* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
2012-11-16 06:48:38 -06:00
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2012, All Rights Reserved
* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
2012-11-16 06:48:38 -06:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | V L S I B a c k e n d D a t a - B a s e |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./GotoWidget.cpp" |
2012-11-16 06:48:38 -06:00
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QRegExpValidator>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "hurricane/viewer/GotoWidget.h"
namespace Hurricane {
GotoWidget::GotoWidget ( QWidget* parent )
: QDialog (parent)
, _xyRegexp ("(\\d+),(\\d+)")
, _xyEdit (new QLineEdit())
, _apertureEdit(new QLineEdit())
, _dbuMode (new QComboBox())
, _x (0)
, _y (0)
, _aperture (0)
, _hasXy (false)
, _hasAperture (false)
setModal ( true );
setWindowTitle ( "<Goto>" );
setToolTip ( "Center the view on that coordinates" );
QRegExpValidator* xyValidator = new QRegExpValidator ( _xyRegexp, this );
_xyEdit->setValidator ( xyValidator );
QRegExp apertureRegexp ( "\\d+" );
QRegExpValidator* apertureValidator = new QRegExpValidator ( apertureRegexp, this );
_apertureEdit->setValidator ( apertureValidator );
QHBoxLayout* hLayout1 = new QHBoxLayout ();
QLabel* label = new QLabel ();
label->setTextFormat ( Qt::RichText );
label->setText ( "<b>X,Y:</b>" );
hLayout1->addWidget ( label );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _xyEdit );
label = new QLabel ();
label->setTextFormat ( Qt::RichText );
label->setText ( "<b>Aperture:</b>(Zoom)" );
hLayout1->addWidget ( label );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _apertureEdit );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "DataBase" , DbU::Db /*0x01*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Grid" , DbU::Grid /*0x02*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Symbolic" , DbU::Symbolic /*0x04*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Micrometer", DbU::Physical /*0x08*/ );
_dbuMode->addItem ( "Nanometer" , 0x10 );
_dbuMode->setCurrentIndex ( 2 );
hLayout1->addWidget ( _dbuMode );
QPushButton* cancelButton = new QPushButton ();
cancelButton->setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
cancelButton->setText ( tr("Cancel") );
QPushButton* okButton = new QPushButton ();
okButton->setSizePolicy ( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
okButton->setText ( tr("Goto") );
QHBoxLayout* hLayout2 = new QHBoxLayout ();
hLayout2->addStretch ( 1 );
hLayout2->addWidget ( okButton, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
hLayout2->addStretch ( 4 );
hLayout2->addWidget ( cancelButton, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
hLayout2->addStretch ( 1 );
QFrame* hLine = new QFrame ();
hLine->setFrameShape ( QFrame::HLine );
hLine->setFrameShadow ( QFrame::Sunken );
QVBoxLayout* vLayout = new QVBoxLayout ();
//vLayout->setSizeConstraint ( QLayout::SetFixedSize );
vLayout->addLayout ( hLayout1 );
vLayout->addWidget ( hLine );
vLayout->addLayout ( hLayout2 );
setLayout ( vLayout );
connect ( okButton , SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(acceptAndUpdate()) );
connect ( cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()) );
void GotoWidget::acceptAndUpdate ()
if ( (_hasXy = _xyEdit->hasAcceptableInput()) ) {
_xyRegexp.indexIn ( _xyEdit->displayText() );
_x = toDbu ( _xyRegexp.cap(1).toDouble() );
_y = toDbu ( _xyRegexp.cap(2).toDouble() );
if ( (_hasAperture = _apertureEdit->hasAcceptableInput()) ) {
_aperture = toDbu ( _apertureEdit->displayText().toDouble() );
_hasAperture = (_aperture != 0 );
emit accept();
2010-05-17 11:37:14 -05:00
void GotoWidget::changeDbuMode ( unsigned int mode, DbU::UnitPower p )
* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
if ( mode == DbU::Physical ) {
switch ( p ) {
case DbU::Nano: mode = Nanometer; break;
2010-05-17 09:40:36 -05:00
* ./hurricane:
- Bug: In PaletteWidget, do not derive from QScrollArea. Instead uses it
as a child widget. This solves the refreshing problem of the Palette.
As a rule now: never derives from anything other than QWidget.
- New: GotoWidget, not having this feature finally unverved me enough for
beeing implemented. You can specify an (x,y) on which the view will
be centered and an aperture which gives the size of the view smallest
side. It's a way of specifying the zoom level (as the zoom is not
meaningful for users). An aperture of "zero" disable that feature,
that is, zoom remains unchanged. The coordinates are integer which
are implicitly expressed in the current mode used by the viewer
(Symbolic, Grid, or Physical in micro-meters).
- Change: Big rewrite of how the Symbolic/Grid/Physical modes are sets
to/from the CellWidget. Impacted widgets are CellWidget &
Main changes are that there is no more "individual" setter/getter for
modes (setSymbolic(), setGrid(), setPhysical(DbU::UnitPower)) but one
with two arguments:
setDbuMode(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
Signals & slots of the widgets also evolves into:
dbuModeChanged(int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
changeDbuMode (int mode,DbU::UnitPower)
2010-04-26 08:22:23 -05:00
case DbU::Micro: mode = Micrometer; break;
int index = _dbuMode->findData ( mode );
switch ( index ) {
case Nanometer:
case Micrometer:
case Grid:
case Db: _dbuMode->setCurrentIndex(index); break;
case Symbolic: _dbuMode->setCurrentIndex(2); break;
ostringstream s;
s << (long)fromDbu(_x) << "," << (long)fromDbu(_y);
_xyEdit->setText ( s.str().c_str() );
s << (long)fromDbu(_aperture);
_apertureEdit->setText ( s.str().c_str() );
DbU::Unit GotoWidget::toDbu ( double d ) const
DbU::Unit unit;
switch ( _dbuMode->currentIndex() ) {
case Nanometer: unit = DbU::grid(DbU::physicalToGrid(d,DbU::Nano )); break;
case Micrometer: unit = DbU::grid(DbU::physicalToGrid(d,DbU::Micro)); break;
case Symbolic: unit = DbU::lambda(d); break;
case Grid: unit = DbU::grid (d); break;
case Db: unit = DbU::db ((long)d); break;
return unit;
double GotoWidget::fromDbu ( DbU::Unit u ) const
double d;
switch ( _dbuMode->currentIndex() ) {
case Nanometer: d = DbU::getPhysical(u,DbU::Nano); break;
case Micrometer: d = DbU::getPhysical(u,DbU::Micro); break;
case Symbolic: d = DbU::getLambda(u); break;
case Grid: d = DbU::getGrid (u); break;
case Db: d = DbU::getDb (u); break;
return d;
} // End of Hurricane Namespace.