diff --git a/stratus1/etc/stratus2sxlib.xml b/stratus1/etc/stratus2sxlib.xml
index 2ee7dd32..6cbce993 100644
--- a/stratus1/etc/stratus2sxlib.xml
+++ b/stratus1/etc/stratus2sxlib.xml
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
diff --git a/stratus1/src/lib/fulladder.vst b/stratus1/src/lib/fulladder.vst
deleted file mode 100644
index c01a1ef0..00000000
--- a/stratus1/src/lib/fulladder.vst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
--- This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
--- Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
--- Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
--- Main contributors :
--- Christophe Alexandre
--- Sophie Belloeil
--- Hugo Clement
--- Jean-Paul Chaput
--- Damien Dupuis
--- Christian Masson
--- Marek Sroka
--- The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it
--- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
--- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
--- the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--- The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be
--- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
--- GNU General Public License for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software
--- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
--- USA
--- License-Tag
--- Authors-Tag
--- ===================================================================
--- x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
--- | |
--- | C O R I O L I S |
--- | S t r a t u s - Netlists Description |
--- | |
--- | Author : Sophie BELLOEIL |
--- | E-mail : Sophie.Belloeil@asim.lip6.fr |
--- | =============================================================== |
--- | Vst Module : "./fulladder.vst" |
--- | *************************************************************** |
--- | U p d a t e s |
--- | |
--- x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
-entity fulladder is
- port (
- a : in bit;
- b : in bit;
- cin : in bit;
- sout : out bit;
- cout : out bit;
- vdd : in bit;
- vss : in bit
- );
-end fulladder;
-architecture structural of fulladder is
-component fulladder_x2
- port (
- a1 : in bit;
- a2 : in bit;
- a3 : in bit;
- a4 : in bit;
- b1 : in bit;
- b2 : in bit;
- b3 : in bit;
- b4 : in bit;
- cin1 : in bit;
- cin2 : in bit;
- cin3 : in bit;
- sout : out bit;
- cout : out bit;
- vdd : in bit;
- vss : in bit
- );
-end component;
-cell : fulladder_x2
- port map (
- a1 => a,
- a2 => a,
- a3 => a,
- a4 => a,
- b1 => b,
- b2 => b,
- b3 => b,
- b4 => b,
- cin1 => cin,
- cin2 => cin,
- cin3 => cin,
- sout => sout,
- cout => cout,
- vdd => vdd,
- vss => vss
- );
-end structural;
diff --git a/stratus1/src/stratus/st_instance.py b/stratus1/src/stratus/st_instance.py
index 7425815c..bba21550 100644
--- a/stratus1/src/stratus/st_instance.py
+++ b/stratus1/src/stratus/st_instance.py
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ class Inst :
if BV == [] : InitBV()
if model in BV : model, self._inout = GetRealModel ( model )
+ print "inout récupéré:", self._inout
##### Attributes of the instance #####
self._model = model.lower()
@@ -215,12 +216,8 @@ class Inst :
self._hur_instance = inst
##### Connection #####
- for pin in self._map :
- mapNet = self._map[pin]
- ### Virtual library ###
- if "_inout" in self.__dict__ : pin = self._inout[pin]
+ ##### Function to be applied on each pin
+ def connectPin ( pin ) :
# Error : if there is a space in the name of the pin (usually done at the end of the pin ...)
if re.search ( " ", pin ) :
err = "\n[Stratus ERROR] Inst : " + self._name + " the keys of the connection map can not contain a space : \"" + pin + "\".\n"
@@ -328,12 +325,29 @@ class Inst :
# In order to see the ring
if str ( realNet.__class__ ) not in ALIM_NET : CRL.createPartRing ( self._st_cell._hur_cell, hurNet.getName() )
+ ##### Loop on each pin
+ for pin in self._map :
+ mapNet = self._map[pin]
+ ### Virtual library ###
+ if "_inout" in self.__dict__ :
+ import types
+ if type ( self._inout[pin] ) == types.ListType :
+ for realpin in self._inout[pin] :
+ connectPin ( realpin )
+ else :
+ realpin = self._inout[pin]
+ connectPin ( realpin )
+ ### Other ###
+ else :
+ connectPin ( pin )
# Error message if the connection is not correct (detection before vst driver)
# Not for vdd/vss in case of utilisation of SetGlobal
# The detection is done with vst driver in this case ...
for plug in self._hur_instance.getUnconnectedPlugs():
if plug.getMasterNet().getType() not in ( TypePOWER, TypeGROUND ) :
- name = str(plus.getMasterNet().getName())
+ name = str(plug.getMasterNet().getName())
chaine = re.search ( "(.*)\(", name )
if chaine : name = chaine.group(1)
diff --git a/stratus1/src/stratus/st_parser.py b/stratus1/src/stratus/st_parser.py
index 4297710c..0230ef7a 100644
--- a/stratus1/src/stratus/st_parser.py
+++ b/stratus1/src/stratus/st_parser.py
@@ -85,8 +85,7 @@ class Parser :
def start_element ( self, name, attrs ) :
# Print which the technology is
-# if name == 'technology' :
-# print "Technology is :", attrs['name']
+ if name == 'technology' : print " - Stratus virtual technology targets:", attrs['name']
# Modification of attributes
if name == 'model' :
@@ -97,7 +96,14 @@ class Parser :
inOutTemp = {}
for key in attrs :
if key not in ( 'name', 'realcell' ) :
- inOutTemp[str(key)] = str(attrs[str(key)])
+ virtualPort = str(key)
+ realPort = str(attrs[virtualPort])
+ if ',' in realPort :
+ import re
+ tabPort = re.split ( '[,]', realPort )
+ inOutTemp[virtualPort] = tabPort
+ else :
+ inOutTemp[virtualPort] = realPort
self._inOut[str(attrs['name'])] = inOutTemp
@@ -161,7 +167,7 @@ class InitParser :
def Parse ( self, nameFile ) :
self._p.ParseFile ( open ( nameFile, "r" ) )
- # Givien the tab of the name of the cells, contruction of a tab giving the name of the generators (first letter uppered)
+ # Given the tab of the name of the cells, contruction of a tab giving the name of the generators (first letter uppered)
for name in BV :
chaine = re.search ( "([a-z])(.+)", name )
name_g = chaine.group(1).upper() + chaine.group(2)