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1436 lines
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// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
`default_nettype none
// Housekeeping interface for Caravel
// Written by Tim Edwards
// efabless, inc. September 27, 2020
// This is a standalone slave SPI for the caravel chip that is
// intended to be independent of the picosoc and independent
// of all IP blocks except the power-on-reset. This SPI has
// register outputs controlling the functions that critically
// affect operation of the picosoc and so cannot be accessed
// from the picosoc itself. This includes the PLL enables,
// mode, and trim. It also has a general reset for the picosoc,
// an IRQ input, a bypass for the entire crystal oscillator
// and PLL chain, the manufacturer and product IDs and product
// revision number.
// Updated and revised, 10/13/2021:
// This module now comprises what was previously split into
// the housekeeping SPI, the mprj_ctrl block (control over
// the GPIO), and sysctrl (redirection of certain internal
// signals to the GPIO); and additionally manages the SPI
// flash signals and pass-through mode. Essentially all
// aspects of the system related to the use and configuration
// of the GPIO has been shifted to this module. This allows
// GPIO to be configured from either the management SoC
// through the wishbone interface, or externally through the
// SPI interface. It allows essentially any processor to
// take the place of the PicoRV32 as long as that processor
// can access memory-mapped space via the wishbone bus.
// Caravel defined registers (by SPI address):
// See: doc/memory_map.txt
module housekeeping #(
parameter GPIO_BASE_ADR = 32'h2600_0000,
parameter SPI_BASE_ADR = 32'h2610_0000,
parameter SYS_BASE_ADR = 32'h2620_0000,
parameter IO_CTRL_BITS = 13
) (
inout VPWR,
inout VGND,
// Wishbone interface to management SoC
input wb_clk_i,
input wb_rstn_i,
input [31:0] wb_adr_i,
input [31:0] wb_dat_i,
input [3:0] wb_sel_i,
input wb_we_i,
input wb_cyc_i,
input wb_stb_i,
output reg wb_ack_o,
output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o,
// Primary reset
input porb,
// Clocking control parameters
output reg pll_ena,
output reg pll_dco_ena,
output reg [4:0] pll_div,
output reg [2:0] pll_sel,
output reg [2:0] pll90_sel,
output reg [25:0] pll_trim,
output reg pll_bypass,
// Module enable status from SoC
input qspi_enabled, // Flash SPI is in quad mode
input uart_enabled, // UART is enabled
input spi_enabled, // SPI master is enabled
input debug_mode, // Debug mode enabled
// UART interface to/from SoC
input ser_tx,
output ser_rx,
// SPI master interface to/from SoC
output spi_sdi,
input spi_csb,
input spi_sck,
input spi_sdo,
input spi_sdoenb,
// External (originating from SPI and pad) IRQ and reset
output [2:0] irq,
output reset,
// GPIO serial loader programming interface
output serial_clock,
output serial_load,
output serial_resetn,
output serial_data_1,
output serial_data_2,
// GPIO data management (to padframe)---three-pin interface
input [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_gpio_in,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_gpio_out,
output [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_gpio_oeb,
// Power control output (reserved for future use with LDOs)
output reg [`MPRJ_PWR_PADS-1:0] pwr_ctrl_out,
// CPU trap state status (for system monitoring)
input trap,
// User clock (for system monitoring)
input user_clock,
// Mask revision/User project ID
input [31:0] mask_rev_in,
// SPI flash management (management SoC side)
input spimemio_flash_csb,
input spimemio_flash_clk,
input spimemio_flash_io0_oeb,
input spimemio_flash_io1_oeb,
input spimemio_flash_io2_oeb,
input spimemio_flash_io3_oeb,
input spimemio_flash_io0_do,
input spimemio_flash_io1_do,
input spimemio_flash_io2_do,
input spimemio_flash_io3_do,
output spimemio_flash_io0_di,
output spimemio_flash_io1_di,
output spimemio_flash_io2_di,
output spimemio_flash_io3_di,
// Debug interface (routes to first GPIO) from management SoC
output debug_in,
input debug_out,
input debug_oeb,
// SPI flash management (padframe side)
// (io2 and io3 are part of GPIO array, not dedicated pads)
output pad_flash_csb,
output pad_flash_csb_oeb,
output pad_flash_clk,
output pad_flash_clk_oeb,
output pad_flash_io0_oeb,
output pad_flash_io1_oeb,
output pad_flash_io0_ieb,
output pad_flash_io1_ieb,
output pad_flash_io0_do,
output pad_flash_io1_do,
input pad_flash_io0_di,
input pad_flash_io1_di,
output sram_ro_clk,
output sram_ro_csb,
output [7:0] sram_ro_addr,
input [31:0] sram_ro_data,
// System signal monitoring
input usr1_vcc_pwrgood,
input usr2_vcc_pwrgood,
input usr1_vdd_pwrgood,
input usr2_vdd_pwrgood
localparam OEB = 1; // Offset of output enable (bar) in shift register
localparam INP_DIS = 3; // Offset of input disable in shift register
reg reset_reg;
reg irq_spi;
reg serial_bb_clock;
reg serial_bb_load;
reg serial_bb_resetn;
reg serial_bb_data_1;
reg serial_bb_data_2;
reg serial_bb_enable;
reg serial_xfer;
reg hkspi_disable;
reg sram_ro_clk;
reg sram_ro_csb;
reg [7:0] sram_ro_addr;
reg clk1_output_dest;
reg clk2_output_dest;
reg trap_output_dest;
reg irq_1_inputsrc;
reg irq_2_inputsrc;
reg [IO_CTRL_BITS-1:0] gpio_configure [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0];
reg [`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:0] mgmt_gpio_data;
/* mgmt_gpio_data_buf holds the lower bits during a back-door
* write to GPIO data so that all 32 bits can update at once.
reg [23:0] mgmt_gpio_data_buf;
wire [7:0] odata;
wire [7:0] idata;
wire [7:0] iaddr;
wire rdstb;
wire wrstb;
wire pass_thru_mgmt; // Mode detected by housekeeping_spi
wire pass_thru_mgmt_delay;
wire pass_thru_user; // Mode detected by housekeeping_spi
wire pass_thru_user_delay;
wire pass_thru_mgmt_reset;
wire pass_thru_user_reset;
wire sdo;
wire sdo_enb;
wire [7:0] caddr; // Combination of SPI address and back door address
wire [7:0] cdata; // Combination of SPI data and back door data
wire cwstb; // Combination of SPI write strobe and back door write strobe
wire csclk; // Combination of SPI SCK and back door access trigger
// Output clock signals buffer wires
wire mgmt_gpio_out_9_prebuff, mgmt_gpio_out_14_prebuff, mgmt_gpio_out_15_prebuff, pad_flash_clk_prebuff;
wire [31:0] sram_ro_data;
// Pass-through mode handling. Signals may only be applied when the
// core processor is in reset.
assign reset = (pass_thru_mgmt_reset) ? 1'b1 : reset_reg;
// Invert wb_rstn_i
wire wb_rst_i;
assign wb_rst_i = ~wb_rstn_i;
// Pass-through mode. Housekeeping SPI signals get inserted
// between the management SoC and the flash SPI I/O.
assign pad_flash_csb = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? mgmt_gpio_in[3] : spimemio_flash_csb;
assign pad_flash_csb_oeb = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? 1'b0 : (~porb ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
assign pad_flash_clk_prebuff = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? mgmt_gpio_in[4] : spimemio_flash_clk;
assign pad_flash_clk_oeb = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? 1'b0 : (~porb ? 1'b1 : 1'b0);
assign pad_flash_io0_oeb = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? 1'b0 : spimemio_flash_io0_oeb;
assign pad_flash_io1_oeb = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? 1'b1 : spimemio_flash_io1_oeb;
assign pad_flash_io0_ieb = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? 1'b1 : ~spimemio_flash_io0_oeb;
assign pad_flash_io1_ieb = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? 1'b0 : ~spimemio_flash_io1_oeb;
assign pad_flash_io0_do = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? mgmt_gpio_in[2] : spimemio_flash_io0_do;
assign pad_flash_io1_do = spimemio_flash_io1_do;
assign spimemio_flash_io0_di = (pass_thru_mgmt_delay) ? 1'b0 : pad_flash_io0_di;
assign spimemio_flash_io1_di = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? 1'b0 : pad_flash_io1_di;
(* keep *) sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 pad_flashh_clk_buff_inst (
wire [11:0] mfgr_id;
wire [7:0] prod_id;
wire [31:0] mask_rev;
reg serial_busy;
// Wishbone bus "back door" to SPI registers. This section of code
// (1) Maps SPI byte addresses to memory map 32-bit addresses
// (2) Applies signals to the housekeeping SPI to mux in the SPI address,
// clock, and write strobe. This is done carefully and slowly to
// avoid glitching on the SCK line and to avoid forcing the
// housekeeping module to keep up with the core clock timing.
wire sys_select; // System monitoring memory map address selected
wire gpio_select; // GPIO configuration memory map address selected
wire spi_select; // SPI back door memory map address selected
// Wishbone Back Door. This is a simple interface making use of the
// housekeeping SPI protocol. The housekeeping SPI uses byte-wide
// data, so this interface will stall the processor by holding wb_ack_o
// low until all bytes have been transferred between the processor and
// housekeeping SPI.
reg [3:0] wbbd_state;
reg [7:0] wbbd_addr; /* SPI address translated from WB */
reg [7:0] wbbd_data; /* SPI data translated from WB */
reg wbbd_sck; /* wishbone access trigger (back-door clock) */
reg wbbd_write; /* wishbone write trigger (back-door strobe) */
reg wbbd_busy; /* Raised during a wishbone read or write */
// This defines a state machine that accesses the SPI registers through
// the back door wishbone interface. The process is relatively slow
// since the SPI data are byte-wide, so four individual accesses are
// made to read 4 bytes from the SPI to fill data on the wishbone bus
// before sending ACK and letting the processor continue.
`define WBBD_IDLE 4'h0 /* Back door access is idle */
`define WBBD_SETUP0 4'h1 /* Apply address and data for byte 1 of 4 */
`define WBBD_RW0 4'h2 /* Latch data for byte 1 of 4 */
`define WBBD_SETUP1 4'h3 /* Apply address and data for byte 2 of 4 */
`define WBBD_RW1 4'h4 /* Latch data for byte 2 of 4 */
`define WBBD_SETUP2 4'h5 /* Apply address and data for byte 3 of 4 */
`define WBBD_RW2 4'h6 /* Latch data for byte 3 of 4 */
`define WBBD_SETUP3 4'h7 /* Apply address and data for byte 4 of 4 */
`define WBBD_RW3 4'h8 /* Latch data for byte 4 of 4 */
`define WBBD_DONE 4'h9 /* Send ACK back to wishbone */
assign sys_select = (wb_adr_i[31:8] == SYS_BASE_ADR[31:8]);
assign gpio_select = (wb_adr_i[31:8] == GPIO_BASE_ADR[31:8]);
assign spi_select = (wb_adr_i[31:8] == SPI_BASE_ADR[31:8]);
/* Register bit to SPI address mapping */
function [7:0] fdata(input [7:0] address);
case (address)
/* Housekeeping SPI Protocol */
8'h00 : fdata = 8'h00; // SPI status (fixed)
/* Status and Identification */
8'h01 : fdata = {4'h0, mfgr_id[11:8]}; // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
8'h02 : fdata = mfgr_id[7:0]; // Manufacturer ID (fixed)
8'h03 : fdata = prod_id; // Product ID (fixed)
8'h04 : fdata = mask_rev[31:24]; // Mask rev (via programmed)
8'h05 : fdata = mask_rev[23:16]; // Mask rev (via programmed)
8'h06 : fdata = mask_rev[15:8]; // Mask rev (via programmed)
8'h07 : fdata = mask_rev[7:0]; // Mask rev (via programmed)
/* Clocking control */
8'h08 : fdata = {6'b000000, pll_dco_ena, pll_ena};
8'h09 : fdata = {7'b0000000, pll_bypass};
8'h0a : fdata = {7'b0000000, irq_spi};
8'h0b : fdata = {7'b0000000, reset};
8'h0c : fdata = {7'b0000000, trap}; // CPU trap state
8'h0d : fdata = pll_trim[7:0];
8'h0e : fdata = pll_trim[15:8];
8'h0f : fdata = pll_trim[23:16];
8'h10 : fdata = {6'b000000, pll_trim[25:24]};
8'h11 : fdata = {2'b00, pll90_sel, pll_sel};
8'h12 : fdata = {3'b000, pll_div};
// GPIO Control (bit bang and automatic)
// NOTE: "serial_busy" is the read-back signal occupying the same
// address/bit as "serial_xfer".
8'h13 : fdata = {1'b0, serial_data_2, serial_data_1, serial_bb_clock,
serial_bb_load, serial_bb_resetn, serial_bb_enable,
/* Optional: SRAM read-only port (registers 14 to 19) */
8'h14 : fdata = {6'b000000, sram_ro_clk, sram_ro_csb};
8'h15 : fdata = sram_ro_addr;
8'h16 : fdata = sram_ro_data[31:24];
8'h17 : fdata = sram_ro_data[23:16];
8'h18 : fdata = sram_ro_data[15:8];
8'h19 : fdata = sram_ro_data[7:0];
/* System monitoring */
8'h1a : fdata = {4'b0000, usr1_vcc_pwrgood, usr2_vcc_pwrgood,
usr1_vdd_pwrgood, usr2_vdd_pwrgood};
8'h1b : fdata = {5'b00000, clk1_output_dest, clk2_output_dest,
8'h1c : fdata = {6'b000000, irq_2_inputsrc, irq_1_inputsrc};
/* GPIO Configuration */
8'h1d : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[0][12:8]};
8'h1e : fdata = gpio_configure[0][7:0];
8'h1f : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[1][12:8]};
8'h20 : fdata = gpio_configure[1][7:0];
8'h21 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[2][12:8]};
8'h22 : fdata = gpio_configure[2][7:0];
8'h23 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[3][12:8]};
8'h24 : fdata = gpio_configure[3][7:0];
8'h25 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[4][12:8]};
8'h26 : fdata = gpio_configure[4][7:0];
8'h27 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[5][12:8]};
8'h28 : fdata = gpio_configure[5][7:0];
8'h29 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[6][12:8]};
8'h2a : fdata = gpio_configure[6][7:0];
8'h2b : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[7][12:8]};
8'h2c : fdata = gpio_configure[7][7:0];
8'h2d : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[8][12:8]};
8'h2e : fdata = gpio_configure[8][7:0];
8'h2f : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[9][12:8]};
8'h30 : fdata = gpio_configure[9][7:0];
8'h31 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[10][12:8]};
8'h32 : fdata = gpio_configure[10][7:0];
8'h33 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[11][12:8]};
8'h34 : fdata = gpio_configure[11][7:0];
8'h35 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[12][12:8]};
8'h36 : fdata = gpio_configure[12][7:0];
8'h37 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[13][12:8]};
8'h38 : fdata = gpio_configure[13][7:0];
8'h39 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[14][12:8]};
8'h3a : fdata = gpio_configure[14][7:0];
8'h3b : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[15][12:8]};
8'h3c : fdata = gpio_configure[15][7:0];
8'h3d : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[16][12:8]};
8'h3e : fdata = gpio_configure[16][7:0];
8'h3f : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[17][12:8]};
8'h40 : fdata = gpio_configure[17][7:0];
8'h41 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[18][12:8]};
8'h42 : fdata = gpio_configure[18][7:0];
8'h43 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[19][12:8]};
8'h44 : fdata = gpio_configure[19][7:0];
8'h45 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[20][12:8]};
8'h46 : fdata = gpio_configure[20][7:0];
8'h47 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[21][12:8]};
8'h48 : fdata = gpio_configure[21][7:0];
8'h49 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[22][12:8]};
8'h4a : fdata = gpio_configure[22][7:0];
8'h4b : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[23][12:8]};
8'h4c : fdata = gpio_configure[23][7:0];
8'h4d : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[24][12:8]};
8'h4e : fdata = gpio_configure[24][7:0];
8'h4f : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[25][12:8]};
8'h50 : fdata = gpio_configure[25][7:0];
8'h51 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[26][12:8]};
8'h52 : fdata = gpio_configure[26][7:0];
8'h53 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[27][12:8]};
8'h54 : fdata = gpio_configure[27][7:0];
8'h55 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[28][12:8]};
8'h56 : fdata = gpio_configure[28][7:0];
8'h57 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[29][12:8]};
8'h58 : fdata = gpio_configure[29][7:0];
8'h59 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[30][12:8]};
8'h5a : fdata = gpio_configure[30][7:0];
8'h5b : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[31][12:8]};
8'h5c : fdata = gpio_configure[31][7:0];
8'h5d : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[32][12:8]};
8'h5e : fdata = gpio_configure[32][7:0];
8'h5f : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[33][12:8]};
8'h60 : fdata = gpio_configure[33][7:0];
8'h61 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[34][12:8]};
8'h62 : fdata = gpio_configure[34][7:0];
8'h63 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[35][12:8]};
8'h64 : fdata = gpio_configure[35][7:0];
8'h65 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[36][12:8]};
8'h66 : fdata = gpio_configure[36][7:0];
8'h67 : fdata = {3'b000, gpio_configure[37][12:8]};
8'h68 : fdata = gpio_configure[37][7:0];
// GPIO Data
8'h69 : fdata = {2'b00, mgmt_gpio_in[`MPRJ_IO_PADS-1:32]};
8'h6a : fdata = mgmt_gpio_in[31:24];
8'h6b : fdata = mgmt_gpio_in[23:16];
8'h6c : fdata = mgmt_gpio_in[15:8];
8'h6d : fdata = mgmt_gpio_in[7:0];
// Power Control (reserved)
8'h6e : fdata = {4'b0000, pwr_ctrl_out};
// Housekeeping SPI system disable
8'h6f : fdata = {7'b0000000, hkspi_disable};
default: fdata = 8'h00;
/* Memory map address to SPI address translation for back door access */
/* (see doc/memory_map.txt) */
wire [11:0] gpio_adr = GPIO_BASE_ADR[23:12];
wire [11:0] sys_adr = SYS_BASE_ADR[23:12];
wire [11:0] spi_adr = SPI_BASE_ADR[23:12];
function [7:0] spiaddr(input [31:0] wbaddress);
/* Address taken from lower 8 bits and upper 4 bits of the 32-bit */
/* wishbone address. */
case ({wbaddress[23:20], wbaddress[7:0]})
spi_adr | 12'h000 : spiaddr = 8'h00; // SPI status (reserved)
spi_adr | 12'h004 : spiaddr = 8'h03; // product ID
spi_adr | 12'h005 : spiaddr = 8'h02; // Manufacturer ID (low)
spi_adr | 12'h006 : spiaddr = 8'h01; // Manufacturer ID (high)
spi_adr | 12'h008 : spiaddr = 8'h07; // User project ID (low)
spi_adr | 12'h009 : spiaddr = 8'h06; // User project ID .
spi_adr | 12'h00a : spiaddr = 8'h05; // User project ID .
spi_adr | 12'h00b : spiaddr = 8'h04; // User project ID (high)
spi_adr | 12'h00c : spiaddr = 8'h08; // PLL enables
spi_adr | 12'h010 : spiaddr = 8'h09; // PLL bypass
spi_adr | 12'h014 : spiaddr = 8'h0a; // IRQ
spi_adr | 12'h018 : spiaddr = 8'h0b; // Reset
spi_adr | 12'h028 : spiaddr = 8'h0c; // CPU trap state
spi_adr | 12'h01f : spiaddr = 8'h10; // PLL trim
spi_adr | 12'h01e : spiaddr = 8'h0f; // PLL trim
spi_adr | 12'h01d : spiaddr = 8'h0e; // PLL trim
spi_adr | 12'h01c : spiaddr = 8'h0d; // PLL trim
spi_adr | 12'h020 : spiaddr = 8'h11; // PLL source
spi_adr | 12'h024 : spiaddr = 8'h12; // PLL divider
spi_adr | 12'h02c : spiaddr = 8'h19; // SRAM read-only data
spi_adr | 12'h02d : spiaddr = 8'h18; // SRAM read-only data
spi_adr | 12'h02e : spiaddr = 8'h17; // SRAM read-only data
spi_adr | 12'h02f : spiaddr = 8'h16; // SRAM read-only data
spi_adr | 12'h030 : spiaddr = 8'h15; // SRAM read-only address
spi_adr | 12'h034 : spiaddr = 8'h14; // SRAM read-only control
gpio_adr | 12'h000 : spiaddr = 8'h13; // GPIO control
sys_adr | 12'h000 : spiaddr = 8'h1a; // Power monitor
sys_adr | 12'h004 : spiaddr = 8'h1b; // Output redirect
sys_adr | 12'h00c : spiaddr = 8'h1c; // Input redirect
gpio_adr | 12'h025 : spiaddr = 8'h1d; // GPIO configuration
gpio_adr | 12'h024 : spiaddr = 8'h1e;
gpio_adr | 12'h029 : spiaddr = 8'h1f;
gpio_adr | 12'h028 : spiaddr = 8'h20;
gpio_adr | 12'h02d : spiaddr = 8'h21;
gpio_adr | 12'h02c : spiaddr = 8'h22;
gpio_adr | 12'h031 : spiaddr = 8'h23;
gpio_adr | 12'h030 : spiaddr = 8'h24;
gpio_adr | 12'h035 : spiaddr = 8'h25;
gpio_adr | 12'h034 : spiaddr = 8'h26;
gpio_adr | 12'h039 : spiaddr = 8'h27;
gpio_adr | 12'h038 : spiaddr = 8'h28;
gpio_adr | 12'h03d : spiaddr = 8'h29;
gpio_adr | 12'h03c : spiaddr = 8'h2a;
gpio_adr | 12'h041 : spiaddr = 8'h2b;
gpio_adr | 12'h040 : spiaddr = 8'h2c;
gpio_adr | 12'h045 : spiaddr = 8'h2d;
gpio_adr | 12'h044 : spiaddr = 8'h2e;
gpio_adr | 12'h049 : spiaddr = 8'h2f;
gpio_adr | 12'h048 : spiaddr = 8'h30;
gpio_adr | 12'h04d : spiaddr = 8'h31;
gpio_adr | 12'h04c : spiaddr = 8'h32;
gpio_adr | 12'h051 : spiaddr = 8'h33;
gpio_adr | 12'h050 : spiaddr = 8'h34;
gpio_adr | 12'h055 : spiaddr = 8'h35;
gpio_adr | 12'h054 : spiaddr = 8'h36;
gpio_adr | 12'h059 : spiaddr = 8'h37;
gpio_adr | 12'h058 : spiaddr = 8'h38;
gpio_adr | 12'h05d : spiaddr = 8'h39;
gpio_adr | 12'h05c : spiaddr = 8'h3a;
gpio_adr | 12'h061 : spiaddr = 8'h3b;
gpio_adr | 12'h060 : spiaddr = 8'h3c;
gpio_adr | 12'h065 : spiaddr = 8'h3d;
gpio_adr | 12'h064 : spiaddr = 8'h3e;
gpio_adr | 12'h069 : spiaddr = 8'h3f;
gpio_adr | 12'h068 : spiaddr = 8'h40;
gpio_adr | 12'h06d : spiaddr = 8'h41;
gpio_adr | 12'h06c : spiaddr = 8'h42;
gpio_adr | 12'h071 : spiaddr = 8'h43;
gpio_adr | 12'h070 : spiaddr = 8'h44;
gpio_adr | 12'h075 : spiaddr = 8'h45;
gpio_adr | 12'h074 : spiaddr = 8'h46;
gpio_adr | 12'h079 : spiaddr = 8'h47;
gpio_adr | 12'h078 : spiaddr = 8'h48;
gpio_adr | 12'h07d : spiaddr = 8'h49;
gpio_adr | 12'h07c : spiaddr = 8'h4a;
gpio_adr | 12'h081 : spiaddr = 8'h4b;
gpio_adr | 12'h080 : spiaddr = 8'h4c;
gpio_adr | 12'h085 : spiaddr = 8'h4d;
gpio_adr | 12'h084 : spiaddr = 8'h4e;
gpio_adr | 12'h089 : spiaddr = 8'h4f;
gpio_adr | 12'h088 : spiaddr = 8'h50;
gpio_adr | 12'h08d : spiaddr = 8'h51;
gpio_adr | 12'h08c : spiaddr = 8'h52;
gpio_adr | 12'h091 : spiaddr = 8'h53;
gpio_adr | 12'h090 : spiaddr = 8'h54;
gpio_adr | 12'h095 : spiaddr = 8'h55;
gpio_adr | 12'h094 : spiaddr = 8'h56;
gpio_adr | 12'h099 : spiaddr = 8'h57;
gpio_adr | 12'h098 : spiaddr = 8'h58;
gpio_adr | 12'h09d : spiaddr = 8'h59;
gpio_adr | 12'h09c : spiaddr = 8'h5a;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a1 : spiaddr = 8'h5b;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a0 : spiaddr = 8'h5c;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a5 : spiaddr = 8'h5d;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a4 : spiaddr = 8'h5e;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a9 : spiaddr = 8'h5f;
gpio_adr | 12'h0a8 : spiaddr = 8'h60;
gpio_adr | 12'h0ad : spiaddr = 8'h61;
gpio_adr | 12'h0ac : spiaddr = 8'h62;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b1 : spiaddr = 8'h63;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b0 : spiaddr = 8'h64;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b5 : spiaddr = 8'h65;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b4 : spiaddr = 8'h66;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b9 : spiaddr = 8'h67;
gpio_adr | 12'h0b8 : spiaddr = 8'h68;
gpio_adr | 12'h010 : spiaddr = 8'h69; // GPIO data (h)
gpio_adr | 12'h00f : spiaddr = 8'h6a; // GPIO data (l)
gpio_adr | 12'h00e : spiaddr = 8'h6b; // GPIO data (l)
gpio_adr | 12'h00d : spiaddr = 8'h6c; // GPIO data (l)
gpio_adr | 12'h00c : spiaddr = 8'h6d; // GPIO data (l)
gpio_adr | 12'h004 : spiaddr = 8'h6e; // Power control
sys_adr | 12'h010 : spiaddr = 8'h6f; // Housekeeping SPI disable
default : spiaddr = 8'h00;
// SPI is considered active when the GPIO for CSB is set to input and
// CSB is low. SPI is considered "busy" when rdstb or wrstb are high,
// indicating that the SPI will read or write a byte on the next SCK
// transition.
wire spi_is_enabled = (~gpio_configure[3][INP_DIS]) & (~hkspi_disable);
wire spi_is_active = spi_is_enabled && (mgmt_gpio_in[3] == 1'b0);
wire spi_is_busy = spi_is_active && (rdstb || wrstb);
/* Wishbone back-door state machine and address translation */
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i) begin
if (wb_rst_i) begin
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wbbd_write <= 1'b0;
wbbd_addr <= 8'd0;
wbbd_data <= 8'd0;
wbbd_busy <= 1'b0;
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_IDLE;
end else begin
case (wbbd_state)
`WBBD_IDLE: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b0;
if ((sys_select | gpio_select | spi_select) &&
wb_cyc_i && wb_stb_i) begin
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_SETUP0;
`WBBD_SETUP0: begin
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wbbd_addr <= spiaddr(wb_adr_i);
if (wb_sel_i[0] & wb_we_i) begin
wbbd_data <= wb_dat_i[7:0];
wbbd_write <= wb_sel_i[0] & wb_we_i;
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
// If the SPI is being accessed and about to read or
// write a byte, then stall until the SPI is ready.
if (!spi_is_busy) begin
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_RW0;
`WBBD_RW0: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b1;
wb_dat_o[7:0] <= odata;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_SETUP1;
`WBBD_SETUP1: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wbbd_addr <= spiaddr(wb_adr_i + 1);
if (wb_sel_i[1] & wb_we_i) begin
wbbd_data <= wb_dat_i[15:8];
wbbd_write <= wb_sel_i[1] & wb_we_i;
if (!spi_is_busy) begin
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_RW1;
`WBBD_RW1: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b1;
wb_dat_o[15:8] <= odata;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_SETUP2;
`WBBD_SETUP2: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wbbd_addr <= spiaddr(wb_adr_i + 2);
if (wb_sel_i[2] & wb_we_i) begin
wbbd_data <= wb_dat_i[23:16];
wbbd_write <= wb_sel_i[2] & wb_we_i;
if (!spi_is_busy) begin
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_RW2;
`WBBD_RW2: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b1;
wb_dat_o[23:16] <= odata;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_SETUP3;
`WBBD_SETUP3: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wbbd_addr <= spiaddr(wb_adr_i + 3);
if (wb_sel_i[3] & wb_we_i) begin
wbbd_data <= wb_dat_i[31:24];
wbbd_write <= wb_sel_i[3] & wb_we_i;
if (!spi_is_busy) begin
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_RW3;
`WBBD_RW3: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b1;
wb_dat_o[31:24] <= odata;
wb_ack_o <= 1'b1; // Release hold on wishbone bus
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_DONE;
`WBBD_DONE: begin
wbbd_busy <= 1'b1;
wbbd_sck <= 1'b0;
wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; // Reset for next access
wbbd_write <= 1'b0;
wbbd_state <= `WBBD_IDLE;
// Instantiate the SPI interface protocol module
housekeeping_spi hkspi (
.CSB((spi_is_enabled) ? mgmt_gpio_in[3] : 1'b1),
// GPIO data handling to and from the management SoC
assign mgmt_gpio_out[37] = (qspi_enabled) ? spimemio_flash_io3_do :
assign mgmt_gpio_out[36] = (qspi_enabled) ? spimemio_flash_io2_do :
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[37] = (qspi_enabled) ? spimemio_flash_io3_oeb :
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[36] = (qspi_enabled) ? spimemio_flash_io2_oeb :
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[35] = (spi_enabled) ? spi_sdoenb :
// NOTE: Ignored by spimemio module when QSPI disabled, so they do not
// need any exception when qspi_enabled == 1.
assign spimemio_flash_io3_di = mgmt_gpio_in[37];
assign spimemio_flash_io2_di = mgmt_gpio_in[36];
// SPI master is assigned to the other 4 bits of the data high word.
assign mgmt_gpio_out[32] = (spi_enabled) ? spi_sck : mgmt_gpio_data[32];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[33] = (spi_enabled) ? spi_csb : mgmt_gpio_data[33];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[34] = mgmt_gpio_data[34];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[35] = (spi_enabled) ? spi_sdo : mgmt_gpio_data[35];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[31:16] = mgmt_gpio_data[31:16];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[12:11] = mgmt_gpio_data[12:11];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[10] = (pass_thru_user_delay) ? mgmt_gpio_in[2]
: mgmt_gpio_data[10];
assign mgmt_gpio_out_9_prebuff = (pass_thru_user) ? mgmt_gpio_in[4]
: mgmt_gpio_data[9];
(* keep *) sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 mgmt_gpio_9_buff_inst (
assign mgmt_gpio_out[8] = (pass_thru_user_delay) ? mgmt_gpio_in[3]
: mgmt_gpio_data[8];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[7] = mgmt_gpio_data[7];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[6] = (uart_enabled) ? ser_tx : mgmt_gpio_data[6];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[5:2] = mgmt_gpio_data[5:2];
// In pass-through modes, route SDO from the respective flash (user or
// management SoC) to the dedicated SDO pin (GPIO[1])
assign mgmt_gpio_out[1] = (pass_thru_mgmt) ? pad_flash_io1_di :
(pass_thru_user) ? mgmt_gpio_in[11] :
(spi_is_active) ? sdo : mgmt_gpio_data[1];
assign mgmt_gpio_out[0] = (debug_mode) ? debug_out : mgmt_gpio_data[0];
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[1] = (spi_is_active) ? sdo_enb : ~gpio_configure[1][INP_DIS];
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[0] = (debug_mode) ? debug_oeb : ~gpio_configure[0][INP_DIS];
assign ser_rx = (uart_enabled) ? mgmt_gpio_in[5] : 1'b0;
assign spi_sdi = (spi_enabled) ? mgmt_gpio_in[34] : 1'b0;
assign debug_in = (debug_mode) ? mgmt_gpio_in[0] : 1'b0;
genvar i;
/* These are disconnected, but apply a meaningful signal anyway */
for (i = 2; i < `MPRJ_IO_PADS-3; i = i + 1) begin
assign mgmt_gpio_oeb[i] = ~gpio_configure[i][INP_DIS];
// System monitoring. Multiplex the clock and trap
// signals to the associated pad, and multiplex the irq signals
// from the associated pad, when the redirection is enabled. Note
// that the redirection is upstream of the user/managment multiplexing,
// so the pad being under control of the user area takes precedence
// over the system monitoring function.
assign mgmt_gpio_out_15_prebuff = (clk2_output_dest == 1'b1) ? user_clock
: mgmt_gpio_data[15];
(* keep *) sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 mgmt_gpio_15_buff_inst (
assign mgmt_gpio_out_14_prebuff = (clk1_output_dest == 1'b1) ? wb_clk_i
: mgmt_gpio_data[14];
(* keep *) sky130_fd_sc_hd__clkbuf_8 mgmt_gpio_14_buff_inst (
assign mgmt_gpio_out[13] = (trap_output_dest == 1'b1) ? trap
: mgmt_gpio_data[13];
assign irq[0] = irq_spi;
assign irq[1] = (irq_1_inputsrc == 1'b1) ? mgmt_gpio_in[7] : 1'b0;
assign irq[2] = (irq_2_inputsrc == 1'b1) ? mgmt_gpio_in[12] : 1'b0;
// GPIO serial loader and GPIO management control
`define GPIO_IDLE 2'b00
`define GPIO_START 2'b01
`define GPIO_XBYTE 2'b10
`define GPIO_LOAD 2'b11
reg [3:0] xfer_count;
reg [4:0] pad_count_1;
reg [5:0] pad_count_2;
reg [1:0] xfer_state;
reg serial_clock_pre;
reg serial_resetn_pre;
reg serial_load_pre;
reg [IO_CTRL_BITS-1:0] serial_data_staging_1;
reg [IO_CTRL_BITS-1:0] serial_data_staging_2;
assign serial_clock = (serial_bb_enable == 1'b1) ?
serial_bb_clock : serial_clock_pre;
assign serial_resetn = (serial_bb_enable == 1'b1) ?
serial_bb_resetn : serial_resetn_pre;
assign serial_load = (serial_bb_enable == 1'b1) ?
serial_bb_load : serial_load_pre;
assign serial_data_1 = (serial_bb_enable == 1'b1) ?
serial_bb_data_1 : serial_data_staging_1[IO_CTRL_BITS-1];
assign serial_data_2 = (serial_bb_enable == 1'b1) ?
serial_bb_data_2 : serial_data_staging_2[IO_CTRL_BITS-1];
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge porb) begin
if (porb == 1'b0) begin
xfer_state <= `GPIO_IDLE;
xfer_count <= 4'd0;
/* NOTE: This assumes that MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 and MPRJ_IO_PADS_2 are
* equal, because they get clocked the same number of cycles by
* the same clock signal. pad_count_2 gates the count for both.
pad_count_1 <= `MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 - 1;
pad_count_2 <= `MPRJ_IO_PADS_1;
serial_resetn_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_data_staging_1 <= 0;
serial_data_staging_2 <= 0;
serial_busy <= 1'b0;
end else begin
serial_resetn_pre <= 1'b1;
case (xfer_state)
`GPIO_IDLE: begin
pad_count_1 <= `MPRJ_IO_PADS_1 - 1;
pad_count_2 <= `MPRJ_IO_PADS_1;
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
if (serial_xfer == 1'b1) begin
xfer_state <= `GPIO_START;
serial_busy <= 1'b1;
end else begin
serial_busy <= 1'b0;
`GPIO_START: begin
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
xfer_count <= 6'd0;
pad_count_1 <= pad_count_1 - 1;
pad_count_2 <= pad_count_2 + 1;
xfer_state <= `GPIO_XBYTE;
serial_data_staging_1 <= gpio_configure[pad_count_1];
serial_data_staging_2 <= gpio_configure[pad_count_2];
`GPIO_XBYTE: begin
serial_clock_pre <= ~serial_clock;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
if (serial_clock == 1'b0) begin
if (xfer_count == IO_CTRL_BITS - 1) begin
xfer_count <= 4'd0;
if (pad_count_2 == `MPRJ_IO_PADS) begin
xfer_state <= `GPIO_LOAD;
end else begin
xfer_state <= `GPIO_START;
end else begin
xfer_count <= xfer_count + 1;
end else begin
serial_data_staging_1 <=
{serial_data_staging_1[IO_CTRL_BITS-2:0], 1'b0};
serial_data_staging_2 <=
{serial_data_staging_2[IO_CTRL_BITS-2:0], 1'b0};
`GPIO_LOAD: begin
xfer_count <= xfer_count + 1;
/* Load sequence: Pulse clock for final data shift in;
* Pulse the load strobe.
* Return to idle mode.
if (xfer_count == 4'd0) begin
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
end else if (xfer_count == 4'd1) begin
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b1;
end else if (xfer_count == 4'd2) begin
serial_busy <= 1'b0;
serial_clock_pre <= 1'b0;
serial_load_pre <= 1'b0;
xfer_state <= `GPIO_IDLE;
// SPI Identification
assign mfgr_id = 12'h456; // Hard-coded
assign prod_id = 8'h11; // Hard-coded
assign mask_rev = mask_rev_in; // Copy in to out.
// SPI Data transfer protocol. The wishbone back door may only be
// used if the front door is closed (CSB is high or the CSB pin is
// not an input). The time to apply values for the back door access
// is limited to the clock cycle around the read or write from the
// wbbd state machine (see below).
assign caddr = (wbbd_busy) ? wbbd_addr : iaddr;
assign csclk = (wbbd_busy) ? wbbd_sck : ((spi_is_active) ? mgmt_gpio_in[4] : 1'b0);
assign cdata = (wbbd_busy) ? wbbd_data : idata;
assign cwstb = (wbbd_busy) ? wbbd_write : wrstb;
assign odata = fdata(caddr);
// Register mapping and I/O to SPI interface module
integer j;
always @(posedge csclk or negedge porb) begin
if (porb == 1'b0) begin
// Set trim for PLL at (almost) slowest rate (~90MHz). However,
// pll_trim[12] must be set to zero for proper startup.
pll_trim <= 26'b11111111111110111111111111;
pll_sel <= 3'b010; // Default output divider divide-by-2
pll90_sel <= 3'b010; // Default secondary output divider divide-by-2
pll_div <= 5'b00100; // Default feedback divider divide-by-8
pll_dco_ena <= 1'b1; // Default free-running PLL
pll_ena <= 1'b0; // Default PLL turned off
pll_bypass <= 1'b1; // Default bypass mode (don't use PLL)
irq_spi <= 1'b0;
reset_reg <= 1'b0;
// System monitoring signals
clk1_output_dest <= 1'b0;
clk2_output_dest <= 1'b0;
trap_output_dest <= 1'b0;
irq_1_inputsrc <= 1'b0;
irq_2_inputsrc <= 1'b0;
// GPIO Configuration, Data, and Control
// To-do: Get user project pad defaults from external inputs
// to be configured by user or at project generation time.
// Pads 1 to 4 are the SPI and considered critical startup
// infrastructure, and should not be altered from the defaults
// below. NOTE: These are not startup values, but they should
// match the startup values applied to the GPIO, or else the
// GPIO should be always triggered to load at startup.
for (j = 0; j < `MPRJ_IO_PADS; j=j+1) begin
if ((j < 2) || (j >= `MPRJ_IO_PADS - 2)) begin
gpio_configure[j] <= 'h1803;
end else begin
if (j == 3) begin
// j == 3 corresponds to CSB, which is a weak pull-up
gpio_configure[j] <= 'h0801;
end else begin
gpio_configure[j] <= 'h0403;
mgmt_gpio_data <= 'd0;
mgmt_gpio_data_buf <= 'd0;
serial_bb_enable <= 1'b0;
serial_bb_load <= 1'b0;
serial_bb_data_1 <= 1'b0;
serial_bb_data_2 <= 1'b0;
serial_bb_clock <= 1'b0;
serial_bb_resetn <= 1'b0;
serial_xfer <= 1'b0;
hkspi_disable <= 1'b0;
pwr_ctrl_out <= 'd0;
sram_ro_clk <= 1'b0;
sram_ro_csb <= 1'b1;
sram_ro_addr <= 8'h00;
end else begin
if (cwstb == 1'b1) begin
case (caddr)
/* Register 8'h00 is reserved for future use */
/* Registers 8'h01 to 8'h07 are read-only and cannot be written */
8'h08: begin
pll_ena <= cdata[0];
pll_dco_ena <= cdata[1];
8'h09: begin
pll_bypass <= cdata[0];
8'h0a: begin
irq_spi <= cdata[0];
8'h0b: begin
reset_reg <= cdata[0];
/* Register 0c (trap state) is read-only */
8'h0d: begin
pll_trim[7:0] <= cdata;
8'h0e: begin
pll_trim[15:8] <= cdata;
8'h0f: begin
pll_trim[23:16] <= cdata;
8'h10: begin
pll_trim[25:24] <= cdata[1:0];
8'h11: begin
pll90_sel <= cdata[5:3];
pll_sel <= cdata[2:0];
8'h12: begin
pll_div <= cdata[4:0];
8'h13: begin
serial_bb_data_2 <= cdata[6];
serial_bb_data_1 <= cdata[5];
serial_bb_clock <= cdata[4];
serial_bb_load <= cdata[3];
serial_bb_resetn <= cdata[2];
serial_bb_enable <= cdata[1];
serial_xfer <= cdata[0];
/* Optional: Add SRAM read-only interface */
8'h14: begin
sram_ro_clk <= cdata[1];
sram_ro_csb <= cdata[0];
8'h15: begin
sram_ro_addr <= cdata;
/* Registers 16 to 19 (SRAM data) are read-only */
/* Register 1a (power monitor) is read-only */
8'h1b: begin
clk1_output_dest <= cdata[2];
clk2_output_dest <= cdata[1];
trap_output_dest <= cdata[0];
8'h1c: begin
irq_2_inputsrc <= cdata[1];
irq_1_inputsrc <= cdata[0];
8'h1d: begin
gpio_configure[0][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h1e: begin
gpio_configure[0][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h1f: begin
gpio_configure[1][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h20: begin
gpio_configure[1][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h21: begin
gpio_configure[2][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h22: begin
gpio_configure[2][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h23: begin
gpio_configure[3][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h24: begin
gpio_configure[3][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h25: begin
gpio_configure[4][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h26: begin
gpio_configure[4][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h27: begin
gpio_configure[5][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h28: begin
gpio_configure[5][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h29: begin
gpio_configure[6][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h2a: begin
gpio_configure[6][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h2b: begin
gpio_configure[7][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h2c: begin
gpio_configure[7][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h2d: begin
gpio_configure[8][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h2e: begin
gpio_configure[8][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h2f: begin
gpio_configure[9][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h30: begin
gpio_configure[9][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h31: begin
gpio_configure[10][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h32: begin
gpio_configure[10][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h33: begin
gpio_configure[11][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h34: begin
gpio_configure[11][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h35: begin
gpio_configure[12][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h36: begin
gpio_configure[12][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h37: begin
gpio_configure[13][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h38: begin
gpio_configure[13][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h39: begin
gpio_configure[14][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h3a: begin
gpio_configure[14][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h3b: begin
gpio_configure[15][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h3c: begin
gpio_configure[15][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h3d: begin
gpio_configure[16][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h3e: begin
gpio_configure[16][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h3f: begin
gpio_configure[17][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h40: begin
gpio_configure[17][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h41: begin
gpio_configure[18][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h42: begin
gpio_configure[18][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h43: begin
gpio_configure[19][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h44: begin
gpio_configure[19][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h45: begin
gpio_configure[20][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h46: begin
gpio_configure[20][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h47: begin
gpio_configure[21][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h48: begin
gpio_configure[21][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h49: begin
gpio_configure[22][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h4a: begin
gpio_configure[22][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h4b: begin
gpio_configure[23][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h4c: begin
gpio_configure[23][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h4d: begin
gpio_configure[24][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h4e: begin
gpio_configure[24][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h4f: begin
gpio_configure[25][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h50: begin
gpio_configure[25][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h51: begin
gpio_configure[26][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h52: begin
gpio_configure[26][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h53: begin
gpio_configure[27][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h54: begin
gpio_configure[27][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h55: begin
gpio_configure[28][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h56: begin
gpio_configure[28][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h57: begin
gpio_configure[29][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h58: begin
gpio_configure[29][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h59: begin
gpio_configure[30][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h5a: begin
gpio_configure[30][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h5b: begin
gpio_configure[31][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h5c: begin
gpio_configure[31][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h5d: begin
gpio_configure[32][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h5e: begin
gpio_configure[32][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h5f: begin
gpio_configure[33][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h60: begin
gpio_configure[33][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h61: begin
gpio_configure[34][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h62: begin
gpio_configure[34][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h63: begin
gpio_configure[35][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h64: begin
gpio_configure[35][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h65: begin
gpio_configure[36][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h66: begin
gpio_configure[36][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h67: begin
gpio_configure[37][12:8] <= cdata[4:0];
8'h68: begin
gpio_configure[37][7:0] <= cdata;
8'h69: begin
mgmt_gpio_data[37:32] <= cdata[5:0];
8'h6a: begin
/* NOTE: mgmt_gpio_data updates only on the */
/* upper byte write when writing through the */
/* wishbone back-door. This lets all bits */
/* update at the same time. */
if (spi_is_active) begin
mgmt_gpio_data[31:24] <= cdata;
end else begin
mgmt_gpio_data[31:0] <= {cdata, mgmt_gpio_data_buf};
8'h6b: begin
if (spi_is_active) begin
mgmt_gpio_data[23:16] <= cdata;
end else begin
mgmt_gpio_data_buf[23:16] <= cdata;
8'h6c: begin
if (spi_is_active) begin
mgmt_gpio_data[15:8] <= cdata;
end else begin
mgmt_gpio_data_buf[15:8] <= cdata;
8'h6d: begin
if (spi_is_active) begin
mgmt_gpio_data[7:0] <= cdata;
end else begin
mgmt_gpio_data_buf[7:0] <= cdata;
8'h6e: begin
pwr_ctrl_out <= cdata[3:0];
8'h6f: begin
hkspi_disable <= cdata[0];
endcase // (caddr)
end else begin
serial_xfer <= 1'b0; // Serial transfer is self-resetting
irq_spi <= 1'b0; // IRQ is self-resetting
endmodule // housekeeping
`default_nettype wire