Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
// -*- mode: C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
2018-01-06 10:55:44 -06:00
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2017-2018, All Rights Reserved
Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Block.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "anabatic/Edge.h"
#include "katana/Block.h"
#include "katana/KatanaEngine.h"
namespace Katana {
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::make_pair;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::setw;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::SubTypeCollection;
using Hurricane::Transformation;
using Hurricane::RoutingPad;
using Hurricane::Instance;
using Hurricane::Path;
using Anabatic::Edge;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Katana::Row".
void Row::add ( DbU::Unit x, Occurrence occurrence )
auto iocc = _occurrences.find( x );
if (iocc != _occurrences.end()) {
cerr << Error( "Row::add() In row @%s, two elements at the same X position %s:\n"
" %s\n"
" %s"
, DbU::getValueString(_y).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(x).c_str()
, getString((*iocc).second).c_str()
, getString(occurrence).c_str()
) << endl;
_occurrences.insert( make_pair(x,occurrence) );
void Row::setY ( DbU::Unit y )
for ( auto iocc : _occurrences ) {
Instance* instance = dynamic_cast<Instance*>( iocc.second.getEntity() );
if (not instance) continue;
Transformation itransf = instance->getTransformation();
Transformation dtransf ( itransf.getTx(), itransf.getTy() - _y + y, itransf.getOrientation() );
instance->setTransformation( dtransf );
_y = y;
DbU::Unit sliceHeight = Session::getSliceHeight() + Session::getPitch( (size_t)0 );
if (getSouthWest()) {
GCell* gcellRow = getSouthWest();
GCell* gcellChannel = gcellRow->getNorth();
while ( gcellRow ) {
gcellRow->setSouthWestCorner( gcellRow->getXMin(), _y );
gcellRow = gcellRow->getEast();
if (gcellChannel) {
gcellChannel->setSouthWestCorner( gcellChannel->getXMin(), _y+sliceHeight );
gcellChannel = gcellChannel->getEast();
GCell* Row::createChannel ( GCell* southWest, DbU::Unit channelHeight )
if (not southWest)
throw Error( "Row::createChannel(): NULL southWest GCell." );
if (_occurrences.empty())
throw Error( "Row::createChannel(): No instances in row." );
if (southWest->getXMin() != (*_occurrences.begin()).first)
throw Error( "Row::createChannel(): South-west GCell XMin and Row X min differs." );
if (southWest->getYMin() != _y)
throw Error( "Row::createChannel(): South-west GCell YMIn and Row Y min differs (%s vs. %s)."
, DbU::getValueString(southWest->getYMin()).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(_y).c_str()
DbU::Unit ypitch = Session::getPitch( (size_t)0 );
DbU::Unit sliceHeight = Session::getSliceHeight() + ypitch;
bool northRow = (_y + sliceHeight >= getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getYMax());
_southWest = southWest;
GCell* channel = _southWest->hcut( _southWest->getYMin() + sliceHeight );
GCell* nextSW = NULL;
if (not northRow) {
nextSW = channel->hcut( _southWest->getYMin() + sliceHeight + channelHeight );
if (not nextSW) {
throw Error( "Row::createChannel(): Cannot h-cut %s @%s."
, getString(channel).c_str()
, DbU::getValueString(_southWest->getYMin() + sliceHeight + channelHeight).c_str()
southWest->setType( Anabatic::Flags::StdCellRow );
if (channel) channel->setType( Anabatic::Flags::ChannelRow );
DbU::Unit xmax = getCell()->getAbutmentBox().getXMax() - sliceHeight;
DbU::Unit xcut = _southWest->getXMin() + sliceHeight;
for ( ; xcut < xmax ; xcut += sliceHeight ) {
southWest = southWest->vcut( xcut );
southWest->setType( Anabatic::Flags::StdCellRow );
if (channel) {
channel = channel->vcut( xcut );
channel->setType( Anabatic::Flags::ChannelRow );
2018-02-20 17:16:50 -06:00
channel->getWestEdge()->setFlags( Flags::InfiniteCapacity );
Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
return nextSW;
void Row::routingPadsSubBreak ()
if (not _southWest)
throw Error( "Row::routingPadsSubBreak(): NULL southWest GCell." );
set<Net*> nets;
map<DbU::Unit, RoutingPad*> rps;
GCell* southWest = _southWest;
while ( southWest ) {
bool gcellSplitted = false;
for ( RoutingPad* rp : SubTypeCollection<Component*,RoutingPad*>( getCell()->getComponentsUnder(southWest->getBoundingBox() ) ) ) {
if ( (rp->getX() >= southWest->getXMax())
or (rp->getX() < southWest->getXMin()) ) continue;
rps.insert( make_pair(rp->getX(),rp) );
for ( auto irp : rps ) {
auto inet = nets.find( irp.second->getNet() );
if (inet == nets.end()) {
nets.insert( irp.second->getNet() );
} else {
southWest = southWest->vcut( irp.second->getX() );
southWest->setType( Anabatic::Flags::StdCellRow );
gcellSplitted = true;
rps .clear();
if (not gcellSplitted) {
southWest = southWest->getEast();
uint32_t Row::computeChannelHeight ()
_channelHeight = 2;
GCell* gcell = getSouthWest()->getNorth();
while ( gcell ) {
_channelHeight = std::max( _channelHeight, (uint32_t)gcell->getNetCount() );
// Edge* east = gcell->getEastEdge();
// if (east)
// _channelHeight = std::max( _channelHeight, east->getRealOccupancy() );
gcell = gcell->getEast();
return _channelHeight;
string Row::_getString () const
{ return "<Row @" + DbU::getValueString(_y) + " instances:" + getString(_occurrences.size()) + ">"; }
Record* Row::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add( DbU::getValueSlot( "_y", &_y ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_occurrences", &_occurrences ) );
return record;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Katana::Block".
Block::Block ( KatanaEngine* katana, Cell* cell )
: _katana(katana)
, _cell (cell)
, _rows ()
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
for ( Occurrence occurrence : _cell->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) {
Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
add( occurrence );
_katana->addBlock( this );
Block::~Block ()
for ( Row* row : _rows ) delete row;
Row* Block::getAt ( DbU::Unit y ) const
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_rows.size() ; ++i ) {
if (_rows[i]->getY() == y) return _rows[i];
return NULL;
void Block::add ( Occurrence occurrence )
Instance* instance = dynamic_cast<Instance*>(occurrence.getEntity());
if (not instance) {
cerr << Warning( "Block::add(): Not an Instance occurrence, %s."
,getString(occurrence).c_str() ) << endl;
Transformation transf = occurrence.getPath().getTransformation( instance->getTransformation() );
Box bbInstance = transf.getBox( instance->getMasterCell()->getAbutmentBox() );
Row* row = getAt( bbInstance.getYMin() );
if (not row) {
row = new Row ( this, bbInstance.getYMin() );
auto irow = _rows.begin();
for ( ; irow != _rows.end() ; ++irow ) {
if ((*irow)->getY() >= row->getY()) break;
_rows.insert( irow, row );
row->add( bbInstance.getXMin(), occurrence );
void Block::createChannels ()
bool sessionReUse = Session::isOpen();
if (not sessionReUse) _katana->openSession();
DbU::Unit ypitch = Session::getPitch( (size_t)0 );
DbU::Unit sliceHeight = Session::getSliceHeight() + ypitch;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_rows.size() ; ++i )
_rows[i]->setY( i*ypitch + i*sliceHeight );
Box ab ( _cell->getAbutmentBox() );
if (not _rows.empty()) {
_cell->setAbutmentBox( ab.inflate( 0, 0, 0, ypitch*(2*_rows.size()-1) ) );
//GCell* southWest = _katana->getGCellUnder( ab.getXMin(), ab.getYMin() );
GCell* southWest = _katana->getSouthWestGCell();
if (southWest != _katana->getSouthWestGCell())
throw Error( "Block::createChannels(): Only block are supported for now..." );
for ( Row* row : _rows )
southWest = row->createChannel( southWest, ypitch );
2018-03-05 18:48:44 -06:00
for ( Row* row : _rows ) row->routingPadsSubBreak();
Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
if (not sessionReUse) Session::close();
void Block::resizeChannels ()
cmess1 << " o Sizing routing channels." << endl;
bool sessionReUse = Session::isOpen();
if (not sessionReUse) _katana->openSession();
DbU::Unit ypitch = Session::getPitch( (size_t)0 );
DbU::Unit sliceHeight = Session::getSliceHeight() + ypitch;
uint32_t channelSum = 0;
for ( Row* row : _rows ) channelSum += row->computeChannelHeight();
Box ab = _cell->getAbutmentBox();
_cell->setAbutmentBox( ab.inflate( 0, 0, 0, ypitch*(channelSum - _rows.size() + 1) ) );
channelSum = 0;
for ( size_t irow=0 ; irow < _rows.size() ; ++irow ) {
_rows[irow]->setY( ab.getYMin() + sliceHeight*irow + ypitch*channelSum );
channelSum += _rows[irow]->getChannelHeight();
ostringstream rowName;
rowName << " - [" << setw(2) << irow << "]";
rowName << " @" << DbU::getValueString(_rows[irow]->getY() + sliceHeight);
ostringstream rowTracks;
rowTracks << _rows[irow]->getChannelHeight() << " tracks.";
cmess2 << Dots::asString( rowName.str(), rowTracks.str() ) << endl;
Validating channel routing mode (two metals) on SNX.
* New: In Hurricane::Entity, add an id counter limit and a memory size
limit. The two limits are checked only when a new Entity object is
created. This should help avoiding massive memory links.
* New: In CRL Core, add a "crlcore.groundName" and a "crlcore.powerName"
parameter to specify the name of the ground/power signals to be
created if they are missing in a Cell. For Alliance libraries it
would be "vss" & "vdd" (default values), but for real technologies,
it is often "gnd!" & "vdd!".
The Blif parser is modificated to make use of it.
* Bug: In AnabaticEngine::unify(), set the resulting unified segment in
the center of the GCells common side. Gcells under a segment are
found by using the edge that cover the segment axis. When we have
a "bend" GCell stack and the axis is wrong, they could be ommited.
This was causing deleted segments to be not removed from some
Edges, then core dump.
* Change: In Anabatic::AutoSegment::create(), smarter choosing of the
reference contact, select the fixed or terminal one instead of
always the source one.
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::isEnding(), new function to check if a
segment going through an Edge is starting/ending in either source
or target GCell of the edge (active only when running in channel
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::add(), a segment takes part in the occupancy
only if it is not ending in either source or target (channel mode
only). The occupancy due to terminal is pre-computed in Katana.
* New: In Anabatic::Edge::ripup(), in channel mode, never ripup a
segment which is ending in either source or target (we *have* to
access this edge to connect to the terminal).
* Bug: In Anabatic::GCell::hcut() and vcut(), force the update of
the Edge which is on the side that will get splitted by the cut.
It's capacity will be reduced to it must be updated.
* Change: In Anabatic::GCell::updateGContacts() add a flag to conditionnally
update horizontals or verticals only. We may require only a partial
update when resizing the GCell in only one direction.
This, again, related to the fact that we compute the GCells under
a segment thanks to it's axis position, so we need to be very careful
when modificating axis.
* Change: In Katana::Block::resizeChannels(), only update GContact vertical
position. Do not disturb X positions of segments.
* Bug: In Katana::GlobalRoute::DigitalDistance, in channel mode, some
Edges can have a zero capacity, but still be reachable if the net has
a terminal in either source or target. Look for this case and return
a distance of zero instead of "unreachable". This was causing the
global routing not to complete in channel mode.
For computing the edge distance, makes the vertical edges much more
long (10 times) than the horizontal ones as the vertical capacity is
very limited. Hard coded for now, should make it a parameter in the
* Change: In KatanaEngine::annotateGlobalGraph(), decrease the capacity
of edges with reserveCapacity for each terminal inside a GCell.
Both north and south edges are decreased as we a terminal will
block both north and south edges.
As a counterpart, the Edge capacity is not decreased when the
global router connect to a terminal.
* Change: In Katana::RoutingEvent::revalidate(), when in repair stage,
do not expand the slack for horizontal segments in channel mode.
So they may not overlap the standard cell row.
* Bug: In Stratus documentation, do not use the french option in babel,
the documentation is in english!
* New: In Documentation, added Hurricane/Python tutorial, part for drawing
2018-03-16 10:20:04 -05:00
_katana->_updateGContacts( Flags::Vertical );
Added support for 2-Metal block routing in Anabatic & Katana.
* New: In AnabaticEngine::invalidateRoutingPads() this method is a temporary
workaround for a Hurricane problems. When an instance is moved, the
RoutingPads that use it must be moved accordingly, but they are not
invalidated so they stay in the wrong QuadTree.
New method ::_resizeMatrix() to be called when the associated Cell
is resized.
* Bug: In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints() and AutoVertical::getConstraints(),
the *target* constraints where never merged.
* Change: In AutoHorizontal::getCells() and AutoVertical::getGCells(),
now return a boolean to tell if it was ok (must not encounter a NULL
GCell while progessing from source to target).
* New: In Anabatic::Configuration and Anabatic:Session, create new methods:
- getDHorizontalLayer()
- getDhorizontalDepth()
- getDHorizontalWidth()
- getDHorizontalPitch()
And so on for Vertical and Contact.
They supply depth-independant informations about the H/V layers to
build the initial detailed routing.
The AutoSegment::create() methods have been modificated accordingly.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell, add two new types "StdCellRow" and "ChannelRow"
for implementing 2-Metal blocks.
Rename the GCell::setXY() method in GCell::setSouthWestCorner(),
move the contents of GCell::updateContactsPosition() into it and
suppress it.
WARNING: In case of a GCell shrink this may cause problems. But for
now we only expand...
New method GCell::getNetCount() to count the number of Net going
though the GCell.
* Change: In Anabatic::Edge, add specific support for capacity of 2-Metal
routing channels.
* Change: In Anabatic::Dijsktra various methods, replace the "gcell->isMatrix()"
calls by "not gcell->isAnalog()". Add more check so that the methods
pertaining to the analog routing (GRData) are not called in digital
* New: In Anabatic::Dijkstra::materialize(), add support for 2-Metal specific
cases. That is, always break in case of vertical pass-through or
U-turn. The global routing must always be broken in H-Channel.
* New: In Anabatic::GCell & Anabatic::Edge, make use of the Session mechanism
to ensure the revalidation. The "::revalidate()" method is then moved
as "::materialize()" (overload of Go) and "::_invalidate()" becomes
* Change: In LoadGlobalRouting, cosmetic rename of SortHkByX in SortHookByX.
* New: In GCellTopology, added support for building 2-Metal topologies.
* ForkStack is now an object attribute as many methods do need it.
* To push segments/hook on the stack, a new method "push()" is
available. Perform NULL and fromHook checking. Can also setup
_southWestContact or _northEastContact if it is the "from" edge.
* N/S/E/W edges are now vector as in digital channel mode there
can be more than one.
* Added build topological build methods:
- doRp_2m_Access() RoutingPad stem access.
- _do_2m_1G_1M1() North or south access.
- _do_2m_2G_1M1() North AND south access.
- _do_2m_xG() H-Channel routing.
* New: In Anabatic::Matrix, new ::resize() function, as Cell can be resizeds.
* New: In Anabatic::Vertex, new static method ::getValueString() for a
friendly text rendering.
* New: In Katana::DigitalDistance, support for channel routing.
* Change: In KatanaEngine::digitalSetup() and KatanaEngine::runGlobalrouter(),
for channel routing, calls to setupPowerRails() and
protectRoutingPads() must be called after the core block has
been fully dimensionned.
::runGlobalrouter() contains the code tasked with the grid creation
and channel sizing.
* New: In KatanaEngine: Added support for core block, for 2-Metal routing.
May be expanded for over-the-cell routing in the future.
Added methods :
- isDigitalMode()
- isAnalogMode()
- isMixedMode()
- isChannelMode()
- getBlock() / addBlock()
- setupChannelMode()
- createChannel()
* New: In Katana, new class Block to manage core blocks and perform
channel routing.
* New: In Katana::Session, new convenience method "isOpen()".
2017-08-18 16:56:23 -05:00
if (not sessionReUse) Session::close();
string Block::_getString () const
{ return "<Block rows:" + getString(_rows.size()) + ">"; }
Record* Block::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add( getSlot( "_katana", _katana ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_rows" , &_rows ) );
return record;
} // Katana namespace.