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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import Cfg
from Hurricane3 import DbU, Point, Box, DataBase, Technology, LayerMask, \
BasicLayer, ViaLayer, RegularLayer
from overlay import CfgCache
from technology import createBL
def flush ():
#def u ( value ): return value
#def l ( value ): return value
def l ( value ): return DbU.fromLambda( value )
def u ( value ): return DbU.fromPhysical( value, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
def n ( value ): return DbU.fromPhysical( value, DbU.UnitPowerNano )
def cfg_setup():
print( "" )
print( "Test Cfg module" )
print( "========================================" )
# Place & Route setup
with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
cfg.lefImport.minTerminalWidth = 0.0
cfg.crlcore.groundName = 'vss'
cfg.crlcore.powerName = 'vdd'
cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.00
cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = [10, 1000]
cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = False
cfg.etesian.routingDriven = False
#cfg.etesian.latchUpDistance = u(30.0 - 1.0)
cfg.etesian.latchUpDistance = 0
cfg.etesian.antennaInsertThreshold = 0.50
cfg.etesian.antennaMaxWL = u(250.0)
cfg.etesian.antennaGateMaxWL = u(250.0)
cfg.etesian.antennaDiodeMaxWL = u(550.0)
cfg.etesian.tieName = 'tiepoly_x0'
cfg.etesian.feedNames = 'tiepoly_x0' = 'zero_x0' = 'one_x0'
cfg.etesian.bloat = 'disabled'
cfg.etesian.effort = 2
cfg.etesian.effort = (
('Fast', 1),
('Standard', 2),
('High', 3 ),
('Extreme', 4 ),
) = 2 = (
('Show every step', 1),
('Show lower bound', 2),
('Show result only', 3),
cfg.anabatic.routingGauge = 'FlexLib'
cfg.anabatic.globalLengthThreshold = 1450
cfg.anabatic.saturateRatio = 0.90
cfg.anabatic.saturateRp = 10
cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL6'
cfg.anabatic.edgeLength = 48
cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
cfg.anabatic.edgeCostH = 9.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeCostK = -10.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeHInc = 1.0
cfg.anabatic.edgeHScaling = 1.0
cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = 10
cfg.anabatic.globalIterations = [ 1, 100 ]
cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = 1
cfg.anabatic.gcell.displayMode = (("Boundary", 1), ("Density", 2))
cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 4
cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 3
cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = [0, 20]
cfg.katana.termSatReservedLocal = 8
cfg.katana.termSatThreshold = 9
cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 4000002
cfg.katana.ripupCost = 3
cfg.katana.ripupCost = [0, None]
cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = 16
cfg.katana.strapRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = 9
cfg.katana.localRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = 5
cfg.katana.globalRipupLimit = [1, None]
cfg.katana.longGlobalRipupLimit = 5
cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'South'
# Plugins setup
with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.ConfigurationFile) as cfg:
cfg.viewer.minimumSize = 500
cfg.viewer.pixelThreshold = 20
cfg.chip.block.rails.count = 0
cfg.chip.block.rails.hWidth = u(2.68)
cfg.chip.block.rails.vWidth = u(2.68)
cfg.chip.block.rails.hSpacing = 0 #u(0.7)
cfg.chip.block.rails.vSpacing = 0 #u(0.7)
cfg.clockTree.minimumSide = l(600)
cfg.clockTree.buffer = 'buf_x2'
cfg.clockTree.placerEngine = 'Etesian'
cfg.block.spareSide = 10
cfg.spares.buffer = 'buf_x8'
cfg.spares.maxSinks = 31
def testDbU ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::DbU" )
print( "========================================" )
DbU.setPrecision( 2 )
DbU.setPhysicalsPerGrid( 0.5, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
DbU.setGridsPerLambda( 2.0 )
DbU.setSymbolicSnapGridStep( DbU.fromLambda(1.0) )
DbU.setPolygonStep(DbU.fromGrid( 2.0) )
DbU.setStringMode( DbU.StringModeSymbolic, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
value = DbU.fromPhysical( 10.0, DbU.UnitPowerMicro )
print( "value={}".format( DbU.getValueString(value) ))
def testPoint ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::Point" )
print( "========================================" )
p1 = Point( 1000, 2000 )
print( p1 )
p2 = Point( 1000, 2000 )
print( p1 == p2 )
p3 = Point( 2000, 2000 )
print( p1 == p3 )
p4 = Point( p3 )
print( p4 )
def testBox ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::Box" )
print( "========================================" )
b1 = Box()
print( b1 )
b1.merge( Point(1000,1000) )
print( 'b1.merge(Point(1000,1000)={}'.format(b1) )
b1.merge( Box(Point(2000,2000)) )
print( 'b1.merge(Box(Point(1000,1000))={}'.format(b1) )
print( 'b1.getCenter()={}'.format(b1.getCenter()) )
p1 = Point( 1000, 1000 )
b2 = Box( p1 )
print( b2 )
def testDB ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::DataBase" )
print( "========================================" )
db = DataBase.create()
print( 'DataBase.getDB()={}'.format(DataBase.getDB()) )
print( 'DataBase.Flags.CreateLib={}'.format(DataBase.Flags.CreateLib) )
def testTechnology ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::Technology" )
print( "========================================" )
tech = Technology.create( DataBase.getDB(), 'test_techno' )
print( 'tech={}'.format(tech) )
def testLayerMask ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::Layer::Mask" )
print( "========================================" )
mask16 = LayerMask( 16 )
print( 'mask16= {}'.format(mask16) )
mask32 = LayerMask( 16+32 )
print( 'mask16= {}'.format(mask32) )
maskAnd = mask16 & mask32
print( 'maskAnd={}'.format(maskAnd) )
maskAnd = mask16 & 4
print( 'maskAnd={}'.format(maskAnd) )
except Exception as e:
print( 'Catched and exception...' )
print( e )
maskShift = maskAnd << 1
print( 'maskShift={}'.format(maskShift) )
maskNot = ~maskAnd
print( 'maskNot={}'.format(maskNot) )
print( 'maskAnd={}'.format(maskAnd) )
mask64 = LayerMask( 64+16 )
print( 'mask64={}'.format(mask64) )
mask64 &= LayerMask( 64 )
print( 'mask64={}'.format(mask64) )
mask64 |= LayerMask( 16 )
print( 'mask64={}'.format(mask64) )
mask64.fromString( '0x0000ffff' )
print( 'mask64={}'.format(mask64) )
def testBasicLayer ():
print( "" )
print( "Test Hurricane::BasicLayer" )
print( "========================================" )
db = DataBase.getDB()
tech = db.getTechnology()
nWell = createBL( tech, 'nWell' , BasicLayer.Material.nWell )
pWell = createBL( tech, 'pWell' , BasicLayer.Material.pWell )
cut1 = createBL( tech, 'cut1' , BasicLayer.Material.cut )
metal1 = createBL( tech, 'metal1', BasicLayer.Material.metal )
metal2 = createBL( tech, 'metal2', BasicLayer.Material.metal )
METAL1 = RegularLayer.create( tech, 'METAL1', metal1 )
METAL2 = RegularLayer.create( tech, 'METAL2', metal2 )
VIA12 = ViaLayer .create( tech, 'VIA12' , metal1, cut1, metal2 )
print( 'nWell={}'.format(nWell) )
print( 'pWell={}'.format(pWell) )
print( dir(nWell) )
print( 'Technology.getLayers():' )
for layer in tech.getLayers():
print( '| basicLayer={}'.format(layer) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit( 0 )