : wrong argument for placement type.``
+ The symetry given as argument is not correct.
+PlaceRight – Places an instance at the right of the “reference instance”
+ PlaceRight ( ins, sym, offsetX, offsetY )
+Placement of an instance.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist`` in order
+to use the ``PlaceTop`` function.
+The bottom left corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed,
+after beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the bottom right corner
+of the abutment box of the “reference instance”. The newly placed
+instance becomes the “reference instance”.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place.
+- ``sym`` : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance
+ before beeing placed.
+ The ``sym`` argument can take eight legal values :
+ - ``NOSYM`` : no geometrical operation is performed
+ - ``SYM_Y`` : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
+ - ``SYM_X`` : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
+ - ``SYMXY`` : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
+ - ``ROT_P`` : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``ROT_M`` : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``SY_RP`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+ - ``SY_RM`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+- ``offsetX`` (optionnal) : An offset is put horizontally. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of PITCH
+- ``offsetY`` (optionnal) : An offset is put vertically. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of SLICE
+ Place ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
+ PlaceRight ( myInst2, NOSYM )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.``
+ One can not place an instance twice
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceRight : no previous instance.``
+ One can use ``PlaceRight`` only if a reference instance exist. Use
+ a ``Place`` call before.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceRight : wrong argument for placement type.``
+ The symetry given as argument is not correct.
+PlaceLeft – Places an instance at the left of the “reference instance”
+ PlaceLeft ( ins, sym, offsetX, offsetY )
+Placement of an instance.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist`` in order
+to use the ``PlaceTop`` function.
+The bottom right corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed,
+after beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the bottom left corner of
+the abutment box of the “reference instance”. The newly placed instance
+becomes the “reference instance”.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place.
+- ``sym`` : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance
+ before beeing placed.
+ The ``sym`` argument can take eight legal values :
+ - ``NOSYM`` : no geometrical operation is performed
+ - ``SYM_Y`` : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
+ - ``SYM_X`` : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
+ - ``SYMXY`` : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
+ - ``ROT_P`` : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``ROT_M`` : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
+ - ``SY_RP`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+ - ``SY_RM`` : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation
+ takes place
+- ``offsetX`` (optionnal) : An offset is put horizontally. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of PITCH
+- ``offsetY`` (optionnal) : An offset is put vertically. The value
+ given as argument must be a multiple of SLICE
+ Place ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
+ PlaceLeft ( myInst2, NOSYM )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.``
+ One can not place an instance twice
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceLeft : no previous instance.``
+ One can use ``PlaceLeft`` only if a reference instance exist. Use a
+ ``Place`` call before.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceLeft : wrong argument for placement type.``
+ The symetry given as argument is not correct.
+SetRefIns – Defines the new “reference instance” for placement
+ SetRefIns ( ins )
+This function defines the new “reference instance”, used as starting
+point in the relative placement functions.
+It’s regarding the abutmentbox of the instance ``ins`` that the next
+instance is going to be placed, if using the appropriate functions.
+Note that the more recently placed instance becomes automaticaly the
+“reference instance”, if SetRefIns isn’t called.
+- ``ins`` : defines the new “reference instance”
+ Place ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
+ PlaceRight ( myInst2, NOSYM )
+ SetRefIns ( myInst1 )
+ PlaceTop ( myInst3, SYM_Y )
+``myInst3`` is on top of ``myInst1`` instead of ``myInst2``.
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] SetRefIns : the instance doesn't exist.``
+ If the instance has not been instanciated, it is impossible do to
+ any placement from it.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] SetRefIns : the instance ...is not placed.``
+ If the instance has not been placed, it is impossible do to any
+ placement from it.
+DefAb – Creates the abutment box of the current cell
+ DefAb ( point1, point2 )
+This function creates the abutment box of the current cell.
+Note that one does not have to call this function before saving in order
+to create the abutment box. The abutment box is created nevertheless
+(given to placed instances). This function is usefull if one wants to
+create an abutment before placing the instances.
+- ``point1`` : coordinates of the bottom left corner of the created
+ abutment box.
+- ``point2`` : coordinates of the top right corner of the created
+ abutment box.
+ DefAb ( XY(0, 0), XY(500, 100) )
+ Place ( self.inst, NOSYM, XY(0, 0) )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] DefAb : an abutment box already exists.``
+ `` Maybe you should use ResizeAb function.``
+ One has called DefAb but the current cell already has an abutment
+ box.
+ In order to modify the current abutment box, the function to call
+ is ResizeAb.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] DefAb : wrong argument,``
+ `` the coordinates must be put in a XY object.``
+ The type of one of the arguments is not correct. Coordinates must
+ be put in a ``XY`` object.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] DefAb :``
+ ``Coordinates of an abutment Box in y must be multiple of the slice.``
+ ``Coordinates of an abutment Box in x must be multiple of the pitch.``
+ One has called DefAb with non authorized values.
+ResizeAb – Modifies the abutment box of the current cell
+ ResizeAb ( dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 )
+This function modifies the abutment box of the current cell.
+The coordinates of the abutment box are the coordinates of the envelop
+of the abutment boxes of each instance plus the delta values given as
+Note that one can not call this function in order to create the abutment
+box. This fonction only modifies the already created abutment box.
+- ``(dx1, dy1)`` : Values to be substracted to the lower left corner of
+ the previous abutment box.
+- ``(dx2, dy2)`` : Values to be added to the upper right corner of the
+ previous abutment box.
+The Values are used as follow :
+ % Expansion of the abutment box at the top and the bottom
+ ResizeAb ( 0, 100, 0, 100 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- `` [Stratus ERROR] ResizeAb :``
+ ``Coordinates of an abutment Box in y must be multiple of the slice.``
+ ``Coordinates of an abutment Box in x must be multiple of the pitch.``
+ One has called ResizeAb with non authorized values
+- `` [Stratus ERROR] ResizeAb :``
+ ``one of the values of dx1 or dx2 (dy1 or dy2) is incompatible with``
+ ``the size of the abutment box.``
+ ``Coordinates of an abutment Box in x must be multiple of the pitch.``
+ One has called ResizeAb with a value which deteriorates the
+ abtument box
+Patterns generation extension
+Description of the stimuli
+The stimuli used for the simulation are described in a ``Stimuli``
+method. This method is a Python function generator that is automatically
+called by the ``Testbench`` method to generate all the stimuli. As a
+Python function generator, the ``yield`` instruction have to be used at
+the end of each stimuli computation.
+Affect value to signals
+The method ``affect`` permits to affect a value to a given signal as
+ self._stim.affect(self.Ck,0)
+Add stimuli
+The method ``add`` permits to finish a step of simulation by add all the
+values to the current stimuli
+ self._stim.add()
+Place and Route
+PlaceSegment – Places a segment
+ PlaceSegment ( net, layer, point1, point2, width )
+Placement of a segment.
+The segment is created between ``point1`` and ``point2`` on the layer
+``layer`` and with width ``width``. It belongs to the net ``net``.
+Note that the segment must be horizontal or vertival.
+- ``net`` : Net which the segment belongs to
+- ``layer`` : Layer of the segment.
+ The ``layer`` argument is a string wich can take different values,
+ thanks to the technology (file described in HUR\_TECHNO\_NAME)
+ - NWELL, PWELL, ptie, ntie, pdif, ndif, ntrans, ptrans, poly, ALU1,
+ CONT\_BODY\_N, CONT\_BODY\_P, via12, via23, via34, via45, via56,
+ via24, via25, via26, via35, via36, via46, CONT\_TURN1,
+- ``point1``, ``point2`` : The segment is created between those two
+ points
+ PlaceSegment ( myNet, "ALU3", XY (10, 0), XY (10, 100), 2 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceSegment : Argument layer must be a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceSegment : Wrong argument,``
+ ``the coordinates of the segment must be put in XY objects.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceSegment : Segments are vertical or horizontal.``
+ The two references given as argument do not describe a vertical or
+ horizontal segment. Wether coordinate x or y of the references must
+ be identical.
+PlaceContact – Places a contact
+ PlaceContact ( net, layer, point, width, height )
+Placement of a contact.
+The contact is located at the coodinates of ``point``, on the layer
+``layer`` and has a size of 1 per 1. It belongs to the net ``net``.
+Note that the segment must be horizontal or vertival.
+- ``net`` : Net which the contact belongs to
+- ``layer`` : Layer of the segment.
+ The ``layer`` argument is a string wich can take different values,
+ thanks to the technology (file described in HUR\_TECHNO\_NAME)
+ - NWELL, PWELL, ptie, ntie, pdif, ndif, ntrans, ptrans, poly, ALU1,
+ CONT\_BODY\_N, CONT\_BODY\_P, via12, via23, via34, via45, via56,
+ via24, via25, via26, via35, via36, via46, CONT\_TURN1,
+- ``point`` : Coodinates of the contact
+- ``width`` : Width of the contact
+- ``height`` : Height of the contact
+ PlaceContact ( myNet, "ALU2", XY (10, 0), 2, 2 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceContact : Argument layer must be a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceContact : Wrong argument,``
+ ``the coordinates of the contact must be put in a XY object.``
+PlacePin – Places a pin
+ PlacePin ( net, layer, direction, point, width, height )
+Placement of a pin.
+The pin is located at the coodinates of ``point``, on the layer
+``layer``, has a a direction of ``direction`` and size of 1 per 1. It
+belongs to the net ``net``.
+- ``net`` : Net which the pin belongs to
+- ``layer`` : Layer of the segment.
+ The ``layer`` argument is a string wich can take different values,
+ thanks to the technology (file described in HUR\_TECHNO\_NAME)
+ - NWELL, PWELL, ptie, ntie, pdif, ndif, ntrans, ptrans, poly, ALU1,
+ CONT\_BODY\_N, CONT\_BODY\_P, via12, via23, via34, via45, via56,
+ via24, via25, via26, via35, via36, via46, CONT\_TURN1,
+- ``direction`` : Direction of the pin
+- ``point`` : Coodinates of the pin
+- ``width`` : Width of the pin
+- ``height`` : Height of the pin
+ PlacePin ( myNet, "ALU2", NORTH, XY (10, 0), 2, 2 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlacePin : Argument layer must be a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlacePin : Illegal pin access direction.``
+ ``The values are : UNDEFINED, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlacePin : Wrong argument,``
+ ``the coordinates of the pin must be put in a XY object.``
+PlaceRef – Places a reference
+ PlaceRef ( point, name )
+Placement of a reference.
+The reference is located at the coordinates of ``point``, with name
+- ``point`` : Coodinates of the reference
+- ``name`` : Name of the reference
+ PlaceRef ( XY (10, 0), "myref" )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceRef : Wrong argument,``
+ ``the coordinates of the reference must be put in a XY object.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceRef : Argument layer must be a string.``
+GetRefXY – Returns the coordinates of a reference
+ GetRefXY ( pathname, refname )
+Computation of coordinates.
+The point returned (object XY) represents the location of the
+reference of name ``refname`` within the coodinates system of the top
+cell. The reference ``refname`` is instanciated in an instance found
+thanks to ``pathname`` which represents an ordered sequence of instances
+through the hierarchy.
+- ``pathname`` : The path in order to obtain, from the top cell, the
+ instance the reference ``refname`` belongs to
+- ``refname`` : The name of the reference
+The cell which is being created (the top cell), instanciates a generator
+with instance name “my\_dpgen\_and2”. This generator instanciates an
+instance called “cell\_1” which the reference “i0\_20” belongs to.
+ GetRefXY ( "my_dpgen_and2.cell_1", "i0_20" )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] GetRefXY :``
+ ``The instance's path must be put with a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] GetRefXY :``
+ ``The reference must be done with it's name : a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] GetRefXY :``
+ ``No reference found with name ... in masterCell ...``
+CopyUpSegment – Copies the segment of an instance in the current cell
+ CopyUpSegment ( pathname, netname, newnet )
+Duplication of a segment.
+The segment is created with the same cordinates and layer as the
+segment corresponding to the net ``netname`` in the instance found
+thanks to ``pathname``. It belongs to the net ``newnet``.
+Note that if several segments correspond to the net, they are all
+going to be copied.
+- ``pathname`` : The path in order to obtain, from the top cell, the
+ instance the net ``netname`` belongs to
+- ``netname`` : The name of the net which the segment belongs to
+- ``net`` : The net which the top cell segment os going to belong to
+ CopuUpSegment ( "my_dpgen_and2.cell_1", "i0", myNet )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment :``
+ ``The instance's path must be put with a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment :``
+ ``The segment must be done with it's name : a string.``
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment :``
+ ``No net found with name ... in masterCell ...``
+ There is no net with name ``netname`` in the instance found thanks
+ to the path ``pathname``.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment :``
+ ``No segment found with net ... in masterCell ...``
+ The net with name ``netname`` has no segment. So the copy of
+ segment can not be done.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment :``
+ ``the segment of net ... are not of type CALU.``
+ In other words, the net is not an external net. The copy can be
+ done only with external nets.
+PlaceCentric – Placement of an instance in the middle of an abutment box
+ PlaceCentric ( ins )
+This function places an instance in the middle of and abutment box.
+The instance has to be instantiated in the method ``Netlist`` in order
+to use this function.
+- ``ins`` : Instance to place
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceCentric: the instance does not exist.``
+ The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PlaceCentric :``
+ ``the instance's size is greater than this model.``
+ The instance must fit in the abutment box. The abutment box may not
+ be big enough.
+PlaceGlue – Automatic placement of non placed instances
+ PlaceGlue ( cell )
+This function places, thanks to the automatic placer Mistral of
+Coriolis, all the non placed instances of the cell.
+- ``cell`` : the cell which the fonction is applied to
+FillCell – Automatic placement of ties.
+ FillCell ( cell )
+This function places automatically ties.
+- ``cell`` : the cell which the fonction is applied to
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] FillCell : Given cell doesn't exist.``
+ The argument is wrong. Check if one has created the cell correctly.
+PadNorth, PadSouth, PadEast, PasWest – Placement of pads at the
+periphery of the cell
+ PadNorth ( args )
+These functions place the pads given as arguments at the given side of
+the cell (PadNorth : up north, PadSouth : down south ...). Pads are
+placed from bottom to top for PadNorth and PadSouth and from left to
+right for PadWest and PasEast.
+- ``args`` : List of pads to be placed
+ PadSouth ( self.p_cin, self.p_np, self.p_ng, self.p_vssick0
+ , self.p_vddeck0, self.p_vsseck1, self.p_vddeck1, self.p_cout
+ , self.p_y[0], self.p_y[1], self.p_y[2]
+ )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : not enough space for all pads.``
+ The abutment box is not big enough in order to place all the pads.
+ Maybe one could put pads on other faces of the cell.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : one instance doesn't exist.``
+ One of the pads given as arguments does not exist
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : one argument is not an instance.``
+ One of the pads is not one of the pads of the cell.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : the instance ins is already placed.``
+ One is trying to place a pad twice.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PadNorth : pad ins must be closer to the center.``
+ The pad name ins must be put closer to the center in order to route
+ the cell
+Alimentation rails
+AlimVerticalRail, AlimHorizontalRail – Placement of a
+vertical/horizontal alimentation call back
+ AlimVerticalRail ( nb )
+These functions place a vertical/horizontal alimentation call back. It’s
+position is given by the parameter given.
+- ``nb`` : coordinate of the rail
+ - For AlimVerticalRail, ``nb`` is in pitches i.e. 5 lambdas
+ - For AlimHorizontalRail, ``nb`` is in slices i.e. 50 lambdas
+ AlimVerticalRail ( 50 )
+ AlimVerticalRail ( 150 )
+ AlimHorizontalRail ( 10 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] AlimHorizontalRail :``
+ ``Illegal argument y, y must be between ... and ...``
+ The argument given is wrong : the call back would not be in the
+ abutment box.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Placement of cells :``
+ ``please check your file of layout with DRUC.``
+ The placement of the cell needs to be correct in order to place a
+ call back. Check the errors of placement.
+Alimentation connectors
+AlimConnectors – Creation of connectors at the periphery of the core of
+a circuit
+ AlimConnectors()
+This function creates the connectors in Alu 1 at the periphery of the
+PowerRing – Placement of power rings.
+ PowerRing ( nb )
+This function places power rings around the core and around the plots.
+- ``nb`` : Number of pair of rings vdd/vss
+ PowerRing ( 3 )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PowerRing : Pads in the north haven't been placed.``
+ The pads of the 4 sides of the chip must be placed before calling
+ function PowerRing.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] PowerRing : too many rings, not enough space.``
+ Wether The argument of PowerRing is to big, or the abutment box of
+ the chip is to small. There’s no space to put the rings.
+RouteCk – Routing of signal Ck to standard cells
+ RouteCk ( net )
+This function routes signal Ck to standard cells.
+- ``net`` : the net which the fonction is applied to
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] RouteCk : Pads in the north haven't been placed``
+ The pads must be placed before calling RoutageCk.
+Instanciation facilities
+Buffer – Easy way to instantiate a buffer
+ netOut <= netIn.Buffer()
+This method is a method of net. The net which this method is applied
+to is the input net of the buffer. The method returns a net : the output
+Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the
+``SetBuff`` method.
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 4 )
+ self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S <= self.A.Buffer()
+Mux – Easy way to instantiate a multiplexor
+ netOut <= netCmd.Mux ( arg )
+This method is a method of net. The net which this method is applied
+to is the command of the multiplexor. The nets given as parameters are
+all the input nets. This method returns a net : the output net.
+There are two ways to describe the multiplexor : the argument ``arg``
+can be a list or a dictionnary.
+Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the
+``SetMux`` method.
+- List :
+ For each value of the command, the corresponding net is specified.
+ All values must be specified.
+ For example :
+ ::
+ out <= cmd.Mux ( [in0, in1, in2, in3] )
+ The net out is then initialised like this :
+ ::
+ if cmd == 0 : out <= in0
+ if cmd == 1 : out <= in1
+ if cmd == 2 : out <= in2
+ if cmd == 3 : out <= in3
+- Dictionnary :
+ A dictionnary makes the correspondance between a value of the
+ command and the corresponding net.
+ For example :
+ ::
+ out <= cmd.Mux ( {"0" : in0, "1" : in1, "2" : in2, "3" : in3} )
+ This initialisation corresponds to the one before. Thanks to the use
+ of a dictionnary, the connections can be clearer :
+ - ``'default'``: This key of the dictionnary corresponds to all
+ the nets that are not specified
+ For example :
+ ::
+ out <= cmd.Mux ( {"0" : in0, "default" : in1} )
+ This notation corresponds to :
+ ::
+ if cmd == 0 : out <= in0
+ else : out <= in1
+ Note that if there is no ``'default'`` key specified and that not
+ all the nets are specified, the non specified nets are set to 0.
+ - ``#`` and ``?`` : When a key of the dictionnary begins with
+ ``#``, the number after the ``#`` has to be binary and each ? in
+ the number means that this bit is not precised
+ For example :
+ ::
+ out <= cmd.Mux ( {"#01?" : in0, "default" : in1} )
+ This notation corresponds to :
+ ::
+ if cmd in ( 2, 3 ) : out <= in0
+ else : out <= in1
+ - ``,`` and ``-`` : When keys contains thoses symbols, it permits
+ to enumerate intervals
+ For example :
+ ::
+ out <= cmd.Mux ( {"0,4" : in0, "1-3,5" : in1} )
+ This notation corresponds to :
+ ::
+ if cmd in ( 0, 4 ) : out <= in0
+ elif cmd in ( 1, 2, 3, 5) : out <= in1
+ else : out <= 0
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.B = SignalIn ( "b", 4 )
+ self.C = SignalIn ( "c", 4 )
+ self.D = SignalIn ( "d", 4 )
+ self.Cmd1 = SignalIn ( "cmd1", 2 )
+ self.Cmd2 = SignalIn ( "cmd2", 4 )
+ self.S1 = SignalOut ( "s1", 4 )
+ self.S2 = SignalOut ( "s2", 4 )
+ self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S1 <= self.Cmd1.Mux ( [sefl.A, self.B, self.C, self.D] )
+ self.S2 <= self.Cmd2.Mux ( { "0" : self.A
+ , "1,5-7" : self.B
+ , "#1?1?" : self.C
+ , "default" : self.D
+ } )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux : all the nets must have the same lenght.``
+ All the input nets pust have the same lenght.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux : there are no input nets.``
+ The input nets seem to have been forgotten.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux : wrong argument type.``
+ The connections of the buses are not described by a list nor a
+ dictionnary.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux :``
+ ``the number of nets does not match with the lenght of the command.``
+ When using a list, the number of nets has to correspond to the
+ number of possible values of the command.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux : wrong key.``
+ One of the key of the dictionnary is not un number, neither a list
+ or an interval.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux :``
+ ``when an interval is specified, the second number of the interval``
+ ``must be greater than the first one.``
+ When creating an interval with “-”, the second number has to be
+ greater than the first one.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux :``
+ ``the binary number does not match with the lenght of the command.``
+ When using the ``#`` notation, each digit of the binary number
+ corresponds to a wire of the cmd. The leghts have to correspond.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Mux : after #, the number has to be binary.``
+ When using the ``#`` notation, the number has to be binary : one
+ can use 0, 1 or ?.
+Shift – Easy way to instantiate a shifter
+ netOut <= netCmd.Shift ( netIn, direction, type )
+This method is a method of net. The net which this method is applied
+to is the command of the shifter, it’s the one which defines the number
+of bits to shift. The net given as parameter is the input net. The other
+arguments set the different patameters. The method returns a net : the
+output net.
+Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the
+``SetShift`` method.
+- ``netIn`` : the net which is going to be shifted
+- ``direction`` : this string represents the direction of the shift :
+ - “left”
+ - “right”
+- ``type`` : this string represents the type of the shift :
+ - “logical” : only “zeros” are put in the net
+ - “arith” : meaningful for “right” shift, the values put in the nets
+ are an extension of the MSB
+ - “circular” : the values put in the nets are the ones which have
+ just been taken off
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.Cmd = SignalIn ( "cmd", 2 )
+ self.S1 = SignalOut ( "s1", 4 )
+ self.S2 = SignalOut ( "s2", 4 )
+ self.S3 = SignalOut ( "s3", 4 )
+ self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S1 <= self.Cmd.Shift ( self.A, "right", "logical" )
+ self.S2 <= self.Cmd.Shift ( self.A, "right", "arith" )
+ self.S3 <= self.Cmd.Shift ( self.A, "left", "circular" )
+If the value of “a” is “0b1001” and the value of “cmd” is “0b10”, we
+will have :
+- “s1” : “0b0010”
+- “s2” : “0b1110”
+- “s3” : “0b0110”
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Shift :``
+ ``The input net does not have a positive arity.``
+ The net which is going to be shifted must have a positive arity.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Shift :``
+ ``The direction parameter must be "left" or "right".``
+ The “direction” argument is not correct.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Shift :``
+ ``The type parameter must be "logical" or "arith" or "circular".``
+ The “type” argument is not correct.
+Reg – Easy way to instantiate a register
+ netOut <= netCk.Reg ( netIn )
+This method is a method of net. The net which this method is applied
+to is the clock of the register. The net given as parameter is the input
+net. The method returns a net : the output net.
+Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the
+``SetReg`` method.
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 4 )
+ self.Ck = CkIn ( "ck" )
+ self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S <= self.Ck.Reg ( self.A )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Reg : The input net does not have a positive arity.``
+ The input net must have a positive arity.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Reg : The clock does not have a positive arity.``
+ The clock must have a positive arity.
+Constant – Easy way to instantiate constants
+ netOne <= One ( 2 )
+ net8 <= "8"
+These functions simplify the way to instanciate constants.
+- The functions ``One`` and\ ``Zero`` permits to initialise all the
+ bits of a net to ’one’ or ’zero’.
+- The instanciation of a constant thanks to a string can be done in
+ decimal, hecadecimal or binary.
+- For ``One`` and ``Zero`` :
+ - ``n`` : the arity of the net
+- For the instanciation of a constant :
+ - the constant given must be a string representing :
+ - A decimal number
+ - A binary number : the string must begin with “0b”
+ - An hexadecimal number : the string must begin with “0x”
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.Ones = SignalOut ( "ones", 2 )
+ self.Zeros = SignalOut ( "zeros", 4 )
+ self.Eight = SignalOut ( "eight", 4 )
+ self.Twentu = SignalOut ( "twenty", 5 )
+ self.Two = SignalOut ( "two", 5 )
+ self.Vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.Vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.Ones <= One ( 2 )
+ self.Zero <= Zero ( 4 )
+ self.Eight <= "8"
+ self.Twenty <= "0x14"
+ self.Two <= "0b10"
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Const :``
+ ``the argument must be a string representing a number in decimal,``
+ ``binary (0b) or hexa (0x).``
+ The string given as argument does not have the right form.
+Boolean operations
+Most common boolean operators can be instantiated without the ``Inst``
+Boolean operators are listed below :
+- ``And2`` : ``q <= i0 & i1``
+- ``Or2`` : ``q <= i0 | i1``
+- ``Xor2`` : ``q <= i0 ^ i1``
+- ``Inv`` : ``q <= ~i0``
+Generators to instantiate
+One can choose the generator to be used. Some methods are applied to
+the cell and set the generator used when using ``&``, ``|``, ``^`` and
+``~``. The generators used by default are the ones from the virtual
+Methods are :
+- ``SetAnd``
+- ``SetOr``
+- ``SetXor``
+- ``SetNot``
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.B = SignalIn ( "b", 4 )
+ self.B = SignalIn ( "c", 4 )
+ self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 4 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S <= ( ~self.A & self.B ) | self.C
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] & : the nets must have the same lenght.``
+ When one uses boolean expressions, one has to check that the sizes
+ of both nets are equivalent.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] : there is no alim.``
+ The cell being created does not have the alimentation nets. The
+ instanciation is impossible.
+Arithmetical operations
+Most common arithmetic operators can be instantiated without the
+``Inst`` constructor.
+Arithmetical operators are listed below :
+- ``Addition`` : ``q <= i0 + i1``
+- ``Substraction`` : ``q <= i0`` - ``i1``
+- ``Multiplication`` : ``q <= i0 * i1``
+- ``Division`` : ``q <= i0 / i1``
+Generators to instantiate
+One can choose the generator to be used. Some methods are applied to the
+cell and set the generator used when using overloard. Methods are :
+- ``SetAdd`` (for addition and substraction)
+- ``SetMult``
+- ``SetDiv``
+The generators used by default are :
+- ``Addition`` : Slansky adder
+- ``Substraction`` : Slansky adder + inversor + cin = ’1’
+- ``Multiplication`` : CA2 multiplier (signed, modified booth/Wallace
+ tree)
+- ``Division`` : not available yet
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.B = SignalIn ( "b", 4 )
+ self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 4 )
+ self.T = SignalOut ( "t", 8 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S <= self.A + self.B
+ self.T <= self.A * self.B
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] + : the nets must have the same lenght.``
+ When one uses arithmetic expressions, one has to check that the
+ sizes of both nets are equivalent.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] : there is no alim.``
+ The cell being created does not have the alimentation nets. The
+ instanciation is impossible.
+Comparison operations
+Eq/Ne : Easy way to test the value of the nets
+ netOut <= net.Eq ( "n" )
+Comparaison functions are listed below :
+- ``Eq`` : returns ``true`` if the value of the net is equal to ``n``.
+- ``Ne`` : returns ``true`` if the value of the net is different from
+ ``n``.
+Note that it is possible to change the generator instanciated with the
+``SetComp`` method.
+The constant given as argument must be a string representing :
+- A decimal number
+- A binary number : the string must begin with “0b”
+- An hexadecimal number : the string must begin with “0x”
+ class essai ( Model ) :
+ def Interface ( self ) :
+ self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
+ self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 1 )
+ self.T = SignalOut ( "t", 1 )
+ self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
+ self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
+ def Netlist ( self ) :
+ self.S <= self.A.Eq ( "4" )
+ self.T <= self.A.Ne ( "1" )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Eq :``
+ ``the number does not match with the net's lenght.``
+ When one uses comparaison functions on one net, one has to check
+ that the number corresponds to the size of the net.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Eq :``
+ ``the argument must be a string representing a number in decimal,``
+ ``binary (0b) or hexa (0x).``
+ The string given as argument does not have the right form.
+Virtual library
+The virtual library permits to create a cell and map it to different
+libraries without having to change it.
+List of the generators provided
+- ``a2`` : ``q <= i0 & i1``
+- ``a3`` : ``q <= i0 & i1 & i2``
+- ``a4`` : ``q <= i0 & i1 & i2 & i3``
+- ``na2`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 )``
+- ``na3`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 & i2 )``
+- ``na4`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 & i2 & i3 )``
+- ``o2`` : ``q <= i0 & i1``
+- ``o3`` : ``q <= i0 & i1 & i2``
+- ``o4`` : ``q <= i0 & i1 & i2 & i3``
+- ``no2`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 )``
+- ``no3`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 & i2 )``
+- ``no4`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 & i1 & i2 & i3 )``
+- ``inv`` : ``nq <= ~ i``
+- ``buf`` : ``q <= i``
+- ``xr2`` : ``q <= i0 ^ i1``
+- ``nxr2`` : ``nq <= ~ ( i0 ^ i1 )``
+- ``zero`` : ``nq <= '0'``
+- ``one`` : ``q <= '1'``
+- ``halfadder`` : ``sout <= a ^ b`` and ``cout <= a & b``
+- ``fulladder`` : ``sout <= a ^ b ^ cin``
+ and ``cout <= ( a & b ) | ( a & cin ) | ( b & cin )``
+- ``mx2`` : ``q <= (i0 & ~cmd) | (i1 & cmd)``
+- ``nmx2`` : ``nq <= ~( (i0 & ~cmd) | (i1 & cmd) )``
+- ``sff`` : ``if RISE ( ck ) : q <= i``
+- ``sff2`` : ``if RISE ( ck ) : q <= (i0 & ~cmd) | (i1 & cmd)``
+- ``sff3`` : ``if RISE ( ck ) :``
+ `` q <= (i0 & ~cmd0) | (((i1 & cmd1)|(i2&~cmd1)) & cmd0)``
+- ``ts`` : ``if cmd : q <= i``
+- ``nts`` : ``if cmd : nq <= ~i``
+Mapping file
+The virtual library is mapped to the sxlib library. A piece of the
+corresponding mapping file is shown below.
+In order to map the virtual library to another library, on has to
+write a .xml file which makes correspond models and interfaces.
+Note that the interfaces of the cells must be the same (except for the
+names of the ports). Otherwise, one has to create .vst file in order to
+make the interfaces match.
+The environment variable used to point the right file is
+Some generators are also provided in order to use the cells of the
+library with nets of more than 1 bit. One has to upper the first letter
+of the model name in order to user those generators. What is simply done
+is a for loop with the bits of the nets. The parameter ``'nbit'`` gives
+the size of the generator.
+- Direct instanciation of a cell
+ for i in range ( 4 ) :
+ Inst ( 'a2'
+ , map = { 'i0' : neti0[i]
+ , 'i1' : neti1[i]
+ , 'q' : netq[i]
+ , 'vdd' : netvdd
+ , 'vss' : netvss
+ }
+ )
+- Instanciation of a generator
+ Generate ( 'A2', "my_and2_4bits", param = { 'nbit' : 4 } )
+ Inst ( 'my_and2_4bits'
+ , map = { 'i0' : neti0
+ , 'i1' : neti1
+ , 'q' : netq
+ , 'vdd' : vdd
+ , 'vss' : vss
+ }
+ )
+Some errors may occur :
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Inst : the model ... does not exist.``
+ ``Check CRL_CATA_LIB.``
+ The model of the cell has not been found. One has to check the
+ environment variable.
+- ``[Stratus ERROR] Virtual library : No file found in order to parse.``
+ The mapping file is not given in the environment variable.
+Useful links
+DpGen generators
+You can find the documentation of the DPGEN library at :
+Arithmetic package of stratus
+You can find the documentation of the arithmetic stratus’s package at:
+Arithmetic generators and some stratus packages
+You can find the documentation of the arithmetic library at :
+Patterns module
+You can find the documentation of the patterns module :
+.. |add1| image:: ./images/add1.png
+.. |add2| image:: ./images/add2.png
+.. |addaccu| image:: ./images/addaccu.png
+.. |test| image:: ./images/test.png
+.. |editor| image:: ./images/editor.png
+.. |resize| image:: ./images/resizeAb.png
+.. |xml| image:: images/xml.png
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/Pattern.rst b/documentation/Stratus/Pattern.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5c1d4a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/Pattern.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+Patterns module User's Guide
+Roselyne Chotin-Avot
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+The patterns module of *Stratus* is a set of *Python* classes and
+methods that allows a procedural description of input pattern file for
+the logic simulator. The *Stratus* ``Pattern`` method produces a pattern
+description file as output. The file generated by ``Pattern`` method is
+in pat format, so IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO SEE pat(5) manual BEFORE
+From a user point of view, ``Pattern`` method is a pattern description
+language using all standard *Python* facilities. Here follows the
+description of the ``Pattern`` method.
+A pat format file can be divided in two parts : declaration and
+description part.
+The declaration part is the list of inputs, outputs, internal signals
+and registers. Inputs are to be forced to a certain value and all the
+others are to be observed during simulation.
+The description part is a set of patterns, where each pattern defines
+the value of inputs and outputs. The pattern number represents actually
+the absolute time for the simulator.
+Similarly, a ``Pattern`` method can be divided in two parts :
+declaration and description part. Methods related to the declaration
+must be called before any function related to the description part.
+Declaration part
+The first thing you should do in this part is to instantiate the class
+``Patwrite`` to have access to all patterns declaration and description
+methods. The constructor of this class take as parameters the name of
+pattern output file and the *Stratus* cell that is described (see
+``PatWrite`` [patwrite]).
+Then, this part allows you to declare the inputs, the outputs, and
+internal observing points (see ``declar``\ [declar] and
+``declar_interface`` [declar:sub:`i`\ nterface]).
+Description part
+After all signals are declared, you can begin the description part (see
+``pattern_begin`` [pattern:sub:`b`\ egin]). In this part you have to
+define input values which are to be applied to the inputs of the circuit
+or output values which are to be compare with the values produced during
+the simulation. (see ``affect`` [affect], ``affect_any``
+[affect:sub:`a`\ ny], ``affect_int`` [affect:sub:`i`\ nt] and
+``affect_fix`` [affect:sub:`f`\ ix]). ``Pattern`` method describes the
+stimulus by event : only signal transitions are described. After each
+event there is a new input in the pattern file (see ``addpat``
+[addpat]). Last thing you should do in this part is to generate the
+output file (see ``pattern_end`` [pattern:sub:`e`\ nd]).
+This class is used to create patterns for *Stratus* models. Currently it
+only supports Alliance “.pat” pattern format. Patterns time stamps are
+in the “absolute date” format, “relative date” isn’t allowed. Legal time
+unit are ps (default), ns, us and ms. The constructor takes as
+parameters the pattern output filename and an optional reference to
+Stratus cell.
+Adds a connector from a Stratus model to the pattern interface. Writes
+the corresponding connector declaration in the pattern file with name,
+arity and direction automatically extracted from the connector
+Supported Stratus connectors are:
+- SignalIn,
+- SignalOut (only supported if used as an output),
+- VddIn,
+- VssIn,
+- CkIn,
+- SignalInOut,
+- TriState (always an output),
+- Signals.
+- connector : can either be a reference to a stratus net or a string
+ containing the name of the stratus net.
+- format : optional format for the connectors values into the pattern
+ file, accepted values are :
+ - ’B’: binary (default),
+ - ’X’: hexadecimal,
+ - ’O’: octal.
+Adds all the connectors from a Stratus model to the pattern interface.
+Write the corresponding connector declaration in the pattern file with
+name, arity and direction directly taken from the connector proprieties.
+- cell : the tested Stratus model reference. Optional if a reference to
+ the tested Stratus model was given during instanciation[patwrite].
+- format : optional format for the connectors values into the pattern
+ file, accepted values are :
+ - ’B’: binary (default),
+ - ’X’: hexadecimal,
+ - ’O’: octal.
+Affect a string value to a connector.
+- connector : *Stratus* connector
+- value : string to affect to connector
+Affect an integer (CA2) value to a connector. Convert the 2’s complement
+value to the corresponding binary value. The binary size is taken from
+the connector arity. If the connector is an output, the binary value is
+preceded by “?”.
+- connector : *Stratus* connector.
+- value : 2’s complement value to affect to the connector.
+Affect a fixed point value to a connector. Convert the floating point
+input value to the corresponding fixed point value with
+word\_length=connector.arity() and integer\_word\_length=iwl. If the
+connector is an output, the binary value is preceded by “?”.
+- connector : *Stratus* connector.
+- value : floating point value to convert and asign to connector.
+- iwl : integer word length
+Disable comparison between this connector value and the one calculated
+during simulation.
+- connector : *Stratus* connector.
+Adds a pattern in the pattern file.
+Mark the end of the interface declaration and the beginning of the test
+Mark the end of the test vectors and of the patterns file.
+``Pattern`` method for an addaccu
+ def Pattern(self):
+ # initialisation
+ pat = PatWrite(self._name+'.pat',self)
+ # declaration of ports
+ pat.declar(self.ck, 'B')
+ pat.declar(self.load, 'B')
+ pat.declar(self.input, 'X')
+ pat.declar(self.output, 'X')
+ pat.declar(self.vdd, 'B')
+ pat.declar(self.vss, 'B')
+ # use of pat.declar_interface(self) has the same effect
+ # description beginning
+ pat.pattern_begin()
+ # affect vdd and vss values
+ pat.affect_int(self.vdd,1)
+ pat.affect_int(self.vss,0)
+ # first pattern : load an initial value
+ pat.affect_int(self.input,5)
+ pat.affect_int(self.load,1)
+ pat.affect_int(self.ck,0)
+ # add the pattern in the pattern file
+ pat.addpat()
+ # compute next event
+ pat.affect_int(self.ck,1)
+ pat.addpat()
+ # compute 22 cycle of accumulation
+ pat.affect_int(self.load,0)
+ for i in range(1,22):
+ pat.affect_int(self.ck,0)
+ pat.addpat()
+ pat.affect_int(self.ck,1)
+ pat.affect_int(self.output,i+5)
+ pat.addpat()
+ # end of the description
+ pat.pattern_end()
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/Stratus.rst b/documentation/Stratus/Stratus.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f61b2dac..00000000
--- a/documentation/Stratus/Stratus.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
-.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
-Stratus Reference
-The Stratus Language reference is generated by LaTeX2HTML_ and is
-available here: `Stratus `_
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/Makefile.am b/documentation/Stratus/images/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9689089a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/images/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+doc_en_latex_imagesdir = $(datadir)/doc/en/latex/stratus/images
+doc_en_latex_images_DATA = add1.png \
+ add2.png \
+ addaccu.png \
+ editor.png \
+ test.png \
+ xml.png
+EXTRA_DIST = $(doc_en_latex_images_DATA)
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/add1.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/add1.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8270f2d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/add1.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/add2.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/add2.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08ac408b
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/add2.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/addaccu.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/addaccu.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58f26eb2
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/addaccu.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/editor.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/editor.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a44a5d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/editor.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/resizeAb.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/resizeAb.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96a0a39e
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/resizeAb.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/test.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/test.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b4f5751
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/test.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/images/xml.png b/documentation/Stratus/images/xml.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35a496ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/documentation/Stratus/images/xml.png differ
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/index.rst b/documentation/Stratus/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0abc6a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+.. -*- mode: rst; explicit-buffer-name: "index.rst" -*-
+.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
+Stratus : Netlist Capture Language
+Printable version of this document `Stratus.pdf <../../../pdf/main/Stratus.pdf>`_.
+Stratus – Procedural design language based upon *Python*
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ Language.rst
+ Developper.rst
+ Pattern.rst
+ DpGen.rst
diff --git a/documentation/Stratus/pdfHeader.rst b/documentation/Stratus/pdfHeader.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cde3ea09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/Stratus/pdfHeader.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
+.. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst
+Stratus User's Guide
+.. contents::
diff --git a/documentation/_templates/indexcontent.html b/documentation/_templates/indexcontent.html
index 703846f7..62d0138a 100644
--- a/documentation/_templates/indexcontent.html
+++ b/documentation/_templates/indexcontent.html
@@ -17,15 +17,11 @@
Graphical Interface C++ API
- DpGen Extension (Stratus)
- Netlist Capture extension for Datapathes
CRL Core Reference
Parser/Drivers (I/O) C++ API
- Patterns Extension (Stratus)
- Patterns generation extension
Unicorn Reference
Main GUI C++ API
diff --git a/documentation/conf.py b/documentation/conf.py
index 39712140..50a1ba21 100644
--- a/documentation/conf.py
+++ b/documentation/conf.py
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ release = '2'
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'UsersGuide/UsersGuide.rst', 'UsersGuide/pdfHeader.rst'
, 'PythonCpp/PythonCpp.rst' , 'PythonCpp/pdfHeader.rst'
+ , 'Stratus/Stratus.rst' , 'Stratus/pdfHeader.rst'
, 'RDS/RDS.rst' , 'RDS/pdfHeader.rst' ]
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
diff --git a/documentation/index.rst b/documentation/index.rst
index 09bf0f90..7cb537d3 100644
--- a/documentation/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/index.rst
@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ Contents:
.. toctree::
- Stratus/Stratus.rst
- DpGen/DpGen.rst
- Patterns/Patterns.rst
+ Stratus/index.rst
diff --git a/stratus1/CMakeLists.txt b/stratus1/CMakeLists.txt
index 6685cdeb..8f881b10 100644
--- a/stratus1/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/stratus1/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- option(BUILD_DOC "Build the documentation (latex2html)" OFF)
+ # option(BUILD_DOC "Build the documentation (latex2html)" OFF)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.0)
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
- include(UseLATEX)
- endif(BUILD_DOC)
+ #if(BUILD_DOC)
+ # include(UseLATEX)
+ #endif(BUILD_DOC)
- add_subdirectory(doc)
- endif(BUILD_DOC)
+ #if(BUILD_DOC)
+ # add_subdirectory(doc)
+ #endif(BUILD_DOC)
diff --git a/stratus1/configure.in b/stratus1/configure.in
index d7d9ddd1..10ff4937 100644
--- a/stratus1/configure.in
+++ b/stratus1/configure.in
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ Makefile