remove deprecated components
@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2020-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
This script hook the Block plugin inside GCT/Unicorn.
import sys
import traceback
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
from helpers import trace
import plugins
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import Cell
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import Transformation
from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'misc.alpha'
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'misc.alpha.block'
, 'Block P&&R'
, 'Perform block-level placement'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
"""The mandatory function that Coriolis CGT/Unicorn will look for."""
rvalue = True
helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
block = Block.create( cell )
if editor: block.setEditor( editor )
rvalue =
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue
@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Point
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Interval
from Hurricane import Path
from Hurricane import Occurrence
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import Contact
from Hurricane import Horizontal
from Hurricane import Vertical
from Hurricane import Query
import CRL
import helpers
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
from import vprint
from helpers import l, u, n
import plugins
import chip
class VChannels ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, cell ):
self.gauge = chip.Configuration.GaugeConf()
self.cell = cell
self.vchannels = [ ]
topAb = self.cell.getAbutmentBox()
topTransf = Transformation()
for occurrence in cell.getNonTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences():
transf = occurrence.getPath().getTransformation()
if transf != topTransf:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'VChannels.__init__(): Transformation of non-terminal instances must be (0,0,ID),'
, 'instead of %s.' % str(transf)
, 'on %s' % str(occurrence) ] )
ab = occurrence.getEntity().getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
if ab != topAb:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'VChannels.__init__(): Abutment box of non-terminal instances must be equal to the top level %s.' % str(topAb)
, 'on %s' % str(occurrence) ] )
def addChannelAt ( self, x, width ):
xMin = self.cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
xMax = self.cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
if x < xMin or x >= xMax:
print( ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'VChannels.addChannelAt(): Attempt to add a channel outside abutment box, ignored.'
, '({} must be included in [{}..{}]'.format( DbU.getValueString(x)
, DbU.getValueString(xMin)
, DbU.getValueString(xMax) ) ] ))
return False
for i in range(len(self.vchannels)):
if self.vchannels[i][0] == x:
print( ErrorMessage( 1, 'VChannels.addChannelAt(): Attempt to add a channel twice at position {}, ignored.' \
.format(DbU.getValueString(x)) ))
return False
if self.vchannels[i][0] > x:
self.vchannels.insert( i, (x,width) )
return True
self.vchannels.append( (x,width) )
return True
def getDeltaWidth ( self ):
deltaWidth = 0
for x,w in self.vchannels: deltaWidth += w
return deltaWidth
def expandChannels ( self ):
dw = self.getDeltaWidth()
ab = self.cell.getAbutmentBox()
ab.inflate( 0, 0, dw, 0 )
self.cell.setAbutmentBox( ab )
for occurrence in self.cell.getNonTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences():
masterCell = occurrence.getEntity().getMasterCell()
ab = masterCell.getAbutmentBox()
ab.inflate( 0, 0, dw, 0 )
masterCell.setAbutmentBox( ab )
for occurrence in self.cell.getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences():
instance = occurrence.getEntity()
transf = occurrence.getPath().getTransformation()
instance.getTransformation().applyOn( transf )
xcenter = transf.getTx() + instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getXCenter()
xshift = 0
for x,w in self.vchannels:
if x < xcenter: xshift += w
else: break
if xshift:
baseTransf = instance.getTransformation()
baseTransf = Transformation( baseTransf.getTx() + xshift
, baseTransf.getTy()
, baseTransf.getOrientation() )
instance.setTransformation( baseTransf )
spaceMargin = (float(dw) * 100.0) / float(ab.getWidth())
vprint( 1, ' - V-Channels space margin: {}%%.'.format(spaceMargin) )
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
from import WarningMessage
# Common constants used through all <chip> modules.
# For Corona's sides.
North = 0x0001
South = 0x0002
East = 0x0004
West = 0x0008
# For Corona's corners.
SouthWest = South|West
SouthEast = South|East
NorthWest = North|West
NorthEast = North|East
# For rounding functions.
Superior = 0x0010
Inferior = 0x0020
Inwards = 0x0040
OnHorizontalPitch = 0x0080
OnVerticalPitch = 0x0100
def importConstants ( symbols ):
if not isinstance(symbols,dict):
print( WarningMessage( 'plugins.chip.__init__.importConstants(), argument is not a symbol table.' ))
for symbol in globals().items():
if isinstance(symbol[1],int):
if not symbol[0] in symbols:
symbols[ symbol[0] ] = symbol[1]
@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import bisect
from operator import methodcaller
import Cfg
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Point
from Hurricane import Interval
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Path
from Hurricane import Occurrence
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import Contact
from Hurricane import Horizontal
from Hurricane import Vertical
from Hurricane import Pad
import CRL
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import plugins
from plugins import StackedVia
import plugins.chip
plugins.chip.importConstants( globals() )
class IntervalSet ( object ):
def __init__ ( self ):
self.chunks = []
def merge ( self, min, max ):
toMerge = Interval( min, max )
imerge = len(self.chunks)
length = len(self.chunks)
i = 0
while i < length:
if imerge >= length:
if toMerge.getVMax() < self.chunks[i].getVMin():
self.chunks.insert( i, toMerge )
length += 1
imerge = 0
if toMerge.intersect(self.chunks[i]):
imerge = i
self.chunks[imerge].merge( toMerge )
if toMerge.getVMax() >= self.chunks[i].getVMin():
self.chunks[imerge].merge( self.chunks[i] )
del self.chunks[ i ]
length -= 1
i += 1
if imerge >= length:
self.chunks.insert( length, toMerge )
class Rail ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, side, order, axis ):
self.side = side
self.order = order
self.axis = axis
self.vias = { } # Key:pos Element:[pos,railContact,blockContact]
def net ( self ): return self.side.getRailNet(self.order)
class HorizontalRail ( Rail ):
def __init__ ( self, side, order, axis ):
Rail.__init__( self, side, order, axis )
def connect ( self, contact ):
contactBb = contact.getBoundingBox()
if contactBb.getXMin() < self.side.innerBb.getXMin() \
or contactBb.getXMax() > self.side.innerBb.getXMax():
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ '%s is outside rail/corona X range,' % str(contact)
, 'power pad is likely to be to far off west or east.'
, '(core:%s)' % str(self.side.innerBb) ] )
#print( ' HorizontalRail.connect() net:{} contact:{}'.format(,contact) )
#if != contact.getNet(): return False
if contact.getX() in self.vias: return False
keys = list( self.vias.keys() )
insertIndex = bisect.bisect_left( keys, contact.getX() )
if len(keys) > 0:
if insertIndex < len(keys):
insertPosition = keys[ insertIndex ]
if contactBb.getXMax() >= self.vias[insertPosition][2].getBoundingBox().getXMin():
#print( 'Reject contact {} intersect NEXT'.format(contact) )
return False
if insertIndex > 0:
if self.vias[keys[insertIndex-1]][2].getBoundingBox().getXMax() >= contactBb.getXMin():
#print( 'Reject contact {} intersect PREVIOUS'.format(contact) )
return False
self.vias[ contact.getX() ] = [ contact.getX()
, StackedVia(
, self.side.getLayerDepth(self.side.getHLayer())
, contact.getX()
, self.axis
, contact.getWidth() - DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
, self.side.hRailWidth - DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
, contact ]
trace( 550, '\tADD "%s" contact "%s" @ [%s %s]\n'
% ( contact.getNet().getName()
, contact.getLayer().getName()
, DbU.getValueString(contact.getX())
, DbU.getValueString(self.axis)) )
self.vias[ contact.getX() ][1].mergeDepth( self.side.getLayerDepth(contact.getLayer()) )
return True
def doLayout ( self ):
#print( 'HorizontalRail[{}] @{}'.format(self.order,DbU.toLambda(self.axis)) )
railVias = [ self.side.corner0(self.order)
, self.side.corner1(self.order) ]
for via in self.vias.values():
if via[1].getNet() != via[2].getNet(): continue
via[1].mergeDepth( self.side.getLayerDepth(self.side.getVLayer()) )
#print( ' Connect:', via[2], via[1].getVia( via[2].getLayer() ))
Vertical.create( via[1].getVia( via[2].getLayer() )
, via[2]
, via[2].getLayer()
, via[2].getX()
, via[2].getWidth()
#print( via[1]._vias, '[{} {}]' % ( via[1]._bottomDepth, via[1]._topDepth ))
#print( via[1], self.side.getVLayer(), via[1].getVia( self.side.getVLayer() ))
railVias.append( via[1].getVia( self.side.getVLayer()) )
for i in range(1,len(railVias)):
Horizontal.create( railVias[i-1]
, railVias[i]
, self.side.getHLayer()
, self.axis
, self.side.hRailWidth
class VerticalRail ( Rail ):
def __init__ ( self, side, order, axis ):
Rail.__init__( self, side, order, axis )
def doLayout ( self ):
#print( 'VerticalRail[{}] @{}'.format(self.order,DbU.toLambda(self.axis)))
railVias = [ self.side.corner0(self.order)
, self.side.corner1(self.order) ]
for via in self.vias.values():
if via[1].getNet() != via[2].getNet(): continue
Horizontal.create( via[1].getVia( via[2].getLayer() )
, via[2]
, via[2].getLayer()
, via[2].getY()
, via[2].getHeight()
railVias.append( via[1].getVia(self.side.getVLayer()) )
railVias.sort( key=methodcaller('getY') )
for i in range(1,len(railVias)):
Vertical.create( railVias[i-1]
, railVias[i]
, self.side.getVLayer()
, self.axis
, self.side.vRailWidth
#routingGauge = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getRoutingGauge()
#for depth in range(self.side.verticalDepth-2,self.vias.values()[0][1]._bottomDepth,-2):
# blockageLayer = routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(depth).getBlockageLayer()
# pitch = routingGauge.getLayerPitch(depth)
# for i in range(1,len(railVias)):
# Vertical.create( self.side.blockageNet
# , blockageLayer
# , self.axis
# , self.side.vRailWidth + 2*pitch
# , railVias[i-1].getBoundingBox().getYMax() + pitch
# , railVias[i ].getBoundingBox().getYMin() - pitch
# )
def connect ( self, contact ):
contactBb = contact.getBoundingBox()
if contactBb.getYMin() < self.side.innerBb.getYMin() \
or contactBb.getYMax() > self.side.innerBb.getYMax():
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ '%s is outside rail/corona Y range' % str(contact)
, 'power pad is likely to be to far off north or south.'
, '(core:%s)' % str(self.side.innerBb) ] )
#if != contact.getNet(): return False
if contact.getY() in self.vias: return False
trace( 550, ',+', '\tVerticalRail.connect() [%s] @%d\n' % (self.order,DbU.toLambda(self.axis)) )
trace( 550, contact )
keys = list( self.vias.keys() )
insertIndex = bisect.bisect_left( keys, contact.getY() )
trace( 550, ',+', '\tkeys:' )
for key in keys:
trace( 550, ' %d' % DbU.toLambda(key) )
trace( 550, '\n' )
if len(keys) > 0:
if insertIndex < len(keys):
insertPosition = keys[ insertIndex ]
trace( 550, '\tinsertIndex:%d' % insertIndex )
trace( 550, '\tCheck NEXT contactBb:%s via:%s\n' \
% ( contactBb
, self.vias[insertPosition][2].getBoundingBox()) )
if contactBb.getYMax() >= self.vias[insertPosition][2].getBoundingBox().getYMin():
trace( 550, ',--', '\tReject %s intersect NEXT\n' % contact )
return False
if insertIndex > 0:
trace( 550, '\tcheck PREVIOUS contactBb:%s via:%s\n' \
% ( contactBb
, self.vias[keys[insertIndex-1]][2].getBoundingBox()) )
if self.vias[keys[insertIndex-1]][2].getBoundingBox().getYMax() >= contactBb.getYMin():
trace( 550, ',--', '\tReject %s intersect PREVIOUS\n' % contact )
return False
self.vias[ contact.getY() ] = [ contact.getY()
, StackedVia(
, self.side.getLayerDepth(self.side.getVLayer())
, self.axis
, contact.getY()
, self.side.vRailWidth - DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
, contact.getHeight() - DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
, contact ]
trace(550, ',--' '\tADD %s\n' % contact )
self.vias[ contact.getY() ][1].mergeDepth( self.side.getLayerDepth(contact.getLayer()) )
return True
class Side ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
self.corona = corona
def railsNb ( self ): return self.corona.railsNb
def innerBb ( self ): return self.corona.innerBb
def hRailWidth ( self ): return self.corona.hRailWidth
def hRailSpace ( self ): return self.corona.hRailSpace
def vRailWidth ( self ): return self.corona.vRailWidth
def vRailSpace ( self ): return self.corona.vRailSpace
def corners ( self ): return self.corona.corners
def horizontalDepth ( self ): return self.corona.horizontalDepth
def verticalDepth ( self ): return self.corona.verticalDepth
def blockageNet ( self ): return self.corona.blockageNet
def getLayerDepth ( self, metal ): return self.corona.getLayerDepth(metal)
def getRail ( self, i ): return self.rails[i]
def getRailNet ( self, i ): return self.corona.getRailNet(i)
def getHLayer ( self ): return self.corona.getHLayer()
def getVLayer ( self ): return self.corona.getVLayer()
def getRailAxis ( self, i ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Side.getRailAxis(): Must never be called on base class.' )
def getInnerRail ( self, i ):
if i >= len(self.rails):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Side.getInnerRail(): no rail %d (only: %d).' % (i,len(self.rails)) )
return self.rails[i]
def getOuterRail ( self, i ):
if i >= len(self.rails):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Side.getOuterRail(): no rail %d (only: %d).' % (i,len(self.rails)) )
return self.rails[-(i+1)]
def connect ( self, blockSide ):
for terminal in blockSide.terminals:
for rail in self.rails:
rail.connect( terminal[1] )
def connectPads ( self, padSide ):
for contact in padSide.pins:
if not contact.getNet().isSupply() and not contact.getNet().isClock(): continue
#print( ' Connect to [-{}] @{}'.format(0, DbU.toLambda(self.getOuterRail(0).axis)))
self.getOuterRail( 0 ).connect( contact )
halfRails = (len(self.rails)-1)//2
trace( 550, 'halfRails:%i' % halfRails )
for contact in padSide.pins:
if not contact.getNet().isSupply() and not contact.getNet().isClock(): continue
trace( 550, ',+', '\tConnect pad contact %s\n' % contact )
for i in range(halfRails):
trace( 550, '\tConnect to [-%i] @%d\n' % (i+1, DbU.toLambda(self.getOuterRail(i+1).axis)) )
self.getOuterRail(i+1).connect( contact )
trace( 550, '-' )
def doLayout ( self ):
for rail in self.rails: rail.doLayout()
class HorizontalSide ( Side ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
Side.__init__( self, corona )
self.rails = []
for i in range(self.railsNb):
self.rails.append( HorizontalRail(self,i,self.getRailAxis(i)) )
#print( ' Rail [{}] @{}'.format(i,DbU.toLambda(self._rails[-1].axis)))
class SouthSide ( HorizontalSide ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
HorizontalSide.__init__( self, corona )
def getRailAxis ( self, i ):
return self.innerBb.getYMin() - self.hRailWidth//2 - self.hRailSpace \
- i*(self.hRailWidth + self.hRailSpace)
def corner0 ( self, i ): return self.corners[SouthWest][i]
def corner1 ( self, i ): return self.corners[SouthEast][i]
class NorthSide ( HorizontalSide ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
HorizontalSide.__init__( self, corona )
def getRailAxis ( self, i ):
return self.innerBb.getYMax() + self.hRailWidth//2 + self.hRailSpace \
+ i*(self.hRailWidth + self.hRailSpace)
def corner0 ( self, i ): return self.corners[NorthWest][i]
def corner1 ( self, i ): return self.corners[NorthEast][i]
class VerticalSide ( Side ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
Side.__init__( self, corona )
self.rails = []
for i in range(self.railsNb):
self.rails.append( VerticalRail(self,i,self.getRailAxis(i)) )
def addBlockages ( self, sideXMin, sideXMax ):
spans = IntervalSet()
for rail in self.rails:
for via in rail.vias.values():
if via[1].getNet() != via[2].getNet(): continue
spans.merge( via[1]._y - via[1]._height//2, via[1]._y + via[1]._height//2 )
routingGauge = self.corona.routingGauge
if len(self.getInnerRail(0).vias):
for depth in range(next(iter(self.getInnerRail(0).vias.values()))[1].bottomDepth
,next(iter(self.getInnerRail(0).vias.values()))[1].topDepth ):
blockageLayer = routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(depth).getBlockageLayer()
pitch = routingGauge.getLayerPitch(depth)
for chunk in spans.chunks:
Horizontal.create( self.blockageNet
, blockageLayer
, (chunk.getVMax() + chunk.getVMin())//2
, chunk.getVMax() - chunk.getVMin() + pitch*2
, sideXMin
, sideXMax
depth -= 2
if depth > 0:
blockageLayer = routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(depth).getBlockageLayer()
pitch = routingGauge.getLayerPitch(depth)
for chunk in spans.chunks:
Horizontal.create( self.blockageNet
, blockageLayer
, (chunk.getVMax() + chunk.getVMin())//2
, chunk.getVMax() - chunk.getVMin() + pitch*2
, sideXMin
, sideXMax
class WestSide ( VerticalSide ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
VerticalSide.__init__( self, corona )
def getRailAxis ( self, i ):
return self.innerBb.getXMin() - self.vRailWidth//2 - self.vRailSpace \
- i*(self.vRailWidth + self.vRailSpace)
def corner0 ( self, i ): return self.corners[SouthWest][i]
def corner1 ( self, i ): return self.corners[NorthWest ][i]
def addBlockages ( self ):
sideXMin = self.getOuterRail(0).axis - self.vRailWidth
sideXMax = self.getInnerRail(0).axis + self.vRailWidth
VerticalSide.addBlockages( self, sideXMin, sideXMax )
class EastSide ( VerticalSide ):
def __init__ ( self, corona ):
VerticalSide.__init__( self, corona )
def getRailAxis ( self, i ):
return self.innerBb.getXMax() + self.vRailWidth//2 + self.vRailSpace \
+ i*(self.vRailWidth + self.vRailSpace)
def corner0 ( self, i ): return self.corners[SouthEast][i]
def corner1 ( self, i ): return self.corners[NorthEast ][i]
def addBlockages ( self ):
sideXMin = self.getInnerRail(0).axis - self.vRailWidth
sideXMax = self.getOuterRail(0).axis + self.vRailWidth
VerticalSide.addBlockages( self, sideXMin, sideXMax )
class Corona ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, block ):
self.block = block
self.railsNb = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.count' ).asInt()
self.hRailWidth = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.hWidth' ).asInt()
self.vRailWidth = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.vWidth' ).asInt()
self.hRailSpace = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.hSpacing').asInt()
self.vRailSpace = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.vSpacing').asInt()
self.innerBb =
self.block.path.getTransformation().applyOn( self.innerBb )
self.innerBb.inflate( self.hRailSpace//2, self.vRailSpace//2 )
if not self.conf.useClockTree: self.railsNb -= 1
self.southSide = SouthSide( self )
self.northSide = NorthSide( self )
self.westSide = WestSide ( self )
self.eastSide = EastSide ( self )
def conf ( self ): return self.block.conf
def routingGauge ( self ): return self.conf.gaugeConf.routingGauge
def topLayerDepth ( self ): return self.conf.gaugeConf.topLayerDepth
def horizontalDepth ( self ): return self.conf.gaugeConf.horizontalDepth
def verticalDepth ( self ): return self.conf.gaugeConf.verticalDepth
def blockageNet ( self ): return self.conf.blockageNet
def getLayerDepth ( self, metal ):
return self.conf.gaugeConf.routingGauge.getLayerDepth( metal )
def getRailNet ( self, i ):
if self.conf.useClockTree and i == self.railsNb-1: return self.conf.coronaCk
if i % 2: return self.conf.coronaVss
return self.conf.coronaVdd
def getHLayer ( self ):
return self.routingGauge.getLayerGauge( self.horizontalDepth ).getLayer()
def getVLayer ( self ):
return self.routingGauge.getLayerGauge( self.verticalDepth ).getLayer()
def connectBlock ( self ):
for plane in self.block.planes.values():
for side in plane.sides.values():
self.southSide.connect( side[South] )
self.northSide.connect( side[North] )
self.westSide .connect( side[West ] )
self.eastSide .connect( side[East ] )
def connectPads ( self, padsCorona ):
self.southSide.connectPads( padsCorona.southSide )
self.northSide.connectPads( padsCorona.northSide )
self.eastSide .connectPads( padsCorona.eastSide )
self.westSide .connectPads( padsCorona.westSide )
def doLayout ( self ):
self.corners = { SouthWest : []
, SouthEast : []
, NorthWest : []
, NorthEast : []
contactDepth = self.horizontalDepth
if self.horizontalDepth > self.verticalDepth:
contactDepth = self.verticalDepth
blBox = Box()
brBox = Box()
tlBox = Box()
trBox = Box()
for i in range(self.railsNb):
xBL = self.westSide .getRail(i).axis
yBL = self.southSide.getRail(i).axis
xTR = self.eastSide .getRail(i).axis
yTR = self.northSide.getRail(i).axis
net = self.getRailNet( i )
blBox.merge( xBL, yBL )
brBox.merge( xTR, yBL )
tlBox.merge( xBL, yTR )
trBox.merge( xTR, yTR )
Contact.create( net
, self.routingGauge.getContactLayer(contactDepth)
, xBL, yBL
, self.hRailWidth
, self.vRailWidth
) )
Contact.create( net
, self.routingGauge.getContactLayer(contactDepth)
, xBL, yTR
, self.hRailWidth
, self.vRailWidth
) )
Contact.create( net
, self.routingGauge.getContactLayer(contactDepth)
, xTR, yBL
, self.hRailWidth
, self.vRailWidth
) )
Contact.create( net
, self.routingGauge.getContactLayer(contactDepth)
, xTR, yTR
, self.hRailWidth
, self.vRailWidth
) )
self.westSide .doLayout()
self.eastSide .doLayout()
blBox.inflate( self.hRailWidth, self.vRailWidth )
brBox.inflate( self.hRailWidth, self.vRailWidth )
tlBox.inflate( self.hRailWidth, self.vRailWidth )
trBox.inflate( self.hRailWidth, self.vRailWidth )
for depth in range( 1, self.conf.gaugeConf.topLayerDepth + 1 ):
blockageLayer = self.routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(depth).getBlockageLayer()
Pad.create( self.blockageNet, blockageLayer, blBox )
Pad.create( self.blockageNet, blockageLayer, brBox )
Pad.create( self.blockageNet, blockageLayer, tlBox )
Pad.create( self.blockageNet, blockageLayer, trBox )
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
from Hurricane import DbU, Point, Transformation, Box, Interval, \
Path, Occurrence, UpdateSession, Net, \
Contact, Horizontal, Vertical, Query
import CRL
import helpers
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage, WarningMessage
import plugins
import plugins.chip
plugins.chip.importConstants( globals() )
class Side ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, block, side, net, metal ):
self.block = block
self.side = side
|||| = net
self.metal = metal
self.deltaWidth = metal.getExtentionWidth()*2
self.terminals = [ ]
def addTerminal ( self, position, width ):
toMerge = Interval( position-width//2, position+width//2 )
length = len(self.terminals)
imerge = length
ichunk = 0
while ichunk < length:
if imerge == length:
if toMerge.getVMax() < self.terminals[ichunk][0].getVMin():
self.terminals.insert( ichunk, [ toMerge, None ] )
imerge = ichunk
length += 1
if toMerge.intersect(self.terminals[ichunk][0]):
imerge = ichunk
self.terminals[ichunk][0].merge( toMerge )
if toMerge.getVMax() >= self.terminals[ichunk][0].getVMin():
self.terminals[imerge][0].merge( self.terminals[ichunk][0] )
del self.terminals[ichunk]
length -= 1
ichunk += 1
if ichunk == length:
self.terminals.append( [ toMerge, None ] )
def doLayout ( self ):
if self.side == West:
width = 0
x =
elif self.side == East:
width = 0
x =
elif self.side == South:
height = 0
y =
elif self.side == North:
height = 0
y =
minWidth = DbU.fromLambda( 6.0 )
for terminal in self.terminals:
if self.side == West or self.side == East:
center = Point( x, terminal[0].getCenter() )
height = terminal[0].getSize() - self.deltaWidth
if height < minWidth: height = minWidth
elif self.side == North or self.side == South:
center = Point( terminal[0].getCenter(), y )
width = terminal[0].getSize() - self.deltaWidth
if width < minWidth: width = minWidth
self.block.path.getTransformation().applyOn( center )
contact = Contact.create(, self.metal, center.getX(), center.getY(), width, height )
terminal[ 1 ] = contact
class Plane ( object ):
Horizontal = 1
Vertical = 2
def __init__ ( self, block, metal ):
self.block = block
self.metal = metal
self.sides = { }
def addTerminal ( self, net, direction, bb ):
if not net in self.sides:
self.sides[ net ] = { North : Side(self.block,North,net,self.metal)
, South : Side(self.block,South,net,self.metal)
, East : Side(self.block,East ,net,self.metal)
, West : Side(self.block,West ,net,self.metal)
sides = self.sides[ net ]
trace( 550, '\tPlane.addTerminal() net={} bb={} direction={}\n' \
.format( net.getName(), bb, direction ))
if direction == Plane.Horizontal:
if bb.getXMin() <=
sides[West].addTerminal( bb.getCenter().getY(), bb.getHeight() )
if bb.getXMax() >=
sides[East].addTerminal( bb.getCenter().getY(), bb.getHeight() )
if direction == Plane.Vertical:
if bb.getYMin() <=
sides[South].addTerminal( bb.getCenter().getX(), bb.getWidth() )
if bb.getYMax() >=
sides[North].addTerminal( bb.getCenter().getX(), bb.getWidth() )
def doLayout ( self ):
for sidesOfNet in self.sides.values():
for side in sidesOfNet.values():
class GoCb ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, block ):
self.block = block
def __call__ ( self, query, go ):
direction = None
if isinstance(go,Horizontal): direction = Plane.Horizontal
if isinstance(go,Vertical): direction = Plane.Vertical
if not direction: return
rootNet = None
if go.getNet().getType() == int(Net.Type.POWER): rootNet = self.block.conf.coronaVdd
if go.getNet().getType() == int(Net.Type.GROUND): rootNet = self.block.conf.coronaVss
if not rootNet: return
if self.block.activePlane:
bb = go.getBoundingBox( self.block.activePlane.metal.getBasicLayer() )
query.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( bb )
self.block.activePlane.addTerminal( rootNet, direction, bb )
print( WarningMessage( 'BlockPower.GoCb() callback called without an active plane.' ))
class Block ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, conf ):
self.conf = conf
self.path = Path( self.conf.icore )
self.block = self.path.getTailInstance().getMasterCell()
|||| = self.block.getAbutmentBox()
self.planes = { }
self.activePlane = None
for layerGauge in self.conf.gaugeConf.routingGauge.getLayerGauges():
self.planes[ layerGauge.getLayer().getName() ] = Plane( self, layerGauge.getLayer() )
def connectPower ( self ):
if not self.conf.coronaVdd or not self.conf.coronaVss:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cannot build block power terminals as core vdd and/or vss are not known.' )
goCb = GoCb( self )
query = Query()
query.setGoCallback( goCb )
query.setCell( self.block )
query.setArea( self.block.getAbutmentBox() )
query.setFilter( Query.DoComponents|Query.DoTerminalCells )
for layerGauge in self.conf.gaugeConf.routingGauge.getLayerGauges():
self.activePlane = self.planes[ layerGauge.getLayer().getName() ]
query.setBasicLayer( layerGauge.getLayer().getBasicLayer() )
self.activePlane = None
def connectClock ( self ):
if not self.conf.useClockTree:
print( WarningMessage( "Clock tree generation has been disabled ('chip.clockTree':False)." ))
if not self.conf.coronaCk:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Cannot build clock terminal as ck is not known.' )
blockCk = None
for plug in self.path.getTailInstance().getPlugs():
if plug.getNet() == self.conf.coronaCk:
blockCk = plug.getMasterNet()
if not blockCk:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Block "%s" has no net connected to the clock "%s".'
% (self.path.getTailInstance().getName(), )
htPlugs = []
ffPlugs = []
for plug in blockCk.getPlugs():
if plug.getInstance().getName() == 'ck_htree':
htPlugs.append( plug )
if plug.getInstance().getMasterCell().isTerminal():
ffPlugs.append( plug )
if len(ffPlugs) > 0:
message = 'Clock <%s> of block <%s> is not organized as a H-Tree.' \
% (blockCk.getName(),self.path.getTailInstance().getName())
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
if len(htPlugs) > 1:
message = 'Block <%s> has not exactly one H-Tree connecteds to the clock <%s>:' \
% (self.path.getTailInstance().getName(),blockCk.getName())
for plug in htPlugs:
message += '\n - %s' % plug
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
bufferRp = self.conf.rpAccessByOccurrence( Occurrence(htPlugs[0], self.path), self.conf.coronaCk )
blockAb = self.block.getAbutmentBox()
self.path.getTransformation().applyOn( blockAb )
layerGauge = self.conf.routingGauge.getLayerGauge(self.conf.verticalDepth)
contact = Contact.create( self.conf.coronaCk
, self.conf.routingGauge.getRoutingLayer(self.conf.verticalDepth)
, bufferRp.getX()
, blockAb.getYMax()
, layerGauge.getViaWidth()
, layerGauge.getViaWidth()
segment = self.conf.createVertical( bufferRp, contact, bufferRp.getX() )
self.activePlane = self.planes[ layerGauge.getLayer().getName() ]
bb = segment.getBoundingBox( self.activePlane.metal.getBasicLayer() )
self.path.getTransformation().getInvert().applyOn( bb )
self.activePlane.addTerminal( self.conf.coronaCk, Plane.Vertical, bb )
def doLayout ( self ):
for plane in self.planes.values():
@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import os.path
import optparse
import math
import cProfile
import pstats
import Cfg
import Hurricane
from Hurricane import DataBase
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Point
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Path
from Hurricane import Occurrence
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import RoutingPad
from Hurricane import Contact
from Hurricane import Horizontal
from Hurricane import Vertical
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import HyperNet
from Hurricane import Query
import Viewer
import CRL
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import Etesian
import Anabatic
import Katana
import Unicorn
import plugins
import plugins.cts.clocktree
import plugins.chip
import plugins.chip.padscorona
import plugins.chip.blockpower
import plugins.chip.blockcorona
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PlaceRoute class
class PlaceRoute ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, conf ):
self.conf = conf
self.validated = True
def _refresh ( self ):
if self.conf.viewer:
def validate ( self ):
self.validated = True
if len(self.conf.cores) < 1: self.validated = False
coreAb = self.conf.core.getAbutmentBox()
if (not coreAb.isEmpty()):
if coreAb.getWidth () <= self.conf.coreSize.getWidth() \
and coreAb.getHeight() <= self.conf.coreSize.getHeight():
self.conf.coreSize = coreAb
raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'Core %s already have an abutment box, bigger than the requested one:'
% self.conf.cores[0].getName()
, " Cell abutment box: %s" % str(coreAb)
, " Maximum abutment box: %s" % str(self.conf.coreSize) ] )
self.validated = False
return self.validated
def doCoronaFloorplan ( self ):
if not self.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'chip.doCoronaFloorplan(): Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
self.railsNb = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.count' ).asInt()
self.hRailWidth = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.hWidth' ).asInt()
self.vRailWidth = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.vWidth' ).asInt()
self.hRailSpace = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.hSpacing').asInt()
self.vRailSpace = Cfg.getParamInt('chip.block.rails.vSpacing').asInt()
if not self.conf.useClockTree: self.railsNb -= 1
innerBb = Box( self.conf.coreSize )
innerBb.inflate( self.railsNb * self.vRailWidth + (self.railsNb+1) * self.vRailSpace
, self.railsNb * self.hRailWidth + (self.railsNb+1) * self.hRailSpace )
coronaAb = self.conf.corona.getAbutmentBox()
if innerBb.getWidth() > coronaAb.getWidth():
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Core is too wide to fit into the corona, needs %s but only has %s.'
% ( DbU.getValueString(innerBb .getWidth())
, DbU.getValueString(coronaAb.getWidth()) ) )
if innerBb.getHeight() > coronaAb.getHeight():
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'Core is too tall to fit into the corona, needs %s but only has %s.'
% ( DbU.getValueString(innerBb .getHeight())
, DbU.getValueString(coronaAb.getHeight()) ) )
self.conf.core.setAbutmentBox( self.conf.coreSize )
x = (coronaAb.getWidth () - self.conf.coreSize.getWidth ()) // 2
y = (coronaAb.getHeight() - self.conf.coreSize.getHeight()) // 2
x = x - (x % self.conf.getSliceHeight())
y = y - (y % self.conf.getSliceHeight())
self.conf.icore.setTransformation ( Transformation(x,y,Transformation.Orientation.ID) )
self.conf.icore.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
def doCorePlacement ( self ):
if not self.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'chip.doCorePlacement(): Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
coreCell = self.conf.core
checkUnplaced = plugins.CheckUnplaced( coreCell, plugins.NoFlags )
if not checkUnplaced.check(): return
coreCk = None
if self.conf.coronaCk:
for plug in self.conf.coronaCk.getPlugs():
if plug.getInstance() == self.conf.icore:
coreCk = plug.getMasterNet()
if not coreCk:
print( WarningMessage( 'Core "{}" is not connected to chip clock.'.format(self.conf.icore.getName()) ))
if self.conf.useClockTree and coreCk:
ht = plugins.cts.clocktree.HTree.create( self.conf, coreCell, coreCk, coreCell.getAbutmentBox() )
ht.addCloned( self.conf.cell )
ht.addCloned( self.conf.corona )
etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create( self.conf.corona )
etesian.setBlock( self.conf.icore )
etesian.setViewer( self.conf.viewer )
|||| self.conf.cell )
etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create( self.conf.corona )
etesian.setBlock( self.conf.icore )
def doChipPlacement ( self ):
if not self.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'chip.doChipPlacement(): Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
padsCorona = plugins.chip.padscorona.Corona( self.conf )
self.validated = padsCorona.validate()
if not self.validated: return False
coreBlock = plugins.chip.blockpower.Block( self.conf )
coreCorona = plugins.chip.blockcorona.Corona( coreBlock )
coreCorona.connectPads ( padsCorona )
def doChipRouting ( self ):
if not self.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'chip.doChipRouting(): Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
self.conf.corona.setName( self.conf.corona.getName()+"_r" )
katana = Katana.KatanaEngine.create( self.conf.corona )
#katana.printConfiguration ()
katana.digitalInit ()
katana.runGlobalRouter ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )
katana.loadGlobalRouting ( Anabatic.EngineLoadGrByNet )
katana.layerAssign ( Anabatic.EngineNoNetLayerAssign )
katana.runNegociate ( Katana.Flags.NoFlags )
success = katana.getSuccessState()
def save ( self ):
if not self.validated:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, ' Chip is not valid, aborting.' )
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
af.saveCell( self.conf.cell , CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
af.saveCell( self.conf.corona, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import plugins
import plugins.chip.chip
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.stepByStep'
#kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.clockTree'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute', 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.placeChip'
, 'PLace Chip'
, 'Place a Complete Chip (pads && core)'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
rvalue = True
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
conf = plugins.chip.configuration.loadConfiguration( cell, editor )
if not conf.validated: return False
placeChip = plugins.chip.chip.PlaceRoute( conf )
return placeChip.validated
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import Viewer
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import plugins
import plugins.chip.chip
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.stepByStep'
#kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.placeChip'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute', 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.placeRouteChip'
, 'PLace && Route Chip'
, 'Place & route a Complete Chip (pads && core)'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
rvalue = True
Breakpoint.setStopLevel( 99 )
helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
conf = plugins.chip.configuration.loadConfiguration( cell, editor )
if not conf.validated: return False
prChip = plugins.chip.chip.PlaceRoute( conf )
return prChip.validated
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import os.path
import math
import Cfg
import Hurricane
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
import Viewer
import CRL
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
import helpers
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage
import Etesian
import Unicorn
import plugins
from plugins.cts.clocktree import HTree
from plugins.cts.clocktree import computeAbutmentBox
from plugins.chip.configuration import ChipConf
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.placeChip'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute', 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.clockTree'
, 'Place Block && Clock Tree'
, 'Place a block with a buffered H-Tree for the clock'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
errorCode = 0
print( ' o Cleaning up any previous run.' )
for fileName in os.listdir('.'):
if fileName.endswith('.ap'):
print( ' - "{}"'.format(fileName) )
cell = None
if ('cell' in kw) and kw['cell']:
cell = kw['cell']
editor = None
if ('editor' in kw) and kw['editor']:
editor = kw['editor']
print( ' o Editor detected, running in graphic mode.' )
if cell == None: cell = editor.getCell()
if cell == None:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'ClockTree: No cell loaded yet.' )
conf = ChipConf( {}, cell, editor )
if cell.getAbutmentBox().isEmpty():
spaceMargin = Cfg.getParamPercentage('etesian.spaceMargin').asPercentage() / 100.0 + 0.01
aspectRatio = Cfg.getParamPercentage('etesian.aspectRatio').asPercentage() / 100.0
computeAbutmentBox( cell, spaceMargin, aspectRatio, conf.cellGauge )
if editor:
ht = HTree.create( conf, cell, None, cell.getAbutmentBox() )
if editor: editor.refresh()
etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create( cell )
|||| cell )
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
return 0
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/core2chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import re
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import DataBase
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import Net
import Viewer
from CRL import Catalog
from CRL import AllianceFramework
from import ErrorMessage
from plugins.core2chip.core2chip import IoPad
from plugins.core2chip.core2chip import CoreToChip
class cmos ( CoreToChip ):
def __init__ ( self, core ):
CoreToChip.__init__ ( self, core )
self.ringNetNames = [ 'vsse', 'vssi', 'vdde', 'vddi', ('cki', 'ck') ]
self.ioPadInfos = { IoPad.IN : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pi_px' , 'pad', ['t',] )
, IoPad.OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'po_px' , 'pad', ['i',] )
, IoPad.TRI_OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pot_px' , 'pad', ['i', 'b' ] )
, IoPad.BIDIR : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'piot_px', 'pad', ['i', 't', 'b' ] )
def _getPadLib ( self ):
self.padLib = AllianceFramework.get().getLibrary( "pxlib" )
if not self.padLib:
message = [ 'CoreToChip.cmos._getPadLib(): Unable to find Alliance "pxlib" library' ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
def getNetType ( self, netName ):
if netName.startswith('vss'): return Net.Type.GROUND
if netName.startswith('vdd'): return Net.Type.POWER
if netName in ('cki', 'ck'): return Net.Type.CLOCK
return Net.Type.LOGICAL
def isGlobal ( self, netName ):
if netName in self.ringNetNames: return True
return False
def getCell ( self, masterCellName ):
#cell = self.padLib.getCell( masterCellName )
cell = AllianceFramework.get().getCell( masterCellName, Catalog.State.Views )
if not cell:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'cmos.getCell(): I/O pad library "%s" does not contain cell named "%s"' \
% (self.padLib.getName(),masterCellName) )
return cell
def _buildGroundPads ( self, ioNet ):
vssi = self.chip.getNet( 'vssi' )
vssi.setExternal( True )
vssi.setGlobal ( True )
vssi.setType ( Net.Type.GROUND )
vssi.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vssi
vsse = self.chip.getNet( 'vsse' )
vsse.setExternal( True )
vsse.setGlobal ( True )
vsse.setType ( Net.Type.GROUND )
vsse.merge( ioNet.chipExtNet )
ioNet.chipExtNet = vsse
pads = []
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ick_%d' % self.groundPadCount
, self.getCell('pvssick_px') ) )
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'eck_%d' % self.groundPadCount
, self.getCell('pvsseck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vssi' )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[1], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'vsse' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.groundPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildPowerPads ( self, ioNet ):
vddi = self.chip.getNet( 'vddi' )
vddi.setExternal( True )
vddi.setGlobal ( True )
vddi.setType ( Net.Type.POWER )
vddi.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vddi
vdde = self.chip.getNet( 'vdde' )
vdde.setExternal( True )
vdde.setGlobal ( True )
vdde.setType ( Net.Type.POWER )
vdde.merge( ioNet.chipExtNet )
ioNet.chipExtNet = vdde
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ick_%d' % self.powerPadCount
, self.getCell('pvddick_px') ) )
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'eck_%d' % self.powerPadCount
, self.getCell('pvddeck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vddi' )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[1], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'vdde' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.powerPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildClockPads ( self, ioNet ):
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + '_%d' % self.clockPadCount
, self.getCell('pck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'pad' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.clockPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
p = re.compile( r'pv[ds]{2}[ei]ck_px' )
for pad in self.chipPads:
if p.match( pad.getMasterCell().getName() ):
CoreToChip._connect( pad, ioNet.chipIntNet, 'cko' )
@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2018, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/core2chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import re
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import Instance
from CRL import Catalog
from CRL import AllianceFramework
from helpers import netDirectionToStr
from import ErrorMessage
import plugins.chip
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : "IoNet".
class IoNet ( object ):
IsElem = 0x0001
IsEnable = 0x0002
DoExtNet = 0x0008
reVHDLVector = re.compile( r'(?P<name>[^(]*)\((?P<index>[\d]+)\)$' )
def __init__ ( self, coreToChip, coreNet ):
self.coreToChip = coreToChip
self._flags = 0
self._chipExtNetName = None # In the case of bidir pad, force external net name.
self.coreNet = coreNet
self.coronaNet = None # Corona net going from core to corona.
self.chipIntNet = None # Chip net going from corona to I/O pad.
self.chipExtNet = None # Chip net going from I/O pad to the outside world.
m = IoNet.reVHDLVector.match( self.coreNet.getName() )
if m:
self._flags |= IoNet.IsElem
self._name ='name')
self._index ='index')
self._name = self.coreNet.getName()
self._index = 0
self._type = self.coreToChip.getNetType( self._name )
def __repr__ ( self ):
s = '<IoNet "%s" ext:' % self.coreNet.getName()
if self.chipExtNet: s += self.chipExtNet.getName()
else: s += 'None'
s += ' int:'
if self.chipIntNet: s += self.chipIntNet.getName()
else: s += 'None'
s += '>'
return s
def isElem ( self ): return self._flags & IoNet.IsElem
def isEnable ( self ): return self._flags & IoNet.IsEnable
def isGlobal ( self ): return self.isGlobal( self._name )
def name ( self ): return self._name
def index ( self ): return self._index
def coreNetName ( self ): return self.coreNet.getName()
def coronaNetName ( self ):
s = self._name + '_core'
if self._flags & IoNet.IsElem: s += '(' + self._index + ')'
return s
def padNetName ( self ):
if self._chipExtNetName is not None: return self._chipExtNetName
s = self._name
if self._flags & IoNet.IsElem: s += '(' + self._index + ')'
return s
def padNetName ( self, name ): self._chipExtNetName = name
def padInstanceName ( self ):
s = self._name
if self._flags & IoNet.IsElem: s += '_' + self._index
return s
def setChipExtNetName ( self, name ): self.chipExtNetName = name
def setEnable ( self, state ):
if state == True: self._flags |= IoNet.IsEnable
else: self._flags &= ~IoNet.IsEnable
def buildNets ( self, context=DoExtNet ):
netType = Net.Type.LOGICAL
if self.coreNet.isPower (): netType = Net.Type.POWER
if self.coreNet.isGround(): netType = Net.Type.GROUND
if self.coreNet.isClock (): netType = Net.Type.CLOCK
# Corona net, connect to Core instance net.
if not self.coronaNet:
self.coronaNet = Net.create( self.coreToChip.corona, self.coreNetName )
self.coronaNet.setExternal ( True )
self.coronaNet.setDirection( self.coreNet.getDirection() )
if netType != Net.Type.LOGICAL:
self.coronaNet.setType ( netType )
self.coronaNet.setGlobal( True )
self.coreToChip.icore.getPlug( self.coreNet ).setNet( self.coronaNet )
# Chip "internal" net, connect Corona instance net to I/O inside the chip.
if not self.chipIntNet:
self.chipIntNet = Net.create( self.coreToChip.chip, self.coronaNetName )
if netType != Net.Type.LOGICAL:
self.chipIntNet.setType( netType )
self.coreToChip.icorona.getPlug( self.coronaNet ).setNet( self.chipIntNet )
# Chip "external" net, connected to the pad I/O to the outside world.
if not self.chipExtNet and (context & IoNet.DoExtNet):
self.chipExtNet = self.coreToChip.chip.getNet( self.padNetName )
if not self.chipExtNet:
self.chipExtNet = Net.create( self.coreToChip.chip, self.padNetName )
self.chipExtNet.setExternal ( True )
self.chipExtNet.setDirection( self.coreNet.getDirection() )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : "IoPad".
class IoPad ( object ):
IN = 0x0001
OUT = 0x0002
BIDIR = 0x0004
TRI_OUT = 0x0008
def directionToStr ( direction ):
if direction == IoPad.IN: return "IN"
if direction == IoPad.OUT: return "OUT"
if direction == IoPad.BIDIR: return "BIDIR"
if direction == IoPad.TRI_OUT: return "TRI_OUT"
if direction == IoPad.UNSUPPORTED: return "UNSUPPORTED"
return "Invalid value"
def __init__ ( self, coreToChip, padInstanceName ):
self.coreToChip = coreToChip
self.padInstanceName = padInstanceName
self.direction = 0
self.nets = [ ]
self.pads = [ ]
def __str__ ( self ):
s = '<IoPad "%s" ' % self.padInstanceName
for ioNet in self.nets:
s += ' %s' % ioNet.coreNetName
s += '>'
return s
def addNet ( self, ioNet ):
self.nets.append( ioNet )
if len(self.nets) == 1:
if self.nets[0].coreNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.IN: self.direction = IoPad.IN
elif self.nets[0].coreNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.OUT: self.direction = IoPad.OUT
elif self.nets[0].coreNet.getName() == 'scout': self.direction = IoPad.OUT
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'IoPad.addNet(): Unsupported direction %d (%s) for core net "%s" in I/O pad \"%s\".' \
% ( self.nets[0].coreNet.getDirection()
, netDirectionToStr(self.nets[0].coreNet.getDirection())
, self.nets[0].coreNet.getName()
, self.padInstanceName ) )
elif len(self.nets) == 2:
self.direction = IoPad.TRI_OUT
elif len(self.nets) == 3:
self.direction = IoPad.BIDIR
message = [ 'IoPad.addNet(): More than three core nets on I/O pad "%s".' % self.padInstanceName ]
for ioNet in self.nets:
message += [ "%s" % ioNet.coreNet ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
def createPad ( self ):
fromCoreNet = None
toCoreNet = None
enableNet = None
for ioNet in self.nets:
context = 0
if self.direction == IoPad.TRI_OUT:
if ioNet.isEnable(): enableNet = ioNet
fromCoreNet = ioNet
context |= IoNet.DoExtNet
elif self.direction == IoPad.BIDIR:
if ioNet.coreNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.IN: toCoreNet = ioNet
if ioNet.coreNet.getDirection() == Net.Direction.OUT:
if ioNet.isEnable(): enableNet = ioNet
fromCoreNet = ioNet
context |= IoNet.DoExtNet
context |= IoNet.DoExtNet
fromCoreNet = ioNet
ioNet.buildNets( context )
if not self.direction in self.coreToChip.ioPadInfos:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'IoPad.createPad(): Unsupported direction %d (%s) for pad "%s".' \
% (self.direction
,self.padInstanceName) )
padInfo = self.coreToChip.ioPadInfos[ self.direction ]
self.pads.append( Instance.create( self.coreToChip.chip
, self.padInstanceName
, self.coreToChip.getCell( ) )
CoreToChip._connect( self.pads[0], fromCoreNet.chipExtNet, padInfo.padNet )
CoreToChip._connect( self.pads[0], fromCoreNet.chipIntNet, padInfo.coreNets[0] )
if toCoreNet: CoreToChip._connect( self.pads[0], toCoreNet.chipIntNet, padInfo.coreNets[-2] )
if enableNet: CoreToChip._connect( self.pads[0], enableNet.chipIntNet, padInfo.coreNets[-1] )
self.coreToChip._connectRing( self.pads[0] )
self.coreToChip.chipPads += self.pads
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class : "CoreToChip".
class CoreToChip ( object ):
class IoPadInfo ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, padName, padNet, coreNets ):
|||| = padName
self.padNet = padNet
self.coreNets = coreNets
def getNetType ( self, netName ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip.getNetType(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def isGlobal ( self, netName ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip.isGlobal(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def getCell ( self, masterCellName ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip.getCell(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def _connect ( instance, netO, masterNetO=None ):
if isinstance(netO,Net): chipNet = netO
else: chipNet = instance.getCell().getNet( netO )
if not masterNetO: masterNet = instance.getMasterCell().getNet( chipNet.getName() )
elif isinstance(masterNetO,Net): masterNet = masterNetO
else: masterNet = instance.getMasterCell().getNet( masterNetO )
instance.getPlug( masterNet ).setNet( chipNet )
def __init__ ( self, core ):
self.conf = plugins.chip.configuration.loadConfiguration( core )
self.ringNetNames = [ ]
self.ioPadInfos = { }
self.chipPads = [ ]
self.padLib = None
self.core = core
self.chip = None
self.corona = None
self.icorona = None
self.icore = None
self._ioNets = { }
self.powerPadCount = 0
self.groundPadCount = 0
self.clockPadCount = 0
def hasIoNet ( self, netName ):
if netName in self._ioNets: return True
return False
def getIoNet ( self, coreNet ):
if isinstance(coreNet,str):
if coreNet in self._ioNets: return self._ioNet[ coreNet ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CoreToChip.getIoNet(): Cannot lookup net "%s" by name.' % coreNet )
if not coreNet.getName() in self._ioNets:
self._ioNets[ coreNet.getName() ] = IoNet( self, coreNet )
return self._ioNets[ coreNet.getName() ]
def _connectRing ( self, padInstance ):
for ringNetName in self.ringNetNames:
if isinstance(ringNetName,tuple):
CoreToChip._connect( padInstance, ringNetName[0], ringNetName[1] )
CoreToChip._connect( padInstance, ringNetName )
def _buildRingNets ( self ):
for ringNetSpec in self.ringNetNames:
if isinstance(ringNetSpec,tuple): ringNetName = ringNetSpec[0]
else: ringNetName = ringNetSpec
ringNet = self.chip.getNet( ringNetName )
if not ringNet:
ringNet = Net.create( self.chip, ringNetName )
ringNet.setType ( self.getNetType(ringNetName) )
ringNet.setGlobal( self.isGlobal (ringNetName) )
def _buildStandardPad ( self, ioNet ):
if not ioNet.coreNet.getDirection() in self.ioPadInfos:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CoreToChip._buildStandardPad(): Unsupported direction %d (%s) for core net "%s".' \
% (ioNet.coreNet.getDirection()
,ioNet.coreNet.getName()) )
padInfo = self.ioPadInfos[ ioNet.coreNet.getDirection() ]
ioNet.pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, ioNet.padInstanceName
, self.getCell( ) )
CoreToChip._connect( ioNet.pads[0], ioNet.chipExtNet, padInfo.padNet )
CoreToChip._connect( ioNet.pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, padInfo.coreNets[0] )
self._connectRing( ioNet.pads[0] )
self.chipPads += ioNet.pads
def _buildGroundPads ( self, ioNet ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip._buildGroundPads(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def _buildPowerPads ( self, ioNet ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip._buildPowerPads(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def _buildClockPads ( self, ioNet ):
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'coreToChip._buildClockPads(): This method must be overloaded.' )
def buildChip ( self ):
af = AllianceFramework.get()
self.chip = af.createCell( self.conf.chipName )
self.corona = af.createCell( 'corona' )
self.icore = Instance.create( self.corona, 'core' , self.core )
self.icorona = Instance.create( self.chip , 'corona', self.corona )
ioPads = [ ]
clockIoNets = [ ]
for padConf in self.conf.padInstances:
padConf.udata = IoPad( self, padConf.padInstanceName )
for netName in padConf.nets:
coreNet = self.core.getNet(netName)
if not coreNet:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CoreToChip.buildChip(): "%s" doesn\'t have a "%s" net.'
% (self.core.getName(),netName) )
ioNet = self.getIoNet( coreNet )
if padConf.isBidir() or padConf.isTristate():
if coreNet.getName() == padConf.enableNet:
ioNet.setEnable( True )
if not ioNet.isEnable():
ioNet.padNetName = padConf.padNetName
padConf.udata.addNet( ioNet )
ioPads.append( padConf )
for coreNet in self.core.getNets():
if not coreNet.isExternal(): continue
# Case of special nets (power, ground & clocks).
if coreNet.isPower():
self._buildPowerPads( IoNet( self, coreNet ) )
elif coreNet.isGround():
self._buildGroundPads( IoNet( self, coreNet ) )
elif coreNet.isClock():
clockIoNets.append( IoNet( self, coreNet ) )
if self.hasIoNet(coreNet.getName()):
# Remaining non configured Standard I/O pads.
ioNet = IoNet( self, coreNet )
directPad = plugins.chip.configuration.IoPadConf( [ ioNet.padInstanceName
, ioNet.padNetName
, ioNet.coreNetName
] )
directPad.udata = IoPad( self, directPad.padInstanceName )
directPad.udata.addNet( ioNet )
ioPads.append( directPad )
for ioPad in ioPads:
for clockIoNet in clockIoNets:
self._buildClockPads( clockIoNet )
af.saveCell( self.chip , Catalog.State.Logical )
af.saveCell( self.corona, Catalog.State.Logical )
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/core2chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import re
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import DataBase
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import Net
import Viewer
from CRL import Catalog
from CRL import AllianceFramework
from import ErrorMessage
from core2chip.core2chip import IoPad
from core2chip.core2chip import CoreToChip
class cmos ( CoreToChip ):
def __init__ ( self, core ):
CoreToChip.__init__ ( self, core )
self.ringNetNames = [ 'vsse', 'vssi', 'vdde', 'vddi', ('cki', 'ck') ]
self.ioPadInfos = { IoPad.IN : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pi_px' , 'pad', ['t',] )
, IoPad.OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'po_px' , 'pad', ['i',] )
, IoPad.TRI_OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pot_px' , 'pad', ['i', 'b' ] )
, IoPad.BIDIR : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'piot_px', 'pad', ['i', 't', 'b' ] )
def _getPadLib ( self ):
self.padLib = AllianceFramework.get().getLibrary( "pxlib" )
if not self.padLib:
message = [ 'CoreToChip.cmos._getPadLib(): Unable to find Alliance "pxlib" library' ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
def getNetType ( self, netName ):
if netName.startswith('vss'): return Net.Type.GROUND
if netName.startswith('vdd'): return Net.Type.POWER
if netName in ('cki', 'ck'): return Net.Type.CLOCK
return Net.Type.LOGICAL
def isGlobal ( self, netName ):
if netName in self.ringNetNames: return True
return False
def getCell ( self, masterCellName ):
#cell = self.padLib.getCell( masterCellName )
cell = AllianceFramework.get().getCell( masterCellName, Catalog.State.Views )
if not cell:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'cmos.getCell(): I/O pad library "%s" does not contain cell named "%s"' \
% (self.padLib.getName(),masterCellName) )
return cell
def _buildGroundPads ( self, ioNet ):
vssi = self.chip.getNet( 'vssi' )
vssi.setExternal( True )
vssi.setGlobal ( True )
vssi.setType ( Net.Type.GROUND )
vssi.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vssi
vsse = self.chip.getNet( 'vsse' )
vsse.setExternal( True )
vsse.setGlobal ( True )
vsse.setType ( Net.Type.GROUND )
vsse.merge( ioNet.chipExtNet )
ioNet.chipExtNet = vsse
pads = []
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ick_%d' % self.groundPadCount
, self.getCell('pvssick_px') ) )
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'eck_%d' % self.groundPadCount
, self.getCell('pvsseck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vssi' )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[1], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'vsse' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.groundPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildPowerPads ( self, ioNet ):
vddi = self.chip.getNet( 'vddi' )
vddi.setExternal( True )
vddi.setGlobal ( True )
vddi.setType ( Net.Type.POWER )
vddi.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vddi
vdde = self.chip.getNet( 'vdde' )
vdde.setExternal( True )
vdde.setGlobal ( True )
vdde.setType ( Net.Type.POWER )
vdde.merge( ioNet.chipExtNet )
ioNet.chipExtNet = vdde
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ick_%d' % self.powerPadCount
, self.getCell('pvddick_px') ) )
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'eck_%d' % self.powerPadCount
, self.getCell('pvddeck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vddi' )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[1], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'vdde' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.powerPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildClockPads ( self, ioNet ):
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + '_%d' % self.clockPadCount
, self.getCell('pck_px') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'pad' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.clockPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
p = re.compile( r'pv[ds]{2}[ei]ck_px' )
for pad in self.chipPads:
if p.match( pad.getMasterCell().getName() ):
CoreToChip._connect( pad, ioNet.chipIntNet, 'cko' )
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/core2chip/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import re
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import DataBase
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import Net
import Viewer
from CRL import Catalog
from CRL import AllianceFramework
from import ErrorMessage
from plugins.core2chip.core2chip import IoPad
from plugins.core2chip.core2chip import CoreToChip
class phlib80 ( CoreToChip ):
def __init__ ( self, core ):
CoreToChip.__init__ ( self, core )
self.ringNetNames = [ 'vss', 'vss', ('cki', 'ck') ]
self.ioPadInfos = { IoPad.IN : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pi_sp' , 'pad', ['t',] )
, IoPad.OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'po_sp' , 'pad', ['i',] )
#, IoPad.TRI_OUT : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'pot_sp' , 'pad', ['i', 'b' ] )
#, IoPad.BIDIR : CoreToChip.IoPadInfo( 'piot_sp', 'pad', ['i', 't', 'b' ] )
def _getPadLib ( self ):
self.padLib = AllianceFramework.get().getLibrary( 'phlib80' )
if not self.padLib:
message = [ 'CoreToChip.phlib80._getPadLib(): Unable to find Alliance "phlib80" library' ]
raise ErrorMessage( 1, message )
def getNetType ( self, netName ):
if netName.startswith('vss'): return Net.Type.GROUND
if netName.startswith('vdd'): return Net.Type.POWER
if netName in ('cko', 'ck'): return Net.Type.CLOCK
return Net.Type.LOGICAL
def isGlobal ( self, netName ):
if netName in self.ringNetNames: return True
return False
def getCell ( self, masterCellName ):
#cell = self.padLib.getCell( masterCellName )
cell = AllianceFramework.get().getCell( masterCellName, Catalog.State.Views )
if not cell:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'cmos.getCell(): I/O pad library "%s" does not contain cell named "%s"' \
% (self.padLib.getName(),masterCellName) )
return cell
def _buildGroundPads ( self, ioNet ):
vss = self.chip.getNet( 'vss' )
vss.setExternal( True )
vss.setGlobal ( True )
vss.setType ( Net.Type.GROUND )
vss.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vss
pads = []
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ck_%d' % self.groundPadCount
, self.getCell('pvssck2_sp') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vss' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.groundPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildPowerPads ( self, ioNet ):
vdd = self.chip.getNet( 'vdd' )
vdd.setExternal( True )
vdd.setGlobal ( True )
vdd.setType ( Net.Type.POWER )
vdd.merge( ioNet.chipIntNet )
ioNet.chipIntNet = vdd
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + 'ck_%d' % self.powerPadCount
, self.getCell('pvddck2_sp') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipIntNet, 'vdd' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.powerPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
def _buildClockPads ( self, ioNet ):
pads = [ ]
pads.append( Instance.create( self.chip
, 'p_' + ioNet.padInstanceName + '_%d' % self.clockPadCount
, self.getCell('pck_sp') ) )
CoreToChip._connect( pads[0], ioNet.chipExtNet, 'pad' )
for pad in pads: self._connectRing( pad )
self.clockPadCount += 1
self.chipPads += pads
p = re.compile( r'pv[ds]{2}ck2_sp' )
for pad in self.chipPads:
if p.match( pad.getMasterCell().getName() ):
CoreToChip._connect( pad, ioNet.chipIntNet, 'cko' )
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import plugins
import plugins.core2chip.cmos
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.stepByStep'
#kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.clockTree'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute' , 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute.core2chip', 'Core To Chip', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.core2chip.cmos'
, 'Symbolic CMOS I/O pads'
, 'Wrap a complete chip around a Core for Alliance generic CMOS'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
rvalue = True
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
if not cell:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CoreToChip_cmos.scriptMain(): No cell (core) loaded in the editor yet.' )
chip_cmos = plugins.core2chip.cmos.cmos( cell )
if editor: editor.setCell( chip_cmos.chip )
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import helpers
from import ErrorMessage
from import WarningMessage
import plugins
import core2chip.phlib80
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.stepByStep'
#kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.clockTree'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute' , 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute.core2chip', 'Core To Chip', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.core2chip.phlib80'
, 'Phenitec08 Symbolic CMOS I/O pads'
, 'Wrap a complete chip around a Core for Phenitec generic CMOS'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
rvalue = True
#helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
if not cell:
raise ErrorMessage( 1, 'CoreToChip_phlib80.scriptMain(): No cell (core) loaded in the editor yet.' )
chip_phlib80 = core2chip.phlib80.phlib80( cell )
if editor: editor.setCell( chip_phlib80.chip )
except Exception as e:
|||| e )
rvalue = False
return rvalue
@ -1,607 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/clocktree/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import os.path
import optparse
import math
import Cfg
import Hurricane
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Transformation
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Path
from Hurricane import Occurrence
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import RoutingPad
from Hurricane import Contact
from Hurricane import Horizontal
from Hurricane import Vertical
from Hurricane import Plug
from Hurricane import Instance
from Hurricane import HyperNet
import Viewer
import CRL
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
import helpers
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage
import Etesian
import Unicorn
import plugins
from plugins.cts.rsmt import RSMT
from plugins.chip.configuration import GaugeConf
from plugins.chip.configuration import getPlugByNet
from plugins.chip.configuration import getPlugByName
from plugins.chip.configuration import getRpBb
from plugins.chip.configuration import destroyNetComponents
class HTree ( object ):
def create ( conf, cell, clockNet, clockBox ):
if clockBox.isEmpty(): raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'ClockTree: The clock area is empty.' )
aspectRatio = DbU.toLambda( clockBox.getWidth() ) / DbU.toLambda( clockBox.getHeight() )
if aspectRatio > 1.5 or aspectRatio < 0.5:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'ClockTree: aspect ratio %f is disproportionate, must be between 0.5 and 1.5.' \
% aspectRatio )
ht = HTree( conf, cell, clockNet, clockBox )
print( ' o Creating clock H-Tree for "{}".'.format(cell.getName()) )
print( ' - Clock is "{}"'.format(ht.masterClock.getName()) )
trace( 550, '\ OK\n' )
trace( 550, '\ OK\n' )
print( ' - H-Tree depth: {}'.format(ht.getTreeDepth()) )
trace( 550, '\tusedVTracks: %s\n' % str(ht.usedVTracks) )
return ht
def __init__ ( self, conf, cell, clockNet, area ):
self.conf = conf
self.minSide = Cfg.getParamInt('clockTree.minimumSide').asInt()
if self.minSide < DbU.fromLambda(100.0):
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'ClockTree: clockTree.minimumSide (%g) is less than 100 lambda.' \
% DbU.toLambda(self.minSide) )
print( ' - Minimum side for clock area: {}'.format(DbU.toLambda(self.minSide)) )
self.framework = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
self.cell = cell
self.area = area
self.childs = []
self.tieCell = self.framework.getCell( 'rowend_x0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
self.topBuffer = Instance.create( self.cell, 'ck_htree', self.bufferCell )
self.cloneds = [ self.cell ]
self.usedVTracks = []
self._feedCount = 0
self.masterClock = clockNet
if not self.masterClock:
for net in cell.getNets():
if net.isClock():
self.masterClock = net
if not self.masterClock:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'ClockTree: Cell %s has no clock net.' % cell.getName() )
self._createChildNet( self.topBuffer, 'ck_htree' )
def _getBufferIo ( self ):
self.bufferCell = self.framework.getCell( Cfg.getParamString('clockTree.buffer').asString()
, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
if not self.bufferCell:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, [ 'ClockTree: Buffer cell "%s" not found in library,' \
% Cfg.getParamString('clockTree.buffer').asString()
, ' please check the "clockTree.buffer" configuration parameter in "plugins.conf".' ] )
for net in self.bufferCell.getNets():
if not net.isExternal(): continue
if net.isGlobal(): continue
if net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.IN: self.bufferIn = net.getName()
elif net.getDirection() & Net.Direction.OUT: self.bufferOut = net.getName()
trace( 550, '\tbufferIn :<%s>\n' % self.bufferIn )
trace( 550, '\tbufferOut:<%s>\n' % self.bufferOut )
def _createChildNet ( self, ibuffer, tag ):
childNet = Net.create( self.cell, tag )
childNet.setType( Net.Type.CLOCK )
getPlugByName(ibuffer, self.bufferOut).setNet( childNet )
def feedCounter ( self ):
self._feedCount += 1
return self._feedCount
def toXCellGrid ( self, x ): return x - (x % self.conf.cellGauge.getSliceStep ())
def toYCellGrid ( self, y ): return y - (y % self.conf.cellGauge.getSliceHeight())
def rpDistance ( self, rp1, rp2 ):
dx = abs( rp1.getX() - rp2.getX() )
dy = abs( self.toYCellGrid(rp1.getY()) - self.toYCellGrid(rp2.getY()) )
return dx+dy
def placeInstance ( self, instance, x, y ):
xslice = self.toXCellGrid(x)
yslice = self.toYCellGrid(y)
transformation = Transformation.Orientation.ID
if ((yslice-self.area.getYMin()) // self.conf.cellGauge.getSliceHeight()) % 2 != 0:
transformation = Transformation.Orientation.MY
yslice += self.conf.cellGauge.getSliceHeight()
instance.setTransformation ( Transformation(xslice, yslice, transformation) )
instance.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
def destroyInstance ( self, instance ):
transformation = instance.getTransformation()
instanceWidth = instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
tieWidth = self.tieCell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
x = transformation.getTx()
for i in range(instanceWidth//tieWidth):
feed = Instance.create( self.cell
, 'htree_feed_%i' % self.feedCounter()
, self.tieCell
, Transformation(x,transformation.getTy(),transformation.getOrientation())
, Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED
x += tieWidth
def getTreeDepth ( self ):
return self.childs[0].getTreeDepth()
def getLeafBufferUnder ( self, point ):
return self.childs[0].getLeafBufferUnder( point )
def addLeaf ( self, point, plugOccurrence ):
self.childs[0].addLeaf( point, plugOccurrence )
def build ( self ):
self.childs.append( HTreeNode( self, self.topBuffer, self.area, '', HTreeNode.RootBranch ) )
def place ( self ):
center = self.area.getCenter()
self.placeInstance( self.topBuffer, center.getX(), center.getY() )
trace( 550, '\rplace top level\n' )
self.usedVTracks += [ getRpBb(self.topBuffer, self.bufferIn).getCenter().getX() ]
def route ( self ):
def prune ( self ):
def addCloned ( self, masterCell ):
if not masterCell in self.cloneds: self.cloneds.append( masterCell )
def addDeepPlug ( self, topNet, path ):
if path.isEmpty(): return None
tailPath = path.getTailPath()
headInstance = path.getHeadInstance()
headPlug = getPlugByNet(headInstance,topNet)
if headPlug:
if tailPath.isEmpty(): return headPlug
return self.addDeepPlug( headPlug.getMasterNet(), tailPath )
masterCell = headInstance.getMasterCell()
masterNet = Net.create( masterCell, topNet.getName() )
masterNet.setExternal ( True )
masterNet.setType ( Net.Type.CLOCK )
masterNet.setDirection( Net.Direction.IN )
headPlug = headInstance.getPlug( masterNet )
if not headPlug:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'Plug not created for %s on instance %s of %s' \
% (topNet.getName(),headInstance.getName(),masterCell.getName()) )
headPlug.setNet( topNet )
self.addCloned( masterCell )
if tailPath.isEmpty(): return headPlug
return self.addDeepPlug( masterNet, tailPath )
def _RSMTtoLayout( self, mst, net ):
for node in mst.nodes:
if not node.component:
x = node.realX
if node.realX in self.usedVTracks:
x += self.conf.routingGauge.getLayerGauge(self.conf.verticalDeepDepth).getPitch()
# This is a Steiner point.
node.component = self.conf.createContact( net
, x
, node.y + self.conf.cellGauge.getSliceHeight()//2 - self.conf.routingGauge.getLayerGauge(self.horizontalDeepDepth).getPitch()
, GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
trace( 550, '\tCreate (Steiner) node.component: @Y%d (y:%d - %d) %s\n' \
% (DbU.toLambda(node.realY)
,node.component) )
# This a terminal (graph) point
for edge in node.edges:
flags = GaugeConf.HAccess|GaugeConf.DeepDepth
if not edge.isHorizontal():
if node.isSame(edge.source) or edge.isVertical():
flags &= ~GaugeConf.HAccess
flags |= GaugeConf.OffsetTop1
if node.realX in self.usedVTracks:
flags |= GaugeConf.OffsetRight1
node.component = self.conf.rpAccess( node.component, flags )
for edge in mst.edges:
sourceContact = edge.source.component
targetContact =
if edge.isHorizontal():
self.createHorizontal( sourceContact, targetContact, targetContact.getY(), GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
elif edge.isVertical():
self.createVertical ( sourceContact, targetContact, sourceContact.getX(), GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
turn = self.conf.createContact( edge.source.component.getNet()
, sourceContact.getX()
, targetContact.getY()
, GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
self.conf.createVertical ( sourceContact, turn, sourceContact.getX(), GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
self.conf.createHorizontal( turn, targetContact, targetContact.getY(), GaugeConf.DeepDepth )
def _connectLeafs ( self, leafBuffer, leafs ):
trace( 550, ',+', '\tBuffer <%s> has %i leafs.\n' % (leafBuffer.getName(),len(leafs)) )
#if len(leafs) == 0: return
#leafCk = getPlugByName(leafBuffer,self.bufferOut).getNet()
#bufferRp = self.rpByPlugName( leafBuffer, self.bufferOut, leafCk )
#rsmt = RSMT( leafCk.getName() )
#rsmt.addNode( bufferRp, bufferRp.getX(), self.toYCellGrid(bufferRp.getY()) )
#for leaf in leafs:
# registerRp = self.rpByOccurrence( leaf, leafCk )
# rsmt.addNode( registerRp, registerRp.getX(), self.toYCellGrid(registerRp.getY()) )
#self._RSMTtoLayout( rsmt, leafCk )
trace( 550, '-' )
def connectLeaf ( self ):
trace( 550, '\tConnecting leafs.\n' )
leafsByBuffer = {}
hyperMasterClock = HyperNet.create( Occurrence(self.masterClock) )
for plugOccurrence in hyperMasterClock.getTerminalNetlistPlugOccurrences():
trace( 550, '\tAdding leaf <%s>.\n' % plugOccurrence )
position = plugOccurrence.getBoundingBox().getCenter()
self.addLeaf( position, plugOccurrence )
getPlugByName( self.topBuffer, self.bufferIn ).setNet( self.masterClock )
def _rsave ( self, cell ):
flags = CRL.Catalog.State.Physical
if cell.getName().endswith('_cts'):
flags = flags | CRL.Catalog.State.Logical
self.framework.saveCell( cell, flags )
for instance in cell.getInstances():
masterCell = instance.getMasterCell()
if not masterCell.isTerminal():
self._rsave( masterCell )
def save ( self, topCell ):
for cell in self.cloneds:
cell.setName( cell.getName()+'_cts' )
self._rsave( topCell )
class HTreeNode ( object ):
RootBranch = 0x0001
LeftBranch = 0x0002
RightBranch = 0x0004
UpBranch = 0x0008
DownBranch = 0x0010
def __init__ ( self, topTree, sourceBuffer, area, prefix, flags ):
self.topTree = topTree
self.childs = []
self.blLeafs = []
self.brLeafs = []
self.tlLeafs = []
self.trLeafs = []
self.flags = flags
self.sourceBuffer = sourceBuffer
self.area = area
self.prefix = prefix
self.blBuffer = Instance.create( self.topTree.cell, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_bl_ins', self.topTree.bufferCell )
self.brBuffer = Instance.create( self.topTree.cell, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_br_ins', self.topTree.bufferCell )
self.tlBuffer = Instance.create( self.topTree.cell, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_tl_ins', self.topTree.bufferCell )
self.trBuffer = Instance.create( self.topTree.cell, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_tr_ins', self.topTree.bufferCell )
self.ckNet = getPlugByName(self.sourceBuffer, self.topTree.bufferOut).getNet()
getPlugByName(self.blBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn).setNet( self.ckNet )
getPlugByName(self.brBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn).setNet( self.ckNet )
getPlugByName(self.tlBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn).setNet( self.ckNet )
getPlugByName(self.trBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn).setNet( self.ckNet )
self.topTree._createChildNet( self.blBuffer, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_bl' )
self.topTree._createChildNet( self.brBuffer, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_br' )
self.topTree._createChildNet( self.tlBuffer, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_tl' )
self.topTree._createChildNet( self.trBuffer, 'ck_htree'+self.prefix+'_tr' )
halfWidth = self.area.getHalfWidth ()
halfHeight = self.area.getHalfHeight()
if halfWidth >= self.topTree.minSide and halfHeight >= self.topTree.minSide:
# Recursive call.
self.childs.append( HTreeNode( self.topTree, self.blBuffer, self.blArea(), self.prefix+'_bl', 0 ) )
self.childs.append( HTreeNode( self.topTree, self.brBuffer, self.brArea(), self.prefix+'_br', 0 ) )
self.childs.append( HTreeNode( self.topTree, self.tlBuffer, self.tlArea(), self.prefix+'_tl', 0 ) )
self.childs.append( HTreeNode( self.topTree, self.trBuffer, self.trArea(), self.prefix+'_tr', 0 ) )
def xmin ( self ): return self.area.getXMin()
def xmax ( self ): return self.area.getXMax()
def ymin ( self ): return self.area.getYMin()
def ymax ( self ): return self.area.getYMax()
def halfWidth ( self ): return self.area.getHalfWidth()
def halfHeight( self ): return self.area.getHalfHeight()
def blArea ( self ):
return Box( self.xmin() , self.ymin()
, self.xmin()+self.halfWidth(), self.ymin()+self.halfHeight() )
def brArea ( self ):
return Box( self.xmin()+self.halfWidth(), self.ymin()
, self.xmax() , self.ymin()+self.halfHeight() )
def tlArea ( self ):
return Box( self.xmin() , self.ymin()+self.halfHeight()
, self.xmin()+self.halfWidth(), self.ymax() )
def trArea ( self ):
return Box( self.xmin()+self.halfWidth(), self.ymin()+self.halfHeight()
, self.xmax() , self.ymax() )
def getTreeDepth ( self ):
if self.childs: return self.childs[0].getTreeDepth()+1
return 1
def hasLeafs ( self ):
hasLeafsFlag = False
if self.childs:
hasLeafsFlag |= self.childs[0].hasLeafs()
hasLeafsFlag |= self.childs[1].hasLeafs()
hasLeafsFlag |= self.childs[2].hasLeafs()
hasLeafsFlag |= self.childs[3].hasLeafs()
return hasLeafsFlag
hasLeafsFlag |= (len(self.blLeafs) != 0)
hasLeafsFlag |= (len(self.brLeafs) != 0)
hasLeafsFlag |= (len(self.tlLeafs) != 0)
hasLeafsFlag |= (len(self.trLeafs) != 0)
return hasLeafsFlag
def addLeaf ( self, point, plugOccurrence ):
if self.childs:
if self.blArea().contains(point): self.childs[0].addLeaf( point, plugOccurrence )
elif self.brArea().contains(point): self.childs[1].addLeaf( point, plugOccurrence )
elif self.tlArea().contains(point): self.childs[2].addLeaf( point, plugOccurrence )
else: self.childs[3].addLeaf( point, plugOccurrence )
leafBuffer = None
if self.blArea().contains(point):
self.blLeafs.append( plugOccurrence )
leafBuffer = self.blBuffer
elif self.brArea().contains(point):
self.brLeafs.append( plugOccurrence )
leafBuffer = self.brBuffer
elif self.tlArea().contains(point):
self.tlLeafs.append( plugOccurrence )
leafBuffer = self.tlBuffer
self.trLeafs.append( plugOccurrence )
leafBuffer = self.trBuffer
leafCk = getPlugByName(leafBuffer,self.topTree.bufferOut).getNet()
deepPlug = self.topTree.addDeepPlug( leafCk, plugOccurrence.getPath() )
if deepPlug:
leafCk = deepPlug.getMasterNet()
plugOccurrence.getEntity().setNet( leafCk )
trace( 550, '\tLeaf clock set to <%s>.\n' % plugOccurrence.getEntity() )
def getLeafBufferUnder ( self, point ):
if self.childs:
if self.blArea().contains(point): return self.childs[0].getLeafBufferUnder(point)
if self.brArea().contains(point): return self.childs[1].getLeafBufferUnder(point)
if self.tlArea().contains(point): return self.childs[2].getLeafBufferUnder(point)
if self.trArea().contains(point): return self.childs[3].getLeafBufferUnder(point)
if self.blArea().contains(point): return self.blBuffer
if self.brArea().contains(point): return self.brBuffer
if self.tlArea().contains(point): return self.tlBuffer
return self.trBuffer
def place ( self ):
trace( 550, '\rplace HTreeNode %s\n' % self.ckNet.getName() )
x = self.area.getXMin() + self.area.getWidth ()//4
y = self.area.getYMin() + self.area.getHeight()//4
halfWidth = self.area.getHalfWidth ()
halfHeight = self.area.getHalfHeight()
self.topTree.placeInstance( self.blBuffer, x , y )
self.topTree.placeInstance( self.brBuffer, x+halfWidth, y )
self.topTree.placeInstance( self.tlBuffer, x , y+halfHeight )
self.topTree.placeInstance( self.trBuffer, x+halfWidth, y+halfHeight )
self.topTree.usedVTracks += \
[ self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.blBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn, self.ckNet ).getX()
, self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.brBuffer, self.topTree.bufferIn, self.ckNet ).getX() ]
for child in self.childs:
def route ( self ):
trace( 550, '\tHTreeNode.route() %s\n' % self.sourceBuffer.getName() )
leftSourceContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.sourceBuffer, self.topTree.bufferOut, self.ckNet , GaugeConf.HAccess|GaugeConf.OffsetBottom1 )
rightSourceContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.sourceBuffer, self.topTree.bufferOut, self.ckNet , GaugeConf.HAccess|GaugeConf.OffsetBottom1 )
blContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.blBuffer , self.topTree.bufferIn , self.ckNet )
brContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.brBuffer , self.topTree.bufferIn , self.ckNet )
tlContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.tlBuffer , self.topTree.bufferIn , self.ckNet )
trContact = self.topTree.conf.rpAccessByPlugName( self.trBuffer , self.topTree.bufferIn , self.ckNet )
leftContact = self.topTree.conf.createContact( self.ckNet, blContact.getX(), leftSourceContact.getY() )
rightContact = self.topTree.conf.createContact( self.ckNet, brContact.getX(), rightSourceContact.getY() )
leftSourceX = self.topTree.conf.getNearestVerticalTrack ( self.topTree.area, leftSourceContact.getX(), 0 )
leftSourceY = self.topTree.conf.getNearestHorizontalTrack( self.topTree.area, leftSourceContact.getY(), 0 )
rightSourceX = self.topTree.conf.getNearestVerticalTrack ( self.topTree.area, rightSourceContact.getX(), 0 )
rightSourceY = self.topTree.conf.getNearestHorizontalTrack( self.topTree.area, rightSourceContact.getY(), 0 )
leftX = self.topTree.conf.getNearestVerticalTrack ( self.topTree.area, leftContact.getX(), 0 )
rightX = self.topTree.conf.getNearestVerticalTrack ( self.topTree.area, rightContact.getX(), 0 )
tlY = self.topTree.conf.getNearestHorizontalTrack( self.topTree.area, tlContact.getY(), 0 )
blY = self.topTree.conf.getNearestHorizontalTrack( self.topTree.area, blContact.getY(), 0 )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( leftSourceContact, leftSourceX, leftSourceY )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( rightSourceContact, rightSourceX, rightSourceY )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( tlContact, leftX, tlY )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( blContact, leftX, blY )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( trContact, rightX, tlY )
self.topTree.conf.setStackPosition( brContact, rightX, blY )
leftContact .setX( leftX )
leftContact .setY( leftSourceY )
rightContact.setX( rightX )
rightContact.setY( rightSourceY )
self.topTree.conf.createHorizontal( leftContact , leftSourceContact, leftSourceY , 0 )
self.topTree.conf.createHorizontal( rightSourceContact, rightContact , rightSourceY, 0 )
self.topTree.conf.createVertical ( leftContact , blContact , leftX , 0 )
self.topTree.conf.createVertical ( tlContact , leftContact , leftX , 0 )
self.topTree.conf.createVertical ( rightContact , brContact , rightX , 0 )
self.topTree.conf.createVertical ( trContact , rightContact , rightX , 0 )
for child in self.childs: child.route()
def connectLeafs ( self ):
if not self.hasLeafs():
trace( 550, '\tHTreeNode.connectLeafs() %s has no leafs\n' % self.sourceBuffer.getName() )
if self.childs:
if len(self.blLeafs): self.topTree._connectLeafs( self.blBuffer, self.blLeafs )
if len(self.brLeafs): self.topTree._connectLeafs( self.brBuffer, self.brLeafs )
if len(self.tlLeafs): self.topTree._connectLeafs( self.tlBuffer, self.tlLeafs )
if len(self.trLeafs): self.topTree._connectLeafs( self.trBuffer, self.trLeafs )
def prune ( self ):
for child in self.childs: child.prune()
if self.hasLeafs(): return
destroyNetComponents( self.ckNet )
self.topTree.destroyInstance( self.blBuffer )
self.topTree.destroyInstance( self.brBuffer )
self.topTree.destroyInstance( self.tlBuffer )
self.topTree.destroyInstance( self.trBuffer )
def computeAbutmentBox ( cell, spaceMargin, aspectRatio, cellGauge ):
# sliceHeight = DbU.toLambda( cellGauge.getSliceHeight() )
# instancesNb = 0
# cellLength = 0
# for occurrence in cell.getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences():
# instance = occurrence.getEntity()
# instancesNb += 1
# cellLength += int( DbU.toLambda(instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getWidth()) )
# # ar = x//y S = x*y = spaceMargin*SH x=S//y ar = S//y^2
# # y = sqrt(S//AR)
# gcellLength = float(cellLength)*(1+spaceMargin) // sliceHeight
# rows = math.sqrt( gcellLength//aspectRatio )
# if math.trunc(rows) != rows: rows = math.trunc(rows) + 1
# else: rows = math.trunc(rows)
# columns = gcellLength // rows
# if math.trunc(columns) != columns: columns = math.trunc(columns) + 1
# else: columns = math.trunc(columns)
# print ' o Creating abutment box (margin:%.1f%%, aspect ratio:%.1f%%, g-length:%.1fl)' \
# % (spaceMargin*100.0,aspectRatio*100.0,(cellLength//sliceHeight))
# print ' - GCell grid: [%dx%d]' % (columns,rows)
etesian = Etesian.EtesianEngine.create( cell )
#abutmentBox = Box( DbU.fromLambda(0)
# , DbU.fromLambda(0)
# , DbU.fromLambda(columns*sliceHeight)
# , DbU.fromLambda(rows *sliceHeight)
# )
#cell.setAbutmentBox( abutmentBox )
return cell.getAbutmentBox()
@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/clocktree/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import Cfg
import Hurricane
from Hurricane import DbU
from Hurricane import Box
from Hurricane import Path
from Hurricane import Occurrence
from Hurricane import UpdateSession
from Hurricane import Breakpoint
from Hurricane import Net
from Hurricane import RoutingPad
from Hurricane import Contact
from Hurricane import Horizontal
from Hurricane import Vertical
from Hurricane import Instance
import Viewer
import CRL
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
import helpers
from helpers import trace
from import ErrorMessage
import plugins
def manhattanDistance ( node1, node2 ):
return abs(node1.x - node2.x) + abs(node1.y - node2.y)
class Node ( object ):
GraphPoint = 0x0001
SteinerPoint = 0x0002
KeepPoint = 0x0004
def showNodes ( level, nodes ):
for node in nodes:
trace( level, node )
def __init__ ( self, component, x, y, flags=0 ):
self._component = component
self._edges = [ ]
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._realY = y
self._back = None
self._distance = DbU.fromLambda(1000.0)
self._flags = flags
if component: self._flags = self._flags|Node.GraphPoint|Node.KeepPoint
else: self._flags = self._flags|Node.SteinerPoint
def __cmp__ ( self, other ):
return self.distance - other.distance
def __str__ ( self ):
return '<Node P:%d,%d (realY:%d) d:%d %s>' % ( DbU.toLambda(self.x)
, DbU.toLambda(self.y)
, DbU.toLambda(self.realY)
, DbU.toLambda(self.distance)
, str(self.component)
def component ( self ): return self._component
def x ( self ): return self._x
def y ( self ): return self._y
def realX ( self ): return self._x
def realY ( self ): return self._realY
def back ( self ): return self._back
def distance ( self ): return self._distance
def flags ( self ): return self._flags
def edges ( self ): return self._edges
def degree ( self ): return len(self._edges)
def component ( self, component ): self._component = component
def realY ( self, y ): self._realY = y
def setFlags ( self, flags ): self._flags = self._flags | flags
def unsetFlags ( self, flags ): self._flags = self._flags & ~flags
def addEdge ( self, edge ): self._edges.append( edge )
def delEdge ( self, edge ):
for i in range(len(self._edges)):
if self._edges[i] == edge:
del self._edges[i]
def isSame ( self, other ): return id(self) == id(other)
def update ( self, node ):
distance = manhattanDistance( self, node )
if distance < self.distance:
self._distance = distance
self._back = node
return True
return False
class Edge ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, source, target ):
self._source = source
self._target = target
self._length = manhattanDistance( self._source, self._target )
self._source.addEdge( self )
self._target.addEdge( self )
def __del__ ( self ):
self._source.delEdge( self )
self._target.delEdge( self )
def __str__ ( self ):
return '<Edge S:%d,%d T:%d,%d len:%d>' % ( DbU.toLambda(self.source.x)
, DbU.toLambda(self.source.y)
, DbU.toLambda(
, DbU.toLambda(
, DbU.toLambda(self.length)
def source ( self ): return self._source
def target ( self ): return self._target
def length ( self ): return self._length
def isHorizontal ( self ): return self.source.y ==
def isVertical ( self ): return self.source.x ==
class Graph ( object ):
def __init__ ( self, name ):
self._nodes = [ ]
self._edges = [ ]
self._length = 0
self._name = name
def __len__ ( self ): return self._length
def name ( self ): return self._name
def length ( self ): return self._length
def nodes ( self ): return self._nodes
def edges ( self ): return self._edges
def addNode ( self, component, x, y ):
self._nodes.append( Node( component, x, y ) )
return self._nodes[-1]
def copyNode ( self, node ):
self.addNode( node.component, node.x, node.y )
self._nodes[-1].realY = node.realY
def setNodes ( self, nodes ):
self.__init__( )
for node in nodes:
self.copyNode( node )
def showNodes ( self, level ):
trace( level, '+,+', '\tGraph Nodes:\n' )
for node in self._nodes:
trace( level, node )
trace(level, '--')
def showEdges ( self, level ):
trace( level, '+,+', '\tGraph Edges:\n' )
for edge in self._edges:
trace( level, edge )
trace(level, '--')
class RMST ( Graph ):
def __init__ ( self, name ):
Graph.__init__( self, name )
def runPrim ( self ):
self._edges = [ ]
self._length = 0
if len(self._nodes) < 2: return
if len(self._nodes) == 2:
self._edges.append( Edge( self._nodes[0], self._nodes[1] ) )
self._length = self._edges[0].length
trace(500, '+')
toReach = [ ]
self._nodes[0]._distance = 0
for node in self._nodes[1:]:
node.update( self._nodes[0] )
toReach.append( node )
trace( 500, '+' , '\tPrim (initial stack)\n' )
trace( 500, '+,+', '\tS %s\n' % self._nodes[0] )
Node.showNodes( 500, toReach )
trace( 500, '---' )
while len(toReach):
nearest = toReach.pop(0)
self._edges.append( Edge( nearest, nearest.back ) )
trace( 500, '++,--', '\tAdding %s\n' % self._edges[-1] )
for node in toReach:
node.update( nearest )
trace( 500, '+' , '\tPrim (current stack)\n' )
trace( 500, '+,+', '\tS %s\n' % self._nodes[0] )
Node.showNodes( 500, toReach )
trace( 500, '---' )
for edge in self._edges:
self._length += edge.length
trace( 500, '-' )
class RSMT ( Graph ):
def __init__ ( self, name ):
Graph.__init__( self, name )
self._hananNodes = [ ]
def _computeHanan ( self ):
xs = [ ]
ys = [ ]
realYs = { }
for node in self._nodes:
if not node.x in xs: xs.append( node.x )
if not node.y in xs:
ys.append( node.y )
realYs[ node.y ] = node.component.getY()
trace( 550, '+,+', '\tHanan matrix: %ix%i' % (len(xs),len(ys)) )
self._hananNodes = [ ]
for x in xs:
trace( 550, '\n' )
trace( 550, '\t' )
for y in ys:
isNode = False
for node in self._nodes:
if node.x == x and node.y == y: isNode = True
if isNode:
trace( 550, ' -:%04.2d,%04.2d' % (DbU.toLambda(x),DbU.toLambda(y)) )
trace( 550, ' H:%04.2d,%04.2d' % (DbU.toLambda(x),DbU.toLambda(y)) )
self._hananNodes.append( Node( None, x, y ) )
self._hananNodes[-1].realY = realYs[ y ]
trace( 550, ',--', "\n" )
def addNode ( self, component, x, y ):
node = Graph.addNode( self, component, x, y )
trace( 550, '\t New Node: %s\n' % node )
def runI1S ( self ):
self._edges = [ ]
self._length = 0
if len(self._nodes) < 2: return
if len(self._nodes) == 2:
self._edges.append( Edge( self._nodes[0], self._nodes[1] ) )
self._length = self._edges[0].length
count = 0
trace( 550, '++' )
minMST = RMST( 'MST[%i]' % count )
minMST.setNodes( self._nodes )
trace( 550, '-,+', '\tInitial %s length %d\n' % (,DbU.toLambda(len(minMST))) )
minMST.showEdges( 550 )
trace( 550, '-' )
addedSteiner = True
while addedSteiner:
addedSteiner = False
for steinerNode in self._hananNodes:
count += 1
trace( 550, '\tTrying with Steiner point H:%d,%d\n' \
% (DbU.toLambda(steinerNode.x),DbU.toLambda(steinerNode.y)) )
mst = RMST( 'MST[%i]' % count )
mst.setNodes( self._nodes )
mst.copyNode( steinerNode )
trace( 550, '\tCurrent %s length %d\n' % (,DbU.toLambda(len(mst))) )
mst.showEdges( 550 )
if len(mst) < len(minMST):
trace( 550, '\tAccept min RST.\n' )
minMST = mst
addedSteiner = True
if addedSteiner:
self.copyNode( minMST.nodes[-1] )
self.nodes[-1].setFlags( Node.KeepPoint )
i = 0
while i < len(self._edges):
if self._nodes[i].flags & Node.SteinerPoint \
and self._nodes[i].degree < 3:
trace( 550, 'Deleting unused Steiner point H:%d,%d' \
% (DbU.toLambda(self._nodes[i].x),DbU.toLambda(self._nodes[i].y)) )
del self._nodes[i]
i += 1
self._nodes = minMST.nodes
self._edges = minMST.edges
self._length = minMST.length
trace( 550, '-' )
@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2019-2023, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C u m u l u s - P y t h o n T o o l s |
# | |
# | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
# | E-mail : |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./plugins/" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import sys
import traceback
import os.path
import math
import coriolis.Cfg as Cfg
from ..Hurricane import Breakpoint, UpdateSession
from ..helpers import setTraceLevel, trace, l, u, n
from import ErrorMessage, catch
import ..plugins
import .block.vchannels
except Exception as e:
catch( e )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call
def unicornHook ( **kw ):
kw['beforeAction'] = 'placeAndRoute.placeChip'
plugins.kwAddMenu ( 'placeAndRoute', 'P&&R', **kw )
plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'placeAndRoute.vchannels'
, 'Add vertical routing channels'
, 'Create vertical spacing to increase the vertical routing capacity'
, sys.modules[__name__].__file__
, **kw
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
#setTraceLevel( 550 )
errorCode = 0
cell = None
if 'cell' in kw and kw['cell']:
cell = kw['cell']
editor = None
if 'editor' in kw and kw['editor']:
editor = kw['editor']
print( ' o Editor found, running in graphic mode.' )
if cell == None: cell = editor.getCell()
if cell == None:
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'VChannels: No cell loaded yet.' )
if cell.getAbutmentBox().isEmpty():
raise ErrorMessage( 3, 'VChannels: cell "%s" is not placed yet.' % cell.getName() )
vchannels = block.VChannels.VChannels( cell )
for i in range(48):
vchannels.addChannelAt( l(250.0*(i+1)), l(190.0) )
if editor: editor.refresh()
except Exception as e:
catch( e )
return 0
@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
import CRL
from Hurricane import *
import re
## GetXY ##
def pyGetXY ( masterCell, pathname, refname ) :
'''This function returns the coordinates of a reference thanks to its name and the path of the instance it belongs to'''
## MasterCell ##
if pathname != "" :
myPath = Path ( masterCell, pathname )
tInst = myPath.getTailInstance()
masterCell = tInst.getMasterCell()
## Reference ##
myRef = None
for el in masterCell.getReferences():
if str(el.getName()) == refname :
myRef = el
# Error : if no reference found in mastercell
if myRef == None :
err = "\n[Stratus ERROR] GetRefXY : No reference found with name " + refname + " in masterCell " + str(masterCell.getName()) + ".\n"
raise err
## Occurrence of the Reference ##
myOccurrence = Occurrence ( myRef, myPath )
bb = myOccurrence.getBoundingBox()
return ( getValue(bb.getXCenter()), getValue(bb.getYCenter()) )
## PlaceRef ##
def pyPlaceRef ( cell, name, x, y ) :
'''This function creates a reference thanks to its coordinates'''
Reference ( cell
, name
, DbU_lambda ( x ), DbU_lambda ( y )
## PlaceContact ##
def pyPlaceContact ( net, layer, x, y, width, height ) :
'''This function creates a contact'''
Contact ( net, layer, DbU_lambda(x), DbU_lambda(y), DbU_lambda(width), DbU_lambda(height) )
## PlacePin ##
def pyPlacePin ( net, direct, placementStatus, layer, x, y, width, height ) :
'''This function creates a pin'''
size = 0
for loc in net.getPins():
size += 1
Pin ( net, str(net.getName()) + "." + str(size)
, direct
, placementStatus
, layer
, DbU_lambda(x), DbU_lambda(y)
, DbU_lambda(width), DbU_lambda(height)
if ( not net.IsSupply() ) :
CRL.createPartRing ( net.getCell(), net.getName() )
## PlaceSegment ##
def pyPlaceSegment ( net, layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, width ) :
'''This function creates a segment'''
if x1 == x2 : Vertical ( net, layer, DbU_lambda(x1), DbU_lambda(width), DbU_lambda(y1), DbU_lambda(y2) )
elif y1 == y2 : Horizontal ( net, layer, DbU_lambda(y1), DbU_lambda(width), DbU_lambda(x1), DbU_lambda(x2) )
## CopyUpSegment ##
def pyCopyUpSegment ( masterCell, pathname, netname, newnet ) :
'''This function copies the segment of an instance in the current cell'''
## MasterCell ##
if pathname != "" :
myPath = Path ( masterCell, pathname )
transformation = myPath.getTransformation()
tInst = myPath.getTailInstance()
masterCell = tInst.getMasterCell()
## Net ##
myNet = None
for el in masterCell.getNets():
if str(el.getName()) == netname :
myNet = el
# Error : if no net found in mastercell
if myNet == None :
err = "\n[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment : No net found with name " + netname + " in masterCell " + str(masterCell.getName()) + ".\n"
raise err
mySegment = None
for mySegment in myNet.getSegments():
# Error : copy only of CALU segments
if str ( mySegment.getLayer().getName() ) not in ( "CALU1", "CALU2", "CALU3", "CALU4", "CALU5", "CALU6" ) :
err = "\n[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment : The segments of net " + netname + " are not of type CALU.\n"
raise err
myLayer = mySegment.getLayer()
myWidth = mySegment.getWidth()
pointSource = mySegment.getSourcePosition()
pointTarget = mySegment.getTargetPosition()
transformation.ApplyOn ( pointSource )
transformation.ApplyOn ( pointTarget )
## Occurrence of the segment ##
myOccurrence = Occurrence ( mySegment, myPath )
if pointSource.getY() == pointTarget.getY() :
Horizontal ( newnet, myLayer, pointSource.getY(), myWidth, pointSource.getX(), pointTarget.getX() )
elif pointSource.getX() == pointTarget.getX() :
Vertical ( newnet, myLayer, pointSource.getX(), myWidth, pointSource.getY(), pointTarget.getY() )
# Error : if no segment found
if not mySegment:
err = "\n[Stratus ERROR] CopyUpSegment : No segment found with net " + netname + " in masterCell " + str(masterCell.getName()) + ".\n"
raise err
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# -*- explicit-buffer-name: "CMakeLists.txt<katabatic>" -*-
option(BUILD_DOC "Build the documentation (doxygen)" OFF)
option(CHECK_DATABASE "Run database in full check mode (very slow)" OFF)
option(USE_LIBBFD "Link with BFD libraries to print stack traces" OFF)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
set(ignoreVariables "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR}")
find_package(Bootstrap REQUIRED)
find_package(Python 3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development.Module)
find_package(PythonSitePackages REQUIRED)
find_package(FLUTE REQUIRED)
find_package(KNIK REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "Checking database enabled (very slow).")
@ -1 +0,0 @@
install ( FILES FindKATABATIC.cmake DESTINATION share/cmake/Modules )
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# - Find the Katabatic includes and libraries.
# The following variables are set if Coriolis is found. If KATABATIC is not
# found, KATABATIC_FOUND is set to false.
# KATABATIC_FOUND - True when the Coriolis include directory is found.
# KATABATIC_INCLUDE_DIR - the path to where the Coriolis include files are.
# KATABATIC_LIBRARIES - The path to where the Coriolis library files are.
SET(KATABATIC_INCLUDE_PATH_DESCRIPTION "directory containing the Katabatic include files. E.g /usr/local/include/coriolis2 or /asim/coriolis/include/coriolis2")
# don't even bother under WIN32
# Look for an installation.
# Look in other places.
PATH_SUFFIXES include/coriolis2
# Help the user find it if we cannot.
NAMES katabatic
# Help the user find it if we cannot.
@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class AutoContact
* \brief Abstract base class for AutoContact
* \section secACCache Caching Mechanism
* To bypass the Ring/Hook mechanism \e and the subsequent Session::Lookup()
* call, the AutoSegments anchored on an AutoContact are cached in the
* AutoContact itself. They can be accessed through \c getHorizontalN() and
* getVerticalN() accessors \c N depending on the subtype of AutoContact.
* Cached AutoSegments are updated in the AutoContact::updateTopology()
* function only.
* \section secACInvalidate Invalidate on AutoContacts
* The invalidation of an AutoContact invalidate all the segments
* that are anchored on it.
* <b>Special Case of HTee & VTee</b>
* When invalidating an HTee or VTee, two out of the three anchored
* segments are parallels. The \e aligned constraint is passed on
* those two. By default, when we invalidate an AutoSegment, the
* invalidation is applied to the whole aligned set through the
* AutoSegment::getAligneds() collection. So if one of the parallel
* is invalidated and the other not, it should only be because we
* are already in \c getAligneds(), then we do not want to invalidate
* again the whole aligned set. In that case, we perform an atomic only
* invalidation (reset Katabatic::KbPropagate).
* For the complete invalidation/revalidation mechanism see
* \ref secSessionAlgo "Session Algorithm".
* \section secDiffFromKatabatic2 Notes - Differences from Katabatic 2
* From the previous version of Katabatic, AutoContact have
* been greatly stripped down (again). They are now always punctual
* objetcs with stricly fixed topologies:
* <ul>
* <li>AutoContactTerminal to connect to a terminal (one segment).
* <li>AutoContactTurn to make a turn: two perpandiculars segments.
* <li>AutoContactHTee an horizontal tee: two \e aligned horizonals
* and one vertical.
* <li>AutoContactVTee an horizontal tee: two \e aligned verticals
* and one horizontal.
* </ul>
//! \enum AutoContactFlag
//! Set of flags to describe the internal state of an AutoContact.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntFixed
//! This contact cannot be moved.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntTerminal
//! This contact is anchored on a terminal (AutoContactTerminal), <b>must not be changed</b>.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntTurn
//! The object true class is AutoContactTurn, <b>must not be changed</b>.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntHTee
//! The object true class is AutoContactHTee, <b>must not be changed</b>.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntVTee
//! The object true class is AutoContactVTee, <b>must not be changed</b>.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntInvalidated
//! At least one AutoSegment of this contact has been moved, the contact
//! position must be recomputed (in the Session revalidation).
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntInvalidatedCache
//! At least one AutoSegment has been broken or moved up, the connexity
//! must be checked and possibly corrected (in Session revalidation).
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntInCreationStage
//! Sets only during the initial creation process.
//! \var AutoContactFlag::CntBadTopology
//! Something wrong has happened and the connexity of the AutoContact is
//! no longer ensured (too much or too less AutoSegments, too wide span of
//! AutoSegment layers).
//! \function Hook* AutoContact::getBodyHook ();
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Hook* AutoContact::getAnchorHook ();
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Component* AutoContact::getAnchor () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Net* AutoContact::getNet () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function const Layer* AutoContact::getLayer () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getX () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getY () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getDx () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getDy () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Point AutoContact::getCenter () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Point AutoContact::getPosition () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getWidth () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getHalfWidth () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getHeight () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getHalfHeight () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function Components AutoContact::getSlaveComponents () const;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setLayer ( const Layer* ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setWidth ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setHeight ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setSizes ( DbU::Unit w, DbU::Unit h ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setX ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setY ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setPosition ( DbU::Unit w, DbU::Unit h ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setPosition ( const Point& ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setDx ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setDy ( DbU::Unit ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::setOffset ( DbU::Unit w, DbU::Unit h ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function void AutoContact::translate ( const DbU::Unit& dx, const DbU::Unit& dy ) ;
//! <em>Base class method proxy.</em>
//! \function bool AutoContact::isInCreationStage () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the AutoContact is still in it's initial creation stage.
//! \function bool AutoContact::isInvalidated () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the some AutoSegment has changed and the AutoContact needs
//! to be repositionned (through a call to AutoContact::updateGeometry()).
//! \function bool AutoContact::isInvalidatedCache () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the some AutoSegment has changed and the AutoContact
//! topology needs to be restored, as a gap may have appeared
//! (through a call to AutoSegment::updateTopology()).
//! \function bool AutoContact::isTurn () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the dynamic type of the AutoContact is of type Turn.
//! \function bool AutoContact::isTee ( unsigned int direction ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the dynamic type of the AutoContact is either of type
//! AutoContactHTee or AutoContactVTee, according to \c direction.
//! \function bool AutoContact::isHTee () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the dynamic type of the AutoContact is of type AutoContactHTee.
//! \function bool AutoContact::isVTee () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the dynamic type of the AutoContact is of type AutoContactHTee.
//! \function bool AutoContact::isFixed () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the AutoContact cannot be moved.
//! \function bool AutoContact::hasBadTopology () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the AutoContact topology has been broken and a gap has appeared.
//! (sould not happen...)
//! \function bool AutoContact::canDestroy ( unsigned int flags ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the AutoContact could be destroyed, that is, no segments
//! remains anchored on it. If \c flags contains Katabatic::KbWarnOnError,
//! issue an error message.
//! \function bool AutoContact::canMoveUp ( const AutoSegment* moved ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if \c segment can be moved up without triggering a topological
//! modification. It meaans that:
//! - Without \c moved, the AutoContact needs only one layer.
//! - \c moved go from \e below the AutoContact to \e above.
//! \function Contact* AutoContact::base () const;
//! \sreturn The Hurricane::Contact which is decorated.
//! \function size_t AutoContact::getAllocateds ();
//! \sreturn The total number of AutoContact currently allocateds.
//! \function const Name& AutoContact::getStaticName ();
//! \sreturn The name of the Hurricane::ExtensionGo slice.
//! \function const Name& AutoContact::getName () const;
//! \sreturn The name of the Hurricane::ExtensionGo slice.
//! \function const Name& AutoContact::getId () const;
//! \sreturn The unique \c identifer of the AutoSegment.
//! \function Box AutoContact::getBoundingBox () const;
//! \see Contact::getBoundingBox().
//! \function GCell* AutoContact::getGCell () const;
//! \sreturn The GCell into which the AutoContact is located.
//! \function AutoSegment* AutoContact::getOpposite ( const AutoSegment* reference ) const;
//! \sreturn The other AutoSegment the \e same direction as \c reference, this is
//! only meaningful on AutoContactHTee or AutoContactVTee. If there is
//! no opposite, \c NULL is returned.
//! \function AutoSegment* AutoContact::getPerpandicular ( const AutoSegment* reference ) const;
//! \sreturn The AutoSegment in the \e perpandicular direction to \c reference, this is
//! only meaningful on AutoContacTurn. It there is no unique perpandicular,
//! \c NULL is returned.
//! \function AutoSegment* AutoContact::getSegment ( unsigned int index ) const;
//! \sreturn The nth anchored AutoSegment. The index is significant:
//! - \b 0 : first horizontal (\b h1).
//! - \b 1 : second horizontal (\b h2).
//! - \b 2 : first vertical (\b b1).
//! - \b 3 : second vertical (\b b2).
//! Not all the indexes are filled for every AutoContact. For example
//! \c Turn have \b h1 and \b b1, and \c HTee have \b h1, \b h2 and
//! \b v1.
//! \function unsigned int AutoContact::getMinDepth () const;
//! \sreturn The layer depth of the bottom layer of the AutoContact.
//! \function unsigned int AutoContact::getMaxDepth () const;
//! \sreturn The layer depth of the top layer of the AutoContact.
//! \function void AutoContact::getLengths ( DbU::Unit* lengths, AutoSegment::DepthLengthSet& processeds );
//! \param lengths A table of DbU::Unit, the size of all routing layers used.
//! \param processeds An AutoSegment sorted set holding all the already processeds
//! AutoSegments.
//! Compute the lengths over the owning GCell of all the AutoSegments anchored
//! on this AutoContact. The lengths are added to the total length table
//! \c lengths. To avoid double accounting of the local AutoSegments
//! that have both source & target in the same GCell, we keep a set
//! of already processeds AutoSegments in \c processeds.
//! \function Box AutoContact::getNativeConstraintBox () const;
//! \sreturn The native constraint box (that is, whithout any user constraints
//! applied). For AutoContactTerminal, this is the Box of the supporting
//! external component, and for all others the bounding box of the
//! owning GCell.
//! \function Interval AutoContact::getUConstraints ( unsigned int direction ) const;
//! \sreturn The constraint interval in \c direction (that is, the relevant side
//! of the constraint box).
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getCBXMin () const;
//! \sreturn The X coordinate of the bottom left corner of the constraint box.
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getCBYMin () const;
//! \sreturn The Y coordinate of the bottom left corner of the constraint box.
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getCBXMax () const;
//! \sreturn The X coordinate of the top right corner of the constraint box.
//! \function DbU::Unit AutoContact::getCBYMax () const;
//! \sreturn The Y coordinate of the top right corner of the constraint box.
//! \function Box AutoContact::getConstraintBox () const;
//! \sreturn The current constraint box: the native constraint box with all
//! the user's contraints applieds.
//! \function Box& AutoContact::intersectConstraintBox ( Box& box ) const;
//! \sreturn The intersection between \c box and the constraint box. The
//! result is stored into \c box and a reference to it is returned.
//! \function void AutoContact::invalidate ( unsigned int flags=0 );
//! Invalidate the AutoContact, schedule it for revalidation in the
//! Session. If flag containt Katabatic::CntInvalidTopology,
//! the topology of the AutoContact will also be checked and
//! possible gap closeds.
//! The revalidations methods associated are:
//! - AutoSegment::updateGeometry(), recompute the punctual contact position.
//! - AutoSegment::updateTopology(), restore the connexity.
//! \function void AutoContact::updateGeometry ();
//! Compute the new position of the AutoContact based on the AutoSegment
//! positions. The Session mechanism ensure that all AutoSegment are
//! set into their final positions before calling this updator.
//! \function void AutoContact::updateTopology ();
//! Modificate the AutoContact topology to close any gap. This could
//! be by changing layer or creating a new dogleg on an incident
//! AutoSegment.
//! \function void AutoContact::_getTopology ( Component*& anchor, Horizontal**& hs, Vertical**& vs, size_t sz );
//! \param anchor The anchor, if any.
//! \param hs The Hurricane::Horizontal anchored.
//! \param vs The Hurricane::Vertical anchored.
//! \param sz The size of boths \c hs & \c vs table passed as arguments.
//! Fill \c anchor , \c hs and \c vs with the components anchored on this
//! AutoContact.
//! \function void AutoContact::showTopologyError ( const std::string& message );
//! Comprensive display of the topology of the AutoContact to ease the
//! debug work. Prepend with the error message \c message. Do no throw
//! an error.
//! \function void AutoContact::checkTopology ();
//! Check for topology correctness (no gaps), display an error message
//! if needed.
//! \function void AutoContact::setGCell ( GCell* gcell );
//! Set the owning GCell.
//! \function void AutoContact::setCBXMin ( DbU::Unit xMin );
//! Set the lower left X coordinate of the constraint box.
//! \remark It cannot go outside the GCell bounding box.
//! \function void AutoContact::setCBYMin ( DbU::Unit yMin );
//! Set the lower left Y coordinate of the constraint box.
//! \remark It cannot go outside the GCell bounding box.
//! \function void AutoContact::setCBXMax ( DbU::Unit xMax );
//! Set the upper right X coordinate of the constraint box.
//! \remark It cannot go outside the GCell bounding box.
//! \function void AutoContact::setCBYMax ( DbU::Unit yMax );
//! Set the upper right Y coordinate of the constraint box.
//! \remark It cannot go outside the GCell bounding box.
//! \function void AutoContact::setConstraintBox ( const Box& box );
//! Set the constraint box.
//! \remark It cannot go outside the GCell bounding box.
//! \function bool AutoContact::restrictConstraintBox ( DbU::Unit min, DbU::Unit max, unsigned int flags=KbWarnOnError );
//! \param min The minimum of the restriction interval.
//! \param max The maximum of the restriction interval.
//! \param flags Gives the direction of the restriction.
//! \return \true if the restriction was actually applied.
//! Restrict the current constraint box but check if the restriction
//! will not lead to an empty interval, in that case, do nothing and
//! return \false.
//! \function void AutoContact::migrateConstraintBox ( AutoContact* other );
//! Transfer the user constraint box from \c other to the current
//! object \c this. The constraints of \c other are restored to their
//! native values. The two contacts must belong to the same GCell for
//! this method to take effect.
/*! \class LocatorHelper
* \brief Locator Helper Collection's Locators
* Provide a small uniform walktough over the AutoSegments anchored
* on AutoContacts. The \c flags argument allows to choose between
* direction and include perpandiculars (in that case all segments
* are processeds).
* \section secLocHelperImplementation Implementation Details
* As, at most, two horizontals and two verticals may be anchored on
* any AutoContact subtype, the locator helper perform a walk through
* a virtual table of 4 elements. The two first are the horizontals,
* the two last the verticals. The meaning of this index is consistent
* whith the \c index argument of AutoContact::getSegment(). When
* a segment is not present in an AutoContact, the \c getSegment()
* returns \c NULL and the LocatorHelper::progress() function will
* skip it.
* The private methods:
* - \c LocatorHelper::_min()
* - \c LocatorHelper::_max()
* Computes the bounds of \c _index according to the value of \c _flags:
* - \c KbHorizontal : \c 0 to less than \c 2.
* - \c KbVertical : \c 2 to less than \c 4.
* - \c KbHorizontal|KbVertical : \c 0 to less than \c 4.
//! \function LocatorHelper::LocatorHelper ( AutoContact* contact, unsigned int flags );
//! Create a helper to iterate over the AutoSegments anchored on \c contact.
//! The \c flags arguments allow to select:
//! - The direction: Katabatic::KbHorizontal or Katabatic::KbVertical.
//! - Perpandicular inclusion: Katabatic::KbWithPerpands.
//! When setting KbWithPerpands, all the segments will be iterated over.
//! It may seems a somewhat contorted way of doing things, the reason is
//! the ability to share (an pass) flags directly between different
//! functions.
//! \function bool LocatorHelper::isValid() const;
//! \sreturn \true if there is an AutoSegment to be processed.
//! \function AutoSegment* LocatorHelper::getSegment() const;
//! \sreturn The current AutoSegment. \c NULL if the loop is over.
//! \function void LocatorHelper::progress();
//! \sreturn Go to the next AutoSegment.
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class AutoContactHTee
* \brief AutoContact H-Tee (two H, one V)
* AutoContact to build an horizontal tee (two H, one V).
//! \function AutoContactHTee* AutoContactHTee::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer );
//! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
//! \param net The Net to which this AutoContact belongs.
//! \param layer The Layer of the AutoContact.
//! \return The created AutoContactHTee.
//! Create a new AutoContactHTee.
//! \function void AutoContactHTee::updateTopology ();
//! Restore the topology (i.e. connexity) of the contact after any number
//! of connected segments has changed layer (at least one, up to three).
//! For any configuration, the connexity can be restored by making only
//! one dogleg.
//! We distinguish two kind of layer changes:
//! -# The two horizontals (\c h1 and \c h2) are still on the same layer
//! (either they both moved or the vertical only has moved, see figures
//! 2 & 4).
//! In that case, the dogleg is made on the vertical.
//! -# The two horizontals no longer are on the same layer (figures 1 & 3).
//! In that case, the dogleg is made on the horizontal which is at the
//! greater distance (in a layer sense) from the vertical.
//! \image html updateTopologyHTee.png "Update H-Tee Topology"
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class AutoContactTerminal
* \brief AutoContact Terminal (S/T is a Terminal)
* AutoContact that are directly attached by either source or target
* or both to a terminal.
//! \function AutoContactTerminal* AutoContactTerminal::create ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp, const Layer* layer, const DbU::Unit x, const DbU::Unit y, const DbU::Unit width, const DbU::Unit height );
//! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
//! \param rp The Component on which to anchor the AutoContact.
//! \param layer The Layer of the AutoContact.
//! \param x The absolute X position.
//! \param y The absolute Y position.
//! \param width The width of the AutoContact.
//! \param height The height of the AutoContact.
//! \return The created AutoContact.
//! Create a new AutoContactTerminal anchored on \c rp. <code>(x,y)</code> gives
//! the \e absolute position.
//! The anchor component \c rp is most often a Hurricane::RoutingPad (occurrencing
//! a Hurricane::Segment) or directly a Hurricane::Segment, in case of RoutingPad
//! layer promotion.
//! \function AutoContactTerminal* AutoContactTerminal::create ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp, const Layer* layer, Point point, const DbU::Unit width, const DbU::Unit height );
//! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
//! \param rp The RoutingPad on which to anchor the AutoContact.
//! \param layer The Layer of the AutoContact.
//! \param point The absolute position.
//! \param width The width of the AutoContact.
//! \param height The height of the AutoContact.
//! \return The created AutoContact.
//! Create a new AutoContactTerminal anchored on \c rp. \c point gives
//! the \e absolute position.
//! \function void AutoContactTerminal::updateTopology ();
//! Restore the topology (i.e. connexity) of the contact after the incident
//! segment has changed layer.
//! Based on the layer depth delta between the terminal and the segment
//! three case can occurs:
//! - The delta is \b zero, then just sets the layer of the contact
//! to the common metal layer.
//! - The delta is \b one, then sets the contact layer to VIA connecting
//! the two layers.
//! - The delta is \b two, then create a dogleg to restore the connexity.
//! Depending on whether the terminal was attached to the source or
//! target, sets the layer of the segments.
//! - A delta of more than \b two is an error, and must never occurs.
//! As, by default, the perpandicular is set in the layer above the
//! parallel, it may be necessary to adjust his layer as well (to the
//! one below).
//! \image html updateTopologyTerminal.png "Update Terminal Topology"
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class AutoContactTurn
* \brief AutoContact Turn (one H, one V)
* AutoContact to make a turn (one H, one V).
//! \function AutoContactTurn* AutoContactTurn::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer );
//! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
//! \param net The Net to which this AutoContact belongs.
//! \param layer The Layer of the AutoContact.
//! \return The created AutoContactTurn.
//! Create a new AutoContactTurn.
//! \function void AutoContactTurn::updateTopology ();
//! Restore the topology (i.e. connexity) of the contact after one or both
//! connected segments has changed layer.
//! Based on the layer depth delta between the two perpandiculars segments.
//! Three case can occurs:
//! - The delta is \b zero, then just sets the layer of the contact
//! to the common metal layer (turn in same layer).
//! - The delta is \b one, then sets the contact layer to VIA connecting
//! the two layers.
//! - The delta <b>cannot be equal to two</b>, due to the alternatives
//! routing directions, it would mean a \e turn connecting two \e horizontals
//! (or verticals) in different layers.
//! - The delta is \b three, then create a dogleg to restore the connexity.
//! The dogleg will be created on the connected segment which as been
//! <em>layer invalidated</em>. If both of them have been invalidated,
//! the horizontal one is preferred.
//! - A delta of more than \b three is an error, and must never occurs.
//! \image html updateTopologyTurn.png "Update Turn Topology"
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class AutoContactVTee
* \brief AutoContact V-Tee (one H, two V)
* AutoContact to build a vertical tee (two V, one H).
//! \function AutoContactVTee* AutoContactVTee::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer );
//! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact.
//! \param net The Net to which this AutoContact belongs.
//! \param layer The Layer of the AutoContact.
//! \return The created AutoContactVTee.
//! Create a new AutoContactVTee.
//! \function void AutoContactVTee::updateTopology ();
//! Restore the topology (i.e. connexity) of the contact after any number
//! of connected segments has changed layer (at least one, up to three).
//! For a detailed explanation, see AutoContactHTee::updateTopology() and
//! sawp horizontal & vertical...
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
//! \class AutoHorizontal
//! \brief Concrete Horizontal AutoSegment
//! \function void AutoHorizontal::_postCreate ();
//! In addition to AutoSegment::_postCreate(), detect whether the
//! segment is global or local and register it in the relevant GCells
//! (if needed).
//! If the segment is anchored directly on a terminal, adjust the
//! axis so it's connected.
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
//! \enum FunctionFlag
//! \typedef typedef Hurricane::Filter<AutoSegment*> AutoSegmentHF;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Filter.
//! \typedef typedef Hurricane::Locator<AutoSegment*> AutoSegmentHL;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Locator.
//! \typedef typedef Hurricane::Collection<AutoSegment*> AutoSegmentHC;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Collection.
//! \typedef typedef GenericFilter<AutoSegment*> AutoSegmentFilter;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Generic Filter
//! (filter with \c unique_ptr<> like support).
//! \typedef typedef GenericLocator<AutoSegment*> AutoSegmentLocator;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Generic Locator
//! (locator with \c unique_ptr<> like support).
//! \typedef typedef GenericCollection<AutoSegment*> AutoSegments;
//! Shorthand for AutoSegment Hurricane Generic Collection
//! (collection with \c unique_ptr<> like support).
/*! \class AutoSegments_OnContact
* \brief All AutoSegment anchored on a Contact
* A Collection to iterate over all the AutoSegment anchored on
* \c contact. If supplied, the AutoSegment \c master will be
* excluded from the list.
* \remark If a Hurricane::Segment is anchored on the \c contact, but is not
* associated to an AutoSegment, it will be silently skipped.
//! \function AutoSegments_OnContact::AutoSegments_OnContact ( AutoSegment* master, Contact* contact );
//! \param master Exclude this AutoSegment from the Collection.
//! \param contact The Hurricane Contact over which to iterate.
//! Construct a Collection of all the AutoSegment anchored on \c contact.
//! \function AutoSegments_OnContact::AutoSegments_OnContact ( AutoSegment* master, Contact* contact );
//! Create the collection of all AutoSegments direcly anchored on \c contact,
//! with exclusion of \c master.
//! \function AutoSegments_OnContact::AutoSegments_OnContact ( const AutoSegments_OnContact& );
//! Copy constructor.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_OnContact::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_OnContact::getLocator () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection Locator.
/*! \class AutoSegments_Aligneds
* \brief All aligned AutoSegment of a set.
* A Collection to iterate over all the AutoSegment aligned with \c master.
* The \c master itself will not be included in the walkthrough.
* If the Katabatic::KbWithPerpands flag is passed as argument, the collection
* will also includes the AutoSegments directly perpandicular to the aligned
* set.
* \remark AutoSegments are forced to be aligneds only when connected through
* AutoContactHTee or AutoContactVTee.
//! \function AutoSegments_Aligneds::AutoSegments_Aligneds ( AutoSegment* master, unsigned int flags );
//! Create a collection of all the AutoSegment aligned on \c master
//! (master itself is excluded from the Collection). If the flag Katabatic::KbWithPerpands
//! is given the directly perpandicular AutoSegment will also be includeds.
//! \function AutoSegments_Aligneds::AutoSegments_Aligneds ( const AutoSegments_Aligneds& );
//! Copy constructor.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_Aligneds::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_Aligneds::getLocator () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection Locator.
/*! \class AutoSegments_Perpandiculars
* \brief All perpandicular AutoSegment to a set of aligneds.
* A Collection to iterate over all the AutoSegment perpandicular to
* the set of aligned AutoSegment of \c master.
* \remark This Collection is canonical aware (work on the aligned set).
//! \function AutoSegments_Perpandiculars::AutoSegments_Perpandiculars ( AutoSegment* master );
//! Create a collection of all the AutoSegment perpandicular to the aligned
//! set of \c master.
//! \function AutoSegments_Perpandiculars::AutoSegments_Perpandiculars ( const AutoSegments_Perpandiculars& );
//! Copy constructor.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_Perpandiculars::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_Perpandiculars::getLocator () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection Locator.
/*! \class AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell
* \brief All AutoSegment Beginning and/or Stopping in a GCell
* A Collection to iterate over all the AutoSegment that begin from and/or
* end in a GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell::AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell ( GCell* fcell, unsigned int flags );
//! Create a collection of all the AutoSegment beginning from and/or
//! ending in \c fcell. The set returned by the Collection is selected
//! through \c flags :
//! - Katabatic::KbBySource : include AutoSegment starting from \c fcell.
//! - Katabatic::KbByTarget : include AutoSegment ending in \c fcell.
//! - Katabatic::KbHorizontal : include horizontal AutoSegment.
//! - Katabatic::KbVertical : include vertical AutoSegment.
//! \function AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell::AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell ( const AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell& );
//! Copy constructor.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell::getLocator () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection Locator.
/*! \class AutoSegments_OnContact
* \brief All AutoSegment Beginning from an AutoContact
* A Collection to iterate over all the AutoSegment that begin from
* AutoContact. As AutoSegments are kept orienteds (source anchor must
* be lower than target), selecting source anchored AutoSegments
* implies that they are starting from this AutoContact.
//! \function AutoSegments_CachedOnContact::AutoSegments_CachedOnContact ( AutoContact* source, unsigned int direction=KbHorizontal|KbVertical );
//! Create a collection of all the AutoSegment anchored on \c source.
//! Use \c direction to select the kind of AutoSegments:
//! - KbHorizontal : include horizontal AutoSegment.
//! - KbVertical : include vertical AutoSegment.
//! \function AutoSegments_CachedOnContact::AutoSegments_CachedOnContact ( const AutoSegments_CachedOnContact& );
//! Copy constructor.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_CachedOnContact::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
//! \function AutoSegmentHC* AutoSegments_CachedOnContact::getLocator () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection Locator.
/*! \class AutoSegments_IsAccountable
* \brief Filter to select accoutable AutoSegment.
* A Filter to select accoutable AutoSegment. An AutoSegment is said
* to be accountable if it is canonical (in the sense of an aligned set).
//! \function bool AutoSegments_IsAccountable::accept ( AutoSegment* segment ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the \c segment is accountable (i.e. canonical).
//! \function AutoSegmentHF* AutoSegments_IsAccountable::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
/*! \class AutoSegments_InDirection
* \brief Filter to select AutoSegment in a given direction.
* A Filter to select AutoSegment in a specific direction.
//! \function AutoSegments_InDirection::AutoSegments_InDirection ( unsigned int direction );
//! Create a filter for AutoSegment in \c direction (Katabatic::KbHorizontal
//! or Katabatic::KbVertical).
//! \function bool AutoSegments_InDirection::accept ( AutoSegment* segment ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the \c segment is in the correct direction.
//! \function AutoSegmentHF* AutoSegments_InDirection::getClone () const;
//! \sreturn A deep copy of the Collection.
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
//! \class AutoVertical
//! \brief Concrete Vertical AutoSegment
//! \function void AutoVertical::_postCreate ();
//! In addition to AutoSegment::_postCreate(), detect whether the
//! segment is global or local and register it in the relevant GCells
//! (if needed).
//! If the segment is anchored directly on a terminal, adjust the
//! axis so it's connected.
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class ChipTools
* \brief Utilities for Chip Level Design
* The ChipTools class provides a small set of utilities to ease
* the managment of a complete chip following the Alliance top
* hierarchical structure.
//! \function ChipTools::ChipTools ( Cell* cell );
//! Create a ChipTool for \c cell.
//! \function bool ChipTools::isChip () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the Cell is truly a top level design. If not, this
//! object is useless and does nothing.
//! \function Cell* ChipTools::getCell () const;
//! \sreturn The top-level design.
//! \function Instance* ChipTools::getCore () const;
//! \sreturn The instance of the core, that is, the only instance that is
//! \e not a pad...
//! \function const Box& ChipTools::getChipBb () const;
//! \sreturn The chip complete bounding box, this *is* simply the Cell bounding box.
//! \function const Box& ChipTools::getLeftPadsBb () const;
//! \sreturn The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the left side of the chip.
//! \remark This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height.
//! \function const Box& ChipTools::getRightPadsBb () const;
//! \sreturn The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the right side of the chip.
//! \remark This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height.
//! \function const Box& ChipTools::getTopPadsBb () const;
//! \sreturn The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the top side of the chip.
//! \remark This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height.
//! \function const Box& ChipTools::getBottomPadsBb () const;
//! \sreturn The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the bottom side of the chip.
//! \remark This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height.
//! \function const Torus& ChipTools::getCorona () const;
//! \sreturn The torus (in term of manhanttan distance) enclosed between the pad area
//! and the core area.
//! \function bool ChipTools::intersectVPads ( const Box& ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if \c box intersect either the left or right pad box.
//! \function bool ChipTools::intersectHPads ( const Box& ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if \c box intersect either the top or bottom pad box.
@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Constants.dox<katabatic>" -*-
namespace Katabatic {
//! \enum FunctionFlag
//! A set of flags to that can be passed to functions/methods througout
//! all Katabatic.
//! \var KbOpenSession
//! Tells the function to open it's own Session, otherwise use
//! the one that should already have been opened.
//! \var KbRealignate
//! On AutoSegment axis manipulation, force the realignment of all
//! the segment on an aligned set, even is the axis of the canonical
//! is already at the right coordinate.
//! \var KbNativeConstraints
//! Ignore user-defined constraints or terminal induced ones (for AutoContacts
//! anchored on terminals) and return the owning GCell alone.
//! \var KbForceMove
//! Tells the function to force move, even if it is not needed.
//! \var KbHorizontal
//! Request some action to be done in the horizontal direction.
//! \var KbVertical
//! Request some action to be done in the vertical direction.
//! \var KbWithPerpands
//! Request that AutoSegments in perpandicular direction should be includeds.
//! \var KbSource
//! Request AutoSegments anchored by their source anchor or that some
//! operation has to be performed on the source.
//! \var KbTarget
//! Request AutoSegments anchored by their target anchor or that some
//! operation has to be performed on the target.
//! \var KbWarnOnError
//! Display a warning if something has gone wrong.
//! \var KbPropagate
//! The action will affect all the segments on an aligned set.
//! \var KbUseAboveLayer
//! Request/tell the a above layer has been used.
//! \var KbUseBelowLayer
//! Request/tell the a below layer has been used.
//! \var KbDoglegOnLeft
//! The dogleg has occured on the left <em>of something</em>
//! \var KbDoglegOnRight
//! The dogleg has occured on the right <em>of something</em>
//! \var KbHalfSlacken
//! For AutoSegment::slacken(), change the overconstrained limit
//! from 10 tracks down to 3 (hard-wired).
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// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class GCell
* \brief Routing Global Cell
* \section secGCellDescription GCell Description
* Please note that there are two kind of Global Cells (or GCell for short):
* - The GCell used by the global router Knik.
* - The GCell used by the detailed router (Katabatic & Kite).
* Although the information they hold is obviously related, they are two
* separate kind of objects.
* The area of the design to be routed is divided in a regular grid of
* rectangular area, the GCellGrid. Each rectangular area is a GCell.
* The GCell contains the following informations:
* - The AutoSegments that begins or ends in it. The list of segments
* is not avalaible directly but through the AutoContacts that are
* owned by the GCell.
* - The AutoSegments that go straight \e through it (or \e over it).
* Horizontal & Vertical segments are stored in two separeted list.
* Those two lists are sorted by layer depth (the deepest layers
* first).
* - A lot of synthetic information about the density of tracks used
* in the GCell.
* AutoContacts are affected to GCells, the area of the GCell is the
* one into which the AutoContact is allowed to be placed. It is this
* that way that the respect of the global routing choosen by Knik is
* enforced. See the AutoContact constraint box.
* When tracks are aligned with the GCell boundaries they one exactly on
* the boundary can belong to the GCell on either side of the boundary.
* But we want a clear and mutually exclusive ownership of each GCell
* area. So, we choose that one GCell do not own the topmost and rightmost
* track. And to implement it, we shrink top and right coordinates by
* the amount of GCell::getTopRightShrink(), which must be less than the
* track spacing.
* \subsection secGCellDensity Saturation & Density Computation
* At any depth (i.e. layer), in the preferred routing direction, a GCell
* can pass a finite length of wire. For example on an horizontal preferred
* layer:
WL_{max} = width(GCell) \times Htracks(GCell)
* Then the density, is the ratio between \f$WL_{max}\f$ and the actually
* used wirelength:
Wdensity(depth) = \frac{WL_{used}(depth)}{WL_{max}(depth)}
* Normally, the ratio musn't exceed 1.0, but the occupied wire length computation,
* for now, doesn't merge overlapping wires belonging to the same net, so
* the ratio may be slightly inaccurate. Thus in some pathological cases may
* be greater than 1.0 whithout truly been overloaded.
* A Cell is considered as \e saturated if the overall density is above the
* saturation ratio given by Session::getSaturateRatio().
* Contact density is calculated as follow:
Cont_{density} = \frac{|Contacts|}{Htracks \times Vtracks \times 4}
* It is a ratio over the number of actual contacts in the GCell and the maximal
* number. The maximal number being the product of the number of tracks in
* both direction and 4 stands for the hardwired number of layers (the depth).
* Should not be hardwired... \red{<em>To be corrected in future versions.</em>}
* \subsection secGCellFeedthrough Feedthrough Computation
* The feedtrough value is an estimate is of how many complete tracks have been used
* on a given layer of the GCell. It varies between zero and the number of track on the
* GCell (complete saturation). As an estimate, it doesn't tell you the actual
* number of free track, but how many you <em>may expect</em> assuming the routing is
* reasonably well done.
* Computation is done as follow:
* <table class="DoxUser">
* <tr><th>Wire type<th>Estimated Cost
* <tr><td>Straight wire (feedthrough)
* <td>\b 1.0
* <tr><td>Beginning or ending global wire
* <td>\b 0.5
* <tr><td>Local wire.
* <td>\b 1/3
* <tr><td>Blockage wire
* <td>The exact percentage of the track
* </table>
* \subsection secGCellTrackComputation Track Computation
* The number of track that can go through a GCell in the horizontal
* direction is computed as follow:
Htracks = \frac{heigth(GCell)}{Vpitch} + 1
* The pitch is assumed to be the same for every layer and is hardwired
* to 5.0 lambda.
* This is a bad architectural choice. The informations pertaining to
* routing should be held at Kite level, not be hardwired and the pitch
* should be made variable with the layer...
* \red{<em>To be corrected in future versions</em>}.
* \section secGCellLazyEvaluation GCell Lazy Evaluation
* To save processing time, the densities are not recomputed every time a
* segment is modified (added, removed or moved). Instead a lazy evaluation
* mechanism is used. Densities are recomputed each time a density is queried
* \e and the lazy evaluation \e not explicitly disabled (flag NoUpdate).
* \section secGCellSortingKey GCell Sorting Key
* In order to perform a lexicographical sort on the tuple \f$(density(depth),id)\f$
* of a GCell, a specific slave object GCell::Key is introduced. It is the
* density on one specific depth, not the average density.
* \section secGCellDesaturation GCell Desaturation / Layer Assignment
* In addition to it's geometrical and density functionality, the GCell
* provides \e desaturation capabilities. Desaturation is the operation
* of moving up feedthough AutoSegment from the bottom layers towards
* the upper ones in order to balance the densities in the different
* densities. Thoses operations provides building blocks for the layer
* assignment stage which is provided by the Kabatic tool.
* Two strategies are avalaibles, moving one global AutoSegment at a
* time with GCell::stepDesaturate() or, when one AutoSegment is moved
* up, move up the whole net trunk with GCell::stepNetDesaturate().
* \section secGCellImplantation GCell Implantation
* GCell derives from Hurricane::ExtensionGo to allow a graphical rendering
* of the routing density.
//! \function size_t GCell::getAllocateds ();
//! \sreturn The number of allocated GCells.
//! \function const Name& GCell::getStaticName ();
//! \sreturn The name of the Go slice: \c "Katabatic::GCell".
//! \see Hurricane::ExtensionGo
//! \function const Name& GCell::getName () const;
//! \sreturn The name of the Go slice: \c "Katabatic::GCell".
//! \see Hurricane::ExtensionGo
//! \function Box GCell::getBoundingBox () const;
//! \sreturn The bounding box of the GCell, with the top right shrink applied.
//! \function void GCell::translate ( const DbU::Unit&, const DbU::Unit& );
//! Required to exists as a Hurricane::Go derived class. But must never
//! be used...
//! \function GCellGrid* GCell::getGCellGrid () const;
//! \sreturn The Grid of which GCell is part of.
//! \function unsigned int GCell::getIndex () const;
//! \sreturn The linear index of the GCell in the GCellGrid vector.
//! \see GCellGrid for the meaning of the index.
//! \function unsigned int GCell::getRow () const;
//! \sreturn The row of the GCell in the GCellGrid.
//! \function unsigned int GCell::getColumn () const;
//! \sreturn The Column of the GCell in the GCellGrid.
//! \function GCell* GCell::getLeft () const;
//! \sreturn The left neighbor of the GCell (\c NULL if it is the leftmost GCell).
//! \function GCell* GCell::getRight () const;
//! \sreturn The right neighbor of the GCell (\c NULL if it is the rightmost GCell).
//! \function GCell* GCell::getUp () const;
//! \sreturn The top neighbor of the GCell (\c NULL if it is the topmost GCell).
//! \function GCell* GCell::getDown () const;
//! \sreturn The bottom neighbor of the GCell (\c NULL if it is the bottommost GCell).
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getTopRightShrink ();
//! \sreturn The amount of shrink on the top and right boundaries.
//! \function unsigned int GCell::getDepth () const;
//! \sreturn The depth (i.e. number of routing layers) of the GCell.
//! \function bool GCell::isSaturated () const;
//! \sreturn \true if at least one layer exceed a saturation of \c 1.0 (more wirelength
//! that it can hold).
//! \function bool GCell::isSaturated ( unsigned int depth ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the saturation ratio of layer \c depth is over the threshold defined
//! for the GCells.
//! \function bool GCell::isValid () const;
//! \sreturn \true if all the AutoContact/AutoSegment of the GCell are valids.
//! \function bool GCell::isAboveDensity ( float threshold ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if the overall saturation ratio greater than \c threshold.
//! \function bool GCell::hasFreeTrack ( size_t depth, float reserve ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if there should be enough wire length to pass a wire completly
//! trough this GCell.
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getX () const;
//! \sreturn The lower left X coordinate of the GCell box.
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getY () const;
//! \sreturn The lower left Y coordinate of the GCell box.
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getXMax () const;
//! \sreturn The upper right X coordinate of the GCell box (top right shrink applied).
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getYMax () const;
//! \sreturn The upper right Y coordinate of the GCell box (top right shrink applied).
//! \function Interval GCell::getSide ( unsigned int direction ) const;
//! \sreturn The interval corresponding to the side position of the GCell box,
//! in \c direction.
//! \function float GCell::getHCapacity () const;
//! \return The number of track that can go through the GCell in the horizontal
//! direction. For a detailed explanation of the computation see
//! \ref secGCellTrackComputation.
//! \function float GCell::getVCapacity () const;
//! \return The number of track that can go through the GCell in the vertical
//! direction. For a detailed explanation of the computation see
//! \ref secGCellTrackComputation.
//! \function float GCell::getDensity ( unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
//! \sreturn The average density of the GCell, for all the depths.
//! \ref secGCellDensity, \ref secGCellLazyEvaluation.
//! \function float GCell::getCDensity ( unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
//! \sreturn The density of contacts.
//! \ref secGCellDensity, \ref secGCellLazyEvaluation.
//! \function float GCell::getWDensity ( unsigned int depth, unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
//! \sreturn The density of wires at \c depth.
//! \ref secGCellDensity, \ref secGCellLazyEvaluation.
//! \function DbU::Unit GCell::getBlockage ( unsigned int depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The total length of blockage wire on layer at \c depth.
//! \function float GCell::getFragmentation ( unsigned int depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The longest free fragment size on layer \c depth (in percent).
//! \function float GCell::getFeedthroughs ( unsigned int depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The estimate number of \e occupied tracks on layer \c depth.
//! \see \ref secGCellFeedthrough
//! \function float GCell::getGlobalsCount ( unsigned int depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The number of global wires that go completly through the GCell at layer \c depth.
//! This do not includes the global wires that begins or ends in the GCell.
//! \function const vector<AutoSegment*>& GCell::getHSegments () const;
//! \returns The vector of all horizontal AutoSegments that completly goes through the GCell.
//! \function const vector<AutoSegment*>& GCell::getVSegments () const;
//! \returns The vector of all vertical AutoSegments that completly goes through the GCell.
//! \function const vector<AutoContact*>& GCell::getContacts () const;
//! \returns The vector of all AutoContacts owned by the GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getHStartSegments ();
//! \returns A Collection of the horizontal AutoSegments that starts from this GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getVStartSegments ();
//! \returns A Collection of the vertical AutoSegments that starts from this GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getHStopSegments ();
//! \returns A Collection of the horizontal AutoSegments that stops in this GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getVStopSegments ();
//! \returns A Collection of the vertical AutoSegments that stops in this GCell.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getStartSegments ( unsigned int direction );
//! \returns A Collection of the horizontal or vertical AutoSegments that starts from this GCell
//! according to \c direction.
//! \function AutoSegments GCell::getStopSegments ( unsigned int direction );
//! \returns A Collection of the horizontal or vertical AutoSegments that stops in this GCell
//! according to \c direction.
//! \function size_t GCell::getRoutingPads ( set<RoutingPad*>& rps );
//! \returns The size of the RoutingPad set.
//! Fills the \c rps set with all the RoutingPads that appears in this GCell.
//! (looks at all the anchors of the owned AutoContact)
//! \function const Key& GCell::getKey () const;
//! \returns The sorting key of the GCell.
//! \see \ref secGCellSortingKey
//! \function size_t GCell::checkDensity () const;
//! \returns \c 1 if the GCell is saturated, 0 otherwise.
//! Check, if the GCell is saturated, layer by layer. Issue a warning
//! if that is the case.
//! \function bool GCell::checkEdgeSaturation ( float threshold ) const;
//! \returns \true if the Up/Right edge is over the \c threshold.
//! Check if the number of AutoSegments crossing the Up & Right edges of the GCell
//! exceed \c threshold. The \c thresold must be expressed as a percentage of
//! the full capacity of the edges. The overload is computed as a whole and not
//! depth by depth.
//! \function void GCell::addBlockage ( unsigned int depth, DbU::Unit length );
//! Adds \c length of wire blockage to layer \c depth.
//! \function void GCell::addHSegment ( AutoSegment* segment );
//! Adds \c segment to the list of horizontal feedthroughs.
//! \function void GCell::addVSegment ( AutoSegment* segment );
//! Adds \c segment to the list of vertical feedthroughs.
//! \function void GCell::addContact ( AutoContact* contact );
//! Adds \c contact to the list of contacts owned by this GCell.
//! \function void GCell::removeHSegment ( AutoSegment* segment );
//! Removes \c segment to the list of horizontal feedthroughs.
//! \function void GCell::removeVSegment ( AutoSegment* segment );
//! Removes \c segment to the list of vertical feedthroughs.
//! \function void GCell::removeContact ( AutoContact* contact );
//! Removes \c contact to the list of contacts owned by this GCell.
//! \function void GCell::updateContacts ();
//! Force a geometry update on all the AutoContact of the GCell.
//! \function size_t GCell::updateDensity ();
//! \sreturn \true if the GCell is saturated.
//! Update the various densities of the GCell. No actual computation is
//! performed if the GCell is \e not invalidated.
//! \function void GCell::updateKey ( unsigned int depth );
//! Update the GCell key with the new density at layer \c depth.
//! \see \ref secGCellSortingKey.
//! \function bool GCell::stepDesaturate ( unsigned int depth, set<Net*>& globalNets, AutoSegment*& moved, unsigned int flags=0 );
//! \param depth The depth to desaturate.
//! \param globalNets The set of Nets of which at least one segment has been moved up.
//! \param moved The moved up AutoSegment.
//! \param flags If KbForceMove is set, force one AutoSegment to move up, event if
//! the GCell is not saturated in the relevant depth.
//! \sreturn \true if an AutoSegment has actually been moved up.
//! Perform the atomic desaturation, that is move up one AutoSegment from
//! layer \c depth to layer <code>depth+2</code>, longuests AutoSegments are
//! moved first. Only global feedthrough AutoSegments are candidates to be
//! moved up. The Net owning the moved up segment is added to the \c globalNets
//! set. If the GCell is not saturated on layer \c depth, nothing is
//! done. If the \c forced flag is set, one global AutoSegment is moved up
//! regardless of the saturation status.
//! \see \ref secGCellDesaturation
//! \function bool GCell::stepNetDesaturate ( unsigned int depth, set<Net*>& globalNets, SetIndex& invalidateds );
//! \param depth The depth to desaturate.
//! \param globalNets The set of Nets of which at least one segment has been moved up.
//! \param invalidateds The set of GCell ids that have been invalidateds.
//! \sreturn \true if a Net has been moved up.
//! Perform a desaturation by whole Net trunk. Select the longest feedthrough
//! AutoSegment in layer \c depth, then attempt to move up the whole Net (all
//! it's global AutoSegments are moved up).
//! \see \ref secGCellDesaturation
//! \function bool GCell::rpDesaturate ( set<Net*>& nets );
//! If the number of RoutingPad in the first routing layer exceed the
//! Session::getSaturateRp() threshold, force a desaturation of layer
//! \c depth 1 until it is below 0.5.
//! \see \ref secGCellDesaturation
/*! \class GCell::CompareByIndex
* \brief GCell Index Comparison Functor
* A comparison functor for GCell, compare by \c index (the linear
* index in the GCellGrid vector.
//! \typedef typedef set<GCell*,CompareByIndex> GCell::SetIndex;
//! Shorthand for a set of GCell sorted on their index.
/*! \class GCell::CompareByDensity
* \brief GCell Density Comparison Functor
* A comparison functor for GCell, compare by density on layer \c depth.
//! \function GCell::CompareByDensity::CompareByDensity ( unsigned int depth );
//! Build a density comparator for GCells on layer \c depth.
/*! \class GCell::Key
* \brief GCell Key - Density Cache
* This class is used to create a GCell internal cache on density, mainly
* to be used by GCellDensitySet.
//! \function GCell::Key::Key ( GCell* owner, unsigned int depth );
//! \param owner The GCell owning the key.
//! \param depth The layer \c depth of the density to use.
//! Key constructor, with an initial value for the cached density.
//! \function GCell* GCell::Key::getGCell () const;
//! \sreturn The owning GCell.
//! \function float GCell::Key::getDensity () const;
//! \sreturn The value of the cached density.
//! \function void GCell::Key::update ( unsigned int depth );
//! \sreturn Update the density
/*! \class GCellDensitySet
* \brief GCell Set, sorted by density
* A small container helper to manage a set of GCell sorted by density
* on a specific layer \c depth.
* The helper is implemented in term of a set. Once inserted in a set
* an element must not have is sorting key changed. But GCell density
* may change due to AutoSegment modifications during the lifetime of
* the set. To circumvent this problem, the GCell provide a key attribute
* to be used specifically with GCellDensitySet. This key act as a cached
* copy of the GCell density which is updated \e only by a call to
* GCell::updateKey() (and \e not GCell::updateDensity()). GCell which
* density have changed and key has to be updated must be signaled to
* set with the GCellDensityQueue::unqueue() method. When we want to
* update the sorting of the set on the new densities, we call
* GCellDensitySet::requeue() which, for each invalidated GCell do:
* - Remove the GCell from the set.
* - Update the key (call GCell::updateKey()).
* - Reinsert the GCell in the set (thus with the updated key).
* Typical usage:
GCellDensitySet gcells ( 2, *(getGCellGrid()->getGCellVector()) );
while ( true ) {
bool optimized = false;
std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>::const_iterator igcell = gcells.getGCells().begin();
for ( ; igcell != gcells.getGCells().end() ; ++igcell ) {
if ( doSomeOptimization(*igcell) ) {
optimized = true;
gcells.unqueue( *igcell );
if (not optimized) break;
//! \function GCellDensitySet::GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth );
//! Create a new empty GCellDensitySet, sorting on density of layer \c depth.
//! \function GCellDensitySet::GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth, const std::vector<GCell*>& gcells );
//! Create a new empty GCellDensitySet, sorting on density of layer \c depth.
//! Load the queue with the GCells supplied in the \c gcells vector.
//! \function GCellDensitySet::~GCellDensitySet ();
//! Delete a GCellDensitySet, if the queue is not empty, issue a warning.
//! \function bool GCellDensitySet::empty () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the queue is empty.
//! \function size_t GCellDensitySet::size () const;
//! \sreturn the numbers of elements in the queue.
//! \function const std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>& GCellDensitySet::getGCells () const;
//! \sreturn the list of GCells currently in the queue.
//! \function size_t GCellDensitySet::insert ( GCell* gcell );
//! Insert \c gcell into the set.
//! \function size_t GCellDensitySet::erase ( GCell* gcell );
//! Remove \c gcell from the set.
//! \function void GCellDensitySet::unqueue ( GCell* gcell );
//! Invalidate \c gcell. The density of \c gcell may have changed and needs to be
//! reinserted into the queue. It is temporarily set asides until the next
//! call to GCellDensitySet::requeue().
//! \function void GCellDensitySet::requeue ();
//! Reinsert in the queue all the GCells that have been previously
//! invalidated by a call to GCellDensitySet::unqueue(). This function calls
//! GCell::updateKey() before reinserting the GCell.
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class GCellGrid
* \brief GCell Grid
* The GCell Grid of Katabatic. Although the base template class
* Grid support irregular grid, the GCellGrid is regular, following
* the Knik global router GCells. Only the topmost row and leftmost
* column may have different height or width to cope with the
* design real size.
* Due to the regular nature of the grid, the horizontal & vertical
* edges capacities are all identical, and initialized from the
* Katabatic Configuration.
* The grid is build from the Knik global routing, so obviously
* a KnikEngine must be attached to the Cell when building the
* GCellGrid. An error is thrown otherwise.
//! \function GCellGrid* GCellGrid::create( KatabaticEngine* ktbt );
//! API-space contructor.
//! \function void GCellGrid::_postCreate ();
//! Perform the GCell & GCell vector allocation.
//! - Read the horizontal and vertical cut lines from Knik and translate
//! them into BaseGrid::Axis.
//! - From the BaseGrid::Axis, deduces the exact positions of the GCells and
//! allocate them.
//! - The GCell allocation is done in a "row by row" fashion consistent
//! with BaseGrid implicit assumptions.
//! \function void GCellGrid::_preDestroy ();
//! The GCells are deleted at this point.
//! \function Cell* GCellGrid::getCell() const;
//! \sreturn The associated Cell.
//! \function KatabaticEngine* GCellGrid::getKatabatic() const;
//! \sreturn The associated KatabaticEngine.
//! \function unsigned int GCellGrid::getDensityMode() const;
//! \sreturn The computation mode of the GCell densities.
//! \function size_t GCellGrid::getHEdgeCapacity() const;
//! \sreturn The horizontal edge capacity. As the matrix is regular it is
//! identical for all horizontal edges.
//! \function size_t GCellGrid::getVEdgeCapacity() const;
//! \sreturn The vertical edge capacity. As the matrix is regular it is
//! identical for all vertical edges.
//! \function Interval GCellGrid::getUSide( unsigned int direction ) const;
//! \sreturn The side of the whole grid in \c direction.
//! \function size_t GCellGrid::checkDensity() const;
//! \sreturn The number of GCell saturateds.
//! Check all GCells for saturations.
//! \function bool GCellGrid::checkEdgeSaturation( float threshold ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if at least one edge is over \c threshold (percentage
//! of occupation).
//! Check all the edges for saturations.
//! \function void GCellGrid::setDensityMode( unsigned int mode );
//! Sets the density computation mode.
//! \function void GCellGrid::updateContacts( unsigned int flags=KbOpenSession );
//! Force an update on all AutoContact on all the GCells.
//! if \c openSession is \true, enclose the update in a Session.
//! \function size_t GCellGrid::updateDensity();
//! \sreturn The number of GCell saturateds.
//! Force a density update on all the GCells.
//! \enum GCellGrid::DensityMode
//! Various ways of computing the overall density of a GCell.
//! \var GCellGrid::AverageHVDensity
//! The average density all depths accounted.
//! \var GCellGrid::AverageHDensity
//! The average density of horizontal layers.
//! \var GCellGrid::AverageVDensity
//! The average density of horizontal layers.
//! \var GCellGrid::MaxHVDensity
//! The maximum of the average horizontal & vertical densities taken
//! as a whole.
//! \var GCellGrid::MaxVDensity
//! The maximum of the average vertical densities taken depth by depth.
//! \var GCellGrid::MaxHDensity
//! The maximum of the average horizontal densities taken depth by depth.
//! \var GCellGrid::MaxDensity
//! The maximum of the average horizontal & vertical densities
//! taken depth by depth.
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
//! \typedef typedef GenericCollection<GCell*> GCells;
//! GCell Collection with auto-pointer like support.
//! \typedef typedef GenericLocator<GCell*> GCellLocator;
//! GCell Locator with auto-pointer like support.
//! \typedef typedef GenericFilter<GCell*> GCellFilter;
//! GCell Filter with auto-pointer like support.
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class BaseGrid
* \brief Abstract Base Class for Irregular Grid
* An abstract class for a 2-D matrix of objects. The grid is irregular
* in the sense that the horizontal and vertical cut lines may not be
* evenly spaced.
* The coordinates of cut lines in horizontal and vertical direction
* are stored BaseGrid::Axis structure.
* The BaseGrid contains all the non-template methods of the Grid,
* that is that do not depend of the matrix element type.
* The internal storage implemented in derived classes is expected to
* store "row by row" (rows are put one after another in the vector).
//! \function void BaseGrid::destroy();
//! The user-level destructor.
//! \function BaseGrid::BaseGrid ( const Box& bb );
//! Construct a new BaseGrid on area \c bb. Graduations, rows & columns are
//! sets to zero.
//! \function const Box& BaseGrid::getBoundingBox() const;
//! \sreturn The grid bounding box.
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getColumns() const;
//! \sreturn The numbers of columns in the grid.
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getRows() const;
//! \sreturn The numbers of rows in the grid.
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getRawSize() const;
//! \sreturn The total number of elements in the grid (i.e. \f$ rows \times columns \f$)
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getIndex( unsigned int c, unsigned int r ) const;
//! An helper function that compute the linear index in the element
//! vector from a \c (c,r) coordinate pair:
//! \f[ index = c + r \times columns \f]
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getRow( unsigned int i ) const;
//! An helper function that compute the row number from the linear index in
//! the vector:
//! \f[ row = index / columns \f]
//! \function unsigned int BaseGrid::getColumn( unsigned int i ) const;
//! An helper function that compute the column number from the linear index in
//! the vector:
//! \f[ column = index \div columns \f]
//! \function const Axis& BaseGrid::getXGrads() const;
//! \sreturn The graduations on the X axis.
//! \function const Axis& BaseGrid::getYGrads() const;
//! \sreturn The graduations on the Y axis.
/*! \class BaseGrid::Axis
* \brief Graduations on a BaseGrid Axis (H or V).
* Describe the list of graduations on either X or Y axis of a
* BaseGrid. Graduations correspond to cut lines and may not be
* evenly spaced.
* Graduations are internally stored into a vector that needs to be
* sorted whenever new graduations are added (BaseGrid::Axis::sort()).
//! \function void BaseGrid::Axis::addGraduation ( DbU::Unit pos );
//! Adds a new graduation. After adding new graduations, do not forget
//! to perform a sort.
//! \function void BaseGrid::Axis::sort ();
//! Re-order the graduations after an addition.
//! \function size_t BaseGrid::Axis::getSize () const;
//! \sreturn The number of graduations on the axis.
//! \function DbU::Unit BaseGrid::Axis::getGraduationNumber ( DbU::Unit pos, bool& onGraduation ) const;
//! \sreturn The index of the graduation which is immediatly inferior or equal to \c pos.
//! In case of strict equality, \c onGraduation is set to \true.
//! \function DbU::Unit BaseGrid::Axis::operator[] ( unsigned int index ) const;
//! \sreturn The graduation at \c index.
/*! \class Grid
* \brief Template Class for Regular Grid
* Contains all general purpose methods depending on the GCell type
* and geometrical computations. The internal storage is still not implemented
* in this class.
//! \function Grid::Grid ( const Box& );
//! Grid constructor.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCell ( unsigned int index ) const;
//! \sreturn The grid object at linear index \c index in the vector.
//! If \c index is out of bounds, return \c NULL.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCell ( const Point p ) const;
//! \sreturn The grid object which is under position \c p.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCell ( const Point p1, const Point p2 ) const;
//! \sreturn The grid object which is under position \c p1 and \c p2.
//! Not very clear though.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCellLeft ( const GCellT* gcell ) const;
//! \sreturn The left neighbor of \c gcell, \c NULL if it is the leftmost one.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCellRight ( const GCellT* gcell ) const;
//! \sreturn The rigth neighbor of \c gcell, \c NULL if it is the rightmost one.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCellUp ( const GCellT* gcell ) const;
//! \sreturn The upper neighbor of \c gcell, \c NULL if it is the uppermost one.
//! \function CGellT* Grid::getGCellDown ( const GCellT* gcell ) const;
//! \sreturn The down neighbor of \c gcell, \c NULL if it is the downmost one.
//! \function GenericCollection<CGellT*> Grid::getGCells ();
//! \sreturn A GCellT Hurricane collection built upon the linear GCellT vector of
//! the grid.
//! \function GenericCollection<CGellT*> Grid::getGCellsColumn ( unsigned int column, unsigned int rowStart, unsigned int rowStop );
//! \sreturn A GCellT Hurricane collection that contains the part of \c column starting
//! from \c rowStart to \c rowStop inclusive.
//! \function GenericCollection<CGellT*> Grid::getGCellsRow ( unsigned int row, unsigned int columnStart, unsigned int columnStop );
//! \sreturn A GCellT Hurricane collection that contains the part of \c row starting
//! from \c columnStart to \c columnStop inclusive.
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
//! \mainpage Katabatic Documentation
//! Additionnal documents:
//! - \ref grpSynthHierarchy
//! \defgroup grpSynthHierarchy Synthetic Class Hierarchy
//! \brief Simplificated class hierarchy
//! \htmlinclude customHierarchy.html
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \namespace Katabatic
* \brief The namespace dedicated to Katabatic.
@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class KatabaticEngine
* \brief The Katabatic Tool
* \section secEngineStates States of KatabaticEngine
* During it's lifecycle, the engine go through a serie of states.
* It only can go forward between states.
* - \b EngineCreation : just after C++ object creation until
* the global routing is loaded.
* - \b EngineGlobalLoaded : \e after the global routing has
* been done. This state must be set by an external tool,
* Katabatic cannot know by itself when the global routing
* has been done (see Kite).
* - \b EngineActive : \e after the global routing has been
* converted into the Katabatic data structure. At this point
* the tool is ready to run.
* - \b EngineDriving : \e during the stage of stripping all
* the decorations the tool has added over the Hurricane data
* structure (mostly: AutoContact & AutoSegment).
* - \b EngineGutted : \e after the tool decorations have been
* removed. The tool is now useless and can only be destroyed.
* - \b EnginePreDestroying : this special state is reached when
* going straight from EngineActive to the destructor, that is,
* skipping the EngineDriving state. That means we <em>do not</em>
* want to save whatever routing has been done. In that case,
* not only the tool decorations are destroyeds, but also the
* Hurricane data-structures they relies on (Contact, Segments).
* \section secEngineImpl KatabaticEngine Implementation Details
* Due to the size of the code and the fact that the main body
* of some methods do not need to be present in the class,
* the implementation of KatabaticEngine is split in several
* files. The list below summarize them:
* - \c KatabaticEngine.cpp : the core of the class, methods that really
* need their bodies here.
* - \c PowerRails.cpp : utilities to construct an abstract from all
* the power rails through the hierarchy.
* - \c LayerAssign.cpp : layer assignement related methods and helpers.
* - \c LoadGrByNet.cpp : global routing loader, transform global routing
* into Katabatic data-structure.
* - \c NetConstraints.cpp : compute the topological constraints of all
* AutoSegment/AutoContact of a Net.
* - \c NetOptimals.cpp : compute the optimal positions of all AutoSegment
* of a Net.
//! \enum EngineState
//! Describe the current state of the KatabaticEngine.
//! \var EngineCreation
//! The tool is created, but still in the \c _postCreate stage.
//! \var EngineGlobalLoaded
//! The global routing has been loaded from Knik.
//! \var EngineActive
//! The Engine is in normal running mode (routing ordinary wires).
//! \var EngineDriving
//! The Engine is transforming the AutoContact/AutoSegment into
//! normal Contact/Segment (prior to tool deletion).
//! \var EnginePreDestroying
//! This state is used whenever the tool is destroyed without passing
//! through the EngineDriving state.
//! \var EngineGutted
//! After the EngineDriving state, all the working structures are
//! removed and the tool can no longer be used. It only awaits clean
//! destruction.
//! \typedef set<Net*, NetCompareByName> KatabaticEngine::NetSet;
//! Set of Net to be routed, alphabetically sorteds.
//! \function KatabaticEngine* KatabaticEngine::create ( Cell* cell );
//! Create a KatabaticEngine on \c cell.
//! \function const Name& KatabaticEngine::staticGetName ();
//! \sreturn The unique string identifier for the KatabaticEngine class of ToolEngine.
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::isGMetal ( const Layer* layer ) const;
//! \sreturn \true if \c layer is one of the special (fake) metals used to build
//! the global routing.
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::isChip () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the hierarchy top-level of the Cell matches the one of a complete
//! design (i.e. pads and one core instance).
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::isInDemoMode () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the tool is in demo mode, that is suppress almost all warning
//! and debug messages.
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::doWarnOnGCellOverload () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the tool should issue a warning when a GCell is overloaded
//! (overload could be transient).
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::doDestroyBaseContact () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the EngineDestroyBaseContact is set, meaning that when an
//! AutoContact is destroyed, the Contact it decorates is destroyed
//! altogether.
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::doDestroyBaseSegment () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the EngineDestroyBaseSegment is set, meaning that when an
//! AutoSegment is destroyed, the Segment it decorates is destroyed
//! altogether.
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::doDestroyTool () const;
//! \sreturn \true if the tool state is beyond EngineStateGutted, that is, only
//! waits for \c destroy() to be called.
//! \function const Name& KatabaticEngine::getName () const;
//! \sreturn The unique string identifier for the KatabaticEngine class of ToolEngine.
//! \function EngineState KatabaticEngine::getState () const;
//! \sreturn The state the tool is currently in.
//! \function unsigned int KatabaticEngine::getFlags ( unsigned int mask ) const;
//! \sreturn The \e anded combination of the tool flags and \c mask.
//! \function Configuration* KatabaticEngine::getKatabaticConfiguration ();
//! \sreturn The Configuration of Katabatic. In this class it is redundant with
//! getConfiguration(), but may be useful in derived classes.
//! \function Configuration* KatabaticEngine::getConfiguration ();
//! \sreturn The Configuration of the current ToolEngine.
//! \function RoutingGauge* KatabaticEngine::getRoutingGauge () const;
//! \sreturn The RoutingGauge (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function RoutingLayerGauge* KatabaticEngine::getLayerGauge ( size_t depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The RoutingLayerGauge associated to \c depth (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function const Layer* KatabaticEngine::getRoutingLayer ( size_t depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The routing Layer associated to \c depth (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function Layer* KatabaticEngine::getContactLayer ( size_t depth ) const;
//! \sreturn The contact Layer associated to \c depth (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function DbU::Unit KatabaticEngine::getGlobalThreshold () const;
//! \sreturn The length above which a global wire is moved up in the layer assignment
//! stage (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function float KatabaticEngine::getSaturateRatio () const;
//! \sreturn The ratio above which a GCell is considered to be saturated
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function DbU::Unit KatabaticEngine::getExtensionCap () const;
//! \sreturn The wires extension cap, same for all layers for the time beeing
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function size_t KatabaticEngine::getSaturateRp () const;
//! \sreturn The number of RoutingPad above which a GCell is saturated, causing
//! extras global segments to be moved up.
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function GCellGrid* KatabaticEngine::getGCellGrid () const;
//! \sreturn The GCellGrid.
//! \function const NetSet& KatabaticEngine::getRoutingNets () const;
//! \sreturn The set of nets to be routeds.
//! \function const ChipTools& KatabaticEngine::getChipTools () const;
//! \sreturn The chip tools (for whole designs).
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::xmlWriteGCellGrid ( ostream& );
//! Write in a stream all informations on the GCells in XML format.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::xmlWriteGCellGrid ( const string& );
//! Write in a file all informations on the GCells in XML format.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::setState ( EngineState state );
//! Force the state of the tool. Must be used with caution, as no sanity
//! checks are performeds. This method is normally invoked from inside
//! the KatabaticEngine various methods.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::setFlags ( unsigned int flags );
//! Set the flags given in \c flags.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::unsetFlags ( unsigned int flags );
//! Reset the flags given in \c flags.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::setGlobalThreshold ( DbU::Unit );
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::setSaturateRatio ( float );
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::setSaturateRp ( size_t );
//! (Configuration shortcut).
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::startMeasures ();
//! Starts memory consuption & time measurements.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::stopMeasures ();
//! Stops memory consuption & time measurements. Recorded measures are
//! kept until the next call to Katabatic::startMeasures().
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::printMeasures ( const string& tag ) const;
//! Print memory & time measurement on ``cmess1``. If \c tag is not empty,
//! also adds the measurement to the internal table (with \c tag as label).
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::refresh ( unsigned int flags=KbOpenSession );
//! In case the tool is associated with a graphic display, trigger
//! a full redraw of the Cell. Slow the router but allow to see work
//! in progress... If \c flags <em>do not</em> contains \c KbOpenSession
//! the refresh operation will not be enclosed inside it's own session.
//! This assumes that a session is already opened.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::makePowerRails ();
//! Detect all the aligned segments of same width that compose power
//! rails, unificate them and copy them at the design top level.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::createDetailedGrid ();
//! Allocate the GCellGrid.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::loadGlobalRouting ( unsigned int method, NetSet& nets );
//! \param method the loading algorithm
//! \param nets the set of nets to route.
//! Convert the global routing into the initial detailed routing. For the
//! time beeing, only one loading algorithm is available: <em>net by net</em>
//! (EngineLoadGrByNet). Only Net given in \c nets are routeds. If \c nets is empty
//! then all ordinary nets are routeds. In either cases the set of nets to route
//! is pruned from any power, ground or clock signals.
//! \remark The tool state must be \b EngineGlobalLoaded \e before calling this method
//! and will be set to \b EngineActive on exit.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::layerAssign ( unsigned int method );
//! Perform the layer assignment. The global routing loading stage uses only
//! the two bottom most layers, this method spread them on all the availables
//! routing layers, according to GCell and RoutingPad density criterions.
//! Two algorithms are availables:
//! - \b EngineLayerAssignByLength : the global wires are moved up one by
//! one.
//! - \b EngineLayerAssignByTrunk : if one global wire of a net is to be
//! moved up, then all the global trunk of the net is moved along.
//! This methods gives the best results for now.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::finalizeLayout ();
//! Transform the Katabatic wires into the Hurricane data-structure.
//! Mostly by removing the AutoSegment/AutoContact \e without removing
//! their Hurricane conterparts. May also fill gaps that may have appeared.
//! \remark The tool state must be \b EngineActive \e before calling this method
//! and will be set to \b EngineGutted on exit.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::slackenBorder ( Box bb, Layer::Mask mask, unsigned int flags );
//! \param bb The bounding box, defines the edges.
//! \param mask Consider only layers that are fully included in that mask.
//! \param flags Consider only segment in that direction.
//! Perform a preventive break on all global segments going through the
//! \e vertical left and right edges of the \c bb box. The set of global
//! segments to be broken could be further restricted using \c mask and
//! \c flags.
//! <span class="red">The Semantic of \c flags is not clear, must review the
//! code more closely.</span>
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::slackenBlockIos ( Instance* core );
//! Perform a preventive break on horizontal segments in the GCell immediatly
//! \e outside the instance \c core area in the routing layer of index \c 1.
//! \red{This method is too much hardwired to the \c SxLib gauge. It's effect is to break all \b METAL2 outside the core (in a chip).}
//! \function bool KatabaticEngine::moveUpNetTrunk ( AutoSegment* seed, set<Net*>& globalNets, GCell::SetIndex& invalidateds );
//! \param seed The AutoSegment to take the net from.
//! \param globalNets The set of nets that has been moved up.
//! \param invalidateds The set of GCells that have been invalidated.
//! \sreturn \true if the net trunk have been moved up.
//! Try to move up a whole net trunk. The net is supplied through the \c seed
//! argument (the segment that triggers the move). If the net is actually moved
//! up, it is added to \c globalNets and all GCells that have been invalidateds
//! are added to \c invalidateds.
//! <span class="red">An individual AutoSegment of the net is moved up if it's length
//! is greater that \c 150 lambdas, that is, three times the side of a GCell. This is
//! hard-wired and should be parametrized in the future.</span>
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::computeNetConstraints ( Net* net );
//! Compute the box constraints on AutoContacts (and therefore those applied to
//! AutoSegments). Constraints comes from AutoContacts anchoreds on RoutingPads
//! and transmitted through AutoContactHTee or AutoContactVTee. Constraints are
//! applied to all AutoContacts of an aligned set.
//! \remark The \c net must have been canonized before this function to be called.
//! \function void KatabaticEngine::toOptimals ( Net* net );
//! Move all AutoSegment of \c net so that their axis are inside their
//! optimals interval. If a AutoSegment is already inside the interval is
//! not moved, otherwise it is put on the nearest bound of the optimal
//! interval.
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
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Katabatic 3 Modifications
General Structuration
* Short-circuit the usage of the Hurricane DataBase. Now AutoContacts
& AutoSegments are cached directly in the relevant objects. This is
way bigger, but should be faster. And anyway simpler to write by
suppressing Ring walkthrough and Session::lookup() calls.
* Now splitted in four sub-classes:
* AutoContactTerminal
* AutoContactTurn
* AutoContactHTee
* AutoContactVTee
* isCorner() renamed isTurn().
* isTerminal() is now ambiguous. It may be flag an AutoContact which *is*
an AutoContactTurn indeed or an AutoContactTurn leading uniquely toward
a Terminal.
* New AutoSegment::makeTopologyDogLeg() creates dogleg needed by topological
adjustments on AutoContact. They are not counted (nor signaled) as explicit
dogleg request. **To Implement**.
* The local ``slacken()`` methods are, in fact AutoSegment::makeTopologyDogLeg().
* We now must be able to create AutoHorizontal/AutoContact without suppling
the anchor AutoContacts. Allows more supple building constructions.
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class Observable
* \brief Observer Design Pattern, Subject part.
* Observable is the implementation of the \e subject part of the
* Observer design pattern. For the time beeing it's a simplificated
* version that allows only one Observer to watch the subject.
* Observable is designed to be an attribute of the subject, not one
* of it's base class.
* This implantation is completly generic and has nothing specific
* to Katabatic. It may be moved sometimes in Hurricane at Property
* level in Hurricane::DBo.
* <b>Note to Myself:</b> Observer pattern is the one behind signal/slots.
//! \function Observable::Observable ();
//! Default and only constructor. The copy constructor is disabled
//! (made private and unimplemented).
//! \function T* Observable::getObserver ();
//! \sreturn The (only) observer, \c NULL if there is none. It is the object
//! of which the Observer is an attribute, that is, it's \e owner, and not
//! the Observer itself which is returned.
//! \function void Observable::addObserver ( BaseObserver* observer );
//! Adds an observer. If more than one is added, throw an error.
//! \function void Observable::removeObserver ( BaseObserver* observer );
//! Removes an observer. If the observer do not belong to this observable,
//! throw an exception.
//! \function void Observable::notify ( unsigned int flags );
//! Used by the subject to signal a change in it's state to the observers.
//! The \c flags parameter can be used to indicates what kind of change
//! is occuring. Values for \c flags are defined between the subject and
//! the observers.
/*! \class BaseObserver
* \brief Observer Design Pattern, Observer part.
* This class is used as a non-template base class for the templatized
* Observer one. It is used to avoid propagating template to the whole
* Observable class. It only contains the Observer::notify() virtual
* method.
//! \function void BaseObserver::notify ( unsigned int flags );
//! The method which will be called whenever a change occurs on the Observable.
/*! \class Observer
* \brief Observer Design Pattern, Observer part.
* <b>First, a warning about names:</b> although this class is named
* Observer, it is intended to be an attribute nested inside the
* whole object which is indeed, the true Observer. This nesting object
* is called, most of the time the \b owner in the following. But
* sometimes, for simplification it may also be called the Observer.
* \section secImplObserver Observer Implementation Notes
* To retrieve the \e owner from the Observer attribute, we uses the
* offset from the attribute in the \e owner. This offset is computed
* once and for all the first time the template constructor is called.
//! \function Observer::Observer ( const T* owner );
//! The owner of the oberver is needed to compute, on the first creation
//! only, the offset of the Observer attribute inside the \c owner complete
//! object.
//! \function T* Observer::getOwner () const;
//! \sreturn The owner of the observer.
@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Session.dox<katabatic>" -*-
namespace Katabatic {
/*! \class Session
* \brief Modification Session for Katabatic
* To perform modifications, the Katabatic data structure uses a session
* mechanism built on top of the Hurricane::UpdateSession one. Sessions
* obeys very simples rules:
* - Only one Session can be opened at a time with Session::open().
* - Subsequent calls to Session::open() returns the currently
* opened session until Session::close() is called.
* - Revalidation can take place whithout closing the Session by
* calling Session::revalidate().
* The task of a Session is to keep track of the AutoContact and
* AutoSegment that have been modificateds (i.e. invalidated) and,
* to restore connexity and/or topology when closed.
* Two kinds of revalidation could be performed:
* <ul>
* <li>\b Geometrical : only positions of AutoContacts and AutoSegments
* extensions are recomputed.
* <li>\b Topological : a whole net have been invalidated because of a
* dogleg creation or a move up/move down of a segment.
* <ul>
* <li>\b Dogleg : needs to insert the newly created AutoSegments
* and AutoContacts.
* <li><b>Move up/Move down</b> : may needs to create additional
* dogleg to restore connexity (gaps), and then insert them
* like above.
* </ul>
* After a topological mofication has been done, the net needs to
* be re-canonized then the geometrical step takes place.
* </ul>
* The kind of revalidation needed is automatically detected by
* the Session.
* In addition to it's main purpose, Session also provides cached
* access to frequently needed variables either from Hurricane
* or Katabatic Configuration and access to the AutoContact &
* AutoSegment LUTs of KatabaticEngine.
* From a software point of view, Session is a singleton object.
* \section secSessionAlgo Session Algorithm
* Main attributes of a Session:
* - \c _netInvalidateds, nets on which topology has changed.
* - \c _autoSegments, that have been moved or createds.
* - \c _autoContacts, that have been created or one of their
* slave segment has moved.
* - \c _revalidateds, the list of AutoSegments that have just
* been revalidated (after calling \c revalidate()).
* Schematic description of how a Session works:
* <ul class="algo1">
* <li> If at least one net has been invalidated, meaning that it's
* topology has changed, perform \c _revalidateTopology().
* <ul class="algo2">
* <li> Update net topology: correct the topology of each
* contacts, making dogleg when needed. The AutoContact
* segment caching is updated at this point.
* <li> Compute net constraints (on AutoContacts & AutoSegments).
* <li> Compute net optimal positions (on AutoSegments).
* <li> Compute the state of the segments regarding to terminals.
* <li> Canonize sets of aligneds segments. The canonical segment
* is the one with the lowest \c id.
* <li> If the segments has just been created, put it on its
* optimal axis.
* </ul>
* This stage can add itself more invalidated AutoSegments and
* AutoContacts as it create doglegs.
* <li> Revalidate geometry of AutoContacts. That is, expand or shrink
* the extremities of the invalidated AutoSegments. Note that
* AutoSegments are already at on their final axis position.
* <li> Revalidate AutoSegments. Just before this stage, they are
* on the correct axis and their extensions are also correct,
* so we may update the caching of their characteristics
* (mostly the extension).
* </ul>
//! \function Session* Session::get ( const char* message=NULL );
//! Return the Session singleton, if no session is currently open
//! throw an exception carrying \c message.
//! \function Technology* Session::getTechnology ();
//! Hurricane shortcut.
//! \function KatabaticEngine* Session::getKatabatic ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function const Configuration* Session::getConfiguration ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function RoutingGauge* Session::getRoutingGauge ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function unsigned int Session::getLayerDirection ( const Layer* layer );
//! Returns the preferred routing direction of \c layer, as per defined
//! in the RoutingGauge.
//! \remark The value returned is transformed from the CRL Constants value
//! into Katabatic constants (Katabatic::KbHorizontal, Katabatic::KbVertical).
//! \function bool Session::isInDemoMode ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function float Session::getSaturateRatio ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function size_t Session::getSaturateRp ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function bool Session::doWarnGCellOverload ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function DbU::Unit Session::getExtensionCap ();
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function const Layer* Session::getRoutingLayer ( size_t );
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function const Layer* Session::getContactLayer ( size_t );
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function size_t Session::getSegmentStackSize ();
//! \sreturn The number of AutoSegment in the invalidated stack.
//! \function size_t Session::getContactStackSize ();
//! \sreturn The number of AutoSegment in the invalidated stack.
//! \function const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getInvalidateds ();
//! \sreturn The stack (vector) of invalidateds AutoSegments.
//! \function const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getRevalidateds ();
//! \sreturn The stack (vector) of AutoSegments that have been revalidateds.
//! \function const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getDoglegs ();
//! \sreturn The vector of AutoSegments part of a newly created dogleg.
//! The dogleg creation functions in AutoHorizontal and AutoVertical
//! put a triplet (for example in horizontal direction \c (h1,v1,h2) )
//! for each dogleg composed of:
//! - \b h1 the segment \e before the dogleg (which is also the original one).
//! - \b v1 the segment \b perpandicular (new).
//! - \b h2 the segment \b after (new).
//! \function const set<Net*>& Session::getNetsModificateds ();
//! \sreturn The set of Nets that needs either a topological update or a new
//! canonization.
//! \function Session* Session::open ( KatabaticEngine* );
//! Opens a new session or returns the already opened one, if any.
//! \function void Session::close ();
//! Close the Session, triggering the revalidation of the AutoSegemnts
//! and AutoContacts. If no Session is opened, throws an execption.
//! \function void Session::setKatabaticFlags ( unsigned int );
//! Katabatic shortcut.
//! \function void Session::dogleg ( AutoSegment* );
//! Adds an AutoSegment to the dogleg vector.
// \function void Session::doglegReset ();
// Clears the dogleg vector.
//! \function void Session::revalidateTopology ();
//! Revalidate Net that have been invalidateds and re-canonize them.
//! \function void Session::setInvalidateMask ( unsigned int flags );
//! Tells what kind of revalidation must be performed.
//! \function void Session::invalidate ( Net* net );
//! Schedule \c net for a full revalidation, topological correction
//! and canonization.
//! \function void Session::invalidate ( AutoSegment* segment );
//! Schedule \c segment for revalidation.
//! \function void Session::invalidate ( AutoContact* contact );
//! Schedule \c contact for revalidation.
//! \function size_t Session::revalidate ();
//! Perform the revalidation. Returns the sum of AutoContacts and
//! AutoSegemnts that have been revalidated.
//! \function void Session::link ( AutoContact* ac );
//! Adds \c ac in the AutoContact lookup table (allow to retrieve an
//! AutoContact by it's base Contact).
//! \function void Session::link ( AutoSegment* as );
//! Adds \c as in the AutoSegment lookup table (allow to retrieve an
//! AutoSegment by it's base Segment).
//! \function void Session::unlink ( AutoContact* ac );
//! Removes \c ac from the AutoContact lookup table.
//! \function void Session::unlink ( AutoSegment* as );
//! Removes \c as from the AutoSegment lookup table.
//! \function AutoContact* Session::lookup ( Contact* contact );
//! Lookup the AutoContact associated with \c contact. \c NULL if not found.
//! \function AutoSegment* Session::lookup ( Segment* segment );
//! Lookup the AutoSegment associated with \c segment. \c NULL if not found.
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* General Classes Index.
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%% This is file `book.cls',
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[2005/11/21 v1.0
ASIM LaTeX document class]
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\space\number\day, \number\year}
%% End of file `book.cls'.
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<p><b>The complete class hierarchy could be accessed <a href="hierarchy.html">here</a>.</b></p>
<p>All the classes below are in the <a href="namespaceKatabatic.html">Katabatic</a> namespace.</p>
<p>The inheritance tree has been splitted/simplificated.</p>
<b>Legend :</b><br>
<pre class="fragment">
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="virtual"><a href="#pagetop">ClassA</a><td><b> <tt>ClassA</tt> is abstract</b></tr>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="#pagetop">ClassB</a><td><b> <tt>ClassB</tt> is instanciable</b></tr>
<h2 class="classHierarchy">Utilities</h2>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="virtual"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1BaseObserver.html">BaseObserver</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1Observer.html">Observer</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1Observable.html">Observable</a>
<h2 class="classHierarchy">Katabatic Engine</h2>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="namespaceKatabatic.html">Katabatic</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html">ChipTools</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1KatabaticEngine.html">KatabaticEngine</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1Session.html">Session</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1DataAlgorithm.html">DataAlgorithm</a>
<h2 class="classHierarchy">Contacts</h2>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="virtual"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactTerminal.html">AutoContactTerminal</a>
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactTurn.html">AutoContactTurn</a>
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactHTee.html">AutoContactHTee</a>
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactVTee.html">AutoContactVTee</a>
<h2 class="classHierarchy">Segments</h2>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="virtual"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html">AutoSegment</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoHorizontal.html">AutoHorizontal</a>
<tr><td width="140"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoVertical.html">AutoVertical</a>
<h2 class="classHierarchy">GCell</h2>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html">GCell</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1BaseGrid_1_1Axis.html">BaseGrid::Axis</a>
<tr><td width="70"><td class="virtual"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1BaseGrid.html">BaseGrid</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="140"><td class="virtual"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1Grid.html">Grid</a>
<table class="classHierarchy">
<tr><td width="210"><td class="normal"><a href="classKatabatic_1_1GCellGrid.html">GCellGrid</a>
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<h1 class="header">Katabatic Documentation</h1>
<center class="header">
<table class="header">
<td><a href="customSummary.html">Summary</a></td>
<td><a href="namespaces.html">Namespaces</a></td>
<td><a href="customHierarchy.html">Class Hierarchy</a></td>
<td><a href="annotated.html">Classes</a></td>
<td><a href="functions.html">Member Index</a></td>
<!-- <td><a href="classes.html">Index2</a></td> -->
<h1>Katabatic Documentation Summary</h1>
<p><b>The classical Doxygen module documentation could be accessed <a href="modules.html">here</a>.</b></p>
<h2>Katabatic Concepts (internal)</h2>
<li><a class="el" href="group__buildRules.html">Rules for building wires.</a>
<br>Rules for building AutoContacts. Global/Locals AutoSegments.
<li><a class="el" href="group__loadGlobalRouting.html">Global Routing Loading.</a>
<br>How the Knik global routing is loaded into Katabatic data-base.
Details the wiring topologies used to complete the routing to the
<li><a class="el" href="group__collapseCanonical.html">AutoSegment Collapse & Canonical.</a>
<br>How to force alignment of AutoSegments.
<li><a class="el" href="group__layerAssign.html">Layer Assignment.</a>
<br>Simple strategy to put long wires on higher routing metals.
<li><a class="el" href="group__NetConstraints.html">Constraints Computations.</a>
<br>Compute the legal range of variation of each wire (note that the
constraints are stored on AutoContacts).
<li><a class="el" href="group__NetOptimals.html">AutoSegment Optimal Placement.</a>
<br>Compute the optimal range of variation of each wire.
<li><a class="el" href="group__katabaticSession.html">Katabatic Update Session Mechanism.</a>
<br>The Session mechanism for modifying the Katabatic data-base.
<h2>API documentations</h2>
<li><b><a href="customHierarchy.html">Synthetic Class Hierarchy.</a></b>
<li><b><a href="hierarchy.html">Complete Class Hierarchy (doxygen).</a></b>
<li><b><a href="annotated.html">Class List (doxygen).</a></b>
<li><b><a href="classes.html">Class Index (doxygen).</a></b>
<li><b><a href="modules.html">Modules (raw concepts).</a></b>
<li><b><a href="functions.html">Member Functions Index (doxygen).</a></b>
<li><b><a href="namespaces.html">Namespaces (doxygen).</a></b>
<table class="footer1">
<td class="LFooter"><small>Customized Concepts (a.k.a. modules)</small></td>
<td class="RFooter"><a href='#pagetop'><small>Return to top of page</small></a></td>
<table class="footer2">
<td class="LFooter">Katabatic Documentation</td>
<td class="RFooter"><small>Copyright © 2005-2007 LIP6. All rights reserved</small></td>
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"Layers=\c Layers"\
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"Nets=\c Nets"\
"Pin=\c Pin"\
"Pins=\c Pins"\
"Plug=\c Plug"\
"Plugs=\c Plugs"\
"RoutingPad=\c RoutingPad"\
"RoutingPads=\c RoutingPads"\
"Cell=\c Cell"\
"Cells=\c Cells"\
"ToolEngine=\c ToolEngine"\
"ToolEngines=\c ToolEngines"\
"GCell=\c GCell"\
"GCells=\c GCells"\
"Splitter=\c Splitter"\
"Splitters=\c Splitters"\
"SplitterContact=\c SplitterContact"\
"SplitterContacts=\c SplitterContacts"\
"Hurricane=<a href='../hurricane/Index.html'>Hurricane</a>"\
"STL=<a href=''>STL</a>"\
"red{1}=<span class=\"red\">\1</span>"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build related configuration options
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration options related to the input files
Katabatic.dox \
../src/katabatic/Observer.h ../src/Observer.cpp Observer.dox \
../src/katabatic/Constants.h Constants.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoContact.h ../src/AutoContact.cpp AutoContact.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoContactTerminal.h ../src/AutoContactTerminal.cpp AutoContactTerminal.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoContactTurn.h ../src/AutoContactTurn.cpp AutoContactTurn.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoContactHTee.h ../src/AutoContactHTee.cpp AutoContactHTee.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoContactVTee.h ../src/AutoContactVTee.cpp AutoContactVTee.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoSegment.h ../src/AutoSegment.cpp AutoSegment.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoSegments.h AutoSegments.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoHorizontal.h ../src/AutoHorizontal.cpp AutoHorizontal.dox \
../src/katabatic/AutoVertical.h ../src/AutoVertical.cpp AutoVertical.dox \
../src/katabatic/GCell.h ../src/GCell.cpp GCell.dox \
../src/katabatic/GCells.h GCells.dox \
../src/katabatic/Grid.h ../src/Grid.cpp Grid.dox \
../src/katabatic/GCellGrid.h ../src/GCellGrid.cpp GCellGrid.dox \
../src/katabatic/Session.h ../src/Session.cpp Session.dox \
../src/katabatic/ChipTools.h ../src/ChipTools.cpp ChipTools.dox \
../src/LoadGrByNet.cpp \
../src/katabatic/KatabaticEngine.h ../src/KatabaticEngine.cpp KatabaticEngine.dox
*.cpp \
IMAGE_PATH = images
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration options related to source browsing
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HTML_HEADER = header.html
HTML_FOOTER = footer.html
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# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration::addtions related to external references
TAGFILES = ../../hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag=../hurricane \
../../hurricane/doc/viewer/html/viewer.tag=../viewer \
GENERATE_TAGFILE = html/katabatic.tag
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
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# Configuration::addtions related to the search engine
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<center class="header">
<table class="header">
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<td><a href="annotated.html">Classes</a></td>
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<li><a class="entry" href="katabatic/customSummary.html">Katabatic</a><br>Routing Database<br><br>
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* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Doxygen Specific Classes |
* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
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* Quick Index Class (top page navigation bar).
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h3 a#index_r,
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Attributes Listing.
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.inherit {
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/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* General Classes Index.
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<div class="title">Class List</div> </div>
<div class="contents">
<div class="textblock">Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:</div><div class="directory">
<div class="levels">[detail level <span onclick="javascript:toggleLevel(1);">1</span><span onclick="javascript:toggleLevel(2);">2</span><span onclick="javascript:toggleLevel(3);">3</span>]</div><table class="directory">
<tr id="row_0_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:0px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span id="arr_0_" class="arrow" onclick="toggleFolder('0_')">▼</span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">N</span></span><a class="el" href="namespaceanonymous__namespace_02LoadGrByNet_8cpp_03.html" target="_self">anonymous_namespace{LoadGrByNet.cpp}</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
<tr id="row_0_0_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classanonymous__namespace_02LoadGrByNet_8cpp_03_1_1GCellTopology.html" target="_self">GCellTopology</a></td><td class="desc">Build the wiring for a Net inside a GCell (<b>internal</b>) </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:0px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span id="arr_1_" class="arrow" onclick="toggleFolder('1_')">▼</span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">N</span></span><a class="el" href="namespaceKatabatic.html" target="_self">Katabatic</a></td><td class="desc">The namespace dedicated to <a class="el" href="namespaceKatabatic.html" title="The namespace dedicated to Katabatic. ">Katabatic</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_0_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" target="_self">AutoContact</a></td><td class="desc">Abstract base class for <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoContact. ">AutoContact</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_1_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactHTee.html" target="_self">AutoContactHTee</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoContact. ">AutoContact</a> H-Tee (two H, one V) </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_2_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactTerminal.html" target="_self">AutoContactTerminal</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoContact. ">AutoContact</a> Terminal (S/T is a Terminal) </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_3_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactTurn.html" target="_self">AutoContactTurn</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoContact. ">AutoContact</a> Turn (one H, one V) </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_4_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContactVTee.html" target="_self">AutoContactVTee</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoContact. ">AutoContact</a> V-Tee (one H, two V) </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_5_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoHorizontal.html" target="_self">AutoHorizontal</a></td><td class="desc">Concrete Horizontal <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_6_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" target="_self">AutoSegment</a></td><td class="desc">Abstract base class for <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_7_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__Aligneds.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_Aligneds</a></td><td class="desc">All aligned <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> of a set </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_8_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__AnchorOnGCell.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_AnchorOnGCell</a></td><td class="desc">All <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> Beginning and/or Stopping in a <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_9_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__InDirection.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_InDirection</a></td><td class="desc">Filter to select <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> in a given direction </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_10_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__IsAccountable.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_IsAccountable</a></td><td class="desc">Filter to select accoutable <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_11_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__OnContact.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_OnContact</a></td><td class="desc">All <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> anchored on a Contact </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_12_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegments__Perpandiculars.html" target="_self">AutoSegments_Perpandiculars</a></td><td class="desc">All perpandicular <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> to a set of aligneds </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_13_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoVertical.html" target="_self">AutoVertical</a></td><td class="desc">Concrete Vertical <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoSegment.html" title="Abstract base class for AutoSegment. ">AutoSegment</a> </td></tr>
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<tr id="row_1_17_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span id="arr_1_17_" class="arrow" onclick="toggleFolder('1_17_')">▼</span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" target="_self">GCell</a></td><td class="desc">Routing Global Cell </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_17_0_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:48px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell_1_1CompareByDensity.html" target="_self">CompareByDensity</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> Density Comparison Functor </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_17_1_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:48px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell_1_1CompareByIndex.html" target="_self">CompareByIndex</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> Index Comparison Functor </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_17_2_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:48px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell_1_1Key.html" target="_self">Key</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell_1_1Key.html" title="GCell Key - Density Cache. ">Key</a> - Density Cache </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_18_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCellDensitySet.html" target="_self">GCellDensitySet</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> Set, sorted by density </td></tr>
<tr id="row_1_19_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:32px;display:inline-block;"> </span><span class="icona"><span class="icon">C</span></span><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCellGrid.html" target="_self">GCellGrid</a></td><td class="desc"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1GCell.html" title="Routing Global Cell. ">GCell</a> <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1Grid.html" title="Template Class for Regular Grid. ">Grid</a> </td></tr>
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<p>This is the complete list of members for <a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a>, including all inherited members.</p>
<table class="directory">
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a2294ddd6bd4bda59c3453cc4dbd4f4fa">_getTopology</a>(Contact *, Component *&anchor, Horizontal **&, Vertical **&, size_t)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">protected</span><span class="mlabel">static</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ab422116c7edfacedd31711c96e3ec95b">base</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#af783b79a1398450e28e2ea55c3eb8476">canDestroy</a>(unsigned int flags=0) const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a69d29e4d230a0111ca18e6e661a48f8b">canMoveUp</a>(const AutoSegment *moved) const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac371cd5b837a8965c11297c197e70a45">checkTopology</a>()</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a91c8bc1a6bdb1b15c3c084ebfd38af47">getAllocateds</a>()</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">static</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a142af2208e8c058c672bbad3640a6c46">getAnchor</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ad4a1ca46647528c32c5fbd4c45ac866c">getAnchorHook</a>()</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a4092778435abf3fb25a986a802bdb6c6">getBodyHook</a>()</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ab5d8bf98ab5af6fcfebea1b9f446d5d7">getBoundingBox</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a798750f964050c53c269a2e56d44b690">getCBXMax</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a347244bd3f3a59881a2dee9801c74618">getCBXMin</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a4e4061a17285b0c08c31cfee65947cb6">getCBYMax</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ad7ee1befb03ee85f237a36e2f5ab8e45">getCBYMin</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac2ba7fbe2fad7d4910aa71ee034078e7">getCenter</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ae9d087a6cd3d459d7f4bea6bc8b08b49">getConstraintBox</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ad1ef5843ef3eabe27e548f24ca222876">getDx</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ae4046e6ed80cbba54a48953ef4d2ca6d">getDy</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a819cf639562a031a1e2e061fe1293d66">getGCell</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a3ab7b800879862100636b003a5d168f3">getHalfHeight</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a5a345a7129c2a07f10f9f10c959616b9">getHalfWidth</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a3ade412549810d29d5ce3c860fc965b9">getHeight</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a1e57c42301b9e58648863e7d5dc055e7">getId</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ab045567c4f529dca7790d66c17c3084f">getLayer</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac607a624c0698056c5bccf405cf05ea7">getLengths</a>(DbU::Unit *lengths, AutoSegment::DepthLengthSet &)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac350bb9d2d038287530fcf474987ba55">getMaxDepth</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ada381cbb88211a7f63d30691b669b5e1">getMinDepth</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9e76ae5cee9320b65251387419c9432b">getName</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a00ed934305dd186a284b7a13b5798cb6">getNativeConstraintBox</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a692492374623a5c6096b2c4a51190359">getNet</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a48ab1d3bdf85712e4784ef83ef136939">getOpposite</a>(const AutoSegment *) const =0</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">pure virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a994371005874f946cc0ac78005d38423">getPerpandicular</a>(const AutoSegment *) const =0</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">pure virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a4fa9bb12d79f6645884d567986c9b0a5">getPosition</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a50531ded68cc5206fe104b8d8bf3bd87">getSegment</a>(unsigned int) const =0</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">pure virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ad59f45aaefd5acc8fb9795d4c0e49a7f">getSlaveComponents</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a00e56270cfb31f56e52e31afbc33ba71">getStaticName</a>()</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">static</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ab1fd3fec6dd56d40217b8a5ecacb1719">getUConstraints</a>(unsigned int direction) const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9c63fe7288748eaf5332ca796a36d872">getWidth</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a00b8f54c8171f6699e57de1b8c18eeb1">getX</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a4580de6b074712e400d5d238ce3af054">getY</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#acc77b6de9050a86dc41e25888c8f81f6">hasBadTopology</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac2fe070a286356a24baa466b4fe5b74d">intersectConstraintBox</a>(Box &box) const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#aabac50fd9b8e1bba7289573973658d18">invalidate</a>(unsigned int flags=0)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#afd7362b850709bed8b61c1aa22399f97">isFixed</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#aeb66931d535cbd3d0f9bc525968e15f5">isHTee</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a77e5036ce0c3628f5bf65e729ba875ba">isInCreationStage</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac540608485240ff88970131ebc02c1ab">isInvalidated</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a6d1120fc8800af5d269e72ce5c3ba629">isInvalidatedCache</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ae4ba7bc2888f990818cbdb808260c47e">isTee</a>(unsigned int direction) const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a249530ac086dbf92f981887cc633facf">isTurn</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ae38846b6213cccbc6f008b175b4604b0">isVTee</a>() const</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a7fc4029992d75a62ce718e5e622f8ce9">migrateConstraintBox</a>(AutoContact *other)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac893802d1c5518cab86f8341af817abe">restrictConstraintBox</a>(DbU::Unit constraintMin, DbU::Unit constraintMax, unsigned int flags=KbWarnOnError)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#aaa7652f5db46cab9edb066d06ea979f9">setCBXMax</a>(DbU::Unit xMax)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9fcb986110e79bc0044f7bfe503acc0c">setCBXMin</a>(DbU::Unit xMin)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a1fdb3737d910a966e150a86d885f3c05">setCBYMax</a>(DbU::Unit yMax)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a5b598929b39ad3ec202405b31ac02b1d">setCBYMin</a>(DbU::Unit yMin)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a5e5f791613d0ef8f4cf9e7d8f35dc4c5">setConstraintBox</a>(const Box &box)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a2c83ac6a03bbac090a8ab120d62c6e44">setDx</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a123478e15e2544598851d0e907212841">setDy</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#aa1a02e206437f1371a74cafc724b00d7">setGCell</a>(GCell *)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a106f372cee0916ebb6544627e47bb58d">setHeight</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#aad4271c35e0162c8a4d034dca07f5a4b">setLayer</a>(const Layer *)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9881d5e969669b641c5de4f4d94e5d15">setOffset</a>(DbU::Unit dx, DbU::Unit dy)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a12d3bfdce07580db21b17cf87f912cc3">setPosition</a>(DbU::Unit width, DbU::Unit height)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a52707afec84391e898e01c75b2713d32">setPosition</a>(const Point &)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a0284fcec9bd41b26648e7bef3d4f1952">setSizes</a>(DbU::Unit width, DbU::Unit height)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9a0ec0a0ac85f23cfad6c069ea8dade7">setWidth</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a154f993d0262c92bfc0dc95154faf794">setX</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#ac862ce450a533f0544d2168b132ba165">setY</a>(DbU::Unit)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">inline</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a66f92d8233776fb858075f78af451997">showTopologyError</a>(const std::string &, unsigned int flags=0)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a9161f1e2832e5e141a13863223322aa5">translate</a>(const DbU::Unit &tx, const DbU::Unit &ty)</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr class="even"><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#af6a2454547eeb7f5a519970dcb467e90">updateGeometry</a>()=0</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">pure virtual</span></td></tr>
<tr><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html#a690764ddc997fe9766a79c4b8e0c3e2f">updateTopology</a>()=0</td><td class="entry"><a class="el" href="classKatabatic_1_1AutoContact.html">AutoContact</a></td><td class="entry"><span class="mlabel">pure virtual</span></td></tr>
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