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2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
import os
import re
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
import Cfg
from Hurricane import *
from helpers import ErrorMessage
import CRL
#import Mauka
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
#import Knik
#import Kite
#import Zephyr
#import Lightning
#import Zephiros
#from Anemometer import *
#from Metisse import *
#from Mistral import *
#from Nimbus import *
from math import *
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
missingCORIOLIS_TOP = "Missing environment variable CORIOLIS_TOP"
FREE = 0
SLICE = 50
global standard_instances_masque
global standard_instances_list
standard_instances_list = []
global pad_north, pad_south, pad_east, pad_west
pad_north = []
pad_south = []
pad_east = []
pad_west = []
global nb_alims_verticales
nb_alims_verticales = 0
global nb_vdd_pins, nb_vss_pins
nb_vdd_pins = 0
nb_vss_pins = 0
global ck_contact_list_to_create
ck_contact_list_to_create = []
def getNetFromPlug ( plug ):
net = plug.getNet()
if net: return net
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
if masterNet.getName() in [ 'vddi', 'vssi', 'vdde', 'vsse' ]:
cell = plug.getCell()
net = cell.getNet(masterNet.getName())
return net
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PlaceCentric ##
def pyPlaceCentric ( cell, instance ) :
'''This function places an instance in the middle of the abutment box of a cell'''
if not instance :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PlaceCentric: the instance does not exist.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
w = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
h = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
if ( w < instance.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() ) or ( h < instance.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() ) :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PlaceCentric : the instance's size is greater than this model.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
XCenter = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXCenter()
YCenter = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYCenter()
New_Xmin = XCenter - instance.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() / 2
New_Ymin = YCenter - instance.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() / 2
# One must place the cell on a pitch grid
New_Xmin = New_Xmin - ( New_Xmin % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
New_Ymin = New_Ymin - ( New_Ymin % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
Tx = New_Xmin - instance.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ty = New_Ymin - instance.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
instance.setTransformation ( Transformation ( Tx, Ty ).getTransformation ( instance.getTransformation() ) )
instance.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PlaceGlue ##
def pyPlaceGlue ( cell ) :
'''This function places the glue (unplaced leaf instances) in current cell.
The placement will be made in the region given by the core argument:
- if core is None, the placement region will be the cell abox.
- if core is a cell sub-instance, the placement region will be the sub-instance abox.'''
mauka = Mauka.MaukaEngine.create ( cell )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00 ()
temporarySave ()
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## RouteCk ##
def pyRouteCk ( cell, netCk ) :
'''This function route signel Ck to standard cells'''
global pad_north, pad_south, pad_east, pad_west
# Error if Pads have not already been placed
if pad_north == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCk : Pads in the north haven't been placed.")
if pad_south == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCk : Pads in the south haven't been placed.")
if pad_east == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCk : Pads in the east haven't been placed.")
if pad_west == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCk : Pads in the west haven't been placed.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# pad_list contains all pads
pad_list = []
pad_list.extend ( pad_north )
pad_list.extend ( pad_south )
pad_list.extend ( pad_east )
pad_list.extend ( pad_west )
net_list = dict()
for ins in pad_list :
# For each pad that is a clock pad -> adding corresponding net in net_list if not already existing
if isInternalClockPad ( ins ) or isExternalClockPad ( ins ):
clockPlug = None
for plug in ins.getPlugs():
if plug.getNet() == netCk :
clockPlug = plug
if clockPlug and not net_list.has_key ( str ( clockPlug.getNet().getName() ) ) : net_list[str ( clockPlug.getNet().getName() )] = ( clockPlug.getNet(), cell )
map ( createGrid, net_list.values() )
## AlimVerticalRail ##
def pyAlimVerticalRail ( cell, xcoord ) :
'''x is in pitch, it is where the vertical alimentation call back are placed'''
global standard_instances_list, nb_alims_verticales, nb_lignes, standard_instances_masque
global nb_vdd_pins, nb_vss_pins
box = cell.getAbutmentBox()
# Error message if wrong abutment box
if ( box.getXMin() == box.getXMax() ) or ( box.getYMin() == box.getYMax() ) :
message = "AlimVerticalRail : Can't place the rail vertical in the abutment box of model %s." %str(cell.getName()) \
+ " The abutment box doesn't exist !" \
+ " Maybe you should use DefAb function or ResizeAb function to define un box before the placement of Rail Vertical."
raise ErrorMessage(2,message)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Check the value of x
nb_col = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() / DbU_lambda(PITCH)
if ( xcoord >= nb_col ) or ( xcoord < 0 ) :
print 'This is it'
message = "AlimVerticalRail : Illegal argument x , x must be between %d and %d\n" % ( 0, nb_col )
raise ErrorMessage(2,message)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# To get the informations about the placement
reference = getStandardInstancesMasque ( cell )
if not reference :
message = "AlimVerticalRail : No instance is placed in the model " + str(cell.getName()) + ".\n" \
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
+ "Please place some instances before the placement of Rail Vertical.\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,message)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Placement verification
#verifyPlacement ( cell ) # NON !!
# delete elements in standard_instances_list
del standard_instances_list[0:]
# get YMin of reference
Ymin = reference[1]
# get orientation code
orientation = reference[2]
nb_alims_verticales += 1
# get the opposite of orientation ID=>MY MY=>ID
if orientation in [Transformation.Orientation.ID, Transformation.Orientation.MX] :
inv_orientation = Transformation.Orientation.MY
orientation = Transformation.Orientation.ID
elif orientation in [Transformation.Orientation.MY, Transformation.Orientation.R2] :
inv_orientation = Transformation.Orientation.ID
orientation = Transformation.Orientation.MY
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimVerticalRail : Strawberry.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# print "Placement of vertical rail"
# print "Reference ", reference
power_cell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getCell ( "powmid_x0", CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Height_power = power_cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
Width_power = power_cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
nb_slices = Height_power / DbU_lambda(SLICE)
nb_pitchs = Width_power / DbU_lambda(PITCH)
# skim through column of index x
for i in range ( nb_lignes ) :
espace_enough = True
# check the space left
for j in range ( nb_slices ) :
for k in range ( nb_pitchs ) :
if standard_instances_masque[i + j][xcoord + k] != FREE :
espace_enough = False
if espace_enough :
# avoir le nombre de slices entre la reference
distance = Ymin / DbU_lambda(SLICE) - i
if distance < 0 : distance = -distance
name_inst = "powmid_%d_%d" % ( nb_alims_verticales , i )
Powmid = create_inst ( "powmid_x0", name_inst, cell )
x = xcoord * DbU_lambda(PITCH)
y = i * DbU_lambda(SLICE)
if distance % 2 : my_orientation = inv_orientation
else : my_orientation = orientation
place ( Powmid, int(x), int(y), my_orientation )
# place pins (connectors) in metal3 on top and bottom
metal3 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer( "METAL3" )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
powerNet = None
for net in cell.getPowerNets():
if powerNet:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimVerticalRail : more than 1 Power Net found !")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
powerNet = net
if not powerNet:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimVerticalRail : no Power Net found !")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
groundNet = None
for net in cell.getGroundNets():
if groundNet:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimVerticalRail : more than 1 Ground Net found !")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
groundNet = net
if not groundNet:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimVerticalRail : no Ground Net found !")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
pin_height = 10
pin_width = 10
pin_x1 = xcoord * DbU_lambda(PITCH) + DbU_lambda(10)
pin_x2 = xcoord * DbU_lambda(PITCH) + DbU_lambda(25)
pin_y1 = ( nb_lignes * DbU_lambda(SLICE) ) - DbU_lambda(pin_height/4)
pin_y2 = 0 + DbU_lambda(pin_height/4)
# Top
if standard_instances_masque[nb_lignes-1][xcoord] == FREE :
pin_name = str(powerNet.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vdd_pins)
pin = Pin.create ( powerNet, pin_name, 1, 2, metal3, pin_x1, pin_y1, DbU_lambda(pin_width), DbU_lambda(pin_height) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vdd_pins += 1
pin_name = str(groundNet.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vss_pins)
pin = Pin.create ( groundNet, pin_name, 1, 2, metal3, pin_x2, pin_y1, DbU_lambda(pin_width), DbU_lambda(pin_height) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vss_pins += 1
# Bottom
if standard_instances_masque[0][xcoord] == FREE :
pin_name = str(powerNet.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vdd_pins)
pin = Pin.create ( powerNet, pin_name, 2 , 2, metal3, pin_x1, pin_y2, DbU_lambda(pin_width), DbU_lambda(pin_height) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vdd_pins += 1
pin_name = str(groundNet.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vss_pins)
pin = Pin.create ( groundNet, pin_name, 2 , 2, metal3, pin_x2, pin_y2, DbU_lambda(pin_width), DbU_lambda(pin_height) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vss_pins += 1
## AlimHorizontalRail ##
def pyAlimHorizontalRail ( cell, ycoord ) :
'''This function places the horizontal alimentation call back in Alu 4
1. the two pins in Alu 4 which name is VDD or VSS are placed
2. the horizontal in Alu 4 is placed, and is locked on the two pins
y is in slice'''
global standard_instances_list, nb_alims_verticales, nb_lignes, standard_instances_masque
global nb_vdd_pins, nb_vss_pins
box = cell.getAbutmentBox()
# Error message if wrong abutment box
if ( box.getXMin() == box.getXMax() ) or ( box.getYMin() == box.getYMax() ) :
err = "\nAlimHorizontalRail : Can't place the rail horizontal in the abutment box of model " + str(cell.getName()) \
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
+ "\n The abutment box doesn't exist !" \
+ "\n Maybe you should use DefAb function or ResizeAb function to define un box before the placement of Rail Horizontal.\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Check the value of y
if ( ycoord >= nb_lignes ) or ( ycoord < 0 ) :
err = "\nAlimHorizontalRail : Illegal argument y, y must be between %d and %d\n" % ( 0, nb_lignes )
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# To get the informations about the placement
reference = getStandardInstancesMasque ( cell )
if not reference :
err = "AlimHorizontalRail : No instance is placed in the model " + str(cell.getName()) + ".\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# get layers
metal4 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL4" )
via1 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA12" )
via2 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA23" )
via3 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA34" )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Know if it is vdd or vss
string = getVddVss ( cell, ycoord )
pin_width = DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH)
pin_height = DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH)
pin_x1 = 0 + ( pin_height / 4 )
pin_x2 = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() - ( pin_height / 4 )
pin_y = ycoord * DbU_lambda(SLICE)
# Create two pins
if string == "vdd" :
net = cell.getNet ( "vdd" )
pin_name = str(net.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vdd_pins)
pin1 = Pin.create ( net, pin_name, 4, 2, metal4, pin_x1, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vdd_pins += 1
pin_name = str(net.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vdd_pins)
pin2 = Pin.create ( net, pin_name, 3, 2, metal4, pin_x2, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vdd_pins += 1
else :
net = cell.getNet ( "vss" )
pin_name = str(net.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vss_pins)
pin1 = Pin.create ( net, pin_name, 4, 2, metal4, pin_x1, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vss_pins += 1
pin_name = str(net.getName()) + "." + str(nb_vss_pins)
pin2 = Pin.create ( net, pin_name, 3, 2, metal4, pin_x2, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_vss_pins += 1
# Create horizontal rail
rail_horizontal = Horizontal.create ( pin1 , pin2 , metal4 , pin_y, pin_height, 0 , 0 )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
power_hur_cell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getCell ( "powmid_x0", CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Width_power = power_hur_cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
nb_pitchs = Width_power / DbU_lambda(PITCH) # avoir l'interval du cellule power
# create contacts in via1 , via2 , et via3
i = 0
while i < nb_colonnes :
# if it is a power cell, make the via3, and pass the power cell
if standard_instances_masque[ycoord][i] == POWER :
contact_side = DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if string == "vdd" : contact3 = Contact.create ( rail_horizontal, via3, i*DbU_lambda(PITCH) + DbU_lambda(10), 0, contact_side, DbU_lambda(2) )
else : contact3 = Contact.create ( rail_horizontal, via3, i*DbU_lambda(PITCH) + DbU_lambda(25), 0, contact_side, DbU_lambda(2) )
i += nb_pitchs
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## AlimConnectors ##
def pyAlimConnectors ( cell ) :
'''Creates the METAL1 connectors on the east & west sides of the core'''
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
global nb_lignes, nb_vdd_pins, nb_vss_pins
box = cell.getAbutmentBox()
# Error message if wrong abutment box
if ( box.getXMin() == box.getXMax() ) or ( box.getYMin() == box.getYMax() ) :
err = "\nAlimConnectors : can't place connectors. The abutment box don't exist.\n" \
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
+ "The abutment box don't exist !\n" \
+ "Maybe you should use DefAb function or ResizeAb function to define un box before the placement of alim connectors.\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# avoir les infos actuelles de placement
getStandardInstancesMasque ( cell )
if not reference :
err = "\nAlimConnectors : no instance placed in the model " + str(cell.getName()) + "." \
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
+ "Please place some instances before the placement of alim connectors.\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
metal1 = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology().getLayer("METAL1")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
string = getVddVss ( cell, 0 )
if ( "vdd", string ) :
inv_string = "vss"
nb_string_pins = nb_vdd_pins
nb_inv_pins = nb_vss_pins
else :
inv_string = "vdd"
nb_string_pins = nb_vss_pins
nb_inv_pins = nb_vdd_pins
netPair = cell.getNet ( string )
if not netPair:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimConnectors : can't get net %s."%string)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
netImpair = cell.getNet ( inv_string )
if not netImpair:
raise ErrorMessage(2,"AlimConnectors : can't get net %s.\n"%inv_string)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for i in range ( nb_lignes + 1 ) :
pin_width = DbU_lambda(12)
pin_height = DbU_lambda(12)
pin_y = i * DbU_lambda(SLICE)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if i == 0 :
pin_height = pin_height / 2
pin_width = pin_width / 2
pin_y = pin_y + ( pin_height / 2 )
elif i == nb_lignes :
pin_height = pin_height / 2
pin_width = pin_width / 2
pin_y = pin_y - ( pin_height / 2 )
pin_x1 = 0 + ( pin_width / 2 )
pin_x2 = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() - ( pin_width / 2 )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Ligne impaire
if i % 2 :
pin_name = str(netImpair.getName()) + "." + str(nb_inv_pins)
pin1 = Pin.create ( netImpair, pin_name, 4, 2, metal1, pin_x1, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_inv_pins += 1
pin_name = str(netImpair.getName()) + "." + str(nb_inv_pins)
pin2 = Pin.create ( netImpair, pin_name, 3, 2, metal1, pin_x2, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_inv_pins += 1
Horizontal.create ( pin1, pin2, metal1, pin1.getY(), pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Ligne paire
else :
pin_name = str(netPair.getName()) + "." + str(nb_string_pins)
pin1 = Pin.create ( netPair, pin_name, 4, 2, metal1, pin_x1, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_string_pins += 1
pin_name = str(netPair.getName()) + "." + str(nb_string_pins)
pin2 = Pin.create ( netPair, pin_name, 3, 2, metal1, pin_x2, pin_y, pin_width, pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
nb_string_pins += 1
Horizontal.create ( pin1, pin2, metal1, pin1.getY(), pin_height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "vdd", string ) :
nb_vdd_pins = nb_string_pins
nb_vss_pins = nb_inv_pins
else :
nb_vss_pins = nb_string_pins
nb_vdd_pins = nb_inv_pins
## GlobalRoute ##
#def pyGlobalRoute ( cell ):
# """Perform global routing"""
# # Initialize Nimbus Grid (50x50 lambdas).
# Kite.setupNimbusGrid ( cell ) # ca a pas l'air de faire ce qu'il faut
# # la il faudrait rajouter un petit appel a cell->FlattenNets() pour que ce soit correct !
# # Global routing.
# globalRouter = Knik.getKnik ( cell
# , 1 # congestion.
# , 2 # preCongestion.
# , False # benchMode.
# , True # useSegments.
# )
# globalRouter.Route ()
# globalRouter.Delete ()
## DetailRoute ##
#def pyDetailRoute ( cell ):
# """Perform detailed routing"""
# viewer = getCEditor ( cell )
# TOOL_TOP = os.getenv ( "CORIOLIS_TOP" )
# if not TOOL_TOP:
# raise missingCORIOLIS_TOP
# config = TOOL_TOP + "/share/etc/kite.conf.xml"
# Kite.setDemoMode ( True )
# Kite.ConfigurationCreate ( config )
# detailedRouter = Kite.Create ( cell, viewer )
# detailedRouter.setGlobalThreshold ( 9*DbU_lambda(50.0) )
# detailedRouter.setRipupLimit ( 10 )
# detailedRouter.LoadGlobalRouting ( Kite.LOAD_GR_BY_NET )
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# detailedRouter.LayerAssign ( Kite.LAYER_ASSIGN_BY_TRUNK )
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# detailedRouter.ComputeNetConstraints ()
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# detailedRouter.ComputeNetOptimals ()
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# detailedRouter.RunNegociate ()
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# # Save detailed routing.
# detailedRouter.Delete ()
# if viewer: viewer.Refresh ()
# return
#def pyTimingStaticAnalysis ( cell ):
# """Perfom timing static analysis"""
# TOOL_TOP = os.getenv ( "CORIOLIS_TOP")
# if not TOOL_TOP:
# raise missingCORIOLIS_TOP
# config = TOOL_TOP + "/share/cells/sxlib/sxlib_timing.lib"
# LibertyParse ( config )
# lightning = Lightning.getLightning ( cell )
# timingStaticAnalysis = Zephyr.getZephyr ( cell )
# #zephiros = Zephiros.getZephiros ( cell )
# timingStaticAnalysis.Update()
# #zephiros.PrintMaxDelay()
# return
## PadNorth ##
def pyPadNorth ( cell, core, args ) :
'''This function places pads up north of the cell. It leaves an empty squarre of CARRE * CARRE, CARRE is defined in macro'''
global pad_north
# Sauvegarder la liste des plots
pad_north = args
# avoir le largeur de l espace au nord pour placer les pads
north_espace_width = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMax() - core.getAbutmentBox().getYMax()
north_espace_longueur = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() - (2 * getPadHeight ( cell ) ) # FIXME D2
# avoir le nombre de pads
nb_pads = len ( args )
# avoir le largeur total des pads
largeur = 0
for ins in args :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadNorth : the instance %s is already placed."%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() >= north_espace_width :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadNorth : not enough space for all pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
largeur += ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if largeur > north_espace_longueur :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadNorth : not enough space for all pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# calculer l interval entre les pads
interval = ( north_espace_longueur - largeur ) / ( nb_pads + 1 )
# placer les pads
Xmin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ymin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
Height_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
x_init = Xmin_cell + getPadHeight ( cell ) + interval
##### Parcours des pads #####
for ins in args :
pad_height = ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
pad_width = ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
_y = Ymin_cell + Height_cell - pad_height # la position finale dans la cell
_x = x_init
_x = _x - ( _x % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
if isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
cellAB = cell.getAbutmentBox()
coreAB = core.getAbutmentBox()
pad_height = getPadHeight ( cell )
if _x <= ( ( cellAB.getXMin() + pad_height ) + coreAB.getXMin() ) / 2 \
or _x >= ( ( cellAB.getXMax() - pad_height ) + coreAB.getXMax() ) / 2 :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadNorth : pad %s must be closer to the center.\n"%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# x calcule pour le pad suivant
x_init = _x + interval + pad_width
# avoir x y
box = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
_difx = box.getXMin()
_dify = box.getYMin()
ins.setTransformation ( Transformation ( _x - _difx
, _y - _dify
, Transformation.Orientation.ID
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ins.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PadSouth ##
def pyPadSouth ( cell, core, args ) :
'''This function places pads down south of the cell. It leaves an empty squarre of CARRE * CARRE, CARRE is defined in macro'''
global pad_south
# Sauvegarder la liste des plots
pad_south = args
# avoir le largeur du espace disponible du nord pour placer les pads
south_espace_width = core.getAbutmentBox().getYMin() - cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
south_espace_longueur = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() - ( 2 * getPadHeight ( cell ) )
# avoir le nombre de pads
nb_pads = len ( args )
# avoir le largeur total des pads
largeur = 0
for ins in args :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadSouth : the instance %s is already placed."%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() >= south_espace_width :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadSouth : not enough space for all pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
largeur += ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if largeur > south_espace_longueur :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadSouth : not enough space for all pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# calculer l'interval entre les pads
interval = ( south_espace_longueur - largeur ) / ( nb_pads + 1 )
# placer les pads
Xmin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ymin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
x_init = Xmin_cell + getPadHeight ( cell ) + interval
##### Parcours des pads #####
for ins in args :
pad_height = ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
pad_width = ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
_y = Ymin_cell # la position finale dans la cell
_x = x_init
_x = _x - ( _x % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
if isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
cellAB = cell.getAbutmentBox()
coreAB = core.getAbutmentBox()
pad_height = getPadHeight ( cell )
if _x <= ( ( cellAB.getXMin() + pad_height ) + coreAB.getXMin() ) / 2 \
or _x >= ( ( cellAB.getXMax() - pad_height ) + coreAB.getXMax() ) / 2 :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadSouth : pad %s must be closer to the center."%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# x calcule pour le pad suivant
x_init = _x + interval + pad_width
# avoir x y apres orientation
box = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
_difx = Transformation ( 0, 0, Transformation.Orientation.MY ).getBox ( box ).getXMin()
_dify = Transformation ( 0, 0, Transformation.Orientation.MY ).getBox ( box ).getYMin()
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ins.setTransformation ( Transformation ( _x - _difx
, _y - _dify
, Transformation.Orientation.MY
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ins.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PadEast ##
def pyPadEast ( cell, core, args ) :
'''This function places pads at the east of the cell. It leaves an empty squarre of CARRE * CARRE, CARRE is defined in macro'''
global pad_east
# Sauvegarder la liste des plots
pad_east = args
# avoir le largeur du espace disponible du nord pour placer les pads
east_espace_width = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax() - core.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
east_espace_longueur = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() - ( 2 * getPadHeight ( cell ) )
# avoir le nombre de pads
nb_pads = len ( args )
# avoir le largeur total des pads
largeur = 0
for ins in args :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadEast : the instance %s is already placed."%str(insGetName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() >= east_espace_width :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadEast : not enough space for pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
largeur += ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if largeur > east_espace_longueur :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadEast : not enough space for all pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# calculer l'interval entre les pads
interval = ( east_espace_longueur - largeur ) / ( nb_pads + 1 )
# placer les pads
Xmin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ymin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
Xmax_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
y_init = Ymin_cell + getPadHeight ( cell ) + interval
##### Parcours des pads #####
for ins in args :
pad_height = ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
pad_width = ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
Xmin_pad = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ymin_pad = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
_x = Xmax_cell - pad_height # la position finale dans la cell
_y = y_init
_y = _y - ( _y % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
if isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
cellAB = cell.getAbutmentBox()
coreAB = core.getAbutmentBox()
pad_height = getPadHeight ( cell )
if _y <= ( ( cellAB.getYMin() + pad_height ) + coreAB.getYMin() ) / 2 \
or _y >= ( ( cellAB.getYMax() - pad_height ) + coreAB.getYMax() ) / 2 :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadEast : pad %s must be closer to the center.\n"%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# y calcule pour le pad suivant
y_init = _y + interval + pad_width
# avoir le x y apres orientation
box = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
_difx = Transformation ( 0, 0, 7 ).getBox ( box ).getXMin()
_dify = Transformation ( 0, 0, 7 ).getBox ( box ).getYMin()
ins.setTransformation ( Transformation ( _x - _difx
, _y - _dify
, Transformation.Orientation.YR
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ins.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PadWest ##
def pyPadWest ( cell, core, args ) :
'''This function places pads at the west of the cell. It leaves an empty squarre of CARRE * CARRE, CARRE is defined in macro'''
global pad_west
# Sauvegarder la liste des plots
pad_west = args
# avoir le largeur du espace disponible du nord pour placer les pads
west_espace_width = core.getAbutmentBox().getXMin() - cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
west_espace_longueur = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() - ( 2 * getPadHeight ( cell ) )
# avoir le nombre de pads
nb_pads = len ( args )
# avoir le largeur total des pads
largeur = 0
for ins in args :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadWest : the instance %s is already placed."%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() >= west_espace_width :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadWest : not enough space for pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
largeur += ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
if largeur > west_espace_longueur :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadWest : not enough space for pads.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# calculer l'interval entre les pads
interval = int ( ( west_espace_longueur - largeur ) / ( nb_pads + 1 ) )
# placer les pads
Xmin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
Ymin_cell = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
y_init = Ymin_cell + getPadHeight ( cell ) + interval
##### Parcours des pads #####
for ins in args :
pad_height = ins.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
pad_width = ins.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
_x = Xmin_cell # la position finale dans la cell
_y = y_init
_y = _y - ( _y % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
if isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
cellAB = cell.getAbutmentBox()
coreAB = core.getAbutmentBox()
pad_height = getPadHeight ( cell )
if _y <= ( ( cellAB.getYMin() + pad_height ) + coreAB.getYMin() ) / 2 \
or _y >= ( ( cellAB.getYMax() - pad_height ) + coreAB.getYMax() ) / 2 :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PadWest : pad %s must be closer to the center.\n"%str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# y calcule pour le pad suivant
y_init = _y + interval + pad_width
# avoir x y apres orientation
box = ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox()
_difx = Transformation ( 0, 0, 1 ).getBox ( box ).getXMin()
_dify = Transformation ( 0, 0, 1 ).getBox ( box ).getYMin()
ins.setTransformation ( Transformation ( _x - _difx
, _y - _dify
, Transformation.Orientation.R1
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ins.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
## PowerRing ##
def pyPowerRing ( cell, core, n ) :
'''This function places power rings around the core and around the plots
n is the number of rings (n vdd, n+1 vss)
, Distance between rings is defined by macro DbU_lambda ( RING_INTERVAL )
Width of rings is defined by macro DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH )'''
global pad_north, pad_south, pad_east, pad_west
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
db = DataBase.getDB()
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
topRoutingLayerName = Cfg.getParamString('katabatic.topRoutingLayer', 'METAL4').asString()
topRoutingLayer = db.getTechnology().getLayer( topRoutingLayerName )
allowedDepth = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getRoutingGauge().getLayerDepth( topRoutingLayer )
print 'topRoutingLayer: <%s> depth:%d' % (topRoutingLayer.getName(), allowedDepth)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if pad_north == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"PowerRing : Pads in the north haven't been placed")
if pad_south == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"PowerRing : Pads in the south haven't been placed")
if pad_east == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"PowerRing : Pads in the east haven't been placed")
if pad_west == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"PowerRing : Pads in the west haven't been placed")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# le largeur du fil de routage
routage_segment_width = DbU_lambda(12)
# la distance entre les deux centres des couronnes
decalage = DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) + DbU_lambda(RING_INTERVAL)
# Recuperer les informations sur le core
core_width = core.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
core_height = core.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
core_Xmin = core.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
core_Ymin = core.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
core_Xmax = core.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
core_Ymax = core.getAbutmentBox().getYMax()
mips_core = core.getMasterCell()
# Recuperer la hauteur des plots
pad_height = getPadHeight ( cell )
# Recuperer les layers ( Vias , Alus )
metal4 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL4" )
metal3 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL3" )
metal2 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL2" )
metal1 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL1" )
via1 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA12" )
via2 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA23" )
via3 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA34" )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth < 3):
hCoronaLayer = metal2
vCoronaLayer = metal3
cCoronaLayer = via2
hCoronaLayer = metal4
vCoronaLayer = metal3
cCoronaLayer = via3
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Recuperer les nets ( qui connectent les connectors du plot : vdde , vsse , vddi , vssi , ck )
instance = cell.getInstance( pad_north[0].getName() )
model = instance.getMasterCell()
vddp = instance.getPlug ( model.getNet("vdde") ).getNet()
vssp = instance.getPlug ( model.getNet("vsse") ).getNet()
vdd = instance.getPlug ( model.getNet("vddi") ).getNet()
vss = instance.getPlug ( model.getNet("vssi") ).getNet()
ck = instance.getPlug ( model.getNet("ck" ) ).getNet()
# If nets are globals, get them from the netlist.
if not vddp: vddp = cell.getNet('vdde')
if not vssp: vssp = cell.getNet('vsse')
if not vdd: vdd = cell.getNet('vddi')
if not vss: vss = cell.getNet('vssi')
if not ck: ck = cell.getNet('cki')
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Prendre la hauteur, la longueur, Xmin et Ymin de ce modele
cell_height = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
cell_width = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth()
cell_Xmin = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMin()
cell_Ymin = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMin()
cell_Xmax = cell.getAbutmentBox().getXMax()
cell_Ymax = cell.getAbutmentBox().getYMax()
# Verifier s'il y a assez de places pour les couronnes
if ( cell_height - core_height ) < ( cell_width - core_width ) : smaller = cell_height - core_height
else : smaller = cell_width - core_width
limit = DbU_lambda ( int ( DbU_getLambda ( smaller ) / 2 ) ) - pad_height
if ( (2*n + 1) * DbU_lambda(RING_INTERVAL) + (2*n) * DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) >= limit : # 2*n + 1 spaces + 2*n width
raise ErrorMessage(2,"PowerRing : too many rings, not enough space")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# la distance entre les couronnes et le core
marge = DbU_lambda ( int ( DbU_getLambda ( limit - (2*n + 1 ) * DbU_lambda(RING_INTERVAL) - (2*n) * DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) ) / 2 )
east_power = []
west_power = []
north_power = []
south_power = []
searchVddVss ( cell, east_power, west_power, north_power, south_power )
#affichePad ( cell )
# Creation des listes pad_north_pin_y_vss et pad_north_pin_vdd
pad_north_pin_x_vss = []
pad_north_pin_x_vdd = []
for pad_inst in pad_north :
if isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ):
transformation = pad_inst.getTransformation()
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_north_pin_x_vss.append ( [transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfWidth()] )
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_north_pin_x_vdd.append ( [transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfWidth()] )
# Creation des listes pad_south_pin_y_vss et pad_south_pin_vdd
pad_south_pin_x_vss = []
pad_south_pin_x_vdd = []
for pad_inst in pad_south :
if isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ):
transformation = pad_inst.getTransformation()
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_south_pin_x_vss.append ( [transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfWidth()] )
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_south_pin_x_vdd.append ( [transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfWidth()] )
# Creation des listes pad_east_pin_y_vss et pad_east_pin_vdd
pad_east_pin_y_vss = []
pad_east_pin_y_vdd = []
for pad_inst in pad_east :
if isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ):
transformation = pad_inst.getTransformation()
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_east_pin_y_vss.append ( [transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight()] )
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_east_pin_y_vdd.append ( [transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight()] )
# Creation des listes pad_west_pin_y_vss et pad_west_pin_vdd
pad_west_pin_y_vss = []
pad_west_pin_y_vdd = []
for pad_inst in pad_west :
if isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ):
transformation = pad_inst.getTransformation()
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_west_pin_y_vss.append ( [transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight()] )
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
if ( "METAL2", str ( element.getLayer() ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
pad_west_pin_y_vdd.append ( [transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() ), element.getBoundingBox().getHalfHeight()] )
# les listes pour sauvegarder les segments des couronnes des quatres coins
vertical_west_vss = []
vertical_east_vss = []
horizontal_south_vss = []
horizontal_north_vss = []
vertical_west_vdd = []
vertical_east_vdd = []
horizontal_south_vdd = []
horizontal_north_vdd = []
init_Xmin = core_Xmin - marge - DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) / 2
init_Xmin = init_Xmin - ( init_Xmin % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
init_Ymin = core_Ymin - marge - DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) / 2
init_Ymin = init_Ymin - ( init_Ymin % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
init_Xmax = core_Xmax + marge + DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) / 2
init_Xmax = init_Xmax - ( init_Xmax % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
init_Ymax = core_Ymax + marge + DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) / 2
init_Ymax = init_Ymax - ( init_Ymax % DbU_lambda(PITCH) )
contact_side = DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH-1)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for i in range ( 0, 2*n+1, 2 ) :
contact1 = Contact.create ( vss, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage*i, init_Ymin - decalage*i, contact_side, contact_side )
contact2 = Contact.create ( vss, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage*i, init_Ymax + decalage*i, contact_side, contact_side )
contact3 = Contact.create ( vss, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage*i, init_Ymax + decalage*i, contact_side, contact_side )
contact4 = Contact.create ( vss, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage*i, init_Ymin - decalage*i, contact_side, contact_side )
vertical_west_vss.append ( Vertical.create ( contact1, contact2, vCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage*i, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
vertical_east_vss.append ( Vertical.create ( contact3, contact4, vCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage*i, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
horizontal_south_vss.append ( Horizontal.create ( contact1, contact4, hCoronaLayer, init_Ymin - decalage*i, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
horizontal_north_vss.append ( Horizontal.create ( contact2, contact3, hCoronaLayer, init_Ymax + decalage*i, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if i != 2*n :
contact1 = Contact.create ( vdd, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage* ( i + 1 ), init_Ymin - decalage*( i + 1 ) , contact_side, contact_side )
contact2 = Contact.create ( vdd, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage* ( i + 1 ), init_Ymax + decalage*( i + 1 ) , contact_side, contact_side )
contact3 = Contact.create ( vdd, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage* ( i + 1 ), init_Ymax + decalage*( i + 1 ) , contact_side, contact_side )
contact4 = Contact.create ( vdd, cCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage* ( i + 1 ), init_Ymin - decalage*( i + 1 ) , contact_side, contact_side )
vertical_west_vdd.append ( Vertical.create ( contact1, contact2, vCoronaLayer, init_Xmin - decalage* ( i + 1 ), DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
vertical_east_vdd.append ( Vertical.create ( contact3, contact4, vCoronaLayer, init_Xmax + decalage* ( i + 1 ), DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
horizontal_south_vdd.append ( Horizontal.create ( contact1, contact4, hCoronaLayer, init_Ymin - decalage* ( i + 1 ), DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
horizontal_north_vdd.append ( Horizontal.create ( contact2, contact3, hCoronaLayer, init_Ymax + decalage* ( i + 1 ), DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) ) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# MACRO pour les directions d'access des pins
EAST = 3
WEST = 4
## Connecter les pins de vss aux couronnes de vss ##
core_transformation = core.getTransformation()
# parcourir les pins de vss
for element in mips_core.getNet("vss").getPins():
element_layer_name = str ( element.getLayer().getName() ) # string, nom du layer
# avoir le x, y transforme
_x = core_transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
_y = core_transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Creer un contact a la place du pin
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and \ ( "METAL4", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vss, metal4, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
elif ( "METAL1", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vss, metal1, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
elif ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vss, metal3, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s.\n" % element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection du cote de l'ouest
if element.getAccessDirection() == WEST :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vss
halfHeight = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [yPin,pinHalfHeight] in pad_west_pin_y_vss + pad_west_pin_y_vdd :
if ( _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight and _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight ) \
or ( _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight and _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti + 1 ) :
contact_x = init_Xmin - ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
contact_side = element.getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and "METAL4", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vss, via3 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact, old_contact , metal4 , _y , element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
contact_via1 = Contact.create ( vss, via1 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
contact_via2 = Contact.create ( vss, via2 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact_via1 , old_contact , metal1 , _y , element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact_via1
# Connection du cote de l'est
if element.getAccessDirection() == EAST :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vss
halfHeight = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [yPin,pinHalfHeight] in pad_east_pin_y_vss + pad_east_pin_y_vdd :
if ( _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight and _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight ) \
or ( _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight and _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti + 1 ) :
contact_x = init_Xmax + ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
contact_side = element.getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and "METAL4", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vss, via3 , contact_x , _y , contact_side, contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact, old_contact , metal4 , _y , element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
contact_via1 = Contact.create ( vss, via1 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
contact_via2 = Contact.create ( vss, via2 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact_via1 , old_contact , metal1 , _y , element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact_via1
# Connection du cote du nord
if element.getAccessDirection() == NORTH :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vss
halfWidth = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [xPin,pinHalfWidth] in pad_north_pin_x_vss + pad_north_pin_x_vdd :
if ( _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth and _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth ) \
or ( _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth and _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti + 1 ) :
contact_y = init_Ymax + ( decalage*2 )*i # y du contact a creer
if ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vss, via3, _x, contact_y, element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
vertical = Vertical.create ( contact, old_contact, metal3, _x, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s.\n"% element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection du cote du sud
if element.getAccessDirection() == SOUTH :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vss
halfWidth = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [xPin,pinHalfWidth] in pad_south_pin_x_vss + pad_south_pin_x_vdd :
if ( _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth and _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth ) \
or ( _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth and _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti+1 ) :
contact_y = init_Ymin - ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
if ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vss, via3, _x, contact_y, element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
vertical = Vertical.create ( contact, old_contact, metal3, _x, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s."%element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# End of while
### Connecter les pins de vdd aux couronnes de vdd ###
core_transformation = core.getTransformation()
# parcourir les pins de vdd
for element in mips_core.getNet("vdd").getPins():
element_layer_name = str(element.getLayer().getName()) # string , nom du layer
# avoir x, y transforme
_x = core_transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
_y = core_transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
# Creer un contact a la place du pin
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and \ ( "METAL4", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vdd, metal4, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
elif ( "METAL1", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vdd, metal1, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
elif ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) : old_contact = Contact.create ( vdd, metal3, _x, _y , element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s."%element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection du cote de l'ouest
if element.getAccessDirection() == WEST :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vdd
halfHeight = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [yPin,pinHalfHeight] in pad_west_pin_y_vss + pad_west_pin_y_vdd :
if ( _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight and _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight ) \
or ( _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight and _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti ) :
contact_x = init_Xmin - decalage - ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
contact_side = element.getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and "METAL4", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vdd, via3, contact_x, _y, contact_side, contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact, old_contact, metal4, _y, element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
contact_via1 = Contact.create ( vdd, via1, contact_x, _y, contact_side, contact_side )
contact_via2 = Contact.create ( vdd, via2, contact_x, _y, contact_side, contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact_via1, old_contact, metal1, _y, element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact_via1
# Connection du cote de l'est
if element.getAccessDirection() == EAST :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vdd
halfHeight = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [yPin,pinHalfHeight] in pad_east_pin_y_vss + pad_east_pin_y_vdd :
if ( _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight and _y + halfHeight + DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight ) \
or ( _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) <= yPin + pinHalfHeight and _y - halfHeight - DbU_lambda(3) >= yPin - pinHalfHeight ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti ) :
contact_x = init_Xmax + ( decalage*2 )*i + decalage # x du contact a creer
contact_side = element.getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if (allowedDepth > 2) and "METAL4", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vdd, via3 , contact_x , _y , contact_side , contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact, old_contact , metal4 , _y , element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
contact_via1 = Contact.create ( vdd, via1, contact_x, _y, contact_side, contact_side )
contact_via2 = Contact.create ( vdd, via2, contact_x, _y, contact_side, contact_side )
horizontal = Horizontal.create ( contact_via1, old_contact, metal1, _y, element.getHeight() )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact_via1
# Connection du cote du nord
if element.getAccessDirection() == NORTH :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vdd
halfWidth = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [xPin,pinHalfWidth] in pad_north_pin_x_vss + pad_north_pin_x_vdd :
if ( _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth and _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth ) \
or ( _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth and _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti ) :
contact_y = init_Ymax + decalage + ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
if ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vdd, via3, _x, contact_y, element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
vertical = Vertical.create ( contact, old_contact, metal3, _x, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s."%element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection du cote du sud
if element.getAccessDirection() == SOUTH :
# Parcourir tous les couronnes vdd
halfWidth = element.getHeight() / 2
lastVerti = n
for [xPin,pinHalfWidth] in pad_south_pin_x_vss + pad_south_pin_x_vdd :
if ( _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth and _x + halfWidth + DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth ) \
or ( _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) <= xPin + pinHalfWidth and _x - halfWidth - DbU_lambda(3) >= xPin - pinHalfWidth ):
lastVerti = n/2 + (n+1)%2
for i in range ( lastVerti ) :
contact_y = init_Ymin - decalage - ( decalage*2 )*i # x du contact a creer
if ( "METAL3", element_layer_name ) :
contact = Contact.create ( vdd, via3, _x, contact_y, element.getHeight(), element.getHeight() )
vertical = Vertical.create ( contact, old_contact, metal3, _x, DbU_lambda(RING_WIDTH) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_contact = contact
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"wrong layer of pin in the west of core : %s."%element_layer_name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# End of while
# Attention au decalage de 1/2 de CMETAL
#LAMBDA = DbU_lambda ( 1 ) / 2
LAMBDA = DbU_lambda ( 1 )
# Connection entre couronnes internes et couronnes externes #
for pad_inst in pad_east :
if isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) :
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Contact.create ( vss, via2, X, Y, height, height )
contactPad = Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, Y, height, height )
Horizontal.create ( contactPad, vertical_east_vss[-1], metal1, Y, DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, vertical_east_vss[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
Contact.create ( vss, via2, vertical_east_vss[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
#Contact ( vdd, via2, X, Y, height, height )
contactPad = Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, Y, height, height )
Horizontal.create ( contactPad, vertical_east_vdd[-1], metal1, Y, DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, vertical_east_vdd[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
Contact.create ( vdd, via2, vertical_east_vdd[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for pad_inst in pad_west :
if isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) :
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
#Contact ( vss, via2, X, Y, height, height )
contactPad = Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, Y, height, height )
Horizontal.create ( contactPad, vertical_west_vss[-1], metal1, Y, DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, vertical_west_vss[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
Contact.create ( vss, via2, vertical_west_vss[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
#Contact ( vdd, via2, X, Y, height, height )
contactPad = Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, Y, height, height )
Horizontal.create ( contactPad, vertical_west_vdd[-1], metal1, Y, DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, vertical_west_vdd[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
Contact.create ( vdd, via2, vertical_west_vdd[-1].getX(), Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for pad_inst in pad_north :
if isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) :
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, Y, height, height )
#Contact.create ( vss, via2, X, Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
contactPad = Contact.create ( vss, metal1, X, Y, height, height )
Vertical.create ( contactPad, horizontal_north_vss[-1], metal1, X , DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, horizontal_north_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if allowedDepth > 2:
Contact.create ( vss, via2, X, horizontal_north_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
Contact.create ( vss, via3, X, horizontal_north_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, Y, height, height )
#Contact.create ( vdd, via2, X, Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
contactPad = Contact.create ( vdd, metal1, X, Y, height, height )
Vertical.create ( contactPad, horizontal_north_vdd[-1], metal1, X, DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, horizontal_north_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if allowedDepth > 2:
Contact.create ( vdd, via2, X, horizontal_north_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
Contact.create ( vdd, via3, X, horizontal_north_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for pad_inst in pad_south :
if isInternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalPowerPad ( pad_inst ) \
or isInternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) or isExternalGroundPad ( pad_inst ) :
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vssi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, Y, height, height )
#Contact.create ( vss, via2, X, Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
contactPad = Contact.create ( vss, metal1, X, Y, height, height )
Vertical.create ( contactPad, horizontal_south_vss[-1], metal1, X , DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vss, via1, X, horizontal_south_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if allowedDepth > 2:
Contact.create ( vss, via2, X, horizontal_south_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
Contact.create ( vss, via3, X, horizontal_south_vss[-1].getY(), height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
for element in NetExternalComponents.get ( pad_inst.getMasterCell().getNet("vddi") ):
layer = element.getLayer()
height = element.getBoundingBox().getHeight() - DbU_lambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "METAL3", str ( layer ) ) \
and ( ( element.getY() - ( height / 2 ) ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
X = pad_inst.getTransformation().getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = pad_inst.getTransformation().getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, Y, height, height )
#Contact.create ( vdd, via2, X, Y, height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
contactPad = Contact.create ( vdd, metal1, X, Y, height, height )
Vertical.create ( contactPad, horizontal_south_vdd[-1], metal1, X , DbU_lambda ( RING_WIDTH ) )
Contact.create ( vdd, via1, X, horizontal_south_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
Improved UpdateSession & exception catching. Start of RoutingGauge implem. Miscellaneous: * Change: In <crlcore>, in display.conf use the same display threshold for both METAL2 & METAL3. In alliance.conf, the side of VIAs in the gauge is 2l (not 3l). In kite.conf, separate edge densities for H/V. * Change: In <Cell>, in flattenNets() use flag as argument, not a boolean. Do not create rings for clock or supply nets. * Change: In <DeepNet>, in _createRoutingPads() do not create rings for clock or supply net (duplicated policy as in Cell::flattenNets()). * Bug: In <ControllerWidget>, at last find the bad signal disconnect that was causing ungraceful messages. * Change: In <knik>, in Edge display occupancy/capacity in the string name. Improved display progress and debugging capabilities. Improved exception catch & breakpoint managment: * Bug: In <PaletteWidget>, in updateExtensions() replace the calls to deleteLayer() by delete. This cause the widget to be immediatly erased instead of waiting for the event queue to be completly processed. This was causing the widget to be left in a incoherent state when stoping at a breakpoint. * Bug: In <BreakpointWidget>, in execNoModal(), flush the main event loop (QApplication::flush()) *before* lauching the *local* event loop. This is to ensure all widgets are in their final state when waiting (especially <PaletteWidget>). * Change: In <ExceptionWidget>, new method catchAllWrapper() to execute any std::function< void() > function/method with a "try"/ "catch" wraparound and lauch the widget in case something is catch. * New: In <hurricane>, support for a oberver pattern, backported from <katabatic> with an Obervable capable of being linked to any number of Obervers. * New: In <Cell>, made it observable to detect Cell change, currently emit two kind of signals: - Cell::CellAboutToChange : *before* any change. - Cell::CellChanged : *after* the change has been completed. * New: In <UpdateSession>, in Go::invalidate() add the Cell owning the Go to the UPDATOR_STACK (of course the cell is added only once). In addition, when the Cell is added, send a notification of Cell::CellAboutToChange to all it's observers. The slave instances are also invalidated. Conversely in UpdateSession::_preDestroy() for each invalidated Cell send a Cell::CellChanged notification to all observer. The UPDATOR_STACK has been slightly amended to accept Cell which are not Gos. Prior to this, the Cell where completly excluded from the UpdateSession mechanism, so it's instances where never actualised of anything referring to the Cell for that matter. Note: we use two different mechanisms to transmit a Cell change, observers and the slave instance map. I think at some point it should be unificated. * Change: In <CellViewer>, make it a Cell observer to redraw when the cell is modificated (also update the palette). Uses the catchAllWrapper() to protect all critical actions. * Change: In <GraphicTool>, no longer need of cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated signals. Now done through the Cell obersvers. * Change: In <mauka>, <etesian> & <kite> now uses the catchAllWrapper method for protection (need to split methods in two, to be able to pass it as argument). No longer emit cellPreModificated and cellPostModificated. Support for RoutingGauge in P&R: * Bug: In <>, the connection from the internal power ring to the connectors was not done correctly. Wrong contact layers leading to a gap. * Change: In <BuildPowerRails>, detection of the corona signals based on how the "pck_px" pad is connected. No longer based on name matching. * Change: In <>, support for 2 routing metal only (3 metal in the technology). * Change: In <katabatic> & <kite> support for a "top layer" limitation on the routing gauge, this allows to use only two routing metals (METAL2 & METAL3). Work in progress.
2014-04-20 12:25:08 -05:00
if allowedDepth > 2:
Contact.create ( vdd, via2, X, horizontal_south_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
Contact.create ( vdd, via3, X, horizontal_south_vdd[-1].getY(), height, height )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
##################################### ###########################
##################################### # #
# #
# #
points_0 = [] # CHIP #
points_1 = [] # #
points_2 = [] # #
points_3 = [] # #
# #
# 0 3 #
instance = cell.getInstance ( pad_north[0].getName() )
trans = instance.getTransformation()
for net in instance.getMasterCell().getNets():
if net.isSupply() or net.isClock() :
for component in NetExternalComponents.get(net):
plug = instance.getPlug ( net )
NET = getNetFromPlug( plug )
if ( not NET ) : raise ErrorMessage(2,"Error plug : %s must be connected" % str(plug.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
layer = getNonCLayer ( component.getLayer() )
# On applique la transformation au component, et on recupere les nouvelles coordonnees
Y = cell_Ymax + cell_Ymin - trans.getY ( component.getX(), component.getY() )
# On recupere la hauteur du component pour router sur la meme hauteur
RING_HEIGHT = component.getBoundingBox().getHeight()
# On calcule les differents points aux angles pour chaque net
X_point = cell_Xmin + Y
Y_point = cell_Ymin + Y
contact = Contact.create ( NET, layer, X_point, Y_point, RING_HEIGHT, RING_HEIGHT )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
points_0.append ( dict ( [ ['X',X_point], ['Y',Y_point], ['N',NET], ['L',layer], ['R',RING_HEIGHT], ['C',contact] ] ) )
X_point = cell_Xmin + Y
Y_point = cell_Ymin + ( cell_Ymax - Y )
contact = Contact.create ( NET, layer, X_point, Y_point, RING_HEIGHT, RING_HEIGHT )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
points_1.append ( dict ( [ ['X',X_point], ['Y',Y_point], ['N',NET], ['L',layer], ['R',RING_HEIGHT], ['C',contact] ] ) )
X_point = cell_Xmin + ( cell_Xmax - Y )
Y_point = cell_Ymin + ( cell_Ymax - Y )
contact = Contact.create ( NET, layer, X_point, Y_point, RING_HEIGHT, RING_HEIGHT )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
points_2.append ( dict ( [ ['X',X_point], ['Y',Y_point], ['N',NET], ['L',layer], ['R',RING_HEIGHT], ['C',contact] ] ) )
X_point = cell_Xmin + ( cell_Xmax - Y )
Y_point = cell_Ymin + Y
contact = Contact.create ( NET, layer, X_point, Y_point, RING_HEIGHT, RING_HEIGHT )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
points_3.append ( dict ( [ ['X',X_point], ['Y',Y_point], ['N',NET], ['L',layer], ['R',RING_HEIGHT], ['C',contact] ] ) )
# end of while
# end of while
#print "\n\n\n\npoints_0 : ", points_0 , "\n\npoints_1 : " ,points_1 , "\n\npoints_2 : " ,points_2 , "\n\npoints_3 : " , points_3 , "\n\n\n\n"
# Placer au cote du nord
for ins_pad in pad_north :
Y_pad = DbU_lambda ( int ( DbU_getLambda ( ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getYCenter() ) ) )
X_pad = DbU_lambda ( int ( DbU_getLambda ( ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getXCenter() ) ) )
if ins_pad == pad_north[0] :
for point in points_1 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], X_pad, point['Y'], point['R'], point['R'] )
Horizontal.create ( point['C'], contact, point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
for point in points_1 :
Horizontal.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'], old_X_pad, X_pad )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins_pad == pad_north[-1] :
for point in points_2 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], X_pad, point['Y'], point['R'], point['R'] )
Horizontal.create ( contact, point['C'], point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_X_pad = X_pad
# Placer au cote de l'est
for ins_pad in pad_east :
Y_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getYCenter()
X_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getXCenter()
if ins_pad == pad_east[0] :
for point in points_3 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], Y_pad, point['R'], point['R'] )
Vertical.create ( point['C'], contact, point['L'], point['X'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
for point in points_3 :
Vertical.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], point['R'], old_Y_pad, Y_pad )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins_pad == pad_east[-1] :
for point in points_2 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], Y_pad, point['R'], point['R'] )
Vertical.create ( contact, point['C'], point['L'], point['X'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_Y_pad = Y_pad
# Placer au cote du south
for ins_pad in pad_south :
Y_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getYCenter()
X_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getXCenter()
if ins_pad == pad_south[0] :
for point in points_0 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], X_pad, point['Y'], point['R'], point['R'] )
Horizontal.create ( point['C'], contact, point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
for point in points_0 :
Horizontal.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'], old_X_pad, X_pad )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins_pad == pad_south[-1] :
for point in points_3 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], X_pad, point['Y'], point['R'], point['R'] )
Horizontal.create ( contact, point['C'], point['L'], point['Y'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_X_pad = X_pad
# Placer au cote de l'ouest
for ins_pad in pad_west :
Y_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getYCenter()
X_pad = ins_pad.getAbutmentBox().getXCenter()
if ins_pad == pad_west[0] :
for point in points_0 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], Y_pad, point['R'], point['R'] )
Vertical.create ( point['C'], contact, point['L'], point['X'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
for point in points_0 :
Vertical.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], point['R'], old_Y_pad, Y_pad )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ins_pad == pad_west[-1] :
for point in points_1 :
contact = Contact.create ( point['N'], point['L'], point['X'], Y_pad, point['R'], point['R'] )
Vertical.create ( contact, point['C'], point['L'], point['X'], point['R'] )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
old_Y_pad = Y_pad
def create_inst ( model, name, cell ) :
# Error : if the cell the instance has to be instanciated in does not exist
if not cell :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"Cannot create instance %s : the cell does not exist."%name)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Load model in the database
modelmastercell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getCell ( model, CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Error : if the model is not found in the libraries
if not modelmastercell :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"Cannot create instance %s : model %s does not exist in the database."%(name,model))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
inst = Instance.create ( cell, name, modelmastercell )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection
plugGround = inst.getPlug ( iter(modelmastercell.getGroundNets()).next() )
plugGround.setNet ( iter(cell.getGroundNets()).next() )
plugPower = inst.getPlug ( iter(modelmastercell.getPowerNets()).next() )
plugPower.setNet ( iter(cell.getPowerNets()).next() )
return inst
def place ( inst, x, y, orientation ) :
# Error : if the hurricane instance does not exist
if not inst :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"Layout : The instance of %s has not been created."%str(inst.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Error : if the instance is already placed
if inst.getPlacementStatus() == Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"Placement : the instance %s is already placed."%str(inst.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if orientation == Transformation.Orientation.MY :
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
y += inst.getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
inst.setTransformation ( Transformation ( x, y, orientation ) )
inst.setPlacementStatus ( Instance.PlacementStatus.FIXED )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def getStandardInstancesMasque ( cell ) :
'''This function creates the mask of the standard cells'''
global FREE, standard_instances_masque, nb_lignes, nb_colonnes, reference
# The two dimensions of the mask
nb_lignes = cell.getAbutmentBox().getHeight() / DbU_lambda(SLICE)
nb_colonnes = cell.getAbutmentBox().getWidth() / DbU_lambda(PITCH)
# Creation of a mask named standard_instances_masque
standard_instances_masque = []
standard_instances_masque = [[FREE for j in range(nb_colonnes)] for i in range(nb_lignes)]
# Cover of all the instances of this model and fill in of the mask
reference = getAllStandardInstances ( cell )
return reference
def getAllStandardInstances ( cell ) :
'''This function is used to get all the standard instances of a cell and to flatten all the standard cells'''
global reference
reference = []
for element in cell.getInstances():
# FOR EACH PLACED or FIXED instance of the cell, we call getStandardInstances method
if element.getPlacementStatus() != Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED :
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
reference = getStandardInstances ( cell, element, element.getTransformation(), cell.getName() )
return reference
def getStandardInstances ( cell, inst, transformation, name_masterinst ) :
'''This function covers all the instances of the model ,
it is also used to get all the transformations of the placed instances
it fills the standard_instances masque and the standard_instances_list '''
global standard_instances_masque, reference
# Si l'instance est PLACED ou FIXED
if inst.getPlacementStatus() != Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED :
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
name = str ( inst.getMasterCell().getLibrary().getName() )
if inst.isLeaf() :
# new abutmentbox
newbox = transformation.getBox ( inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox() )
Height = newbox.getHeight()
Width = newbox.getWidth()
Xmin = newbox.getXMin()
Ymin = newbox.getYMin()
orientation = transformation.getOrientation()
if reference == [] : reference[ 0:3 ] = [ Xmin, Ymin, orientation ]
# on ajoute l'inst a la liste standard_instances_list
standard_instances_list.append ( ( Ymin, orientation, inst, str(name_masterinst) ) ) # add a tuple
nb_slices = Height / DbU_lambda(SLICE)
nb_pitchs = Width / DbU_lambda(PITCH)
# on remplit le masque
for i in range ( nb_slices ) :
for j in range ( nb_pitchs ) :
# on marque les cellules en POWER ou OCCUPIED FIXME : pourquoi ?
if ( "powmid_x0", str ( inst.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
standard_instances_masque [ Ymin / DbU_lambda(SLICE) + i ][ Xmin / DbU_lambda(PITCH) + j ] = POWER
else :
standard_instances_masque [ Ymin / DbU_lambda(SLICE) + i ][ Xmin / DbU_lambda(PITCH) + j ] = OCCUPIED
# Si la masterCell n'est pas terminale, on appelle la fonction recursivement sur ses instances
else :
for element in inst.getMasterCell().getInstances():
getStandardInstances ( cell, element, transformation.getTransformation(element.getTransformation()), inst.getName() )
return reference
def verifyPlacement ( cell ) :
'''This function is used to check the placement of the standard cells'''
global standard_instances_list
# YMin of reference
YMin = standard_instances_list[0][0]
# orientation code of reference
orientation = standard_instances_list[0][1]
# cover all the other
for i in range ( 1, len ( standard_instances_list ) ) :
element = standard_instances_list[i]
element_YMin = element[0]
element_orientation = element[1]
distance = element_YMin - YMin
# Error : if the orientation is different from 0, 2, 4 ,6
#if not element_orientation in [0,2,4,6] :
if element_orientation in [1,3,5,7] :
err = "Placement of cells : please check your file of layout with DRUC."
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# err += "Error Detail :" + "\n"
# err += " instance " + str(element[2].getName()) + " of model " + str(element[2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(element[2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " incoherent with :" + "\n"
# err += " instance " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getName()) + "\n"
# err += " of model " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " reference ymin is " + str(YMin) + " orientation " + str(orientation) + "\n"
# err += " element ymin is", element[0], "orientation", element_orientation + "\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if distance < 0 : distance = -distance
nb_case = distance / DbU_lambda ( 50 )
# odd number
if nb_case % 2 :
if ( element_orientation - orientation ) in [4,-4] :
err = "Placement of cells : please check your file of layout with DRUC\n"
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# err += "Error Detail :" + "\n"
# err += " instance " + str(element[2].getName()) + " of model " + str(element[2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(element[2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " incoherent with :" + "\n"
# err += " instance " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getName()) + "\n"
# err += " of model " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " reference ymin is " + str(YMin) + " orientation " + orientation + "\n"
# err += " element ymin is " + element[0] + " orientation " + element_orientation + "\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# even number
else :
if ( element_orientation - orientation ) in [2,-2,6,-6] :
err = "Placement of cells : please check your file of layout with DRUC\n"
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# err += "Error Detail :"
# err += " instance " + str(element[2].getName()) + " of model " + str(element[2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(element[2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " incoherent with :" + "\n"
# err += " instance " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getName()) + "\n"
# err += " of model " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getMasterCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " in cell " + str(standard_instances_list[0][2].getCell().getName()) + "\n"
# err += " reference ymin is " + str(YMin) + " orientation " + orientation + "\n"
# err += " element ymin is " + element[0] + " orientation " + element_orientation + "\n"
raise ErrorMessage(2,err)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def temporarySave ( cell = None ) :
framework = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if cell == None :
for cell in framework.getLibrary(0).getCells():
if str ( cell.getName() ) != "__Scratch__" :
framework.saveCell ( cell, CRL.Catalog.State.Physical )
else :
framework.saveCell ( cell, CRL.Catalog.State.Physical )
def getVddVss ( cell, y ) :
'''This function returns a string 'vdd' or 'vss' according to the variance between y and the reference cell. y is in slices'''
global reference
if reference == [] : raise ErrorMessage(2,"getVddVss : Reference is not token.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# in order to know if it is vdd or vss
distance = y - int ( DbU_getLambda ( reference[1] ) ) / 50
if distance < 0 : distance = -distance
orientation = reference[2]
if orientation in [0,4] :
if distance % 2 : return "vdd"
else : return "vss"
elif orientation in [2,6] :
if distance % 2 : return "vss"
else : return "vdd"
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"get_vdd_vss : Illegal orientation of reference %s.\n"%orientation)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def getPadHeight ( cell ) :
'''This function returns the pad height if there is at least one pad'''
padFound = 0
for instance in cell.getInstances():
if isPad ( instance ):
pad_height = instance.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getHeight()
padFound = 1
if padFound : return pad_height
else : raise ErrorMessage(2,"getPadHeight : No pad found.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def isPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if the instance is a pad'''
if ( "p.*_px", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) \
or ( "p.*_sp", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ):
return True
return False
def isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an internal power pad'''
if ( "pvddi", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an external power pad'''
if ( "pvdde", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an internal ground pad'''
if ( "pvssi", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an external ground pad'''
if ( "pvsse", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def isInternalClockPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an internal clock pad'''
if ( "pvssick_", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) \
or ( "pvddick_", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def isExternalClockPad ( ins ) :
'''This function returns 1 if pad is an external clock pad'''
if ( "pvsseck_", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) \
or ( "pvddeck_", str ( ins.getMasterCell().getName() ) ) :
return 1
return 0
def affichePad ( cell ) :
global pad_north, pad_south, pad_east, pad_west
print "Pads in the north are :"
for pad in pad_north : print cell.getInstance ( pad.getName() ).getMasterCell().getName()
print "Pads in the south are :"
for pad in pad_south : print cell.getInstance ( pad.getName() ).getMasterCell().getName()
print "Pads in the east are :"
for pad in pad_east : print cell.getInstance ( pad.getName() ).getMasterCell().getName()
print "Pads in the west are :"
for pad in pad_west : print cell.getInstance ( pad.getName() ).getMasterCell().getName()
def searchVddVss ( cell, *args ) :
'''This function searches plots providing vdd and vss, and returns four lists'''
global pad_north, pad_south, pad_east, pad_west
# MACRO pour les directions d'access des pins
EAST = 3
WEST = 4
pad_list = [pad_east, pad_west, pad_north, pad_south]
for i in range ( len ( args ) ) :
for ins in pad_list[i] :
model = ins.getMasterCell()
transformation = ins.getTransformation()
if isInternalPowerPad ( ins ) or isExternalPowerPad ( ins ) \
or isInternalGroundPad ( ins ) or isExternalGroundPad ( ins ) :
# on connecte les pins vddi
for element in model.getNet("vddi").getPins():
layer = element.getLayer()
X = transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
args[i].append ( dict ( [['N', "vdd"], ['L',layer], ['X',X], ['Y',Y], ['C',0]] ) )
# on connecte les pins vssi
for element in model.getNet("vssi").getPins():
layer = element.getLayer()
X = transformation.getX ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
Y = transformation.getY ( element.getX(), element.getY() )
args[i].append ( dict ( [['N', "vss"], ['L',layer], ['X',X], ['Y', Y],['C',0]] ) )
def createGrid ( my_tuple ) :
global ck_contact_list
global _Xmin, _Ymin, _Xmax, _Ymax
net, cell = my_tuple
def FindNearestPosition ( pos, poslist ) :
bestDistance = pos - poslist[0]
bestPos = poslist[0]
for x in poslist[1:] :
distance = pos - x
if distance <= 0 :
distance *= -1
if bestDistance > distance : return x
else :
if bestDistance > distance :
bestPos = x
bestDistance = pos - bestPos
return bestPos
def CreateZ ( contact1, contact2 ) :
centerX = (contact1.getX() + contact2.getX() ) / 2
centerX = centerX - (centerX % DbU_lambda(5))
zContact1 = Contact.create ( net, via5, centerX, contact1.getY(), DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
zContact2 = Contact.create ( net, via5, centerX, contact2.getY(), DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Horizontal.create ( contact1, zContact1, metal6, contact1.getY(), DbU_lambda(12) )
Vertical.create ( zContact1, zContact2, metal5, zContact1.getX(), DbU_lambda(12) )
Horizontal.create ( zContact2, contact2, metal6, zContact2.getY(), DbU_lambda(12) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def CreateN ( contact1, contact2 ) :
centerY = ( contact1.getY() + contact2.getY() ) / 2
centerY = centerY - ( centerY % DbU_lambda(5) )
nContact1 = Contact.create ( net, via5, contact1.getX(), centerY, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
nContact2 = Contact.create ( net, via5, contact2.getX(), centerY, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Vertical.create ( contact1, nContact1, metal5, contact1.getX(), DbU_lambda(12) )
Horizontal.create ( nContact1, nContact2, metal6, nContact1.getY(), DbU_lambda(12) )
Vertical.create ( nContact2, contact2, metal5, nContact2.getX(), DbU_lambda(12) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
def FindPositionForContact ( position, contactlist1, contactlist2 ) :
def PositionIsInTargetRange ( position, target ) :
return position >= ( target - DbU_lambda(10) ) and position <= ( target + DbU_lambda(10) )
if contactlist1 == [] and contactlist2 == [] : return position
if contactlist1 != [] and contactlist2 != [] :
nearest1 = FindNearestPosition ( position, contactlist1 )
nearest2 = FindNearestPosition ( position, contactlist2 )
if ( not PositionIsInTargetRange(position, nearest1) ) and ( not PositionIsInTargetRange(position, nearest2) ) : return position
if PositionIsInTargetRange ( position, nearest1 ) :
if nearest2 > nearest1 : return position + DbU_lambda(12)
else : return position - DbU_lambda(12)
if PositionIsInTargetRange ( position, nearest2 ) :
if nearest1 > nearest2 : return position + DbU_lambda(12)
else : return position - DbU_lambda(12)
if contactlist1 != [] : contactlist = contactlist1
else : contactlist = contactlist2
nearest = FindNearestPosition ( position, contactlist )
if PositionIsInTargetRange ( position, nearest ) :
if position > nearest : return position + DbU_lambda(12)
else : return position - DbU_lambda(12)
else :
return position
#_Xmin = None
#_Ymin = None
#_Xmax = None
#_Ymax = None
coreBox = cell.getInstance('core').getAbutmentBox()
#print coreBox
_Xmin = coreBox.getXMin()
_Ymin = coreBox.getYMin()
_Xmax = coreBox.getXMax()
_Ymax = coreBox.getYMax()
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
ck_contact_list = []
getNetInstances ( cell, net, Transformation ( 0, 0, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
db = DataBase.getDB()
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
via1 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA12" )
via2 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA23" )
via3 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA34" )
via4 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA45" )
via5 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "VIA56" )
metal5 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL5" )
metal6 = db.getTechnology().getLayer ( "METAL6" )
gridBoundingBox = Box()
for contact in ck_contact_list : gridBoundingBox.merge ( contact[0], contact[1] )
#the Bounding Box is inflated in function of the VIA_5 rule
gridBoundingBox.inflate ( DbU_lambda(15) )
#Create the Bounding Box grid
NEContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, gridBoundingBox.getXMin(), gridBoundingBox.getYMax() , DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
NWContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, gridBoundingBox.getXMax(), gridBoundingBox.getYMax() , DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
SEContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, gridBoundingBox.getXMin(), gridBoundingBox.getYMin() , DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
SWContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, gridBoundingBox.getXMax(), gridBoundingBox.getYMin() , DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
northSegment = Segment ( NEContact, NWContact, metal6, DbU_lambda(12) )
southSegment = Segment ( SEContact, SWContact, metal6, DbU_lambda(12) )
eastSegment = Segment ( NEContact, SEContact, metal5, DbU_lambda(12) )
westSegment = Segment ( NWContact, SWContact, metal5, DbU_lambda(12) )
northContacts = []
southContacts = []
eastContacts = []
westContacts = []
#connect the pins to the grid
plugList = []
#Fill a list with the plugs ... we are going to modify the underlying collection ;)
for plug in net.getPlugs():
plugList.append ( plug )
for plug in plugList:
instance = plug.getInstance()
if isPad ( instance ) :
# Connect this plug to the grid ...
masterNet = plug.getMasterNet()
transformation = instance.getTransformation()
for comp in NetExternalComponents.get(masterNet):
x = transformation.getX ( comp.getX(), comp.getY() )
y = transformation.getY ( comp.getX(), comp.getY() )
#layer = element.getLayer ()
#if ( "METAL2", str ( layer ) ) \
# and ( ( element.getY() - element.getHalfHeight() ) < pad_inst.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox().getYMin() ) :
if x >= gridBoundingBox.getXMin() and x <= gridBoundingBox.getXMax() :
layer = metal5
if y < gridBoundingBox.getYMin() :
if x == gridBoundingBox.getXMin() :
gridContact = NWContact
elif x == gridBoundingBox.getXMax() :
gridContact = NEContact
else :
gridContact = Contact.create(southSegment, via5, x, 0, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
elif y > gridBoundingBox.getYMax() :
if x == gridBoundingBox.getXMin() :
gridContact = SWContact
elif x == gridBoundingBox.getXMax() :
gridBoundingBox = SEContact
else :
gridContact = Contact.create(northSegment, via5, x, 0, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCK : bad pad placement.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
elif y >= gridBoundingBox.getYMin() and y <= gridBoundingBox.getYMax() :
layer = metal6
if x < gridBoundingBox.getXMin() :
if y == gridBoundingBox.getYMin() :
gridContact = SWContact
elif y == gridBoundingBox.getYMax() :
gridContact = NWContact
else :
gridContact = Contact.create(eastSegment, via5, 0, y, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
elif x > gridBoundingBox.getXMax() :
if y == gridBoundingBox.getYMin() :
gridContact = SEContact
elif y == gridBoundingBox.getYMax() :
gridContact = SWContact
else :
gridContact = Contact.create(westSegment, via5, 0, y, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"RouteCK : bad pad placement.")
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
message = [ "pyRouteCk: The pads <%s> must be in direct regard of the clock grid" % str(instance.getName())
, "Clock grid is %s" % str(gridBoundingBox)
raise ErrorMessage(2,message)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
compContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, x, y, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Segment ( compContact, gridContact, layer , DbU_lambda(12) )
break # just one component ...
# create the internal grid 200x200
nbVTracks = gridBoundingBox.getWidth() / DbU_lambda(200)
widthVTracks = gridBoundingBox.getWidth() / nbVTracks
nbHTracks = gridBoundingBox.getHeight() / DbU_lambda(200)
heightHTracks = gridBoundingBox.getHeight() / nbHTracks
via12Side = DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
via23Side = DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
via34Side = DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
via45Side = DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
via56Side = DbU.fromLambda(1.0)
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
xList = []
yList = []
for i in range ( 1, nbVTracks ) :
x = gridBoundingBox.getXMin() + i * widthVTracks
x = x - (x % DbU_lambda(5))
x = FindPositionForContact(x, northContacts, southContacts)
contact1 = Contact.create ( southSegment, via5, x, 0, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
contact2 = Contact.create ( northSegment, via5, x, 0, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
Segment ( contact1, contact2, metal5, DbU_lambda(12) )
xList.append ( x )
for i in range ( 1, nbHTracks ) :
y = gridBoundingBox.getYMin() + i * heightHTracks
y = y - ( y % DbU_lambda(5) )
y = FindPositionForContact ( y, eastContacts, westContacts )
contact1 = Contact.create ( westSegment, via5, 0, y, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
contact2 = Contact.create ( eastSegment, via5, 0, y, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
horizontal = Segment ( contact1, contact2, metal6, DbU_lambda(12) )
yList.append ( y )
for x in xList : Contact.create ( horizontal, via5, x, 0, DbU_lambda(11), DbU_lambda(11) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
# Connection to the grid
# Cette liste contient les contacts qui sont deja crees
ck_contact_list_created = []
# Now connect all the internal contacts to the grid
for contact in ck_contact_list :
xContact = contact[0]
yContact = contact[1]
plugContact = Contact.create ( net, via1 , xContact, yContact, via12Side, via12Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
#find the closest x,y on grid
xList.insert ( 0, gridBoundingBox.getXMin() )
yList.insert ( 0, gridBoundingBox.getYMin() )
xList.append ( gridBoundingBox.getXMax() )
yList.append ( gridBoundingBox.getYMax() )
xTarget = FindNearestPosition ( xContact, xList )
yTarget = FindNearestPosition ( yContact, yList )
xDistance = abs ( xTarget - xContact )
yDistance = abs ( yTarget - yContact )
Contact.create(net, via2, xContact, yContact, via23Side, via23Side )
Contact.create(net, via3, xContact, yContact, via34Side, via34Side )
Contact.create(net, via4, xContact, yContact, via45Side, via45Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if xDistance != 0 or yDistance != 0 :
if ( xDistance <= yDistance + DbU_lambda(10) ): # test pour faire un horizontal
if xDistance != 0 :
if abs(xDistance) <= DbU_lambda(3) :
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, metal5, xTarget, yContact, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
layer = metal5
else :
Contact.create ( net, via5, xContact, yContact, via56Side, via56Side )
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, xTarget, yContact, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
layer = metal6
Horizontal.create( gridContact, plugContact, layer, gridContact.getY(), DbU_lambda(2) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, xTarget, yContact, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if yDistance != 0 :
if abs(yDistance) <= DbU_lambda(3) :
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
layer = metal6
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, metal6, xContact, yTarget, via56Side, via56Side )
Contact.create ( net, via5, xContact, yContact, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, xContact, yTarget, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
layer = metal5
Vertical.create ( gridContact, plugContact, layer, gridContact.getX(), DbU_lambda(2) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
gridContact = Contact.create ( net, via5, xContact, yTarget, via56Side, via56Side )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
del _Xmin
del _Ymin
del _Xmax
del _Ymax
del ck_contact_list
def getNetInstances ( cell, net, transformation) :
'''This function is used to cover instances with standard model, which are connected to "net"
transformation is the transformation of the instance which model contains this net'''
global ck_contact_list_to_create, ck_contact_list
global _Xmin, _Ymin, _Xmax, _Ymax
for plug in net.getPlugs(): # parcourir les plugs de ce net
ins = plug.getInstance()
# Si c est une instance de type leaf
if ins.isLeaf() :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() == Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"getNetInstances : instance %s is unplaced" % str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
if not isPad ( ins ) :
# get transformation final de cette instance
ins_transformation = transformation.getTransformation ( ins.getTransformation() )
nbSeg = 0
for segment in plug.getMasterNet().getSegments():
layer = segment.getLayer()
if NetExternalComponents.isExternal(segment) \
and ( ( "METAL1", layer.getName() ) \
or ( "METAL2", layer.getName() ) ):
# avoir x ,y de contact a placer
_x = ins_transformation.getX ( segment.getSourceX(), segment.getSourceY() )
_y = ins_transformation.getY ( segment.getSourceX(), segment.getSourceY() )
#print ins, ":", segment, ",", nbSeg, ",", _x, ",", _y
nbSeg += 1
ck_contact_list_to_create.append ( (_x, _y) )
ck_contact_list.append ( (_x, _y) )
newbox = ins_transformation.getBox ( ins.getMasterCell().getAbutmentBox() ) # get new box
Height = newbox.getHeight()
Width = newbox.getWidth()
Xmin = newbox.getXMin()
Ymin = newbox.getYMin()
Xmax = newbox.getXMax()
Ymax = newbox.getYMax()
#print " placer contact in ", _x, " ", _y , " in the net ", plug.getMasterNet().getName() ,
#print " of instance ", plug.getInstance().getName() , " in ", Xmin , " ", Ymin ,
#print " of model ", plug.getInstance().getMasterCell().getName(), "\n"
# Positionner la grille
if ( Xmin < _Xmin ) or ( _Xmin == None ) : _Xmin = Xmin
if ( Ymin < _Ymin ) or ( _Ymin == None ) : _Ymin = Ymin
if ( Xmax > _Xmax ) or ( _Xmax == None ) : _Xmax = Xmax
if ( Ymax > _Ymax ) or ( _Ymax == None ) : _Ymax = Ymax
if not nbSeg :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"getNetInstances : net %s in model %s does not have a segment\n" % ( str ( plug.getMasterNet().getName()), str(ins.getMasterCell().getName()) ) )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( not ck_contact_list ) : print "Error in function getNetInstances : no segment found"
else :
if ins.getPlacementStatus() == Instance.PlacementStatus.UNPLACED :
raise ErrorMessage(2,"getNetInstances : instance %s is unplaced" % str(ins.getName()))
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
else :
getNetInstances ( cell, plug.getMasterNet(), transformation.getTransformation ( ins.getTransformation () ))
def getNonCLayer ( layer ) :
'''This function returns the nonC layer corresponding to the one given as argument'''
metal1 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL1" )
metal2 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL2" )
metal3 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL3" )
metal4 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL4" )
metal5 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL5" )
metal6 = DataBase.getDB ().getTechnology ().getLayer ( "METAL6" )
2010-07-12 10:31:29 -05:00
if ( "CMETAL1", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal1
if ( "CMETAL2", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal2
if ( "CMETAL3", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal3
if ( "CMETAL4", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal4
if ( "CMETAL5", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal5
if ( "CMETAL6", str ( layer.getName() ) ) : return metal6
return layer
def Segment ( component1, component2, layer, width ) :
'''This function creates a segment linking component1 and component2'''
if component1.getX() == component2.getX() : return Vertical.create ( component1, component2, layer, component1.getX(), width )
elif component1.getY() == component2.getY() : return Horizontal.create ( component1, component2, layer, component1.getY(), width )
raise ErrorMessage(2,"Segment : the components must be horizontaly or verticaly aligned.")