.. raw:: html Introduction ============ The Efabless Caravel chip is a ready-to-use test harness for creating designs with the Google/Skywater 130nm Open PDK. The Caravel harness comprises of base functions supporting IO, power and configuration as well as drop-in modules for a management SoC core, and an approximately 3000um x 3600um open project area for the placement of user IP blocks. .. figure:: _static/caravel_floorplan.jpg :name: caravel_floorplan :alt: Caravel Floorplan :align: center Caravel floorplan This documentation focuses on the IO, protection and housekeeping blocks. The management core SoC has its own `documentation here `_. The Caravel Github repository can be found here: https://github.com/efabless/caravel/ The documentation contains the following chapters: * :doc:`description` contains the general information about the Efabless Caravel "harness" SoC, * :doc:`getting-started` contains the general information about how to use the Efabless Caravel "harness" SoC, * :doc:`tool-versioning` contains the tool versions prefered for usage with the current Efabless Caravel "harness" SoC, * :doc:`quick-start` contains a guide on how to get quickly started with using Efabless Caravel "harness" SoC without many details, * :doc:`caravel-with-openlane` contains information on how to build your user project with OpenLANE inside the Efabless Caravel "harness" SoC, * :doc:`pinout` describes the pinout of the SoC, * :doc:`gpio` describes GPIO and its registers, * :doc:`housekeeping-spi` describes the SPI responder that can be accessed from a remote host, * :doc:`qspi-flash` describes the QSPI flash controller, * :doc:`external-clock` describes the source external clock for the CPU, * :doc:`uart` describes the UART interface, * :doc:`spi` describes the SPI configuration, * :doc:`counter-timers` describes two counter/timers blocks, * :doc:`irq` describes the interrupts, * :doc:`sram` describes management and storage area SRAM, * :doc:`programming` shows how to get started with programming on Caravel chip, * :doc:`memory-mapped-io-summary` lists the memory mapped I/O registers by address, * :doc:`supplementary-figures` provides supplementary internal structure and die arrangement figures * :doc:`maximum-ratings` lists the parameters and their ranges at which the device operates correctly, * :doc:`references` contains list of references, * :doc:`further-work` lists things to be added to the documentation.