#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This script runs PrimeTime STA import argparse import os def run_sta_all ( design: str, output_dir: str, log_dir: str, root_dir: str, ): proc_corners = ["t", "s", "f"] rc_corners = ["nom", "max", "min"] for proc in proc_corners: for rc in rc_corners: run_sta (design, proc, rc, output_dir, log_dir, root_dir) def run_sta ( design: str, proc_corner: str, rc_corner: str, output_dir: str, log_dir: str, root_dir: str, ): print (f"PrimeTime STA run for design: {design} at process corner {proc_corner} and RC corner {rc_corner}") # Output directory structure sub_dirs = ['reports', 'sdf', 'lib'] for item in sub_dirs: path=os.path.join(output_dir,item) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(path,f"{proc_corner}{proc_corner}")) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass # Enviornment Variables check_env_vars() os.environ["PDK_ROOT"] = os.getenv('PDK_ROOT') os.environ["PDK"] = os.getenv('PDK') if "sky130" in os.getenv('PDK'): os.environ["PT_LIB_ROOT"] = os.getenv('PT_LIB_ROOT') os.environ["CARAVEL_ROOT"] = os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT') os.environ["UPRJ_ROOT"] = os.getenv('UPRJ_ROOT') os.environ["MCW_ROOT"] = os.getenv('MCW_ROOT') os.environ["OUT_DIR"] = output_dir os.environ["ROOT"] = root_dir SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.environ["DESIGN"] = design os.environ["PROC_CORNER"] = proc_corner os.environ["RC_CORNER"] = rc_corner # PrimeTime command PT_tcl = f"{SCRIPT_DIR}/pt_sta.tcl" pt_command = f"pt_shell -f {PT_tcl} -output_log_file {log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log" os.system(pt_command) log = open(f"{log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log", "a") # Print missing spef missing_spefs, spefs=find_missing_spefs(f"{log_dir}/{rc_corner}-parasitics.log") if missing_spefs: print("The following spefs are missing:") log.write("The following spefs are missing:\n") for spef in spefs: print(spef) log.write(f"{spef}\n") # Check if there are any violations sta_pass=search_viol(f"{output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-global.rpt", f"{log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log") if sta_pass == "pass": print (f"STA run Passed!") log.write(f"STA run Passed!") elif sta_pass == "no link": print (f"STA run Failed!") log.write(f"STA run Failed!\n") print(f"Linking failed. check log: {log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log") log.write(f"Linking failed. check log: {log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log") else: if sta_pass == "max_tran_cap": print (f"STA run Passed!") log.write(f"STA run Passed!\n") print (f"There are max_transition and max_capacitance violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") log.write(f"There are max_transition and max_capacitance violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") elif sta_pass == "max_tran": print (f"STA run Passed!") log.write(f"STA run Passed!\n") print (f"There are max_transition violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") log.write(f"There are max_transition violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") elif sta_pass == "max_cap": print (f"STA run Passed!") log.write(f"STA run Passed!\n") print (f"There are max_capacitance violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") log.write(f"There are max_capacitance violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") elif sta_pass == "viol": print(f"There are other violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") log.write(f"There are other violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-all_viol.rpt") else: print (f"STA run Failed!") log.write(f"STA run Failed!\n") if sta_pass == "setup": print(f"There are setup violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-global.rpt") log.write(f"There are setup violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-global.rpt") elif sta_pass == "hold": print(f"There are hold violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-global.rpt") log.write(f"There are hold violations. check report: {output_dir}/reports/{proc_corner}{proc_corner}/{design}.{rc_corner}-global.rpt") elif sta_pass == "no cons": print(f"Reading constraints SDC failed. check log: {log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log") log.write(f"Reading constraints SDC failed. check log: {log_dir}/{design}-{proc_corner}-{rc_corner}-sta.log") log.close() # Check the required env variables def check_env_vars(): pdk_root = os.getenv('PDK_ROOT') pdk = os.getenv('PDK') if "sky130" in os.getenv('PDK'): pt_lib_root = os.getenv('PT_LIB_ROOT') if pt_lib_root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export PT_LIB_ROOT to the PrimeTime liberties path" ) caravel_root = os.getenv('CARAVEL_ROOT') uprj_root = os.getenv('UPRJ_ROOT') mcw_root = os.getenv('MCW_ROOT') if pdk_root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export PDK_ROOT to the PDK path" ) if pdk is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export PDK to either sky130A or sky130B" ) if caravel_root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export CARAVEL_ROOT to the Caravel repo path" ) if mcw_root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export MCW_ROOT to the Caravel Management SoC Litex repo path" ) if uprj_root is None: raise FileNotFoundError( "Please export UPRJ_ROOT to the Caravel User Project Wrapper repo path" ) # Analyze the STA all violators output report def search_viol( report_path: str, log_path: str ): with open(log_path, 'r') as report: data = report.read() if "Could not auto-link design" in data: return "no link" elif "Error: Errors reading SDC file:" in data: return "no cons" with open(report_path, 'r') as report: data = report.read() if "Hold violations" in data: return "hold" elif "Setup violations" in data: return "setup" report_path = report_path.replace("global", "all_viol") with open(report_path, 'r') as report: data = report.read() if "max_transition" in data: if "max_capacitance" in data: return "max_tran_cap" return "max_tran" elif "max_capacitance" in data: return "max_cap" elif "VIOLATED" in data: return "viol" else: return "pass" # Find missing spefs in parasitics annotation def find_missing_spefs( log_path: str ): missing_spefs = 0 spefs = [] with open(log_path, 'r') as log: data = log.read() if "Error: Cannot open file" in data: missing_spefs = 1 log.seek(0) lines = log.readlines() for line in lines: if "Error: Cannot open file" in line: spef = line.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1] spefs.append(spef) return missing_spefs, spefs if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run STA using PrimeTime" ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--design", help="design name", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", help="output directory", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--logs_dir", help="log directory", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--root_dir", help="design root directory", required=True ) parser.add_argument( "-rc", "--rc_corner", help="Specify the RC corner for the parasitics (Values are nom, max, or min) <default is nom>", nargs="?", default="nom" ) parser.add_argument( "-proc", "--proc_corner", help="Specify the process corner (Values are t, f, or s) <default is t>", nargs="?", default="t" ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--all", help="Specify to run all the process corners and rc corners combinations for the design", action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( "-upw", "--upw", help="Specify to run with non-empty user project wrapper <default is false", nargs="?", default="0" ) parser.add_argument( "-rep", "--reports", help="Specify to generate reports only skipping generating liberties and sdf (for faster runtime)", action='store_true' ) args = parser.parse_args() output = os.path.abspath(args.output_dir) log = os.path.abspath(args.logs_dir) root = os.path.abspath(args.root_dir) os.environ["UPW"] = args.upw if args.reports: os.environ["REPORTS_ONLY"] = "1" else: os.environ["REPORTS_ONLY"] = "0" try: os.makedirs(output) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass try: os.makedirs(log) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass sub_dirs = ['reports', 'sdf', 'lib'] for item in sub_dirs: try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(output,item)) except FileExistsError: # directory already exists pass if args.all: run_sta_all (args.design, output, log, root) else: run_sta (args.design, args.proc_corner, args.rc_corner, output, log, root)