2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
// -*- C++ -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2009, All Rights Reserved
// ===================================================================
// $Id$
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
// | |
// | C O R I O L I S |
// | S O L S T I C E - C o m p a r a t o r |
// | |
// | Author : Wu Yife |
// | E-mail : Wu.Yifei@lip6.fr |
// | =============================================================== |
// | C++ Header : "./SolsticeEngine.cpp" |
// | *************************************************************** |
// | U p d a t e s |
// | |
// x-----------------------------------------------------------------x
#include <hurricane/DataBase.h>
#include <hurricane/Cell.h>
#include <hurricane/Technology.h>
#include <crlcore/Utilities.h>
#include <crlcore/ToolEngine.h>
#include <equinox/Equi.h>
#include <equinox/Strategy.h>
#include <equinox/IntervalTree.h>
#include <equinox/Tiles.h>
#include <equinox/EquinoxEngine.h>
#include <solstice/Brick.h>
#include <solstice/SolsticeEngine.h>
#include <solstice/BrickSweepLine.h>
#include <solstice/RoutingError.h>
#include <solstice/ShortCircuitError.h>
#include <solstice/DisconnectError.h>
namespace Solstice {
using namespace std;
using namespace Hurricane;
using Equinox::DefaultStrategy;
using Equinox::EquinoxEngine;
using Equinox::Equi;
using Equinox::CompByXmin;
using Equinox::CompByXmax;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class : "Solstice::SolsticeEngine".
Name SolsticeEngine::_toolName = "Solstice";
Strategy * SolsticeEngine::_strategy = NULL;
void SolsticeEngine::setStrategy (Strategy * s)
if (_strategy)
delete _strategy;
_strategy = s;
Strategy* SolsticeEngine::getStrategy ()
if (!_strategy) {
_strategy = new DefaultStrategy();
return _strategy;
Cell* SolsticeEngine::getCommonPath(Path path1, Path path2, Path& newpath1, Path& newpath2)
Instance * instance1 = path1.getHeadInstance();
Instance * instance2 = path2.getHeadInstance();
Path commonpath;
if(!instance1) break;
path1 = path1.getTailPath();
path2 = path2.getTailPath();
commonpath = commonpath.isEmpty()?Path(instance1):Path(commonpath, instance1);
if(path1.isEmpty()) break;
if(path2.isEmpty()) break;
instance1 = path1.getHeadInstance();
instance2 = path2.getHeadInstance();
newpath1 = path1;
newpath2 = path2;
if (commonpath.isEmpty())
return NULL;
return commonpath.getMasterCell();
SolsticeEngine* SolsticeEngine::create (Cell* cell)
SolsticeEngine* solstice = new SolsticeEngine ( cell );
throw Error("can't create Solstice : allocation failed");
solstice->_postCreate ();
return solstice;
void SolsticeEngine::_depthCreate(Cell * cell)
forEach(Instance*,instance, cell->getInstances())
Cell * subcell = (*instance)->getMasterCell();
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(subcell);
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
if( (!(subcell->isTerminalNetlist())) && (!solstice) ) {
2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(cell);
SolsticeEngine* SolsticeEngine::get (const Cell* cell )
return static_cast<SolsticeEngine*>(ToolEngine::get(cell,_toolName));
Record* SolsticeEngine::_getRecord () const
Record* record = ToolEngine::_getRecord ();
return ( record );
SolsticeEngine::~SolsticeEngine ()
SolsticeEngine::SolsticeEngine (Cell* cell):
_routingErrors = new set<RoutingError*>;
void SolsticeEngine::_depthDestroy()
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
return ;
else {
forEach(Instance*,instance, _cell->getInstances())
Cell * cell = (*instance)->getMasterCell();
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(cell);
if(solstice) solstice->_depthDestroy();
void SolsticeEngine::compare()
// Verify the extractor Equinox
// ******************************
EquinoxEngine * equinox = EquinoxEngine::get(_cell);
throw Error("Can't do comparison, because the extractor haven't been created");
if(!(equinox->isExtracted())) {
throw Error("Can't do comparison, because the extraction haven't been done");
// Create CEngine Solstice for all models except standards models.
// *****************************************************************
// If repeat Comparison, flush those olds errors and reset flags to false.
// *************************************************************************
if(isCompared()) flushErrors();
// Run comparison and Print Statistique datas.
// *********************************************
void SolsticeEngine::runComparison()
map<Occurrence, set<Equi*> > map_hypernet2hyperequi;
set<Occurrence> hypernets;
EquinoxEngine * equinox = Equinox::EquinoxEngine::get(_cell);
forEach(Equi*,equi, equinox->getRoutingEquis())
forEach(Occurrence,occurrence, (*equi)->getAllOccurrences())
// Check Net Power/Ground/Global
Net * net = dynamic_cast<Net*>((*occurrence).getEntity());
net = dynamic_cast<Component*>((*occurrence).getEntity())->getNet();
if(net->isGlobal() || net->isGround() || net->isPower()) {
// Add HyperNet
Occurrence hypernet = getTopNetOccurrence((*occurrence));
#ifdef ASSERT
} //end of forEach occurrence
// ShortCircuits Detection
if(hypernets.size() > 1) {
cmess1 << "[BUG] ShortCircuit Detection with " << hypernets.size() << " nets on same Equi" << endl;
for (set<Occurrence>::iterator i = hypernets.begin() ; i!= hypernets.end();i++)
cmess1 << " - Net " << (*i).getEntity()->_getString() << endl;
} //end of forEach equi
// Disconnects Detection
for (map<Occurrence, set<Equi*> >::iterator i = map_hypernet2hyperequi.begin();
i != map_hypernet2hyperequi.end();
if( (*i).second.size()>1 ) {
cmess1 << "[BUG] Disconnection Detection with " << (*i).second.size() << " equi for net " << (*i).first.getEntity()->_getString() << endl;
for (set<Equi*>::iterator j = (*i).second.begin();
j != (*i).second.end();
cmess1 << " - " << (*j) << endl ;
forEach(Occurrence,k,(*j)->getAllOccurrences()) {
cmess1 << " - " << (*k) << endl ;
Occurrence SolsticeEngine::getTopNetOccurrence(Occurrence occurrence)
Path path = occurrence.getPath();
if( path.isEmpty() ) {
Net * net = dynamic_cast<Net*>(occurrence.getEntity());
if(net) {
return occurrence;
else {
Component * component = dynamic_cast<Component*>(occurrence.getEntity());
throw Error("Unknow occurrence in EQUINOX::GetUpperNetOccurrence()");
return Occurrence(component->getNet());
else {
Net * net = dynamic_cast<Net*>(occurrence.getEntity());
if(net) {
if( !(net->isExternal()) )
return occurrence;
Instance * tailinstance = path.getTailInstance();
Plug * plug = tailinstance->getPlug(net);
if( !(plug->isConnected()) )
return occurrence;
Net * uppernet = plug->getNet();
return getTopNetOccurrence(Occurrence(uppernet, path.getHeadPath()));
else {
Component* component = dynamic_cast<Component*>(occurrence.getEntity());
return getTopNetOccurrence(Occurrence(component->getNet(), occurrence.getPath()));
void SolsticeEngine::detectShortCircuit(Equi* equi)
// Create Bricks for all component occurrences in this hyper-equi.
// ***************************************************************
vector<Brick*>* BricksByXmin = new vector<Brick*> ;
vector<Brick*>* BricksByXmax = new vector<Brick*> ;
forEach(Occurrence,occurrence, equi->getEquiComponentOccurrences()) {
Occurrence hypernet = getTopNetOccurrence((*occurrence));
Component* component = dynamic_cast<Component*>((*occurrence).getEntity());
Box box = (*occurrence).getBoundingBox();
forEach ( BasicLayer*, i, component->getLayer()->getBasicLayers() )
if (Strategy::isExtractableLayer(*i))
Brick * brick = Brick::create(hypernet, (*occurrence), box, *i);
// Sort these two tables.
// *********************
sort< vector<Brick*>::iterator , CompByXmin<Brick*> > ( BricksByXmin->begin(), BricksByXmin->end(), CompByXmin<Brick*>() );
sort< vector<Brick*>::iterator , CompByXmax<Brick*> > ( (BricksByXmax->begin()), BricksByXmax->end(), CompByXmax<Brick*>() );
BrickSweepLine* sweepLine = BrickSweepLine::create(this,getStrategy());
void SolsticeEngine::setIsComparedTrue(Cell * cell)
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(cell);
forEach(Instance*,instance, cell->getInstances())
Cell * subcell = (*instance)->getMasterCell();
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(subcell);
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
if( (!(subcell->isTerminalNetlist())) && (!(solstice->isCompared())) )
2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
void SolsticeEngine::getAllSolstices(Cell* cell, set<SolsticeEngine*>& solstices)
SolsticeEngine* solstice = get(cell);
forEach(Instance*,instance, cell->getInstances())
Cell * subcell = (*instance)->getMasterCell();
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
if( (!(subcell->isTerminalNetlist())) )
2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
getAllSolstices(subcell, solstices);
void SolsticeEngine::insertInterval ( Brick*brick ,stack <Equinox::Interval*>* enumResultStack)
while( !(enumResultStack->empty()) ) {
Brick* findedbrick = dynamic_cast<Brick*>(enumResultStack->top());
if(findedbrick->getHyperNet()!=brick->getHyperNet()) { // Shorts-Circuits
Occurrence occurrence1 = brick->getComponentOccurrence();
Occurrence occurrence2 = findedbrick->getComponentOccurrence();
Path newpath1;
Path newpath2;
Cell * errorcell = getCommonPath(occurrence1.getPath(), occurrence2.getPath(), newpath1, newpath2);
SolsticeEngine * solstice = NULL;
if(errorcell) {
solstice = get(errorcell);
if(!solstice) {
cout << getString(errorcell) <<endl;
throw Error("Can't get CEngine solstice in function SolsticeEngine::insertInterval");
else { // If errorcell is Null, the top-model is current model.
solstice = this;
errorcell = _cell;
ShortCircuitError* error = ShortCircuitError::create(
Occurrence(occurrence1.getEntity(), newpath1),
Occurrence(occurrence2.getEntity(), newpath2)
void SolsticeEngine::removeInterval (Brick* item)
void SolsticeEngine::clearErrors() {
for(set<RoutingError*>::iterator e = _routingErrors->begin();
e != _routingErrors->end() ;
void SolsticeEngine::flushErrors()
forEach(Instance*,instance, _cell->getInstances())
Cell * cell = (*instance)->getMasterCell();
SolsticeEngine * solstice = get(cell);
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough).
In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts
where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is
the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to
the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep
than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections
related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related
to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist".
The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy).
* Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and
for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again.
* New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to
create dummies around the capacity matrix.
* Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace
them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have
two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the
Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist".
* Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into
"TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the
* Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to
TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over
non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks
as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells
from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped
even from already placed instances.
* Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
* Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the
Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to
have it as positional parameter.
* Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/ClockTree.py, Leaf to TerminalInstance
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
if( (!(cell->isTerminalNetlist())) && (solstice->isCompared()) ) {
2010-03-09 09:25:53 -06:00
}// End of namespace Solstice