.. raw:: html ==================== CARAVEL TOPLEVEL ECO ==================== ECOs were done on top level caravel for several reasons 1. `porb_h_in` shorted with `por_l_in` because it was a floating wire 2. `mgmt_gpio_oeb` was not shorted with `mprj_io_one` in some instances of `gpio_control_block`, this is due to an issue with the router The flow to generate caravel top level: ======================================= ==================================================== ============================== ============================= ========== Flow Input Filename Output Filename Tool ==================================================== ============================== ============================= ========== def to mag caravel.def caravel-openlane.mag OpenLane create_top_pins.sh caravel-openlane.mag caravel-with-label.mag magic ECO to gpio_control_block to fix LVS issue caravel-with-label.mag caravel-eco-gpio_control.mag magic GUI mag to GDS (build script) caravel-eco-gpio_control.mag caravel-eco-gpio_control.gds magic ECO to gpio_control_block to fix LVS issue caravel-eco-gpio_control.gds caravel-eco-gpio_antenna.gds klayout GDS to mag caravel-eco-gpio_antenna.gds caravel-eco-antenna.mag magic gen_gpio_defaults.py caravel-eco-antenna.mag caravel-signoff.mag python mag to GDS (build script) caravel-signoff.mag caravel-signoff.gds magic ==================================================== ============================== ============================= ========== **NOTE: caravel-eco-antenna.mag is the same as caravel.mag (this is for tracebility issues)**