#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # generate_fill.py --- # # Run the fill generation on a layout top level. # import sys import os import re import glob import subprocess import multiprocessing def usage(): print("Usage:") print("generate_fill.py [-keep] [-test] [-dist]") print("") print("where:") print(" is a character string of eight hex digits, and") print(" is the path to the project top level directory.") print("") print(" If is not given, then it must exist in the info.yaml file.") print(" If is not given, then it is assumed to be the cwd.") print(" If '-keep' is specified, then keep the generation script.") print(" If '-test' is specified, then create but do not run the generation script.") print(" If '-dist' is specified, then run distributed (multi-processing).") return 0 def makegds(file): # Procedure for multiprocessing run only: Run the distributed processing # script to load a .mag file of one flattened square area of the layout, # and run the fill generator to produce a .gds file output from it. magpath = os.path.split(file)[0] filename = os.path.split(file)[1] myenv = os.environ.copy() myenv['MAGTYPE'] = 'mag' mproc = subprocess.run(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole', '-rcfile', rcfile, magpath + '/generate_fill_dist.tcl', filename], stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = magpath, env = myenv, universal_newlines = True) if mproc.stdout: for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.stderr: print('Error message output from magic:') for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.returncode != 0: print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode)) if __name__ == '__main__': optionlist = [] arguments = [] debugmode = False keepmode = False testmode = False distmode = False for option in sys.argv[1:]: if option.find('-', 0) == 0: optionlist.append(option) else: arguments.append(option) if len(arguments) < 3: print("Wrong number of arguments given to generate_fill.py.") usage() sys.exit(1) user_id_value = arguments[0] project = arguments[1] user_project_path = arguments[2] try: # Convert to binary user_id_int = int('0x' + user_id_value, 0) user_id_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(user_id_int) except: print("User ID not recognized") usage() sys.exit(1) # if len(arguments) == 0: # user_project_path = os.getcwd() # elif len(arguments) == 2: # user_project_path = arguments[1] # elif user_project_path == None: # user_project_path = arguments[0] # else: # user_project_path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.isdir(user_project_path): print('Error: Project path "' + user_project_path + '" does not exist or is not readable.') sys.exit(1) # Check for valid user ID # if not user_id_value: # if os.path.isfile(user_project_path + '/info.yaml'): # with open(user_project_path + '/info.yaml', 'r') as ifile: # infolines = ifile.read().splitlines() # for line in infolines: # kvpair = line.split(':') # if len(kvpair) == 2: # key = kvpair[0].strip() # value = kvpair[1].strip() # if key == 'project_id': # user_id_value = value.strip('"\'') # break if user_id_value: project_with_id = 'caravel_' + user_id_value else: print('Error: No project_id found in info.yaml file.') sys.exit(1) if '-debug' in optionlist: debugmode = True if '-keep' in optionlist: keepmode = True if '-test' in optionlist: testmode = True if '-dist' in optionlist: distmode = True magpath = user_project_path + '/mag' # rcfile = magpath + '/.magicrc' pdk_root = os.getenv("PDK_ROOT") rcfile = pdk_root + '/sky130A/libs.tech/magic/sky130A.magicrc' if not os.path.isfile(rcfile): rcfile = None topdir = user_project_path gdsdir = topdir + '/gds' hasgdsdir = True if os.path.isdir(gdsdir) else False ofile = open(magpath + '/generate_fill.tcl', 'w') print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile) print('drc off', file=ofile) print('tech unlock *', file=ofile) print('snap internal', file=ofile) print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile) print('box size 700um 700um', file=ofile) print('set stepbox [box values]', file=ofile) print('set stepwidth [lindex $stepbox 2]', file=ofile) print('set stepheight [lindex $stepbox 3]', file=ofile) print('', file=ofile) print('set starttime [orig_clock format [orig_clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]', file=ofile) print('puts stdout "Started: $starttime"', file=ofile) print('', file=ofile) # Read the user project from GDS, as there is not necessarily a magic database file # to go along with this. # print('gds read ../gds/user_project_wrapper', file=ofile) # Now read the full caravel project # print('load ' + project + ' -dereference', file=ofile) print('gds readonly true', file=ofile) print('gds rescale false', file=ofile) print('gds read ../gds/' + project, file=ofile) print('load ' + project, file=ofile) print('select top cell', file=ofile) print('expand', file=ofile) if not distmode: print('cif ostyle wafflefill(tiled)', file=ofile) print('', file=ofile) # print('set fullbox [box values]', file=ofile) print('set fullbox { 0 0 717600 1037600 }', file=ofile) print('set xmax [lindex $fullbox 2]', file=ofile) print('set xmin [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile) print('set fullwidth [expr {$xmax - $xmin}]', file=ofile) print('set xtiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullwidth + 0.0) / $stepwidth))}]', file=ofile) print('set ymax [lindex $fullbox 3]', file=ofile) print('set ymin [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile) print('set fullheight [expr {$ymax - $ymin}]', file=ofile) print('set ytiles [expr {int(ceil(($fullheight + 0.0) / $stepheight))}]', file=ofile) print('box size $stepwidth $stepheight', file=ofile) print('set xbase [lindex $fullbox 0]', file=ofile) print('set ybase [lindex $fullbox 1]', file=ofile) print('', file=ofile) # Break layout into tiles and process each separately print('for {set y 0} {$y < $ytiles} {incr y} {', file=ofile) print(' for {set x 0} {$x < $xtiles} {incr x} {', file=ofile) print(' set xlo [expr $xbase + $x * $stepwidth]', file=ofile) print(' set ylo [expr $ybase + $y * $stepheight]', file=ofile) print(' set xhi [expr $xlo + $stepwidth]', file=ofile) print(' set yhi [expr $ylo + $stepheight]', file=ofile) print(' if {$xhi > $fullwidth} {set xhi $fullwidth}', file=ofile) print(' if {$yhi > $fullheight} {set yhi $fullheight}', file=ofile) print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile) # The flattened area must be larger than the fill tile by >1.5um print(' box grow c 1.6um', file=ofile) # Flatten into a cell with a new name print(' puts stdout "Flattening layout of tile x=$x y=$y. . . "', file=ofile) print(' flush stdout', file=ofile) print(' update idletasks', file=ofile) print(' flatten -dobox -nolabels ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y', file=ofile) print(' load ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y', file=ofile) # Remove any GDS_FILE reference (there should not be any?) print(' property GDS_FILE ""', file=ofile) # Set boundary using comment layer, to the size of the step box # This corresponds to the "topbox" rule in the wafflefill(tiled) style print(' select top cell', file=ofile) print(' erase comment', file=ofile) print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile) print(' paint comment', file=ofile) if not distmode: print(' puts stdout "Writing GDS. . . "', file=ofile) print(' flush stdout', file=ofile) print(' update idletasks', file=ofile) if distmode: print(' writeall force ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y', file=ofile) else: print(' gds write ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y.gds', file=ofile) # Reload project top print(' load ' + project, file=ofile) # Remove last generated cell to save memory print(' cellname delete ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y', file=ofile) print(' }', file=ofile) print('}', file=ofile) if distmode: print('set ofile [open fill_gen_info.txt w]', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$stepwidth"', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$stepheight"', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$xtiles"', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$ytiles"', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$xbase"', file=ofile) print('puts $ofile "$ybase"', file=ofile) print('close $ofile', file=ofile) print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile) ofile.close() with open(magpath + '/generate_fill_dist.tcl', 'w') as ofile: print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile) print('drc off', file=ofile) print('tech unlock *', file=ofile) print('snap internal', file=ofile) print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile) print('set filename [file root [lindex $argv $argc-1]]', file=ofile) print('load $filename', file=ofile) print('cif ostyle wafflefill(tiled)', file=ofile) print('gds write [file root $filename].gds', file=ofile) print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile) ofile = open(magpath + '/generate_fill_final.tcl', 'w') print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile) print('drc off', file=ofile) print('tech unlock *', file=ofile) print('snap internal', file=ofile) print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile) print('set ifile [open fill_gen_info.txt r]', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile stepwidth', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile stepheight', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile xtiles', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile ytiles', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile xbase', file=ofile) print('gets $ifile ybase', file=ofile) print('close $ifile', file=ofile) print('cif ostyle wafflefill(tiled)', file=ofile) # Now create simple "fake" views of all the tiles. print('gds readonly true', file=ofile) print('gds rescale false', file=ofile) print('for {set y 0} {$y < $ytiles} {incr y} {', file=ofile) print(' for {set x 0} {$x < $xtiles} {incr x} {', file=ofile) print(' set xlo [expr $xbase + $x * $stepwidth]', file=ofile) print(' set ylo [expr $ybase + $y * $stepheight]', file=ofile) print(' set xhi [expr $xlo + $stepwidth]', file=ofile) print(' set yhi [expr $ylo + $stepheight]', file=ofile) print(' load ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y -quiet', file=ofile) print(' box values $xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi', file=ofile) print(' paint comment', file=ofile) print(' property FIXED_BBOX "$xlo $ylo $xhi $yhi"', file=ofile) print(' property GDS_FILE ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_${y}.gds', file=ofile) print(' property GDS_START 0', file=ofile) print(' }', file=ofile) print('}', file=ofile) # Now tile everything back together print('load ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern -quiet', file=ofile) print('for {set y 0} {$y < $ytiles} {incr y} {', file=ofile) print(' for {set x 0} {$x < $xtiles} {incr x} {', file=ofile) print(' box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile) print(' getcell ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_${x}_$y child 0 0', file=ofile) print(' }', file=ofile) print('}', file=ofile) # And write final GDS print('puts stdout "Writing final GDS"', file=ofile) print('cif *hier write disable', file=ofile) print('cif *array write disable', file=ofile) if hasgdsdir: print('gds write ../gds/' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern.gds', file=ofile) else: print('gds write ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern.gds', file=ofile) print('set endtime [orig_clock format [orig_clock seconds] -format "%D %T"]', file=ofile) print('puts stdout "Ended: $endtime"', file=ofile) print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile) ofile.close() myenv = os.environ.copy() myenv['MAGTYPE'] = 'mag' if not testmode: # Diagnostic # print('This script will generate file ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern.gds') print('This script will generate files ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_x_y.gds') print('Now generating fill patterns. This may take. . . quite. . . a while.', flush=True) mproc = subprocess.run(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole', '-rcfile', rcfile, magpath + '/generate_fill.tcl'], stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = magpath, env = myenv, universal_newlines = True) if mproc.stdout: for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.stderr: print('Error message output from magic:') for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.returncode != 0: print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode)) if distmode: # If using distributed mode, then run magic on each of the generated # layout files pool = multiprocessing.Pool() magfiles = glob.glob(magpath + '/' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_*.mag') # NOTE: Adding 'x' to the end of each filename, or else magic will # try to read it from the command line as well as passing it as an # argument to the script. We only want it passed as an argument. magxfiles = list(item + 'x' for item in magfiles) pool.map(makegds, magxfiles) # If using distributed mode, then remove all of the temporary .mag files # and then run the final generation script. for file in magfiles: os.remove(file) mproc = subprocess.run(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole', '-rcfile', rcfile, magpath + '/generate_fill_final.tcl'], stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = magpath, env = myenv, universal_newlines = True) if mproc.stdout: for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.stderr: print('Error message output from magic:') for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.returncode != 0: print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode)) if not keepmode: # Remove fill generation script os.remove(magpath + '/generate_fill.tcl') # Remove all individual fill tiles, leaving only the composite GDS. filelist = os.listdir(magpath) for file in filelist: if os.path.splitext(magpath + '/' + file)[1] == '.gds': if file.startswith(project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_'): os.remove(magpath + '/' + file) if distmode: os.remove(magpath + '/generate_fill_dist.tcl') os.remove(magpath + '/generate_fill_final.tcl') os.remove(magpath + '/fill_gen_info.txt') if testmode: magfiles = glob.glob(magpath + '/' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern_*.mag') for file in magfiles: os.remove(file) print('Done!') exit(0)