#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Efabless Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # compositor.py --- # # Compose the final GDS for caravel from the caravel GDS, seal ring # GDS, and fill GDS. # import sys import os import re import subprocess def usage(): print("Usage:") print("compositor.py [-keep]") print("") print("where:") print(" is a character string of eight hex digits, and") print(" is 'caravel', 'caravan', or 'caravel_openframe', and") print(" is the path to the project top level directory.") print(" is the path to the mag directory.") print(" is the path to the gds directory.") print(" is the path to the management core wrapper directory.") print("All arguments are required.") print("") return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': optionlist = [] arguments = [] debugmode = False keepmode = False for option in sys.argv[1:]: if option.find('-', 0) == 0: optionlist.append(option) else: arguments.append(option) if len(arguments) != 6: print("Wrong number of arguments given to compositor.py.") usage() sys.exit(0) user_id_value = arguments[0] project = arguments[1] user_project_path = arguments[2] mag_dir_path = arguments[3] gds_dir_path = arguments[4] mcw_dir_path = arguments[5] # if len(arguments) > 0: # user_id_value = arguments[0] # Convert to binary try: user_id_int = int('0x' + user_id_value, 0) user_id_bits = '{0:032b}'.format(user_id_int) except: print("User ID not recognized") usage() sys.exit(1) # if len(arguments) == 2 and user_project_path == None: # user_project_path = arguments[1] # mag_dir_path = user_project_path + "/mag" # gds_dir_path = "../gds" # if len(arguments) == 3 and user_project_path == None: # user_project_path = arguments[1] # mag_dir_path = arguments[2] # gds_dir_path = "../gds" # if len(arguments) == 4: # user_project_path = arguments[1] # mag_dir_path = arguments[2] # gds_dir_path = arguments[3] # elif len(arguments) == 3 and user_project_path != None: # mag_dir_path = arguments[1] # gds_dir_path = arguments[2] # else: # user_project_path = os.getcwd() # mag_dir_path = user_project_path + "/mag" # gds_dir_path = "../gds" # Check for valid user path if not os.path.isdir(user_project_path): print('Error: Project path "' + user_project_path + '" does not exist or is not readable.') sys.exit(1) # Check for valid mag path if not os.path.isdir(mag_dir_path): print('Error: Mag directory path "' + mag_dir_path + '" does not exist or is not readable.') sys.exit(1) # Check for valid gds path if not os.path.isdir(gds_dir_path): print('Error: GDS directory path "' + gds_dir_path + '" does not exist or is not readable.') sys.exit(1) # Check for valid user ID # if not user_id_value: # if os.path.isfile(user_project_path + '/info.yaml'): # with open(user_project_path + '/info.yaml', 'r') as ifile: # infolines = ifile.read().splitlines() # for line in infolines: # kvpair = line.split(':') # if len(kvpair) == 2: # key = kvpair[0].strip() # value = kvpair[1].strip() # if key == 'project_id': # user_id_value = value.strip('"\'') # break if user_id_value: # project = 'caravel' # project_with_id = project + '_' + user_id_value project_with_id = 'caravel_' + user_id_value user_id_decimal = str(int(user_id_value, 16)) else: print('Error: No project_id found in info.yaml file.') sys.exit(1) if '-debug' in optionlist: debugmode = True if '-keep' in optionlist: keepmode = True magpath = mag_dir_path # rcfile = magpath + '/.magicrc' pdk_root = os.getenv("PDK_ROOT") pdk = os.getenv("PDK") rcfile = pdk_root + '/' + pdk + '/libs.tech/magic/' + pdk + '.magicrc' gdspath = gds_dir_path # The compositor script will create .mag, but is uses # "load", so the file must not already exist. if os.path.isfile(user_project_path + '/mag/' + project_with_id + '.mag'): print('Error: File ' + project_with_id + '.mag exists already! Exiting. . .') sys.exit(1) with open(user_project_path + '/mag/compose_final.tcl', 'w') as ofile: print('#!/bin/env wish', file=ofile) print('drc off', file=ofile) print('crashbackups stop', file=ofile) print('locking disable', file=ofile) print('addpath ' + mcw_dir_path + '/mag', file=ofile) # Set the random seed from the project ID print('random seed ' + user_id_decimal, file=ofile) # Read project from .mag but set GDS properties so that it points # to the GDS file created by "make ship". print('load ' + project + ' -dereference', file=ofile) print('property GDS_FILE ' + gdspath + '/' + project + '.gds', file=ofile) print('property GDS_START 0', file=ofile) print('select top cell', file=ofile) print('set bbox [box values]', file=ofile) # Ceate a cell to represent the generated fill. There are # no magic layers corresponding to the fill shape data, and # it's gigabytes anyway, so we don't want to deal with any # actual data. So it's just a placeholder. print('load ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern -silent', file=ofile) print('snap internal', file=ofile) print('box values {*}$bbox', file=ofile) print('paint comment', file=ofile) print('property GDS_FILE ' + gdspath + '/' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern.gds', file=ofile) print('property GDS_START 0', file=ofile) print('property FIXED_BBOX "$bbox"', file=ofile) # Create a new project top level and place the fill cell. print('load ' + project_with_id + ' -silent', file=ofile) print('box values 0 0 0 0', file=ofile) print('box position 6um 6um', file=ofile) print('getcell ' + project + ' child 0 0', file=ofile) print('getcell ' + project_with_id + '_fill_pattern child 0 0', file=ofile) # Move existing origin to (6um, 6um) for seal ring placement # print('move origin -6um -6um', file=ofile) # Read in abstract view of seal ring print('box position 0 0', file=ofile) print('getcell advSeal_6um_gen', file=ofile) # Write out completed project as "caravel_" + the user ID # print('save ' + user_project_path + '/mag/' + project_with_id, file=ofile) # Generate final GDS print('puts stdout "Writing final GDS. . . "', file=ofile) print('flush stdout', file=ofile) print('#gds undefined allow', file=ofile) print('cif *hier write disable', file=ofile) print('gds write ' + gdspath + '/' + project_with_id + '.gds', file=ofile) print('quit -noprompt', file=ofile) myenv = os.environ.copy() # Abstract views are appropriate for final composition myenv['MAGTYPE'] = 'mag' if ( not os.path.isfile(magpath + "/" + project + "_core.mag") ): if ( os.path.isfile(magpath + "/" + project + "_core.mag.gz") ): print("Uncompressing " + project + "_core.mag") subprocess.run(['gunzip', magpath + "/" + project + "_core.mag.gz"]) print('Building final GDS file ' + project_with_id + '.gds', flush=True) mproc = subprocess.run(['magic', '-dnull', '-noconsole', '-rcfile', rcfile, user_project_path + '/mag/compose_final.tcl'], stdin = subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, cwd = magpath, env = myenv, universal_newlines = True) if mproc.stdout: for line in mproc.stdout.splitlines(): print(line) if mproc.stderr: # NOTE: Until there is a "load -silent" option in magic, loading # a new cell generates an error. This code ignores the error. newlines = [] for line in mproc.stderr.splitlines(): if line.endswith("_fill_pattern.mag couldn't be read"): continue if line.startswith("No such file or directory"): continue else: newlines.append(line) if len(newlines) > 0: print('Error message output from magic:') for line in newlines: print(line) if mproc.returncode != 0: print('ERROR: Magic exited with status ' + str(mproc.returncode)) exit(mproc.returncode) if not keepmode: os.remove(user_project_path + '/mag/compose_final.tcl') print('Done!') exit(0)