Access to Graphical Resources. \hypertarget{group__graphicsGroup_secGraphicsStructure}{}\subsection{General Structure of the Graphics Object}\label{group__graphicsGroup_secGraphicsStructure}
First, the \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1Graphics}{Graphics} object is a singleton that has to be accessed through the static get\-Graphics methods.
The \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1Graphics}{Graphics} object contains a set of Display\-Styles of which one is active at a time and so used to do all drawings. Each \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1DisplayStyle}{Display\-Style} is identified though a name and can be selected with the set\-Style() method.
The \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1DisplayStyle}{Display\-Style} itself is a set of Drawing\-Style. Each Drawing\-Style is named and provides a Q\-Color, a Q\-Pen and a Q\-Brush. Q\-Color, Q\-Pen \& Q\-Brush are build from the {\ttfamily}(red,green,blue) , {\ttfamily Border\-Width} and {\ttfamily pattern} .
Direct access to the Drawing\-Style\-: once a \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1DisplayStyle}{Display\-Style} has been selected, the \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1Graphics}{Graphics} accessors get\-Color(), get\-Pen() or get\-Brush() gives you access to the Drawing\-Styles.
Minimal \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1DisplayStyle}{Display\-Style}\-: any \hyperlink{classHurricane_1_1DisplayStyle}{Display\-Style} contains at least the following Drawing\-Styles \-:
Configuration parsers should create a Drawing\-Style for each {\bf Basic\-Layer}, with the name of the {\bf Basic\-Layer} as the key. So the following code should be valid \-: