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2013-12-03 20:51:02 -06:00
// -*- C++ -*-
namespace Kite {
/*! \class RoutingEventQueue
* \brief The priority Queue of RoutingEvent.
* \section secImplRoutingEventQueue Implementation Details
* The RoutingEventQueue is build upon a STL multiset<> and is sorted
* according to the RoutingEvent::Key attribute of the event. The key
* attribute has been designed specifically to be used with this queue.
* It provides the features:
* - Sort the RoutingEvent according to their priority. Higher priority
* mainly means more constrained segment, which must be routed first.
* - The attributes of RoutingEvent may change while inserted in the
* queue. The key provide a cached value of those attributes ensuring
* a stable sorting order.
* For more details about the sorting order, refer to RoutingEvent::Key.
* <b>Insertion, Reinsertion & Commit</b>
* When pushing a new event into the queue, the actual insertion into the
* multimap is delayed until the next call to \c RoutingEvent::commit().
* The to be inserted events are stored into a request set which is
* processed when commit is called. At commit time, the RoutingEvent::Key
* cache is updated just before inserting the element.
* When repushing an event, the event is immediatly withdrawn from the
* queue and put into the request set.
* <b>Mutiple Event for one Segment</b>
* As RoutingEvent can be cloned, there may be more than one event pointing
* to a segment. But there must be <em>only one active event</em>, the one
* which is pointed to by the segment. As a result, there maybe multiple
* events for an unique segment in the queue, but <em>only one active event</em>,
* the one that will be processed.
//! \function RoutingEventQueue::RoutingEventQueue ();
//! Contructor, create an empty queue.
//! \function RoutingEventQueue::~RoutingEventQueue ();
//! Destructor.
//! \remark The destruction of the queue do not delete the
//! RoutingEvent that may still be in it (they shouldn't an
//! a warning is issued).
//! \function bool RoutingEventQueue::empty () const;
//! \sreturn \true if there is the queue is empty.
//! \function size_t RoutingEventQueue::size () const;
//! \sreturn The number of events in the queue.
//! \function unsigned int RoutingEventQueue::getTopEventLevel () const;
//! \sreturn The greatest event level the queue has ever reached (always increasing,
//! starting from zero).
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::load ( const vector<TrackElement*>& );
//! Load a whole vector of TrackElement into the queue, for each
//! element:
//! - Create a RoutingEvent linked to the element.
//! \red{To be reviewed: replace any previous event.}
//! - Insert the new RoutingEvent into the queue.
//! <em>No commit is needed after this operation.</em>
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::add ( TrackElement* element, unsigned int level );
//! Create a new RoutingEvent in the queue with \c level, associated to \c element.
//! A commit is needed afterwards.
//! \red{To be reviewed: replace any previous event on element.}
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::push ( RoutingEvent* event );
//! Push a RoutingEvent in the queue. Effective only after the next commit.
//! \function RoutingEvent* RoutingEventQueue::pop ();
//! Remove the top element of the queue (i.e. the one with the highest
//! priority) and return it. If the queue is empty, \c NULL is returned.
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::repush ( RoutingEvent* event );
//! Force a complete queue re-insertion for \c event. The event is immediatly
//! withdrawn from the queue and put into the insertion request set.
//! If the \c event is not already in the queue, works like
//! RoutingEventQueue::push().
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::repushInvalidateds ();
//! Using the list of invalidated segments from the Session, repush
//! them if:
//! - They have an associated event.
//! - The event is not \e unimplemented, \e disabled or \e processed.
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::commit ();
//! Process the insertion request set and actually insert it's elements
//! into the queue. Perform a RoutingEvent::key update prior to insertion.
//! \function void RoutingEventQueue::clear ();
//! Empty the queue. Issue a warning if the queue is not empty (i.e. some
//! events remains to be processeds).