diff --git a/crlcore/src/pyCRL/PyAllianceFramework.cpp b/crlcore/src/pyCRL/PyAllianceFramework.cpp index b4f6dacb..32927667 100644 --- a/crlcore/src/pyCRL/PyAllianceFramework.cpp +++ b/crlcore/src/pyCRL/PyAllianceFramework.cpp @@ -319,6 +319,23 @@ extern "C" { } + static PyObject* PyAllianceFramework_isCLOCK ( PyAllianceFramework* self, PyObject* args ) + { + cdebug_log(30,0) << "PyAllianceFramework_isCLOCK ()" << endl; + + char* name = NULL; + HTRY + METHOD_HEAD( "AllianceFramework.isCLOCK()" ) + if (not PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"s",&name)) { + PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "AllianceFramework.isCLOCK(): Invalid number or bad type of parameters."); + return NULL; + } + if (af->isCLOCK(name)) Py_RETURN_TRUE; + HCATCH + Py_RETURN_FALSE; + } + + static PyObject* PyAllianceFramework_isInCatalog ( PyAllianceFramework* self, PyObject* args ) { cdebug_log(30,0) << "PyAllianceFramework_isInCatalog ()" << endl; @@ -556,6 +573,8 @@ extern "C" { , "Load in memory all Cells from an Alliance Library." } , { "isPad" , (PyCFunction)PyAllianceFramework_isPad , METH_VARARGS , "Tells if a cell name is a Pad." } + , { "isCLOCK" , (PyCFunction)PyAllianceFramework_isCLOCK , METH_VARARGS + , "Tells if a net name matches the clock pattern." } , { "isInCatalog" , (PyCFunction)PyAllianceFramework_isInCatalog , METH_VARARGS , "Tells if a cell name is referenced in the Catalog." } , { "addCellGauge" , (PyCFunction)PyAllianceFramework_addCellGauge , METH_VARARGS