Added new tool "foehn" to create/manipulate DAG.
Build DAG then create an ordered list of gates from it. DAG starting points could be Net or Instances (we take the output of the Instance). Multiple DAG can be created, but once an Instance is part of a DAG, it connot be part of another and is conidered as "reached" by all subsequent DAG run. The ordered list build from a DAG contains both Net and Instances. A new property has DagProperty, accessible through DagExtension has been created to store relevant information of the DAG on each Instance or Net (work in progress).
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# -*- explicit-buffer-name: "CMakeLists.txt<foehn>" -*-
option(BUILD_DOC "Build the documentation (doxygen)" OFF)
option(CHECK_DATABASE "Run database in full check mode (very slow)" OFF)
option(USE_LIBBFD "Link with BFD libraries to print stack traces" OFF)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
set(ignoreVariables "${BUILD_DOC} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR}")
find_package(Bootstrap REQUIRED)
find_package(Libexecinfo REQUIRED)
find_package(Python 3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development)
find_package(PythonSitePackages REQUIRED)
find_package(LEFDEF REQUIRED)
find_package(FLUTE REQUIRED)
@ -0,0 +1 @@
install ( FILES FindFOEHN.cmake DESTINATION share/cmake/Modules )
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# - Find the Katabatic includes and libraries.
# The following variables are set if Coriolis is found. If FOEHN is not
# found, FOEHN_FOUND is set to false.
# FOEHN_FOUND - True when the Coriolis include directory is found.
# FOEHN_INCLUDE_DIR - the path to where the Coriolis include files are.
# FOEHN_LIBRARIES - The path to where the Coriolis library files are.
SET(FOEHN_INCLUDE_PATH_DESCRIPTION "directory containing the Katabatic include files. E.g /usr/local/include/coriolis2 or /asim/coriolis/include/coriolis2")
# don't even bother under WIN32
# Look for an installation.
# Look in other places.
PATH_SUFFIXES include/coriolis2
# Help the user find it if we cannot.
NAMES anabatic
# Help the user find it if we cannot.
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# -*- explicit-buffer-name: "CMakeLists.txt<foehn/src>" -*-
include_directories( ${FOEHN_SOURCE_DIR}/src
set( includes foehn/DagProperty.h
set( pyIncludes foehn/PyDagExtension.h
foehn/PyFoehnEngine.h )
set( cpps DagProperty.cpp
set( pyCpps PyDagExtension.cpp
${Python_LIBRARIES} -lutil
add_library( foehn ${cpps} )
set_target_properties( foehn PROPERTIES VERSION 1.0 SOVERSION 1 )
target_link_libraries( foehn ${depLibs} )
add_python_module( "${pyCpps}"
install( FILES ${includes} DESTINATION include/coriolis2/foehn )
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Configuration.cpp<foehn>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | A n a b a t i c - Global Routing Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Configuration.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include "hurricane/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "foehn/Configuration.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::setprecision;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::vector;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Error;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::Configuration".
Configuration::Configuration ()
: _dffPattern ( Cfg::getParamString("foehn.dffPattern", "^sff.*")->asString() )
, _ignoredNetPattern ( Cfg::getParamString("foehn.ignoredNetPattern", "^ck.*")->asString() )
, _ignoredMasterNetPattern( Cfg::getParamString("foehn.ignoredMasterNetPattern", "^$")->asString() )
, _dffRe (new regex_t)
, _ignoredNetRe (new regex_t)
, _ignoredMasterNetRe(new regex_t)
setDffRe ( _dffPattern );
setIgnoredNetRe ( _ignoredNetPattern );
setIgnoredMasterNetRe( _ignoredMasterNetPattern );
Configuration::Configuration ( const Configuration& other )
: _dffPattern (other._dffPattern)
, _ignoredNetPattern (other._ignoredNetPattern)
, _ignoredMasterNetPattern(other._ignoredMasterNetPattern)
, _dffRe (new regex_t)
, _ignoredNetRe (new regex_t)
, _ignoredMasterNetRe(new regex_t)
setDffRe ( _dffPattern );
setIgnoredNetRe ( _ignoredNetPattern );
setIgnoredMasterNetRe( _ignoredMasterNetPattern );
Configuration::~Configuration ()
regfree( _dffRe );
regfree( _ignoredNetRe );
regfree( _ignoredMasterNetRe );
Configuration* Configuration::clone () const
{ return new Configuration(*this); }
void Configuration::_setRegex ( regex_t*& regex, string pattern, string attr )
char regexError[1024];
int regexCode;
if ((regexCode = regcomp(regex,pattern.c_str(),REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB))) {
regerror( regexCode, regex, regexError, 1024 );
throw Error ( "Foehn::Configuration::_setRegex(): Invalid regular expresssion for \"%s\"\n"
" (pattern=\"%s\" : %s)"
, attr, pattern, regexError );
void Configuration::setDffRe ( string pattern )
_dffPattern = pattern;
_setRegex( _dffRe , _dffPattern , "_dffPattern" );
void Configuration::setIgnoredNetRe ( string pattern )
_ignoredNetPattern = pattern;
_setRegex( _ignoredNetRe , _ignoredNetPattern , "_ignoredNetPattern" );
void Configuration::setIgnoredMasterNetRe ( string pattern )
_ignoredMasterNetPattern = pattern;
_setRegex( _ignoredMasterNetRe , _ignoredMasterNetPattern , "_ignoredNetPattern" );
bool Configuration::isDff ( string name ) const
if (not _dffRe) return false;
return regexec( _dffRe, name.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0 ) == 0;
bool Configuration::isIgnoredNet ( string name ) const
if (not _ignoredNetRe) return false;
return regexec( _ignoredNetRe, name.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0 ) == 0;
bool Configuration::isIgnoredMasterNet ( string name ) const
if (not _ignoredMasterNetRe) return false;
return regexec( _ignoredMasterNetRe, name.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0 ) == 0;
void Configuration::print ( const Cell* cell ) const
if (not cmess1.enabled()) return;
cout << " o Configuration of ToolEngine<Foehn> for Cell <" << cell->getName() << ">" << endl;
cout << Dots::asString(" - DFF pattern" , _dffPattern ) << endl;
cout << Dots::asString(" - Ignored nets pattern" , _ignoredNetPattern ) << endl;
cout << Dots::asString(" - Ignored master nets pattern", _ignoredMasterNetPattern) << endl;
string Configuration::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Foehn::Configuration"; }
string Configuration::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << _getTypeName() << ">";
return os.str();
Record* Configuration::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add( getSlot( "_dffPattern" , _dffPattern ));
record->add( getSlot( "_ignoredNetPattern" , _ignoredNetPattern ));
record->add( getSlot( "_ignoredMasterNetPattern", _ignoredMasterNetPattern ));
return record;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Universié 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Dag.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/Measures.h"
#include "crlcore/Histogram.h"
#include "foehn/FoehnEngine.h"
#include "foehn/DagProperty.h"
#include "foehn/Dag.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::Plug;
using CRL::addMeasure;
using CRL::getMeasure;
using CRL::Histogram;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::Dag".
Dag::Dag ( FoehnEngine* foehn, string label )
: _foehn (foehn)
, _configuration(foehn->getConfiguration())
, _label (label)
, _dorder ()
, _inputs ()
, _reacheds ()
{ }
Dag::~Dag ()
for ( Entity* entity : _dorder ) {
DagProperty* property = DagExtension::get( entity );
if (property) property->decref();
Cell* Dag::getCell () const
{ return _foehn->getCell(); }
void Dag::addDStart ( Instance* instance )
DagProperty* prop = DagExtension::get( instance );
if (not prop) {
prop = DagProperty::create( instance );
prop->setMinDepth( 0 );
prop->setMaxDepth( 0 );
//addToDOrder( instance );
_reacheds.push_back( instance );
void Dag::addDStart ( Net* net )
cdebug_log(130,0) << "FoehnEngine::addDStart() " << net << endl;
DagProperty* prop = DagExtension::get( net );
if (not prop) {
prop = DagProperty::create( net );
prop->setMinDepth( 0 );
prop->setMaxDepth( 0 );
_inputs.push_back( net );
void Dag::addToDOrder ( Instance* instance )
cdebug_log(130,1) << "FoehnEngine::addToDOrder() " << instance << endl;
_dorder.push_back( instance );
Net* driver = nullptr;
DagProperty* driverProp = nullptr;
DagProperty* instProp = DagExtension::get( instance );
if (not instProp)
instProp = DagProperty::create( instance );
for ( Plug* plug : instance->getPlugs() ) {
if (not plug->getNet()) continue;
if (plug->getMasterNet()->getDirection() & Net::Direction::DirOut) {
driver = plug->getNet();
driverProp = DagExtension::get( driver );
if (not driverProp) {
driverProp = DagProperty::create( driver );
if (not driver) {
cerr << Warning( "FoehnEngine::addToDOrder(): No driver found on %s."
, getString(instance).c_str() ) << endl;
cdebug_log(130,0) << "driver " << driver << endl;
driverProp->setMinDepth( instProp->getMinDepth() );
driverProp->setDriver ( instance );
_dorder.push_back( driver );
void Dag::_dpropagateOn ( Net* net )
DagProperty* netProp = DagExtension::get( net );
cdebug_log(130,1) << "_dpropagateOn() @" << netProp->getMinDepth() << " " << net << endl;
for ( Plug* plug : net->getPlugs() ) {
if (plug->getMasterNet()->getDirection() & Net::Direction::DirOut) continue;
if (plug->getInstance()) {
_dpropagateOn( plug->getInstance() );
void Dag::_dpropagateOn ( Instance* instance )
if (isDff(instance->getMasterCell()->getName())) return;
cdebug_log(130,1) << "_dpropagateOn() " << instance << endl;
DagProperty* prop = DagExtension::get( instance );
if (prop) {
cdebug_log(130,0) << "Skip, already reached " << endl;
int32_t depth = 0;
for ( Plug* plug : instance->getPlugs() ) {
if (isIgnoredPlug(plug)) continue;
if (plug->getMasterNet()->getDirection() & Net::Direction::DirIn) {
DagProperty* netProp = DagExtension::get( plug->getNet() );
if (not netProp) {
cdebug_log(130,0) << "Reject: not reached " << plug->getNet() << endl;
depth = std::max( depth, netProp->getMinDepth() );
if (not prop)
prop = DagProperty::create( instance );
prop->setMinDepth( depth+1 );
cdebug_log(130,0) << "Reached @" << (depth+1) << endl;
//addToDOrder( instance );
_reacheds.push_back( instance );
void Dag::dpropagate ()
//DebugSession::open( 130, 141 );
cdebug_log(130,1) << "Dag::dpropagate()" << endl;
while ( not _reacheds.empty() or not _inputs.empty() ) {
size_t istart = _dorder.size();
for ( Net* net : _inputs )
_dorder.push_back( net );
for ( Instance* instance : _reacheds )
addToDOrder( instance );
cdebug_log(130,0) << "_dorder.size()=" << _dorder.size() << " istart=" << istart << endl;
for ( ; istart<_dorder.size() ; ++istart ) {
cdebug_log(130,0) << istart << " " << _dorder[istart] << endl;
Net* net = dynamic_cast<Net*>( _dorder[istart] );
if (not net) continue;
_dpropagateOn( net );
void Dag::resetDepths ()
for ( Entity* entity : _dorder ) {
DagProperty* property = DagExtension::get( entity );
property->setMinDepth( -1 );
property->setMaxDepth( -1 );
string Dag::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Dag"; }
string Dag::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << _getTypeName() << " \"" << _label << "\" " << getCell()->getName() << ">";
return os.str();
Record* Dag::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record( _getString() );
record->add( getSlot( "_foehn" , &_foehn ));
record->add( getSlot( "_configuration", &_configuration ));
record->add( getSlot( "_label" , &_label ));
record->add( getSlot( "_dorder" , &_dorder ));
record->add( getSlot( "_inputs" , &_inputs ));
return record;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul Chaput |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./DagProperty.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "foehn/DagProperty.h"
namespace Foehn {
using namespace std;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Property;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "DagProperty"
Name DagProperty::_name = "Foehn::DagProperty";
DagProperty* DagProperty::create ( DBo* owner )
DagProperty *property = new DagProperty();
property->_postCreate ();
owner->put( property );
return property;
void DagProperty::_preDestroy ()
bool DagProperty::isNetOwned () const
{ return (dynamic_cast<Net*>( getOwner() ) != nullptr); }
bool DagProperty::isInstanceOwned () const
{ return (dynamic_cast<Instance*>( getOwner() ) != nullptr); }
void DagProperty::onReleasedBy ( DBo* owner )
{ PrivateProperty::onReleasedBy( owner ); }
Name DagProperty::getPropertyName ()
{ return _name; }
Name DagProperty::getName () const
{ return getPropertyName(); }
string DagProperty::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Foehn::DagProperty"; }
string DagProperty::_getString () const
string s = PrivateProperty::_getString ();
s.insert ( s.length() - 1 , " " + getString(getOwner()) );
return s;
Record* DagProperty::_getRecord () const
Record* record = PrivateProperty::_getRecord();
if ( record ) {
record->add( getSlot( "_name" , _name ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_flags" , _flags ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_minDepth", _minDepth ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_maxDepth", _maxDepth ) );
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "DagExtension"
DagProperty* DagExtension::get ( const DBo* dbo )
Property* property = dbo->getProperty( DagProperty::getPropertyName() );
if (property)
return dynamic_cast<DagProperty*>( property );
return NULL;
DagProperty* DagExtension::create ( DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property)
property = DagProperty::create( dbo );
return property;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Universié 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./FoehnEngine.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
#include "crlcore/Measures.h"
#include "crlcore/Histogram.h"
#include "foehn/DagProperty.h"
#include "foehn/FoehnEngine.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ostringstream;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::Plug;
using CRL::addMeasure;
using CRL::getMeasure;
using CRL::Histogram;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::FoehnEngine".
Name FoehnEngine::_toolName = "Foehn";
FoehnEngine* FoehnEngine::get ( const Cell* cell )
{ return static_cast<FoehnEngine*>(ToolEngine::get(cell,staticGetName())); }
const Name& FoehnEngine::staticGetName ()
{ return _toolName; }
const Name& FoehnEngine::getName () const
{ return _toolName; }
FoehnEngine::FoehnEngine ( Cell* cell )
: Super (cell)
, _viewer (nullptr)
, _configuration()
{ }
void FoehnEngine::_postCreate ()
FoehnEngine* FoehnEngine::create ( Cell* cell )
if (not cell) throw Error( "FoehnEngine::create(): NULL cell argument." );
FoehnEngine* engine = new FoehnEngine ( cell );
return engine;
FoehnEngine::~FoehnEngine ()
{ }
void FoehnEngine::_preDestroy ()
Dag* FoehnEngine::newDag ( string label )
Dag* dag = new Dag ( this, label );
_dags.push_back( dag );
return dag;
Dag* FoehnEngine::getDag ( string label ) const
for ( Dag* dag : _dags ) {
if (dag->getLabel() == label) return dag;
return NULL;
void FoehnEngine::clear ()
for ( Dag* dag : _dags ) delete dag;
string FoehnEngine::_getTypeName () const
{ return getString(_toolName); }
string FoehnEngine::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << _toolName << " " << _cell->getName() << ">";
return os.str();
Record* FoehnEngine::_getRecord () const
Record* record = Super::_getRecord();
record->add( getSlot( "_toolName" , &_toolName ));
record->add( getSlot( "_configuration", &_configuration ));
record->add( getSlot( "_dags" , &_dags ));
return record;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyDag.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyEntity.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyNet.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyCell.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyInstance.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/ExceptionWidget.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "foehn/PyDag.h"
#include "foehn/FoehnEngine.h"
#include <functional>
#define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Dag,dag,function)
namespace Foehn {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::hex;
using std::ostringstream;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Exception;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::ExceptionWidget;
using Isobar::__cs;
using Isobar::Converter;
using Isobar::ProxyProperty;
using Isobar::ProxyError;
using Isobar::ConstructorError;
using Isobar::HurricaneError;
using Isobar::HurricaneWarning;
using Isobar::getPyHash;
using Isobar::ParseOneArg;
using Isobar::ParseTwoArg;
using Isobar::PyEntity;
using Isobar::PyEntityVector;
using Isobar::PyTypeEntityVector;
using Isobar::PyEntityVectorIterator;
using Isobar::PyNet;
using Isobar::PyCell;
using Isobar::PyInstance;
using Isobar::PyCell_Link;
using Isobar::PyTypeNet;
using Isobar::PyTypeInstance;
extern "C" {
#if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyDag" Python Module Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
static PyObject* PyDag_setDffRe ( PyDag* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_setDffRe ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD( "Dag.setDffRe()" )
char* dffRe = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:Dag.setDffRe", &dffRe)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Dag.setDffRe(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
dag->setDffRe( dffRe );
static PyObject* PyDag_setIgnoredNetRe ( PyDag* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_setIgnoredNetRe ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD( "Dag.setIgnoredNetRe()" )
char* re = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:Dag.setIgnoredNetRe", &re)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Dag.setIgnoredNetRe(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
dag->setIgnoredNetRe( re );
static PyObject* PyDag_setIgnoredMasterNetRe ( PyDag* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_setIgnoredMasterNetRe ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD( "Dag.setIgnoredMasterNetRe()" )
char* re = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:Dag.setIgnoredMasterNetRe", &re)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Dag.setIgnoredMasterNetRe(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
dag->setIgnoredMasterNetRe( re );
PyObject* PyDag_dpropagate ( PyDag* self )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_dpropagate()" << endl;
if (dag->getFoehn()->getViewer()) {
if (ExceptionWidget::catchAllWrapper( std::bind(&Dag::dpropagate,dag) )) {
PyErr_SetString( HurricaneError, "Dag::dpropagate() has thrown an exception (C++)." );
return NULL;
} else {
PyObject* PyDag_resetDepths ( PyDag* self )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_resetDepths()" << endl;
if (dag->getFoehn()->getViewer()) {
if (ExceptionWidget::catchAllWrapper( std::bind(&Dag::resetDepths,dag) )) {
PyErr_SetString( HurricaneError, "Dag::resetDepths() has thrown an exception (C++)." );
return NULL;
} else {
static PyObject* PyDag_addDStart ( PyDag* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyDag_addDStart ()" << endl;
METHOD_HEAD( "Dag.addDStart()" )
PyObject* pyDBo = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:Dag.addDStart", &pyDBo)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Dag.addDStart(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
if (IsPyInstance(pyDBo)) dag->addDStart( PYINSTANCE_O(pyDBo) );
else if (IsPyNet (pyDBo)) dag->addDStart( PYNET_O (pyDBo) );
else {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "Dag.addDStart(): First parameter is *not* an Instance." );
return NULL;
// Standart Accessors (Attributes).
PyMethodDef PyDag_Methods[] =
{ { "setDffRe" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_setDffRe , METH_VARARGS
, "Set the pattern to match the memory elements (D Flip-Flop)." }
, { "setIgnoredNetRe" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_setIgnoredNetRe , METH_VARARGS
, "Set the pattern for ignored nets in propagation." }
, { "setIgnoredMasterNetRe" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_setIgnoredMasterNetRe , METH_VARARGS
, "Set the pattern for ignored *master* net in propagation." }
, { "addDStart" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_addDStart , METH_VARARGS
, "Add a starting instance for the direct propagation." }
, { "dpropagate" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_dpropagate , METH_NOARGS
, "Compute the Instance & Net direct ordering." }
, { "resetDepths" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_resetDepths , METH_NOARGS
, "Reset depths." }
, { "getDOrder" , (PyCFunction)PyDag_getDOrder , METH_NOARGS
, "Return the direct ordering of Instances & Nets." }
, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
#else // End of Python Module Code Part.
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyDag" Shared Library Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
// Link/Creation Method.
#endif // Shared Library Code Part.
} // extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyDagExtension.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyEntity.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyInstance.h"
#include "foehn/PyDagExtension.h"
#include "foehn/DagProperty.h"
namespace Foehn {
using namespace Hurricane;
using Isobar::ConstructorError;
using Isobar::HurricaneError;
using Isobar::HurricaneWarning;
using Isobar::PyInstance_Link;
using Isobar::PyTypeInstance;
using Isobar::PyInstance;
extern "C" {
#define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(DagExtension,property,function)
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyDagExtension" Python Module Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
#if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
#define ExtensionGetBoolFunction(FUNC_NAME,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
cdebug_log(20,0) << "Py"#FUNC_NAME"()" << endl; \
bool flag = false; \
PyObject* pyDBo; \
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyDBo)) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Takes exactly one arguments." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo ); \
if (not entity) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Argument is not an Entity." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
flag = SELF_TYPE::FUNC_NAME( entity ); \
if (flag) Py_RETURN_TRUE; \
#define ExtensionGetInt32Function(FUNC_NAME,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
cdebug_log(20,0) << "Py"#FUNC_NAME"()" << endl; \
int32_t value = 0; \
PyObject* pyDBo; \
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyDBo)) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Takes exactly one arguments." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo ); \
if (not entity) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Argument is not an Entity." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
value = SELF_TYPE::FUNC_NAME( entity ); \
return Py_BuildValue( "i", value ); \
#define ExtensionGetUInt64Function(FUNC_NAME,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
cdebug_log(20,0) << "Py"#FUNC_NAME"()" << endl; \
uint64_t value = 0; \
PyObject* pyDBo; \
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyDBo)) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Takes exactly one arguments." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo ); \
if (not entity) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Argument is not an Entity." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
value = SELF_TYPE::FUNC_NAME( entity ); \
return Py_BuildValue( "k", value ); \
#define ExtensionSetInt32Function(FUNC_NAME,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
cdebug_log(20,0) << "Py"#FUNC_NAME"()" << endl; \
PyObject* pyDBo = NULL; \
long value = 0; \
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OL:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyDBo, &value)) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Takes exactly two arguments." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo ); \
if (not entity) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": First argument is not an Entity." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
SELF_TYPE::FUNC_NAME( entity, value ); \
#define ExtensionSetUInt64Function(FUNC_NAME,SELF_TYPE) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME ( PyObject*, PyObject* args ) \
{ \
cdebug_log(20,0) << "Py"#FUNC_NAME"()" << endl; \
PyObject* pyDBo = NULL; \
unsigned long value = 0; \
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"Ok:"#SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME"()", &pyDBo, &value)) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": Takes exactly two arguments." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo ); \
if (not entity) { \
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, #SELF_TYPE"."#FUNC_NAME": First argument is not an Entity." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
SELF_TYPE::FUNC_NAME( entity, value ); \
static void PyDagExtension_DeAlloc ( PyDagExtension* self )
cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyDagExtension_DeAlloc(" << hex << self << ")" << endl;
ExtensionGetBoolFunction (isPresent ,DagExtension)
ExtensionGetBoolFunction (isNetOwned ,DagExtension)
ExtensionGetBoolFunction (isInstanceOwned,DagExtension)
ExtensionGetUInt64Function(getFlags ,DagExtension)
ExtensionSetUInt64Function(setFlags ,DagExtension)
ExtensionSetUInt64Function(resetFlags ,DagExtension)
ExtensionGetInt32Function (getMinDepth ,DagExtension)
ExtensionGetInt32Function (getMaxDepth ,DagExtension)
ExtensionSetInt32Function (setMinDepth ,DagExtension)
ExtensionSetInt32Function (setMaxDepth ,DagExtension)
static PyObject* PyDagExtension_getDriver ( PyObject*, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyDagExtension_getDriver()" << endl;
Instance* driver = nullptr;
PyObject* pyDBo = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O:DagExtension.getDriver()", &pyDBo)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "DagExtension.getDriver(): Takes exactly one arguments." );
return NULL;
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo );
if (not entity) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "DagExtension.getDriver(): Argument is not an Entity." );
return NULL;
driver = DagExtension::getDriver( entity );
return PyInstance_Link( driver );
static PyObject* PyDagExtension_setDriver ( PyObject*, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(20,0) << "PyDagExtension_setDriver()" << endl;
PyObject* pyDBo = nullptr;
PyObject* pyDriver = nullptr;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"OO:DagExtension.setDriver()", &pyDBo, &pyDriver)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "DagExtension.setDriver(): Takes exactly two arguments." );
return NULL;
Entity* entity = Isobar::EntityCast( pyDBo );
if (not entity) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "DagExtension.setDriver: First argument is not an Entity." );
return NULL;
if (not IsPyInstance(pyDriver)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "DagExtension.setDriver: Second argument is not an Instance." );
return NULL;
DagExtension::setDriver( entity, PYINSTANCE_O(pyDriver) );
PyMethodDef PyDagExtension_Methods[] =
{ { "isPresent" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_isPresent , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Tells if a DBo has a DagProperty." }
, { "isNetOwned" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_isNetOwned , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Tells if the DagProperty is owned by a Net." }
, { "isInstanceOwned" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_isInstanceOwned , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Tells if the DagProperty is owned by an Instance." }
, { "getFlags" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_getFlags , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Returns the flags of the DAG associated property." }
, { "getDriver" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_getDriver , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Returns the driver (Instance) from the DAG property of a Net." }
, { "setFlags" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_setFlags , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Set flags of the DAG associated property." }
, { "resetFlags" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_resetFlags , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Reset flags of the DAG associated property." }
, { "getMinDepth" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_getMinDepth , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Returns the minimum depth of the object in the DAG." }
, { "getMaxDepth" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_getMaxDepth , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Returns the maximum depth of the object in the DAG." }
, { "setMinDepth" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_setMinDepth , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Sets the minimum depth of the object in the DAG." }
, { "setMaxDepth" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_setMaxDepth , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Sets the maximum depth of the object in the DAG." }
, { "setDriver" , (PyCFunction)PyDagExtension_setDriver , METH_VARARGS|METH_CLASS
, "Sets the driver (Instance) on the DAG property of a Net." }
, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
#else // End of Python Module Code Part.
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyDagExtension" Shared Library Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
extern void PyDagExtension_postModuleInit ()
PyObject* constant;
LoadObjectConstant(PyTypeDagExtension.tp_dict,DagExtension::Ignore ,"Ignore" );
# endif // End of Shared Library Code Part.
} // End of extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyFoehn.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyHurricane.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyCell.h"
#include "foehn/PyFoehnEngine.h"
//#include "foehn/PyGraphicFoehnEngine.h"
#include "foehn/PyDagExtension.h"
#include "foehn/PyDag.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Isobar::getPyHash;
using Isobar::__cs;
using CRL::PyTypeToolEngine;
//using CRL::PyTypeGraphicTool;
#if !defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyFoehn" Shared Library Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
# else // End of PyHurricane Shared Library Code Part.
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyFoehn" Python Module Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
extern "C" {
static PyMethodDef PyFoehn_Methods[] =
{ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
static PyModuleDef PyFoehn_ModuleDef =
{ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT
, .m_name = "Foehn"
, .m_doc = "A DAG Toolbox."
, .m_size = -1
, .m_methods = PyFoehn_Methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Initialization : "PyInit_Foehn()"
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_Foehn ( void )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyInit_Foehn()" << endl;
// PyFoehnFlags_LinkPyType();
// PyGraphicFoehnEngine_LinkPyType();
// PYTYPE_READY ( FoehnFlags );
PYTYPE_READY_SUB( FoehnEngine , ToolEngine );
// PYTYPE_READY_SUB( GraphicFoehnEngine, GraphicTool );
PYTYPE_READY ( DagExtension );
PyObject* module = PyModule_Create( &PyFoehn_ModuleDef );
if (module == NULL) {
cerr << "[ERROR]\n"
<< " Failed to initialize Foehn module." << endl;
return NULL;
Py_INCREF( &PyTypeFoehnEngine );
PyModule_AddObject( module, "FoehnEngine", (PyObject*)&PyTypeFoehnEngine );
// Py_INCREF( &PyTypeGraphicFoehnEngine );
// PyModule_AddObject( module, "GraphicFoehnEngine", (PyObject*)&PyTypeGraphicFoehnEngine );
// Py_INCREF( &PyTypeFoehnFlags );
// PyModule_AddObject( module, "Flags", (PyObject*)&PyTypeFoehnFlags );
Py_INCREF( &PyTypeDagExtension );
PyModule_AddObject( module, "DagExtension", (PyObject*)&PyTypeDagExtension );
Py_INCREF( &PyTypeDag );
PyModule_AddObject( module, "Dag", (PyObject*)&PyTypeDag );
return module;
} // extern "C".
#endif // Python Module Code Part.
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PyFoehnEngine.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyEntity.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyNet.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyCell.h"
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyInstance.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PyCellViewer.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/ExceptionWidget.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "foehn/PyFoehnEngine.h"
#include "foehn/PyDag.h"
#include <functional>
# define ACCESS_OBJECT _baseObject._object
# define ACCESS_CLASS(_pyObject) &(_pyObject->_baseObject)
#define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(FoehnEngine,foehn,function)
namespace Foehn {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::hex;
using std::ostringstream;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::Exception;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::ExceptionWidget;
using Isobar::__cs;
using Isobar::Converter;
using Isobar::ProxyProperty;
using Isobar::ProxyError;
using Isobar::ConstructorError;
using Isobar::HurricaneError;
using Isobar::HurricaneWarning;
using Isobar::getPyHash;
using Isobar::ParseOneArg;
using Isobar::ParseTwoArg;
using Isobar::PyEntity;
using Isobar::PyEntityVector;
using Isobar::PyTypeEntityVector;
using Isobar::PyEntityVectorIterator;
using Isobar::PyNet;
using Isobar::PyCell;
using Isobar::PyInstance;
using Isobar::PyCell_Link;
using Isobar::PyCellViewer;
using Isobar::PyTypeNet;
using Isobar::PyTypeInstance;
using Isobar::PyTypeCellViewer;
using CRL::PyToolEngine;
extern "C" {
#if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__)
#define DirectVoidToolMethod(SELF_TYPE, SELF_OBJECT, FUNC_NAME) \
static PyObject* Py##SELF_TYPE##_##FUNC_NAME(Py##SELF_TYPE* self) \
{ \
cdebug_log(40,0) << "Py" #SELF_TYPE "_" #FUNC_NAME "()" << endl; \
if (SELF_OBJECT->getViewer()) { \
if (ExceptionWidget::catchAllWrapper( std::bind(&FoehnEngine::FUNC_NAME,SELF_OBJECT) )) { \
PyErr_SetString( HurricaneError, #FUNC_NAME "() has thrown an exception (C++)." ); \
return NULL; \
} \
} else { \
} \
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyFoehnEngine" Python Module Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
static PyObject* PyFoehnEngine_get ( PyObject*, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyFoehnEngine_get()" << endl;
FoehnEngine* foehn = NULL;
PyObject* arg0;
if (not ParseOneArg("Foehn.get", args, CELL_ARG, &arg0)) return NULL;
foehn = FoehnEngine::get( PYCELL_O(arg0) );
return PyFoehnEngine_Link( foehn );
static PyObject* PyFoehnEngine_create ( PyObject*, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyFoehnEngine_create()" << endl;
FoehnEngine* foehn = NULL;
PyObject* arg0;
if (not ParseOneArg("Foehn.get", args, CELL_ARG, &arg0)) return NULL;
Cell* cell = PYCELL_O( arg0 );
foehn = FoehnEngine::get( cell );
if (foehn == NULL) {
foehn = FoehnEngine::create( cell );
if (cmess1.enabled()) {
} else
cerr << Warning( "%s already has a Foehn engine.", getString(cell).c_str() ) << endl;
return PyFoehnEngine_Link( foehn );
static PyObject* PyFoehnEngine_getDag ( PyFoehnEngine* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyFoehnEngine_getDag ()" << endl;
Dag* dag = NULL;
METHOD_HEAD( "FoehnEngine.getDag()" )
char* label = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:FoehnEngine.getDag", &label)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "FoehnEngine.getDag(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
dag = foehn->getDag( label );
return PyDag_Link( dag );
static PyObject* PyFoehnEngine_newDag ( PyFoehnEngine* self, PyObject* args )
cdebug_log(40,0) << "PyFoehnEngine_newDag ()" << endl;
Dag* dag = NULL;
METHOD_HEAD( "FoehnEngine.newDag()" )
char* label = NULL;
if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s:FoehnEngine.newDag", &label)) {
PyErr_SetString( ConstructorError, "FoehnEngine.newDag(): Invalid number of parameters." );
return NULL;
dag = foehn->newDag( label );
return PyDag_Link( dag );
// Standart Accessors (Attributes).
DirectVoidToolMethod (FoehnEngine,foehn,clear)
// Standart Destroy (Attribute).
PyMethodDef PyFoehnEngine_Methods[] =
{ { "get" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_get , METH_VARARGS|METH_STATIC
, "Returns the Foehn engine attached to the Cell, None if there isnt't." }
, { "create" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_create , METH_VARARGS|METH_STATIC
, "Create a Foehn engine on this cell." }
, { "getDag" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_getDag , METH_VARARGS
, "Get a DAG of the given label." }
, { "newDag" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_newDag , METH_VARARGS
, "Create a new dag named label." }
, { "clear" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_clear , METH_NOARGS
, "Clear the previous order computed. The tool remains ready for another one." }
, { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyFoehnEngine_destroy , METH_NOARGS
, "Destroy the associated hurricane object. The python object remains." }
, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */
#else // End of Python Module Code Part.
// +=================================================================+
// | "PyFoehnEngine" Shared Library Code Part |
// +=================================================================+
// Link/Creation Method.
extern void PyFoehnEngine_postModuleInit ()
// PyFoehnFlags_postModuleInit();
// PyDict_SetItemString( PyTypeFoehnEngine.tp_dict, "Flags", (PyObject*)&PyTypeFoehnFlags );
// PyObject* constant = NULL;
// LoadObjectConstant( PyTypeFoehnEngine.tp_dict, FoehnEngine::GlobalRoutingSuccess , "GlobalRoutingSuccess" )
// LoadObjectConstant( PyTypeFoehnEngine.tp_dict, FoehnEngine::DetailedRoutingSuccess, "DetailedRoutingSuccess" )
#endif // Shared Library Code Part.
} // extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Configuration.h<foehn>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/Configuration.h" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include <regex.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Hurricane {
class Cell;
namespace Foehn {
using Hurricane::Record;
using Hurricane::Cell;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::Configuration".
class Configuration {
// Constructor & Destructor.
Configuration ();
Configuration ( const Configuration& );
~Configuration ();
Configuration* clone () const;
// Methods.
bool isDff ( std::string ) const;
bool isIgnoredNet ( std::string ) const;
bool isIgnoredMasterNet ( std::string ) const;
void setDffRe ( std::string );
void setIgnoredNetRe ( std::string );
void setIgnoredMasterNetRe ( std::string );
void _setRegex ( regex_t*& , std::string pattern, std::string attr );
void print ( const Cell* ) const;
Record* _getRecord () const;
std::string _getString () const;
std::string _getTypeName () const;
Configuration& operator= ( const Configuration& ) = delete;
std::string _dffPattern;
std::string _ignoredNetPattern;
std::string _ignoredMasterNetPattern;
regex_t* _dffRe;
regex_t* _ignoredNetRe;
regex_t* _ignoredMasterNetRe;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Universié 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/Dag.h" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Hurricane {
class Instance;
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "foehn/Configuration.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Hurricane::Name;
using Hurricane::Record;
using Hurricane::DBo;
using Hurricane::Entity;
using Hurricane::Net;
using Hurricane::Cell;
using Hurricane::Instance;
using Hurricane::Plug;
class FoehnEngine;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::Dag".
class Dag {
Dag ( FoehnEngine*, std::string label );
Dag ( const Dag& ) = delete;
~Dag ();
Dag& operator= ( const Dag& ) = delete;
FoehnEngine* getFoehn ();
inline Configuration& getConfiguration ();
inline std::string getLabel () const;
Cell* getCell () const;
inline bool isDff ( std::string ) const;
inline bool isDff ( Name ) const;
inline bool isIgnoredNet ( std::string ) const;
inline bool isIgnoredNet ( Name ) const;
inline bool isIgnoredMasterNet ( std::string ) const;
inline bool isIgnoredMasterNet ( Name ) const;
inline bool isIgnoredPlug ( const Plug* ) const;
inline void setDffRe ( std::string );
inline void setIgnoredNetRe ( std::string );
inline void setIgnoredMasterNetRe ( std::string );
void addDStart ( Instance* );
void addDStart ( Net* );
void addToDOrder ( Instance* );
void dpropagate ();
void resetDepths ();
void _dpropagateOn ( Net* );
void _dpropagateOn ( Instance* );
inline const std::vector<Entity*>& getDOrder () const;
// Inspector support.
Record* _getRecord () const;
string _getString () const;
string _getTypeName () const;
FoehnEngine* _foehn;
Configuration _configuration;
std::string _label;
std::vector<Entity*> _dorder;
std::vector<Net*> _inputs;
std::vector<Instance*> _reacheds;
inline FoehnEngine* Dag::getFoehn () { return _foehn; }
inline Configuration& Dag::getConfiguration () { return _configuration; }
inline std::string Dag::getLabel () const { return _label; }
inline bool Dag::isDff ( std::string name ) const { return _configuration.isDff(name); }
inline bool Dag::isDff ( Name name ) const { return _configuration.isDff(getString(name)); }
inline bool Dag::isIgnoredNet ( std::string name ) const { return _configuration.isIgnoredNet(name); }
inline bool Dag::isIgnoredNet ( Name name ) const { return _configuration.isIgnoredNet(getString(name)); }
inline bool Dag::isIgnoredMasterNet ( std::string name ) const { return _configuration.isIgnoredMasterNet(name); }
inline bool Dag::isIgnoredMasterNet ( Name name ) const { return _configuration.isIgnoredMasterNet(getString(name)); }
inline void Dag::setDffRe ( std::string name ) { _configuration.setDffRe(name); }
inline void Dag::setIgnoredNetRe ( std::string name ) { _configuration.setIgnoredNetRe(name); }
inline void Dag::setIgnoredMasterNetRe ( std::string name ) { _configuration.setIgnoredMasterNetRe(name); }
inline const std::vector<Entity*>& Dag::getDOrder () const { return _dorder; }
inline bool Dag::isIgnoredPlug ( const Plug* plug ) const
if (not plug->getNet()) return true;
if (isIgnoredNet(plug->getNet()->getName())) return true;
if (isIgnoredMasterNet(plug->getMasterNet()->getName())) return true;
return false;
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul Chaput |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/DagProperty.h" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "hurricane/Name.h"
#include "hurricane/Property.h"
#include "hurricane/Slot.h"
namespace Hurricane {
class Net;
class Instance;
namespace Foehn {
using Hurricane::Record;
using Hurricane::Name;
using Hurricane::DBo;
using Hurricane::Net;
using Hurricane::Instance;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::NetDatas".
class DagProperty : public Hurricane::PrivateProperty {
typedef Hurricane::PrivateProperty Super;
static Name _name;
static DagProperty* create ( DBo* );
static Name getPropertyName ();
virtual Name getName () const;
bool isNetOwned () const;
bool isInstanceOwned () const;
inline uint64_t getFlags () const;
inline int32_t getMinDepth () const;
inline int32_t getMaxDepth () const;
inline Instance* getDriver () const;
inline void setMinDepth ( int32_t );
inline void setMaxDepth ( int32_t );
inline void setFlags ( uint64_t );
inline void resetFlags ( uint64_t );
inline void setDriver ( Instance* );
inline void incref ();
inline void decref ();
virtual void onReleasedBy ( DBo* owner );
virtual std::string _getTypeName () const;
virtual std::string _getString () const;
virtual Record* _getRecord () const;
virtual void _preDestroy ();
uint64_t _flags;
int32_t _minDepth;
int32_t _maxDepth;
uint16_t _refcount;
Instance* _driver;
inline DagProperty ();
inline DagProperty::DagProperty ()
: PrivateProperty()
, _flags ()
, _minDepth(-1)
, _maxDepth(-1)
, _refcount(1)
, _driver (nullptr)
{ }
inline int32_t DagProperty::getMinDepth () const { return _minDepth; }
inline int32_t DagProperty::getMaxDepth () const { return _maxDepth; }
inline void DagProperty::setMinDepth ( int32_t depth ) { _minDepth = depth; }
inline void DagProperty::setMaxDepth ( int32_t depth ) { _minDepth = depth; }
inline uint64_t DagProperty::getFlags () const { return _flags; }
inline void DagProperty::setFlags ( uint64_t flags ) { _flags |= flags; }
inline void DagProperty::resetFlags ( uint64_t flags ) { _flags &= ~flags; }
inline Instance* DagProperty::getDriver () const { return _driver; }
inline void DagProperty::setDriver ( Instance* driver ) { _driver = driver; }
inline void DagProperty::incref () { ++_refcount; }
inline void DagProperty::decref () { --_refcount; if (_refcount == 0) destroy(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::DagExtension".
class DagExtension {
static const uint64_t Ignore = (1<<0);
static const uint64_t Reached = (1<<1);
static DagProperty* get ( const DBo* );
static DagProperty* create ( DBo* );
static inline bool isPresent ( const DBo* );
static inline bool isNetOwned ( const DBo* );
static inline bool isInstanceOwned ( const DBo* );
static inline uint64_t getFlags ( const DBo* );
static inline int32_t getMinDepth ( const DBo* );
static inline int32_t getMaxDepth ( const DBo* );
static inline Instance* getDriver ( const DBo* );
static inline void setFlags ( const DBo*, uint64_t );
static inline void resetFlags ( const DBo*, uint64_t );
static inline void setMinDepth ( const DBo*, int32_t );
static inline void setMaxDepth ( const DBo*, int32_t );
static inline void setDriver ( const DBo*, Instance* );
inline bool DagExtension::isPresent ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
return (property != nullptr);
inline bool DagExtension::isNetOwned ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return false;
return property->isNetOwned();
inline bool DagExtension::isInstanceOwned ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return false;
return property->isInstanceOwned();
inline uint64_t DagExtension::getFlags ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return 0;
return property->getFlags();
inline int32_t DagExtension::getMinDepth ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return -1;
return property->getMinDepth();
inline int32_t DagExtension::getMaxDepth ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return -1;
return property->getMaxDepth();
inline Instance* DagExtension::getDriver ( const DBo* dbo )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return nullptr;
return property->getDriver();
inline void DagExtension::setFlags ( const DBo* dbo, uint64_t flags )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return;
property->setFlags( flags );
inline void DagExtension::resetFlags ( const DBo* dbo, uint64_t flags )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return;
property->resetFlags( flags );
inline void DagExtension::setMinDepth ( const DBo* dbo, int32_t depth )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return;
property->setMinDepth( depth );
inline void DagExtension::setMaxDepth ( const DBo* dbo, int32_t depth )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return;
property->setMaxDepth( depth );
inline void DagExtension::setDriver ( const DBo* dbo, Instance* instance )
DagProperty* property = get( dbo );
if (not property) return;
property->setDriver( instance );
} // Foehn Namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Universié 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/FoehnEngine.h" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Hurricane {
class Instance;
class CellViewer;
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "crlcore/ToolEngine.h"
#include "foehn/Configuration.h"
#include "foehn/Dag.h"
namespace Foehn {
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Hurricane::Name;
using Hurricane::Record;
using Hurricane::DBo;
using Hurricane::Entity;
using Hurricane::Net;
using Hurricane::Cell;
using Hurricane::Instance;
using Hurricane::Plug;
using Hurricane::CellViewer;
using CRL::ToolEngine;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Foehn::FoehnEngine".
class FoehnEngine : public ToolEngine {
typedef ToolEngine Super;
static FoehnEngine* create ( Cell* );
static FoehnEngine* get ( const Cell* );
static const Name& staticGetName ();
virtual const Name& getName () const;
inline Configuration& getConfiguration ();
Dag* getDag ( std::string label ) const;
Dag* newDag ( std::string label );
void clear ();
inline CellViewer* getViewer () const;
inline void setViewer ( CellViewer* );
// Inspector support.
virtual Record* _getRecord () const;
virtual string _getString () const;
virtual string _getTypeName () const;
FoehnEngine ( Cell* );
virtual ~ FoehnEngine ();
virtual void _postCreate ();
virtual void _preDestroy ();
FoehnEngine ( const FoehnEngine& ) = delete;
FoehnEngine& operator= ( const FoehnEngine& ) = delete;
static Name _toolName;
CellViewer* _viewer;
Configuration _configuration;
std::vector<Dag*> _dags;
inline Configuration& FoehnEngine::getConfiguration () { return _configuration; }
inline CellViewer* FoehnEngine::getViewer () const { return _viewer; }
inline void FoehnEngine::setViewer ( CellViewer* viewer ) { _viewer = viewer; }
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/PyDag.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyHurricane.h"
#include "foehn/Dag.h"
namespace Foehn {
extern "C" {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Python Object : "PyDag".
typedef struct {
Dag* _object;
} PyDag;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions & Types exported to "PyFoehn.ccp".
extern PyTypeObject PyTypeDag;
extern PyMethodDef PyDag_Methods[];
extern PyObject* PyDag_Link ( Foehn::Dag* );
extern void PyDag_LinkPyType ();
#define IsPyDag(v) ( (v)->ob_type == &PyTypeDag )
#define PYDAG(v) ( (PyDag*)(v) )
#define PYDAG_O(v) ( PYDAG(v)->_object )
} // extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/PyDagExtension.h" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyHurricane.h"
namespace Foehn {
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
} PyDagExtension;
extern PyTypeObject PyTypeDagExtension;
extern PyMethodDef PyDagExtension_Methods[];
extern void PyDagExtension_LinkPyType ();
extern void PyDagExtension_postModuleInit ();
#define IsPyDagExtension(v) ( (v)->ob_type == &PyTypeDagExtension )
#define PYDAGEXTENSION(v) ( (PyDagExtension*)(v) )
} // extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2022-2022, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | F o e h n - DAG Toolbox |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./foehn/PyFoehnEngine.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#pragma once
#include "hurricane/isobar/PyHurricane.h"
#include "crlcore/PyToolEngine.h"
#include "foehn/FoehnEngine.h"
namespace Foehn {
extern "C" {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Python Object : "PyFoehnEngine".
typedef struct {
CRL::PyToolEngine _baseObject;
} PyFoehnEngine;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions & Types exported to "PyFoehn.ccp".
extern PyTypeObject PyTypeFoehnEngine;
extern PyMethodDef PyFoehnEngine_Methods[];
extern PyObject* PyFoehnEngine_Link ( Foehn::FoehnEngine* );
extern void PyFoehnEngine_LinkPyType ();
extern void PyFoehnEngine_postModuleInit ();
#define IsPyFoehnEngine(v) ( (v)->ob_type == &PyTypeFoehnEngine )
#define PYFOEHNENGINE(v) ( (PyFoehnEngine*)(v) )
#define PYFOEHNENGINE_O(v) ( PYFOEHNENGINE(v)->_baseObject._object )
} // extern "C".
} // Foehn namespace.
Reference in New Issue