2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
# -*- mode:Python -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
2018-01-06 10:55:44 -06:00
# Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2012-2018, All Rights Reserved
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | C o r i o l i s / C h a m s B u i l d e r |
# | |
# | Author : Damien Dupuis |
# | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Python : "./builder/OptionsWidget.py" |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
import re
import subprocess
from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt4.QtCore import QSettings
from PyQt4.QtGui import QColor
from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget
from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton
from PyQt4.QtGui import QCheckBox
from PyQt4.QtGui import QGroupBox
from PyQt4.QtGui import QButtonGroup
from PyQt4.QtGui import QVBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QHBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QGridLayout
from PyQt4.QtGui import QScrollArea
from PyQt4.QtGui import QComboBox
from builder.Project import Project
from builder.ConfigureWidget import ConfigureWidget
from builder.ProjectWidgets import ProjectWidgets
class OptionsWidget ( QWidget ):
progress = pyqtSignal(int)
def __init__ ( self, conf, parent=None ):
QWidget.__init__ ( self, parent )
self._conf = conf
self._projects = []
for project in self._conf.projects:
self._projects += [ ProjectWidgets(project) ]
gLayout = QGridLayout()
Cleanup after SVN importation, <ccb> builder script adaptation.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
2014-02-26 11:24:41 -06:00
column = 0
for iproject in range(len(self._projects)):
column += self._projects[iproject].addToLayout( column, gLayout )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
toolsGroup = QGroupBox( 'Projects && Tools' )
toolsGroup.setLayout( gLayout )
scrollToolsGroup = QScrollArea()
Cleanup after SVN importation, <ccb> builder script adaptation.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
2014-02-26 11:24:41 -06:00
scrollToolsGroup.setMinimumHeight( 350 )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
#scrollToolsGroup.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn )
scrollToolsGroup.setWidget( toolsGroup )
self._buildMode = QComboBox()
self._buildMode.addItems( ('Release', 'Debug') )
2014-07-22 04:06:26 -05:00
#self._svnUpdate = QCheckBox( 'SVN Update' )
#self._svnStatus = QCheckBox( 'SVN Status' )
self._make = QCheckBox( 'Build' )
self._enableDoc = QCheckBox( 'Build Documentation' )
self._devtoolset2 = QCheckBox( 'Build with devtoolset 2' )
self._qt5 = QCheckBox( 'Build with Qt 5 (Qt 4 default)' )
self._noCache = QCheckBox( 'Remove previous CMake cache' )
self._rmBuild = QCheckBox( 'Cleanup Build Directory' )
self._verbose = QCheckBox( 'Display Compiler Commands' )
self._threads = QComboBox()
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
for j in range(16):
self._threads.addItem( '-j%d'%(j+1), j+1 )
self._commandGroup = QButtonGroup()
self._commandGroup.setExclusive( True )
Cleanup after SVN importation, <ccb> builder script adaptation.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
2014-02-26 11:24:41 -06:00
#self._commandGroup.addButton( self._svnUpdate )
#self._commandGroup.addButton( self._svnStatus )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
self._commandGroup.addButton( self._make )
vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
Cleanup after SVN importation, <ccb> builder script adaptation.
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
2014-02-26 11:24:41 -06:00
#vLayout.addWidget( self._svnUpdate )
#vLayout.addWidget( self._svnStatus )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
vLayout.addWidget( self._make )
commandGroup = QGroupBox( 'Command' )
commandGroup.setLayout( vLayout )
vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
vLayout.addWidget( self._buildMode )
vLayout.addWidget( self._enableDoc )
2014-07-22 04:06:26 -05:00
vLayout.addWidget( self._devtoolset2 )
vLayout.addWidget( self._qt5 )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
vLayout.addWidget( self._noCache )
vLayout.addWidget( self._rmBuild )
optionsGroup = QGroupBox( 'Command Options' )
optionsGroup.setLayout( vLayout )
vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
vLayout.addWidget( self._threads )
vLayout.addWidget( self._verbose )
miscGroup = QGroupBox( 'Misc. Options' )
miscGroup.setLayout( vLayout )
hLayout = QHBoxLayout()
hLayout.addWidget( commandGroup )
hLayout.addWidget( optionsGroup )
hLayout.addWidget( miscGroup )
commands = QWidget()
commands.setLayout( hLayout )
vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
vLayout.addWidget( commands )
vLayout.addWidget( scrollToolsGroup )
self.setLayout( vLayout )
2014-07-22 04:06:26 -05:00
def _getProjects ( self ): return self._projects
def _getBuildMode ( self ): return self._buildMode.currentText()
def _getThreads ( self ): return self._threads.currentText()
#def _getSvnUpdate ( self ): return self._svnUpdate.isChecked()
#def _getSvnStatus ( self ): return self._svnStatus.isChecked()
def _getMake ( self ): return self._make.isChecked()
def _getEnableDoc ( self ): return self._enableDoc.isChecked()
def _getDevtoolset2 ( self ): return self._devtoolset2.isChecked()
def _getQt5 ( self ): return self._qt5.isChecked()
def _getNoCache ( self ): return self._noCache.isChecked()
def _getRmBuild ( self ): return self._rmBuild.isChecked()
def _getVerbose ( self ): return self._verbose.isChecked()
projects = property( _getProjects )
buildMode = property( _getBuildMode )
threads = property( _getThreads )
#svnUpdate = property( _getSvnUpdate )
#svnStatus = property( _getSvnStatus )
make = property( _getMake )
enableDoc = property( _getEnableDoc )
devtoolset2 = property( _getDevtoolset2 )
qt5 = property( _getQt5 )
noCache = property( _getNoCache )
rmBuild = property( _getRmBuild )
verbose = property( _getVerbose )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
def readSettings ( self ):
settings = QSettings()
2014-07-22 04:06:26 -05:00
#self._svnUpdate .setChecked( settings.value('builder/svnUpdate').toBool() )
#self._svnStatus .setChecked( settings.value('builder/svnStatus').toBool() )
self._make .setChecked( settings.value('builder/make' ).toBool() )
self._enableDoc .setChecked( settings.value('builder/enableDoc').toBool() )
self._devtoolset2.setChecked( settings.value('builder/devtoolset2').toBool() )
self._qt5 .setChecked( settings.value('builder/qt5').toBool() )
self._noCache .setChecked( settings.value('builder/noCache' ).toBool() )
self._rmBuild .setChecked( settings.value('builder/rmBuild' ).toBool() )
self._verbose .setChecked( settings.value('builder/verbose' ).toBool() )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
buildModeName = settings.value('builder/buildMode').toString()
index = self._buildMode.findText( buildModeName )
if index >= 0: self._buildMode.setCurrentIndex( index )
threads = settings.value('builder/threads').toString()
index = self._threads.findText( threads )
if index >= 0: self._threads.setCurrentIndex( index )
for project in self._projects: project.readFromSettings()
def saveSettings ( self ):
settings = QSettings()
2014-07-22 04:06:26 -05:00
#settings.setValue('builder/svnUpdate' , self._svnUpdate .isChecked() )
#settings.setValue('builder/svnStatus' , self._svnStatus .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/make' , self._make .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/enableDoc' , self._enableDoc .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/devtoolset2', self._devtoolset2.isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/qt5' , self._qt5 .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/buildMode' , self._buildMode .currentText() )
settings.setValue('builder/noCache' , self._noCache .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/rmBuild' , self._rmBuild .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/verbose' , self._verbose .isChecked() )
settings.setValue('builder/threads' , self._threads .currentText() )
2013-01-12 08:57:35 -06:00
for project in self._projects: project.saveToSettings()