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import sys
from Hurricane import DataBase, Instance, Box, Net, Horizontal, Vertical, Contact, \
RoutingPad, Transformation, Occurrence, \
from CRL import AllianceFramework, Catalog, Gds
from helpers import l
from helpers.overlay import UpdateSession
def doBreak ( level, message ):
Breakpoint.stop( level, message )
def buildFulladder ( editor ):
Build a full adder, place it, add filler cells and create routing
for the "a" net.
# Get the Framework and all the master cells.
af = AllianceFramework.get()
xr2_x2 = af.getCell( 'xr2_x1', Catalog.State.Views )
a2_x2 = af.getCell( 'a2_x2' , Catalog.State.Views )
o2_x2 = af.getCell( 'o2_x2' , Catalog.State.Views )
with UpdateSession():
fulladder = af.createCell( 'fulladder' )
fulladder.setAbutmentBox( Box( l(0.0), l(0.0), l(90.0), l(100.0) ) )
if editor:
editor.setCell( fulladder )
with UpdateSession():
# Create Instances.
a2_1 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'a2_1', a2_x2 )
a2_2 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'a2_2', a2_x2 )
xr2_1 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'xr2_1', xr2_x2 )
xr2_2 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'xr2_2', xr2_x2 )
o2_1 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'o2_1', o2_x2 )
# Create Nets.
vss = Net.create( fulladder, "vss" )
vss.setExternal( True )
vss.setGlobal ( True )
vdd = Net.create( fulladder, "vdd" )
vdd.setExternal( True )
vdd.setGlobal ( True )
cin = Net.create( fulladder, "cin" )
cin.setExternal( True )
xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( cin )
a2_2 .getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( cin )
a = Net.create( fulladder, 'a' )
a.setExternal( True )
xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( a )
a2_1 .getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( a )
b = Net.create( fulladder, 'b' )
b.setExternal( True )
xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( b )
a2_1 .getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( b )
sout_1 = Net.create( fulladder, 'sout_1' )
xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( sout_1 )
xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( sout_1 )
a2_2 .getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( sout_1 )
carry_1 = Net.create( fulladder, 'carry_1' )
a2_1.getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( carry_1 )
o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('i1') ).setNet( carry_1 )
carry_2 = Net.create( fulladder, 'carry_2' )
a2_2.getPlug( a2_x2.getNet('q' ) ).setNet( carry_2 )
o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('i0') ).setNet( carry_2 )
sout = Net.create( fulladder, 'sout' )
sout.setExternal( True )
xr2_2.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet('q') ).setNet( sout )
cout = Net.create( fulladder, 'cout' )
cout.setExternal( True )
o2_1.getPlug( o2_x2.getNet('q') ).setNet( cout )
with UpdateSession():
# Instances placement.
a2_1.setTransformation( Transformation( l(0.0)
, l(0.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
a2_1.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Placed a2_1' )
with UpdateSession():
xr2_1.setTransformation( Transformation( l( 0.0)
, l(100.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.MY ) )
xr2_1.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Placed xr2_1' )
with UpdateSession():
a2_2.setTransformation( Transformation( l(25.0)
, l( 0.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
a2_2.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Placed a2_2' )
with UpdateSession():
xr2_2.setTransformation( Transformation( l( 45.0)
, l(100.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.MY ) )
xr2_2.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Placed xr2_2' )
with UpdateSession():
o2_1.setTransformation( Transformation( l(65.0)
, l( 0.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
o2_1.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Placed o2_1' )
with UpdateSession():
# Add filler cells.
tie_x0 = af.getCell( 'tie_x0', Catalog.State.Views )
rowend_x0 = af.getCell( 'rowend_x0', Catalog.State.Views )
filler_1 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'filler_1', tie_x0 )
filler_2 = Instance.create( fulladder, 'filler_2', rowend_x0 )
filler_1.setTransformation( Transformation( l(50.0)
, l( 0.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
filler_1.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
filler_2.setTransformation( Transformation( l(60.0)
, l( 0.0)
, Transformation.Orientation.ID ) )
filler_2.setPlacementStatus( Instance.PlacementStatus.PLACED )
#doBreak( 1, 'Filler cell placeds' )
# Getting the layers.
technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology()
metal2 = technology.getLayer( "METAL2" )
metal3 = technology.getLayer( "METAL3" )
via12 = technology.getLayer( "VIA12" )
via23 = technology.getLayer( "VIA23" )
with UpdateSession():
# Build wiring for a.
# Create RoutingPads first.
rp1 = RoutingPad.create( a
, Occurrence( xr2_1.getPlug( xr2_x2.getNet("i0")) )
, RoutingPad.BiggestArea )
rp2 = RoutingPad.create( a
, Occurrence( a2_1.getPlug( a2_x2.getNet("i0")) )
, RoutingPad.BiggestArea )
# Then regular wiring.
contact1 = Contact.create( rp1, via12, l( 0.0), l(-15.0) )
contact2 = Contact.create( rp2, via12, l( 0.0), l( 10.0) )
turn = Contact.create( a , via23, l(10.0), l( 35.0) )
Horizontal.create( contact2, turn , metal2, l(35.0), l(2.0) )
Vertical .create( turn , contact1, metal3, l(10.0), l(2.0) )
af.saveCell( fulladder, Catalog.State.Views ) fulladder )
def scriptMain ( **kw ):
"""The mandatory function to be called by Coriolis CGT/Unicorn."""
editor = None
if 'editor' in kw and kw['editor']:
editor = kw['editor']
buildFulladder( editor )
return True