mirror of https://github.com/efabless/caravel.git
Merge branch 'cocotb' of github.com:efabless/caravel into cocotb
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
# Begin_DVE_Session_Save_Info
# DVE full session
# Saved on Tue Oct 11 10:47:30 2022
# Designs open: 1
# V1: bitbang_spi_i.vpd
# Toplevel windows open: 2
# TopLevel.1
# TopLevel.2
# Source.1: caravel_top
# Wave.1: 19 signals
# Group count = 4
# Group Group1 signal count = 4
# Group Group2 signal count = 6
# Group Group3 signal count = 6
# Group Group4 signal count = 3
# End_DVE_Session_Save_Info
# DVE version: T-2022.06_Full64
# DVE build date: May 31 2022 20:53:03
#<Session mode="Full" path="/home/rady/caravel/caravel_redesign_cocotb_new/caravel/verilog/dv/cocotb/session.bitbang_spi_i.vpd.tcl" type="Debug">
gui_set_loading_session_type Post
# Close design
if { [gui_sim_state -check active] } {
gui_close_db -all
# Close all windows
gui_close_window -type Console
gui_close_window -type Wave
gui_close_window -type Source
gui_close_window -type Schematic
gui_close_window -type Data
gui_close_window -type DriverLoad
gui_close_window -type List
gui_close_window -type Memory
gui_close_window -type HSPane
gui_close_window -type DLPane
gui_close_window -type Assertion
gui_close_window -type CovHier
gui_close_window -type CoverageTable
gui_close_window -type CoverageMap
gui_close_window -type CovDetail
gui_close_window -type Local
gui_close_window -type Stack
gui_close_window -type Watch
gui_close_window -type Group
gui_close_window -type Transaction
# Application preferences
gui_set_pref_value -key app_default_font -value {Helvetica,10,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0}
gui_src_preferences -tabstop 8 -maxbits 24 -windownumber 1
# DVE top-level session
# Create and position top-level window: TopLevel.1
if {![gui_exist_window -window TopLevel.1]} {
set TopLevel.1 [ gui_create_window -type TopLevel \
-icon $::env(DVE)/auxx/gui/images/toolbars/dvewin.xpm]
} else {
set TopLevel.1 TopLevel.1
gui_show_window -window ${TopLevel.1} -show_state maximized -rect {{0 29} {2559 1336}}
# ToolBar settings
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {TimeOperations}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {&File}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Edit}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {CopyPaste}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Trace}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {TraceInstance}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {BackTrace}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Scope}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Window}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Signal}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Grid}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Simulator}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Interactive Rewind}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Testbench}
# End ToolBar settings
# Docked window settings
set HSPane.1 [gui_create_window -type HSPane -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state left -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 343]
catch { set Hier.1 [gui_share_window -id ${HSPane.1} -type Hier] }
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 343
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value -1
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${HSPane.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
gui_update_layout -id ${HSPane.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 342} {height 773} {dock_state left} {dock_on_new_line true} {child_hier_colhier 298} {child_hier_coltype 100} {child_hier_colpd 0} {child_hier_col1 0} {child_hier_col2 1} {child_hier_col3 -1}}
set DLPane.1 [gui_create_window -type DLPane -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state left -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 354]
catch { set Data.1 [gui_share_window -id ${DLPane.1} -type Data] }
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 354
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value 772
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${DLPane.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
gui_update_layout -id ${DLPane.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 353} {height 773} {dock_state left} {dock_on_new_line true} {child_data_colvariable 265} {child_data_colvalue 65} {child_data_coltype 64} {child_data_col1 0} {child_data_col2 1} {child_data_col3 2}}
set Console.1 [gui_create_window -type Console -parent ${TopLevel.1} -dock_state bottom -dock_on_new_line true -dock_extent 454]
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_width -value_type integer -value 2500
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_height -value_type integer -value 454
gui_set_window_pref_key -window ${Console.1} -key dock_offset -value_type integer -value 0
gui_update_layout -id ${Console.1} {{left 0} {top 0} {width 2559} {height 453} {dock_state bottom} {dock_on_new_line true}}
#### Start - Readjusting docked view's offset / size
set dockAreaList { top left right bottom }
foreach dockArea $dockAreaList {
set viewList [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -active_parent -dock_area $dockArea]
foreach view $viewList {
if {[lsearch -exact [gui_get_window_pref_keys -window $view] dock_width] != -1} {
set dockWidth [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_width]
set dockHeight [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_height]
set offset [gui_get_window_pref_value -window $view -key dock_offset]
if { [string equal "top" $dockArea] || [string equal "bottom" $dockArea]} {
gui_set_window_attributes -window $view -dock_offset $offset -width $dockWidth
} else {
gui_set_window_attributes -window $view -dock_offset $offset -height $dockHeight
#### End - Readjusting docked view's offset / size
gui_sync_global -id ${TopLevel.1} -option true
# MDI window settings
set Source.1 [gui_create_window -type {Source} -parent ${TopLevel.1}]
gui_show_window -window ${Source.1} -show_state maximized
gui_update_layout -id ${Source.1} {{show_state maximized} {dock_state undocked} {dock_on_new_line false}}
# End MDI window settings
# Create and position top-level window: TopLevel.2
if {![gui_exist_window -window TopLevel.2]} {
set TopLevel.2 [ gui_create_window -type TopLevel \
-icon $::env(DVE)/auxx/gui/images/toolbars/dvewin.xpm]
} else {
set TopLevel.2 TopLevel.2
gui_show_window -window ${TopLevel.2} -show_state maximized -rect {{0 29} {2559 1336}}
# ToolBar settings
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {TimeOperations} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {TimeOperations}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {&File}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Edit} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Edit}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {CopyPaste}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Trace} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Trace}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {TraceInstance}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {BackTrace}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Scope} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Scope}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {&Window} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {&Window}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Signal} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Signal}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Zoom And Pan History}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Grid} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Grid}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Simulator}
gui_hide_toolbar -toolbar {Interactive Rewind}
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Testbench} -dock_state top
gui_set_toolbar_attributes -toolbar {Testbench} -offset 0
gui_show_toolbar -toolbar {Testbench}
# End ToolBar settings
# Docked window settings
gui_sync_global -id ${TopLevel.2} -option true
# MDI window settings
set Wave.1 [gui_create_window -type {Wave} -parent ${TopLevel.2}]
gui_show_window -window ${Wave.1} -show_state maximized
gui_update_layout -id ${Wave.1} {{show_state maximized} {dock_state undocked} {dock_on_new_line false} {child_wave_left 743} {child_wave_right 1811} {child_wave_colname 369} {child_wave_colvalue 369} {child_wave_col1 0} {child_wave_col2 1}}
# End MDI window settings
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Source) ${TopLevel.1}
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Schematic) ${TopLevel.1}
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(PathSchematic) ${TopLevel.1}
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Wave) none
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(List) none
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(Memory) ${TopLevel.1}
gui_set_env TOPLEVELS::TARGET_FRAME(DriverLoad) none
gui_update_statusbar_target_frame ${TopLevel.1}
gui_update_statusbar_target_frame ${TopLevel.2}
# DVE Open design session:
if { ![gui_is_db_opened -db {bitbang_spi_i.vpd}] } {
gui_open_db -design V1 -file bitbang_spi_i.vpd -to 8464250000 -nosource
gui_set_precision 1ps
gui_set_time_units 1ps
# DVE Global setting session:
# Global: Bus
# Global: Expressions
# Global: Signal Time Shift
# Global: Signal Compare
# Global: Signal Groups
set _session_group_1 Group1
gui_sg_create "$_session_group_1"
set Group1 "$_session_group_1"
gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_1" { {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_clock} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_load} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].serial_data_in} {caravel_top.uut.gpio_control_bidir_1[0].shift_register} }
set _session_group_2 Group2
gui_sg_create "$_session_group_2"
set Group2 "$_session_group_2"
gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_2" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_clock caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_load caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_resetn caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_data_1 caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_data_2 caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.serial_bb_enable }
set _session_group_3 Group3
gui_sg_create "$_session_group_3"
set Group3 "$_session_group_3"
gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_3" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SCK caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SDI caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.CSB caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.cdata caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.caddr caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.wrstb }
set _session_group_4 Group4
gui_sg_create "$_session_group_4"
set Group4 "$_session_group_4"
gui_sg_addsignal -group "$_session_group_4" { caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.hkspi.SCK caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.csclk caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck }
# Global: Highlighting
# Global: Stack
gui_change_stack_mode -mode list
# Post database loading setting...
# Restore C1 time
gui_set_time -C1_only 665850000
# Save global setting...
# Wave/List view global setting
gui_cov_show_value -switch false
# Close all empty TopLevel windows
foreach __top [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -type TopLevel] {
if { [llength [gui_ekki_get_window_ids -parent $__top]] == 0} {
gui_close_window -window $__top
gui_set_loading_session_type noSession
# DVE View/pane content session:
# Hier 'Hier.1'
gui_show_window -window ${Hier.1}
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Hier.1} -list { {Package 1} {All 0} {Process 1} {VirtPowSwitch 0} {UnnamedProcess 1} {UDP 0} {Function 1} {Block 1} {SrsnAndSpaCell 0} {OVA Unit 1} {LeafScCell 1} {LeafVlgCell 1} {Interface 1} {LeafVhdCell 1} {$unit 1} {NamedBlock 1} {Task 1} {VlgPackage 1} {ClassDef 1} {VirtIsoCell 0} }
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Hier.1} -text {*house*}
gui_hier_list_init -id ${Hier.1}
gui_change_design -id ${Hier.1} -design V1
catch {gui_list_expand -id ${Hier.1} caravel_top}
catch {gui_list_expand -id ${Hier.1} caravel_top.uut}
catch {gui_list_select -id ${Hier.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping}}
gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -vertical -set 0
gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -horizontal -set 0
# Data 'Data.1'
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Data.1} -list { {Buffer 1} {Input 1} {Others 1} {Linkage 1} {Output 1} {LowPower 1} {Parameter 1} {All 1} {Aggregate 1} {LibBaseMember 1} {Event 1} {Assertion 1} {Constant 1} {Interface 1} {BaseMembers 1} {Signal 1} {$unit 1} {Inout 1} {Variable 1} }
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Data.1} -text {*wbbd_sck*}
gui_list_show_data -id ${Data.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping}
gui_show_window -window ${Data.1}
catch { gui_list_select -id ${Data.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck }}
gui_view_scroll -id ${Data.1} -vertical -set 0
gui_view_scroll -id ${Data.1} -horizontal -set 0
gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -vertical -set 0
gui_view_scroll -id ${Hier.1} -horizontal -set 0
# Source 'Source.1'
gui_src_value_annotate -id ${Source.1} -switch false
gui_open_source -id ${Source.1} -replace -active caravel_top /home/rady/caravel/caravel_redesign_cocotb_new/caravel/verilog/dv/cocotb/caravel_top.sv
gui_src_value_annotate -id ${Source.1} -switch true
gui_view_scroll -id ${Source.1} -vertical -set 160
gui_src_set_reusable -id ${Source.1}
# View 'Wave.1'
gui_wv_sync -id ${Wave.1} -switch false
set groupExD [gui_get_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG]
gui_set_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG -value {false}
set origWaveHeight [gui_get_pref_value -category Wave -key waveRowHeight]
gui_list_set_height -id Wave -height 25
set origGroupCreationState [gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave]
gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave -disable
gui_marker_create -id ${Wave.1} C2 620210463
gui_marker_select -id ${Wave.1} { C2 }
gui_marker_set_ref -id ${Wave.1} C1
gui_wv_zoom_timerange -id ${Wave.1} 665193119 667348726
gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group1}
gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group2}
gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group3}
gui_list_add_group -id ${Wave.1} -after {New Group} {Group4}
gui_list_select -id ${Wave.1} {caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.csclk }
gui_seek_criteria -id ${Wave.1} {Rising}
gui_set_env TOGGLE::DEFAULT_WAVE_WINDOW ${Wave.1}
gui_set_pref_value -category Wave -key exclusiveSG -value $groupExD
gui_list_set_height -id Wave -height $origWaveHeight
if {$origGroupCreationState} {
gui_list_create_group_when_add -wave -enable
if { $groupExD } {
gui_msg_report -code DVWW028
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Wave.1} -list { {Buffer 1} {Input 1} {Others 1} {Linkage 1} {Output 1} {Parameter 1} {All 1} {Aggregate 1} {LibBaseMember 1} {Event 1} {Assertion 1} {Constant 1} {Interface 1} {BaseMembers 1} {Signal 1} {$unit 1} {Inout 1} {Variable 1} }
gui_list_set_filter -id ${Wave.1} -text {*}
gui_list_set_insertion_bar -id ${Wave.1} -group Group4 -item caravel_top.uut.housekeeping.wbbd_sck -position below
gui_marker_move -id ${Wave.1} {C1} 665850000
gui_view_scroll -id ${Wave.1} -vertical -set 0
gui_show_grid -id ${Wave.1} -enable false
# Restore toplevel window zorder
# The toplevel window could be closed if it has no view/pane
if {[gui_exist_window -window ${TopLevel.1}]} {
gui_set_active_window -window ${TopLevel.1}
gui_set_active_window -window ${Source.1}
gui_set_active_window -window ${DLPane.1}
if {[gui_exist_window -window ${TopLevel.2}]} {
gui_set_active_window -window ${TopLevel.2}
gui_set_active_window -window ${Wave.1}
Reference in New Issue