diff --git a/knik/CMakeLists.txt b/knik/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..727e521d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ COMMAND sw_vers -productVersion
+ IF(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
+ ELSE(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
+ SET(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386;ppc") # for QT4.5 32bits on snow leopard
+ ENDIF(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?")
+SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "$ENV{HURRICANE_TOP}/share/cmake_modules/")
+FIND_PACKAGE(Qt4 REQUIRED) # find and setup Qt4 for this project
diff --git a/knik/cmake_modules/CMakeLists.txt b/knik/cmake_modules/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9c27fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/cmake_modules/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+install ( FILES FindKNIK.cmake DESTINATION /share/cmake_modules )
diff --git a/knik/cmake_modules/FindKNIK.cmake b/knik/cmake_modules/FindKNIK.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0694d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/cmake_modules/FindKNIK.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# - Find the Knik includes and libraries.
+# The following variables are set if Coriolis is found. If KNIK is not
+# found, KNIK_FOUND is set to false.
+# KNIK_FOUND - True when the Coriolis include directory is found.
+# KNIK_INCLUDE_DIR - the path to where the Coriolis include files are.
+# KNIK_LIBRARIES - The path to where the Coriolis library files are.
+SET(KNIK_INCLUDE_PATH_DESCRIPTION "directory containing the Knik/flute include files. E.g /usr/local/include/coriolis or /asim/coriolis/include/coriolis")
+# don't even bother under WIN32
+ #
+ # Look for an installation.
+ #
+ # Look in other places.
+ PATH_SUFFIXES include/coriolis
+ # Help the user find it if we cannot.
+ )
+ NAMES knik
+ # Help the user find it if we cannot.
+ )
+ NAMES knik-static
+ # Help the user find it if we cannot.
+ )
+ NAMES flute
+ # Help the user find it if we cannot.
+ )
+ NAMES flute-static
+ # Help the user find it if we cannot.
+ )
diff --git a/knik/doc/ASIM.css b/knik/doc/ASIM.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce3c1f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/ASIM.css
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
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diff --git a/knik/doc/Edge.dox b/knik/doc/Edge.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec571bed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/Edge.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class Edge
+ * \brief A routing graph edge.\n
+ * - \ref EdgeAttributes "Attributes"
+ * - \ref EdgeAccessors "Accessors"
+ * - \ref EdgeModifiers "Modifiers"
+ * - \ref EdgePredicates "Predicates"
+ *
+ * The Edge was written to be a light object which simplifies the way the routing graph is covered.
+ * Edges are thus separated into two sub-classes : VEdge and HEdge respectively representing vertical edge and
+ * horizontal edge.
+ *
+ * Considering one vertex \b V, we define 4 types of edge :
+ *
+ * - HEdgeOut: a Horizontal Edge linking \b V to a vertex \e w
+ *
- VEdgeOut: a Vertical Edge linking \b V to a vertex \e x
+ *
- HEdgeIn: a Horizontal Edge linking a vertex \e y to \b V
+ *
- VEdgeIn: a Vertical Edge linking a vertex \e z to \b V
+ *
+ *
+ * \section secEdgeImplementation Edge Implementation
+ * The Global Router CEngine uses a technique based on routing graph and thus relies on another
+ * CEngine : Nimbus.
+ */
+ /*! \anchor EdgeAttributes Attributes
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \var Fence* Edge::_fence
+ * The corresponding fence in the partitionning
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var Splitter* Edge::_splitter
+ * The fence may already have a splitter associted with current net
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var Vertex* Edge::_from
+ * The source vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var Edge* Edge::_nextFrom
+ * Next edge of the same type and with the same source vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var Vertex* Edge::_to
+ * The target vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var Edge* Edge::_nextTo
+ * Next edge of the same type and with the same target vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var int Edge::_connexID
+ * The identification flag for connex component
+ *
+ * \Initial \p -1
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \var float Edge::_cost
+ * The cost of the edge
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0.0
+ * \see Edge::GetCost
+ */
+ /*! \var unsigned Edge::_capacity
+ * The capacity of the edge which is the copy of the fence capacity based on the routing ressources
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0
+ */
+ /*! \var unsigned Edge::_realOccupancy
+ * The occupancy of the edge based on the routed nets
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0
+ */
+ /*! \var float Edge::_estimateOccupancy
+ * The estimated occupancy of the edge based on the estimation technique
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0.0
+ * \see Graph::UpdateEstimateCongestion
+ */
+ /*! \var unsigned Edge::_netStamp
+ * The net stamp associated with the current net
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor EdgeAccessors Accessors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function Nimbus::Fence* Edge::GetFence();
+ * \Return The corresponding Fence in the partitionning.
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Edge::GetFrom() const;
+ * \Return The source vertex of the edge.
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Edge::GetNextFrom() const;
+ * \Return The next edge of the same type with the same source vertex if one exists, \NULL else.
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Edge::GetTo() const;
+ * \Return The target vertex of the edge.
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Edge::GetNextTo() const;
+ * \Return The next edge of the same type with the same target vertex if one exists, \NULL else.
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Edge::GetSplitter() const;
+ * \Return The splitter associated with the edge if one exists, \NULL else.
+ */
+ /*! \function int* Edge::GetConnexID() const;
+ * \Return The ConnexID of the edge.
+ */
+ /*! \function float* Edge::GetCapacity() const;
+ * \Return The capacity of the edge.
+ */
+ /*! \function unsigned Edge::GetRealOccupancy() const;
+ * \return The occupancy of the edge based on the class member Edge::_realOccupancy
+ * \exception assert that Edge::_realOccupancy equals Edge::_fence->GetOccupancy()
+ */
+ /*! \function unsigned Edge::GetNetStamp() const;
+ * \return The netStamp of the edge
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Edge::GetOpposite(const Vertex* v) const;
+ * \return The opposite vertex of the edge considering the one given as argument.
+ * \param v is the vertex of which we want to get the opposite one
+ * \exception assert that \e v is one of the 2 vertexes of the edge
+ */
+ /*! \function float Edge::GetEstimateOccupancy() const;
+ * \return The estimated occupancy of the edge
+ * \note Althought the Edge::_realOccupancy is an \p unsigned \p int, the Edge::_estimateOccupancy is a \p float.
+ * \see Edge::GetCost
+ */
+ /*! \function float Edge::GetCost ( Edge* arrivalEdge );
+ * \param arrivalEdge
+ * \return The cost of the edge Edge::_cost
+ *
+ * Edge::_cost is computed considering several variables:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * 1st case: None of the previous variables is defined :
+ *
+ * \code _cost = 1.0
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * For 2nd and 3rd case the \ref KNIK_USECONGESTION "__USE_CONGESTION__" variable is defined which means that when
+ * computing the Edge::_cost the existing congestion is taken into account.
+ *
+ * The Edge::_cost is so computed according to a cost function such as the following exemple :
+ * \image html FonctionCout.png "Cost function for _cost"
+ * \image latex FonctionCout.pdf "Cost function for _cost" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * The corresponding code:
+ * \code
+ * float edge_capacity =(float)1.0;
+ * float edge_occupancy;
+ * float h = 9.0;
+ * float k = 30.0;
+ * ...
+ * _cost = 1.0 + (h / (1.0 + exp(-k * (edge_occupancy - edge_capacity))));
+ * \endcode
+ * The way \p edge_occupancy is computed depends on the variables defined :
+ *
+ * 2nd case: only \ref KNIK_USECONGESTION "__USE_CONGESTION__" is defined :
+ * \code edge_occupancy = (float)GetRealOccupancy() / (float)_capacity;
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \code edge_occupancy = ((float)GetRealOccupancy() + GetEstimateOccupancy()) / (float)_capacity;
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ */
+ /*! \function virtual Hook* Edge::GetSplitterHook ( Vertex* vertex ) = 0;
+ * \param vertex the vertex of the edge from which we want to get the splitter's hook
+ * \return The splitter's hook of the specified vertex
+ * \exception assert that Edge::_splitter exists
+ * \exception assert that the given vertex is Edge::_from or Edge::_to
+ * \note This function is pure virtual.
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor EdgeModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetNextFrom ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the next edge of the same type with the same source vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetNextTo ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the next edge of the same type with the same target vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetSplitter ( Splitter* splitter );
+ * \param splitter is the splitter associated to the edge for the current net
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetConnexID ( int connexID );
+ * \param connexID is the connexID of the edge
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetCost ( float cost );
+ * \param cost is the new cost for the edge
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::IncCost ( float inc );
+ * \param inc is an increment, it is added to the current Edge::_cost
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::SetNetStamp ( unsigned netStamp );
+ * \param netStamp is the netStamp of the edge for the current net
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function void Edge::AddSubEstimateOccupancy ( float increment, bool add );
+ * \param increment is the value added / substracted to the estimate occupancy
+ * \param add is a boolean : if set to \True an addition is performed whether if set to \False a substraction is performed
+ */
+ /*! \function virtual void Edge::CreateSplitter ( Net* net ) = 0;
+ * \param net the current net for which we want to create a splitter on the Edge
+ * \note This function is pure virtual.
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor EdgePredicates Predicates
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual bool Edge::IsVertical ();
+ * \return Return \True if the edge is a vertical edge, else \False
+ * \note This function is pure virtual.
+ */
+ /*! \function virtual bool Edge::IsHorizontal ();
+ * \return Return \True if the edge is a horizontal edge, else \False
+ * \note This function is pure virtual.
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \defgroup grpConnexComponent What is a Connex Component ?
+ *
+ * \section secDefinition Definition
+ *
+ * A connex component is a set of vertexes and edges representing a connex part of a net, such as :
+ *
+ * - a connector contained in a GCell
+ *
- a connector spread over several GCells
+ *
- a pre-routed part of a net
+ *
- an already routed part of a net (by previous steps)
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html ConnexComp.png "Connex components exemples for connectors (left) and a routed net (right)"
+ * \image latex ConnexComp.pdf "Connex components exemples for connectors (left) and a routed net (right)" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * It is also important to note that a connex component has a treelike topology, i.e without any cycle.
+ *
+ * \section secUse Use
+ * Global routing a net consists in transforming a list of several connex components into a unique connex component.
+ *
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \defgroup grpConnexID What is a ConnexID ?
+ *
+ * \section secDefinition Definition
+ *
+ * A ConnexID is closely linked with the Connex Component concept.
+ * In fact, for a given net, each connex component has its own ConnexID
+ *
+ * \section secImplementation Implementation
+ *
+ * A ConnexID is represented as an \p int. All positive values from 0, may represent a connex component, whereas a connexID
+ * set to \p -1 means that the element (vertex or edge) isn't part of any connex component.
+ *
+ * By construction each element has its connexID set to \p -1
+ *
+ * \section secUse Use
+ * When global routing and thus merging connex components it is always the smaller ConnexID that is kept.
+ * This implies that the last unique connex component will have a ConnexID equal to 0 (when global routing is finished
+ * for the net)
+ *
+ * \see \ref grpConnexComponent
+ *
+ */
+ /*! \defgroup grpNetStamp What is a netStamp ?
+ *
+ * \section secDefinition Definition
+ *
+ * blablabla
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/knik/doc/Global.dox b/knik/doc/Global.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7e8348f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/Global.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \namespace KNIK
+ * \brief The namespace dedicated to Knik.
+ *
+ * \section secUsefulDefines Useful defines
+ *
+ *
+ * \define __USE_CONGESTION__
+ * \defineD if defined, algorithms will use congestion, useful for edge cost
+ * \defineEND
+ *
+ * \anchor KNIK_USESTATIC
+ * \defineD if defined, algorithms will use static precongestion which means that precongestion will
+ * be computed but NOT UPDATED
+ * \defineEND
+ *
+ * \defineD if defined, algorithms will use dynamic precongestion which means taht precongestion,
+ * once computed, will be updated considering the current routing congestion
+ * \defineEND
+ * \note The 2 last variables are mutually exclusive
+ */
+ /*! \mainpage Global Router Documentation
+ *
+ * This is the documentation of \c Knik which is a global router for Coriolis platform.
+ *
+ * \section secGlobalDesciption Description
+ * This global router is written to be (I hope) a fast and efficient algorithm so it can be use is a refinment loop.
+ * To solve the global routing problem, it uses monotonic routing algorithm (for bi-point nets) and Dijkstra's algorithm.
+ * It also uses an efficient congestion estimation based on Steiner trees generation.
+ *
+ * \section secGlobalOverview Overview
+ * Let's have an overview of the general algorithm of \c Knik :
+ * \code
+ * Knik::InitGlobalRouting ();
+ * // This function prepares everything that the global routing algorithms will need :
+ * // - creates the routing graph
+ * // - fills the _nets_to_route vector by selecting nets that have to be routed
+ *
+ * Graph::SetNetStamp (1);
+ * // initializes the netStamp of the first net that will be routed on the routingGraph
+ *
+ * for each net in Knik::_nets_to_route :
+ * netDegree = Graph::InitRouting ( net );
+ * // this function works on the routingGraph and prepares it for routing a specific net
+ * // - creates each connex component of the net and add a vertex of each connex component to the Graph::_vertexes_to_route vector
+ * // - it returns _vertexes_to_route.size() which is the degree of the net
+ *
+ * // the choice of the global routing algorithm is done based on the degree of the net
+ * switch ( netDegree )
+ * // if netDegree is equal to 0 or 1 : there is nothing to be done
+ * case 0:
+ * case 1:
+ * break;
+ * // if netDegree is equal to 2 : the Monotonic routing algorithm will be used
+ * case 2:
+ * Graph::Monotonic ();
+ * break;
+ * // if netDegree is equal to 3 or more : the Dijkstra's algorithm will be used
+ * default:
+ * Graph::Dijkstra ();
+ * break;
+ *
+ * Graph::IncNetStamp (); // Increments Graph::_netStamp
+ * Graph::CleanRoutingState (); // Cleans the routing graph structure so it can be propoerly reuse with next net
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ */
+ }
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+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class Graph
+ * \brief The routing graph.\n
+ * - \ref GraphAttributes "Attributes"
+ * - \ref GraphConstructors "Constructors"
+ * - \ref GraphAccessors "Accessors"
+ * - \ref GraphModifiers "Modifiers"
+ * - \ref GraphTupleQueue "Tuple Priority Queue Methods"
+ *
+ * \section secGraphImplementation Graph Implementation
+ * CEngine : Nimbus.
+ *
+ * \section secGraphUseful Useful defines
+ *
+ * \define EPSILON 10e-4
+ * \defineD EPSILON is used two avoid several float roudness problems
+ * \defineEND
+ *
+ * \define FLUTE_LIMIT 150
+ * \defineD When using congestion, FLUTE algorithm will not work properly if number
+ * of pins exceed a limit : MAXD.\n
+ * Knik algorithm must not pass net with more than FLUTE_LIMIT pins to FLUTE.\n
+ * \n
+ * Flute.h:
+ * \code #define MAXD 150 // Setting MAXD to more than 150 is not recommended
+ * \endcode
+ * \defineEND
+ *
+ * \define __USE_SLICINGTREE__
+ * \defineD if defined, the search of a vertex givenits position will be done using a slicingtree instead of using nimbus methods.\n
+ * Using the slicing tree really faster
+ * \defineEND
+ */
+ /*! \anchor GraphAttributes Attributes
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \var Nimbus* Graph::_nimbus
+ * The corresponding partitionning
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var SlicingTree* Graph::_slicingTree;
+ * The slicing tree, useful for searching a vertex given its position
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var Net* Graph::_working_net;
+ * The curret working net, all algorithms in Graph will refer to this net
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var VertexSet Graph::_vertexes_to_route;
+ * The set of vertexes to route, given a working net to route we can create this set
+ *
+ * \Initial empty
+ * \see Graph::InitRouting
+ */
+ /*! \var Vertex* Graph::_lowerLeftVertex;
+ * The lower left vertex of the graph, useful to skim through the graph
+ */
+ /*! \var VertexVector Graph::_all_vertexes;
+ * The vector of all the vertexes
+ */
+ /*! \var EdgeVector Graph::_all_edges;
+ * The vector of all the edges
+ */
+ /*! \var TuplePriorityQueue Graph::_tuplePriorityQueue;
+ * The tuple priority queue for Dijkstra's algorithm implementation
+ */
+ /*! \var Box Graph::_searchingArea;
+ * The _searchingArea limits the Dijkstra's algorithm toa certain range
+ */
+ /*! \var unsigned Graph::_netStamp
+ * The net stamp associated with the working net
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor GraphConstructors Constructors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function static Graph* Graph::Create ( Nimbus* nimbus, RoutingGrid* routingGrid, bool benchMode, bool useSegments );
+ * \param nimbus the partionning needed to create the routing graph
+ * \param routingGrid the routingGrid, may be \NULL
+ * \param benchMode for ispd global routing benchmarks
+ * \param useSegments defines if routing is done with segments or splitters
+ * \return the newly created graph
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor GraphAccessors Accessors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function Hurricane::Cell* Graph::GetCell();
+ * \Return the current top cell
+ */
+ /*! \function unsigned Graph::GetNetStamp();
+ * \Return the net stamp of the current working net
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Graph::GetPredecessor ( const Vertex* vertex )
+ * \param vertex is the vertex from which we want to get the predecessor
+ * \return the predecessor vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Graph::GetCentralVertex ();
+ * \Return the most central vertex of Graph::_vertexes_to_route
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Graph::GetVertex ( Point p );
+ * \param p a position
+ * \return the vertex which corresponds to the position
+ */
+ /*! \function Vertex* Graph::GetVertex ( Unit x, Unit y );
+ * \param x is the x coordinate of the position
+ * \param y is the y coordinate of the position
+ * \return the vertex which corresponds to the position
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor GraphModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function void Graph::CreateHEdge ( Vertex* from, Vertex* to, Fence* fence, DisplaySlot* displaySlot );
+ * \param from the source vertex
+ * \param to the target vertex
+ * \param fence the corresponding fence
+ * \param displaySlot the GTK displaytSlot for edges' graphical display
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::CreateVEdge ( Vertex* from, Vertex* to, Fence* fence, DisplaySlot* displaySlot );
+ * \param from the source vertex
+ * \param to the target vertex
+ * \param fence the corresponding fence
+ * \param displaySlot the GTK displaytSlot for edges' graphical display
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::InitConnexComp ( Vertex* vertex, int newConnexID = -1 );
+ * This function initialize a connex component as the source on for Dijkstra's algorithm implementation, the connex component
+ * is considered based on the connexID of given vertex.\n
+ * The connexID of the connex component may be changed by specifiing it as argument, if not the connexID will not be changed.
+ * \param vertex one vertex of the connex component
+ * \param newConnexID the new connexID for the connex component (optional)
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID, \ref grpConnexComponent
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::InitConnexComp ( Vertex* vertex, Edge* arrivalEdge, int newConnexID );
+ * This is the recusive part of Graph::InitConnexComp
+ * \param vertex one vertex of the connex component
+ * \param arrivalEdge the edge that leads to the current vertex (in order not to skim through it again)
+ * \param newConnexID the new connexID for the connex component
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID, \ref grpConnexComponent
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::UpdateConnexComp ( VertexList reachedVertexes, Vertex* firstVertex );
+ * This function create the new connex component from a reached vertex to the first source vertex thanks to the path
+ * found by global routing.
+ * \param reachedVertexes is the list of reachedVertexes (see Bug)
+ * \param firstVertex is the source vertex
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID, \ref grpConnexComponent
+ * \bug The parameter VertexList reachedVertexes should be a simple Vertex* reachedVertex !
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::MaterializeRouting ( Vertex* vertex );
+ * This function materializes the routing of a net. Global routing algorithms have routed the net so there is only one connex
+ * component. Starting with one vertex of the connex component and using connexID, it's easy to skim through all the connex
+ * component.
+ * \param vertex is a representant of the connex component to materialize
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::MaterializeRouting ( Vertex* vertex, Edge* arrivalEdge, Contact* initialContact );
+ * This recursive function starts from a \e vertex and skim through all its edges (except the \e arrivalEdge) to check the ConnexID
+ * and materialize routing between 2 vertexes if the ConnexID match.
+ *
+ * \n What does "MaterializeRouting" means:
+ *
+ * The result of the global routing algorithms (Monotonic or Dijkstra) is a connex composant which is respresented by a set of
+ * vertexes and edges that have the same ConnexID.
+ *
+ * Each edge of the connex component represents a crossing of the corresponding fence. Thus for the _working_net a Splitter is
+ * created and attached to the LocalRingHook of each vertex of the edge.
+ *
+ * \n Overview:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * for each edge of vertex:
+ * // if edge and vertex have the same connexID
+ * if Vertex::GetConnexID equals Edge::GetConnexID :
+ * // creates the splitter (if not exist)
+ * edge-> Edge::CreateSplitter ( _working_net );
+ * // get the hook of the splitter corresponding to the vertex
+ * hook = edge-> Edge::GetSplitterHook ( vertex );
+ * // if the vertex has a LocalRingHook set
+ * if previousHook = Vertex::GetLocalRingHook exists:
+ * // attaches the 2 hooks
+ * hook->Attach ( previousHook );
+ * // sets the _localRingHook of the vertex
+ * Vertex::SetLocalRingHook ( hook );
+ *
+ * if edge is not arrivalEdge:
+ * // recursive call
+ * MaterializeRouting ( edge-> Edge::GetOpposite ( vertex ), edge );
+ * \endcode
+ * \param vertex starting vertex
+ * \param arrivalEdge the edge that leaded to the starting vertex
+ * \param initialContact optional
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::ResetVertexes ();
+ * This function clears the Graph::_vertexes_to_route set.
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::SetNetStamp ( unsigned netStamp );
+ * \param netStamp is the netStamp corresponding to the Graph::_working_net
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::IncNetStamp ();
+ * Increments GRaph::_netStamp by 1.
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function int Graph::CountVertexes ( Net* net );
+ * This function count the number of connex components that have to be routed for the given net.
+ *
+ * It is very similar to the Graph::InitRouting function but is simpler since it just have to count and not initialize the routing
+ * graph.
+ * \param net is the Graph::_working_net
+ * \return the number of connex components
+ */
+ /*! \function int Graph::InitRouting ( Net* net );
+ * This function prepares everything needed to properly global route a given net on the routing graph. It creates all the connex
+ * components (with connexID) and fills the _vertexes_to_route set which represents all the connex components that have to be routed.
+ * The set contains only one unique representant vertex for each connex components.
+ * \param net the new Graph::_working_net
+ * \return _vertexes_to_route.size()
+ *
+ * \overview
+ * \code
+ * _working_net = net;
+ * // first sets the new _working_net
+ *
+ * currentConnexID = 0;
+ * // initializes the connexID for the first connex component
+ *
+ * for each component in net->GetComponents()
+ * if the component is a routingPad
+ * vertex = Graph::GetVertex ( component->GetCenter() );
+ *
+ * if vertex not in _vertexes_to_route
+ * _vertexes_to_route.Insert ( vertex );
+ * _searchingArea.Merge ( area of Vertex::_gcell );
+ * Vertex::SetConnexID ( currentConnexID );
+ * Vertex::SetNetStamp ( _netStamp );
+ * currentConnexID++;
+ *
+ * Vertex::AttachToLocalRing ( component );
+ *
+ * for each other_vertex that component would cover
+ * _searchingArea.Merge ( area of Vertex::_gcell );
+ * Vertex::SetConnexID ( currentConnexID - 1 );
+ * Vertex::SetNetStamp ( _netStamp );
+ * Vertex::LinkToVertex ( vertex );
+ * \endcode
+ * \exception assert that the parameter \e net does exist
+ * \bug the for each other vertex that component would cover part is not implemented right now !
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::Dijkstra ();
+ * This is the implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm.
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::Monotonic ();
+ * This is the implementation of Monotonic routing.
+ *
+ * \b Definition:
+ *
+ * The Monotonic routing is a very simple algorithm that found the shortest path between a single source and a single target
+ * whithin the bouding box of S and T. The idea is that the path always directs towards T, it implies a very important property
+ * of monotonic routing : each vertex within the bounding box has only one or two vertexes that can be its predecessor.
+ *
+ * Thus it is easy to understand how the distance will be propagated from S to T in order to find the shortest path.
+ *
+ * In order not to treat too many cases, the algorithm orders source and target vertexes so that the source is the leftest vertex
+ * (or most bottom if same x coordinate).
+ *
+ * \overview
+ * \code
+ * // first gets the source and target vertexes
+ * source = (*_vertexes_to_route.begin()); // gets the first element of the set
+ * target = (*_vertexes_to_route.rbegin()); // gets the last (second) element of the set
+ *
+ * // then their x and y coordinates
+ * sourceX, sourceY, targetX and targetY with Vertex::GetPosition
+ *
+ * // the source vertex will be the bottom-leftest one :
+ * if sourceX is greater than targetX:
+ * exchange source with target
+ * else if sourceX equals targetX:
+ * if sourceY is greater than target Y:
+ * exchange source with target
+ *
+ * // now source and target vertex have been ordered, reinitializes x and y coordinates
+ * sourceX, sourceY, targetX and targetY with Vertex::GetPosition
+ *
+ * // sets the source vertex distance to 0
+ * source-> Vertex::SetDistance (0);
+ *
+ * // find the shortest path from source
+ * FindShortestPath();
+ *
+ * // creates the new connex component
+ * while currentVertex has a predecessor:
+ * // set connexID
+ * currentVertex-> Vertex::SetConnexID ( sourceID );
+ * predecessor-> Edge::SetConnexID ( sourceID );
+ * // get next vertex
+ * currentVertex = predecessor-> Edge::GetOpposite ( currentVertex );
+ *
+ * // now materializes the routing
+ * Graph::MaterializeRouting ( source );
+ *
+ * // since the net is now routed, substracts its contribution to estimated congestion
+ * #if defined ( __USE_DYNAMIC_PRECONGESTION__ )
+ * Graph::UpdateEstimateCongestion();
+ * #endif
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \n How to find the shortest path:
+ *
+ * There are 2 cases to consider :
+ *
+ * - 1st case:
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting1.png "Monotonic routing first case"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting1.pdf "Monotonic routing first case" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if sourceY is lesser than or equal to targetY:
+ * // propagates distance for all vertexes which y coordinate is sourceY and x coordinate is lesser than or equal to targetX (1)
+ * // propagates distance for all vertexes which x corrdinate is sourceX and y coordinate is greater than or equal to targetY (2)
+ * // propagates distance for all other vertexes by column order
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting1-1.png "(1)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting1-1.png "(1)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting1-2.png "(2)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting1-2.png "(2)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * When all the distances of all vertexes have been set, it's easy to find the shortest path following the predecessor from target
+ * to source vertex.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting1-3.png "Example of monotonic shortest path"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting1-3.png "Example of monotonic shortest path" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting1-4.png "Monotonic default shortest path (when all edge costs are equal)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting1-4.png "Monotonic default shortest path (when all edge costs are equal)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * - 2nd case:
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting2.png "Monotonic routing second case"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting2.pdf "Monotonic routing second case" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if sourceY is greater than targetY:
+ * // propagates distance for all vertexes which y coordinate is sourceY and x coordinate is lesser than or equal to targetX (1)
+ * // propagates distance for all vertexes which x corrdinate is sourceX and y coordinate is lesser than or equal to targetY (2)
+ * // propagates distance for all other vertexes by column order
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting2-1.png "(1)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting2-1.png "(1)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting2-2.png "(2)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting2-2.png "(2)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * When all the distances of all vertexes have been set, it's easy to find the shortest path following the predecessor from target
+ * to source vertex.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting2-3.png "Example of monotonic shortest path"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting2-3.png "Example of monotonic shortest path" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html MonotonicRouting2-4.png "Monotonic default shortest path (when all edge costs are equal)"
+ * \image latex MonotonicRouting2-4.png "Monotonic default shortest path (when all edge costs are equal)" width=0.5\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \exception assert that Graph::_vertexes_to_route set size is equal to 2
+ * \exception assert that the 2 vertexes present in Graph::_vertexes_to_route set are different
+ * \bug For the moment Monotonic routing works only with a regular routing graph !
+ */
+ /*! \function FTree Graph::CreateFluteTree ();
+ * \Return the newly created FLUTE Tree
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::CleanRoutingState ();
+ * This function cleans everything left by Monotonic, Dijkstra and MaterializeRouting functions
+ */
+ /*! \function void Graph::UpdateEstimateCongestion ( bool create = false );
+ * This function manages the estimated congestion. It can either create or update it depending on the value of the \e create parameter.
+ *
+ * \n How to compute estimated congestion:
+ *
+ * The idea is that for each net a rectilinear Steiner minimal tree will be constructed and estimations will be done based on this
+ * Steiner tree. The important point is that when updating estimated congestion, we must be able to reconstruct the same Steiner tree.
+ * Thus the algorithm that creates the Steiner tree have to be determinist, it is also a good point if it is fast because the algorithm
+ * may be called many times.
+ *
+ * Such an algorithm exists in FLUTE
+ * (http://class.ee.iastate.edu/cnchu/flute.hml).
+ *
+ * Based on the Graph::_vertexes_to_route set, the Graph::CreateFluteTree function creates and returns the Steiner tree.
+ *
+ * Let's consider a simple example to illustrates what FLUTE does :
+ * \image html Steiner1.png "A simple example of a net with 4 pins"
+ * \image latex Steiner1.pdf "A simple example of a net with 4 pins" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * To works, FLUTE needs the x and y coordinates of each pin (vertex), just like :
+ * \code
+ * // FLUTE Input
+ * 100 400
+ * 200 100
+ * 200 400
+ * 300 200
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * And then FLUTE will return a Steiner tree. The Steiner tree is described based on its branches :
+ * \code
+ * // FLUTE Output
+ * 200 100
+ * 200 200
+ *
+ * 300 200
+ * 200 200
+ *
+ * 100 400
+ * 200 400
+ *
+ * 200 200
+ * 200 400
+ * \endcode
+ * \image html Steiner2.png "Representation of the resulting Steiner tree with intermediate Steiner node"
+ * \image latex Steiner2.pdf "Representation of the resulting Steiner tree with intermediate Steiner node" width=0.7\textwidth
+ *
+ * \n As said before, FLUTE creates a rectilinear Steiner minimal tree, but it is important to understand that when several rectilinear
+ * Steiner minimal sub-trees of the same length exist, FLUTE returns the different possibilities :
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html Steiner3.png "A net with 4 pins"
+ * \image latex Steiner3.pdf "A net with 4 pins" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \code
+ * // FLUTE Input
+ * 100 100
+ * 200 200
+ * 400 200
+ * 500 400
+ * \endcode
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html Steiner4.png "All rectilinear Steiner minimal trees"
+ * \image latex Steiner4.pdf "All rectilinear Steiner minimal trees" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html Steiner5.png "Representation of FLUTE result"
+ * \image latex Steiner5.pdf "Representation of FLUTE result" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \code
+ * // FLUTE Output
+ * 100 100
+ * 200 200
+ *
+ * 500 400
+ * 400 200
+ *
+ * 200 200
+ * 400 200
+ * \endcode
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \n Since we exactly know what FLUTE returns, we can now define how estimated congestion is computed. FLUTE returns a set of branches.
+ * Each branch is represented by 2 vertexes and the estimate congestion depends on 2 cases :
+ *
+ * - the 2 vertexes are vertically or horizontally aligned:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html SteinerCongestion1.png "Horizontally aligned"
+ * \image latex SteinerCongestion1.pdf "Horizontally aligned" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html SteinerCongestion2.png "Vertically aligned"
+ * \image latex SteinerCongestion2.pdf "Vertically aligned" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * For all the edges between the 2 vertexes the estimate congestion is incremented by 1.
+ *
+ * - the 2 vertexes are not aligned:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \image html SteinerCongestion3.png ""
+ * \image latex SteinerCongestion3.pdf "" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ * \image html SteinerCongestion4.png ""
+ * \image latex SteinerCongestion4.pdf "" width=0.7\textwidth
+ * |
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * There are 2 possible L-pathes, the algorithm consider that each path has a 50% probability, that means that the estimated
+ * congestion of each edge on a path is incremented by 0.5.
+ *
+ * \n Create or Update estimated congestion:
+ *
+ * The \e create parameter determines wether to create or update the estimated congestion, in fact it affects the
+ * Edge::AddSubEstimateOccupancy function. So depending on it, the estimated congestion computed just as bellow is
+ * added or substracted.
+ *
+ * When creating the estimated congestion (during Knik::InitGlobalRouting) \e create is \True while during the global routing step,
+ * in Graph::Monotonic or Graph::Dijkstra, as the Graph::_working_net is routed it does not contribute to the estimated congestion
+ * and thus \e create is \False.
+ *
+ *
+ * \param create specifies whether to create or to update the estimated congestion
+ * \exception return if Graph::_vertexes_to_route size is lesser than 2
+ * \exception return if Graph::_vertexes_to_route size is greater than or equal to \ref GRAPH_FLUTELIMIT
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor GraphTupleQueue Tuple Priority Queue Methods
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function Vertex* Graph::ExtractMinFromPriorityQueue();
+ * \Return the vertex in tuple priority queue which has the minimum priority
+ */
+ // \}
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index 00000000..435e5211
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+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class HEdge
+ * \brief A routing graph horizontal edge.\n
+ * - \ref HEdgeConstructors "Constructors"
+ * - \ref HEdgeAccessors "Accessors"
+ * - \ref HEdgeModifiers "Modifiers"
+ * - \ref HEdgePredicates "Predicates"
+ *
+ * The HEdge represents a horizontal edge of the routing graph. The class is derivated from KNIK::Edge and can be instanciated.
+ *
+ * \section secHEdgeImplementation HEdge Implementation
+ * This class exists only because it simplifies a lot the way specific functions are written
+ */
+ /*! \anchor HEdgeConstructors Constructors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function static HEdge* HEdge::Create( Fence* fence, Vertex* from, Vertex* to, DisplaySlot* displaySlot );
+ * \param fence is the fence associated to the edge
+ * \param from is the source vertex
+ * \param to is the target vertex
+ * \param displaySlot is the displaySlot used by GTK for graphical display
+ * \return The newly created HEdge
+ * \exception error if \e from or \e to are \NULL
+ * \exception error if the object can not be allocated
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor HEdgeAccessors Accessors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual Hook* HEdge::GetSplitterHook ( Vertex* vertex );
+ * \param vertex the vertex of the edge from which we want to get the splitter's hook
+ * \return The splitter's hook of the specified vertex
+ * \exception assert that Edge::_splitter exists
+ * \exception assert that the given vertex is Edge::_from or Edge::_to
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor HEdgeModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual void HEdge::CreateSplitter ( Net* net );
+ * \param net the current net for which we want to create a splitter on the Edge
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor HEdgePredicates Predicates
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual bool HEdge::IsVertical ();
+ * \return Return \False
+ */
+ /*! \function virtual bool HEdge::IsHorizontal ();
+ * \return Return \True
+ */
+ // \}
diff --git a/knik/doc/Knik.dox b/knik/doc/Knik.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3177d0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/Knik.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class Knik
+ * \brief The Global Router CEngine itself.\n
+ * - \ref KnikTypes "Types"
+ * - \ref KnikAttributes "Attributes"
+ * - \ref KnikConstructors "Constructors"
+ * - \ref KnikModifiers "Modifiers"
+ *
+ * \section secKnikImplementation Knik Implementation
+ * The Global Router CEngine uses a technique based on routing graph and thus relies on another
+ * CEngine : Nimbus.
+ */
+ /* \struct Knik::NetRecord
+ *
+ * \brief A NetRecord in Knik
+ *
+ * blablablabla
+ */
+ /*! \anchor KnikAttributes Attributes
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ //
+ /*! \var NIMBUS::Nimbus* Knik::_nimbus
+ * The CEngine Nimbus corresponding to the partitionning
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var Graph* Knik::_routingGraph
+ * The routing graph for Knik
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var CRLCORE::CTimer Knik::_timer
+ * A useful timer to measure execution time
+ */
+ /*! \var Knik::NetVector Knik::_nets_to_route
+ * The \STL vector of nets to route by Knik
+ *
+ * \Initial empty
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor KnikConstructors Constructors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function static Knik* Knik::Create ( Cell* cell, unsigned congestion, unsigned precongestion, bool benchMode, bool useSegments, float edgeCost );
+ * \param cell is the cell on which the Knik CEngine will work
+ * \param congestion 0: None, 1: Congestion
+ * \param precongestion 0: None, 1: Static, 2: Dynamic
+ * \param benchMode for ispr 2007 global routing benchmarks
+ * \param useSegments defines whether routing is done with segments or splitters
+ * \param edgeCost
+ * \return the newly created Knik CEngine
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor KnikModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function void Knik::InitGlobalRouting();
+ * This function initializes several thngs that the global routing algorithms will need :
+ * - creates the routing graph
+ * - lists the net that will be routed (filters supply and clock nets and also nets with too many pins)
+ * - creates the estimated congestion (if needed)
+ *
+ * \overview
+ * \code
+ * if no routing graph exists:
+ * // creates the routing graph
+ * Graph::Create ( Knik::_nimbus );
+ *
+ * for each net of cell:
+ * // filters net
+ * if net->IsGlobal() or net->IsSupply() or net->IsClock() :
+ * continue;
+ *
+ * // get netDegree
+ * netDegree = Graph::CountVertexes ();
+ * // still filtering
+ * if netDegree > 1 and netDegree < 1000
+ * Knik::_nets_to_route .push_back ( net );
+ *
+ * // creates the estimate congestion on the routing graph
+ * Graph::UpdateEstimateCongestion ( true );
+ *
+ * // cleans routing graph
+ * Graph::ResetVertexes ();
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \b Note \b 1:
+ * The for each net of cell loop is in fact a loop on net occurrences which allows to get all nets of the hierarchy
+ * of the cell. The first thing done in the loop is then to get the net corresponding to the occurrence.
+ *
+ * \b Note\b 2:
+ * The Knik::_nets_to_route vector does not contains Net but NetRecord which is a structure that associates a Net with a value that
+ * measures it's size. The cost function of the size is :
+ * \code cost = ( netBoundingBoxWidth + 1 ) * ( netBoundingBoxHeight + 1 )
+ * \endcode
+ * This cost function allows to sort nets so flat and small nets will be routed first.
+ * \exception error if the routing graph already exists
+ * \exception asserts that Knik::_nets_to_route is empty when the function is called
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor KnikTypes Types
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /* \typedef vector Knik::NetVector;
+ */
+ // \}
+ }
diff --git a/knik/doc/VEdge.dox b/knik/doc/VEdge.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40733fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/VEdge.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class VEdge
+ * \brief A routing graph vertical edge.\n
+ * - \ref VEdgeConstructors "Constructors"
+ * - \ref VEdgeAccessors "Accessors"
+ * - \ref VEdgeModifiers "Modifiers"
+ * - \ref VEdgePredicates "Predicates"
+ *
+ * The VEdge represents a horizontal edge of the routing graph. The class is derivated from KNIK::Edge and can be instanciated.
+ *
+ * \section secVEdgeImplementation VEdge Implementation
+ * This class exists only because it simplifies a lot the way specific functions are written
+ */
+ /*! \anchor VEdgeConstructors Constructors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function static VEdge* VEdge::Create( Fence* fence, Vertex* from, Vertex* to, DisplaySlot* displaySlot );
+ * \param fence is the fence associated to the edge
+ * \param from is the source vertex
+ * \param to is the target vertex
+ * \param displaySlot is the displaySlot used by GTK for graphical display
+ * \return The newly created VEdge
+ * \exception error if \e from or \e to are \NULL
+ * \exception error if the object can not be allocated
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VEdgeAccessors Accessors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual Hook* VEdge::GetSplitterHook ( Vertex* vertex );
+ * \param vertex the vertex of the edge from which we want to get the splitter's hook
+ * \return The splitter's hook of the specified vertex
+ * \exception assert that Edge::_splitter exists
+ * \exception assert that the given vertex is Edge::_from or Edge::_to
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VEdgeModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual void VEdge::CreateSplitter ( Net* net );
+ * \param net the current net for which we want to create a splitter on the Edge
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VEdgePredicates Predicates
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function virtual bool VEdge::IsVertical ();
+ * \return Return \True
+ */
+ /*! \function virtual bool VEdge::IsHorizontal ();
+ * \return Return \False
+ */
+ // \}
diff --git a/knik/doc/Vertex.dox b/knik/doc/Vertex.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..527e2f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/knik/doc/Vertex.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ // -*- C++ -*-
+ namespace KNIK {
+ /*! \class Vertex
+ * \brief A routing graph vertex.\n
+ * - \ref VertexAttributes "Attributes"
+ * - \ref VertexConstructors "Constructors"
+ * - \ref VertexAccessors "Accessors"
+ * - \ref VertexModifiers "Modifiers"
+ * - \ref VertexPredicates "Predicates"
+ *
+ * The Edge was written to be a light object which simplifies the way the routing graph is covered.
+ * Edges are thus separated into two sub-classes : VEdge and HEdge respectively representing vertical edge and
+ * horizontal edge.
+ *
+ * \section secVertexImplementation Edge Implementation
+ * The Global Router CEngine uses a technique based on routing graph and thus relies on another
+ * CEngine : Nimbus.
+ */
+ /*! \anchor VertexAttributes Attributes
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \var Graph* Vertex::_routingGraph
+ * The routingGraph to which current vertex belongs
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var GCell* Vertex::_gcell
+ * The gcell associated with current vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial by constructor
+ */
+ /*! \var Edge* Vertex::_firstEdges[4]
+ * This array regroups the first edge of each type, it is ordered as follow :
+ * - _firstEdges[0] = first horizontal edge out
+ * - _firstEdges[1] = first vertical edge out
+ * - _firstEdges[2] = first horizontal edge in
+ * - _firstEdges[3] = first vertical edge in
+ *
+ * \Initial empty
+ *
+ * \note Not all the firstEdges need to be defined. For example some vertex may only have 2 edges
+ */
+ /*! \var Edge* Vertex::_predecessor
+ * When global routing one needs to know what was the predecessor vertex, instead of the vertex, the vertex hold the edge between
+ * the 2 vertexes
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var Point* Vertex::_position
+ * The position of the vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial _gcell->GetCenter()
+ */
+ /*! \var Tuple* Vertex::_tuple
+ * In Dijkstra's algortihm implementation a priority stack is used to ordered vertexes, the stack contains Tuple and each vertex
+ * may have an associated Tuple
+ *
+ * \Initial \NULL
+ */
+ /*! \var float Vertex::_distance
+ * In Dijkstra's algorithm implementation each vertex has a distance from source vertex
+ *
+ * \Initial (float)(HUGE)
+ */
+ /*! \var int Vertex::_connexID
+ * The identification flag for connex component
+ *
+ * \Initial \p -1
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \var unsigned Vertex::_netStamp
+ * The net stamp associated with the current net
+ *
+ * \Initial \p 0
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \var Unit Vertex::_halfWidth
+ * The half width of the correspoding gcell, it is useful for all graphic parts
+ *
+ * \Initial _gcell->GetHalfWidth()
+ */
+ /*! \var Unit Vertex::_halfHeight
+ * The half height of the corresponding gcell, it is useful for all graphic parts
+ *
+ * \Initial _gcell->GetHalfHeight()
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VertexConstructors Constructors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function static Vertex* Vertex::Create ( GCell* gcell, DisplaySlot* displaySlot, Graph* routingGraph );
+ * \param gcell the corresponding gcell in the partitionning
+ * \param displaySlot the GTK displaySlot for vertexes' graphical display
+ * \param routingGraph the routingGraph to which current vertex belongs
+ * \return the newly created vertex
+ * \exception error if the vertex cannot be allocated
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VertexAccessors Accessors
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function GCell* Vertex::GetGCell();
+ * \Return The corresponding GCell
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Vertex::GetHEdgeOut() const;
+ * \Return The first horizontal edge out : Vertex::_firstEdges[0]
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Vertex::GetVEdgeOut() const;
+ * \Return The first vertical edge out : Vertex::_firstEdges[1]
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Vertex::GetHEdgeIn() const;
+ * \Return The first horizontal edge in : Vertex::_firstEdges[2]
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Vertex::GetVEdgeIn() const;
+ * \Return The first vertical edge in : Vertex::_firstEdges[3]
+ */
+ /*! \function Edges* Vertex::GetAdjacentEdges() const;
+ * \Return The collection of all edges attached to thecurrent vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function Edge* Vertex::GetPredecessor() const;
+ * \Return The predecessor edge : Vertex::_predecessor
+ */
+ /*! \function int* Vertex::GetConnexID() const;
+ * \Return The ConnexID of the vertex : Vertex::_connexID
+ */
+ /*! \function float* Vertex::GetDistance() const;
+ * \Return The distance from the source vertex : Vertex::_distance
+ */
+ /*! \function unsigned Vertex::GetNetStamp() const;
+ * \return The netStamp of the vertex : Vertex::_netStamp
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function Point* Vertex::GetPosition() const;
+ * \Return The position of the vertex : Vertex::_position
+ */
+ /*! \function Tuple* Vertex::GetTuple() const;
+ * \Return The tuple associated with the vertex : Vertex::_tuple
+ */
+ /*! \function Graph* Vertex::GetRoutingGraph() const;
+ * \Return The routing graph
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VertexModifiers Modifiers
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetHEdgeOut ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the first horizontal edge out
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetVEdgeOut ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the first vertical edge out
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetHEdgeIn ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the first horizontal edge in
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetVEdgeIn ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the first vertical edge in
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetPredecessor ( Edge* edge );
+ * \param edge is the predecessor of the vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetConnexID ( int connexID );
+ * \param connexID is the connexID of the vertex
+ * \see \ref grpConnexID
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetDistance ( float distance );
+ * \param distance is the distance from the source vertex (in Dijkstra's algorithm implementation)
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetNetStamp ( unsigned netStamp );
+ * \param netStamp is the netStamp of the edge for the current net
+ * \see \ref grpNetStamp
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::SetTuple ( Tuple* tuple );
+ * \param tuple the tuple associated with the vertex
+ */
+ /*! \function void Vertex::AttachToLocalRing ( Component* component );
+ * \param component the component which has a master hook to add to the local ring
+ * \exception assert if component does not exist
+ */
+ // \}
+ /*! \anchor VertexPredicates Predicates
+ * \name
+ */
+ // \{
+ /*! \function bool Vertex::IsVerticallyAligned ( Vertex* vertex );
+ * \return Return \True if current vertex y coordinate is equal to vertex's one, else \False
+ */
+ /*! \function bool Vertex::IsHorizontallyAligned ( Vertex* vertex);
+ * \return Return \True if current vertex x coordinate is equal to vertex's one, else \False
+ */
+ // \}
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+\newcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures}
+\newcommand\listtablename{List of Tables}
+ January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+ July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+ \space\number\day, \number\year}
+ \raggedbottom
+ \twocolumn
+ \sloppy
+ \flushbottom
+ \onecolumn
+%% End of file `book.cls'.
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