mirror of https://github.com/efabless/caravel.git
371 lines
18 KiB
371 lines
18 KiB
from audioop import add
from ctypes import BigEndianStructure
from operator import truediv
from cocotb import top
import cocotb
from cocotb.binary import BinaryValue
from cocotb.triggers import Timer, RisingEdge, ReadOnly
import fnmatch
import copy
import logging
from cocotb.result import TestFailure
from cocotb_coverage.coverage import *
class HK_models():
def __init__(self,reg_model,expeceted_output,hk_hdl):
self.reg_model = reg_model
self.expeceted_output = expeceted_output
self.hk_hdl = hk_hdl
self.old_hold_val = 1
self.gpio_out_pre = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=38,bigEndian=False)
self.mgmt_gpio_oeb = BinaryValue(value=0,n_bits=38,bigEndian=False)
self.exp_out_wb = [] # expected output for wishbone
self.exp_out_uart_rx = [self.expeceted_output['UART']] # expected output for uart
self.exp_out_debug = [self.expeceted_output['debug']] # expected output for
self.exp_out_spi = [self.expeceted_output['SPI']] # expected output for
self.input_dis =3
"""model for the wishbone interface with housekeeping"""
def wishbone_model(self,trans):
clock_signal = trans["_clk"]["signal"]
if trans["stb"]["val"] == 1 : # valid data
address = trans["adr"]["val"]
data = trans["data"]["val"]
# if ack isn't realsead don't care about the new input it must be the same as the old and the monitor checks that
if (self.old_hold_val == 0):
self.old_hold_val = trans["_hold"]["val"]
self.old_hold_val = trans["_hold"]["val"]
if trans["write_en"]["val"] ==1 : # write cycle
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] write enable for address: {hex(address)} and data: {hex(data)} ')
select = trans["sel"]["val"]
else: #read cycle
self.wishbone_last_trans = trans
"""model for the system interface with housekeeping"""
def system_model(self,trans):
self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][0][6] = trans["vdd2_good"]["val"]
self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][1][6] = trans["vdd1_good"]["val"]
self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][2][6] = trans["vcc2_good"]["val"]
self.reg_model['sys']['0x00'][3][6] = trans["vcc1_good"]["val"]
"""model for the UART interface with housekeeping"""
def UART_model(self,trans):
# when transmiting TX the gpio data out should change to the tx value
if trans["enable"]["val"]:
self.gpio_out_pre[6]= trans["TX"]["val"].value
gpio_data = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x0c"]) # mgmt_gpio_data[7:0]
self.gpio_out_pre[6]= int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data)-1 -6]) # mgmt_gpio_data[6]
# predecting the rx output value when the value UART is enble is the value drom pin [5]
gpio_in_size = trans["gpio_in"]["val"].n_bits -1
output = self.expeceted_output['UART']
output["RX"]["val"] = 0
if trans["enable"]["val"]:
output["RX"]["val"] = trans["gpio_in"]["val"][gpio_in_size-5] #gpio_in[5]
"""model for the debug interface with housekeeping"""
def debug_model(self,trans):
# when debug is enable gpio out [0] should follow debug_out
if trans["enable"]["val"]:
self.gpio_out_pre[0] = trans["data"]["val"].value
self.mgmt_gpio_oeb[0] = trans["data"]["val"].value
gpio_data = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x0c"]) # mgmt_gpio_data[7:0]
self.gpio_out_pre[0]= int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data)-1 -0]) # mgmt_gpio_data[6]
gpio_data_en = self._read_reg_keys(["GPIO","0x24"]) # gpio_configure[0][7:0]
self.mgmt_gpio_oeb[0]= 1- int(gpio_data[len(gpio_data_en)-1 -self.input_dis]) # gpio_configure[0][3]
# predecting the debug in signal when debug mode is enbled taking the value from pin [0]
gpio_in_size = trans["gpio_in"]["val"].n_bits -1
output = self.expeceted_output['debug']
output["data"]["val"] = 0
if trans["enable"]["val"]:
output["data"]["val"] = trans["gpio_in"]["val"][gpio_in_size-0] # mgmt_gpio_in[0]
"""model for the SPI interface with housekeeping"""
def spi_model(self,trans):
output = self.expeceted_output['SPI']
output["SDO"]["val"] = 0
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][spi_model] spi mode {self.spi_mode[0]} bit number {self.spi_mode[1]} command = {self.command_spi} address = {self.address_spi} write = {self.write_spi} stream = {self.spi_mode[2]}')
if self.spi_mode[0] == "command":
elif self.spi_mode[0] == "address":
elif self.spi_mode[0] == "write":
elif self.spi_mode[0] == "read":
output["SDO"]["val"] = self._getReadData()
elif self.spi_mode[0] == "read/write":
output["SDO"]["val"] = self._getReadData()
elif self.spi_mode[0] == "noOP":
raise TestFailure("[HK_models][spi_model] invalid command type")
"""reset the spi vals when CSB is going from low to high"""
def reset_spi_vals(self,trans):
cocotb.log.info(f"[HK_models][reset_spi_vals] CSB is disabled")
self.spi_mode = ["command",0,0] # [mode type, bit number, stream number]
self.command_spi = ['0']*8
self.address_spi = ['0']*8
self.write_spi = ['0']*8
self.read_spi = ['0']*8
def _setCommand(self,bit):
if bit not in ['0','1']:
cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setCommand] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
self.command_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
self.spi_mode[1] += 1
self.spi_mode[2] = 0 # stream number
if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
self.spi_mode[0] = "address"
self.spi_mode[1] = 0
def _setAddress(self,bit):
if bit not in ['0','1']:
cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setAddress] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
self.address_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
self.spi_mode[1] += 1
self.spi_mode[2] = 0 # stream number
if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
self.spi_mode[1] = 0
if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['0','0']:
self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['1','0']:
self.spi_mode[0] = "write"
if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['0','1']:
self.spi_mode[0] = "read"
if self.command_spi[0:2] == ['1','1']:
self.spi_mode[0] = "read/write"
def _setWriteData(self,bit):
if bit not in ['0','1']:
cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_setWriteData] incorrect bit size bit = {bit}")
# return if write is write n-bytes command and number of bytes exceeds the required
if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:
byte_num = int(''.join(self.command_spi[2:5]),2)
if byte_num <= self.spi_mode[2]: #number of written byte <= stream number
self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
else: self.spi_mode_cov('write')
self.write_spi[self.spi_mode[1]] = bit
self.spi_mode[1] += 1
if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
self.spi_mode[1] = 0
address = int(''.join(self.address_spi),2) + self.spi_mode[2]
data = ''.join(self.write_spi)
data = BinaryValue(value = data, n_bits =8)
is_valid, keys=self._valid_address_spi(address)
if is_valid:
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] writing {data} to memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through housekeeping SPI address = {address}')
if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:self.spi_mode_cov('write-n')
else: self.spi_mode_cov('write')
self.spi_mode[2] += 1 # stream number
def _getReadData(self):
# return if write is write n-bytes command and number of bytes exceeds the required
if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:
byte_num = int(''.join(self.command_spi[2:5]),2)
if byte_num <= self.spi_mode[2]: #number of written byte <= stream number
self.spi_mode[0] = "noOP"
bit_num = self.spi_mode[1]
address = int(''.join(self.address_spi),2) + self.spi_mode[2]
is_valid, keys=self._valid_address_spi(address)
data = ''
if is_valid:
cocotb.log.info(f'[HK_models][_getReadData] reading from memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through SPI')
for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
data = str(bin(field[6])[2:]).zfill(field[3]) + data
data = data.zfill(8)
cocotb.log.info(f'[HK_models][_getReadData] reading from memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]} through SPI data {data} bit[{7-bit_num}] = {data[bit_num]}')
self.spi_mode[1] += 1
if self.spi_mode[1] >= 8:
self.spi_mode[1] = 0
self.spi_mode[2] += 1 # stream number
if self.command_spi[2:5] != ['0','0','0']:self.spi_mode_cov('read-n')
else: self.spi_mode_cov('read')
if data == '':
return 0
return int(data[bit_num],2)
def write_exp_out_wb(self,data):
output = self.expeceted_output['wishbone']
output['ack']['val'] = 1
output['_valid_cycle']['val'] = 1
output['data']['val'] = BinaryValue(value = data,n_bits = 32,bigEndian=False)
"""write register through wishbone """
async def _write_reg_wb(self,address,data,select,clk):
old_data = self._read_reg_wb(address)
if address == 0x2600000c: # mgmt_gpio_data is a special case as it got written completely at the end of the serial writing
for i in range(6):
await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
for i in range(3):
await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
for i,sel in enumerate(select.binstr):
temp_addr = BinaryValue(value=(address.value +i))
if sel is '1':
is_valid, keys=self._valid_address(temp_addr)
if is_valid:
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] writing {data[(8*((4-i-1))):8*(4-i)-1]} to memory:{keys[0]} field: {keys[1]}')
temp_data = data[(8*((4-i-1))):8*(4-i)-1]
cocotb.log.debug(f" [HK_models][_valid_address] address {hex(address)} used for access housekeeping memory success")
if address != 0x2600000c:
for i in range(2):
await RisingEdge(self.hk_hdl._id(clk,False))
def _write_fields(self,keys,data):
for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
if field[4] == "RW":
shift = field[2]
size = field[3]
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_write_fields] before update field : {field[1]} data = {bin(field[6])} with data {data[shift:shift+size-1]} ')
field[6] = data[8-shift-size:8-shift-1]
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_write_fields] after update field : {field[1]} data = {bin(field[6])} with data {data[shift:shift+size-1]} ')
"""read register value using keys return size binary value"""
def _read_reg_keys(self,keys:list):
size =0
data = ""
for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
size += field[3]
data += bin(field[6])[2:].zfill(size)
return data
"""read register through wishbone """
def _read_reg_wb(self,address):
total_size = 32
data_string ="0"
data_out = list(bin(0)[2:].zfill(total_size))
for i in range(4):
temp_addr = BinaryValue(value=(address.value +i))
is_valid, keys=self._valid_address(temp_addr)
if is_valid:
for field in self.reg_model[keys[0]][keys[1]]:
shift = field[2]
size = field[3]
first_index = ((8 *(4-i))) - shift-size
second_index = ((8 *(4-i))) - shift
data = bin(field[6])[2:].zfill(size)
cocotb.log.debug(f"[HK_models][_read_reg] memory:{keys[0]} shift:{keys[1]} field:{field[0]} data:{data} ")
for k,j in enumerate(range(first_index, second_index, 1)):
data_out[j] = data[k]
data_string = "".join(data_out)
cocotb.log.debug(f"[HK_models][_read_reg] register {hex(address)} has value {hex(int(data_string,2))} ")
return int(data_string,2)
"""return false if the address isn't exist inside housekeeping if the address exist return true and the key of address in JSON file"""
def _valid_address(self,address):
size = max(len(address),32)
address = address.binstr.zfill(size)
for key,memory in self.reg_model.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*") :
# remove the first 2 element 0b and
base_addr= bin(memory["base_addr"][1])[2:].zfill(size)
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] base address[:13]={hex(int(base_addr[size-32:size-13],2))} target address[:13]={hex(int(address[size-32:size-13],2))} shift={"{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4)}')
if base_addr[size-32:size-13] == address[size-32:size-13]:
if "{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4) in memory:
cocotb.log.debug(f'[HK_models][_valid_address] base address={hex(int(base_addr,2))} key {key}')
return True, [key,"{0:#0{1}x}".format(int(address[size-12:],2),4)]
cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_valid_address] address {hex(int(address,2))} used for access housekeeping memory isn't valid")
return False, None
"""return false if the address isn't exist inside housekeeping if the address exist return true and the key of address in JSON file"""
def _valid_address_spi(self,address):
for key,memory in self.reg_model.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*") :
for key2,reg in memory.items():
if key2 == "base_addr" :
for field in reg:
if field[7] == address:
return True,[key,key2]
cocotb.log.warning(f"[HK_models][_valid_address_spi] address {hex(address)} for SPI housekeeping isn't valid")
return False, None
######################## coverage ############################
def regs_full_list(self):
bins = list()
labels = list()
for key,mem in self.reg_model.items():
if fnmatch.fnmatch(key, "_*"):
for key2,fields in mem.items():
if key2=='base_addr':
self.reg_bins = bins
self.reg_labels = labels
def intial_cov(self):
for i in [True,False]:
for j in [True,False]:
def reg_cov(self,key1,key2,is_SPI=True,is_read=True):
if is_SPI:
s = "spi."
if is_read:
s +="read"
s+= "write"
xf = lambda key1,key2:(key1,key2),
bins = self.reg_bins,
def cov(key1,key2):
return (key1,key2)
def spi_mode_cov(self,mode):
bins = ['noOP','write','read','read/write','write-n','read-n','read/write-n','Pass-m','pass-u'],
bins_labels=['No operation','Write in streaming mode','Read in streaming mode','Simultaneous Read/Write in streaming mode','Write in n-byte mode','Read in n-byte mode','Simultaneous Read/Write in n-byte mode','Pass-through (management) Read/Write streaming mode','Pass-through (user) Read/Write in streaming mode' ])
def cov(mode):
return mode |