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import sys
import os
import os.path
import copy
import Cfg
import Hurricane
import Viewer
import CRL
from CRL import Environment
from CRL import RoutingLayerGauge
from helpers import Configuration
from helpers import ErrorMessage
from helpers import WarningMessage
from helpers.Configuration import TypeBool
from helpers.Configuration import TypeInt
from helpers.Configuration import TypeEnumerate
from helpers.Configuration import TypePercentage
from helpers.Configuration import TypeDouble
from helpers.Configuration import TypeString
from helpers.Configuration import TypeTab
from helpers.Configuration import TypeTitle
from helpers.Configuration import TypeSection
from helpers.Configuration import TypeRule
from helpers.Configuration import TypeOption
from helpers import Patterns
from helpers import Display
from helpers.Display import Style
from helpers.Display import Inherit
from helpers.Display import Darkening
from helpers.Display import Group
from helpers.Display import Drawing
from helpers import Alliance
from helpers import SymbolicTechnology
from helpers import RealTechnology
import helpers.Display
except ImportError, e:
serror = str(e)
if serror.startswith('No module named'):
module = serror.split()[-1]
print '[ERROR] The <%s> python module or symbol cannot be loaded.' % module
print ' Please check the integrity of the <coriolis> package.'
if str(e).find('cannot open shared object file'):
library = serror.split(':')[0]
print '[ERROR] The <%s> shared library cannot be loaded.' % library
print ' Under RHEL 6, you must be under devtoolset-2.'
print ' (scl enable devtoolset-2 bash)'
except Exception, e:
print '[ERROR] A strange exception occurred while loading the basic Coriolis/Python'
print ' modules. Something may be wrong at Python/C API level.\n'
print ' %s' % e
moduleGlobals = globals()
SystemFile = 0x0001
AllianceHelper = 0x0002
SymbolicHelper = 0x0004
RealHelper = 0x0008
PatternsHelper = 0x0010
DisplayHelper = 0x0020
ConfigurationHelper = 0x0040
KiteHelper = 0x0080
HelpersMask = AllianceHelper \
| SymbolicHelper \
| RealHelper \
| PatternsHelper \
| DisplayHelper \
| ConfigurationHelper \
| KiteHelper
SystemMandatory = 0x0100
def coriolisConfigure():
global symbolicTechno
confHelpers = ( ('allianceConfig' , Alliance.loadAllianceConfig , SystemMandatory|AllianceHelper)
, ('routingGaugesTable' , Alliance.loadRoutingGaugesTable , SystemMandatory|KiteHelper)
, ('cellGaugesTable' , Alliance.loadCellGaugesTable , SystemMandatory|KiteHelper)
, ('viewerConfig' , SymbolicTechnology.loadViewerConfig , SystemMandatory|SymbolicHelper)
, ('realLayersTable' , SymbolicTechnology.loadRealLayers , SystemMandatory|SymbolicHelper)
, ('symbolicLayersTable', SymbolicTechnology.loadSymbolicLayers, SystemMandatory|SymbolicHelper)
, ('symbolicRulesTable' , SymbolicTechnology.loadSymbolicRules , SystemMandatory|SymbolicHelper)
, ('workingLayersTable' , SymbolicTechnology.loadWorkingLayers , SystemMandatory|SymbolicHelper)
, ('technoConfig' , RealTechnology.loadTechnoConfig , SystemMandatory|RealHelper)
, ('gdsLayersTable' , RealTechnology.loadGdsLayers , SystemMandatory|RealHelper)
, ('patternsTable' , Patterns.loadPatterns , SystemMandatory|PatternsHelper)
, ('stylesTable' , Display.loadStyles , SystemMandatory|DisplayHelper)
, ('defaultStyle' , Display.loadDefaultStyle , SystemMandatory|DisplayHelper)
, ('parametersTable' , Configuration.loadParameters , ConfigurationHelper)
, ('layoutTable' , Configuration.loadLayout , ConfigurationHelper)
print ' o Running configuration hook: coriolisConfigure().'
#print ' - sysConfDir: <%s>' % helpers.sysConfDir
Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority ( Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile )
confFiles = [ (helpers.symbolicDir+'/alliance.conf' , SystemFile|AllianceHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/technology.conf', SystemFile|SymbolicHelper)
Support for Net alias names. Blif parser enhancements. * New: In Hurricane, In Net & Cell, support for Net aliases names. Use a structure based on a simple ring of NetAliasHook. The Net holds a global map, sorted by names of all the aliases of all Nets. Elements NetAliasesHook of the map are slaves of ring whose master is an attribute of the Net (it is *not* in the map, as the primary name of the Net). In case of merge, the aliases of both Nets are merged and the name of the merged one become an alias. The Cell::getNet() looks in both the Net map and the aliases to find a Net by name. * Bug: In CRL Core, in, reoder the loading of the configuration files so the real technology is read as early as possible to set up the <gridsPerLambda> factor before any lambda is actually computed... * Bug: In CRL Core, in AcmSigda, do not try to fed the file when it has failed to be opened. Throw a clean exception instead. * New: In CRL Core, in Toolbox, add a NamingScheme object to convert a design into VHDL compliant names (mainly from Blif/Verilog). This is extensible in any case. * New: In CRL Core, in BlifParser, slightly more informative warning messages. Align the loading progress information on the other parsers. Add a capability to select which component of the design will be returned, if there are more than one. Use the "." as separator. For exemple you can request "Processor.Alu", which will load the "Alu" component from the design in "Processor.blif". To be able to save a Blif loaded design, systematically convert all the name for VHDL compliance, as it is the format used by the Coriolis native files (vst). Export the Blif parser to the Python interface. * New: In Kite, In NegociateWindow, add a counter of the number of remaining events. Gives an idea of the ETA... * New: In Unicorn, in, add an option to load a Blif design from the command line. * New: In Cumulus, new RSave plugin to save both netlist & layout. Partly redundant with the previous one. Have to better organize that later.
2015-04-16 08:40:02 -05:00
, (helpers.realDir +'/technology.conf', SystemFile|RealHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/patterns.conf' , SystemFile|PatternsHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/display.conf' , SystemFile|DisplayHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/misc.conf' , SystemFile|ConfigurationHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/etesian.conf' , SystemFile|ConfigurationHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/kite.conf' , SystemFile|ConfigurationHelper|KiteHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/stratus1.conf' , SystemFile|ConfigurationHelper)
, (helpers.symbolicDir+'/plugins.conf' , SystemFile|ConfigurationHelper)
if os.getenv('HOME'):
confFiles += [ (os.getenv('HOME')+'/.coriolis2/', 0) ]
w = WarningMessage(['The <HOME> environment variable is not defined, this is most unusual.'
,'It prevents the loading of ${HOME}/.coriolis2/'])
print w
confFiles += [ (os.getcwd()+'/.coriolis2/', 0) ]
for confFile, confFlags in confFiles:
if confFile.endswith(''):
Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority ( Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile )
if not os.path.isfile(confFile):
if confFlags & SystemFile:
print '[ERROR] Missing mandatory Coriolis2 system file:'
print ' <%s>' % confFile
print ' Your installation may be broken. Trying to continue anyway...'
print ' - Loading \"%s\".' % helpers.truncPath(confFile)
except Exception, e:
print '[ERROR] An exception occured while loading the configuration file:'
print ' <%s>\n' % (confFile)
print ' You should check for simple python errors in this file.'
print ' Error was:'
print ' %s\n' % e
print ' Trying to continue anyway...'
for symbol, loader, loaderFlags in confHelpers:
if moduleGlobals.has_key(symbol):
loader( moduleGlobals[symbol], confFile )
del moduleGlobals[symbol]
if confFlags & loaderFlags & HelpersMask:
if confFlags & SystemFile and loaderFlags & SystemMandatory:
print '[ERROR] Mandatory symbol <%s> is missing in system configuration file:' % symbol
print ' <%s>' % confFile
print ' Trying to continue anyway...'
if confFile.endswith(''):
Cfg.Configuration.popDefaultPriority ()
Cfg.Configuration.popDefaultPriority ()