
496 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2010, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | H U R R I C A N E |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./PaletteWidget.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <limits>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include "hurricane/DataBase.h"
#include "hurricane/Technology.h"
#include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h"
#include "hurricane/BasicLayers.h"
#include "hurricane/ExtensionSlice.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteItem.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteNamedItem.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteLayerItem.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteExtensionGoItem.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/PaletteWidget.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
class GridBuffer {
GridBuffer ( QGridLayout*, size_t rowMax, size_t startRow=0, size_t startColumn=0 );
inline int getRow () const;
inline int getColumn () const;
inline int getCurrentRow () const;
void addSection ( QWidget*, Qt::Alignment align=0 );
void addWidget ( QWidget*, Qt::Alignment align=0 );
void newColumn ();
void flushWidgets ();
inline bool columnOverload () const;
QGridLayout* _grid;
size_t _rowMax;
size_t _row;
size_t _column;
vector<QWidget*> _widgets;
vector<Qt::Alignment> _aligns;
GridBuffer::GridBuffer ( QGridLayout* grid, size_t maxRow, size_t startRow, size_t startColumn )
: _grid (grid)
, _rowMax (maxRow)
, _row (startRow)
, _column (startColumn)
, _widgets()
, _aligns ()
{ }
inline int GridBuffer::getRow () const { return _row; }
inline int GridBuffer::getColumn () const { return _column; }
inline int GridBuffer::getCurrentRow () const { return _widgets.size() + _row; }
inline bool GridBuffer::columnOverload () const { return getCurrentRow() > (int)_rowMax; }
void GridBuffer::flushWidgets ()
if ( columnOverload() ) {
_row = 0;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _widgets.size() ; ++i )
_grid->addWidget ( _widgets[i], _row++, _column, _aligns[i] );
_widgets.clear ();
_aligns.clear ();
void GridBuffer::newColumn ()
if ( columnOverload() ) return;
flushWidgets ();
_row = 0;
void GridBuffer::addWidget ( QWidget* widget, Qt::Alignment align )
_widgets.push_back ( widget );
_aligns .push_back ( align );
void GridBuffer::addSection ( QWidget* widget, Qt::Alignment align )
flushWidgets ();
_widgets.push_back ( widget );
_aligns .push_back ( align );
} // End of anonymous namespace.
namespace Hurricane {
QWidget* PaletteWidget::_createGroupItem ( const Name& name )
QLabel* groupLabel = new QLabel ();
groupLabel->setText ( getString(name).c_str() );
groupLabel->setFont ( Graphics::getFixedFont(QFont::Bold,false,false) );
return groupLabel;
PaletteNamedItem* PaletteWidget::_createNamedItem ( const Name& name, bool checked )
PaletteNamedItem* item = PaletteNamedItem::create ( name, checked );
connect ( item, SIGNAL(visibleToggled()), this, SIGNAL(paletteChanged()) );
return item;
PaletteLayerItem* PaletteWidget::_createLayerItem ( BasicLayer* layer, bool checked )
PaletteLayerItem* item = PaletteLayerItem::create ( layer, checked );
connect ( item, SIGNAL(visibleToggled()), this, SIGNAL(paletteChanged()) );
return item;
PaletteExtensionGoItem* PaletteWidget::_createExtensionGoItem ( const Name& name, bool checked )
PaletteExtensionGoItem* item = PaletteExtensionGoItem::create ( name );
connect ( item, SIGNAL(visibleToggled()), this, SIGNAL(paletteChanged()) );
return item;
PaletteWidget::PaletteWidget ( QWidget* parent )
: QWidget (parent)
, _scrollArea (new QScrollArea(this))
, _layerItems ()
, _extensionGoItems()
, _showAll (new QPushButton(_scrollArea))
, _hideAll (new QPushButton(_scrollArea))
, _grid (new QGridLayout())
, _columnHeight (22)
, _extensionRow (0)
, _extensionColumn (0)
, _extensionGroup (NULL)
setContentsMargins ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
_scrollArea->setWidgetResizable ( true );
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout ();
QHBoxLayout* hLayout = new QHBoxLayout ();
_showAll->setIcon ( QIcon(":/images/palette_show_all.png") );
_showAll->setFlat ( true );
_hideAll->setIcon ( QIcon(":/images/palette_hide_all.png") );
_hideAll->setFlat ( true );
connect ( _showAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showAll()) );
connect ( _hideAll, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(hideAll()) );
hLayout->addStretch ();
hLayout->addWidget ( _showAll );
hLayout->addStretch ();
hLayout->addWidget ( _hideAll );
hLayout->addStretch ();
QFrame* separator = new QFrame ();
separator->setFrameShape ( QFrame::HLine );
separator->setFrameShadow ( QFrame::Sunken );
vLayout->setSpacing ( 0 );
vLayout->addLayout ( hLayout );
vLayout->addWidget ( separator );
vLayout->addSpacing ( 5 );
vLayout->addLayout ( _grid );
_grid->setHorizontalSpacing ( 10 );
_grid->setVerticalSpacing ( 0 );
//_grid->setSizeConstraint ( QLayout::SetFixedSize );
vLayout->addStretch ();
QWidget* scrollAdaptator = new QWidget ();
scrollAdaptator->setLayout ( vLayout );
_scrollArea->setContentsMargins ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
_scrollArea->setWidget ( scrollAdaptator );
_scrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy ( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );
_scrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy ( Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded );
_scrollArea->setFrameStyle ( QFrame::Plain );
vLayout = new QVBoxLayout ();
vLayout->setSpacing ( 0 );
vLayout->addWidget ( _scrollArea );
setLayout ( vLayout );
void PaletteWidget::build ()
GridBuffer gridBuffer ( _grid, _columnHeight );
size_t gi = 0;
const vector<DrawingGroup*>& groups = Graphics::getStyle()->getDrawingGroups();
const DrawingStyles& styles = groups[gi]->getDrawingStyles();
gridBuffer.addSection ( _createGroupItem(groups[gi]->getName()), Qt::AlignHCenter );
for ( size_t si=0 ; si<styles.size() ; si++ ) {
if ( not styles[si]->isGoMatched() ) continue;
if ( styles[si]->getName() == DisplayStyle::Foreground ) continue;
if ( styles[si]->getName() == DisplayStyle::Background ) continue;
if ( styles[si]->getName() == DisplayStyle::SelectionDraw ) continue;
if ( styles[si]->getName() == DisplayStyle::SelectionFill ) continue;
PaletteNamedItem* item = _createNamedItem ( styles[si]->getName() );
gridBuffer.addWidget ( item );
_layerItems [ item->getName() ] = item;
if ( _columnHeight < numeric_limits<size_t>::max() )
gridBuffer.newColumn ();
gridBuffer.flushWidgets ();
DataBase* database = DataBase::getDB();
if ( database ) {
Technology* technology = database->getTechnology();
if ( technology ) {
for ( gi=1 ; gi<groups.size() ; gi++ ) {
gridBuffer.addSection ( _createGroupItem(groups[gi]->getName()), Qt::AlignHCenter );
const DrawingStyles& styles = groups[gi]->getDrawingStyles();
for ( size_t si=0 ; si<styles.size() ; si++ ) {
BasicLayer* basicLayer = technology->getBasicLayer ( styles[si]->getName() );
if ( basicLayer ) {
PaletteLayerItem* item = _createLayerItem ( basicLayer );
gridBuffer.addWidget ( item );
_layerItems [ item->getName() ] = item;
size_t si = 0;
forEach ( BasicLayer*, basicLayer, technology->getBasicLayers() ) {
if ( !find((*basicLayer)->getName()) ) {
if ( !si )
gridBuffer.addSection ( _createGroupItem("Unmatcheds"), Qt::AlignHCenter );
PaletteLayerItem* item = _createLayerItem ( *basicLayer );
gridBuffer.addWidget ( item );
_layerItems [ item->getName() ] = item;
cerr << "[WARNING] BasicLayer \"" << (*basicLayer)->getName()
<< "\" has no associated DisplayStyle." << endl;
if ( si ) gi++;
if ( _columnHeight < numeric_limits<size_t>::max() )
gridBuffer.newColumn ();
gridBuffer.flushWidgets ();
_extensionRow = gridBuffer.getRow();
_extensionColumn = gridBuffer.getColumn();
_extensionGroup = _createGroupItem ( "Extensions" );
gridBuffer.addSection ( _extensionGroup, Qt::AlignHCenter );
gridBuffer.flushWidgets ();
void PaletteWidget::updateExtensions ( Cell* cell )
_grid->removeWidget ( _extensionGroup );
_extensionGroup->deleteLater ();
_extensionGroup = NULL;
PaletteItems::iterator iextension = _extensionGoItems.begin();
for ( ; iextension != _extensionGoItems.end() ; ++iextension ) {
_grid->removeWidget ( iextension->second );
iextension->second->deleteLater ();
_extensionGoItems.clear ();
GridBuffer gridBuffer ( _grid, _columnHeight, _extensionRow, _extensionColumn );
_extensionGroup = _createGroupItem ( "Extensions" );
gridBuffer.addSection ( _extensionGroup, Qt::AlignHCenter );
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane : - New feature : remove Hurricane's original basic Timer and replace it with the one from Coriolis/crlcore. Added ability to get the elapsed time without stopping the timer. * ./hurricane/src/hviewer : - New feature : complete redesign of the drawing refreshment loop. Now there's a "secondary" loop managed by the "RedrawManager" object which bufferize the redraw requests. The "_redraw()" function has been made interruptible at coarse level (between layer). Important note about the redrawing design : the QApplication::processEvents() function cannot be called inside the paintEvent() functions/sub-functions. So the drawing is separated from the paintEvent. The paintEvent() performs only quick pixmap buffer copy. The _redraw() is triggered by the move/refresh events bufferized by the RedrawManager, flush periodically the loop event and send direct (not posted) paint events (repaint() call). Another constraint is that the displayed Widget can only be painted during the paintEvent(). Otherwise the painter refuses to initialize. - Ergonomy : adopt more standard key/mouse bindings. No more CTRL key for zooming (too small zooms are rejecteds, thresold at 10x10 pixels). Continuous move is enabled with SPACE+mouse. * ./coriolis/src/unicorn : - Reorganisation : Unicorn is now supplied as a separate library. Due to a limitation of cmake the binary can no longer be named "unicorn" as it conflicts with the library name. So it's been renamed into unimain (better candidates?)
2008-12-20 10:56:05 -06:00
if ( cell ) {
forEach ( ExtensionSlice*, extension, cell->getExtensionSlices() ) {
PaletteExtensionGoItem* item = _createExtensionGoItem ( (*extension)->getName(), false );
gridBuffer.addWidget ( item );
_extensionGoItems [ item->getName() ] = item;
gridBuffer.flushWidgets ();
void PaletteWidget::_getSection ( const QString section, QLabel*& label, vector<PaletteItem*>& items ) const
label = NULL;
items.clear ();
bool found = false;
for ( int index=0 ; index < _grid->count() ; index++ ) {
QLayoutItem* item = _grid->itemAt ( index );
if ( !item ) continue;
QLabel* ilabel = dynamic_cast<QLabel*>(item->widget());
if ( ilabel ) {
if ( found ) break;
if ( ilabel->text() != section ) continue;
found = true;
label = ilabel;
} else if ( found ) {
PaletteItem* paletteItem = dynamic_cast<PaletteItem*>(item->widget());
if ( paletteItem ) items.push_back ( paletteItem );
void PaletteWidget::setSectionVisible ( const QString section, bool visible )
QLabel* label;
vector<PaletteItem*> items;
_getSection ( section, label, items );
if ( !label ) return;
if ( visible ) label->show ();
else label->hide ();
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<items.size() ; ++i ) {
if ( visible ) items[i]->show ();
else items[i]->hide ();
bool PaletteWidget::isDrawable ( const Name& name ) const
PaletteItem* item = find ( name );
if ( item )
return item->isItemVisible ();
return false;
bool PaletteWidget::isSelectable ( const Name& name ) const
PaletteItem* item = find ( name );
if ( item )
return item->isItemSelectable ();
return false;
void PaletteWidget::showAll ()
PaletteItems::iterator iitem = _layerItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _layerItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->setItemVisible ( true );
iitem = _extensionGoItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _extensionGoItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->setItemVisible ( true );
emit paletteChanged();
void PaletteWidget::hideAll ()
PaletteItems::iterator iitem = _layerItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _layerItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->setItemVisible ( false );
iitem = _extensionGoItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _extensionGoItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->setItemVisible ( false );
emit paletteChanged();
void PaletteWidget::showSection ( const QString section )
QLabel* label;
vector<PaletteItem*> items;
_getSection ( section, label, items );
if ( !label ) return;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<items.size() ; ++i )
items[i]->setItemVisible ( true );
void PaletteWidget::hideSection ( const QString section )
QLabel* label;
vector<PaletteItem*> items;
_getSection ( section, label, items );
if ( !label ) return;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<items.size() ; ++i )
items[i]->setItemVisible ( false );
PaletteItem* PaletteWidget::find ( const Name& name ) const
PaletteItems::const_iterator iitem = _layerItems.find(name);
if ( iitem != _layerItems.end() )
return iitem->second;
iitem = _extensionGoItems.find(name);
if ( iitem != _extensionGoItems.end() )
return iitem->second;
return NULL;
void PaletteWidget::setItemVisible ( const Name& name, bool visible )
PaletteItem* item = find ( name );
if ( item ) {
item->setItemVisible ( visible );
emit paletteChanged();
void PaletteWidget::changeStyle ()
PaletteItems::iterator iitem = _layerItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _layerItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->changeStyle ();
iitem = _extensionGoItems.begin();
for ( ; iitem != _extensionGoItems.end() ; iitem++ )
iitem->second->changeStyle ();
} // End of Hurricane namespace.