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2010-07-12 10:33:22 -05:00
Most common boolean operators can be instantiated without the \verb-Inst- constructor.
Boolean operators are listed below :
\item \verb-And2- : \verb-q <= i0 & i1-
\item \verb-Or2- : \verb-q <= i0 | i1-
\item \verb-Xor2- : \verb-q <= i0 ^ i1-
\item \verb-Inv- : \verb-q <= ~i0-
\subsubsection{Generators to instantiate}
One can choose the generator to be used. Some methods are applied to the cell and set the generator used when using \verb-&-, \verb-|-, \verb-^- and \verb-~-. The generators used by default are the ones from the virtual library.\\
\indent Methods are :
\item \verb-SetAnd-
\item \verb-SetOr-
\item \verb-SetXor-
\item \verb-SetNot-
class essai ( Model ) :
def Interface ( self ) :
self.A = SignalIn ( "a", 4 )
self.B = SignalIn ( "b", 4 )
self.B = SignalIn ( "c", 4 )
self.S = SignalOut ( "s", 4 )
self.vdd = VddIn ( "vdd" )
self.vss = VssIn ( "vss" )
def Netlist ( self ) :
self.S <= ( ~self.A & self.B ) | self.C
Some errors may occur :
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] & : the nets must have the same lenght.-\\When one uses boolean expressions, one has to check that the sizes of both nets are equivalent.
\item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] : there is no alim.-\\The cell being created does not have the alimentation nets. The instanciation is impossible.
\subsubsection{See Also}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of constants}}{}{Constant}{secconstant}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}