866 lines
29 KiB
866 lines
29 KiB
# This file is part of the Coriolis Project.
# Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - Departement ASIM
# Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
# Main contributors :
# Christophe Alexandre <Christophe.Alexandre@lip6.fr>
# Sophie Belloeil <Sophie.Belloeil@lip6.fr>
# Hugo Clement <Hugo.Clement@lip6.fr>
# Jean-Paul Chaput <Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr>
# Damien Dupuis <Damien.Dupuis@lip6.fr>
# Christian Masson <Christian.Masson@lip6.fr>
# Marek Sroka <Marek.Sroka@lip6.fr>
# The Coriolis Project is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# The Coriolis Project is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with the Coriolis Project; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
# License-Tag
# Authors-Tag
# ===================================================================
# x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
# | |
# | C O R I O L I S |
# | S t r a t u s - Netlists/Layouts Description |
# | |
# | Author : Sophie BELLOEIL |
# | E-mail : Sophie.Belloeil@asim.lip6.fr |
# | =============================================================== |
# | Py Module : "./dpgen_ROM.py" |
# | *************************************************************** |
# | U p d a t e s |
# | |
# x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
from stratus import *
# Le nombre de mots peut prendre cinq valeurs : 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
# Le nombre de bits est un multiple de 4 et doit etre inferieur ou egal a 64
# On peut avoir une sortie tri-state en option (pour construire des ROMs
# de capacite superieure a 1024 mots.
# La largeur est egale a ( nmot / 64 * 50) + 150 (+ 20 si option tristate)
# La hauteur est egale a ( nbit + 8) * 50 pour 64 ou 128 mots
# ( nbit + 9) * 50 pour 256, 512 ou 1024 mots
# Les valeurs a encoder dans la ROM sont recuperees dans le tableau data[2048]
# qui contient des "mots" de 32 bits : une valeur est stockee dans deux cases
# consecutives de ce tableau, ce qui permet d'avoir des mots de 64 bits.
# Les poids faibles de la valeur i sont a l'adresse data[2*i]
# Les poids forts de la valeur i sont a l'adresse data[2*i+1]
# Les lignes de bit horizontales en ALU2 sont hors grilles et pre-routees
# la ROM respecte le gabarit SXLIB pour ce qui concerne les caissons et les
# alimentations en ALU1 sur les faces est et ouest, mais il n'y a pas
# de continuite des alimentations en ALU1 dans la zone data.
# Pour la partie "donnees", on utilise les cellules suivantes :
# - rom_data_invss
# - rom_data_insel
# - rom_data_midvss
# - rom_data_midsel
# - rom_data_outvss
# - rom_data_outsel
# - rom_data_outvss_ts
# - rom_data_outsel_ts
# Pour le decodeur, on utilise les cellules suivantes :
# - rom_dec_adbuf
# - rom_dec_nop
# - rom_dec_prech
# - rom_dec_col2
# - rom_dec_col3
# - rom_dec_col4
# - rom_dec_colbuf
# - rom_dec_line01
# - rom_dec_line23
# - rom_dec_line45
# - rom_dec_line67
# - rom_dec_selmux01
# - rom_dec_selmux23
# - rom_dec_selmux45
# - rom_dec_selmux67
# - rom_dec_selmux67_128
# - rom_dec_selmux01_ts
# - rom_dec_selmux23_ts
# - rom_dec_selmux45_ts
# - rom_dec_selmux67_ts
# - rom_dec_selmux67_128_ts
class dpgen_ROM ( Model ) :
## Interface ##
def Interface ( self, nbit, nword ) :
if nword == 64 : adrange = 6
elif nword == 128 : adrange = 7
elif nword == 256 : adrange = 8
elif nword == 512 : adrange = 9
elif nword == 1024 : adrange = 10
else :
print "Error : DPGEN_ROM"
print "The word number (nword := %d) ", nword, "can only takes values : 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024.\n"
sys.exit ( 3 )
if nbit % 4 != 0 or nbit > 64 or nbit < 4 :
print "Error : DPGEN_ROM\n"
print "The bus width (nbit := %d) ", nbit, "must be multiple of 4 and no larger than 64.\n"
sys.exit ( 3 )
ck = LogicIn ( "ck", 1 )
selrom = LogicIn ( "selrom", 1 )
ad = LogicIn ( "ad", adrange )
data = LogicOut ( "data", nbit )
vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
## Architecture ##
def architecture ( self, nbit, nword ) :
# // Acquisition du tableau des valeurs a encoder
# /*
# for(i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
# data[2*i] = i;
# data[2*i+1] = 1024 - i;
# }
# */
# dpgen_ROM_code ( LV_name, nbit, nword, 0, 0, data ) # !!!
for i in range ( nbit ) :
if i % 4 == 0 :
cellin = "rom_data_invss"
cellmid = "rom_data_midvss"
cellout = "rom_data_outvss"
elif i % 4 == 1 :
cellin = "rom_data_insel"
cellmid = "rom_data_midsel"
cellout = "rom_data_outsel"
elif i % 4 == 2:
cellin = "rom_data_insel"
cellmid = "rom_data_midsel"
cellout = "rom_data_outsel"
elif i % 4 == 3 :
cellin = "rom_data_invss"
cellmid = "rom_data_midvss"
cellout = "rom_data_outvss"
instanciate ( cellin
, "in%d" % i
, map = { 'prech' : prech
, 'bit0' : bit0[i]
, 'bit1' : bit1[i]
, 'bit2' : bit2[i]
, 'bit3' : bit3[i]
, 'bit4' : bit4[i]
, 'bit5' : bit5[i]
, 'bit6' : bit6[i]
, 'bit7' : bit7[i]
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
instanciate ( cellmid
, "bit%d_%d" % ( i, j )
, map = { 'sela' : line0[j]
, 'selb' : line2[j]
, 'selc' : line4[j]
, 'seld' : line6[j]
, 'bit0' : bit0 [i]
, 'bit1' : bit1 [i]
, 'bit2' : bit2 [i]
, 'bit3' : bit3 [i]
, 'bit4' : bit4 [i]
, 'bit5' : bit5 [i]
, 'bit6' : bit6 [i]
, 'bit7' : bit7 [i]
instanciate ( cellmid
, "bit%d_%d" % ( i, j + 32 )
, map = { 'sela' : line1[j]
, 'selb' : line3[j]
, 'selc' : line5[j]
, 'seld' : line7[j]
, 'bit0' : bit0 [i]
, 'bit1' : bit1 [i]
, 'bit2' : bit2 [i]
, 'bit3' : bit3 [i]
, 'bit4' : bit4 [i]
, 'bit5' : bit5 [i]
, 'bit6' : bit6 [i]
, 'bit7' : bit7 [i]
instanciate ( cellout
, "out%d" % i
, map = { 'nprech' : nprech
, 'mux0' : mux0
, 'mux1' : mux1
, 'mux2' : mux2
, 'mux3' : mux3
, 'mux4' : mux4
, 'mux5' : mux5
, 'mux6' : mux6
, 'mux7' : mux7
, 'bit0' : bit0[i]
, 'bit1' : bit1[i]
, 'bit2' : bit2[i]
, 'bit3' : bit3[i]
, 'bit4' : bit4[i]
, 'bit5' : bit5[i]
, 'bit6' : bit6[i]
, 'bit7' : bit7[i]
, 'q' : data[i]
## Placement des cellules decodeur ##
# Lignes 0 et 1
instanciate ( "rom_dec_prech"
, "prech"
, map = { 'nck' : nck
, 'prech' : prech
, 'nprech' : nprech
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
thisMap = { 'nck0' : nck
, 'nck1' : nck
, 'sel0' : sel0
, 'sel1' : sel1
, 'line0' : line0[j]
, 'line1' : line1[j]
if nword != 64 : thisMap['col'] = col[j]
else : thisMap['col'] = vdd
instanciate ( "rom_dec_line01"
, "and01_%d" % j
, map = thisMap
instanciate ( "rom_dec_selmux01"
, "selmux01"
, map = { 'a0' : a0
, 'na0' : na0
, 'a1' : a1
, 'na1' : na1
, 'a2' : a2
, 'na2' : na2
, 'a3' : a3
, 'na3' : na3
, 'a4' : a4
, 'na4' : na4
, 'a5' : a5
, 'na5' : na5
, 'ck' : ck
, 'selrom' : selrom
, 'nck' : nck
, 'mux0' : mux0
, 'sel0' : sel0
, 'mux1' : mux1
, 'sel1' : sel1
# Lignes 2 et 3
instanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad4"
, map = { 'ad' : ad[4]
, 'adx' : a4
, 'nadx' : na4
instanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad5"
, map = { 'ad' : ad[5]
, 'adx' : a5
, 'nadx' : na5
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
thisMap = { 'nck2' : nck
, 'nck3' : nck
, 'sel2' : sel2
, 'sel3' : sel3
, 'line2' : line2[j]
, 'line3' : line3[j]
if nword != 64 : thisMap['col'] = col[j]
else : thisMap['col'] = vdd
instanciate ( "rom_dec_line23"
, "and23_%d" % j
, map = thisMap
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_selmux23"
, "selmux23"
, map = { 'a0' : a0
, 'na0' : na0
, 'a1' : a1
, 'na1' : na1
, 'a2' : a2
, 'na2' : na2
, 'a3' : a3
, 'na3' : na3
, 'a4' : a4
, 'na4' : na4
, 'a5' : a5
, 'na5' : na5
, 'ck' : ck
, 'selrom' : selrom
, 'nck' : nck
, 'mux2' : mux2
, 'sel2' : sel2
, 'mux3' : mux3
, 'sel3' : sel3
# Lignes 4 et 5
instanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad2"
, map = { 'ad' : ad[2]
, 'adx' : a2
, 'nadx' : na2
nstanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad3"
, map = { 'ad' : ad[3]
, 'adx' : a3
, 'nadx' : na3
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
thisMap = { 'nck4' : nck
, 'nck5' : nck
, 'sel4' : sel4
, 'sel5' : sel5
, 'line4' : line4[j]
, 'line5' : line5[j]
if nword != 64 : thisMap['col'] = col[j]
else : thisMap['col'] = vdd
instanciate ( "rom_dec_line45"
, "and45_%d" % j
, map = thisMap
instanciate ( "rom_dec_selmux45"
, "selmux45"
, map = { 'a0' : a0
, 'na0' : na0
, 'a1' : a1
, 'na1' : na1
, 'a2' : a2
, 'na2' : na2
, 'a3' : a3
, 'na3' : na3
, 'a4' : a4
, 'na4' : na4
, 'a5' : a5
, 'na5' : na5
, 'ck' : ck
, 'selrom' : selrom
, 'nck' : nck
, 'mux4' : mux4
, 'sel5' : sel4
, 'mux5' : mux5
, 'sek5' : sel5
# Lignes 6 et 7
instanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad0"
, map = { 'ad' : ad[0]
, 'adx' : a0
, 'nadx' : na0
instanciate ( "rom_dec_adbuf"
, "ad1"
, map = { "ad => ad[1]"
, "adx => a1"
, "nadx => na1"
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
thisMap = { 'nck6' : nck
, 'nck7' : nck
, 'sel6' : sel6
, 'sel7' : sel7
, 'line6' : line6[j]
, 'line7' : line7[j]
if nword != 64 : thisMap['col'] = col[j]
else : thisMap['col'] = vdd
instanciate ( "rom_dec_line67"
, "and67_%d" % j
, map = thisMap
if nword != 128 : # pas de sortie tristate
instanciate ( "rom_dec_selmux67"
, "selmux67"
, map = { 'a0' : a0
, 'na0' : na0
, 'a1' : a1
, 'na1' : na1
, 'a2' : a2
, 'na2' : na2
, 'a3' : a3
, 'na3' : na3
, 'a4' : a4
, 'na4' : na4
, 'a5' : a5
, 'na5' : na5
, 'ck' : ck
, 'selrom' : selrom
, 'nck' : nck
, 'mux6' : mux6
, 'sel6' : sel6
, 'mux7' : mux7
, 'sel7' : sel7
else : # pas de sortie tristate - 128 mots
instanciate ( "rom_dec_selmux67_128"
, "selmux67"
, map = { 'a0' : a0
, 'na0' : na0
, 'a1' : a1
, 'na1' : na1
, 'a2' : a2
, 'na2' : na2
, 'a3' : a3
, 'na3' : na3
, 'a4' : a4
, 'na4' : na4
, 'a5' : a5
, 'na5' : na5
, 'a6' : ad[6]
, 'selrom' : selrom
, 'a6x' : col_64
, 'na6x' : col_0
, 'mux6' : mux6
, 'sel6' : sel6
, 'mux7' : mux7
, 'sel7' : sel7
# Ligne 9 dans le cas 1024 mots
if nword == 1024 :
instanciate ( "rom_dec_nop"
, "nop"
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
thisMap = { 'q' : col[j] }
if ( j >> 6 ) % 2 == 0 : thisMap['i0'] = na6x
else : thisMap['i0'] = a6x
if ( j >> 7 ) % 2 == 0 : thisMap['i1'] = na7x
else : thisMap['i1'] = a7x
if ( j >> 8 ) % 2 == 0 : thisMap['i2'] = na8x
else : thisMap['i2'] = a8x
if ( j >> 9 ) % 2 == 0 : thisMap['i3'] = na9x
else : thisMap['i3'] = a9x
instanciate ( "rom_dec_col4"
, "col_%d" % j
, map = thisMap
instanciate ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf6"
, map = { " => ad[6]"
, " => a6x"
, " => na6x"
instanciate ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf7"
, "a => ad[7]"
, "ax => a7x"
, "nax => na7x"
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf8"
, "a => ad[8]"
, "ax => a8x"
, "nax => na8x"
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf9"
, "a => ad[9]"
, "ax => a9x"
, "nax => na9x"
, vdd
, vss
# Ligne 9 dans le cas 512 mots
if nword == 512 :
LV_name.PLACE ( "rom_dec_nop"
, "nop"
, 0
, ( nbit + 8 ) * HCELL
, vdd
, vss
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
if ( j >> 6 ) % 2 == 0 : x6 = "i0 => na6x"
else : x6 = "i0 => a6x"
if ( j >> 7 ) % 2 == 0 : x7 = "i1 => na7x"
else : x7 = "i1 => a7x"
if ( j >> 8 ) % 2 == 0 : x8 = "i2 => na8x"
else : x8 = "i2 => a8x"
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_col3"
, "col_%d" % j
, x6
, x7
, x8
, "q => col_%d" % j
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf6"
, "a => ad[6]"
, "ax => a6x"
, "nax => na6x"
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf7"
, "a => ad[7]"
, "ax => a7x"
, "nax => na7x"
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf8"
, "a => ad[8]"
, "ax => a8x"
, "nax => na8x"
, vdd
, vss
# Ligne 9 dans le cas 256 mots
if nword == 256 :
LV_name.PLACE ( "rom_dec_nop"
, "nop"
, 0
, ( nbit + 8 ) * HCELL
, vdd
, vss
for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
if ( j >> 6 ) % 2 == 0 : x6 = "i0 => na6x"
else : x6 = "i0 => a6x"
if ( j >> 7 ) % 2 == 0 : x7 = "i1 => na7x"
else : x7 = "i1 => a7x"
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_col2"
, "col_%d" % j
, x6
, x7
, "q => col_%d" % j
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf6"
, "a => ad[6]"
, "ax => a6x"
, "nax => na6x"
, vdd
, vss
LV_name.PLACE_RIGHT ( "rom_dec_colbuf"
, "colbuf7"
, "a => ad[7]"
, "ax => a7x"
, "nax => na7x"
, vdd
, vss
# ## Routage des rappels d'alimentation et des signaux hors grille ##
# y1 = nbit * HCELL
# if nword > 128 : y2 = ( nbit + 9 ) * HCELL
# else : y2 = ( nbit + 8 ) * HCELL
# if type == 0 : x2 = ( nword / 64 * 50 ) + 150
# else : x2 = ( nword / 64 * 50 ) + 170
# # alimentations verticales ALU3
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3,12, "vdd", 10, 0, 10, y2)
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 20, 0, 20, y2)
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 30, 0, 30, y2)
# for j in range ( 0, nword, 64 ) :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 55 + ( 50 * j / 64 ), 0, 55 + ( 50 * j / 64 ), y2 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 80 + ( 50 * j / 64 ), 0, 80 + ( 50 * j / 64 ), y2 )
# if type == 0 :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 125 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 125 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y1 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vdd", 135 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 135 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y1 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vdd", 145 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 145 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y1 )
# else :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 135 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 135 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y1 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vdd", 145 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 145 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y1 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vss", 155 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 155 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y2 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU3, 2, "vdd", 165 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), 0, 165 + ( nword / 64 * 50 ), y2 )
# # alimemtations horizontales ALU2
# for i in range ( 0, nbit, 4 ) :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU2, 2, "vss", 0, i * HCELL, x2, i * HCELL )
# for l in range ( 0, 8, 2 ) :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU2, 2, "vss", 0, ( nbit + l ) * HCELL, x2, ( nbit + l ) * HCELL )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU2, 2, "vdd", 0, ( nbit + l + 1 ) * HCELL, x2, ( nbit + l + 1 ) * HCELL )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU2, 2, "vss", 0, ( nbit + 8 ) * HCELL, x2, ( nbit + 8 ) * HCELL )
# if nword > 128 : LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU2, 2, "vdd", 0, ( nbit + 9 ) * HCELL, x2, ( nbit + 9 ) * HCELL )
# # alimentations horizontales ALU1
# for i in range ( 0, nbit, 2 ) :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", 0 , HCELL * i + 3, 5, HCELL * i + 3 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", x2 - 5, HCELL * i + 3, x2, HCELL * i + 3 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", 0 , HCELL * i + 47, 5, HCELL * i + 47 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", x2 - 5, HCELL * i + 47, x2, HCELL * i + 47 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", 0 , HCELL * i + 53, 5, HCELL * i + 53 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", x2 - 5, HCELL * i + 53, x2, HCELL * i + 53 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", 0 , HCELL * i + 97, 5, HCELL * i + 97 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", x2 - 5, HCELL * i + 97, x2, HCELL * i + 97 )
# for l in range ( 0, 8, 2 ) :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", 0, y1 + HCELL * l + 3, x2, y1 + HCELL * l + 3 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", 0, y1 + HCELL * l + 47, x2, y1 + HCELL * l + 47 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", 0, y1 + HCELL * l + 53, x2, y1 + HCELL * l + 53 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", 0, y1 + HCELL * l + 97, x2, y1 + HCELL * l + 97 )
# if nword > 128 :
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vss", 0, y1 + 403, x2, y1 + 403 )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( CALU1, 6, "vdd", 0, y1 + 447, x2, y1 + 447 )
# # routage des lignes de bit horizontales hors grille
# for i in range ( nbit ) :
# for l inr ange ( 8 ) :
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "in%d" % i), "bit%d" % ,l ) )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "in%d" % i), "bit%d" % ,l ) )
# x2 = GET_REF_X ( "out%d" % i), "bit%d" % ,l ) )
# y2 = GET_REF_Y ( "out%d" % i), "bit%d" % ,l ) )
# LV_name.PHSEG ( ALU2, 2, "bit%d_%d" % ( l, i ), x1, y1, x2, y2 )
# # cablage a 1 de l'entree col dans le cas 64 mots
# if nword == 64 :
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "and01_0", "refcol" )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "and01_0", "refcol" )
# PHBIGVIA ( CONT_VIA2, x1, y1, 0, 0, "vdd" )
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "and23_0", "refcol" )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "and23_0", "refcol" )
# PHBIGVIA ( CONT_VIA2, x1, y1, 0, 0, "vdd" )
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "and45_0", "refcol" )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "and45_0", "refcol" )
# PHBIGVIA ( CONT_VIA2, x1, y1, 0, 0, "vdd" )
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "and67_0", "refcol" )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "and67_0", "refcol" )
# PHBIGVIA ( CONT_VIA2, x1, y1, 0, 0, "vdd" )
# # Codage Plan Memoire (codage diffusion)
# a modifier pour creer ces segments dans une figure separee
# for j in range ( 0, nword ; j+=32) : # boucle sur les cellules
# for k in range ( 4 ) : # boucle sur les colonnes
# for l in range ( 8 ) : # boucle sur le multiplexeur de sortie
# for i in range ( nbit ) : # boucle sur les bits du mot
# x1 = GET_REF_X ( "bit%d_%d" % ( i, j ), "ref%d%d" % ( k, l ) )
# y1 = GET_REF_Y ( "bit%d_%d" % ( i, j ), "ref%d%d" % ( k, l ) )
# if i < 32 :
# value = data[2*(j + 8*k + l)]
# if (value>>i ) % 2 == 0 : LV_name.PHSEG ( NTRANS, 1, "", x1, y1 - 3, x1, y1 + 3 )
# else : LV_name.PHSEG ( POLY , 1, "", x1, y1 - 3, x1, y1 + 3 )
# else :
# value = data[2*(j + 8*k + l)+1]
# if ( value>>(i-32) ) % 2 == 0 : LV_name.PHSEG ( NTRANS, 1, "", x1, y1 - 3, x1, y1 + 3 )
# else : LV_name.PHSEG ( POLY , 1, "", x1, y1 - 3, x1, y1 + 3 )
########## ROM_VHDL ##########
def ROM_VHDL () :
global nbit
global LV_flags
global LV_ModelName
global nword
print "ROM behavior not yet implemented"
# fileName = LV_ModelName + ".vbe"
# file = open ( fileName, "w+" )
# if nword == 64 : adrange = 6
# elif nword == 128 : adrange = 7
# elif nword == 256 : adrange = 8
# elif nword == 512 : adrange = 9
# elif nword == 1024 : adrange = 10
# sBusWide0 = VHDL_BUS_WIDE ( nbit - 1, 0, nbit, LV_flags )
# sBusWide1 = VHDL_BUS_WIDE ( adrange - 1, 0, nbit, LV_flags )
# ## Entity description ##
# file.write ( "\nENTITY %s IS\n PORT (\n" % LV_ModelName )
# file.write ( "%14s : in BIT;\n" % "ck" )
# file.write ( "%14s : in BIT;\n" % "selrom" )
# file.write ( "%14s : in BIT_VECTOR %s;\n" % ( "ad", sBusWide1 ) )
# file.write ( "%14s : out BIT_VECTOR %s;\n" % ( "data", sBusWide0 ) )
# ## Power supplies terminals ##
# file.write ( "%14s : in BIT;\n" % "vdd" )
# file.write ( "%14s : in BIT\n" % "vss" )
# ## End of entity description ##
# file.write ( " );\nEND %s;\n\n\n" % LV_ModelName )
# ## Architecture description ##
# file.write ( "ARCHITECTURE VBE OF %s IS\n\n" % LV_ModelName )
# ## Signals ##
# ## Behavior ##
# file.write ( "\nBEGIN\n\n" )
# ## Assert ##
# file.write ( " ASSERT (vdd = '1')\n" )
# file.write ( " REPORT \"Power supply is missing on vdd of Model %s.\"\n" % LV_modelName )
# file.write ( " SEVERITY WARNING;\n\n" )
# file.write ( " ASSERT (vss = '0')\n" )
# file.write ( " REPORT \"Power supply is missing on vss of Model %s.\"\n" % LV_modelName )
# file.write ( " SEVERITY WARNING;\n\n" )
# ## End of Architectural description ##
# file.write ( "END VBE;\n" )
# file.close ()