2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
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2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
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2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
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< div class = "title" > ChipTools Class Reference< / div > < / div >
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< p > Utilities for Chip Level Design.
< a href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#details" > More...< / a > < / p >
< table class = "memberdecls" >
< tr class = "heading" > < td colspan = "2" > < h2 class = "groupheader" > < a name = "pub-methods" > < / a >
Public Member Functions< / h2 > < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" >   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > ChipTools< / a > (< a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html" > Cell< / a > *)< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< tr class = "memitem:ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > bool  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > isChip< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a55a3a88610ef1af9931e634f77f2403b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html" > Cell< / a > *  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a55a3a88610ef1af9931e634f77f2403b" > getCell< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a55a3a88610ef1af9931e634f77f2403b" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a8be5c4aecbe9b97ed2eb9557b046b091" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Instance.html" > Instance< / a > *  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a8be5c4aecbe9b97ed2eb9557b046b091" > getCore< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a8be5c4aecbe9b97ed2eb9557b046b091" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ada9182cc0bcdb47b156a29cf42d08651" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#ada9182cc0bcdb47b156a29cf42d08651" > getChipBb< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ada9182cc0bcdb47b156a29cf42d08651" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aa6b5ac93ecf1ee9f94f5176664dcf4bf" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#aa6b5ac93ecf1ee9f94f5176664dcf4bf" > getLeftPadsBb< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aa6b5ac93ecf1ee9f94f5176664dcf4bf" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a07e88c4c6a615019e618af327829f4d0" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a07e88c4c6a615019e618af327829f4d0" > getRightPadsBb< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a07e88c4c6a615019e618af327829f4d0" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:ad31ff1dbfdf55216d684b4032a73db6b" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#ad31ff1dbfdf55216d684b4032a73db6b" > getTopPadsBb< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:ad31ff1dbfdf55216d684b4032a73db6b" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aad46c56aeb14b07fcdfe93b51c554828" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#aad46c56aeb14b07fcdfe93b51c554828" > getBottomPadsBb< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aad46c56aeb14b07fcdfe93b51c554828" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a19c65013cccd38e5d4169fc25454b938" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > const Torus &   < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a19c65013cccd38e5d4169fc25454b938" > getCorona< / a > () const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a19c65013cccd38e5d4169fc25454b938" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:a708cdae658a916324059d321fafeaa7d" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > bool  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a708cdae658a916324059d321fafeaa7d" > intersectVPads< / a > (const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & ) const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:a708cdae658a916324059d321fafeaa7d" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "memitem:aeead79862ba27f1219a3cbb3ef6999d2" > < td class = "memItemLeft" align = "right" valign = "top" > bool  < / td > < td class = "memItemRight" valign = "bottom" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#aeead79862ba27f1219a3cbb3ef6999d2" > intersectHPads< / a > (const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & ) const< / td > < / tr >
< tr class = "separator:aeead79862ba27f1219a3cbb3ef6999d2" > < td class = "memSeparator" colspan = "2" >   < / td > < / tr >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / table >
< a name = "details" id = "details" > < / a > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Detailed Description< / h2 >
< div class = "textblock" > < p > Utilities for Chip Level Design. < / p >
< p > The < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html" title = "Utilities for Chip Level Design. " > ChipTools< / a > class provides a small set of utilities to ease the managment of a complete chip following the Alliance top hierarchical structure. < / p >
< / div > < h2 class = "groupheader" > Constructor & Destructor Documentation< / h2 >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > ◆ < / a > < / span > ChipTools()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html" > ChipTools< / a > < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html" > Cell< / a > *  < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > cell< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > Create a ChipTool for < code > cell< / code > . < / p >
2021-10-01 14:36:45 -05:00
< p class = "reference" > References < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html#a142360ca7b3c1c637894f5b9a2cac069" > Cell::getAbutmentBox()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Entity.html#ad834f8ce33a08a13e2a88446696e63e7" > Entity::getBoundingBox()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1DataBase.html#a53d0b9fcd06b73f3968c8f238f377a88" > DataBase::getDB()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#a7b15b9488d49da1fc666c0383fb213ab" > Box::getHeight()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Net.html#ad8553af888909e1c127e12e68bd000fb" > Net::getHorizontals()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Technology.html#a4ec69c9f8f6b483885f1900c56a97b61" > Technology::getLayer()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Instance.html#ad08a772e5e36582070cdc407cfcc1a64" > Instance::getMasterCell()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Instance.html#aa48280b4d7127d283c89983cf7a42c23" > Instance::getName()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html#a01cd4bba972d484496fd297648b8fa0c" > Cell::getName()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html#a70f06abd224895aeeeeb042365dbf48a" > Cell::getNet()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1DataBase.html#a144480c54b0f9fbda57622ad6767ab8a" > DataBase::getTechnology()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#ae2cc9cf0b17e6443a88b475bbd36e4c9" > Box::getWidth()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#a77b9db757080544fcede3e670cee8c5c" > Box::getXMax()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#ad5122ef7dda8a58c1dacddb57cd4ccfb" > Box::getXMin()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#a06e1a86a06dacfca6d3403c16affc7e8" > Box::getYMax()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#a542c383466845aeca0e32f51b77c7439" > Box::getYMin()< / a > , < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#a90207e7ca8044a6afc72674cc6ae366e" > Box::inflate()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > ChipTools::isChip()< / a > .< / p >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
< h2 class = "groupheader" > Member Function Documentation< / h2 >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > ◆ < / a > < / span > isChip()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
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< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > bool isChip < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
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< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > < b > true< / b > if the Cell is truly a top level design. If not, this object is useless and does nothing. < / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< p class = "reference" > Referenced by < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1ChipTools.html#a5296f5ccb380869255d774b70e237686" > ChipTools::ChipTools()< / a > , < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1KatabaticEngine.html#a1b7d8ed09a198f7afd6e3ac911f6eb37" > KatabaticEngine::createDetailedGrid()< / a > , and < a class = "el" href = "classKatabatic_1_1KatabaticEngine.html#ab6b7bc2b47ead460ac00a531451dc9cf" > KatabaticEngine::isChip()< / a > .< / p >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a55a3a88610ef1af9931e634f77f2403b" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a55a3a88610ef1af9931e634f77f2403b" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getCell()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
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< td class = "memname" > < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Cell.html" > Cell< / a > * getCell < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
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< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The top-level design. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a8be5c4aecbe9b97ed2eb9557b046b091" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a8be5c4aecbe9b97ed2eb9557b046b091" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getCore()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
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< td class = "memname" > < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Instance.html" > Instance< / a > * getCore < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
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< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
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< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The instance of the core, that is, the only instance that is < em > not< / em > a pad... < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "ada9182cc0bcdb47b156a29cf42d08651" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#ada9182cc0bcdb47b156a29cf42d08651" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getChipBb()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & getChipBb < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The chip complete bounding box, this *is* simply the Cell bounding box. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "aa6b5ac93ecf1ee9f94f5176664dcf4bf" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#aa6b5ac93ecf1ee9f94f5176664dcf4bf" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getLeftPadsBb()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & getLeftPadsBb < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the left side of the chip.< / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< dl class = "section user" > < dt > Remark: This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height. < / dt > < dd > < / dd > < / dl >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a07e88c4c6a615019e618af327829f4d0" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a07e88c4c6a615019e618af327829f4d0" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getRightPadsBb()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & getRightPadsBb < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the right side of the chip.< / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< dl class = "section user" > < dt > Remark: This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height. < / dt > < dd > < / dd > < / dl >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "ad31ff1dbfdf55216d684b4032a73db6b" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#ad31ff1dbfdf55216d684b4032a73db6b" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getTopPadsBb()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & getTopPadsBb < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the top side of the chip.< / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< dl class = "section user" > < dt > Remark: This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height. < / dt > < dd > < / dd > < / dl >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "aad46c56aeb14b07fcdfe93b51c554828" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#aad46c56aeb14b07fcdfe93b51c554828" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getBottomPadsBb()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > & getBottomPadsBb < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The bounding box enclosing all the pads on the bottom side of the chip.< / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< dl class = "section user" > < dt > Remark: This box is computed from the chip bounding box and the pad height. < / dt > < dd > < / dd > < / dl >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a19c65013cccd38e5d4169fc25454b938" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a19c65013cccd38e5d4169fc25454b938" > ◆ < / a > < / span > getCorona()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > const Torus & getCorona < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > The torus (in term of manhanttan distance) enclosed between the pad area and the core area. < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "a708cdae658a916324059d321fafeaa7d" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#a708cdae658a916324059d321fafeaa7d" > ◆ < / a > < / span > intersectVPads()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > bool intersectVPads < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > box< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > < b > true< / b > if < code > box< / code > intersect either the left or right pad box. < / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< p class = "reference" > References < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#ae76b57bf6399b29021813da8d3f306ec" > Box::intersect()< / a > .< / p >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< a id = "aeead79862ba27f1219a3cbb3ef6999d2" > < / a >
< h2 class = "memtitle" > < span class = "permalink" > < a href = "#aeead79862ba27f1219a3cbb3ef6999d2" > ◆ < / a > < / span > intersectHPads()< / h2 >
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< div class = "memitem" >
< div class = "memproto" >
< table class = "mlabels" >
< tr >
< td class = "mlabels-left" >
< table class = "memname" >
< tr >
< td class = "memname" > bool intersectHPads < / td >
< td > (< / td >
< td class = "paramtype" > const < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html" > Box< / a > &   < / td >
< td class = "paramname" > < em > box< / em > < / td > < td > )< / td >
< td > const< / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / td >
< td class = "mlabels-right" >
< span class = "mlabels" > < span class = "mlabel" > inline< / span > < / span > < / td >
< / tr >
< / table >
< / div > < div class = "memdoc" >
< p > < b > Returns:< / b > < b > true< / b > if < code > box< / code > intersect either the top or bottom pad box. < / p >
2018-10-18 11:10:01 -05:00
< p class = "reference" > References < a class = "elRef" doxygen = "/dsk/l1/jpc/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/hurricane/doc/hurricane/html/hurricane.tag:../hurricane/" href = "../hurricane/classHurricane_1_1Box.html#ae76b57bf6399b29021813da8d3f306ec" > Box::intersect()< / a > .< / p >
2018-08-19 06:27:09 -05:00
2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
< / div >
< / div >
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< li > < a class = "el" href = "ChipTools_8h_source.html" > ChipTools.h< / a > < / li >
< li > ChipTools.cpp< / li >
< li > ChipTools.dox< / li >
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2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
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2018-06-06 11:42:26 -05:00
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