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2015-04-08 03:45:11 -05:00
#include "coloquinte/detailed.hxx"
#include "coloquinte/circuit_helper.hxx"
#include <functional>
2015-04-08 03:45:11 -05:00
namespace coloquinte{
namespace dp{
// Tries to swap two cells;
inline bool try_swap(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t c1, index_t c2, bool try_flip,
std::function<std::int64_t(netlist const &, detailed_placement const &, std::vector<index_t> const &)> get_nets_cost){
assert(pl.cell_height(c1) == 1 and pl.cell_height(c2) == 1);
assert( (circuit.get_cell(c1).attributes & XMovable) != 0 and (circuit.get_cell(c1).attributes & YMovable) != 0);
assert( (circuit.get_cell(c2).attributes & XMovable) != 0 and (circuit.get_cell(c2).attributes & YMovable) != 0);
auto c1_bnds = pl.get_limit_positions(circuit, c1),
c2_bnds = pl.get_limit_positions(circuit, c2);
// Get the possible positions for a swap
int_t swp_min_c1 = c2_bnds.first,
swp_min_c2 = c1_bnds.first,
swp_max_c1 = c2_bnds.second - circuit.get_cell(c1).size.x_,
swp_max_c2 = c1_bnds.second - circuit.get_cell(c2).size.x_;
if(swp_max_c1 >= swp_min_c1 and swp_max_c2 >= swp_min_c2){
// Check both orientations of the cell
// Get all the nets involved and uniquify them (nets with more than one pin on the cells)
std::vector<index_t> involved_nets;
for(netlist::pin_t p : circuit.get_cell(c1)){
for(netlist::pin_t p : circuit.get_cell(c2)){
std::sort(involved_nets.begin(), involved_nets.end());
involved_nets.resize(std::distance(involved_nets.begin(), std::unique(involved_nets.begin(), involved_nets.end())));
// Test the cost for the old position and the cost swapping the cells
std::int64_t old_cost = get_nets_cost(circuit, pl, involved_nets);
// Save the old values
point<int_t> p1 = pl.plt_.positions_[c1];
point<int_t> p2 = pl.plt_.positions_[c2];
point<bool> o1 = pl.plt_.orientations_[c1];
point<bool> o2 = pl.plt_.orientations_[c2];
// Warning: won't work if the two cells don't have the same height
pl.plt_.positions_[c1].x_ = (swp_min_c1 + swp_max_c1) / 2;
pl.plt_.positions_[c2].x_ = (swp_min_c2 + swp_max_c2) / 2;
pl.plt_.positions_[c1].y_ = p2.y_;
pl.plt_.positions_[c2].y_ = p1.y_;
// For standard cell placement, we want all the rows to be aligned in the same way
if( (circuit.get_cell(c1).attributes & YFlippable) != 0 and (circuit.get_cell(c2).attributes & YFlippable) != 0)
std::swap(pl.plt_.orientations_[c1].y_, pl.plt_.orientations_[c2].y_);
if(try_flip and (circuit.get_cell(c1).attributes & XFlippable) != 0 and (circuit.get_cell(c2).attributes & XFlippable) != 0){
index_t bst_ind = 4;
for(index_t i=0; i<4; ++i){
pl.plt_.orientations_[c1].x_ = i % 2;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c2].x_ = i / 2;
std::int64_t new_cost = get_nets_cost(circuit, pl, involved_nets);
if(new_cost < old_cost){
old_cost = new_cost;
bst_ind = i;
// One of the orientations with the new positions was better
if(bst_ind < 4){
pl.swap_standard_cell_topologies(c1, c2);
pl.plt_.orientations_[c1].x_ = bst_ind % 2;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c2].x_ = bst_ind / 2;
// We kept the swap
return true;
pl.plt_.positions_[c1] = p1;
pl.plt_.positions_[c2] = p2;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c1] = o1;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c2] = o2;
return false;
else if(get_nets_cost(circuit, pl, involved_nets) < old_cost){
pl.swap_standard_cell_topologies(c1, c2);
return true;
// Reset the old values since we didn't swap anything
pl.plt_.positions_[c1] = p1;
pl.plt_.positions_[c2] = p2;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c1] = o1;
pl.plt_.orientations_[c2] = o2;
return false;
// A better solution would be
// Check the cost on y depending on the position (extremely simple: two positions for each cell)
// Check the cost on x depending on the position: piecewise linear and relatively complex
// * Get all external pins
// * Get all nets involving only one of the cells: piecewise linear cost for each of them
// * For nets involving the two cells, we have an additional cost
else{ // We just cannot swap those two cells without pushing anything
return false;
inline void generic_swaps_global(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t row_extent, index_t cell_extent, bool try_flip,
std::function<std::int64_t(netlist const &, detailed_placement const &, std::vector<index_t> const &)> get_nets_cost){
for(index_t main_row = 0; main_row < pl.row_cnt(); ++main_row){
for(index_t other_row = main_row+1; other_row <= std::min(pl.row_cnt()-1, main_row+row_extent) ; ++other_row){
index_t first_oc = pl.get_first_standard_cell_on_row(other_row); // The first candidate cell to be examined
for(index_t c = pl.get_first_standard_cell_on_row(main_row); c != null_ind; c = pl.get_next_standard_cell_on_row(c, main_row)){
assert(pl.cell_rows_[c] == main_row);
if( (circuit.get_cell(c).attributes & XMovable) == 0) continue; // Don't touch fixed cells
// Number of cells after/before the end of the cell
index_t nb_after = 0;
index_t nb_before = 0;
int_t pos_low = pl.plt_.positions_[c].x_ - circuit.get_cell(c).size.x_,
pos_hgh = pl.plt_.positions_[c].x_ + 2*circuit.get_cell(c).size.x_;
for(index_t oc=first_oc; oc != null_ind and nb_after <= row_extent; oc = pl.get_next_standard_cell_on_row(oc, other_row)){
assert(pl.cell_rows_[oc] == other_row);
if( (circuit.get_cell(oc).attributes & XMovable) == 0) continue; // Don't touche fixed cells
// Count the cells which should trigger stop or shouldn't be used at the next iteration
if(pl.plt_.positions_[oc].x_ >= pos_hgh) ++nb_after;
if(pl.plt_.positions_[oc].x_ + circuit.get_cell(oc).size.x_ <= pos_low) ++ nb_before;
if(try_swap(circuit, pl, c, oc, try_flip, get_nets_cost)){
std::swap(c, oc);
if(c == first_oc) first_oc = oc;
while(nb_before > cell_extent){
first_oc = pl.get_next_standard_cell_on_row(first_oc, other_row);
} // End anonymous namespace
void swaps_global_HPWL(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t row_extent, index_t cell_extent, bool try_flip){
generic_swaps_global(circuit, pl, row_extent, cell_extent, try_flip,
[](netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & pl, std::vector<index_t> const & involved_nets) -> std::int64_t{
std::int64_t sum = 0;
for(index_t n : involved_nets){
if(circuit.get_net(n).pin_cnt <= 1) continue;
sum += get_HPWL_length(circuit, pl.plt_, n);
return sum;
void swaps_global_RSMT(netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement & pl, index_t row_extent, index_t cell_extent, bool try_flip){
generic_swaps_global(circuit, pl, row_extent, cell_extent, try_flip,
[](netlist const & circuit, detailed_placement const & pl, std::vector<index_t> const & involved_nets) -> std::int64_t{
std::int64_t sum = 0;
for(index_t n : involved_nets){
if(circuit.get_net(n).pin_cnt <= 1) continue;
sum += get_RSMT_length(circuit, pl.plt_, n);
return sum;
} // namespace dp
} // namespace coloquinte