#!/usr/local/bin/python import argparse from cmath import log import logging import os import subprocess from sys import stdout import count_lvs import glob import run_pt_sta def build_caravel(caravel_root, mcw_root, pdk_root, log_dir, pdk_env): os.environ["CARAVEL_ROOT"] = caravel_root os.environ["MCW_ROOT"] = mcw_root os.environ["PDK_ROOT"] = pdk_root os.environ["PDK"] = pdk_env gpio_defaults_cmd = ["python3", f"scripts/gen_gpio_defaults.py"] build_cmd = [ "magic", "-noconsole", "-dnull", "-rcfile", f"{pdk_root}/{pdk_env}/libs.tech/magic/{pdk_env}.magicrc", "tech-files/build.tcl", ] log_file_path = f"{log_dir}/build_caravel.log" with open(log_file_path, "w") as build_log: subprocess.run( gpio_defaults_cmd, cwd=caravel_root, stderr=build_log, stdout=build_log ) subprocess.run(build_cmd, stderr=build_log, stdout=build_log) def run_drc(caravel_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, pdk_root, design): klayout_drc_cmd = [ "python3", "klayout_drc.py", "-g", f"{caravel_root}/gds/{design}.gds", "-l", f"{log_dir}", "-s", f"{signoff_dir}", "-d", f"{design}", ] p1 = subprocess.Popen(klayout_drc_cmd) return p1 def run_lvs( caravel_root, mcw_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, pdk_root, lvs_root, pdk_env, design ): myenv = os.environ.copy() myenv["PDK_ROOT"] = pdk_root myenv["PDK"] = pdk_env myenv["LVS_ROOT"] = lvs_root myenv["LOG_ROOT"] = log_dir myenv["CARAVEL_ROOT"] = caravel_root myenv["MCW_ROOT"] = mcw_root myenv["SIGNOFF_ROOT"] = os.path.join(signoff_dir, f"{design}") myenv["WORK_DIR"] = os.path.join(caravel_root, "extra_be_checks") if not os.path.exists(f"{lvs_root}"): subprocess.run( [ "git", "clone", "https://github.com/d-m-bailey/extra_be_checks.git", "-b", f"caravel", ], cwd=f"{caravel_root}/scripts", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) lvs_cmd = [ "bash", "./run_full_lvs", f"{design}", f"{caravel_root}/verilog/gl/{design}.v", f"{design}", f"{caravel_root}/gds/{design}.gds", ] p1 = subprocess.Popen( lvs_cmd, env=myenv, cwd=f"{caravel_root}/scripts/extra_be_checks", universal_newlines=True, ) return p1 def run_verification(caravel_root, pdk_root, pdk_env, sim, simulator="vcs"): myenv = os.environ.copy() myenv["PDK_ROOT"] = pdk_root myenv["PDK"] = pdk_env if simulator == "vcs": ver_cmd = [ "python3", "verify_cocotb.py", "-tag", f"CI_{sim}", "-r", f"r_{sim}", "-v", ] else: ver_cmd = [ "python3", "verify_cocotb.py", "-tag", f"CI_{sim}", "-r", f"r_{sim}", ] p1 = subprocess.Popen( ver_cmd, cwd=f"{caravel_root}/verilog/dv/cocotb", env=myenv, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) return p1 def run_sta(caravel_root, mcw_root, pt_lib_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, design): myenv = os.environ.copy() myenv["CARAVEL_ROOT"] = caravel_root myenv["MCW_ROOT"] = mcw_root myenv["PT_LIB_ROOT"] = pt_lib_root if not os.path.exists(f"{pt_lib_root}"): subprocess.run( [ "git", "clone", "git@github.com:efabless/mpw-2-sta-debug.git", ], cwd=f"{caravel_root}/scripts", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) sta_cmd = [ "python3", "run_pt_sta.py", "-a", "-d", f"{design}", "-o", f"{signoff_dir}/{design}", "-l", f"{log_dir}", ] p1 = subprocess.Popen( sta_cmd, cwd=f"{caravel_root}/scripts", env=myenv, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) return p1 def run_antenna(log_dir, design_root, design, pdk_root, pdk_env): os.environ["DESIGN_GDS_ROOT"] = design_root os.environ["DESIGN"] = design os.environ["LOG_DIR"] = log_dir antenna_cmd = [ "magic", "-noconsole", "-dnull", "-rcfile", f"{pdk_root}/{pdk_env}/libs.tech/magic/{pdk_env}.magicrc", "tech-files/build.tcl", ] p1 = subprocess.Popen(antenna_cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return p1 def check_errors(caravel_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, drc, lvs, verification, sta, design, antenna): f = open(os.path.join(signoff_dir, f"{design}/signoff.rpt"), "w") count = 0 if drc: drc_count_klayout = os.path.join(log_dir, f"{design}_klayout_drc.total") with open(drc_count_klayout) as rep: if rep.readline().strip() != "0": logging.error(f"klayout DRC failed") f.write("Klayout MR DRC: Failed\n") count = count + 1 else: logging.info("Klayout MR DRC: Passed") f.write("Klayout MR DRC: Passed\n") if lvs: lvs_summary_report = open( os.path.join(signoff_dir, f"{design}/lvs_summary.rpt"), "w" ) lvs_report = os.path.join(signoff_dir, f"{design}/{design}.lvs.json") failures = count_lvs.count_LVS_failures(lvs_report) if failures[0] > 0: lvs_summary_report.write("LVS reports:") lvs_summary_report.write(" net count difference = " + str(failures[5])) lvs_summary_report.write( " device count difference = " + str(failures[6]) ) lvs_summary_report.write(" unmatched nets = " + str(failures[1])) lvs_summary_report.write(" unmatched devices = " + str(failures[2])) lvs_summary_report.write(" unmatched pins = " + str(failures[3])) lvs_summary_report.write(" property failures = " + str(failures[4])) logging.error(f"LVS on {design} failed") logging.info(f"Find full report at {lvs_report}") logging.info(f"Find summary report at {lvs_summary_report}") f.write("Layout Vs Schematic: Failed\n") else: lvs_summary_report.write("Layout Vs Schematic Passed") logging.info("Layout Vs Schematic: Passed") f.write("Layout Vs Schematic: Passed\n") if verification: for sim in ["rtl", "gl", "sdf"]: verification_report = os.path.join( caravel_root, f"/verilog/dv/cocotb/sim/CI_{sim}/runs.log" ) with open(verification_report) as rep: if "(0)failed" in rep.read(): logging.info(f"{sim} simulations: Passed") f.write(f"{sim} simulations: Passed\n") else: logging.error( f"{sim} simulations failed, find report at {verification_report}" ) f.write(f"{sim} simulations: Failed\n") if sta: sta_logs = glob.glob(f"{log_dir}/{design}/{design}-*sta.log") for l in sta_logs: with open(l) as rep: log_name = l.split("/")[-1] log_name = log_name.split(".")[0] lines = rep.readlines() if "Passed" in lines[-1]: logging.info(f"{log_name} STA: Passed") f.write(f"{log_name} STA: Passed\n") else: logging.error(lines[-1]) logging.error(f"{log_name} STA: Failed") f.write(f"{log_name} STA: Failed\n") if antenna: antenna_report = os.path.join(signoff_dir, f"{design}/antenna-vios.report") with open(antenna_report) as rep: if "Antenna violation detected" in rep.readlines(): logging.error(f"Antenna checks failed find report at {antenna_report}") f.write("Antenna checks: Failed\n") count = count + 1 else: logging.info("Antenna checks: Passed") f.write("Antenna checks: Passed\n") if count > 0: return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format=f"%(asctime)s | %(levelname)-7s | %(message)s", datefmt="%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S", ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CI wrapper") parser.add_argument( "-drc", "--drc_check", help="run drc check", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--lvs_check", help="run lvs check", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--vcs", help="run verification using vcs", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-rtl", "--rtl", help="run rtl verification", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-gl", "--gl", help="run gl verification", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-sdf", "--sdf", help="run sdf verification", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-iv", "--iverilog", help="run verification using iverilog", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-sta", "--primetime_sta", help="run verification using iverilog", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-ant", "--antenna", help="run antenna checks", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--design", help="design under test", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", help="run all checks", action="store_true", ) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.getenv("PDK_ROOT"): logging.error("Please export PDK_ROOT") exit(1) if not os.getenv("PDK"): logging.error("Please export PDK") exit(1) caravel_redesign_root = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) ) if os.getenv("CARAVEL_ROOT") == None: caravel_root = os.path.join(caravel_redesign_root, "caravel") logging.warning(f"CARAVEL_ROOT is not defined, defaulting to {caravel_root}") else: caravel_root = os.getenv("CARAVEL_ROOT") if os.getenv("MCW_ROOT") == None: mcw_root = os.path.join(caravel_redesign_root, "caravel_mgmt_soc_litex") logging.warning(f"MCW_ROOT is not defined, defaulting to {mcw_root}") else: mcw_root = os.getenv("MCW_ROOT") if not os.path.exists(f"{caravel_root}"): logging.error(f"{caravel_root} does not exist!") exit(1) if not os.path.exists(f"{mcw_root}"): logging.error(f"{mcw_root} does not exist!") exit(1) pdk_root = os.getenv("PDK_ROOT") pdk_env = os.getenv("PDK") log_dir = os.path.join(caravel_root, "scripts/logs") signoff_dir = os.path.join(caravel_root, "signoff") lvs_root = os.path.join(caravel_root, "scripts/extra_be_checks") drc = args.drc_check lvs = args.lvs_check rtl = args.rtl gl = args.gl sdf = args.sdf iverilog = args.iverilog verification = args.vcs sta = args.primetime_sta design = args.design antenna = args.antenna if not os.path.exists(f"{log_dir}"): os.makedirs(f"{log_dir}") if not os.path.exists(f"{signoff_dir}/{design}"): os.makedirs(f"{signoff_dir}/{design}") if lvs or drc or antenna: if glob.glob(f"{caravel_root}/gds/*.gz"): logging.error(f"Compressed gds files in {caravel_root}. Please uncompress first.") exit(1) if glob.glob(f"{mcw_root}/gds/*.gz"): logging.error(f"Compressed gds files in {mcw_root}. Please uncompress first.") exit(1) design_root = os.path.join(caravel_root, f"gds/{design}.gds") if not os.path.exists(design_root): design_root = os.path.join(mcw_root, f"gds/{design}.gds") if not os.path.exists(design_root): logging.error(f"can't find {design}.gds file") if design == "caravel": logging.info("Building caravel...") build_caravel(caravel_root, mcw_root, pdk_root, log_dir, pdk_env) else: logging.info(f"running checks on {design}") if args.all: drc = True lvs = True verification = True sta = True if drc: drc_p1 = run_drc(caravel_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, pdk_root, design) logging.info(f"Running klayout DRC on {design}") if lvs: lvs_p1 = run_lvs( caravel_root, mcw_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, pdk_root, lvs_root, pdk_env, design, ) logging.info(f"Running LVS on {design}") if sta: logging.info(f"Running PrimeTime STA all corners on {design}") sta_p = run_sta( caravel_root, mcw_root, f"{caravel_root}/scripts/mpw-2-sta-debug/pt_libs", log_dir, signoff_dir, design, ) if antenna: logging.info(f"Running antenna checks on {design}") ant = run_antenna(log_dir, signoff_dir, design_root, design, pdk_root, pdk_env) if verification or iverilog: verify_p = [] sim = [] if rtl: sim.append("rtl") if gl: sim.append("gl") if sdf: sim.append("sdf") if not rtl and not gl and not sdf: sim = ["rtl", "gl", "sdf"] if verification: simulator = "vcs" elif iverilog: simulator = "iverilog" for sim_type in sim: logging.info(f"Running all {sim_type} verification on caravel") verify_p.append( run_verification(caravel_root, pdk_root, pdk_env, sim_type, simulator) ) for i in range(len(verify_p)): out, err = verify_p[i].communicate() ver_log = open(f"{log_dir}/{sim[i]}_caravel.log", "w") if err: logging.error(err.decode()) ver_log.write(err) if out: ver_log.write(out) if lvs and drc and sta: out, err = sta_p.communicate() sta_log = open(f"{log_dir}/PT_STA_{design}.log", "w") if err: logging.error(err.decode()) sta_log.write(err) drc_p1.wait() lvs_p1.wait() if lvs: lvs_p1.wait() if drc: drc_p1.wait() if sta: out, err = sta_p.communicate() sta_log = open(f"{log_dir}/PT_STA_{design}.log", "w") if err: logging.error(err) sta_log.write(err) if antenna: out, err = ant.communicate() ant_rep = open(f"{signoff_dir}/antenna-vios.report", "w") if err: logging.error(err) ant_rep.write(err) if out: ant_rep.write(out) if not check_errors( caravel_root, log_dir, signoff_dir, drc, lvs, verification, sta, design, antenna ): exit(1)