diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/agds/agds.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/agds/agds.dox
index 6c88e557..bd362d02 100644
--- a/vlsisapd/doc/agds/agds.dox
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/agds/agds.dox
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
Here is the C++ code (\c driveAgds.cpp) used to generate the transistor.agds file. (Source is available in examples directory).
\include driveAgds.cpp
+ \note In order to compile this code, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided. User must set the $VLSISAPD_TOP variable before running these commands in the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file:
+ \code
+ %> mkdir build; cd build
+ %> cmake ..
+ %> make
+ \endcode
\subsection agdsPython Python
Here is the Python code (\c driveAgds.py) used to generate the transistor.agds file. (Source is available in examples directory).
\include driveAgds.py
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/cif/cif.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/cif/cif.dox
index 8a0f6c62..60a58197 100644
--- a/vlsisapd/doc/cif/cif.dox
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/cif/cif.dox
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
Here is the C++ code (\c driveCif.cpp) used to generate the transistor.cif file. (Source is available in examples directory).
\include driveCif.cpp
+ \note In order to compile this code, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided. User must set the $VLSISAPD_TOP variable before running these commands in the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file:
+ \code
+ %> mkdir build; cd build
+ %> cmake ..
+ %> make
+ \endcode
\subsection cifPython Python
Here is the Python code (\c driveCif.py) used to generate the transistor.cif file. (Source is available in examples directory).
\include driveCif.py
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/doxyfile b/vlsisapd/doc/doxyfile
index e3cf3f40..1232dfaa 100644
--- a/vlsisapd/doc/doxyfile
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/doxyfile
@@ -179,11 +179,7 @@ TAB_SIZE = 4
# will result in a user-defined paragraph with heading "Side Effects:".
# You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert newlines.
-ALIASES = "arguments=\b Arguments:\n"\
- "returns=\b Returns:\n" \
- "note=\b Note:\n" \
- "checks=\b Checks:\n" \
- "example=\b Example:\n"
# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C tag to YES if your project consists of C
# sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored for C.
@@ -572,7 +568,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE =
# directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
# with spaces.
-INPUT = "." "../src/cif" "../src/agds"
+INPUT = "." "../src/cif" "../src/agds" "../src/dtr"
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Name.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Name.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..027f5eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Name.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+namespace DTR {
+/*! \class Name
+ *
+ * This class provides an automatic management of shared name.
+ */
+/*! \fn Name::Name(std::string str)
+ * \brief gets a shared Name, creates it if it does not exist.
+ *
+ * \param str the string associated to the name.
+ */
+/*! \fn Name::Name(const char* cstr)
+ * \brief gets a shared Name, creates it if it does not exist.
+ *
+ * \param cstr the character string associated to the name.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Name::operator==(const Name&)
+ * \brief redifines the '==' operator.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Name::operator==(const std::string&)
+ * \brief redifines the '==' operator.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Name::operator!=(const Name&)
+ * \brief redifines the '!=' operator.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Name::operator!=(const std::string&)
+ * \brief redifines the '!=' operator.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Name::operator<(const Name) const
+ * \brief redifines the '<' operator.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn inline const std::string& Name::getString() const
+ * \brief returns the string associated to the Name.
+ */
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Rule.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Rule.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd6f58ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Rule.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+namespace DTR {
+/*! \class Rule
+ *
+ * This class describes a symmetrical rule.
+ *
+ * A symmetrical rule represents several type of rules:
+ * - a simple rule with only a name (e.g. transistorMinW: transistor minimum width)
+ * - a rule for a unique layer (e.g. minWidth.metal1: the minimum width for metal1 wire)
+ * - a rule associating two layers (e.g minSpace.poly.active: the minimum spacing between a poly shape and an active shape)
+ * In this last case the symmetrical characteristic is important since it implies that the value is the same if we invert the two layers : minSpacing poly vs active = minSpacing active vs poly.
+ *
+ * Typical rules using no layer are:
+ * transistorMinW, transsitorMaxW, transistorMinL transistorMaxL
+ *
+ * Typical rules using one layer are:
+ * minWidth, minSpacing, minArea, minGateSpacing, minStrapEnclosure
+ *
+ * Typical rules using two layers are:
+ * minSpacing
+ *
+ */
+/*! \fn Rule::Rule(Name name, double value, Name ref, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief creates a new rule.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param value the value of the rule.
+ * \param ref the reference of the rule (helpful to find rule in design kit).
+ * \param layer1 the first layer.
+ * \param layer2 the second layer.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Rule::getName()
+ * \brief returns the name of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Rule::getType()
+ * \brief returns the type of the rule.
+ *
+ * Rule's type allows to set a specific type for a rule especially the 'area' type to take into account that the value of the rule is to be considered in unit^2.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline double Rule::getValue()
+ * \brief returns the value of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline std::string Rule::getValueAsString()
+ * \brief returns the string corresponding to the value of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Rule::getRef()
+ * \brief returns the reference of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Rule::getLayer1()
+ * \brief returns the first layer of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Rule::getLayer2()
+ * \brief returns the second layer of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline void Rule::setType(Name type)
+ * \brief sets the type of a rule.
+ *
+ * \param type the type of the rule.
+ *
+ * \note By default the type of a rule is Name("").
+ */
+ /*! \class ARule
+ *
+ * This class describes an asymmetrical rule.
+ *
+ * An asymmetrical rule represents a two layers rule for which inverting layer1 and layer2 implies that the value of rule change.
+ * For example minimum enclosure rule is assymetrical.
+ *
+ * Typical arules are:
+ * minExtension, minEnclosure, minLengthEnclosure, minWidthEnclosure, lineExtension, minGateExtension, minGateEnclosure
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Techno.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Techno.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c875c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/Techno.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+namespace DTR {
+/*! \class Techno
+ *
+ * This class contains generic informations such as the name of the technology and the unit used, and the list of all technologic rules.
+ */
+/*! \fn Techno::Techno(Name name, Name unit)
+ * \brief creates a new technology
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the technology.
+ * \param unit the unit used for all values.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Techno::getName()
+ * \brief returns the name of the technology.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline Name Techno::getUnit()
+ * \brief returns the unit.
+ */
+/*! \fn inline std::vector& Techno::getRules()
+ * \brief returns a reference on the std::vector containing all technology's rules.
+ *
+ * \note this method is not yet available in python
+ */
+/*! \fn Rule* Techno::addRule(Name name, double value, Name ref, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief creates a new Rule and adds it the to Techno object.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param value the value of the rule.
+ * \param ref the reference of the rule (helpful to find the rule in design kit).
+ * \param layer1 the first layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ * \param layer2 the second layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ *
+ * \return the newly created Rule object.
+ */
+/*! \fn Arule* Techno::addARule(Name name, double value, Name ref, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief creates a new ARule and adds it to the Techno object.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param value the value of the rule.
+ * \param ref the reference of the rule (helpful to find the rule in design kit).
+ * \param layer1 the first layer.
+ * \param layer2 the second layer.
+ *
+ * \return the newly created ARule object.
+ */
+/*! \fn Rule* Techno::getRule(Name name, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief returns the rule uniquely identified by its name and layers.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param layer1 the first layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ * \param layer2 the second layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ *
+ * \return the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn double Techno::getValue(Name name, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief returns the value of a rule uniquely identified by its name and layers.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param layer1 the first layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ * \param layer2 the second layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ *
+ * \return the value of the rule.
+ */
+/*! \fn std::string Techno::getValueAsString(Name name, Name layer1, Name layer2)
+ * \brief returns a string corresponding to the value of a rule uniquely identified by its name and layers.
+ *
+ * \param name the name of the rule.
+ * \param layer1 the first layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ * \param layer2 the second layer. This is an optionnal argument, default value is Name("").
+ *
+ * \return the string corresponding to the value of the rule.
+ *
+ * \note this method is important for python module since to avoid rounding problems it is necessary to use Decimal object which is build based on a string.
+ */
+/*! \fn bool Techno::writeToFile(std::string filename)
+ * \brief writes the database to file.
+ *
+ * \param filename the destination file name.
+ */
+/*! \fn static Techno* Techno::readFromFile(const std::string filename)
+ * \brief creates and returns a Techno object based on a database source file.
+ *
+ * \param filename the source file name.
+ *
+ * \return the newly created Techno.
+ */
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/dtr.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/dtr.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f81eafe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/dtr/dtr.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/*! \page DTR DTR Format
+ \section dtrPres Presentation
+ The Design Technology Rules (DTR) format was developped as a part of the Chams Project (http://www-soc.lip6.fr/recherche/cian/chams/). It aims at offering a generic description of layout design rules for CMOS technologies.\n
+ \subsection dtrAutrhos Author
+ Damien Dupuis: damien.dupuis(at)lip6(.)fr
+ \subsection dtrLimits Limitations
+ Only simple rules are supported at the moment. For example the minimum width of a metal layer has only one value, although it should depends on the length of the wire drawned.
+ \section dtrDB Stand alone database structure
+ The database contains four object :
+ - DTR::Techno contains generic informations such as the name of the technology and the unit used, and the list of all technologic rules.
+ - DTR::Rule & DTR::ARule respectively describe a symmetrical and an asymmetrical rule.
+ - DTR::Name provides an automatic management of shared name.
+ \subsection dtrParser Using the parser
+ Simply load a technology with static function DTR::Techno::readFromFile() and then get rules (DTR::Techno::getRule()) or directly values (DTR::Techno::getValue()).
+ \subsection dtrDriver Using the driver
+ Using the driver is very simple, user has to create a DTR::Techno object and simply add DTR::Rule or DTR::ARule to it.
+ The adding methods return the newly created Rule so user can set the rule type (DTR::Rule::setType()) if necessary. Finally use the DTR::Techno::writeToFile() method to dump the database to file.
+ \section dtrExamples Examples
+ As said is the global presentation, VLSI SAPD project provides C++ libraries and Python modules for each supported format. In this section we present simple code examples to parse and drive a DTR file using C++ or Python. The DTR file considered is the same for all examples: \c example.dtr.xml
+ \include example.dtr.xml
+ All source codes are available in the \c examples directory.
+ \subsection dtrC C++
+ \subsubsection dtrParseC Parser
+ The following code (\c parseDtr.cpp) is an example of how to parse a DTR file using C++ library.
+ \include parseDtr.cpp
+ \subsubsection dtrDriveC Driver
+ This C++ code (\c driveDtr.cpp) generates a out.dtr.xml file equivalent to the previous example.dtr.xml.
+ \include driveDtr.cpp
+ \note In order to compile these codes, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided. User must set the $VLSISAPD_TOP variable before running these commands in the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file:
+ \code
+ %> mkdir build; cd build
+ %> cmake ..
+ %> make
+ \endcode
+ \subsection dtrPython Python
+ \subsubsection dtrParsePython Parser
+ The following python script (\c parseDtr.py) is an example of how to parse a DTR file using python module.
+ \include parseDtr.py
+ \subsubsection dtrDrivePython Driver
+ This python script (\c driveDtr.py) generates a out.dtr.xml file equivalent to the previous example.dtr.xml.
+ \include driveDtr.py
+ \note In order to run these two scripts (\c parseDtr.py & driveDtr.py), user must ensure that $PYTHONPATH variable points to the directory containing pyDTR.so module.
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/header.html b/vlsisapd/doc/header.html
index 30a1accb..e5892fee 100644
--- a/vlsisapd/doc/header.html
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/header.html
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/mainPage.dox b/vlsisapd/doc/mainPage.dox
index 58aff35a..5ac1b69b 100644
--- a/vlsisapd/doc/mainPage.dox
+++ b/vlsisapd/doc/mainPage.dox
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
Parser |
Driver |
- CIF |
+ AGDS |
x |
- AGDS |
+ CIF |
x |
x |
- |
+ x |
x |
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@
To quickly access to documentation of a format, one can use the following links :
- - \subpage CIF CIF Format
- \subpage AGDS AGDS Format
+ - \subpage CIF CIF Format
+ - \subpage DTR DTR Format
diff --git a/vlsisapd/doc/stylesheet.css b/vlsisapd/doc/stylesheet.css
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--- a/vlsisapd/doc/stylesheet.css
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tt { color: #3090FF; }
- em { font-style: italic;
- font-weight: bold; }
+ em { font-style: italic; }
strong { font-weight: bold; }
span.textit { font-style: italic; }