2018-11-07 16:48:43 -06:00
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
namespace boptions = boost::program_options;
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Interval.h"
#include "hurricane/RbTree.h"
#include "hurricane/IntervalTree.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
namespace Hurricane {
typedef IntervalData<std::string> IntvString;
typedef RbTree<Interval,Interval::CompareByMin> RbInterval;
typedef IntervalTree<std::string> IntervalTreeString;
typedef GenericCollection<Interval> Intervals;
typedef GenericCollection<IntvString> IntvStrings;
Enhanced techno rule support. Inspector support bug fix.
* Bug: In Hurricane/Commons.h, modify the getRecord<>() templates so
that for both vector<Element> and vector<Element*>, the individual
record created for each element are donne with pointers. That is,
for the vector<Element> case, we take a pointer.
As a general policy, except for the POD types, always use pointers
or references to data in the records/inspector. Never uses values
that can call the copy constructor.
Suppress INSPECTOR_PV_SUPPORT() macro, keep only
Provide value support only for getString<>() template.
This value & copy constructor problem was causing a crash when
trying to inspect Hurricane::AnalogCellExtension.
* New: In Hurricane::Technology, change the API of the PhysicalRule,
now we can only create/get PhysicalRule, but setting the value of
the rule itself must be done on the rule.
Enhance PhysicalRule to provide for stepped rules, non isotropic
and ratio rules.
Merge TwoLayersPhysicalrule in PhysicalRule, much simpler to
suppress the management of derived classes. That means that we
loose a little memory as some fields are mutually exclusive.
Not a problem considering that there will not be so many of thoses
* New: In CRL/helpers.analogtechno.py, enhanced DTR support for rules
('minSpacing' , 'metal1', ((0.4,20.0), (0.8,1000.0)), Length, 'REF.1')
('minEnclosure', 'metal1', 'cut1', (0.2,0.3) , Length, 'REF.2')
('minDensity' , 'metal1', 0.30 , Unit , 'REF.3')
The DTR parser has been updated, but not the oroshi.dtr Rule
cache for analog components. Given a rule name, the value used
will be the horizontal one of the first step.
* Change: In hurricane/doc/hurricane, re-generate the documentation
with updated support for Technology & PhysicalRule.
2020-07-21 04:22:04 -05:00
2018-11-07 16:48:43 -06:00
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using namespace CRL;
namespace {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
inline DbU::Unit l ( long v ) { return DbU::fromLambda(v); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test : "testRbTree".
int testRbTree ()
//typedef IntervalTree RbInterval;
RbInterval rb;
long count = 13;
for ( long key=0 ; key<count ; ++key ) {
if (key == 5) {
for ( long j=0 ; j<4 ; ++j ) rb.insert( Interval( l(key), l(key+1) ) );
rb.insert( Interval( l(key), l(key+1) ) );
//rb.insert( count-1 - key );
RbInterval::iterator lb = rb.lower_bound( Interval(l(5),l(6)) );
RbInterval::iterator ub = rb.upper_bound( Interval(l(5),l(6)) );
cerr << "range of 5: [ ";
for ( ; lb != ub ; ++lb ) cerr << *lb << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
//cerr << "Thickness: " << rb.getThickness() << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
2023-03-28 08:12:31 -05:00
rb.remove( Interval( l(3), l(4) ));
2018-11-07 16:48:43 -06:00
rb.write( "finalRbTree.gv" );
for ( Interval intv : rb.getElements() ) {
cerr << intv << endl;
return 0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test : "testIntervalTree".
int testIntervalTree ()
IntervalTreeString itree;
long count = 13;
for ( long key=0 ; key<count ; ++key ) {
if (key == 5) {
for ( long j=0 ; j<4 ; ++j ) itree.insert( IntvString( "b", l(key), l(key+1) ) );
itree.insert( IntvString( "a", l(key), l(key+1) ) );
//rb.insert( count-1 - key );
IntervalTreeString::iterator lb = itree.lower_bound( IntvString("c",l(5),l(6)) );
IntervalTreeString::iterator ub = itree.upper_bound( IntvString("c",l(5),l(6)) );
cerr << "range of 5: [ ";
for ( ; lb != ub ; ++lb ) cerr << *lb << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
cerr << "Thickness: " << itree.getThickness() << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
2023-03-28 08:12:31 -05:00
itree.remove( IntvString( "a", l(3), l(4) ));
2018-11-07 16:48:43 -06:00
itree.write( "finalIntervalTree.gv" );
for ( IntervalData<string> intv : itree.getElements() ) {
cerr << intv << endl;
IntervalTreeString::overlap_iterator ob = itree.beginOverlaps( Interval(l(2),l(4)) );
cerr << "overlap of [2:4]: [ ";
for ( ; ob != itree.end() ; ++ob )
cerr << *ob << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
ob = itree.beginOverlaps( Interval(l(-2),l(-1)) );
cerr << "overlap of [-2:-1]: [ ";
for ( ; ob != itree.end() ; ++ob )
cerr << *ob << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
ob = itree.beginOverlaps( Interval(l(6),l(9)) );
cerr << "overlap of [6:9]: [ ";
for ( ; ob != itree.end() ; ++ob )
cerr << *ob << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
cerr << endl << endl;
cerr << "overlap of [6:9]: [ ";
for ( const IntvString& intv : itree.getOverlaps( Interval( l(6), l(9) ) ) )
cerr << intv << " ";
cerr << "]" << endl;
return 0;
} // Anonymous namespace.
int main ( int argc, char* argv[] )
int returnCode = 0;
try {
bool coreDump = false;
bool rbTree = false;
bool intvTree = false;
boptions::options_description options ("Command line arguments & options");
( "help,h" , "Print this help." )
( "core-dump,D", boptions::bool_switch(&coreDump)->default_value(false)
, "Enable core dumping.")
( "rb-tree" , boptions::bool_switch(&rbTree )->default_value(false)
, "Test of the red/black tree \"hurricane/RbTree.h\".")
( "intv-tree" , boptions::bool_switch(&intvTree)->default_value(false)
, "Test of the interval tree \"hurricane/IntervalTree.h\".");
boptions::variables_map arguments;
boptions::store ( boptions::parse_command_line(argc,argv,options), arguments );
boptions::notify( arguments );
if (arguments.count("help")) {
cerr << options << endl;
exit( 0 );
System::get()->setCatchCore( not coreDump );
DebugSession::open( 0, 1000 );
if (rbTree ) returnCode += testRbTree();
if (intvTree) returnCode += testIntervalTree();
catch ( Error& e ) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
exit( 127 );
catch ( boptions::error& e ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] " << e.what() << endl;
exit( 127 );
catch ( exception& e ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] " << e.what() << endl;
exit( 127 );
catch ( ... ) {
cerr << "[ERROR] Abnormal termination: unmanaged exception.\n" << endl;
exit( 126 );
return returnCode;