
67 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html
.. URLs that changes between the various backends.
.. _Coriolis Tools Documentation: file:///usr/share/doc/coriolis2/index.html
.. _Stratus Documentation: file:///usr/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/stratus/index.html
.. _Here: file:///usr/share/doc/coriolis2/en/latex/users-guide/UsersGuide.pdf
.. For HTML backend
.. |Key_ESC| image:: ./images/key_ESC.png
.. |Key_CTRL| image:: ./images/key_CTRL.png
.. |Key_Up| image:: ./images/key_UP.png
.. |Key_Down| image:: ./images/key_DOWN.png
.. |Key_Left| image:: ./images/key_LEFT.png
.. |Key_Right| image:: ./images/key_RIGHT.png
.. |Key_f| image:: ./images/key_F.png
.. |Key_G| image:: ./images/key_Gcap.png
.. |Key_i| image:: ./images/key_Icap.png
.. |Key_l| image:: ./images/key_Lcap.png
.. |Key_m| image:: ./images/key_M.png
.. |Key_k| image:: ./images/key_K.png
.. |Key_K| image:: ./images/key_Kcap.png
.. |Key_o| image:: ./images/key_Ocap.png
.. |Key_p| image:: ./images/key_Pcap.png
.. |Key_q| image:: ./images/key_Qcap.png
.. |Key_w| image:: ./images/key_Wcap.png
.. |Key_S| image:: ./images/key_Scap.png
.. |Key_z| image:: ./images/key_Z.png
.. |Plus| replace:: :raw-html:`+`
.. |rightarrow| replace:: :raw-html:`<p class="empty"></p>`
.. |menu_P&R| replace:: :raw-html:`<p class="empty"></p>`
.. |menu_StepByStep| replace:: :raw-html:`<p class="empty"></p>`
.. |menu_KiteSaveGlobalRouting| image:: ./images/PR-SBS-SaveGlobal.png
.. |menu_KiteLoadGlobalRouting| image:: ./images/PR-SBS-LoadGlobal.png
.. |menu_KiteGlobalRoute| image:: ./images/PR-GlobalRoute.png
.. |menu_KiteDetailedRoute| image:: ./images/PR-DetailedRoute.png
Add NetRoutingState (Property) on Nets to tell Kite what to do. * New: In Katabatic, add the ability to decorate some (i.e. few) nets with a state that indicate to Katabatic & Kite what to do with it. The possible states are: 1. Fixed : all the wire are in fixed positions. The router cannot move them and account them as obstacles. 2. ManualGlobalRoute : a user-defined topology is supplied. The wires still have to be detailed route in "Detailed Pre-Route" but will be skipped for the global routing and fixed for the general Detailed route. 3. AutomaticGlobalRoute : ordinary nets, to be global routed then detail routed. 4. Excluded : do not try to global or detail route thoses nets. 5. MixedPreRoute : mask combining Fixed and ManualGlobalRoute. Not all nets have this property, only those that needs a special processing. To ease the access to the state, it is nested inside a PrivateProperty in the net (NetRoutingProperty), with an extension access class (NetRoutingExtension). * New: In Kite, take account of NetRoutingState. Pointers to the net's states are strored inside an internal map for faster access. The property is *not* deleted when Kite is destroyed. The property will remains until the Net itself is destroyed. As a consequence, the lists that where passed to high level function are removed as the information can now be accessed directly through the net NetRoutingProperty. * New: In Unicorn, in CgtMain, comply with the update interface. * New: In documentation, update the User's Guide to explain the Pre-routed step of Kite.
2014-07-02 07:36:58 -05:00
.. |menu_KiteDetailedPreRoute| image:: ./images/PR-DetailedPreRoute.png
.. |menu_KiteFinalizeRoute| image:: ./images/PR-FinalizeRoute.png
.. Stand-alone images.
.. |ViewerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img class="addborder" src="./images/Viewer-1.png" alt="Viewer Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerSnapshot_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerLook_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Look-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerFilter_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Filter-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerLayersGos_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-LayersGos-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Netlist-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ViewerNetlist_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Viewer-Netlist-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerSelection_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Selection-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerInspector_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Inspector-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerInspector_2| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Inspector-2.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerInspector_3| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Inspector-3.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |ControllerSettings_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Controller-Settings-1.png" alt="Controller Basic Snapshot"></center>`
.. |CoriolisSoftSchema| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/Coriolis-Soft-Schema.png" alt="Coriolis Software Schematic"></center>`
.. |BigMouse| image:: ./images/ComputerMouse.png
:scale: 25%
.. Direct LaTeX commands encapsulation.
.. |dotfill| replace:: :raw-html:`&nbsp;&nbsp;`
.. |noindent| replace:: :raw-html:`<p class="empty"></p>`
.. |medskip| replace:: :raw-html:`<br>`
.. |newpage| replace:: :raw-html:`<hr>`