import random import cocotb from cocotb.triggers import FallingEdge,RisingEdge,ClockCycles import cocotb.log from cpu import RiskV from defsParser import Regs from cocotb.result import TestSuccess from tests.common_functions.test_functions import * from tests.bitbang.bitbang_functions import * from caravel import GPIO_MODE reg = Regs() """Testbench of GPIO configuration through bit-bang method using the StriVe housekeeping SPI.""" @cocotb.test() @repot_test async def mem_stress(dut): caravelEnv = await test_configure(dut,timeout_cycles=18613481) cpu = RiskV(dut) cpu.cpu_force_reset() cpu.cpu_release_reset()"[TEST] Start mem stress test") pass_list = (0x1B,0x2B,0x3B) fail_list = (0x1E,0x2E,0x3E) phases_fails = 3 phases_passes = 0 reg1 =0 # buffer while True: if cpu.read_debug_reg2() == 0xFF: # test finish break if reg1 != cpu.read_debug_reg1(): reg1 = cpu.read_debug_reg1() if reg1 in pass_list: # pass phase phases_passes +=1 phases_fails -=1"[TEST] pass writing and reading from {phase_to_type(hex(reg1)[2])}") elif reg1 in fail_list: # pass phase cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] failed phase {phase_to_type(hex(reg1)[2])}") await ClockCycles(caravelEnv.clk,1) if phases_fails > 0: cocotb.log.error(f"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails") else:"[TEST] finish with {phases_passes} phases passes and {phases_fails} phases fails") def phase_to_type(phase): if phase == "1": return "800 Bytes" elif phase == "2": return "200 Words" elif phase == "3": return "400 Halfwords"