SegmentObserver \- Observer on the base AutoSegment\&.
Inherits \fBObserver< class >\fP\&.
.SS"Public Member Functions"
.RI"virtual void \fBnotify\fP (unsigned int flags)"
.SH"Detailed Description"
Observer on the base AutoSegment\&.
The observer that will be hooked into the observable in the associated canonical AutoSegment\&. Used to propagate the invalidation/revalidation events from AutoSegment toward \fBTrackSegment\fP\&.
As a secondary function, it is used by the \fBSession::lookup()\fP method to quicly retrieve \fBTrackSegment\fP from \fBKatabatic::AutoSegment\fP\&.
.SH"Member Function Documentation"
.SS"void notify (unsigned int flags)\fC [virtual]\fP"
Implement the asymmetric invalidate/revalidate policy described in \fBKite::Session\fP\&. The invalidate is immediatly passed on while the revalidate is ignored\&.
Reimplemented from \fBBaseObserver\fP\&.
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