#!/bin/bash # # Run LVS on the Openframe padframe layout and verilog. # If the layout netlist does not exist, then generate it from the # extracted .mag layout of the caravel_openframe top level. The # LVS script for netgen will read both top level netlists and then # compare the padframe cell. # # Run this script in the mag/ directory. # echo ${PDK_ROOT:=/usr/share/pdk} > /dev/null echo ${PDK:=sky130A} > /dev/null if [ ! -f caravel_openframe.spice ]; then magic -dnull -noconsole -rcfile $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.tech/magic/$PDK.magicrc << EOF drc off crashbackups stop load caravel_openframe select top cell expand extract do local # Maybe not do parasitic extraction for LVS?? extract no all extract all ext2spice lvs ext2spice EOF rm -f *.ext fi # Set the USE_POWER_PINS definition, which is not set anywhere else. cat > local_defs.v << EOF \`define USE_POWER_PINS 1 EOF # Generate script for netgen cat > netgen.tcl << EOF # Load top level netlists puts stdout "Reading layout netlist:" set circuit1 [readnet spice caravel_openframe.spice] puts stdout "Reading verilog and schematic netlists:" puts stdout "Reading SPICE netlists of I/O:" set circuit2 [readnet spice $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/spice/sky130_fd_io.spice] readnet spice $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.ref/sky130_fd_io/spice/sky130_ef_io.spice \$circuit2 readnet spice $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hd.spice \$circuit2 readnet spice $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice/sky130_ef_sc_hd__decap_12.spice \$circuit2 readnet spice $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hvl/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hvl.spice \$circuit2 readnet spice ../xschem/simple_por.spice \$circuit2 puts stdout "Reading all gate-level verilog submodules:" readnet verilog local_defs.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/rtl/defines.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/rtl/pads.v \$circuit2 # NOTE: __openframe_project_wrapper.v is empty. readnet verilog ../verilog/rtl/__openframe_project_wrapper.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/gl/user_id_programming.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/gl/constant_block.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/gl/xres_buf.v \$circuit2 # ALSO NOTE: Top-level modules are in the RTL directory but are purely gate level. readnet verilog ../verilog/rtl/chip_io_openframe.v \$circuit2 readnet verilog ../verilog/rtl/caravel_openframe.v \$circuit2 puts stdout "Done reading netlists." # Run LVS on the chip_io_openframe cells in layout and verilog. lvs "\$circuit1 chip_io_openframe" "\$circuit2 chip_io_openframe" \ $PDK_ROOT/$PDK/libs.tech/netgen/${PDK}_setup.tcl \ chip_io_openframe_comp.out EOF export NETGEN_COLUMNS=60 netgen -batch source netgen.tcl rm local_defs.v rm netgen.tcl