Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah!
* Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot
pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so
the caller can be aware of the situation...
* Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some
cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes).
* Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account
the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints
transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp().
It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well.
* Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not
completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates
to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north
* Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will
use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do
not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies
that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one.
* Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session
in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened
using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we
are opening the right Session type.
* Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment
is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the
Flags::WithSelf is set.
* Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps.
Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent
the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part
modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking
A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches,
have to replace them by if/else.
* New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function.
* Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with
the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with
the reserved local capacity.
* New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened
"Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances
will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take
back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary
to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even
slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2016, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r |
// | |
// | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
// | E-mail : |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Module : "./KatanaEngine.cpp" |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
#include <Python.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "vlsisapd/utilities/Path.h"
#include "hurricane/DebugSession.h"
#include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h"
#include "hurricane/Bug.h"
#include "hurricane/Error.h"
#include "hurricane/Warning.h"
#include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h"
#include "hurricane/Layer.h"
#include "hurricane/Net.h"
#include "hurricane/Pad.h"
#include "hurricane/Plug.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "hurricane/Instance.h"
#include "hurricane/Vertical.h"
#include "hurricane/Horizontal.h"
#include "hurricane/viewer/Script.h"
#include "crlcore/Measures.h"
#include "anabatic/AutoContact.h"
#include "katana/DataNegociate.h"
#include "katana/RoutingPlane.h"
#include "katana/Session.h"
#include "katana/TrackSegment.h"
#include "katana/NegociateWindow.h"
#include "katana/KatanaEngine.h"
#include "katana/PyKatanaEngine.h"
namespace Katana {
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::dec;
using std::setw;
using std::left;
using std::ostream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::setprecision;
using std::vector;
using std::make_pair;
using Hurricane::dbo_ptr;
using Hurricane::UpdateSession;
using Hurricane::DebugSession;
using Hurricane::tab;
using Hurricane::ForEachIterator;
using Hurricane::Bug;
using Hurricane::Error;
using Hurricane::Warning;
using Hurricane::Breakpoint;
using Hurricane::Box;
using Hurricane::Torus;
using Hurricane::Layer;
using Hurricane::Horizontal;
using Hurricane::Vertical;
using Hurricane::NetRoutingExtension;
using Hurricane::Cell;
using CRL::System;
using CRL::addMeasure;
using CRL::Measures;
using CRL::MeasuresSet;
using Anabatic::EngineState;
using Anabatic::GCellsUnder;
using Anabatic::AutoContact;
using Anabatic::AutoSegmentLut;
using Anabatic::ChipTools;
const char* missingRW =
" Cell %s do not have any KatanaEngine (or not yet created).\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Katana::KatanaEngine".
Name KatanaEngine::_toolName = "Katana";
const Name& KatanaEngine::staticGetName ()
{ return _toolName; }
KatanaEngine* KatanaEngine::get ( const Cell* cell )
{ return static_cast<KatanaEngine*>(ToolEngine::get(cell,staticGetName())); }
KatanaEngine::KatanaEngine ( Cell* cell )
: Super (cell)
, _viewer (NULL)
, _configuration (new Configuration())
, _routingPlanes ()
, _negociateWindow(NULL)
, _minimumWL (0.0)
, _toolSuccess (false)
{ }
void KatanaEngine::_postCreate ()
Super::_postCreate ();
void KatanaEngine::_runKatanaInit ()
Utilities::Path pythonSitePackages = System::getPath("pythonSitePackages");
Utilities::Path systemConfDir = pythonSitePackages / "katana";
Utilities::Path systemConfFile = systemConfDir / "";
if (systemConfFile.exists()) {
Isobar::Script::addPath( systemConfDir.toString() );
dbo_ptr<Isobar::Script> script = Isobar::Script::create( systemConfFile.stem().toString() );
script->addKwArgument( "katana" , (PyObject*)PyKatanaEngine_Link(this) );
script->runFunction ( "katanaHook", getCell() );
Isobar::Script::removePath( systemConfDir.toString() );
} else {
cerr << Warning( "Katana system configuration file:\n <%s> not found."
, systemConfFile.toString().c_str() ) << endl;
2016-09-06 09:27:20 -05:00
void KatanaEngine::digitalInit ()
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah!
* Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot
pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so
the caller can be aware of the situation...
* Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some
cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes).
* Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account
the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints
transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp().
It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well.
* Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not
completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates
to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north
* Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will
use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do
not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies
that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one.
* Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session
in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened
using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we
are opening the right Session type.
* Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment
is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the
Flags::WithSelf is set.
* Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps.
Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent
the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part
modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking
A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches,
have to replace them by if/else.
* New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function.
* Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with
the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with
the reserved local capacity.
* New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened
"Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances
will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take
back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary
to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even
slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
cdebug_log(155,1) << "KatanaEngine::_initDataBase()" << endl;
setupGlobalGraph( Flags::NoFlags );
KatanaEngine* KatanaEngine::create ( Cell* cell )
KatanaEngine* katana = new KatanaEngine ( cell );
return katana;
void KatanaEngine::_preDestroy ()
cdebug_log(155,1) << "KatanaEngine::_preDestroy()" << endl;
cmess1 << " o Deleting ToolEngine<" << getName() << "> from Cell <"
<< _cell->getName() << ">" << endl;
if (getState() < EngineState::EngineGutted)
setState( EngineState::EnginePreDestroying );
cmess2 << " - RoutingEvents := " << RoutingEvent::getAllocateds() << endl;
KatanaEngine::~KatanaEngine ()
{ delete _configuration; }
const Name& KatanaEngine::getName () const
{ return _toolName; }
Configuration* KatanaEngine::getConfiguration ()
{ return _configuration; }
unsigned int KatanaEngine::getRipupLimit ( const TrackElement* segment ) const
if (segment->isBlockage()) return 0;
if (segment->isStrap ()) return _configuration->getRipupLimit( Configuration::StrapRipupLimit );
if (segment->isGlobal()) {
vector<GCell*> gcells;
segment->getGCells( gcells );
if (gcells.size() > 2)
return _configuration->getRipupLimit( Configuration::LongGlobalRipupLimit );
return _configuration->getRipupLimit( Configuration::GlobalRipupLimit );
return _configuration->getRipupLimit( Configuration::LocalRipupLimit );
RoutingPlane* KatanaEngine::getRoutingPlaneByIndex ( size_t index ) const
if (index >= getRoutingPlanesSize() ) return NULL;
return _routingPlanes[index];
RoutingPlane* KatanaEngine::getRoutingPlaneByLayer ( const Layer* layer ) const
for ( size_t index=0 ; index < getRoutingPlanesSize() ; index++ ) {
if (_routingPlanes[index]->getLayer() == layer)
return _routingPlanes[index];
return NULL;
Track* KatanaEngine::getTrackByPosition ( const Layer* layer, DbU::Unit axis, unsigned int mode ) const
RoutingPlane* plane = getRoutingPlaneByLayer( layer );
if (not plane) return NULL;
return plane->getTrackByPosition( axis, mode );
void KatanaEngine::openSession ()
{ Session::_open(this); }
void KatanaEngine::setInterrupt ( bool state )
if (_negociateWindow) {
_negociateWindow->setInterrupt( state );
cerr << "Interrupt [CRTL+C] of " << this << endl;
void KatanaEngine::annotateGlobalGraph ()
cmess1 << " o Back annotate global routing graph." << endl;
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth<_routingPlanes.size() ; ++depth ) {
RoutingPlane* rp = _routingPlanes[depth];
if (rp->getLayerGauge()->getType() == Constant::PinOnly) continue;
if (rp->getLayerGauge()->getDepth() > getConfiguration()->getAllowedDepth()) continue;
size_t tracksSize = rp->getTracksSize();
for ( size_t itrack=0 ; itrack<tracksSize ; ++itrack ) {
Track* track = rp->getTrackByIndex( itrack );
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Capacity from: " << track << endl;
for ( size_t ielement=0 ; ielement<track->getSize() ; ++ielement ) {
TrackElement* element = track->getSegment( ielement );
if (element->getNet() == NULL) {
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Reject capacity from (not Net): " << element << endl;
if ( (not element->isFixed())
and (not element->isBlockage())
and (not element->isUserDefined()) ) {
cmess2 << "Reject capacity from (neither fixed, blockage nor user defined): " << element << endl;
2016-08-27 09:02:22 -05:00
Segment* segment = element->getSegment();
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah!
* Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot
pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so
the caller can be aware of the situation...
* Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some
cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes).
* Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account
the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints
transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp().
It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well.
* Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not
completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates
to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north
* Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will
use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do
not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies
that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one.
* Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session
in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened
using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we
are opening the right Session type.
* Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment
is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the
Flags::WithSelf is set.
* Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps.
Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent
the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part
modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking
A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches,
have to replace them by if/else.
* New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function.
* Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with
the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with
the reserved local capacity.
* New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened
"Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances
will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take
back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary
to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even
slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
Flags side = Flags::EastSide;
DbU::Unit axis = segment->getY();
if (track->getDirection() == Flags::Vertical) {
side = Flags::NorthSide;
axis = segment->getX();
int elementCapacity = -1;
cdebug_log(159,0) << "Capacity from: " << element << ":" << elementCapacity << endl;
GCellsUnder gcells = getGCellsUnder( segment );
if (not gcells->empty()) {
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<gcells->size()-1 ; ++i )
gcells->gcellAt(i)->getEdgeAt( side, axis )->incCapacity( elementCapacity );
void KatanaEngine::runNegociate ( unsigned int flags )
if (_negociateWindow) return;
_negociateWindow = NegociateWindow::create( this );
_negociateWindow->setGCells( getGCells() );
_negociateWindow->run( flags );
_negociateWindow = NULL;
//if ( _editor ) _editor->refresh ();
printMeasures( "algo" );
unsigned int overlaps = 0;
// size_t hTracksReservedLocal = getHTracksReservedLocal();
// size_t vTracksReservedLocal = getVTracksReservedLocal();
// if (cparanoid.enabled()) {
2016-09-10 11:49:48 -05:00
// cparanoid << " o Post-checking Katana capacity overload h:" << hTracksReservedLocal
Anabatic transient commit 18. Port of Kite (Katana), Yeah, Baby! Yeah!
* Bug: In Hurricane, in StaticObservable::getObserver(), if the slot
pointer is NULL, do not try to access the owner. Returns NULL, so
the caller can be aware of the situation...
* Change: In Hurricane, in BreakpointWidget & ExceptionWidget some
cosmetic changes (fonts and window sizes).
* Bug: In Anabatic, In AutoHorizontal::getConstraints(), take into account
the constraints from the source AutoContact, as it holds the constraints
transmitted by the RoutingPads and sets up by propageConstraintsFromRp().
It is likely to be a bug affecting the original Katabatic as well.
* Change: In Anabatic, in RawGCellsUnder(), check that the segment is not
completly oustside the cell abutment box and truncate the coordinates
to the part that is inside. Use the "shrink" if we reach the east/north
* Change: In Anabatic, in Configuration, no more decorator because we will
use a true derived relationship. Katana *derives* from *Anabatic* and do
not *decorate* it, so the Configuration can do the same. It also implies
that we directly create a Katana engine, not an Anabatic one.
* Change: In Anabatic, in Session, do not allow the opening of the Session
in a standalone fashion (with a static method). Instead it must be opened
using the relevant method of the Anabatic/Katana engine. This ensure we
are opening the right Session type.
* Change: In Anabatic, in AutoSegment_Aligneds() collection the seed segment
is not part of the collection by default, but will be included if the
Flags::WithSelf is set.
* Change: In Configuration, all the flags value are now defined in two steps.
Declared in the header and initialized in the module. This is to prevent
the fact that on some cases, in relation with the Python "extern C" part
modules, we need a true allocated variable. It was causing weird linking
A side effect is that they can no longer be used as entry is switches,
have to replace them by if/else.
* New: In Anabatic, new GCell::getNeighborAt() utility function.
* Bug: In Anabatic, in GCell::doGrid(), tag all the GCells of the grid with
the grid type... Back annote all the edges capacity (north & east) with
the reserved local capacity.
* New: Complete portage of Kite over Anabatic. The new engine is christened
"Katana" for Kite-Analogic. When it's capabilities and performances
will be on a part with Kite, it is to completly replace it (and take
back the "Kite" name). Preliminary tests seems to show that, contrary
to intuition (because built on a more complex/slower grid), it is even
slightly faster than Kite 8-).
2016-08-15 09:30:13 -05:00
// << " v:." << vTracksReservedLocal << endl;
// getGCellGrid()->checkEdgeOverflow( hTracksReservedLocal, vTracksReservedLocal );
// }
_check( overlaps );
_toolSuccess = _toolSuccess and (overlaps == 0);
void KatanaEngine::printCompletion () const
size_t routeds = 0;
unsigned long long totalWireLength = 0;
unsigned long long routedWireLength = 0;
vector<TrackElement*> unrouteds;
vector<TrackElement*> reduceds;
ostringstream result;
AutoSegmentLut::const_iterator ilut = _getAutoSegmentLut().begin();
for ( ; ilut != _getAutoSegmentLut().end() ; ilut++ ) {
TrackElement* segment = _lookup( ilut->second );
if (segment == NULL) continue;
unsigned long long wl = (unsigned long long)DbU::toLambda( segment->getLength() );
if (wl > 100000) {
cerr << Error("KatanaEngine::printCompletion(): Suspiciously long wire: %llu for %p:%s"
,wl,ilut->first,getString(segment).c_str()) << endl;
if (segment->isFixed() or segment->isBlockage()) continue;
if (segment->isReduced()) reduceds.push_back( segment );
totalWireLength += wl;
if ( (segment->getTrack() != NULL) or (segment->isReduced()) ) {
routedWireLength += wl;
unrouteds.push_back( segment );
float segmentRatio = (float)(routeds) / (float)(routeds+unrouteds.size()) * 100.0;
float wireLengthRatio = (float)(routedWireLength) / (float)(totalWireLength) * 100.0;
_toolSuccess = (unrouteds.empty());
if (not unrouteds.empty()) {
cerr << " o Routing did not complete, unrouted segments:" << endl;
for ( size_t i=0; i<unrouteds.size() ; ++i ) {
cerr << " " << dec << setw(4) << (i+1) << "| " << unrouteds[i] << endl;
// if (not reduceds.empty()) {
// cerr << " o Reduced segments:" << endl;
// for ( size_t i=0; i<reduceds.size() ; ++i ) {
// cerr << " " << dec << setw(4) << (i+1) << "| " << reduceds[i] << endl;
// }
// }
result << setprecision(4) << segmentRatio
<< "% [" << routeds << "+" << unrouteds.size() << "]";
cmess1 << Dots::asString( " - Track Segment Completion Ratio", result.str() ) << endl;
result << setprecision(4) << wireLengthRatio
<< "% [" << totalWireLength << "+"
<< (totalWireLength - routedWireLength) << "]";
cmess1 << Dots::asString( " - Wire Length Completion Ratio", result.str() ) << endl;
float expandRatio = 1.0;
if (_minimumWL != 0.0) {
expandRatio = ((totalWireLength-_minimumWL) / _minimumWL) * 100.0;
result << setprecision(3) << expandRatio << "% [min:" << setprecision(9) << _minimumWL << "]";
cmess1 << Dots::asString( " - Wire Length Expand Ratio", result.str() ) << endl;
addMeasure<size_t> ( getCell(), "Segs" , routeds+unrouteds.size() );
addMeasure<unsigned long long>( getCell(), "DWL(l)" , totalWireLength , 12 );
addMeasure<unsigned long long>( getCell(), "fWL(l)" , totalWireLength-routedWireLength , 12 );
addMeasure<double> ( getCell(), "WLER(%)", (expandRatio-1.0)*100.0 );
void KatanaEngine::dumpMeasures ( ostream& out ) const
vector<Name> measuresLabels;
measuresLabels.push_back( "Gates" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "GCells" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "knikT" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "knikS" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "GWL(l)" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "Area(l2)");
measuresLabels.push_back( "Sat." );
measuresLabels.push_back( "loadT" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "loadS" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "Globals" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "Edges" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "assignT" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "algoT" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "algoS" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "finT" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "Segs" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "DWL(l)" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "fWL(l)" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "WLER(%)" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "Events" );
measuresLabels.push_back( "UEvents" );
const MeasuresSet* measures = Measures::get( getCell() );
out << "#" << endl;
out << "# " << getCell()->getName() << endl;
out << measures->toStringHeaders(measuresLabels) << endl;
out << measures->toStringDatas (measuresLabels) << endl;
measures->toGnuplot( "GCells Density Histogram", getString(getCell()->getName()) );
void KatanaEngine::dumpMeasures () const
ostringstream path;
path << getCell()->getName() << ".knik-katana.dat";
ofstream sfile ( path.str().c_str() );
dumpMeasures( sfile );
bool KatanaEngine::_check ( unsigned int& overlap, const char* message ) const
cmess1 << " o Checking Katana Database coherency." << endl;
bool coherency = true;
coherency = coherency and Super::_check( message );
for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_routingPlanes.size() ; i++ )
coherency = _routingPlanes[i]->_check(overlap) and coherency;
Anabatic::Session* anbtSession = Session::base ();
for( Net* net : getCell()->getNets() ) {
for( Segment* segment : net->getComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
AutoSegment* autoSegment = anbtSession->lookup( segment );
if (not autoSegment) continue;
if (not autoSegment->isCanonical()) continue;
TrackElement* trackSegment = Session::lookup( segment );
if (not trackSegment) {
coherency = false;
cerr << Bug( "%p %s without Track Segment"
, autoSegment
, getString(autoSegment).c_str() ) << endl;
} else
return coherency;
void KatanaEngine::finalizeLayout ()
cdebug_log(155,0) << "KatanaEngine::finalizeLayout()" << endl;
if (getState() > Anabatic::EngineDriving) return;
setState( Anabatic::EngineDriving );
cdebug_log(155,0) << "State: " << getState() << endl;
getCell()->setFlags( Cell::Flags::Routed );
void KatanaEngine::_gutKatana ()
cdebug_log(155,1) << "KatanaEngine::_gutKatana()" << endl;
cdebug_log(155,0) << "State: " << getState() << endl;
if (getState() < EngineState::EngineGutted) {
size_t maxDepth = getConfiguration()->getRoutingGauge()->getDepth();
for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < maxDepth ; depth++ ) {
TrackElement* KatanaEngine::_lookup ( Segment* segment ) const
AutoSegment* autoSegment = Super::_lookup( segment );
if (not autoSegment or not autoSegment->isCanonical()) return NULL;
return _lookup( autoSegment );
void KatanaEngine::_check ( Net* net ) const
cerr << " o Checking " << net << endl;
for( Segment* segment : net->getComponents().getSubSet<Segment*>() ) {
TrackElement* trackSegment = _lookup( segment );
if (trackSegment) {
AutoContact* autoContact = trackSegment->base()->getAutoSource();
if (autoContact) autoContact->checkTopology ();
autoContact = trackSegment->base()->getAutoTarget();
if (autoContact) autoContact->checkTopology ();
string KatanaEngine::_getTypeName () const
{ return "Katana::KatanaEngine"; }
string KatanaEngine::_getString () const
ostringstream os;
os << "<" << "KatanaEngine " << _cell->getName () << ">";
return os.str();
Record* KatanaEngine::_getRecord () const
Record* record = Super::_getRecord ();
if (record) {
record->add( getSlot( "_routingPlanes", &_routingPlanes ) );
record->add( getSlot( "_configuration", _configuration ) );
return record;
} // Katana namespace.