box 3023 4195 3141 4305 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VGND" pale box 3023 3855 3141 4029 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VPWR" pale box 2195 4195 2773 4305 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VGND" pale box 2195 3855 2773 4029 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VPWR" pale box 1275 4195 1485 4305 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VGND" pale box 1275 3855 1485 4029 feedback add "device missing 1 terminal; connecting remainder to node VPWR" pale