2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2009, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./Track.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Layer.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "kite/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "kite/Track.h"
#include "kite/TrackMarker.h"
#include "kite/DataNegociate.h"
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace CRL;
using namespace Kite;
struct isDetachedSegment {
bool operator() ( const TrackElement* s ) { return !s->getTrack(); };
DbU::Unit getPositionByIterator ( const vector<TrackElement*>& v, size_t i )
{ return (*(v.begin()+i))->getSourceU(); }
} // End of local namespace.
namespace Kite {
using std::lower_bound;
using std::remove_if;
using std::sort;
using Hurricane::dbo_ptr;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::inltrace;
using Hurricane::ltracein;
using Hurricane::ltraceout;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Layer;
using Hurricane::Net;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Track".
const size_t Track::NPOS = (size_t)-1;
Track::Track ( RoutingPlane* routingPlane, unsigned int index )
: _routingPlane (routingPlane)
, _index (index)
, _axis (routingPlane->getTrackPosition(index))
, _min (routingPlane->getTrackMin())
, _max (routingPlane->getTrackMax())
, _segments ()
, _markers ()
* ./kite:
- New: In RoutingEvent, while routing a full chip, transient full blockages
may happens due to the initial position of some perpandiculars on theirs
optimal positions. Check for it and perform a "ripupPerpandicular" with
the perpandiculars re-routed first (on normal operation, this is the
- Change: In NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost(), do not account terminals
if the layer is *above* METAL3 as it is unlikely that it's truly directly
connected to a terminal (true at least for our designs).
- Change: In RoutingEvent::State, add a "fullBlocked" flag to perform the
full blockage direction while building the state object.
- Change: In RoutingEvent::cacheAxisHint(), when the TrackSegment has parent,
uses the parent current axis position and not it's axis hint.
- Change: In Manipulator::insertInTrack(), when the overlapped segment is a
Local and is completly enclosed (shrinkLeft & shrinkRight), no longer
rip it up but force a shrink left/right instead.
- Bug: In RoutingEvent, the event sorting function was sorting in the *wrong*
order! The less prioritary first! With the correct sort, we won an
additionnal 30% in speed (total: 69%). From the "reference" time we have
a 3.2 speed-up. And we can successfully process denser designs...
2011-01-09 12:08:57 -06:00
, _localAssigned(false)
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
, _segmentsValid(false)
, _markersValid (false)
{ }
void Track::_postCreate ()
{ }
Track::~Track ()
ltrace(90) << "Track::~Track() - " << (void*)this << endl;
void Track::_preDestroy ()
ltrace(90) << "Track::_preDestroy() - " << (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_segments.size() ; i++ )
if ( _segments[i] ) _segments[i]->detach();
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_markers.size() ; i++ )
if ( _markers[i] ) _markers[i]->destroy();
void Track::destroy ()
ltrace(90) << "Track::destroy() - " << (void*)this << " " << this << endl;
Track::_preDestroy ();
delete this;
KiteEngine* Track::getKiteEngine () const
{ return _routingPlane->getKiteEngine(); }
unsigned int Track::getDepth () const
{ return _routingPlane->getDepth(); }
const Layer* Track::getLayer () const
{ return _routingPlane->getLayer(); }
const Layer* Track::getBlockageLayer () const
{ return _routingPlane->getBlockageLayer(); }
TrackElement* Track::getSegment ( size_t index ) const
if ( (index == NPOS) || (index >= getSize()) ) return NULL;
return _segments[index];
TrackElement* Track::getSegment ( DbU::Unit position ) const
unsigned int state;
size_t begin;
size_t end;
getIBounds ( position, begin, end, state );
if ( state & (MinTrackMin|MaxTrackMax) ) return NULL;
return getSegment(begin);
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
TrackElement* Track::getNext ( size_t& index, Net* net ) const
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
for ( index++ ; index < _segments.size() ; index++ ) {
if ( _segments[index]->getNet() == net ) continue;
return _segments[index];
index = NPOS;
return NULL;
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
TrackElement* Track::getPrevious ( size_t& index, Net* net ) const
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
for ( index-- ; index != NPOS ; index-- ) {
if ( inltrace(148) ) {
cerr << tab << index << ":"; cerr.flush();
cerr << _segments[index] << endl;
if ( _segments[index]->getNet() == net ) continue;
return _segments[index];
index = NPOS;
return NULL;
TrackElement* Track::getNextFixed ( size_t& index ) const
TrackElement* nextFixed = getNext ( index, NULL );
for ( ; nextFixed ; nextFixed = getNext(index,NULL) ) {
if ( nextFixed->base()->isFixed() ) return nextFixed;
return nextFixed;
void Track::getIBounds ( DbU::Unit position, size_t& begin, size_t& end, unsigned int& state ) const
if ( _segments.empty() ) {
state = EmptyTrack;
begin = end = 0;
if ( position < _min ) {
cerr << Warning ( " Position %s inferior to the lower bound of %s. Returning NPOS."
, DbU::getValueString(position).c_str()
, getString(this).c_str() ) << endl;
state = BeforeFirst;
begin = end = 0;
if ( position > _max ) {
cerr << Warning ( " Position %s superior to the upper bound of %s. Returning NPOS."
, DbU::getValueString(position).c_str()
, getString(this).c_str() ) << endl;
state = AfterLast;
begin = end = _segments.size() - 1;
vector<TrackElement*>::const_iterator lowerBound
= lower_bound ( _segments.begin(), _segments.end(), position, SourceCompare() );
begin = end = lowerBound - _segments.begin();
if ( begin < _segments.size() )
for ( ; (begin > 0) && (_segments[begin-1]->getNet() == _segments[begin]->getNet()) ; --begin );
state = 0;
if ( (begin == 0) && (position < _segments[0]->getSourceU()) ) {
state = BeforeFirst;
} else {
if ( begin ) end = begin -= 1;
size_t usedBegin = begin;
size_t usedEnd = begin;
Interval usedInterval = expandUsedInterval ( usedBegin, usedEnd );
if ( position < usedInterval.getVMax() )
state = Inside;
if ( begin+1 == _segments.size() )
state = AfterLast;
state = Outside;
void Track::getOverlapBounds ( Interval interval, size_t& begin, size_t& end ) const
unsigned int iState;
size_t iBegin;
size_t iEnd;
if ( _segments.empty()
|| (interval.getVMax() <= _min)
|| (interval.getVMin() >= _max)) {
begin = end = NPOS;
getIBounds ( interval.getVMin(), begin, iEnd, iState );
expandUsedInterval ( begin, iEnd );
getIBounds ( interval.getVMax(), iBegin, end, iState );
while ( end < _segments.size() ) {
if ( _segments[end++]->getSourceU() >= interval.getVMax() ) break;
TrackCost Track::getOverlapCost ( Interval interval, Net* net, size_t begin, size_t end ) const
* ./Kite:
- New: In BuildPowerRails, special processing for the power ring segments.
The "diagonal" of vias at each corner is causing a misbehavior of the
routing algorithm (due to fully saturated GCells in one direction).
As a temporary fix, extend the segments so they form a "square corner".
(problem arise on "d_in_i(22)").
- New: In RoutingEvent::_processNegociate, disable the "isForcedToHint()"
feature. No noticeable loss of quality or speed.
- New: In TrackElement/TrackSegment, wraps the AutoSegment parent's mechanism.
Allows to gets the DataNegociate of either the segment or it's parent.
- New: State::solveFullBlockages(), dedicated method to solves the case when
all the allowed tracks of a segment are blocked, tries to moves up
local segments and to break-up global ones.
- New: RoutingEventLoop, a more sophisticated way to detect looping.
Maintain a dynamic histogram of the last N (default 10) segments routeds,
with the count of how many times they have occurred. If that count
exeed 40, we *may* be facing a loop.
- Change: In State::conflictSolve1, implement new policy. The global segments
no more can be broken by local ones. The idea behind is that breaking
a global on the request of a local will only produce more cluttering
in the GCell. Globals must be keep straigth pass through, especially
inside near-saturated GCells. Globals breaking however can occurs at
another global's request.
- Change: In TrackCost, implement the new policy about locals segments that
cannot break globals segments. The sorting class now accept flags to
modulate the sorting function. Two options avalaibles: IgnoreAxisWeigth
(to uses for strap segments) and DiscardGlobals (to uses with locals).
- Change: In TrackCost, the "distance to fixed" have now an upper bound of
50 lambdas (no need to be greater because it means it's outside the
begin & en GCells). Take account not only of fixed segment, but also
of placed segments which makes bound.
- Bug: In Track::_check(), while calling each individual TrackSegment check,
uses it as the *first* argument of the "or", otherwise it may not be
- Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, loop over segment Collections while modificating
it was producing non-deterministic results. The fact that a collection
must be not modificated while beeing iterated is becoming a more and more
painful problem.
2010-12-30 12:42:17 -06:00
TrackCost cost ( const_cast<Track*>(this), interval, begin, end, net );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
* ./kite:
- New: In BuilPowerRails & BuildBlockage, specific support for chip-level
design. The Alliance "top chip" design hierarchical structure is
hard-coded. Top level POWER/GROUND/CLOCK nets must always have the
<vsse>, <vdde>, <ck>, <vssi>, <vddi>, <ckc>, <cki> names.
Specific method to get trans-hierarchical root nets, espcially in
case of global ones (POWER/GROUND). Clock is *not* global.
Some correction in the manner obscured tracks are computeds.
- New: ProtectRoutingPad module that perform a more clean work for protecting
unused RoutingPad.
- Bug: In BuildPowerRails, uses stable_sort<> instead of sort<>, which
causes unexplained core dumps (seems to try to perform a comparison
using the "end" pseudo element). Already occured in Knik, no explanation
other than a STL bug.
- Change: Slight changes in the weights to move up. Now needs a full empty
track instead of a half one.
2010-11-16 08:00:03 -06:00
ltrace(190) << "getOverlapCost() @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis)
<< " [" << DbU::getValueString(interval.getVMin())
* ./kite:
- New: In RoutingEvent, while routing a full chip, transient full blockages
may happens due to the initial position of some perpandiculars on theirs
optimal positions. Check for it and perform a "ripupPerpandicular" with
the perpandiculars re-routed first (on normal operation, this is the
- Change: In NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost(), do not account terminals
if the layer is *above* METAL3 as it is unlikely that it's truly directly
connected to a terminal (true at least for our designs).
- Change: In RoutingEvent::State, add a "fullBlocked" flag to perform the
full blockage direction while building the state object.
- Change: In RoutingEvent::cacheAxisHint(), when the TrackSegment has parent,
uses the parent current axis position and not it's axis hint.
- Change: In Manipulator::insertInTrack(), when the overlapped segment is a
Local and is completly enclosed (shrinkLeft & shrinkRight), no longer
rip it up but force a shrink left/right instead.
- Bug: In RoutingEvent, the event sorting function was sorting in the *wrong*
order! The less prioritary first! With the correct sort, we won an
additionnal 30% in speed (total: 69%). From the "reference" time we have
a 3.2 speed-up. And we can successfully process denser designs...
2011-01-09 12:08:57 -06:00
<< ":" << DbU::getValueString(interval.getVMax())
<< "] <-> [" << begin << ":" << end << "]"
* ./kite:
- New: In BuilPowerRails & BuildBlockage, specific support for chip-level
design. The Alliance "top chip" design hierarchical structure is
hard-coded. Top level POWER/GROUND/CLOCK nets must always have the
<vsse>, <vdde>, <ck>, <vssi>, <vddi>, <ckc>, <cki> names.
Specific method to get trans-hierarchical root nets, espcially in
case of global ones (POWER/GROUND). Clock is *not* global.
Some correction in the manner obscured tracks are computeds.
- New: ProtectRoutingPad module that perform a more clean work for protecting
unused RoutingPad.
- Bug: In BuildPowerRails, uses stable_sort<> instead of sort<>, which
causes unexplained core dumps (seems to try to perform a comparison
using the "end" pseudo element). Already occured in Knik, no explanation
other than a STL bug.
- Change: Slight changes in the weights to move up. Now needs a full empty
track instead of a half one.
2010-11-16 08:00:03 -06:00
<< endl;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
vector<TrackMarker*>::const_iterator lowerBound
= lower_bound ( _markers.begin(), _markers.end(), interval.getVMin(), TrackMarker::Compare() );
size_t mbegin = lowerBound - _markers.begin();
for ( ; (mbegin < _markers.size())
&& (_markers[mbegin]->getSourceU() <= interval.getVMax()) ; mbegin++ ) {
ltrace(148) << "| @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << _markers[mbegin] << endl;
if ( _markers[mbegin]->getNet() != net ) {
ltrace(148) << "* Mark: @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << " " << _markers[mbegin] << endl;
cost.incTerminals ( _markers[mbegin]->getWeight(this) );
if ( begin == NPOS ) {
ltrace(148) << " begin == NPOS (after last TrackElement)." << endl;
return cost;
for ( ; begin < end ; begin++ ) {
if ( _segments[begin]->getNet() == net ) {
cost.incDeltaShared ( _segments[begin]->getCanonicalInterval().intersection(interval).getSize() );
ltrace(190) << "| overlap: " << _segments[begin] << endl;
_segments[begin]->incOverlapCost ( net, cost );
if ( cost.isInfinite() ) break;
return cost;
TrackCost Track::getOverlapCost ( Interval interval, Net* net ) const
size_t begin;
size_t end;
getOverlapBounds ( interval, begin, end );
return getOverlapCost ( interval, net, begin, end );
TrackCost Track::getOverlapCost ( TrackElement* segment ) const
return getOverlapCost ( segment->getCanonicalInterval(), segment->getNet() );
void Track::getTerminalWeight ( Interval interval, Net* net, size_t& count, unsigned int& weight ) const
ltrace(148) << "getTerminalWeight() @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis)
<< " [" << interval.getVMin() << " " << interval.getVMax() << "]" << endl;
//count = 0;
//weight = 0;
vector<TrackMarker*>::const_iterator lowerBound
= lower_bound ( _markers.begin(), _markers.end(), interval.getVMin(), TrackMarker::Compare() );
size_t mbegin = lowerBound - _markers.begin();
for ( ; (mbegin < _markers.size())
&& (_markers[mbegin]->getSourceU() <= interval.getVMax()) ; mbegin++ ) {
ltrace(148) << "| @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << _markers[mbegin] << endl;
if ( _markers[mbegin]->getNet() == net ) {
ltrace(200) << "* Mark: @" << DbU::getValueString(_axis) << " " << _markers[mbegin] << endl;
weight += _markers[mbegin]->getWeight(this);
Track* Track::getNext () const
return getRoutingPlane()->getTrackByIndex ( getIndex()+1 );
Track* Track::getPrevious () const
if ( !getIndex() ) return NULL;
return getRoutingPlane()->getTrackByIndex ( getIndex()-1 );
size_t Track::find ( const TrackElement* segment ) const
if ( !_segments.size() ) return NPOS;
vector<TrackElement*>::const_iterator lowerBound
= lower_bound ( _segments.begin()
, _segments.end()
, segment
, SegmentCompare()
if ( lowerBound != _segments.end() ) {
while ( segment->getSourceU() == (*lowerBound)->getSourceU() ) {
if ( *lowerBound == segment ) return (size_t)(lowerBound-_segments.begin());
return NPOS;
Interval Track::getFreeInterval ( DbU::Unit position, Net* net ) const
unsigned int state;
size_t begin;
size_t end;
if ( !_segments.size() ) return Interval(_min,_max);
getIBounds ( position, begin, end, state );
if ( (state == Inside) && (_segments[begin]->getNet() != net) )
return Interval();
return expandFreeInterval ( begin, end, state, net );
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
Interval Track::expandFreeInterval ( size_t& begin, size_t& end, unsigned int state, Net* net ) const
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
DbU::Unit minFree = _min;
if ( !(state & MinTrackMin) ) {
if ( _segments[begin]->getNet() == net )
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
getPrevious ( begin, net );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
if ( begin != NPOS ) {
size_t usedEnd;
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
minFree = expandUsedInterval ( begin, usedEnd ).getVMax();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
if ( !(state & MaxTrackMax) ) {
if ( _segments[end]->getNet() == net ) {
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
getNext ( end, net );
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
if ( end == NPOS ) {
end = _segments.size() - 1;
setMaximalFlags ( state, MaxTrackMax );
} else {
setMaximalFlags ( state, MaxSegmentMin );
return Interval ( minFree, getMaximalPosition(end,state) );
void Track::forceSort ()
_segmentsValid = false;
void Track::insert ( TrackMarker* marker )
_markers.push_back ( marker );
_markersValid = false;
void Track::insert ( TrackElement* segment )
ltrace(200) << "Track::insert() " << getLayer()->getName()
<< " @" << DbU::getValueString(getAxis()) << " " << segment << endl;
if ( (getLayer()->getMask() != segment->getLayer()->getMask())
and (getBlockageLayer()->getMask() != segment->getLayer()->getMask()) ) {
cerr << Bug("Track::insert(), segment %s has not the right layer."
,getString(segment).c_str()) << endl;
segment->setAxis ( getAxis() );
_segments.push_back ( segment );
_segmentsValid = false;
segment->setTrack ( this );
void Track::setSegment ( TrackElement* segment, size_t index )
if ( index >= _segments.size() ) return;
_segments[index] = segment;
bool Track::_check ( unsigned int& overlaps, const char* message ) const
bool coherency = true;
bool holes = false;
if ( message ) cerr << " o Checking Track - " << message << endl;
ltrace(90) << "[CHECK] " << (void*)this << ":" << this << endl;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_segments.size() ; i++ ) {
if ( _segments[i] ) {
if ( i ) {
if ( _segments[i-1] == _segments[i] ) {
cerr << "[CHECK] incoherency at " << i << " "
<< _segments[i] << " is duplicated. " << endl;
coherency = false;
if ( !_segments[i]->getTrack() ) {
cerr << "[CHECK] incoherency at " << i << " "
<< _segments[i] << " is detached." << endl;
coherency = false;
} else {
if ( _segments[i]->getTrack() != this ) {
cerr << "[CHECK] incoherency at " << i << " "
<< _segments[i] << " is in track "
<< _segments[i]->getTrack() << endl;
coherency = false;
if ( _segments[i]->getIndex() != i ) {
cerr << "[CHECK] incoherency at " << i << " "
<< _segments[i] << " has bad index "
<< _segments[i]->getIndex() << endl;
coherency = false;
if ( _segments[i]->getAxis() != getAxis() ) {
cerr << "[CHECK] incoherency at " << i << " "
<< _segments[i] << " is not on Track axis "
<< DbU::getValueString(getAxis()) << "." << endl;
coherency = false;
* ./Kite:
- New: In BuildPowerRails, special processing for the power ring segments.
The "diagonal" of vias at each corner is causing a misbehavior of the
routing algorithm (due to fully saturated GCells in one direction).
As a temporary fix, extend the segments so they form a "square corner".
(problem arise on "d_in_i(22)").
- New: In RoutingEvent::_processNegociate, disable the "isForcedToHint()"
feature. No noticeable loss of quality or speed.
- New: In TrackElement/TrackSegment, wraps the AutoSegment parent's mechanism.
Allows to gets the DataNegociate of either the segment or it's parent.
- New: State::solveFullBlockages(), dedicated method to solves the case when
all the allowed tracks of a segment are blocked, tries to moves up
local segments and to break-up global ones.
- New: RoutingEventLoop, a more sophisticated way to detect looping.
Maintain a dynamic histogram of the last N (default 10) segments routeds,
with the count of how many times they have occurred. If that count
exeed 40, we *may* be facing a loop.
- Change: In State::conflictSolve1, implement new policy. The global segments
no more can be broken by local ones. The idea behind is that breaking
a global on the request of a local will only produce more cluttering
in the GCell. Globals must be keep straigth pass through, especially
inside near-saturated GCells. Globals breaking however can occurs at
another global's request.
- Change: In TrackCost, implement the new policy about locals segments that
cannot break globals segments. The sorting class now accept flags to
modulate the sorting function. Two options avalaibles: IgnoreAxisWeigth
(to uses for strap segments) and DiscardGlobals (to uses with locals).
- Change: In TrackCost, the "distance to fixed" have now an upper bound of
50 lambdas (no need to be greater because it means it's outside the
begin & en GCells). Take account not only of fixed segment, but also
of placed segments which makes bound.
- Bug: In Track::_check(), while calling each individual TrackSegment check,
uses it as the *first* argument of the "or", otherwise it may not be
- Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, loop over segment Collections while modificating
it was producing non-deterministic results. The fact that a collection
must be not modificated while beeing iterated is becoming a more and more
painful problem.
2010-12-30 12:42:17 -06:00
coherency = _segments[i]->_check () and coherency;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
} else {
cerr << "[CHECK] Hole at position " << i << "." << endl;
holes = true;
coherency = false;
if ( !holes )
* ./Kite:
- New: In BuildPowerRails, special processing for the power ring segments.
The "diagonal" of vias at each corner is causing a misbehavior of the
routing algorithm (due to fully saturated GCells in one direction).
As a temporary fix, extend the segments so they form a "square corner".
(problem arise on "d_in_i(22)").
- New: In RoutingEvent::_processNegociate, disable the "isForcedToHint()"
feature. No noticeable loss of quality or speed.
- New: In TrackElement/TrackSegment, wraps the AutoSegment parent's mechanism.
Allows to gets the DataNegociate of either the segment or it's parent.
- New: State::solveFullBlockages(), dedicated method to solves the case when
all the allowed tracks of a segment are blocked, tries to moves up
local segments and to break-up global ones.
- New: RoutingEventLoop, a more sophisticated way to detect looping.
Maintain a dynamic histogram of the last N (default 10) segments routeds,
with the count of how many times they have occurred. If that count
exeed 40, we *may* be facing a loop.
- Change: In State::conflictSolve1, implement new policy. The global segments
no more can be broken by local ones. The idea behind is that breaking
a global on the request of a local will only produce more cluttering
in the GCell. Globals must be keep straigth pass through, especially
inside near-saturated GCells. Globals breaking however can occurs at
another global's request.
- Change: In TrackCost, implement the new policy about locals segments that
cannot break globals segments. The sorting class now accept flags to
modulate the sorting function. Two options avalaibles: IgnoreAxisWeigth
(to uses for strap segments) and DiscardGlobals (to uses with locals).
- Change: In TrackCost, the "distance to fixed" have now an upper bound of
50 lambdas (no need to be greater because it means it's outside the
begin & en GCells). Take account not only of fixed segment, but also
of placed segments which makes bound.
- Bug: In Track::_check(), while calling each individual TrackSegment check,
uses it as the *first* argument of the "or", otherwise it may not be
- Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, loop over segment Collections while modificating
it was producing non-deterministic results. The fact that a collection
must be not modificated while beeing iterated is becoming a more and more
painful problem.
2010-12-30 12:42:17 -06:00
coherency = (checkOverlap(overlaps) == 0) and coherency;
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
return coherency;
DbU::Unit Track::getSourcePosition ( size_t i ) const
if ( i == NPOS) return 0;
return _segments[i]->getSourceU();
DbU::Unit Track::getSourcePosition ( vector<TrackElement*>::iterator isegment ) const
if ( isegment == _segments.end() ) return 0;
return (*isegment)->getSourceU();
DbU::Unit Track::getMinimalPosition ( size_t index, unsigned int state ) const
Interval canonical;
switch ( state & MinMask ) {
case MinTrackMin: return _min;
case MinSegmentMin: return _segments[index]->getSourceU ();
case MinSegmentMax: return _segments[index]->getTargetU ();
cerr << Bug ( " Track::getMinimalPosition(size_t,unsigned int) :"
" invalid state value %ud.", state ) << endl;
return _min;
DbU::Unit Track::getMaximalPosition ( size_t index, unsigned int state ) const
Interval canonical;
switch ( state & MaxMask ) {
case MaxTrackMax: return _max;
case MaxSegmentMin: return _segments[index ]->getSourceU ();
* ./kite:
- Change: Propagate renaming "obstacle" -> "blockage".
- Bug/Change: In Configuration, the value of the extensionCap was too big
(1.5 lambda), reduce to 0.5 lambda. This is a problem, the extension
should be coupled to the layer as it is not the same for each METAL.
- Bug: When using TrackElement, always uses the virtual "->isFixed()" method
instead of trying to access to "->base()->isFixed()" as the base may be
NULL in case of blockage/fixed segment.
- Change: Merge PowerRails & Blockage trans-hierarchical construction (into
PowerRails). All blockages are groupeds under "blockagenet".
Allows to remove TrackBlockage & BuildBlockages.
- Change: In KiteEngine::annotateGloblalGraph(), when routing a full chip,
ring power segments around the core must completly saturate the edges
in their segment direction. This is to prevent the global router to
use paths under the power/ground ring (may generate unsolvable configs).
- Change: In KiteEngine::annotateGloblalGraph(), when routing a full chip,
distinguish three areas: the core (65%), the corona (90%) and the pads
(100%). Capacities on the edges are sets accordingly.
- Change: In RoutingEvent, introduce an alternative algorithm for
conflictSolve1, FindPath which try to deduce the breakpoints from a
truly explorated path. Unfortunatly this gives worst results than the
Cs1Candidates method. The why should be investigated as it's a critical
point in the algorithm.
- Change: In Manipulator::ripupPerpandicular(), when a caged perpandicular
is encountered, instead of just "stopping", rip it up and change is
axis hint (actually increase) it's axis hint so it stands a chance to
go outside the track with an obstacle.
- Change: In RoutingEvent/State::slackenTopology(), allow move up of local
segments when they are tightly constrained *and* blocked (cageds).
Partial modification of functions calls from booleans to flags.
- Bug: In NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost, check for fixed segments
before trying to get DataNegociate. The lack of DataNegociate cause the
TrackElement to be discarted. It's a failsafe behavior, but it leads to
- Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, in Pad Cells only, *do not* protect RoutingPad
to avoid the edge capacity over the pad to decrease to zero. This is
due to unused RoutingPads being accounted as blockages.
2010-12-04 09:25:48 -06:00
case MaxNextSegmentMin: if ( index+1 >= getSize() ) return _max;
return _segments[index+1]->getSourceU ();
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
case MaxSegmentMax: return _segments[index ]->getTargetU ();
cerr << Bug ( " Track::getMaximalPosition(size_t,unsigned int) :"
" invalid state value %ud.", state ) << endl;
return _min;
2010-12-12 15:42:57 -06:00
Interval Track::expandUsedInterval ( size_t& begin, size_t& end ) const
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
if ( begin == NPOS ) return Interval();
size_t seed = begin;
Net* owner = _segments[seed]->getNet();
Interval expandInterval;
Interval ownerInterval;
_segments[seed]->getCanonical ( ownerInterval );
size_t i = seed;
while ( --i != NPOS ) {
if ( _segments[i]->getNet() != owner ) break;
_segments[i]->getCanonical ( expandInterval );
if ( expandInterval.getVMax() >= ownerInterval.getVMin() ) {
ownerInterval.merge ( expandInterval );
begin = i;
end = i = seed;
while ( ++i < _segments.size() ) {
if ( _segments[i]->getNet() != owner ) break;
_segments[i]->getCanonical ( expandInterval );
if ( expandInterval.getVMin() > ownerInterval.getVMax() ) break;
if ( expandInterval.getVMax() > ownerInterval.getVMax() ) end = i;
ownerInterval.merge ( expandInterval );
return ownerInterval;
size_t Track::pack ()
ltrace(148) << "Track::pack() - " << this << endl;
size_t size = _segments.size();
vector<TrackElement*>::iterator beginRemove
= remove_if ( _segments.begin(), _segments.end(), isDetachedSegment() );
_segments.erase ( beginRemove, _segments.end() );
# if 0
size_t first = 0;
size_t last = 0;
bool erase = false;
while ( last < _segments.size() ) {
if ( _segments[last] ) {
if ( erase ) {
_segments.erase ( _segments.begin()+first, _segments.begin()+last );
erase = false;
last = first;
} else {
first = last;
} else {
erase = true;
if ( erase )
_segments.erase ( _segments.begin()+first, _segments.end() );
# endif
ltrace(148) << "After packing " << this << endl;
return size - _segments.size();
void Track::sort ()
if ( !_segmentsValid ) {
std::sort ( _segments.begin(), _segments.end(), SegmentCompare() );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i < _segments.size() ; i++ ) {
_segments[i]->setIndex ( i );
_segmentsValid = true;
if ( !_markersValid ) {
std::sort ( _markers.begin(), _markers.end(), TrackMarker::Compare() );
_markersValid = true;
unsigned int Track::checkOverlap ( unsigned int& overlaps ) const
if ( !_segments.size() ) return 0;
size_t j = 0;
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_segments.size()-1 ; i++ ) {
if ( _segments[i]->getNet() == _segments[i+1]->getNet() ) {
if ( _segments[i]->getSourceU() == _segments[i+1]->getSourceU() ) {
if ( _segments[i]->getTargetU() < _segments[i+1]->getTargetU() ) {
* ./kite:
- New: In BuilPowerRails & BuildBlockage, specific support for chip-level
design. The Alliance "top chip" design hierarchical structure is
hard-coded. Top level POWER/GROUND/CLOCK nets must always have the
<vsse>, <vdde>, <ck>, <vssi>, <vddi>, <ckc>, <cki> names.
Specific method to get trans-hierarchical root nets, espcially in
case of global ones (POWER/GROUND). Clock is *not* global.
Some correction in the manner obscured tracks are computeds.
- New: ProtectRoutingPad module that perform a more clean work for protecting
unused RoutingPad.
- Bug: In BuildPowerRails, uses stable_sort<> instead of sort<>, which
causes unexplained core dumps (seems to try to perform a comparison
using the "end" pseudo element). Already occured in Knik, no explanation
other than a STL bug.
- Change: Slight changes in the weights to move up. Now needs a full empty
track instead of a half one.
2010-11-16 08:00:03 -06:00
cerr << Warning(" Invalid sorting length order in %s:\n%s \n%s "
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
,getString(_segments[i ]).c_str()
,getString(_segments[i+1]).c_str()) << endl;
for ( j=i+1 ; (j<_segments.size()) && (_segments[i]->getNet() == _segments[j]->getNet()) ; j++ );
} else {
j = i+1;
if ( (j<_segments.size())
&& (_segments[i]->getTargetU() > _segments[j]->getSourceU()) ) {
* ./kite:
- New: In BuilPowerRails & BuildBlockage, specific support for chip-level
design. The Alliance "top chip" design hierarchical structure is
hard-coded. Top level POWER/GROUND/CLOCK nets must always have the
<vsse>, <vdde>, <ck>, <vssi>, <vddi>, <ckc>, <cki> names.
Specific method to get trans-hierarchical root nets, espcially in
case of global ones (POWER/GROUND). Clock is *not* global.
Some correction in the manner obscured tracks are computeds.
- New: ProtectRoutingPad module that perform a more clean work for protecting
unused RoutingPad.
- Bug: In BuildPowerRails, uses stable_sort<> instead of sort<>, which
causes unexplained core dumps (seems to try to perform a comparison
using the "end" pseudo element). Already occured in Knik, no explanation
other than a STL bug.
- Change: Slight changes in the weights to move up. Now needs a full empty
track instead of a half one.
2010-11-16 08:00:03 -06:00
cerr << Warning("Overlap in %s between:\n %s\n %s"
2010-03-09 09:24:55 -06:00
,getString(_segments[j]).c_str()) << endl;
return overlaps;
string Track::_getString () const
return "<" + _getTypeName() + " "
+ getString(getLayer()) + " @"
+ DbU::getValueString(_axis) + " ["
+ DbU::getValueString(_min) + ":"
+ DbU::getValueString(_max) + "] ["
+ getString(_segments.size()) + "/"
+ getString(_segments.capacity())
+ "]>";
Record* Track::_getRecord () const
Record* record = new Record ( _getString() );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_routingPlane", _routingPlane ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_index" , &_index ) );
record->add ( DbU::getValueSlot ( "_axis" , &_axis ) );
record->add ( getSlot ( "_segments" , &_segments ) );
return record;
} // End of Kite namespace.