Forgor configuartion files for GF180MCU.

This commit is contained in:
Jean-Paul Chaput 2023-06-22 17:38:03 +02:00
parent 30b69f634a
commit 72b906cb68
3 changed files with 642 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
import sys
import os.path
from coriolis import Cfg
from coriolis.Hurricane import Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library, Layer, \
BasicLayer, Cell, Net, Horizontal, Vertical, \
Rectilinear, Box, Point, Instance, Transformation, \
NetExternalComponents, Pad
import coriolis.Viewer
from coriolis.CRL import AllianceFramework, Gds, LefImport, CellGauge, \
RoutingGauge, RoutingLayerGauge
from coriolis.helpers import l, u, n, overlay, io, ndaTopDir
from coriolis.helpers.overlay import CfgCache, UpdateSession
__all__ = [ "setup" ]
def _routing ():
Define the routing gauge along with the various P&R tool parameters.
af = AllianceFramework.get()
db = DataBase.getDB()
tech = db.getTechnology()
rg = RoutingGauge.create('mcu9t5v0')
rg.setSymbolic( False )
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'Metal1' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.PinOnly # layer usage
, 0 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.56) # track pitch
, u(0.23) # wire width
, u(0.23) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'Metal2' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.Default # layer usage
, 1 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.56) # track pitch
, u(0.28) # wire width
, u(0.28) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'Metal3' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.Default # layer usage
, 2 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.56) # track pitch
, u(0.28) # wire width
, u(0.28) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'Metal4' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.Default # layer usage
, 3 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.56) # track pitch
, u(0.28) # wire width
, u(0.28) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'Metal5' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Vertical # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.Default # layer usage
, 4 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.56) # track pitch
, u(0.28) # wire width
, u(0.28) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
RoutingLayerGauge.create( tech.getLayer( 'MetalTop' ) # metal
, RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal # preferred routing direction
, RoutingLayerGauge.PowerSupply # layer usage
, 5 # depth
, 0.0 # density (deprecated)
, u(0.0) # track offset from AB
, u(0.9) # track pitch
, u(0.44) # wire width
, u(0.44) # perpandicular wire width
, u(0.26) # VIA side
, u(0.0 ) )) # obstacle dW
af.addRoutingGauge( rg )
af.setRoutingGauge( 'mcu9t5v0' )
cg = CellGauge.create( 'LEF.GF018hv5v_green_sc9'
, 'Metal1' # pin layer name.
, u( 0.56 ) # pitch.
, u( 5.04) # cell slice height.
, u( 0.56) # cell slice step.
af.addCellGauge( cg )
af.setCellGauge( 'LEF.GF018hv5v_green_sc9' )
with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
env = af.getEnvironment()
env.setRegister( '^dff.*' )
# Place & Route setup
cfg.viewer.minimumSize = 500
cfg.viewer.pixelThreshold = 2
cfg.lefImport.minTerminalWidth = 0.0
cfg.crlcore.groundName = 'vss'
cfg.crlcore.powerName = 'vdd'
cfg.etesian.bloat = 'disabled'
cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.00
cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = [10, 1000]
cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
cfg.etesian.routingDriven = False
cfg.etesian.latchUpDistance = u(30.0 - 1.0)
#cfg.etesian.diodeName = 'diode'
#cfg.etesian.antennaInsertThreshold = 0.50
#cfg.etesian.antennaMaxWL = u(250.0)
cfg.etesian.feedNames = 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__fill_1,gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__fill_2,gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__fill_4,gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__fill_8'
cfg.etesian.defaultFeed = 'fill_2' = 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__tieh' = 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__tiel'
cfg.etesian.effort = 2
cfg.etesian.effort = (
('Fast', 1),
('Standard', 2),
('High', 3 ),
('Extreme', 4 ),
) = 2 = (
('Show every step', 1),
('Show lower bound', 2),
('Show result only', 3),
cfg.anabatic.routingGauge = 'mcu9t5v0'
cfg.anabatic.cellGauge = 'LEF.CoreSite'
cfg.anabatic.globalLengthThreshold = 1450
cfg.anabatic.saturateRatio = 0.90
cfg.anabatic.saturateRp = 10
#cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'mt2'
cfg.anabatic.edgeLength = 192
cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 32
cfg.anabatic.edgeCostH = 9.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeCostK = -10.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeHInc = 1.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeHScaling = 1.0
cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = 10
cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = [ 1, 100 ]
cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = 1
cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = (("Boundary", 1), ("Density", 2))
cfg.katana.disableStackedVias = True
cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 4
cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
cfg.katana.termSatReservedLocal = 8
cfg.katana.termSatThreshold = 9
cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 4000002
cfg.katana.ripupCost = 3
cfg.katana.ripupCost = [0, None]
cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = 16
cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = 9
cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = 5
cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.longGlobalRipupLimit = 5
cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'South'
# Plugins setup
cfg.clockTree.minimumSide = u(5.04) * 6
cfg.clockTree.buffer = 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__clkbuf_2'
cfg.clockTree.placerEngine = 'Etesian'
cfg.block.spareSide = 10
cfg.spares.buffer = 'gf180mcu_fd_sc_mcu9t5v0__clkbuf_2'
cfg.spares.maxSinks = 20
def _loadStdLib ( cellsTop ):
Load the muc9t5v0 library from the GDS files.
:param cellsTop: The top directory containing the cells views.
As GDS file is lacking most of the interface informations, apply a
post-process on each cell to educated guess :
* Which nets are external, and in which direction (name matching).
* Blockages: any shape in internals nets in Metal1 or Metal2 layer.
useGds = False
af = AllianceFramework.get()
db = DataBase.getDB()
tech = db.getTechnology()
rootlib = db.getRootLibrary()
cellLib = Library.create(rootlib, 'mcu9t5v')
af.wrapLibrary( cellLib, 0 )
gaugeName = Cfg.getParamString('anabatic.routingGauge').asString()
routingGauge = af.getRoutingGauge( gaugeName )
metal1 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer( 'Metal1' )
metal2 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer( 'Metal2' )
blockage1 = metal1.getBlockageLayer()
blockage2 = metal2.getBlockageLayer()
hpitch = 0
for layerGauge in routingGauge.getLayerGauges():
if layerGauge.getType() == RoutingLayerGauge.PinOnly:
if layerGauge.getDirection() == RoutingLayerGauge.Horizontal:
hpitch = layerGauge.getPitch()
if useGds:
io.vprint( 1, ' o Setup GF 180 mcu9t5v library in {} [GDS].'.format( cellLib.getName() ))
io.vprint( 2, ' (__file__="{}")'.format( os.path.abspath( __file__ )))
for cellDir in cellsTop.iterdir():
for gdsFile in sorted(cellDir.glob('*.gds')):
Gds.load( cellLib
, gdsFile.as_posix()
, Gds.NoGdsPrefix|Gds.Layer_0_IsBoundary )
#io.vprint( 1, ' o Skrinking V-AB of {}'.format(DbU.getValueString( hpitch )))
with overlay.UpdateSession():
for cell in cellLib.getCells():
ab = cell.getAbutmentBox()
#ab.inflate( 0, -hpitch )
cell.setAbutmentBox( ab )
cell.setTerminalNetlist( True )
for net in cell.getNets():
if not net.isExternal():
blockages = []
for component in net.getComponents():
if component.getLayer() == metal1 or component.getLayer() == metal1:
blockages.append( component )
if blockages:
io.vprint( 2, ' - Obstacles found in {}'.format( cell ))
for component in blockages:
bb = component.getBoundingBox()
if component.getLayer() == metal1:
v = Vertical.create( net
, blockage1
, bb.getXCenter()
, bb.getWidth()
, bb.getYMin()
, bb.getYMax() )
if component.getLayer() == metal2:
h = Horizontal.create( net
, blockage2
, bb.getYCenter()
, bb.getHeight()
, bb.getXMin()
, bb.getXMax() )
if net.isPower() or net.getName() == 'VDD':
net.setName( 'VDD' )
net.setType( Net.Type.POWER )
net.setGlobal( True )
net.setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
if net.isGround() or net.getName() == 'VSS':
net.setName( 'VSS' )
net.setType( Net.Type.GROUND )
net.setGlobal( True )
net.setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
if net.getName() == 'Z' \
or net.getName() == 'ZN' \
or net.getName() == 'Q':
net.setDirection( Net.Direction.OUT )
net.setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
toDestroy = []
for component in NetExternalComponents.get(net):
if isinstance(component,Pad):
bb = component.getBoundingBox()
pad = Vertical.create( net
, component.getLayer()
, bb.getCenter().getX()
, bb.getWidth()
, bb.getYMin()
, bb.getYMax() )
NetExternalComponents.setExternal( pad )
toDestroy.append( component )
for component in toDestroy:
io.vprint( 1, ' o Setup GF 180 mcu9t5v library in {} [LEF].'.format( cellLib.getName() ))
io.vprint( 2, ' (__file__="{}")'.format( os.path.abspath( __file__ )))
LefImport.load( (cellsTop / '..' / 'tech' / 'gf180mcu_6LM_1TM_9K_9t_tech.lef').as_posix() )
LefImport.setMergeLibrary( cellLib )
for cellDir in cellsTop.iterdir():
for lefFile in sorted(cellDir.glob('*.lef')):
LefImport.load( lefFile.as_posix() )
af.wrapLibrary( cellLib, 1 )
return cellLib
def _loadIoLib ():
Load the IO library from the GDS files.
af = AllianceFramework.get()
ioLib = af.getLibrary( 1 )
io.vprint( 1, ' o Loading GDS library in "{}".'.format( ioLib.getName() ))
Gds.load( ioLib
, ndaTopDir + '/XXXX.gds'
, Gds.NoGdsPrefix )
def setup ( cellsTop ):
_loadStdLib( cellsTop )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
import sys
import os.path
from coriolis import Cfg, Hurricane, Viewer, CRL
from coriolis.Hurricane import Technology, DataBase, DbU, Library, Layer, \
BasicLayer, Cell, Net, Horizontal, Vertical, \
Rectilinear, Box, Point, NetExternalComponents
from coriolis.technos.common.colors import toRGB
from coriolis.technos.common.patterns import toHexa
from coriolis.helpers import l, u, trace, io
from import createBL, createVia, setEnclosures
from coriolis.helpers.overlay import CfgCache
__all__ = [ 'setup' ]
def _setup_techno():
io.vprint( 1, ' o Setup GF180MCU technology.' )
io.vprint( 2, ' (__file__="{}")'.format( os.path.abspath( __file__ )))
db = DataBase.create()
tech = Technology.create( db, 'GF180MCU' )
DbU.setPrecision( 2 )
DbU.setPhysicalsPerGrid( 0.005, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
cfg.gdsDriver.metricDbu = 1e-09
cfg.gdsDriver.dbuPerUu = 0.001
DbU.setGridsPerLambda ( 10 )
DbU.setSymbolicSnapGridStep( DbU.fromGrid( 1.0 ))
DbU.setPolygonStep ( DbU.fromGrid( 1.0 ))
DbU.setStringMode ( DbU.StringModePhysical, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
Nwell = createBL( tech, 'Nwell' , BasicLayer.Material.nWell , size=u(0.86), spacing=u(0.74), gds2Layer=21 )
LVPwell = createBL( tech, 'LVPwell' , BasicLayer.Material.pWell , size=u(0.74), spacing=u(1.7 ), gds2Layer=204 )
Nplus = createBL( tech, 'Nplus' , BasicLayer.Material.nImplant , size=u(0.4 ), spacing=u(0.4 ), gds2Layer=32 )
Pplus = createBL( tech, 'Pplus' , BasicLayer.Material.pImplant , size=u(0.4 ), spacing=u(0.4 ), gds2Layer=31 )
COMP = createBL( tech, 'COMP' , , size=u(0.3 ), spacing=u(0.36), gds2Layer=22 )
Poly2 = createBL( tech, 'Poly2' , BasicLayer.Material.poly , size=u(0.2 ), spacing=u(0.24), gds2Layer=30 )
Cont = createBL( tech, 'Contact' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.22), spacing=u(0.25), gds2Layer=33 )
Metal1 = createBL( tech, 'Metal1' , BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.23), spacing=u(0.23), gds2Layer=34 )
Via1 = createBL( tech, 'Via1' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.26), spacing=u(0.26), gds2Layer=35 )
Metal2 = createBL( tech, 'Metal2' , BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.28), spacing=u(0.28), gds2Layer=36 )
Via2 = createBL( tech, 'Via2' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.26), spacing=u(0.26), gds2Layer=38 )
Metal3 = createBL( tech, 'Metal3' , BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.28), spacing=u(0.28), gds2Layer=42 )
Via3 = createBL( tech, 'Via3' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.26), spacing=u(0.26), gds2Layer=40 )
Metal4 = createBL( tech, 'Metal4' , BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.28), spacing=u(0.28), gds2Layer=46 )
Via4 = createBL( tech, 'Via4' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.26), spacing=u(0.26), gds2Layer=41 )
Metal5 = createBL( tech, 'Metal5' , BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.28), spacing=u(0.28), gds2Layer=81 )
Via5 = createBL( tech, 'Via5' , BasicLayer.Material.cut , size=u(0.26), spacing=u(0.26), gds2Layer=82 )
MetalTop = createBL( tech, 'MetalTop', BasicLayer.Material.metal , size=u(0.36), spacing=u(0.38), gds2Layer=53 )
Poly2_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Poly2_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.poly , gds2Layer=30, gds2DataType=4 )
Metal1_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Metal1_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=34, gds2DataType=4 )
Metal2_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Metal2_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=36, gds2DataType=4 )
Metal3_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Metal3_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=42, gds2DataType=4 )
Metal4_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Metal4_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=46, gds2DataType=4 )
Metal5_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'Metal5_Dummy' , BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=81, gds2DataType=4 )
MetalTop_Dummy = createBL( tech, 'MetalTop_Dummy', BasicLayer.Material.metal, gds2Layer=53, gds2DataType=4 )
Poly2_Label = createBL( tech, 'Poly2_Label' ,, gds2Layer=30, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal1_Label = createBL( tech, 'Metal1_Label' ,, gds2Layer=34, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal2_Label = createBL( tech, 'Metal2_Label' ,, gds2Layer=36, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal3_Label = createBL( tech, 'Metal3_Label' ,, gds2Layer=42, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal4_Label = createBL( tech, 'Metal4_Label' ,, gds2Layer=46, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal5_Label = createBL( tech, 'Metal5_Label' ,, gds2Layer=81, gds2DataType=10 )
MetalTop_Label = createBL( tech, 'MetalTop_Label',, gds2Layer=53, gds2DataType=10 )
Metal1_BLK = createBL( tech, 'Metal1_BLK' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=34, gds2DataType=5 )
Metal2_BLK = createBL( tech, 'Metal2_BLK' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=36, gds2DataType=5 )
Metal3_BLK = createBL( tech, 'Metal3_BLK' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=42, gds2DataType=5 )
Metal4_BLK = createBL( tech, 'Metal4_BLK' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=46, gds2DataType=5 )
Metal5_BLK = createBL( tech, 'Metal5_BLK' , BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=81, gds2DataType=5 )
MetalTop_BLK = createBL( tech, 'MetalTop_BLK', BasicLayer.Material.blockage, gds2Layer=53, gds2DataType=5 )
CONT = createVia( tech, 'CONT_POLY2', 'Poly2', 'Contact', 'Metal1', u(0.22) )
setEnclosures( CONT, Poly2 , u(0.07) )
setEnclosures( CONT, Metal1, u(0.12) )
VIA12 = createVia( tech, 'VIA12', 'Metal1', 'Via1', 'Metal2', u(0.26) )
setEnclosures( VIA12, Metal1, u(0.06) )
setEnclosures( VIA12, Metal2, u(0.06) )
VIA23 = createVia( tech, 'VIA23', 'Metal2', 'Via2', 'Metal3', u(0.26) )
setEnclosures( VIA23, Metal2, u(0.06) )
setEnclosures( VIA23, Metal3, u(0.06) )
VIA34 = createVia( tech, 'VIA34', 'Metal3', 'Via3', 'Metal4', u(0.26) )
setEnclosures( VIA34, Metal3, u(0.06) )
setEnclosures( VIA34, Metal4, u(0.06) )
VIA45 = createVia( tech, 'VIA45', 'Metal4', 'Via4', 'Metal5', u(0.26) )
setEnclosures( VIA45, Metal4, u(0.06) )
setEnclosures( VIA45, Metal5, u(0.06) )
VIA5T = createVia( tech, 'VIA5T', 'Metal5', 'Via5', 'MetalTop', u(0.26) )
setEnclosures( VIA5T, Metal5 , u(0.06) )
setEnclosures( VIA5T, MetalTop, u(0.06) )
Border = createBL( tech, 'Border', BasicLayer.Material.other, gds2Layer=63 )
Metal1 .setBlockageLayer( Metal1_BLK )
Metal2 .setBlockageLayer( Metal2_BLK )
Metal3 .setBlockageLayer( Metal3_BLK )
Metal4 .setBlockageLayer( Metal4_BLK )
Metal5 .setBlockageLayer( Metal5_BLK )
MetalTop.setBlockageLayer( MetalTop_BLK )
# Coriolis internal layers
createBL( tech, 'text.cell' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
createBL( tech, 'text.instance', BasicLayer.Material.other )
createBL( tech, 'SPL1' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
createBL( tech, 'AutoLayer' , BasicLayer.Material.other )
createBL( tech, 'gmetalh' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
createBL( tech, 'gcontact' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
createBL( tech, 'gmetalv' , BasicLayer.Material.metal )
def _setup_display():
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Style: Coriolis [black]
threshold = 0.2 if Viewer.Graphics.isHighDpi() else 0.1
scale = 1.0
style = Viewer.DisplayStyle( 'Coriolis [black]' )
style.setDescription( 'Coriolis Look - black background' )
style.setDarkening ( Viewer.DisplayStyle.HSVr(1.0, 3.0, 2.5) )
# Viewer.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='fallback' , color=toRGB('Gray238' ), border=1, pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='background' , color=toRGB('Gray50' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='foreground' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='rubber' , color=toRGB('192,0,192' ), border=4, threshold=0.02 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='phantom' , color=toRGB('Seashell4' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='boundaries' , color=toRGB('wheat1' ), border=2, pattern='0000000000000000', threshold=0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='marker' , color=toRGB('80,250,80' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='selectionDraw' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='selectionFill' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='grid' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=2.0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='spot' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=2, threshold=6.0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='ghost' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.ruler' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold= 0.0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.instance' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=400.0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.reference', color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=200.0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='undef' , color=toRGB('Violet' ), border=0, pattern='2244118822441188' )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='Border' , color=toRGB('wheat1' ), border=1, pattern='0000000000000000', threshold=0 )
# Group: Active Layer.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='Nwell' , color=toRGB('Tan' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.5 *scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='LVPwell' , color=toRGB('LightYellow'), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='Nplus' , color=toRGB('LawnGreen' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='Pplus' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='COMP' , color=toRGB('White' ), pattern=toHexa('antihash1.8'), threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layer', name='Poly2' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.50*scale )
# Group: Routing Layer.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='Metal1' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='Metal2' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='Metal3' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash1.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='Metal4' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash2.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='Metal5' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern='1144114411441144' , threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layer', name='MetalTop', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
# Group: Cuts (VIA holes).
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Contact', color=toRGB('0,150,150'), threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via1' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via2' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via3' , color=toRGB('Green' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via4' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via5' , color=toRGB('Violet' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
# Group: Fillers.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Poly2_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , border=0, threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal1_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal2_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), border=0, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal3_Dummy' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash1.8'), border=0, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal4_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash2.8'), border=0, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal5_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern='1144114411441144' , border=0, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='MetalTop_Dummy', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), border=0, threshold=0.02*scale )
# Group: Blockages.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal1_BLK' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern='006070381c0e0703' , threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal2_BLK' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern='8103060c183060c0' , threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal3_BLK' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal4_BLK' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash2.8'), threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal5_BLK' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern='1144114411441144' , threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='MetalTop_BLK', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), threshold=0.80*scale, border=2 )
# Group: Text.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Poly2_Label' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' , threshold=1.50*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Metal1_Label' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Metal2_Label' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Metal3_Label' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash1.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Metal4_Label' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash2.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='Metal5_Label' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern='1144114411441144' , threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Text', name='MetalTop_Label', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash0.8'), threshold=0.02*scale )
# Knick & Kite.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='SPL1' , color=toRGB('Red' ) )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='AutoLayer' , color=toRGB('Magenta' ) )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gmetalh' , color=toRGB('128,255,200'), pattern=toHexa('antislash2.32' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gmetalv' , color=toRGB('200,200,255'), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash1.8'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gcontact' , color=toRGB('255,255,190'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='Anabatic::Edge' , color=toRGB('255,255,190'), pattern='0000000000000000' , border=4, threshold=0.02 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='Anabatic::GCell', color=toRGB('255,255,190'), pattern='0000000000000000' , border=2, threshold=threshold )
Viewer.Graphics.addStyle( style )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Style: Alliance.Classic [white].
style = Viewer.DisplayStyle( 'Coriolis [white]' )
style.inheritFrom( 'Coriolis [black]' )
style.setDescription ( 'Coriolis Look - white background' )
style.setDarkening ( Viewer.DisplayStyle.HSVr(1.0, 3.0, 2.5) )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='background', color=toRGB('White'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='foreground', color=toRGB('Black'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='boundaries', color=toRGB('Black'), border=1, pattern='0000000000000000' )
Viewer.Graphics.addStyle( style )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Style: Alliance.Classic [black]
style = Viewer.DisplayStyle( 'Alliance.Classic [black]' )
style.setDescription( 'Alliance Classic Look - black background' )
style.setDarkening ( Viewer.DisplayStyle.HSVr(1.0, 3.0, 2.5) )
# Viewer.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='fallback' , color=toRGB('Gray238' ), border=1, pattern='55AA55AA55AA55AA' )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='background' , color=toRGB('Gray50' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='foreground' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='rubber' , color=toRGB('192,0,192' ), border=4, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='phantom' , color=toRGB('Seashell4' ), border=1 )
#style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='boundaries' , color=toRGB('208,199,192'), border=2, threshold=0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='boundaries' , color=toRGB('wheat1') , border=2, pattern='0000000000000000', threshold=0 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='marker' , color=toRGB('80,250,80' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='selectionDraw' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='selectionFill' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='grid' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=8.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='spot' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=2, threshold=6.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='ghost' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.ruler' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold= 0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.instance' , color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=400.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='text.reference', color=toRGB('White' ), border=1, threshold=200.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='undef' , color=toRGB('Violet' ), border=0, pattern='2244118822441188' )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Viewer', name='Border' , color=toRGB('wheat1' ), border=1, pattern='0000000000000000', threshold=0 )
# Active Layers.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='Nwell' , color=toRGB('Tan' ), pattern=toHexa('urgo.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='LVPwell' , color=toRGB('LightYellow'), pattern=toHexa('urgo.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='Nplus' , color=toRGB('LawnGreen' ), pattern=toHexa('antihash0.8'), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='Pplus' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern=toHexa('antihash0.8'), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='COMP' , color=toRGB('White' ), pattern=toHexa('antihash1.8'), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Active Layers', name='Poly2' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
# Routing Layers.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='Metal1' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('slash.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='Metal2' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='Metal3' , color=toRGB('LightPink' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='Metal4' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='Metal5' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Routing Layers', name='MetalTop', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=1, threshold=0.00*scale )
# Cuts (VIA holes).
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Contact', color=toRGB('0,150,150'), threshold=0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via1' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), threshold=0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via2' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), threshold=0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via3' , color=toRGB('Green' ), threshold=0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via4' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), threshold=0.0*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Cuts (VIA holes)', name='Via5' , color=toRGB('Violet' ), threshold=0.0*scale )
# Fillers.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Poly2_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal1_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('slash.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal2_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal3_Dummy' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal4_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='Metal5_Dummy' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Fillers', name='MetalTop_Dummy', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
# Labels.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Poly2_Label' , color=toRGB('Red' ), pattern=toHexa('poids2.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Metal1_Label' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('slash.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.80*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Metal2_Label' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Metal3_Label' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Metal4_Label' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='Metal5_Label' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Labels', name='MetalTop_Label', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), border=0, threshold=0.00*scale )
# Blockages.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal1_BLK' , color=toRGB('Blue' ), pattern=toHexa('light_antislash0.8'), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal2_BLK' , color=toRGB('Aqua' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal3_BLK' , color=toRGB('LightPink'), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal4_BLK' , color=toRGB('Green' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='Metal5_BLK' , color=toRGB('Yellow' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Blockages', name='MetalTop_BLK', color=toRGB('Violet' ), pattern=toHexa('poids4.8' ), threshold=0.80*scale, border=4 )
# Knick & Kite.
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='SPL1' , color=toRGB('Red' ) )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='AutoLayer' , color=toRGB('Magenta' ) )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gcontact' , color=toRGB('255,255,190'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gmetalh' , color=toRGB('128,255,200'), pattern=toHexa('antislash2.32' ), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gmetalv' , color=toRGB('200,200,255'), pattern=toHexa('light_antihash1.8'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='gcut' , color=toRGB('255,255,190'), border=1 )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='Anabatic::Edge' , color=toRGB('255,255,190'), pattern='0000000000000000' , border=4, threshold=0.02*scale )
style.addDrawingStyle( group='Knik & Kite', name='Anabatic::GCell', color=toRGB('255,255,190'), pattern='0000000000000000' , border=2, threshold=0.10*scale )
Viewer.Graphics.addStyle( style )
Viewer.Graphics.setStyle( 'Alliance.Classic [black]' )
def setup():
from .techno_fix import fix