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.. -*- Mode: rst -*-
Coriolis |VLSI| Backend Tools
:slug: homepage
:date: 2019-12-20 16:00
:author: Jean-Paul Chaput
:Contact: <>
:Version: June 4, 2019 (jpc)
.. include:: ../../etc/definitions.rst
.. contents::
.. image:: {attach}/images/common/amd2901_chip_routed.png
:width: 50%
:align: center
:alt: Routed AM2901 layout picture.
|Alliance| is a complete toolchain for |VLSI| design. It provides a |VHDL| compiler
and simulator, logic synthetiser, automatic place & route and portable |CMOS|
library. It has been in used in research projects such as the 875K transistors
|StaCS| superscalar microprocessor or the 400K transistors |IEEE| gigabit |HSL|
router. It has been actively developped during the 1990-2000 years and is maintained
Clarify semantic of flatten Collections (walkthrough). In the Cell/Instance hierarchy, the "terminal" and "leaf cell" concepts where not clearly defined and partially overlapping. Now, "Terminal" is the refer to the physical hierarchy (layout) and "TerminalNetlist" to the logical hierarchy (netlist). The logical hierarchy can be less deep than the physical one thanks to a Cell dedicated cell flags. Collections related to the physical hierarchy keep their old names, the one related to the logical hierarchy are renamed from "Leaf" to "TerminalNetlist". The name "Leaf" was too ambiguous (leaf for *what* hierarchy). * Change: In Hurricane::Device, set the "TerminalNetlist" flag once and for all. No need set it in all the derived classes again. * New: In Hurricane::MultiCapacitor, added new parameter "dummy" to create dummies around the capacity matrix. * Change: In Hurricane::Cell, remove "Leaf" related methods, replace them by "TerminalNetlist" one, especially Collections. Now we have two clear sets of Collections to walkthough the layout or the netlist. Change the "Terminal" flag into "TerminalNetlist". * Change: In Hurricane::CellCollections, rename "Leaf" into "TerminalNetlist" collections and apply the new semantic to the locators. * Change: In Hurricane::DataBase, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::DeepNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::HyperNet, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::Instance, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In Hurricane::Viewer::HierarchyInformations, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::AllianceFramework, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::Catalog, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In CRL::ApParser, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Change: In EtesianEngine::AddFeeds, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Bug: In EtesianEngine::resetPlacement, move there the loop over non terminal netlist instances to flag fully placed sub-blocks as terminal for the netlist. Only then remove the feed cells from unplaced instances. Previously, the feed cells where stripped even from already placed instances. * Change: In Katana, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming. * Bug: In Bora::PyDSlicingNode, allow the range parameter to be the Python None object when we do not want to pass one but need to have it as positional parameter. * Change: In Cumulus/clocktree/, Leaf to TerminalInstance renaming.
2020-03-10 06:10:53 -05:00
since. Its practical limit for one standard cell block (flat) is about 10K gates,
above that limit you would need to use hierarchy and manually build a floorplan.
|Alliance| is entirely written in C.
|Coriolis| was started in the year 2000 as a replacement for the place & route stage
of |Alliance|. As such it is able to handle standard cells block (flat) of at least 150K
gates. It was later extended to support analog design re-implementing the methodology
introduced by the |CIAN| team of |LIP6| / |SU| in |CAIRO| / |CAIRO+|. The tools have
been designed from the ground up to support digital only, analog only or mixed circuits.
|Coriolis| is written in a mix of C++ and |Python|.
|Alliance| / |Coriolis| is free software. All source code is realeased under the GPL_
license, except for |Hurricane| which is under LGPL_ and the Si2_ |LEF| / |DEF|
parser drivers that are under `Apache License, Version 2.0`_.
`Short introduction to Symbolic Layout. <{filename}/pages/symbolic-layout.rst>`_
Design Flow
We are also upgrading the complete design flow by replacing |Alliance| obsoleting
tools by more advanced |FOSS| alternatives:
* Yosys_ for logical synthesis.
* GHDL_ for |VHDL| simulation.
Design & Features of |Coriolis|
The |Coriolis| toolchain is build upon the |Hurricane| database.
* **Tool Integration.** To better manages the challenges arising in the
increasingly bigger designs, the various tools have to work together
as a whole, in a tight integration at runtime. The |Hurricane| database
has been develop to address this problem and as a results, all |Coriolis|
tools are built upon it and can communicate through that core database.
* **Deterministic.** The database and the tools are completely deterministics.
Two runs in *exactly* the same context gives the same result.
* **C++ & Python.** The |Hurricane| database and all tools are fully exported
in |Python| providing a seamless integration. The whole toolchain is build
as a mix of C++ for computational intensive part and |Python| scripts for
everything else. There is not even a binary, the main program *is* a
|Python| script and can be rewritten in any way you like.
* **Graphic Interface.** |Hurricane| also come with a graphical interface
allowing to display, explore or check your design. The graphic interface
can be extended (in C++) do display any custom overlay.
* **Symbolic Layout.** For digital part of the designs, we use a symbolic
layer approach. Note that |Coriolis| can make digital designs using real
technology, but it's a largely untested feature yet.
* **Analog Design.** A complete user-guided methodology for designing analog
circuits is available. It is fully integrated in all the tools and will
allow mixed design in the near future.
|Alliance| / |Coriolis| tools, at the time being, are not suitable for deep submicron
technological nodes (below 130nm / 180nm).
For portability across foundries, technological nodes and freedom from fondries |NDA|,
|Alliance| / |Coriolis| rely on *portable* layout (or *scalable* layout, or *symbolic* layout).
To produce a valid |GDS| file, you would need to use the |s2r| translation tool which
needs a configuration file suited for the target technology, and *that* file is under
|NDA|. So, either should be written by you, or given to you through services like